GDSP :: Volume #8

#789: The return, confronts

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Then, is Fu Xi does not do that the strength will also be raised naturally, thrusts the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal It the boundary. 接下来,就是伏羲这么都不做,力量也会自然而然的提升,将祂推入到混元大罗金仙的境界。 This in other words, Fu Xi really became enlightened! 这也就是说,伏羲真的成道了! Only after treating leaves here, closes up some time, can be aloof the world, becomes a perfect beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal. 只待离开这里之后,闭关一段时间,就可以超脱天地,成为一尊完美无缺的混元大罗金仙。 Fellow Daoist was polite!” “诸位道友客气了!” Recovers, Fu Xi modest say/way. Immodest is not good, even if Fu Xi became the say/way, will not be the opponents of numerous Saint. 回过神来,伏羲谦虚道。不谦虚不行啊,哪怕伏羲成了道,也不会是众圣的对手。 Time that It becomes enlightened, was too late, already by numerous Saint distant throwing after behind. However, even if, can become the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal is still good late. 祂成道的时间,还是太晚了,已经被众圣远远的抛在了身后。不过,就算晚了,能成为混元大罗金仙也是好的。 After all, behind Fu Xi, an important goods big magical powers card in that last step, was unable to break through. 毕竟,在伏羲后面,还有一大帮子大神通者卡在那最后一步,迟迟无法突破。 After Fu Xi congratulated, the people also toward river of the netherworld old ancestor congratulate: Also congratulated the river of the netherworld fellow daoist, today must see the Heavenly Dao fortunately, came the day inevitable main road period.” 向伏羲道贺完之后,众人又朝冥河老祖恭贺道:“也恭喜冥河道友了,今日有幸得见天道,来日必然大道可期。” Although, the river of the netherworld old ancestors such as Fu Xi like that is not direct the achievement beginning of the universe boundary, but It also cannot be underestimated. 虽然,冥河老祖没有如伏羲那般直接成就混元境界,但祂也不容小觑。 Saw the Heavenly Dao, said that the way has started, waits for the chance to arrive, then takes that essential one step, becomes with their compound existences. 见了天道,道途已开,就等着机缘降临,即可迈出那关键的一步,成为与祂们并列的存在。 Many thanks the auspicious words of fellow daoist.” Is together for many years with the people, even if the icy river of the netherworld old ancestor, were many several points of smoothness, treats the people, no longer before the resembles, was like that indifferent. “多谢诸位道友的吉言了。”和众人相处多年,哪怕是冷冰冰的冥河老祖,也多了几分圆滑,对待众人,不再像之前那般冷漠了。 While time that the people exchanged greetings, Feng Zichen is preparing to make up an excuse, towed to drag the footsteps of people, in order to avoid after the people returned to the great antiquity, discovered that the condition of Ziyun Daoist and Donghua Daoist was not right, went bad Its plan. 趁着众人寒暄的功夫,风紫宸正准备编个理由,将众人的脚步拖上一拖,以免众人回到洪荒之后,发现紫云道人与东华道人的状态不对,坏了祂的计划。 But, in the instance that Feng Zichen is going to open the mouth, thinks suddenly heart palpitates, seems what not good matter to happen general. 可是,就在风紫宸将要开口的瞬间,忽觉心头一阵悸动,似有什么不好的事发生一般。 Meanwhile, others , is a brow wrinkle, has a sleep/felt respectively. 同时,其余众人,也是眉头一皱,各有所觉。 Misdemeanor, if a Feng Zichen person knits the brows, that misdemeanor can be said as with human clan is related, but the people knit the brows together, that can only explain, the great antiquity world had problems. 坏事了,要是风紫宸一人皱眉,那坏事还可以说是与人族有关,可众人一起皱眉,那就只能说明,洪荒天地出问题了。 Otherwise, the people, will not detect that simultaneously together is not right, has not the good premonition. 不然的话,众人不会这么同时的,一起察觉到不对,生出不好的预感来。 But can the great antiquity world have problems? 可洪荒天地能出什么问题呢? Chaos demon god! 混沌魔神! Suddenly, a name appeared in the mind of people. In this world, can make the great antiquity world have the problem, besides people on the scene, only had the chaos demon god. 猛然间,一个名字出现在了众人的脑海之中。这个世上,能让洪荒天地出现问题的,除了在场众人之外,也就唯有混沌魔神了。 At present since the great antiquity world has problems, that can only be related with the chaos demon god. 眼下洪荒天地既然出了问题,那就只能与混沌魔神有关了。 Their general idea/careless, to the chaos demon god who the great antiquity acted, possibly incessantly nine . 祂们大意了,对洪荒出手的混沌魔神,可能不止九尊,还有更多。 Also before no wonder god at the point of death, will say the words to come. Originally , he hides beyond the day the chaos does the nine chaos demon gods of matter, is a pretence. 也难怪神临死之前,会说出那么一番话来了。原来,无论是祂,还是躲在天外混沌搞事的九尊混沌魔神,都是幌子。 The true goal, to cover hides chaos demon god the trail in great antiquity world, is good to attract the attention of people, to create the opportunity of action to them. 其真正目的,都是为了掩藏躲在洪荒天地之中的混沌魔神的踪迹,好吸引住众人的注意力,以给祂们创造行动的机会。 Does not know in the heart well, Feng Zichen could not attend to delaying the footsteps of people, the direct incarnation became together the rainbow light, sped away to go toward the great antiquity world. 心知不好,风紫宸也顾不得拖延众人的脚步了,直接化身成一道虹光,朝着洪荒天地疾驰而去。 In It behind, other beginning of the universe powerhouses, puts forth the full power in abundance, hurries to toward the great antiquity world. 在祂身后,其余混元强者,也是纷纷使出全力,朝洪荒天地赶去。 The great antiquity world is their bases, if the great antiquity world had problems, their all battles, did not have the significance. So, how could do the people make the great antiquity world have an accident? 洪荒天地可是祂们的根本,要是洪荒天地出问题了,那祂们的一切争斗,就都没了意义。如此,众人岂能让洪荒天地出事? Brushes...... 刷刷刷…… The speed of people are quick, and flies full power, but is this, when they span the infinite chaos, after rushing to the great antiquity world, time also already past several years. 众人的速度很快,且还是全力飞行,可就是这样,等祂们跨越无穷混沌,赶到洪荒天地之后,时间也已经过去好几年了。 Arrived the great antiquity world, the speed of people was faster, the thought, regardless of great antiquity where, is the twinkling may reach. 到了洪荒天地,众人的速度就更快了,念头所至,无论洪荒何地,皆是瞬息可达。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… After returning to the great antiquity world, ten people have no hesitation, puts directly reads lost, inch by inch sweeps off to the great antiquity world, wants to discover the trail of chaos demon god. 回到洪荒天地之后,十人没有任何的犹豫,直接放出神念,一寸一寸的向洪荒天地扫去,想要找出混沌魔神的踪迹。 What a pity, they were disappointed. Searches for the entire great antiquity world, has not found out point aura about chaos demon god. Seemed the induction, was the misconception is ordinary. 可惜,祂们失望了。就是搜遍了整个洪荒天地,也没查出一点关于混沌魔神的气息。就好似刚才的感应,都是错觉一般。 But is this possible? 但这怎么可能? When it is the misconception, induced on a person at most made a mistake, always the not possible ten people to induce wrong? 就当它是错觉,顶多也就一个人感应错了,总不可能十个人全都感应错了吧? This possibility? 这可能吗? Is impossible. 绝不可能。 Chaos demon god definitely hidden in the great antiquity world, and is still planning anything to the great antiquity disadvantageous plan, but we are unable to discover them.” “混沌魔神肯定就隐藏在洪荒天地之中,且还在策划着什么对洪荒不利的计划,只是我们无法发现祂们而已。” That depends on the meaning of fellow daoist, then, how did I and others deserve?” “那依诸位道友之意,接下来,我等该当如何?” Really cannot discover the trail of chaos demon god, Feng Zichen must give up the unproductive effort, turns head to ask to the people. 实在找不出混沌魔神的踪迹,风紫宸只得放弃徒劳的努力,扭头向众人问道。 Watches changes quietly!” “静观其变!” Since could not find the trail of chaos demon god, I and others have to watch changes quietly, when they jump on own initiative, is doing to haggle over.” “既然找不到混沌魔神的踪迹,那我等只好静观其变,等祂们主动跳出来,在做计较。” Thinks, too clear saint said. 想了想,太清圣人说道。 At present, watching changes quietly perhaps is not the best way, but absolutely does not have the means of means. Because, except for this means that they could not think of other means. 眼下,静观其变或许不是最好的办法,但绝对是没有办法的办法。因为,除了这个办法,祂们也想不到别的办法了。 Good!” “好吧!” The people think, has helpless nod. In addition, they did not have other good way. 众人想了想,只得无奈的点了点头。除此之外,祂们也没别的好办法了。 The enemies are dark I to be bright, can only so. 敌暗我明,只能如此。 Yeah, was too passive! 哎,太被动了! ...... …… ............ ………… After exchange, the people then fell into silent middle. At present this situation, except for silent, nothing more to be said. 交流过后,众人便又陷入了沉默当中。目前这个情况,除了沉默,也没什么好说的了。 But, the purple slightly Great Emperor searches to act suddenly fiercely, grasps the arm that Yuan Shi Tian Zun only saves, a face faint smile is looking at It: Jade scavenging brother, are you what intent?” 可突然的,紫微大帝猛地探出手来,一把握住身边元始天尊仅存的手臂,一脸似笑非笑的望着祂:“玉清道兄,你这是何意?” Sees on the alone arm of Yuan Shi Tian Zun, does not know when presented the Pangu streamer. 就见元始天尊的独臂上,不知何时出现了盘古幡。 At the same time, Fu Xi form moved out of place, keeps off in an eastern sovereign too front. The Mother Earth empress offers a sacrifice to the empty shades of six samsara plates, kept off in received and instructed raises two saint front certainly. 同一时间,伏羲身影错动,挡在了东皇太一的面前。后土娘娘祭起六道轮回盘的虚影,挡在了接引准提两位圣人的面前。 But Feng Zichen and Nüwa empress also acts, a person blocked the exceedingly high founder, a person kept off too clear saint. 风紫宸与女娲娘娘同时出手,一人拦下了通天教主,一人挡下了太清圣人 The situation, all of a sudden becomes intense. 局势,一下子就变得紧张起来。 Brother, but also please calm down, I and others really must in the words that this begins, did not need the chaos demon god to act, only depending on several of us, can make into the fragment the great antiquity world.” “诸位道兄,还请冷静下来,我等真要在此动手的话,也无需混沌魔神出手了,仅凭我们几个,都能把洪荒天地打成碎片。” Several people confront, the Feng Zichen sinking sound said. 几人对峙间,风紫宸沉声说道。 Why as for will have this, naturally is because just now five Saints, when searches for the chaos demon god trail, while convenient, discovered the unusuality of Donghua Daoist and Ziyun Daoist. 至于为何会发生这一幕,当然是因为方才五圣在搜寻混沌魔神踪迹的时候,顺带的,也发现了东华道人与紫云道人的异常。 The Donghua Daoists not to mention, are Three Pure Ones control the human clan key. That Ziyun Daoist concerns the Western two Saint future say/way ways, ten thousand cannot make it have the problem. 东华道人暂且不说,是三清控制人族的关键。那紫云道人可是关乎到西方二圣未来的道途,万不能让其出现问题。 Therefore, in determining oneself and the others, are unable to discover the after trail of chaos demon god, five Saints make a move directly, must rescue the next two people. 所以,在确定自己等人,无法发现混沌魔神的踪迹之后,五圣直接出手,就要救下二人。 But Feng Zichen multi- chicken thief, since returning to the great antiquity world, has been staring at the expressions of five Saints, the time on the alert they. 风紫宸多鸡贼啊,自从回到洪荒天地之后,就一直在盯着五圣的表情,时刻警惕着祂们。 Five Saints think oneself make a move is very sudden, to the opportunity of Feng Zichen response, cannot do , the opposite party has been staring at them, before they begin, blocked It. 五圣自以为自己出手的很突然,不会给风紫宸反应的机会,可奈何,对方一直在盯着祂们,在祂们动手之前,就将祂拦下来了。 Five pairs six, Feng Zichen this wave ends the defeat! 五对六,风紫宸这波完败! But the matter does not calculate that power gap of both sides is not big, even if a strength of Three Pure Ones side even better, but has not had many, is unable to take the opposite party in a short time. 但事情不是这么算的,双方的实力差距不大,哪怕三清一方的力量更胜一筹,但也没强出多少,无法在短时间内将对方拿下。 So, sufficed, this war was doomed unable to hit. 如此,就够了,这一战注定了打不起来。 Once both sides full power internecine strife, finally Three Pure Ones one even if can win, that is also the hard victory, at least great antiquity Heaven and Earth Society's thorough formation fragment. 一旦双方全力火拼,最后三清一方纵然能胜,那也是惨胜,起码洪荒天地会彻底的化成碎片。 However, Three Pure Ones wins, Feng Zichen did not win. both sides on can only refuse to budge here, no one can do to anyone. 不过,三清不了,风紫宸也赢不了。双方就只能僵持在这里,谁也奈何不了谁。 „Did Fu Xi fellow daoist, you forget the past friendship? Really can with me for the enemy? Can with the monster clan be an enemy? The soldiers of monster clan, regard you for Xi sovereign as before.” “伏羲道友,你忘了昔日的情分了吗?真的要与我为敌?要与妖族为敌?要知道,妖族的儿郎们,依旧视你为羲皇。” Suddenly, an eastern sovereign too dynasty Fu Xi said. It somewhat could not accept, Fu Xi cut off the relations with monster clan unexpectedly thoroughly, did not think of the former friendship. 突然的,东皇太一朝伏羲说道。祂有些接受不了,伏羲竟是彻底斩断了与妖族的关系,一点也不念旧情。 hears word, Fu Xi silent moment, face faint saying: Too together the brother, Xi sovereign destiny completely, the return world. Now only then emperor Fu Xi, all sorts, with falling from the sky of Xi sovereign, had all become the passing mist past, cannot track down.” 闻言,伏羲沉默片刻,一脸淡漠的说道:“太一道兄,羲皇天命已尽,回归天地去了。如今只有天皇伏羲,昔日种种,随着羲皇的陨落,皆已成为过往云烟,不可追寻。” Moreover, Xi sovereign life, is worthy of the monster clan, has no qualms in Celestial Court, had no qualms in the past person of same belief, knew perfectly well that the last war must refuse stubbornly to be possible, went to one's death generously, with monster clan altogether life or death.” “而且,羲皇一生,无愧于妖族,也无愧于天庭,更无愧于昔日的同道,明知最后一战必死不可,也是慷慨赴义,与妖族共存亡。” Similarly, Xi sovereign is worthy of the monster clan, on that day the sovereign will not be also ashamed in human clan, the oath and human clan altogether life or death.” “同样的,羲皇无愧于妖族,那天皇亦是不会愧于人族,誓与人族共存亡。” Categorical that Fu Xi's words, said that no room to maneuver. 伏羲的话,说的斩钉截铁,没有一丝转圜的余地。 In fact, such just as he said that regarding monster clan Celestial Court, Fu Xi has no guilt, It is Celestial Court goes, abandoned the life to replace witch clan the first wise man candle nine Yin. 事实上,也正如祂所说的那样,对于妖族天庭,伏羲没有任何的愧疚,祂都已经为天庭赴死了,舍命换掉了巫族第一智者烛九阴。 But also so, how wants It. 如此,还要祂怎样。 Fu Xi fellow daoist......” sees this, the eastern sovereign too one also wants to say anything again, but It a opens the mouth, was just hit to block the way by Fu Xi: “伏羲道友……”见此,东皇太一还想再说些什么,可祂刚一张口,就被伏羲打断道: Too the brother wanted this poor Daoist to say together, when witch monster fought a decisive battle, how the emperor handsome say/way brother did treat this poor Daoist?” “太一道兄可是要贫道说说,巫妖决战之际,帝俊道兄是如何待贫道的?” Fu Xi such remarks, one was too silent, suddenly does not know how unexpectedly should open the mouth. 伏羲此言一出,太一沉默了,一时间竟是不知该如何开口。 When witch monster fights a decisive battle, Fu Xi can not use. As one of the monster clan Three Sovereigns, emperor handsome with too one has not died of enemy's head, on the contrary is Fu Xi of monster race's first wise man, first dies of enemy's hand. 巫妖决战之际,伏羲本来可以不用死的。作为妖族三皇之一,帝俊与太一都没有死于敌人之首,反倒是妖族第一智者的伏羲,第一个死于敌人之手。 This looked, knows inside has the issue. 这一看,就知道里面有问题。 What issue? 什么问题? Is the emperor painstakingly arranges Fu Xi handsome in the most dangerous place, It wants in this way, compelling the Nüwa empress to lend a hand to rescue Fu Xi, to be involved in witch monster to fight a decisive battle It, is the monster clan adds a big boost again. 是帝俊刻意将伏羲安排在最危险的地方,祂想通过这种方式,逼得女娲娘娘出手救援伏羲,以将祂卷入巫妖决战之中,为妖族再添一大助力。 But the result, without and other Nüwa empresses acts, Fu Xi nine has perished together with the candle Yin. 可结果,没等女娲娘娘出手,伏羲就已经与烛九阴同归于尽了。 The words speaking of this, have nothing to discuss. Fu Xi has no qualms in the emperor is handsome, but the emperor has the shame handsome in It. 话说到这份上,已经没什么好谈的了。伏羲无愧于帝俊,可帝俊却有愧于祂。 Yeah, my big brother It......” “哎,我大哥祂……” Then matter I truly do not know, otherwise, will not make the big brother so plan the fellow daoist.” “当时之事我确实不知,不然的话,绝不会让大哥如此算计道友。” In brief, is my brother two people are unfair to a brother, in the future will see a brother, then yields and withdraws, to apologize to the fellow daoist.” “总之,是我兄弟二人对不起道兄,日后见了道兄,便退避三舍,以向道友赔罪。” Then, too turns around then to walk. 说罢,太一转身便走。 Said yields and withdraws, yields and withdraws, too one never lies. 说是退避三舍,就是退避三舍,太一从不说谎。 When Fu Xi still Xi sovereign, too pair of It really good, It with the brothers, was the chaos bell once lent It to comprehend naturally. 伏羲尚还是羲皇之时,太一对祂是真的不错,把祂拿兄弟来看,便是混沌钟都曾大方的借给祂参悟。 But emperor handsome...... 可帝俊…… Said that the ruler oversuspicious personality, in the incisiveness that on It shows. 这么说呢,帝皇多疑的性格,在祂身上展现的淋漓尽致。 Big Celestial Court, It except for too one, anyone does not believe. If is not unable, the Kunpeng old ancestors not to betray Celestial Court. 偌大的天庭,祂除了太一,谁都不信。若非无法,鲲鹏老祖也不会背叛天庭了。 ...... …… ............ ………… Too walks, strength of both sides, appeared actually more balanced. Then, the people are staring at the opposite party motionlessly. 太一走后,双方的实力,倒是显得更为的均衡了。然后,众人还是一动不动的盯着对方。 I cannot make a move, you cannot make a move, both sides on think. 我不能出手,那你也不能出手,双方就是这么想的。 Then, whose card in a hand looked at even better. 接下来,就看谁的底牌更胜一筹了。 In a while, great antiquity big magical powers, then the chaos from the day returned to the great antiquity. When first, is the river of the netherworld old ancestors and town/subdues Yuan child, queen mother of the west group of big magical powers. 没过多久,洪荒的大神通者们,便从天外混沌返回了洪荒。当先的,就是冥河老祖、镇元子、西王母这一批的大神通者。 The town/subdues Yuan child and queen mother of the west returns to the great antiquity the earliest possible time, subconscious putting read lost, examines the situation of fellow daoist. 镇元子与西王母回到洪荒的第一时间,就是下意识的放出神念,去查看自己道友的情况。 Then, their faces then sank. 接着,祂们的脸便都沉了下来。 Plundering the air/Qi invasion really spirits, this is the rhythm that must fall from the sky! 劫气入侵真灵,这是要陨落的节奏啊! But at this time, the Donghua Daoists and Ziyun Daoists, have solved the god, Its thorough blocking in the human clan ancestor , can not extricate forever. 而此时,东华道人与紫云道人,已经解决掉了神,将祂彻底的封死在了人族祖地之中,永远不得解脱。 Un, under the suggestion of Feng Zichen, two people thinks. 嗯,在风紫宸的暗示下,二人就是这么想的。 After killing the god, Feng Zichen instigated several casually, made these two people do, planned life and death, the winner mounts the position of person sovereign a certainly. 干掉神之后,风紫宸随便的挑拨了几句,就让这二人干了起来,打算一绝生死,赢者登上人皇之位。 After the town/subdues Yuan child and queen mother of the west hurries back to the great antiquity, seen is this. Two people in the human clan ancestor, are hitting to live to kill. 镇元子与西王母赶回洪荒之后,看到的就是这一幕。二人正在人族祖地之中,打生打死。 The so-called onlooker is clear-headed, the town/subdues Yuan child and queen mother of the west as the outsider, is not naturally difficult to see, two people of this was planned. 所谓旁观者清,镇元子与西王母作为局外人,自然不难看出,二人这是被人算计了。 Too miserable! 太惨了! Completely by person, when the monkey plays. 完全被人当猴子耍。 Looks at two people of acting like a fool appearances, the town/subdues Yuan child and queen mother of the west two people, are much drier for them. 看着二人丑态百出的样子,镇元子与西王母二人,都替祂们燥得慌。 Later, they, must make a move to pull open two people without hesitation. Three Pure Ones and Western two Saints, place hopes in two people to become the person sovereign, to achieve the goal that they hide. 之后,祂们毫不犹豫的,就要出手将二人拉开。三清与西方二圣,寄希望于二人成为人皇,以达成祂们隐藏的目的。 But the town/subdues Yuan child and queen mother of the west actually does not think like this, they hope two people can resurrect, as for becoming person sovereign, this is unimportant. 可镇元子与西王母却不这样想,祂们只是希望二人能够复活,至于成不成为人皇,这不重要。 Everyone is the top first deity demon, without industry the position adds the body, in the future can also the achievement unsurpassed say/way fruit, nothing but be some spending many time, what also there is important? 大家都是顶级的先天神魔,纵使没有业位加身,日后也能成就无上道果,无非是多费些时间而已,又有什么打紧的? At present saint cannot take care of oneself, just can taking this opportunity, let the eastern nobilities and red cloud ancestor two fellow daoist, withdraws from this vortex. 眼下圣人自顾不暇,刚好可以借着这个机会,让东王公与红云老祖两位道友,从这场漩涡之中脱身而出。 Like this thinking, two people have been acting, must pulls open the Donghua Daoists and Ziyun Daoists. 这样想着,二人已经出手,就要将东华道人与紫云道人拉开。 But, entering the tribulation is easy, takes off/escapes the disaster, the body enters in the tribulation , is so can it be that good to withdraw? 可是,入劫易,脱劫难,身入劫中,又岂是那么好脱身的? The river of the netherworld old ancestors by two person, after seeing two people of actions, an eyeball revolution, suddenly puts up its Yuan slaughter avici two innate to kill the sword, blocked two people of magical powers. 在二人身旁的冥河老祖,看到二人的举动之后,眼珠子一转,骤然架其元屠阿鼻两把先天杀剑,将二人的神通拦了下来。 Sees the river of the netherworld old ancestors to intend to disturb, queen mother of the west somewhat disgruntled saying: „Is river of the netherworld fellow daoist this what intent? In those days, this poor Daoist may have place that offended the fellow daoist?” 见冥河老祖出手捣乱,西王母有些不悦的说道:“冥河道友这是何意?往日里,贫道可有得罪道友的地方?” hears word, the river of the netherworld old ancestors ridiculed a sound said: Misunderstanding, this poor Daoist not with fellow daoist for the meaning of enemy, but sees the fellow daoist and a town/subdues Yuan child that boy acts together, blocked subconsciously.” 闻言,冥河老祖讪笑了一声道:“误会,贫道并没有与道友为敌的意思,只是见道友与镇元子那厮一同出手,下意识的拦了一把。” During the speeches, the river of the netherworld old ancestors receive to keep off in queen mother of the west front avici divine sword, then aimed at the town/subdues Yuan. 说话间,冥河老祖收起挡在西王母面前的阿鼻神剑,转而指向了镇元子。 Has the past causes and effects , the river of the netherworld old ancestors before the achievement beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, have not been will not make the red cloud ancestor return decisively, adds several points of causes and effects to oneself. 有着昔日的因果在,冥河老祖在未曾成就混元大罗金仙之前,是断然不会让红云老祖归来,给自己平添几分因果的。 Another side, receives the hand after the river of the netherworld old ancestors, the queen mother of the west also realized, today wants east the belt/bring the nobility to take off/escape the tribulation, feared that is not possible. 另一边,在冥河老祖收手之后,西王母也是意识到,今日想要带东王公脱劫而出,怕是不可能了。 ps: Several weeks had not looked, this book was probably getting more and more hot in pirating. Spitting blood. ps:几个星期没看,这书在盗版好像越来越火了。吐血。 Sought the beginning to support me. 求来起点支持我啊。 Also, asked the monthly ticket! 还有,求月票!
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