GDSP :: Volume #8

#788: Fu Xi, became enlightened

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In a short time, pours also lives in peace with each other. 短时间内,倒也相安无事。 But, among three groups of rebel armies the gap lives over time gradually, the big conflict does not have, but slightly conflicts actually unceasingly. 可随着时间的流逝,三路叛军之间间隙渐生,大冲突没有,可小冲突却不断。 Moreover, tribulations the air/Qi to three people of influences, aggravates day by day , three people of temperament even more are gradually hot tempered, regarding the subordinate, frequently beats and scolds. 而且,劫气对三人的影响,也日益加重,渐渐的,三人的脾气愈发的暴躁起来,对于手下,更是动辄打骂不已。 Under begins the soldier often to clash again, contradictions between three people, aggravate day by day. 再加上手底下的士兵时常爆发冲突,三人之间的矛盾,日益加重。 Some, contradictions between three people accumulated the limit on the 1st, finally eruption. Sees the Ziyun Daoists and Donghua Daoists collaborates, one and kills toward the god. 某一日,三人之间的矛盾积累到极限,终于爆发了。就见紫云道人与东华道人联起手来,一并朝神杀去。 Very normal choice. 很正常的选择。 The Donghua Daoists and Ziyun Daoists are the unions, but god fellow, is not only not their allies, is not the life of great antiquity world. 东华道人与紫云道人本来就是同盟,而神这个家伙,非但不是祂们的盟友,更不是洪荒天地的生灵。 Previously, because needs to use Its reason, two people did not mind that with the god with the snake, yet now, with being solved of human clan ancestor place, the human clan power had fallen into three people of hands falsely completely. 先前,因为需要用到祂的缘故,二人并不介意与神虚伪与蛇,可如今,随着人族祖地的告破,人族大权已经全部落入了三人的手中。 Arrived this situation, the use value of god did not have, two people naturally cannot be forgiving, are determined first to get rid of It, later conducts the showdown. 到了这个地步,神的利用价值也就没了,二人自然不会留情,决意先将祂干掉,之后再进行对决。 But regarding two people of ideas, the god naturally has the protection early. 而对于二人的想法,神自然是早有防备。 Sees in the instance that two people attack, the god is not flurried, instead depends upon the human clan ancestor unique battle formation, forms the inexplicable strategy, defends full power. 就见在二人攻来的瞬间,神并不慌乱,反而依靠人族祖地特有的阵势,结成莫名阵法,全力防御起来。 That strategy, the boundless vast, ancient rhyme is long, understood at a glance that is not the strategy of great antiquity, but is the inheritance from the ancient chaos time. 那阵法,苍茫浩瀚,古韵悠长,一看就知道不是洪荒的阵法,而是传承自古老的混沌时代。 Has this strategy protection, in the backing in the special topography of human clan ancestor place, the god perhaps is not the Ziyun Daoist opponent of jointly Donghua Daoist, but two people also break through Its defense. 有此阵法守护,在依托于人族祖地的特殊地势,神或许不是东华道人与紫云道人联手的对手,可二人也攻破祂的防御。 As for the special topography of human clan ancestor place is anything, that actually not easy-to-use language described. Words that really must speak, can only say that is a situation, say/way rhyme that the invincible situation, that could not have melted. 至于人族祖地的特殊地势是什么,那倒是不好用语言来形容。真的要说的话,只能说那是一种大势,无敌的大势,还有那化不开的道韵。 The human clan sovereigns, all come in ancestor place, human clan surpasses most likely (80%) experts, walks from the ancestor. 人族众皇,皆是出身于祖地,还有人族超过八成的高手,都是从祖地走出去的。 Moreover, during the Three Sovereigns five emperors wield human clan, the human clan ancestor once became the center of great antiquity world. 而且,在三皇五帝执掌人族期间,人族祖地一度成为洪荒天地的中心。 in addition of Three Sovereigns five emperors holds, human clan surpasses in addition of most likely (80%) experts to hold, in addition of great antiquity land destiny holds, gradually, making the human clan ancestor have the marvelous change, bred an invincible situation. 三皇五帝的加持,人族超过八成高手的加持,还有洪荒大地气运的加持,渐渐的,使得人族祖地生出了奇妙的变化,蕴育出一股无敌的大势来。 Moreover, these experts after the human clan ancestor proves, its mark brand mark then naturally in the world, caused the human clan ancestor place void, was full of a rhyme everywhere. 而且,那些高手在人族祖地证道之后,其道痕自然而然的便烙印在了天地之中,使得人族祖地的虚空,到处都充满了道韵。 It can be said that every bit of property of human clan ancestor place, the body contaminated many first Heavenly Dao rhymes. human clan ancestor place, really the day after tomorrow the first sacred place. 可以说,人族祖地的一草一木,身上都沾染了不少的先天道韵。人族祖地,真可谓后天第一圣地。 Here, Luo Daozun erupts the tangled warfare greatly, not necessarily can destroy it. 在这里,就是大罗道尊爆发混战,也不见得能将其打碎。 Too the gods and ghosts, the god depended on the strategy under this place arrangement, was the Donghua Daoists and Ziyun Daoists exhausts the method, is unable to break through. 太神异了,神依托此地布置下的阵法,便是东华道人与紫云道人用尽手段,也是无法攻破。 But, two people have to use the most primitive means that little grinding. The preparation with the supernatural power, all ruins the surrounding all, breaks open the strategy by this. 无奈之下,二人只好采用最原始的办法,一点点的磨。准备用法力,将周围的一切全都毁掉,以此来破开阵法。 However, the time of this need, somewhat grew, if unable before Feng Zichen comes back, cuts to kill the god, before them all efforts, must be in vain. 不过,这需要的时间,就有些长了,如果无法在风紫宸回来之前,将神斩杀,那祂们之前的所有努力,全都要白费。 Waste!” “废物啊!” In the end, wants me to help.” “到头来,还是要我来帮忙。” Hides the Feng Zichen god in void reads, sees human clan ancestor in all, could not bear scold two people a waste. 隐藏在虚空之中的风紫宸神念,看到人族祖地内发生的一切,忍不住骂了两人一句废物。 Then, makes a move to change the human clan ancestor place in secret the topography, changed/easy God the strategy, causes Its defense big forcefully, transforms seal law. 然后,就暗中出手改变人族祖地的地势,强行更易神的阵法,使得祂的防御大阵,转变成封印法阵。 Right, Feng Zichen plans to get up the god seal, slowly refining up into the human clan ancestor, god fruit, almost wanted maturely, has arrived must harvest. 没错,风紫宸打算将神封印起来,慢慢炼入人族祖地当中,神这个果实,也差不多要成熟了,已经到了要收获的时候。 Now, refining up into the human clan ancestor place It, after waiting for it to lose completely self-, can pour into the strength toward Its within the body, refines the beginning of the universe rank it the perpetual motion machine. 现在,将祂炼入人族祖地,等其彻底丧失自我之后,便可往祂的体内灌入力量,将其炼制成混元级别的永动机。 As for the Ziyun Daoists and Donghua Daoists, makes them continue the battle, when its is mutually wounded, is Feng Zichen comes them takes, refining up into the solar moon two god cities the time. 至于紫云道人与东华道人,就让祂二人继续争斗吧,待其两败俱伤之际,就是风紫宸现身将祂们拿下,炼入太阳太阴两座神城的时候。 The rebel army civil strife, the person the sovereign drops from the clouds, shakes at one fell swoop kills three big rebel leaders, regains the human clan mountains and rivers. 叛军内乱,人皇从天而降,一举震杀三大叛军领袖,重拾人族山河。 This plan, may be called perfect. 这个计划,堪称完美。 Right, Feng Zichen, changes own plan once again temporarily. 没错,风紫宸又一次的,临时更改了自己的计划。 Before, according to Its idea, after is the plan Donghua Daoists or is the Ziyun Daoists became the person sovereigns, again its refining up into the person imperial city. 以前,按照祂的想法,是打算更东华道人或者是紫云道人成为人皇之后,再将其炼入人皇城的。 May with the appearance of god, Feng Zichen have a better substitute, did not need them to become the person sovereign. 可随着神的出现,风紫宸有了更好的替代品,就不需祂二人成为人皇了。 Thinks carefully, Feng Zichen also thought the offering sacrifices person sovereign is improper. In view of this, that then in the name of rebel, fills in these two people the solar moon two god cities. 仔细想想,风紫宸也觉得献祭人皇不妥。既如此,那便以叛徒的名义,将这二人填入太阳太阴两座神城之中。 As the matter stands, but can also play warns the function of successor. 这样一来,还能起到警示后来人的作用。 It is not seriously bad. 当真不差。 ...... …… ............ ………… To refine into the human clan ancestor place the god, Feng Zichen also abandoned some thoughts, It does not have to begin directly, but is the change topography of influencing subtly. 为了将神炼入人族祖地,风紫宸也是废了些心思的,祂没有直接动手,而是潜移默化的改变地势。 Meanwhile, It also through the Donghua Daoist and human clan destiny in Ziyun Daoist within the body, affects their ideas, making them accelerate the topography to change this process. 同时,祂也通过东华道人与紫云道人体内的人族气运,去影响祂二人的想法,让祂们去加速地势改变这一过程。 Right, under an operation of Feng Zichen, Its plan, completely they carry out by the Ziyun Daoists and Donghua Daoists. 没错,在风紫宸的一番操作下,祂的计划,完全被紫云道人与东华道人两人执行。 Changing the defense strategy is the seal strategy, refining up into the human clan ancestor the god while still alive, this plan, in their mind, is to come out completely. 变防御阵法为封印阵法,将神活活炼入人族祖地之中,这个计划,在二人的印象里,完全是自己想出来的。 They, have degenerated into the Feng Zichen board game piece not to know, so also fights with It? 祂们,已经沦为了风紫宸的棋子而不自知,如此还怎么和祂斗? The topography changes, the strategy is easier, under the influence of human clan destiny, the god had not detected from the beginning is not right. When It does not realize gradually right, wants to withdraw, has actually ended. 地势改变,阵法更易,在人族气运的影响下,神一开始还没察觉到不对。等祂渐渐意识到不对,想要脱身的时候,却是已经完了。 It is not big already the achievement, but is the Feng Zichen god reads, carries the strength of final human clan destiny, the quiet appearance in the side of god, and decided firmly in same place It, could not move. 不是大阵已经成就,而是风紫宸的神念,携带最后的人族气运之力,悄无声息的出现在了神的身边,并将祂牢牢的定在原地,动弹不得。 Fellow Daoist, this bureau truly your chaos demon god lost.” Arrives at the front of god quietly, the Feng Zichen god reads said. “道友,此局确实你们混沌魔神输了。”悄然走到神的面前,风紫宸的神念说道。 Sees Feng Zichen to arrive, the god knows, from beginning to end It falls in planning of opposite party, thorough that this war, It loses! 看到风紫宸降临,神就知道,自始自终祂都落于对方的算计之中,这一战,祂输的彻彻底底! Tried to struggle two, discovered after oneself were inescapable, the god was also a simple person, for against fell into enemy's hand to be insulted, directly from solving the chaos really worked. 试着挣扎了两下,发现自己无法逃脱之后,神也是个干脆的人,为防落入敌人之手受辱,直接自解了混沌真灵。 Is really defeated and dispersed before spirit, sees the god strangely smiles, said: Right? You really think that you did win?” 真灵溃散之前,就见神诡异的一笑,说道:“是吗?你真以为你们赢定了吗?” The language falls, the aura of god then vanishes thoroughly, the spirit wisdom return demon god main body went, same place, only left behind an empty body. 语落,神的气息便彻底消失,灵智回归魔神本体去了,原地,只留下了一具空洞的躯壳。 But this, Feng Zichen needs. 而这,也正是风紫宸所需要的。 Depends on a few words, wants I to say the heart randomly, is really funny.” Felt that the aura of god vanishes, Feng Zichen smiled one unavoidably. “就凭一句话,也想乱我道心,真是搞笑呢。”感觉到神的气息消失,风紫宸不免哂笑了一声。 May that said that Its at heart, actually cast shadow, thinks carefully, this and chaos demon god war, they win truly relaxed a point, has not had any loss. 可话是这么说,祂的心里,却是蒙上了一层阴霾,仔细想想,这次与混沌魔神大战,祂们赢的确实轻松了一点,根本就没有受到任何的损失。 In this, can cheat? 这里面,会不会有诈? Suddenly, in heart of Feng Zichen recollections handsome. Really more thinks, more felt fishily. 一时间,风紫宸的心中浮想翩翩起来。真是越想,越觉得其中有鬼。 But where must make It say is not right, It also cannot say. Finally, really cannot think, after It can only put the brain, these matters. 可要让祂说出哪里不对,祂又说不上来。最后,实在想不出来,祂只能将这些事放到脑后。 Since cannot think, that is ready to cope with anything, the water came to earth to flood. 既然想不出来,那就只有兵来将挡,水来土淹了。 Moreover, the present great antiquity, the background is sufficient, the Heavenly Dao just obtained the mortal bodies of nine chaos demon gods, when has an exciting future. 而且,如今的洪荒,底蕴充足,天道刚刚得到了九尊混沌魔神的肉身,正值大展宏图之际。 Then was the great antiquity world broke in this time, It can by these chaos demon god sources, derive bigger great antiquity world to come out again a, so, what but also there is good to be worried? 便是洪荒天地于此时破碎了,祂都能以这些混沌魔神本源,再衍生一个更强更大的洪荒天地出来,如此,还有什么好担心的? Big inexorable fate, but can also resulting in the great antiquity world is staver than? Nowadays, their great antiquity world did not fear shatter, what that also does have to be good to fear? 再大的劫数,还能比得过洪荒天地破碎大吗?现如今,祂们连洪荒天地破碎都不怕,那还有什么好怕的? Such a thinks, Feng Zichen then thorough reassurance. 这么一想,风紫宸便彻底的放下心来。 Receives the train of thought of flight clearance, Feng Zichen the vision looked that leaves behind under to the god at present the mortal body. This is the good thing, the refinement to be appropriate, is a perpetual motion machine of beginning of the universe rank. 收起放飞的思绪,风紫宸将目光看向了眼前神遗留下的肉身。这可是好东西,炼制得当,就是一件混元级别的永动机。 Moreover, the mortal body of god, besides not having real spirit, other things, may be called refine the best material of puppet. 而且,神的这具肉身,除了没有真灵之外,其余的东西都在,堪称炼制成傀儡的最好材料。 If in its knowledge sea, plants one not to extinguish really spirit, after that did not need the load mind the mortal body to be taken. 若是在其识海之中,种下一道不灭真灵,那以后,就再也不用担心神的这具肉身被人取走了。 In brief, this mortal body overwhelming majority are perfect, must say that only shortcoming, that is the boundary is too low. 总而言之,这具肉身绝大部分都是完美的,要说唯一的缺点,那就是境界太低。 Now has the Saint greatly complete boundary certainly, from to become the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, a big disparity. 现在只是有着准圣大圆满的境界,距离成为混元大罗金仙,还有一段不小的差距。 But this, needs Feng Zichen to utilize the large amounts of resources to pile up. Fortunately, this mortal body has the boundary of beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, but lacks the strength of beginning of the universe. 而这,就需要风紫宸动用大量的资源去堆积。还好,这具肉身已经有了混元大罗金仙的境界,只是缺少混元的力量罢了。 Otherwise, is Feng Zichen use many resources, is unable to thrust the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal it the boundary. 不然的话,就是风紫宸动用再多的资源,也无法将其推入混元大罗金仙的境界。 Like this thinking, Feng Zichen has been beginning. Sees It to take referring to as the pen, takes the strength of surrounding human clan ancestor place as black ink, on the mortal body of god, portrays again and again. 这样想着,风紫宸已经动起手来。就见祂以指为笔,以周围的人族祖地之力为墨,在神的肉身上,连连刻画起来。 Mysterious main road rune/symbol writing, appear from the hand of Feng Zichen, splendid, blooms the radiant god light/only. 一枚枚神秘的大道符文,从风紫宸的手中浮现,熠熠生辉,绽放出璀璨的神光。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The instance that the gods are luminous, surrounding void like receiving the impel was ordinary, vibrates in abundance, then, saw that a brilliance appears, wells up in the mortal body that is enthralled. 神光亮起的瞬间,周围的虚空就像受到了感召一般,纷纷震动起来,然后,就看到点点光辉浮现,涌入神的肉身之中。 This is the world source, was the human clan ancestor accumulated the innumerable year of background, now, was summoned by Feng Zichen, with expand the mortal body of god. 这是天地本源,是人族祖地积累了无数年的底蕴,如今,被风紫宸召唤了出来,用以壮大神的肉身。 But with the rune/symbol Wen's unceasing forming, Feng Zichen the god of journeys read the incarnation, slowly is becoming illusory. 而随着符文的不断成形,风紫宸的这道神念化身,也在慢慢变得虚幻。 This is the performance that the strength exhausts! 这是力量耗尽的表现! After all is not the main body, the strength is limited, these main road rune/symbol writing ranks, were too high, was far from Feng Zichen this god of journeys reads to portray. 终归不是本体,力量有限,这些大道符文的等级,还是太高了,远非风紫宸这道神念所能刻画的。 Main road rune/symbol writing, naturally is Feng Zichen rune/symbol writing who comprehends to come from the main road, does not have other function, is used for the seal, seal all. 大道符文,自然是风紫宸从大道之中领悟而来的符文,也没别的作用,就是用来封印,封印一切。 Had the main road rune/symbol writing seal, even if god real reappears spirit, leaf Xiuxiang returns to Its mortal body. 有了大道符文的封印在,就算神的真灵再现,叶修想回到祂的这具肉身之中。 Main road rune/symbol writing, is Feng Zichen specifically is used to aim at the chaos demon god, otherwise, It uses Heavenly Dao rune/symbol writing to be convenient. 大道符文,就是风紫宸专门用来针对混沌魔神的,不然的话,祂用天道符文多方便。 When the strength of this incarnation exhausts, main road rune/symbol writing also this/should portray 7788. However, even has not drawn is not unimportant, really to that time, the Feng Zichen main body also almost should come back. 待这具化身的力量耗尽,大道符文也该刻画的七七八八了吧。不过,就算没画完也不要紧,真到了那时,风紫宸的本尊也差不多该回来了。 ...... …… Meanwhile, beyond the day the chaos deep place, the Heavenly Dao had absorbed the flesh of nine chaos demon gods completely, the plan left. 与此同时,天外混沌深处,天道已经完全吸收了九尊混沌魔神的血肉,就打算离开了。 Also was at this time, Fu Xi rushed suddenly, just saw Heavenly Dao last. 也就是这时,伏羲突然赶到,刚好看见了天道最后一眼。 In seeing the instance of Heavenly Dao complete picture, Fu Xi thinks that inexhaustible mystery, swamps into Its hearts, causes It cannot help but, during fell into grasped principles. 在看到天道全貌的瞬间,伏羲就觉无穷无尽的玄妙,涌入祂的心间,使得祂不由自主的,就陷入了悟道之中。 After Fu Xi catches up, the form of Heavenly Dao then disappeared beyond the day in the chaos. 在伏羲赶来之后,天道的身影便消失在了天外混沌之中。 In the instance that the Heavenly Dao vanished thoroughly, the river of the netherworld old ancestors catches up, but, It came late one step, has not seen the complete picture of Heavenly Dao, but peeped some Heavenly Dao bodies. 就在天道彻底消失的瞬间,冥河老祖赶来了,不过,祂还是来晚了一步,并未看到天道的全貌,只是窥得了天道部分身体。 But is so, enough It benefitted greatly. 可就是如此,也足够祂受益匪浅了。 At this time, with departure of Heavenly Dao, Feng Zichen and the others, wakes one after another. 这时候,随着天道的离开,风紫宸等人,也陆陆续续醒了过来。 Then, they then saw during is falling into grasps principles Fu Xi, as well as a river of the netherworld old ancestor of face delay. 然后,祂们便看到了正陷入悟道之中的伏羲,以及一脸呆滞的冥河老祖。 Not and people had responded, the Nüwa empress instinct, turned into a rainbow light, arrived at Fu Xi's side, protects It. 未及众人有所反应,女娲娘娘本能的,化成了一道虹光,来到了伏羲的身边,将祂守护起来。 At the same time, Feng Zichen also moved, arrives at Fu Xi's another side, looks at the people anxiously. 同一时间,风紫宸也是动了,来到伏羲的另一边,紧张的看着众人。 Another, the Mother Earth empress also moved, protects the river of the netherworld Daoists behind. 另一处,后土娘娘也是动了,将冥河道人护在身后。 At this moment, the people also responded that had anything, these two people because of sneaking a peek at the reason of Heavenly Dao main body, fell into grasping principles of deepest level, to beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal transformation. 此刻,众人也都反应过来发生了什么,这二人因窥见天道本体的缘故,陷入了最深层次的悟道之中,正在向混元大罗金仙蜕变。 Without the Nüwa the protection of empress and Mother Earth empress, the people thought rotates, perhaps will act to these two people, to destroy the chance that they become enlightened. 若没有女娲娘娘、后土娘娘的守护,众人念头转动间,说不定会对这二人出手,以破坏祂们成道的机缘。 But now, is they want to act, without this opportunity. 可现在,就是祂们想出手,也没这个机会了。 Also does not know how long continued, or in January/one month, either one year, either ten years, two people revive one after another. 也不知持续了多久,或者一月,或者一年,又或者十年,二人陆续苏醒了过来。 First the one who wakes up is the river of the netherworld old ancestor, sees his imposing manner to draw the bow and not discharge the arrow, such as the deep pool mountain, the terrifying is incomparable, has to break the limit faintly, about one step trend. 首先醒来的是冥河老祖,就见祂一身气势引而不发,如渊似岳,恐怖无比,隐隐有打破极限,更近一步的趋势。 What a pity, missed eventually one step, Heavenly Dao main body that the river of the netherworld old ancestors see, was too few, was not enough It to reach the sky in a single bound, takes that most essential half step. 可惜,终究还是差了一步,冥河老祖看到的天道本体,还是太少了,不足以祂一步登天,迈出那最关键的半步。 However, is so, It also obtained many advantage, feared that comes a chance again, It can the boundary of achievement beginning of the universe. 不过,就是如此,祂也得了不少的好处,怕是再来一场机缘,祂就能成就混元的境界。 After river of the netherworld old ancestors, Fu Xi also wakes. Sees Its body, aura is mysterious, seems with the say/way fuses together, release, if hidden aura that if no. 冥河老祖之后,伏羲也随之醒了过来。就见祂的身上,一身气息玄妙无比,好似与道融为一体,释放出若隐若无的气息。 Meanwhile, an empty shadow of main road, forms in Fu Xi's back slowly, will seem really will arrive momentarily general. 同时,一条大道的虚影,在伏羲的背后缓缓成形,好似随时都会真的降临一般。 Sees this, the people manner varies, has shocking, has surprised, there are to feel relaxed...... to finally, the people received oneself train of thought that changed wipes the happy expression, congratulated toward Fu Xi: 见此,众人神态各异,有震惊,有惊讶,也有释然……到了最后,众人纷纷收起自己的思绪,重新化作一抹笑意,朝伏羲恭贺道: Congratulates Fu Xi fellow daoist to become enlightened, spending in distress endless years, finally unique!” “恭喜伏羲道友成道,苦熬无尽岁月,终得超脱!” Does Fu Xi become enlightened? The boundary of this achievement beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal? 伏羲成道?这就成就混元大罗金仙的境界了? Is not. 是也不是。 Fu Xi truly built the boundary of beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, but is imperfect, It was only the boundary arrived, the strength has not been this level, but also needed some time accumulation. 伏羲确实修成了混元大罗金仙的境界,但并不完美,祂只是境界到了,力量还未达到这个层次,还需一段时间的积累。 This time Fu Xi's breakthrough, was really sudden, even he has not expected, was underprepared, cannot the completely entire merit. 这次伏羲的突破,实在是太突然了,连祂自己都没料到,以至于准备不足,未能尽全功。 However, member in, the boundary ruler is basic, so long as the boundary arrived, all are not a problem. 不过,于修士来说,境界方是是根本,只要境界到了,一切都不成问题。 ps: Asked the monthly ticket ps:求月票
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