„Great antiquitystarsnew”searches the latest chapter!
“洪荒星辰道新”查找最新章节!Onlythinks that longis so big, has not seenso manymysteriousmagical powers, is really broadens the outlook.
After protracted battlenext, inthreepeople of heartsworries, is the expenditurehugeprice, invited the capable persondifferentgentlemen of eightsidesto cometo assistbroadly.
久战不下之后,三人心中着急,更是花费巨大的代价,广邀八方的能人异士前来相助。What a pity, no matter whathismagical powersare how mysterious, the magic weaponis strange, inthatbefore the barriers of strength of moldsten thousandspirit, cannotcrossperimeter/thunder poolonestep.
The strength of ten thousandspirit, areinthisworld, few, will be bornactuallyexceeds the innatestrengthin the day after tomorrow, exceptionallymysterious.
万灵之力,是这个世界上,为数不多的,诞生于后天却胜过先天的力量,异常的玄妙。So long as the quantityare manyenough, iseven the will of Heavenly Daocanreverse, let aloneotherstrengths.
只要数量够多,就是连天道的意志都能扭转,更别说其他的力量了。Exhaustsall sorts of means that cannotkick the human clanancestorplaceas before, the DonghuaDaoist, the ZiyunDaoist and godthreepeople, clenches teeth, was determined that takes riskto wrestle.
用尽种种办法,依旧没能攻进人族祖地,东华道人、紫云道人、神三人,咬了咬牙,决心冒险一搏。SeesItsthreepeopleto display the magical powers, the human clandestiny that oneselftheseyearswill save, bindsentirelyonownbody, flushes awaytoward the human clanancestor.
就见祂三人施展神通,将自己这些年积攒下来的人族气运,统统裹在自己的身上,向着人族祖地冲去。Theirtheseyears, attack a cityto seize territory, accumulatedmanyhuman clandestinyactually, is counted20% that tooclearsaintseizes, in addition the general ideahas50%.
The DonghuaDaoists and ZiyunDaoistshave20%respectively, the godhas10%.
The human clandestinyadds the body, threepeople of bodies, immediatelybecomeindistinct, seemscoincideswithworldten thousand, omnipresent, allnot.人族气运加身,三人的身体,顿时变得缥缈起来,好似与天地万道相合,无所不在,又全都不在。Brushing......
刷……Threepeopleleave, plunderstoward the strength of ten thousandspirit.
三人动身,朝万灵之力掠去。Saw that previouslymadethreegroups of rebel armyelementnot have the plan, just like the strength of backdropgeneralten thousandspirit, at this moment, in the face ofthreepeople, seemsgeneral that does not have, no matter whattheyeasilypass through.
The human clandestinyshakesgently, the strength of ten thousandspirithave the feeling, separates an openingautomatically, passesforthatthreepeople.人族气运轻轻一震,万灵之力有感,自动分开一道口子,供那三人通过。Buthasall that regardinghere, the defenseofficerscompletelyhad not detected that the half a pointis unusual.
而对于这里发生的一切,守城将士全然没有发觉半分异常。Thisis very normal, threehumanitiesare the bigexperts of accurateSaintrank, in additionin addition of human clandestinyholds, the strengthhas reachedutmostmagical powers the position.
这很正常,三人本就是准圣级别的大高手,再加上人族气运的加持,实力早已臻至大神通者的境地。But the defenseofficers, highalso less than halfstepgreatlyLuoDaozuncultivatingis, ifcandiscover the DonghuaDaoiststheirtrail, thatyesdamn.
After entering the human clanancestor, the DonghuaDaoistthreepeople of goalsare very consistent, the direct impactpersonsovereignpalacegoes.
进入人族祖地之后,东华道人三人的目标很是一致,直冲人皇殿而去。Daresto impact the personsovereignpalace, is notbecause oftheirbrave, because theyobtain the newsfromoneselfbackstagethererespectively, knowsnowFeng Zichennotin the personsovereignpalace.
敢于冲击人皇殿,并不是因为祂们三人的胆子大,而是因为祂们各自从自己的后台那里得到消息,知道如今风紫宸并不在人皇殿中。If this is not the case, taking advantage oftheirthreecourage, they do not dareto impact the personsovereignpalacedirectly, isn't that the suicide?
若非如此,就是借祂们三人三个胆子,祂们也不敢直接冲击人皇殿啊,那不是自杀吗?Puts to death the war of chaosdemongod, the past, the newshad also almost passed on, therefore, threepeople of news obtained Feng Zichen, is notoneis worth the accidental/surprisedmatterspecially.
诛杀混沌魔神之战,已经过去一段时间了,消息也差不多传了回来,故此,三人得到风紫宸的消息,并不是一件特别值得意外的事。Butis knowing that Feng Zichendoes not bring up the rearin the personsovereign, threepeopleunderstandimmediately,thisis an opportunity.
而在知道风紫宸不在人皇殿后,三人立即就明白,这是一个机会。Attacks and occupies the human clanopportunitythoroughly.
, An extremelybold thought that appearedgraduallyinthreepeople of hearts, ifbecame, thatthiswarcanhave the result.
渐渐的,一个极为大胆的念头,浮现在了三人心中,若是成了,那此战便可有了结果。Isthis thought that urgingthreepeopleto arrive atthisplace.
就是这个念头,促使着三人来到了此地。Buttheymustdo, yes......
刷Severaljump, threepeoplehad then arrived atoutside the person of sovereignpalace.
几个纵身间,三人便已来到了人皇殿外。Then, seesthemwithout hesitation, offers a sacrifice to the strongestmagical powers, the front doorbangtowardpersonsovereignpalacegoes.
A languagefalls, the endlessbrilliancespews outfromthreepeople of hands, submerges the front door of personsovereignpalace.
一语落下,无尽的光辉从三人手中喷涌而出,将人皇殿的大门淹没。Then, sees the front door that cannotbe shaken, revealed a wisp of slitgradually.
接着,就见那不可撼动的大门,渐渐露出了一缕缝隙。„Walks, goes in!”
“走,进去!”Seesthis, threepeople of bodiesin a flash, turn intotogether the extremelysmallends of long fine hairsin abundance, on the slitfollowingpersonsovereignpalacefront door, transferstowardinside.
看到这一幕,三人身体一晃,纷纷化成一道极为微小的毫芒,顺着人皇殿大门上的缝隙,朝里面转去。Butat this time, the sounds of DonghuaDaoistthreepeople of stormpersonsovereignpalacefront doors, have alarmedmanypeople.
而这时,东华道人三人强攻人皇殿大门的动静,已经惊动了不少人。„It is not good, has the enemyto raid.”
“不好,有敌袭。”„Quickly, escortsquickly!”
“快,快护驾!”human clan near personsovereignpalaceelite, was alarmedbythisbigsound, goes out of the stationhastily, rapidformshuman clanto inheritbig, chaosbig, encircles the personsovereignpalace.
人皇殿附近的人族精锐们,被这偌大的动静惊动,连忙走出驻地,迅速的结成人族传承大阵,混沌大阵,将人皇殿团团围住。At this time, is the nervein the thickperson, realizedis not right. Could not be tracedmain house gate, the person the sovereignincluding a responsenot to haveunexpectedly, shouldnot be, the person the sovereignreallyhad problems.
此时,就是神经在粗大的人,也意识到了不对。都被人摸不到家门口了,人皇竟然连一点反应也没有,该不会是,人皇真的出问题了吧。Inexplicable, hazeappearsin the heart of people, the atmosphere of thisplace, alsoconstrained.
莫名的,一阵阴霾浮现在众人的心头,此地的气氛,也随之压抑了起来。Afterward, is a speechlesssilence.
随后,就是一阵无言的沉默。No oneis thinkinggoes to look atone. Because, does not need.
没人想着进去看一眼。因为,没有必要。If the personsovereign, thendoes not needthemto act.
人皇若在,便无需他们出手。If the personsovereignis not, theywent , will also not be the opponent of opposite party.
人皇若不在,他们就是进去了,也不会是对方的对手。Therefore, theywaithere.
所以,他们就在这里等。Waits for a result.
…………Butin the personsovereignpalace, are the DonghuaDaoiststheydoing? Feng Zichenin the personsovereignpalace, they do not enter the person of sovereignpalace, there is what goal?
而人皇殿中,东华道人祂们三人又在干什么呢?风紫宸不在人皇殿,祂们进入人皇殿,又有何目的?Sees, threepeopleafterenteringperson of sovereignpalace, looked aroundeverywhere, foundplace that Feng Zichenusuallysits cross-legged, thenovertakestowardthere.
After there, sees the hand of ZiyunDaoistto shake, a magnificentclothing, appearedinItshand.
到了那里之后,就见紫云道人的手一抖,一件华丽的衣衫,就出现在了祂的手中。If the person with high aspirationshere, will discover that Ziyunsaid the magnificentclothing in personhand, impressivelywith the clothes that Feng Zichenusuallywore, not the slightest difference.
若是有心人在此,就会发现,那紫云道人手中的华丽衣衫,赫然与风紫宸平时所穿的衣服,一般无二。Compared withFeng Zichenclothes, Ziyunsaidtheclothing in personhand, appearedworn-outmany, likejustexperienced a war, hasmanyattritionplaces.
只是与风紫宸身上的衣服相比,紫云道人手中的这件衣衫,显得破旧不少,就像刚刚经历了一场大战般,有着很多磨损的地方。Moreover, strength of not being able to meltdeathly stillness, twinesonthisclothes, increasedseveralpoints of solemnness and stirringforitbaseless.
而且,一股化不开的死寂之力,缠绕在这件衣服上,为其凭空增添了几分悲壮。„Are youstaringdoing?”
“你们愣着干什么?”„Hasn't begun?”
“还不动手?”Saw itselfto take out the clothes, twopeoplestill there god, the ZiyunDaoistsomewhatdiscontentedurgingsaid.
见自己都取出衣服了,二人还在那里愣神,紫云道人有些不满的催促道。hearsword, the DonghuaDaoists and godsrecovers, takes outinnatespirit treasurerespectively, throwstoward the place that Feng Zichensits cross-legged.
The DonghuaDaoiststake out, isstarsattributeinnatespirit treasure, the godtakes out, is a innatedivine sword of innatespirit treasurerank.
东华道人取出的,是一件星辰属性的中品先天灵宝,神取出的,是一把中品先天灵宝级别的先天神剑。Twohuman sacrificeshave the magic weapon, has not destroyed the plan of thisplace. Theirgoalsare very simple, meltsthesetwoinnatespirit treasure.
二人祭出法宝,并没有毁坏此地的打算。祂们的目的很简单,就是化掉这两件先天灵宝。Seesthattwoinnatespirit treasureoneto the hand, startedfrom the skyto disintegrate, sends outglisteninglight, integratedin the weeksurroundingworld.
这是在化道啊。Under the Donghua the strength of Daoistandgod, thattwoinnatespirit treasureis passive, was in a stage.
哗……Waits forthesetwoinnatespirit treasure, falls to the groundon the Feng Zichencottime, had been in a final stage, entireturned intoonegroup of light, thoroughintegratedin the world, no longerseesagain.
等这两件先天灵宝,落地风紫宸榻上的时候,已经进入了化道的最后阶段,整个的变成了一团光,彻底的融入了天地之中,再不复见。Wasat this time, the ZiyunDaoists the handthatlooked like the clothing of Feng Zichenclothes, threw, fellon the middle that twoinnatespirit treasuredroppedjust in time.
就是这时,紫云道人将手中那酷似风紫宸衣服的衣衫,扔了出去,正巧落在两件先天灵宝落下的中间。Later, during threepeoplethenfell intowere silent, resembledis constraininganything, resembled the fermentationanything.
之后,三人便陷入了沉默之中,似在压抑着什么,又似酝酿着什么。Somemoment, threepeoplealsoturn aroundunexpectedly, walkstoward the personsovereignpalaceoutside.
……„, The tyranthad fallen from the sky, perishesunderinTianzhu, the deadbonenotsaves!”
“诸位,暴君已经陨落了,亡于天珠之下,死骨无存!”Goes out of the person of sovereignpalace, threepeoplein a tone with a touch ofheavytowarddefending the peopleoutsidepalacesaid.
走出人皇殿,三人语气略带沉重的朝着守在殿外的众人说道。Hearsthisword, the peoplenaturallydo not believe that is onlysilentbyright.
闻听此言,众人自然不信,只是沉默以对。Sees the peoplenot to believe that threepeoplegive a calm smile, turned aroundto open the front door of person of sovereignpalace, andmade wayownbody, letting the peoplecanseeall in person of sovereignpalace.
见众人不信,三人淡然一笑,转身打开了人皇殿的大门,并让开自己的身体,让众人得以看到人皇殿中的一切。Hears the opening the doorsound, the peoplelook up, justcansee, thatis located in the main hallcenter, Feng Zichensittingcot.
听到开门声,众人抬头看去,刚好可以看到,那位于大殿中央的,风紫宸的坐榻。Thislooks, in the peopleheart is onestartled, at oncegives birth toendlessdismal.
Above seesthatto sitcollapses, the form that was indomitable spirit, the disappearingtrail, has stayed behind, butwas being wrappedby the strength of richdeathly stillnessemperorrobe.
就见那坐塌之上,原先顶天立地的身影,已然不见了踪迹,留下的,只是一件被浓郁的死寂之力包裹着的帝袍。Besidesthisemperorrobe, sits the surroundings that collapsesin that the say/way of innatestarswith the aurareverberation of innateswordsmanship, sends out the thicksadnessrespectively.
除这件帝袍之外,在那坐塌的周围,还有先天星辰之道与先天剑道的气息回荡,各自散发出浓浓的悲切。This timeall sorts, are making clear to a veryfearfulmatterall, the person the sovereign, Itreallyfell from the sky.
此番种种,无不在昭示着一件非常可怕的事,人皇,祂真的陨落了。Butthis, howpossibly?
但这,怎么可能呢?Puzzledandsad, reverberatesin the hearts of peopleunceasingly.
不解与悲伤,在众人的心间不断回荡。In the peopleheartmakeswhatfeelings, the ZiyunDaoistthreepeopleare notveryclear, does not care, theyknow the truth, knowsFeng Zichento be all right, is not naturally ablewith the peoplesentiment, to understandtheirideas.
众人心中作何感想,紫云道人三人不是很清楚,也不在乎,祂们都知道真相,知道风紫宸没事,自然无法与众人共情,理解他们的想法。At present, the ZiyunDaoistthreepeople, have a more importantmatter to do.
眼下,紫云道人三人,有着更重要的事要做。That is, thematter that thoroughsolidFeng Zichenhas fallen from the sky, andbeforeFeng Zichencatches up, stillsletting one's thoughts wander of human clanthoroughly, seized the position of Itspersonsovereign.
那就是,彻底坐实风紫宸已经陨落的这件事,并在风紫宸赶来之前,彻底平定人族的乱想,夺了祂的人皇之位。Then, even ifFeng Zichencame back, is too late, cannot do tothem.
The false appearance that in order tomakeFeng Zichenhas died, threepeoplepaid the hugeprice. Actually, thattwoinnatespirit treasure, at allare notanything.
The genuinebigend, isonthatmagnificentclothing.
真正的大头,还是在那件华丽的衣衫上。Wearing that the person of Feng Zichenmulti-art, the bodyputs on, does not haveoneto be lower thanhigh-gradeinnatespirit treasure. Hisemperorrobe, does not know that iswhatorigin, buttruly, isbest quality goodsinnatespirit treasure.风紫宸多讲究的一个人啊,身上穿的戴的,就没一件低于上品先天灵宝的。祂身上的帝袍,也不知是何来历,但确确实实的,是一件极品先天灵宝。In order tostrive forclearly, threepeoplereallycopybest quality goodsinnatespirit treasureto come out. In order torefinethisemperorrobe, threepeople of net worthwere basically spatial.
为求逼真,三人是真的仿造出一件极品先天灵宝出来。为了炼制这件帝袍,三人的身家基本空了。Un, the commoncharacteris naturally hardto refineinnatespirit treasure, butchaosdemongodactuallyenergy. Even if the severely woundedchaosdemongod, sameso, so long asis willingto pay the price, thatisinnate supreme treasure , canpracticeto giveyouto look.
…………„, Youalsosaw, the tyrantlosessaid,stirs up the seething discontent among the people, finallyascended the skycontinuallywas unable to continue watching, loweredmay you be punished by heavento striketo killIt.”
“诸位,你们也看到了,那暴君失道,惹得天怒人怨,最后连上天都看不下去了,降下天诛将祂击杀。”„Looks over the past and present, Itsfirstdies the supremenessundermay you be punished by heaven.”
“纵观古今,祂还是第一个死于天诛之下的至尊。”„Itscrime, is vaster than itfour seas, is huger than itKunlun Mountain.”
“其一身之罪,比之四海还要浩瀚,比之昆仑山还要庞大。”„, Are youso besotted, help a tyrant do evil?”
“如此,你们还要执迷不悟,助纣为虐吗?”Shoutingfrom the heart, send outfromthreepeople of mouths, look at their excitingappearances, said that seemedthemto believegenerally.
一道道发自内心的呼喊,从三人的口中发出,看祂们那激动的样子,说道就好似祂们自己都信了一般。Underhuman clanelitehearsword, is wantingto starttalking, maysuddenlydiscover,ownbodywas uncontrolled, seemedby the strangeris controlledgeneral, saidto makethembe furiouswords.
底下的人族精锐闻言,正欲开口说话,可忽然发现,自己的身体不受控制了起来,就好似被陌生人掌控一般,说出了令他们震怒不已的话来。„Right that threekingsaid!”
“三王说的对!”„Tyrantis punished for an offenseinheaven, deserving to be damned, weindeedshould notbe besotted, is ready to give one's lifeforthattyrant.”
“暴君获罪于天,死有余辜,吾等的确不该执迷不悟,为那暴君效死。”„NowthreekingXieinvincible forcearrives, our generationhas an exciting future the golden opportunity.”
“如今三王携天兵降临,正是我辈大展宏图的大好时机。”„Iand othersnot, ifturns tothreekings , helping itsrallyinglandscape, but also a human clanquietness.”
“我等不若投靠三王,助其重整河山,还人族一个清静。”ZiyunDaoistsand others of strengths, what kind ofgreat strength, human claneliteintheirfront, the does not have anystrength of resistance, was easily seizedbyitvery muchmental, words that these that saidspoke insincerely.
紫云道人等三人的实力,何等的强大,人族精锐在祂们的面前,没有任何的反抗之力,很轻易的,就被其夺了心智,说出的那些言不由衷的话。It can be said that so long asthreepeopledo not relieveoneselfmagical powers, thatthesehuman clanelite, has lost, isthreekingpotencies, is ready to give one's life the strength.
可以说,只要三人不解除自己的神通,那这些人族精锐,就会一直的失去自我,为三王效力,效死力。Oh, if not foris worried aboutbacklash of human clandestiny, threepeople of methodsnotsotemperate
唉,若不是担心人族气运的反噬,三人的手段才不会如此的温和Controls the human clanelitemindby the magical powers, rather thanwrites off the spiritwisdom of peopledirectly, itsrefining uponly the knowledgeto slaughtersends the puppet.
只是以神通控制人族精锐的心神,而不是直接抹杀众人的灵智,将其炼成只知杀戮发傀儡。With the human clanelitetreachery, human clanancestorquickfell to the enemy.
随着人族精锐的倒戈,人族祖地很快的就沦陷了。Threegroups of rebel armiesare enormous and powerful, break through the blockades of strength of ten thousandspirit, entered the human clanancestor, took over control ofhereall.
…………„Verygood, verygood!”
“很好,很好!”„Myfruit, was mature.”
“我的果实,就要成熟了。”Butwhen the godthreepeoplereceivesto hack the fruits of victory, a god of journeys that the voiddeep place, Feng Zichenspeciallyleaves behindread, is gazing atallsilently.
而就在神三人收剐胜利果实的时候,虚空深处,风紫宸特意留下的一道神念,正默默的注视着一切。Oh, thatthreepeople are also pitiful.
唉,那三人也是可怜。Thinks oneself clever, actuallydoes not know, all that theymakenow, isFeng Zichenfacilitatesin secret.
自以为得计,却是不知,祂们如今所做的一切,都是风紫宸暗中促成的。FromDonghuaDaoistthreepeople of since that moment of absorbing the human clandestiny, theydefeated.
The human clandestiny of thenbyFeng Zichendeliberatelybeing divided, had been fudgedbyIt, oncefuses, will absorb the surroundingtribulationair/Qispontaneously.
那被风紫宸刻意分出去的人族气运,早就被祂动了手脚,一旦与人融合,就会自发的吸收周围的劫气。In other words, thatthreepeopleovercome a godcityevery time, while the destinygrows, tribulationair/Qi will also grow.
也就是说,那三人每打下一座神城,在气运增长的同时,身上的劫气也会随之增长。Buttribulations the growth of air/Qi, isthree people are unable to discover that was all hiddenby the human clandestiny.
而劫气的增长,是三人无法发现的,全都被人族气运隐藏了起来。Only if, theircontrolto the human clandestiny, canexceedFeng Zichen, otherwise, cannot detect the slightunusualityabsolutely.
除非,祂们对人族气运的掌控,能够超越风紫宸,不然的话,绝对察觉不到丝毫的异常。Butwaits forthreepeople of the time of overrunning to the human clanancestorplace, has been the tribulationair/Qienters the body, the mindlosesgreatly.
而等三人攻到人族祖地的时候,早已是劫气入体,心神大失了。Simply speaking, is the intelligence quotientstartsto reduce. Matter how in the pastregardless ofnot to do, veryoptionaldid, did not consider the consequencecompletely.
简单来说,就是智商开始降低。往常无论如何也不会做的事,很随意的就去做了,完全不考虑后果。At this time, threepeople of sensationstocrisis, has dropped to the freezing point, butthis, gaveFeng Zichento plantheiropportunities.
这时,三人对危机的感知,已经降至冰点,而这,就给了风紫宸算计祂们的机会。Thencausedthreepeople, makesFeng Zichen of deadfalse appearanceto happen.
这才导致了三人,制造风紫宸已死假象的这一幕发生。Nowadays, the DonghuaDaoistthreepeoplehave kicked the human clanancestorplace, human clandestinyrises suddenlyagainpartlybecomes, similarly, thisalsomeans,theirtribulationair/Qiwere heavier.
现如今,东华道人三人已经攻进了人族祖地,身上的人族气运再次暴涨半成,同样的,这也意味着,祂们身上的劫气更重了。ReadinFeng Zichenthegod of journeyslooks like, at presentthesethreepeopleare the tribulationair/Qienter the body, hoodwinkedreallyspirit, torefusing stubbornlyfar.
在风紫宸的这道神念看来,眼下这三人已是劫气入体,蒙蔽真灵,离死不远了。How longit is estimated thatcould not want, threepeoplewill attack brutally, thenput togetherthreeto defeatentirelyinjury. At the appointed time, Feng Zichencancome outto pick up a bargain.
估计要不了多久,三人就会大打出手,然后拼个三败俱伤。到时,风紫宸就可以出来捡便宜了。As for the present, good that sees a play, thinkswhile convenientmeansstop the footsteps that saintreturns.
至于现在,还是看戏的好,顺带的,想个办法阻拦圣人回归的脚步。At this time, cannotmakefiveSaintssee the appearance of DonghuaDaoistandZiyunDaoist. Otherwise, plan of Feng Zichen, butexposedcompletely.
这时候,可不能让五圣看到东华道人与紫云道人的模样。不然的话,风紫宸的计划,可就全部暴露了。Theirsituations, howcanhide the truth from the saintdiscernment.
After threepeopleenter the human clanancestor, according to the previousagreement, wrested away a placerespectively, cultivatesto liveto rest up.
三人进入人族祖地之后,按照先前的约定,各自霸占了一块地方,修生养息起来。In order towill readnext time, youcanclickbelow " collection " minute booktime( Chapter 788tyranthas died) readingrecord, next timewill turn on the bookshelfthento see!
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