The rear areas of ninechaosdemongods, the great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestoris, seesItsincarnationsuddenlyto startto burn.
九尊混沌魔神的后方,鸿钧道祖所在,就见祂的这尊化身突然开始燃烧起来。In a flash, turned into an extremelyhugestrength, allpoured into the murderinggodspear/gun in Itshand.
轰……At this moment, murders the body of godspear/gun, leaps the unprecedentedray, thatastonishingmurderous aurato fill the air, is better thanFeng Zichenand the others, wasfeelsfromtrembling of soul.
The beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortaldoes not refuse stubbornlyto extinguish, butis murderingin front of the godspear/gunat this moment, the peoplefelt the deathflavorunexpectedly, seemedmurders the godspear/gun to killthoroughlygeneralthem.
The misconception, oris not.
Regardless how saying that at this momentmurders the godspear/gun, is the incomparablegreat strength, perhapshas not cutto kill the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortalthoroughly the strength, butcanreadilymake the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortalfall from the skyabsolutely.
无论怎么说,此刻的弑神枪,都是无比的强大,或许没有彻底斩杀混元大罗金仙的力量,但绝对能轻易的让混元大罗金仙陨落。Otherwise, murders the godspear/gun unable to the peopleto bringthisfeeling.
否则的话,弑神枪不会给众人带来这种感觉。Otherdirections, tooone, Mother EarthandNüwaempressand the others, opened the card in a handrespectively, startsstronglystrikes, killstowardninechaosdemongods.
轰……WhatfirstbeginningisThree Pure Ones, sawShiyuanprofound three strength of representative the universeessence, gushed outfromtheirwithin the body, howling, is taking away as many things as possibletowardninechaosdemongods.
The Shiyuanprofoundstrengtherupted, in the moments, evolved the entireprocess that a sideuniverselivedto extinguish, that the strength and withuniverseendstrength of universeopening, just like the dreadfulmonstrous waves, enormous and powerful, strokedon the bodies of ninechaosdemongods.
始元玄之力爆发,于片刻之间,衍化一方宇宙生灭的全过程,那宇宙开辟之力、与宇宙终结之力,犹如滔天巨浪,浩浩荡荡,击打在九尊混沌魔神的身上。Howeverinstantaneously, was disillusionedtheiralldefenses.
不过瞬间,便破灭掉了祂们的所有防御。Onthis time, Feng Zichen and purpleslightlyGreat Emperorkilljointly, the light of immortalPangu, eruptsfromtheirbodies, tore the mortal bodies of ninechaosdemongods, letstheirbloodsplashingchaos.
After Feng Zichen and purpleslightlyGreat Emperormake a move, the chaosbell, the universecauldron, sixsamsaraplate and 12 grademeritgolden lotus, the EasternazureBaolianflag, the most precious objects of fivepowerful forcesrumblesimultaneously.风紫宸与紫微大帝出手之后,混沌钟、乾坤鼎、六道轮回盘、十二品功德金莲,东方青色宝莲旗,五件威力强大的至宝同时轰来。Rumble
轰隆隆Is above the strength of imaginationto erupt, made into the nihilityall.
超乎想象的力量爆发,将一切都打成了虚无。Was hit hardbythis, originallymortal bodytornchaosdemongod, at this moment, the physical bodyis thoroughly stave, explodesloudly, changes to the innumerablebrokenbones and flesh, scattersin the chaosbeyond the day.
受此重击,本就肉身被撕裂的混沌魔神,此刻,肉体彻底破碎,轰然爆开,化作无数的碎骨与血肉,散落在天外混沌之中。Isthis, thatninechaosdemongodshave not fallen from the skyas before.
就是这样,那九尊混沌魔神依旧没有陨落。No, shouldsay,suchattack, can only makethemcause heavy losses, does not injuretoits.
不,应该说,这样的攻击,只能让祂们重创,并不伤害到其根本。Because, after strengthtogreatlyLuoDaozun, although the mortal body is still very important, butactuallyno longerisbasic, innatedoes not extinguishreallyspirit, isallbases.
因为,实力到了大罗道尊之后,肉身虽然依旧很重要,但却不再是根本,先天不灭真灵,才是一切的根本。So long asinnatedoes not extinguishis really all rightspirit, thatbyheavywound, canrestorein the quickest time.
只要先天不灭真灵没事,那就是受再重的伤,也能在最快的时间内恢复。At this moment, the chaos of thatninechaosdemongodsdo not extinguishreallyspirit, hidein their shatterflesh, or a drop of blood, a brokenbone, or the hashed meat, has the possibilitytogether.
此刻,那九尊混沌魔神的混沌不灭真灵,就隐藏在祂们那破碎的血肉之中,或是一滴血,或是一块碎骨,亦或者一块碎肉,都有可能。In brief, theyin the waitingtime, preparewhile the peopledo not pay attention to the time, fleesthisplace.
The body of chaosdemongodarriveshugeinconceivable, trillionzhang (3.33 m), after being far more than stave, the fleshbrokenbone that turns intoisinnumerable.
混沌魔神的身体庞大到不可思议,何止亿万丈,破碎之后,所化成的血肉碎骨更是无数。Wantsinthesefragments, ninechaosdemongods who will hidereallyfoundspirit, the difficultycan be imagined.
想要在这些碎片之中,将隐藏起来的九尊混沌魔神真灵找到,难度可想而知。However, the peopledo not needto seek.
但是,众人也无需寻找了。Because, the sure-kills of their sidestruck.
The astonishingbloodlightfrommurdering the godspear/gunblooms, dark red, illuminated the past and presentin the future, variousTianwan, endlessspace and time.
刷……Butseeswipes the bloodlight flash, the chaosdisintegratesuddenly, the myriad thingsconverge the nihilityin the flash. Butmurders the godspear/gunto have the strength of incomparablemurdering, arrived by the ninechaosdemongodshatterbodies.
刷刷刷……Trillionbloodlightfrommurdering the godspear/gunbloom, takes away as many things as possibleoutward, is only the twinkling, thencoveredthisplace, turned into a blood-colorworld.
亿万道血光从弑神枪上绽放,向外席卷而去,仅是瞬息,便将此地笼罩,化成了一片血色的世界。Great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestor'sincarnation, beginning of the universetensingle layerdays the peerlessbigexpert, the bodyblood sacrificemurders the godspear/gunbyoneself, thespear/gun that just nowchanges, the mightcan be imagined.
鸿钧道祖的化身,混元十一重天的的绝世大高手,以自己之躯血祭弑神枪,方才换来的这一枪,威力可想而知。In the instance of thatblooderuption, Feng Zichenand other peoplerapiddrawing backto the one side, for fear thathas only stained the least bitbloodlight, was brought disaster.
在那血光爆发的瞬间,风紫宸等十人就已迅速的退至一旁,生怕沾上半点血光,受到殃及。Partly after making a sound, the bloodlightabates, the surroundingchaosreturn tograduallynormal. Seesto murder the strength of godspear/gunto exhaust, statichorizontally in chaosbeyondday.
半响之后,血光消退,周围的混沌渐渐恢复正常。就见弑神枪的力量已经耗尽,正静静的横在在天外混沌之中。But the flesh of ninechaosdemongods, had not been obliteratedbyit, stillhasthereas before, sends out the remarkablefluctuation.
而九尊混沌魔神的血肉,并未被其磨灭,依旧还存在那里,散发出惊人的波动。Intelligence that initsfleshcontains, was actually radicaldisappearance. Obviously, murders the godspear/gunthatto strike, has obliterated the chaos of theseninechaosdemongodsnot to extinguishthoroughlyreallyspirit.
好东西啊!Looks at the group of chaosdemongodflesh of floatinchaos, the peopleare very excited. Thisis the goodthing, ifoperatesappropriately, refiningseveralinnate supreme treasure is not a difficult matter.
看着漂浮在混沌之中的这团混沌魔神血肉,众人很是心动。这可是好东西啊,若是操作得当,炼制出几件先天至宝绝非难事。Looks atthisgroup of chaosdemongodflesh, the peopleexcitedthoughts of returning homemoves, actuallyno onedaresto beginto take.
只是,看着这团混沌魔神血肉,众人心动归心动,却没有一个人敢上手去拿。Becausegenerally, the flesh of thesechaosdemongods, have the use.
轰隆隆!Wasat this time, the chaosdeep place, inunknownvoid, whether there islastlightburst out, purplesparkling, performingwas obviously honoredanddignified.
就是这时,混沌深处,未知的虚空之中,有无上道光迸发,紫莹莹的,尽显尊贵与威严。Then, saw,at the same timelacked a say/waywheel of corner/horn, arrivesslowly.
然后,就见到,一面缺了一角的道轮,缓缓降临。In an instant, the chaosvibrate, a supremepressurefills the air, is indifferentandhonored, seemsMount Buzhouto pressin the heart of people, makingonebreathegets up.
刹那间,混沌震动,一股至高无上的威压弥漫开来,冷漠而又尊贵,好似不周山压在众人的心头,令人喘不过起来。„Has seen the Heavenly Dao!”
“见过天道!”Saw that lacked a say/waywheel of corner/hornto arrive, the peopleraised slightlyslightly, salute upon meetingsaid.
The Heavenly Dao, thatlacked a say/waywheel of corner/horn, impressively is the Heavenly Dao , he arrivedin the true sense for the first time.
天道,那缺了一角的道轮,赫然便是天道,祂真正意义上的,第一次降临了。Thatwheel, is the main body of Heavenly Dao, whyas forwill lack an corner/horn, is symbolizing the Heavenly Dao not entire, notcomplete.
那道轮,正是天道的本体,至于为何会缺了一角,正是象征着天道不全,不曾圆满。One that an corner/horn that lacks, runs away, all living things the opportunity of being aloof.
If no one that thisruns away, the Heavenly Daowill be perfect, thatgreat antiquityworldallsince birth, will be under the rule of Heavenly Dao.
若无这遁去的一,天道就会完美无缺,那洪荒天地的所有生来,都将处于天道的统治之下。Thisis a veryfearfulmatter, because, thisexplained,fromyoubeing bornsince that moment, aboutyourfuture, yourachievement, yourdeath, had been doomedby the Heavenly Dao.
这是很可怕的一件事,因为,这说明,从你出生的那一刻起,关于你的未来,你的成就,你的死亡,都已被天道注定。Allwill defer to the Heavenly Daoto walkfor the script that youplan.
一切都将按照天道为你规划的剧本走下去。Firstduplicate/restoresfirst, forevernotuniqueopportunity.
The Pangubiggodmercy, is not willingto seethis, thisat the beginning ofepoch-making, came an axeto the Heavenly Dao, makingItno longerperfect, runs awayitsone.
盘古大神慈悲,不愿看到这一幕,这在开天辟地之初,给天道来了一斧头,让祂不再完美,遁去其一。Isthisrunning awayone, makingall living thingshave a uniquepossibility.
就是这个遁去的一,让众生有了一线超脱的可能。If notso, great antiquityworldnotbirthbeginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal.
The beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal, isunique, was aloof the destinyriver, was aloof the space and timeriver, was aloof the great antiquityworld.
混元大罗金仙,就是超脱者,超脱了命运长河,超脱了时空长河,超脱了洪荒天地。Isexistence that the Heavenly Daomostis not willingto see!
After the Heavenly Daoarrives, has not looked atpeopleoneeyes, butlooked at the visionto the flesh of chaosdemongod.
天道降临之后,并未看众人一眼,只是将目光看向了混沌魔神的血肉。At present, to the Heavenly Dao, the flesh of ninechaosdemongods, ismost important, so long asswallowsit, absorbedtheirsource, thatwill be hardto imagine the advantage that forgreat antiquityworldbringinevitably.
眼下,对天道来说,九尊混沌魔神的血肉,才是最重要的,只要将其吞噬,吸收了祂们的本源,那势必会为洪荒天地带来难以想象的好处。Wasrestoresera the magnificentprosperous times, was not good.
就是恢复成上古时代的辉煌盛世,也不是不行。Compared with the brilliant future of great antiquityworld, Heavenly DaoFeng Zichentenpeople, seemedinsignificant.
与洪荒天地的辉煌未来相比,天道身边的风紫宸十人,就显得无足轻重了。High and lowsized upfleshoneeyes of thesechaosdemongods, the Heavenly Daorotatedsuddenly, an incomparablyhugesuctionalsosent out, is coercing the flesh of thesechaosdemongods, entered the interior of Heavenly Daowheel.
上下打量了这些混沌魔神的血肉一眼,天道忽然转动起来,一股无比庞大的吸力随之发出,裹挟着这些混沌魔神的血肉,进入了天道道轮的内部。ButFeng Zichenand the others, is gazing atallsilently.
而风紫宸等人,则是默默的注视着一切。Theyhave not moved the flesh of thesechaosdemongods , because theyknow, thesefleshalreadyby the Heavenly Daoscheduled.
祂们之所以没动这些混沌魔神的血肉,就是因为祂们知道,这些血肉已经被天道预定了。Iftheydare the fingers/tiger mouthto seize the food, on that daydid not mindto tellthem, whatcontrolforgreat antiquityworld.
祂们要是敢虎口夺食的话,那天道也不介意告诉祂们,何为洪荒天地的主宰。As for the Heavenly Dao the matter that theypaid attention, Feng Zichenand the othershas not been unalarmed by strange sights.
The Heavenly Daois a brutalprocedure/program, except for the great antiquityworld, in the eyedoes not haveotheragain, anyexists, regardless of the strong and weak, is in his eyes same, is the ants.
天道就是一段无情的程序而已,除了洪荒天地,眼里再无其它,任何存在,无论强弱,在祂眼里都是一样的,都是蝼蚁。Even if the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal, in the eye of Heavenly Dao , is just slightlypowerfulpointants.
哪怕是混元大罗金仙,在天道的眼里,也只不过是稍微强大一点的蝼蚁罢了。Moreover, counted on that a procedure/programregards with a special fondnessaboutyou, doesn't thathave the problem?
另外,指望一段程序对你另眼相待,那不是有毛病吗?Ifwhichday, the Heavenly Daohadownfondness, suddenlyfavoredaboutFeng Zichenand the others, their firstresponse, was not happy, butis the fear.
要是哪一天,天道有了自己的喜好,突然对风紫宸等人青睐起来,那祂们的第一反应,绝不是高兴,而是害怕。My goodness, brutallynotwants, toDukesuddenlyhadownfondnessto the Heavenly Dao, didn't thatwant the misdemeanor? Henceforth the orderdoes not save, the great antiquityworldleaves the destruction is not far.
好家伙,无情无欲,至公至正的天道忽然有了自己的喜好,那不是要坏事了吗?从此秩序不存,洪荒天地离毁灭也就不远了。Moreover, the worldprinciplewill not allowthissituationto happen. Although the worldprinciplesubmits tounder the Heavenly Dao, butit can also keep in balance the Heavenly Dao.
另外,天地法则也不会允许这种情况发生。天地法则虽然臣服在天道之下,但其本身也能制衡天道。OnceHeavenly Daobirthspiritwisdom, on that dayprinciplegoodobviously, puts togethercompletelyallwriting offHeavenly Dao the spiritwisdom, thusmaintains the order of great antiquityworld.
The worldis swallowing the flesh of chaosdemongod, Feng Zichenand the othershas not been idling, theyare staring at the Heavenly Daoin that diligentlyItsformbrand markinownheart.
天地在吞噬混沌魔神的血肉,风紫宸等人也没闲着,祂们就在那盯着天道,努力的将祂的身影烙印在自己的心底。Cracking a joke, thatis the Heavenly Dao, the marriages of great antiquityallprinciples, the whole bodyis the worldhighest good.
开玩笑,那可是天道,洪荒所有法则的结合体,全身都是天地至理。OnItrandomrune/symbolwriting, canevolve a innateDaoist scripture, createsgreatlyLuoDaozun.
The main body of Heavenly Dao, is the great antiquitybiggestchance, ifcancomprehenditcompletely, don'tsaid that wasnotenormousgold/metalimmortal, waslimitlessabove the boundary of good fortune, was notcannot the achievement.
天道的本体,就是洪荒最大的机缘,若能将其完全领悟,莫说是无极大罗金仙了,就是无极之上的造化之境,也不是不能成就。Now, the main body of Heavenly Daoarrivespersonally, may be called the great antiquitybiggestchance.
The peopleare predestined friendssee, naturallyis the completelymaximumeffort, the formbrand mark of Heavenly Daowheelin the heart, canremembermanyremembersmany, cannotwastethischance.
众人有缘一见,自然是尽自己最大的努力,将天道道轮的身影烙印在心底,能记住多少就记住多少,万万不能浪费了此次机缘。Thischance, mayexplain religious doctrine more precious than the ancestor.
这场机缘,可比道祖讲道珍贵多了。Mentionedwas also a pity, thesegreat antiquitybigmagical powersnownothere, otherwise, iftheywere predestined friendsseeone side a Heavenly Daowheel, thatwas away fromitsachievementbeginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal, is not far.
只是可惜了!In the Feng Zichenknowledgesea, a primordial chaosbellis vibratingfast, air/Qi of crazysurgingprimordial chaos, the unceasingsimulation the appearance of Heavenly Daowheel, the desireItsall, records.风紫宸的识海之中,鸿蒙道钟快速的震动着,鸿蒙之气疯狂的涌动,不断的模拟成天道道轮的样子,欲将祂的一切,都记录下来。Butwhen a primordial chaosbellbrand markHeavenly Daoround of form, Feng Zichensuddenly from grasping principleswakes.
而就在鸿蒙道钟烙印天道道轮身影的时候,风紫宸突然从悟道之中醒了过来。Then, sawItto size upall aroundonequietly, saw the others, during immersedis grasping principles, thisrelaxes.
然后,就见祂悄悄的打量了四周一眼,见余下众人,都沉浸在悟道之中,这才松了一口气。Then, seesItto searchto actcautiously, beyondchaosdeep placetowardday, a chaosembryo that onlysavesgrasps.
接着,就见祂小心翼翼的探出手来,朝着天外混沌深处,那仅存的一个混沌胚胎抓去。Has saying that is also the Feng Zichenfateis good, the warhence, even the chaosdemongodswere hitspiritare really disillusioned. Butthatninechaosembryo, can actually preserveone.
不得不说,也是风紫宸的运道好,大战至此,连混沌魔神都被打得真灵破灭。可那九尊混沌胚胎,却是得以保全了一个。Inthis, althoughthere is an function of Feng Zichenspeciallymaintenance, what are moreis the luckmakes it so.
这里面,虽有风紫宸特意维护的作用,但更多的还是运气使然。Has saying that the chaos are really the Feng Zichenparadise, inchaos, Itveryeasilycangain the advantage, compared in the great antiquityworld, were too easily many.
不得不说,混沌果真是风紫宸的福地,在混沌之中,祂很轻易的就能获得好处,比在洪荒天地之中,轻易太多了。Had the chaosembryo, from now onItwill not lack the innateominousbeastagain. The chaosembryoplacedsizes upa whileat presentsilently, Feng Zichenthenitto receive.
有了混沌胚胎,今后祂就不会再缺先天凶兽了。将混沌胚胎放在眼前打量一会儿,风紫宸便默默的将其收了起来。Then, reveresto pass on the sound saidto the human clannumeroussay/way, assigns/lifethemto startto capture alive the innateominousbeast.
然后,又向人族众道尊传音道,命祂们开始活捉先天凶兽。Without the chaosembryo, the innateominousbeastthenhard to bring aboutclimate, the peoplecoped withthemto get upagain, will be without doubt more relaxed, thisgave the human clansay/wayto revereto capture alive the possibility of innateominousbeast.
没了混沌胚胎,先天凶兽便再难成气候,众人对付它们起来,也无疑会轻松许多,这就给了人族道尊活捉先天凶兽的可能。Againlater, Feng Zichenlooked at a Heavenly Dao, seesithalf to leavefor a while, theninformedbigmagical powers of one's own side.
再之后,风紫宸看了一眼天道,见其一时半会不会离开,遂又通知了己方的大神通者。Three Sovereignsfive emperors, river of the netherworldoldancestorsand the others, makingthemfastcatch up withthisplace, has a lookwhether to rub1chance.
如三皇五帝、冥河老祖等人,让祂们速速赶来此地,看看能否蹭上一点机缘。Iftheirspeedsare fastenough, perhapsthat can also seeHeavenly Daolast, thisregardingthem who will soon break throughto become the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal, without doubtis a hugeadvantage.
若是祂们的速度够快,那兴许还能看到天道最后一眼,这对于即将突破成为混元大罗金仙的祂们来说,无疑是件天大的好处。Perhaps, the finalshooting that theymiss, will therefore then break.
说不定,祂们差的最后临门一脚,便会因此破开。Oh, the chancehas toldthem, as forthemwhether to catch up, looked attheir respectivegood fortunes.
唉,机缘已经告诉祂们了,至于祂们能否赶来,就看祂们各自的造化了。Feng Zichencompletely the human affairs, then, had listened to the destiny.风紫宸已经尽了人事,接下来,就听天命吧。
…………Butwhenchaosobserving and emulatingHeavenly Dao of Feng Zichenbeyondday, ingreat antiquityworld, waralsonearlast act.
The DonghuaDaoists and ZiyunDaoists, the godthreepeople, personallylead the army, attacks a cityto seize territory, quick, projected on the entrance of human clanancestorplace.
东华道人、紫云道人,神三人,亲自率领大军,一路攻城略地,很快的,就打到了人族祖地的门口。Here, threepeoplewith irresistible force, encountered the hindrancefinally, andunprecedentedhindrance, howregardless oftheyattack, cannot the advanceslightest.
在这里,一路势如破竹的三人,终于遇到了阻碍,且还是前所未有的阻碍,无论祂们如何进攻,都是不能前进分毫。Even, do not attack a city after severaltimes, theyinsteadloseseriously. The frontlossaddscompletely, many of herenot having lost.
The human clanmainstrength, allbuilt upinthisplace, was determinedto resistat risk of life , can threegroups of rebel armiescontendcan it be thatjointly?人族主要的力量,全都集结在了此地,决心拼死抵抗,又岂是三路叛军联手所能抗衡的?
The so-calledlossis serious, a human clansideis receivingresult, otherwise, the human clanarmyis uneven, cangive a drawthreegroups of rebel armiesdirectly.
所谓的损失惨重,还是人族一方收着的结果,不然的话,人族大军齐出,直接就能将三路叛军给趟平了。However, a human clansidehas not done that they, waited for first Heavenly Daoto revere the return, whentheiryour majestyissues the order that fights a decisive battlefinally.
不过,人族一方并没有这么做,他们在等,等先天道尊们的归来,等他们的陛下下达最终决战的命令。So, theywill send out, tramples flat the rebel armyat one fell swoop.
如此,他们才会出动,一举踏平叛军。Nowadays, sinceyour majestymakesthemhold troops, theystay here, accompanying the rebel armyplays is also good.
现如今,陛下既然让他们按兵不动,那他们就留在这里,陪叛军玩玩也是不错的。To be honest, these days of defense, herehuman clanreallyenlarges ones vision.
说实话,守城的这些天,这里的人族真是开了眼。Threegroups of rebel armiestoaskas soon as possiblebrokencity, was really whatmeansuses, variousstrangemagical powers, the capable persondifferentgentleman, might be calledemerges one after another incessantly.
三路叛军为求尽快破城,真是什么办法都用上了,各种诡异神通,能人异士,堪称层出不穷。Thatall sorts ofmethods, makingthisplacehuman clanloudlyshoutsatisfy a craving.
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