GDSP :: Volume #8

#793: Pangu mark

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Was built up completely the magic weapon, waits, if clone of master, no one is basically able to win. 完全被炼化的法宝,等若主人的分身,基本上谁也无法夺走。 Had not been built up completely magic weapon, was different, so long as got others' brand mark, that then had the seized possibility. 可未曾被完全炼化的法宝,就不一样了,只要被打上了别人的烙印,那便有了被夺走的可能。 Fellow Daoist, please!” “道友,请!” Sees Feng Zichen not to act for a very long time, Yuan Shi Tian Zun spoke the reminder to say. 风紫宸久久没有动作,元始天尊出言提醒道。 Good, makes me ask for advice, this great antiquity's first murders the most precious object the might.” Deep looked at a Yuan Shi Tian Zun, Feng Zichen took a step to enter in the Pangu streamer. “好,就让寡人来领教一下,这洪荒第一杀伐至宝的威力。”深深的看了一眼元始天尊,风紫宸迈步走进了盘古幡之中。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Enters the Pangu streamer, the air/Qi of that purple black day evil deity, then blots out the sky general wells up toward Feng Zichen. 一进入盘古幡,那紫黑色的都天神煞之气,便铺天盖地一般的朝风紫宸涌来。 If trades to be others, saw the air/Qi of this day evil deity, feared that is fearful and apprehensive, hurries to resist. 若是换做别人,见了这都天神煞之气,怕是要心惊胆战,慌忙抵抗。 But Feng Zichen is different, sees Its opens the mouth to attract, air/Qi of the day evil deity will well up, all swallows into the abdomen. 风紫宸不同,就见祂张口一吸,生生的将涌来的都天神煞之气,悉数吞入腹中。 Feng Zichen of retrogradation negotiated price ancient road body, has not feared the air/Qi of day evil deity. 早已逆反成盘古道体的风紫宸,根本就不怕都天神煞之气。 To others, the air/Qi of day evil deity possibly is in world great fearful strength, but to him, but is the tonic. 对别人来说,都天神煞之气可能是世间一等一的可怕力量,可对祂来说,不过是补品罢了。 After the air/Qi of day evil deity, is epoch-making chaos swords light/only, sees them to sentence to beheading sufficiently from the depth of day world, dense and numerous, countless. 都天神煞之气之后,是一道道足以开天辟地的混沌剑光,就见它们从都天世界的深处斩来,密密麻麻,数之不尽。 Does not dare to be negligent, Feng Zichen offers a sacrifice to ten thousand spirit crowns directly, dangles 72 profound light, oneself will protect firmly. 不敢大意,风紫宸直接祭起万灵冠,垂下七十二道玄光,将自己牢牢的保护起来。 Meanwhile, the purple house swords and ten thousand Jiantu these two best quality goods innate spirit treasure, are coordinating the innate supreme treasure humane emperor imperial seal, under the stimulation of movement of Feng Zichen, crazy goes toward the front bang. 同时,紫宸剑、万剑图这两件极品先天灵宝,配合着先天至宝人道帝玺,在风紫宸的催动下,疯狂的向着前方轰去。 The Pangu streamer is not the primal chaos chart, copes with it, Feng Zichen may not have the help of primal chaos old ancestor, wants to break through, only has the use brute force. 盘古幡不是太极图,对付它,风紫宸可没有太极老祖的帮助,想要破关,唯有使用蛮力。 Moreover, only destroys from the interior also insufficiently, but must use outside a plate the move. 而且,仅从内部破坏还不够,还得用点盘外招。 In Feng Zichen in the day world, crazy swaying magical powers, outside world, is not tranquil. 就在风紫宸于都天世界之中,疯狂的挥洒神通时,外界,也不平静。 That is hanging in sealing ten thousand Shentu on spirit table, suddenly soars, in direction that the Pangu streamer is, hit ruthlessly. 那悬挂在封神台上的万神图,突然腾空而起,朝着盘古幡所在的方向,狠狠是撞了过去。 The present numerous god chart, that may be extraordinary. Ten thousand god homing, making the Shintoism destiny complete, then as Shintoism ten thousand Shentu of treasure of destiny, the might naturally is also following when production costs rise, prices rise too. 如今的众神图,那可了不得了。万神归位,使得神道气运圆满,那作为神道的气运之宝的万神图,威力自然也是跟着水涨船高。 Its this eruption, under in addition of Shintoism destiny holds, the might is on par sufficiently innate supreme treasure . 它这一爆发,在神道气运的加持之下,威力足以比肩先天至宝 But when ten thousand Shentu hits to the Pangu streamer, the world also vibrates, the innate swordsmanship lets fall loudly, turns into an invisible divine sword, cut distantly to the Pangu streamer. 而就在万神图撞向盘古幡的时候,天地也随之震动起来,先天剑道轰然垂落,化成一把无形神剑,遥遥斩向了盘古幡。 Not and Yuan Shi Tian Zun had responded, ten thousand Shentu and innate swordsmanship, have cut simultaneously on the body of Pangu streamer. 未及元始天尊有所反应,万神图与先天剑道,已经同时斩在了盘古幡的身上。 Brushing...... 刷…… Sensation to danger, the body of Pangu streamer, spontaneous leaps the endless ray, changes to makes the chaos sword light one after another, cuts to two treasures that rumbled. 感知到危险,盘古幡的身上,自发的腾起无尽光芒,化做一道又一道的混沌剑光,斩向了轰来的两宝。 Of bang, world entire world simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform is shocked, the space and time seemed stagnated, an unequalled strength erupted, is centered on the Pangu streamer, toward took away as many things as possible in all directions. 轰的一声,天地寰宇齐齐震动,时空都好似凝滞了,一股无与伦比的力量爆发,以盘古幡为中心,向着四面八方席卷而去。 The place visited, the space is layer upon layer stave, the regular order collapses one after another, all are disillusioned, toward without condition transforms. 其所过之处,空间层层破碎,规则秩序接连崩溃,一切都在破灭,向着无的状态转变。 Sees this, in surrounded people heart one startled, various methods, extinguish this magical powers complementary waves hastily. 看到这一幕,围观的众人不由心中一惊,连忙各施手段,将这股神通余波消弭。 But to the bang, ten thousand Shentu and innate swordsmanship was all flown by shaking ruthlessly. 而在对轰过后,万神图与先天剑道皆是被狠狠的震飞了出去。 As for the Pangu streamer, the change that outside seemingly there is no, but its, in the day world, is overwhelming. 至于盘古幡,外面看似没有任何的变化,可其内部,都天世界之中,却是翻江倒海起来。 In the heart moves, Feng Zichen seizes the opportunity, stimulates to movement the humane emperor imperial seal full power, changes to the giant Pangu phalanx, selects ruthlessly toward the day world. 心中一动,风紫宸抓住机会,全力催动人道帝玺,化作巨大的盘古指骨,朝着都天世界狠狠点去。 Inexplicable, the Pangu phalanx seems with some type of thing of day world deep place, obtained the resonance. Then, sees the black light to depart together, with Pangu phalanx fusion in one. 莫名的,盘古指骨好似与都天世界深处的某样东西,取得了共鸣。然后,就见一道乌光飞出,与盘古指骨融合在了一起。 Instantaneously, the might of Pangu phalanx, promoted a big truncation unexpectedly. 瞬间,盘古指骨的威力,竟是提升了一大截。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! But sees under this direction, the day world point will have a hole. 但见这一指点下,生生的将都天世界点出了一个窟窿。 Walks!” “走!” Does not dare to hesitate, inspects the situation of humane emperor imperial seal without enough time, Feng Zichen receives all treasures, then turns into together the purple light, drills into the crack of that day world, flushes away toward the outside world. 不敢犹豫,也来不及检查人道帝玺的情况,风紫宸一把收起所有的宝物,便化成一道紫光,钻入那都天世界的裂缝中,向着外界冲去。 ...... …… The outside world, the people just now subside that magical powers complementary waves, sees the Feng Zichen form, flushed from the Pangu streamer. 外界,众人才刚将那股神通余波平息,就见风紫宸的身影,从盘古幡中冲了出来。 Genesis fellow daoist, receiving let!” “元始道友,承让了!” Leisurely however arrives at the front of Yuan Shi Tian Zun, Feng Zichen as before modest saying. 施施然的走到元始天尊的面前,风紫宸依旧谦虚的说道。 It is now happy, because of not breaking the Pangu streamer, because the change of humane emperor imperial seal. 祂现在心情很好,不是因为破开盘古幡,而是因为人道帝玺的变化。 In a moment ago, Feng Zichen had discovered, black light who then gushes out from the day world deep place, is a wisp of Pangu mark. 就在刚才,风紫宸已经发现,那从都天世界深处涌出的乌光,乃是一缕盘古印记。 After this wisp of Pangu mark and Pangu phalanx fuses, is enables only to remain a Pangu phalanx of body unexpectedly, had a plate ancient road rhyme. 当这缕盘古印记与盘古指骨融合之后,竟是使得原先仅剩一副躯壳的盘古指骨,重新具备了一丝盘古道韵。 Only this point, makes the might of Pangu phalanx double sufficiently. 仅此一点,就足以使得盘古指骨的威力翻上一番。 Let alone, after has the plate ancient road rhyme, the Pangu phalanx then thing turned into living from dying thing, had the possibility that continues to grow. 就更别说,重新具备盘古道韵之后,盘古指骨便从“死”物变成了“活”物,拥有了继续成长的可能。 Originally at the invitation of Yuan Shi Tian Zun, rushed to Pangu streamer a time, has not thought actually, but can also obtain the chance from inside, can Feng Zichen not be happy? 本来只是应元始天尊之邀,闯了一次盘古幡,倒是没想到,还能从里面获得机缘,风紫宸能不高兴吗? Fellow Daoist is really the good method!” Receives the Pangu streamer, Yuan Shi Tian Zun is black a face to say. “道友真是好手段!”收起盘古幡,元始天尊黑着一张脸说道。 It has not thought, Feng Zichen will choose from the outside world unexpectedly attacks the Pangu streamer. For a while does not observe, this asked It to run. Otherwise, Yuan Shi Tian Zun must refine while still alive It in the Pangu streamer inadequate. 祂也没想到,风紫宸竟会选择从外界攻击盘古幡。一时不察,这才叫祂跑了出来。不然的话,元始天尊非得将祂活活炼死在盘古幡里不成。 Polite, polite!” Happy Feng Zichen, when all has not heard the taunt in Yuan Shi Tian Zun words, said toward Its polite returning. “客气,客气!”心情很好的风紫宸,全当没听到元始天尊话里的嘲讽,朝祂客气的回道。 Snort!” Sees this, Yuan Shi Tian Zun cold snort/hum bitterly, turned around to draw back to general. “哼!”见此,元始天尊恨恨的冷哼了一声,转身退至一般。 Then, has not waited for the Feng Zichen opens the mouth, the exceedingly high founder then stood, said toward It: Cancels Chen fellow daoist, the next pass/test then set the topic by this poor Daoist.” 然后,未等风紫宸开口,通天教主便站了出来,朝祂说道:“勾陈道友,下一关便是由贫道来出题了。” Also asked saint to grant instruction.” Restrains the smile, Feng Zichen serious returning said. “还请圣人赐教。”收敛起笑容,风紫宸严肃的回道。 Beckons with the hand, the exceedingly high founder said with a smile: „It is not anxious, is not anxious, cancels Chen fellow daoist even/including two passes/tests, loses decides however big. This poor Daoist have no intention to occupy the fellow daoist to be cheap, first waits for the fellow daoist to restore 12, sets the topic again.” 摆了摆手,通天教主笑道:“不急,不急,勾陈道友连过两关,损耗定然不小。贫道无意占道友便宜,就先等道友恢复一二,再行出题。” hears word, Feng Zichen has not rejected, silently swallows the innate source to restore. Just like passed the Heavenly Dao main saying that including breaking two passes/tests, Its consumption was very big, has almost not remained many strengths. 闻言,风紫宸也没拒绝,默默的吞噬先天本源恢复起来。正如通天道主所说,连破两关,祂的消耗很大,几乎没剩多少力量了。 Especially in primal chaos chart epoch-making, almost pressed out to do It half of strengths. 尤其是在太极图内开天辟地,几乎榨干了祂一半的力量。 ...... …… „The difficult problem of exceedingly high founder, most likely (80%) executes immortal sword.” Feng Zichen restores, while silently wants to say. “通天教主的难题,八成就是诛仙剑阵了。”风紫宸一边恢复,一边默默的想道。 The topic that too clear saint sets is the primal chaos chart, the topic that Yuan Shi Tian Zun sets is the Pangu streamer, if no accident/surprise, the topic that the exceedingly high founder sets should executes immortal sword. 太清圣人出的题是太极图,元始天尊出的题是盘古幡,若无意外,通天教主出的题应该就是诛仙剑阵了。 This probably was the most difficult pass/test. 这大概就是最难的一关了。 So long as broke executed immortal sword, other receiving and instructing proposed two Saints certainly, then nothing to be afraid. 只要破了诛仙剑阵,余下的接引准提二圣,便不足为惧。 However, this executes immortal sword, feared that not quite broken. Said it actually not compared with primal chaos Pangu streamer, because executes an immortal sword particularity. 不过,这诛仙剑阵,怕是不好破了。倒不是说它比太极图盘古幡强,而是因为诛仙剑阵的特殊性。 The world mentioned executes immortal sword, feared that only knows this murdered unparalleled, the non- four Saints cannot break. But actually some people know, executing immortal sword besides is kills, is one trapped/sleepy. 世人提及诛仙剑阵,怕是只知道此阵杀伐无双,非四圣不可破。但却鲜少有人知道,诛仙剑阵除了是杀阵之外,更是一门困阵。 The so-called non- four Saints cannot break, can definitely change a way to understand. Four Saints collaborate, can break executed immortal sword. If Three Saints does collaborate? Can't break to execute immortal sword, Three Saints can be stranded in the strategy cannot come out? 所谓非四圣不可破,完全可以换种方式理解。四圣联手,方能破了诛仙剑阵。那要是三圣联手呢?破不了诛仙剑阵,三圣会不会被困在阵法里出不来? Breaks through the formation, the difficulty will be able be imagined, cannot do well will fall into the strategy. But how long the exceedingly high founder does not need to surround Feng Zichen, only takes hundred years, this fought is It wins. 一个破阵,难度可想而知,搞不好就会陷入阵法之中。而通天教主也无需困住风紫宸多久,只需百年,这一战便算是祂赢了。 Is moved, all sorts of laws of breaking through the formation flash through from the Feng Zichen mind, actually by Its 11 vetoes. 动念间,种种破阵之法从风紫宸的脑海之中闪过,却都被祂一一否决了。 Executing immortal sword not quite broken! 诛仙剑阵不好破啊! Finally, after waiting for the Feng Zichen strength fully to restore, cannot find out any good way. 最后,等风紫宸的实力完全恢复之后,也没能想出什么好的办法。 And yet, could not tow. 可眼下,也拖不下去了。 Yeah! 哎! Sighed, 叹了口气, Feng Zichen decided finally, whole-heartedly. 风紫宸最终决定,全力以赴。 Who said one person unable to break to execute immortal sword? Initially the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor three corpses were uneven, didn't break by one's effort executed immortal sword? 谁言一人破不了诛仙剑阵?当初鸿钧道祖三尸齐出,不就是以一己之力破了诛仙剑阵吗? Although said the ancestor to cheat, but that also in one's effort broken strategy. Saying the ancestor can achieve, Its Feng Zichen can also certainly achieve, who was worse than whom. 虽说道祖作了弊,但那也是以一己之力破的阵法。道祖能做到,祂风紫宸也一定能做到,谁还比谁差了。 Moreover, who said that Feng Zichen won't cheat? 而且,谁说风紫宸就不会作弊了? Executes the immortal four swords, but sword! 要知道,诛仙四剑可是剑啊! Even if they are innate supreme treasure , that is also a sword, must receive the Feng Zichen this great antiquity sword ancestor's restraint. 哪怕它们是先天至宝,那也是剑,要受到风紫宸这个洪荒剑祖的克制。 If cannot coerce ten thousand sword, how Feng Zichen did say by the sword ancestor? 若不能压服万剑,风紫宸何以以剑祖自称? ...... …… Also asked saint to grant instruction!” Stands up, Feng Zichen said toward the exceedingly high founder. “还请圣人赐教!”站起身来,风紫宸朝通天教主说道。 Takes out executes the immortal four swords, the exceedingly high founder said: „To come, cancelling Chen fellow daoist also guesses correctly the topic that this poor Daoist must set. Right, executes immortal sword.” 取出诛仙四剑,通天教主说道:“想来,勾陈道友也是猜出贫道要出的题目了。没错,就是诛仙剑阵。” This poor Daoist arranges to execute immortal sword in this, does not need the fellow daoist to break through the formation, only treats for hundred years later, the fellow daoist can go out from, then calculates that the fellow daoist won.” “贫道在此摆下诛仙剑阵,也无需道友破阵,只待百年之后,道友能从阵中走出,便算道友赢了。” Otherwise, was this poor Daoist wins.” “反之,便是贫道赢了。” The exceedingly high founder has not made Feng Zichen break through the formation, but makes It burst into the enemy lines, the difficulty dropped without doubt much. 通天教主没有让风紫宸破阵,只是让祂闯阵,难度无疑下降了不少。 Exceedingly high founder, if really sincere person. 通天教主,果真实诚人也。 Breaks through the formation, Feng Zichen does not have the big assurance, assurance that but bursts into the enemy lines, It has. 破阵,风紫宸没多大把握,但闯阵的把握,祂还是有的。 Thanked saint!” Expresses gratitude to the exceedingly high founder, Feng Zichen said: Also invited the saint set up formation.” “谢圣人!”向通天教主道了声谢,风紫宸说道:“还请圣人布阵。” Said, says.” Smiled one, listens to the exceedingly high founder to discuss: Non- copper non- iron also not steel, once hid under Mt. Xumi. Does not need the Yin-Yang inversion to refine, how to have the water and fire to quench the point?” “好说,好说。”笑了一声,就听通天教主念道:“非铜非铁亦非钢,曾在须弥山下藏。不用阴阳颠倒炼,岂无水火淬锋芒?” Executes the immortal advantage, unites the immortal to perish, the falling immortal has the red light everywhere, immortal countless changes are certainly wonderful, the big Luo supernatural entity blood dyes the clothes.” “诛仙利,戮仙亡,陷仙到处起红光,绝仙变化无穷妙,大罗神仙血染裳。” With the singing sound of exceedingly high founder, executes the immortal four swords with executing an immortal chart departs from Its within the body, among in unfolds slowly. 伴随着通天教主的歌声,诛仙四剑与诛仙阵图从祂体内飞出,于两人中间缓缓铺开。 Instantaneously, in the world, inexhaustible killing intent fills the air, dyed the dark-red the vault of heaven, caused in the people heart on the scene one cold. 瞬间,天地之间,无穷无尽的杀意弥漫,将天穹都染成了暗红色,使得在场众人不由心中一寒。 Four blood-color long swords appear slowly, are placed the world four directions, under sword affecting, its sword intent gradually links up into a single stretch. 四把血色长剑缓缓浮现,分列天地四方,在剑阵的牵动下,其剑意逐渐连成一片。 Brushing...... 刷…… But sees together the blood light flash, a side blood-color world, appears in Feng Zichen suddenly at present. That is executes immortal sword, one of the great antiquity three big strategies! 但见一道血光闪过,一方血色世界,骤然出现在风紫宸的眼前。那就是诛仙剑阵,洪荒三大阵法之一! Since demon ancestor Luo Hou falls from the sky, executes immortal sword then not to show again. 自魔祖罗睺陨落之后,诛仙剑阵便再未示人。 At this moment, to cope with Feng Zichen, past vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered antique invincible execution immortal sword, again before the world, exposed the point. 此刻,为了对付风紫宸,昔日纵横太古无敌的诛仙剑阵,再一次的在世人面前,展露了锋芒。 ps:, I renewed three chapters. Heard that explodes has the monthly ticket, has to hit to enjoy, has the hegemon, has the silver pledge, has the golden pledge, does not know real. ps:没想到吧,我更新了三章。听说爆更有月票,有打赏,有盟主,有白银盟,有黄金盟,也不知道是不是真的。
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