In a flash, hundredyears of timehas crossed, the countlessinnateominousbeast, underninebigchaosdemongods'orders, startedto launch the impact on the great antiquityworld.
转瞬间,百年时光已过,不计其数的先天凶兽,在九大混沌魔神的命令下,开始向洪荒天地发起了冲击。Butafterhundredyears of building up, a great antiquityworldside, recruited more than 3000greatlyLuoDaozun, before the boundlessstarry sky, formed a firmdefense line, toresist the invasion of innateominousbeast.
而经过百年时间的集结,洪荒天地一方,足足征召了三千余尊大罗道尊,在无垠星空之前,形成了一道坚固的防线,以抵御先天凶兽的入侵。To be honest, the great antiquityworldtrulydeclined.
说实话,洪荒天地确实没落了。AllbigLuoDaozunput together, unexpectedlyalso more than 4000. Thisquantity, compares favorablywith the monsterclanpeak.
所有的大罗道尊加在一起,竟然也才不过四千余尊。这个数量,也才不过与妖族巅峰时期相媲美。Thisdecline, is a little scary.
这没落的,有点吓人。Does not removein the great antiquityworld, still some LuoDaozunhidgreatly, the possibility of responding to a callnot having come.
不排除洪荒天地之中,仍旧有部分大罗道尊隐藏,没有应召而来的可能。ButevenhasLuoDaozunto hidegreatly, can many, calculateIts1000. Puts together , more than 5000.
但就算有大罗道尊隐藏,又能有多少,算祂有一千尊。加在一起,也才不过五千余尊。BigLuoDaozun of thisquantity, with the great antiquityworldpeak, over ten thousandLuoDaozuncoexistscompared withfullygreatly the grand occasion of first, without doubtdeclinedare too many.
这个数量的大罗道尊,与洪荒天地巅峰时期,足有上万尊大罗道尊共存一世的盛况相比,无疑没落太多了。Looks atfront more than 4000greatlyLuoDaozun, in the heart of people, not onlynothappy, insteadraisedseveralpoints of endingmeaning.
The great antiquityworldis going down hill, continuously for a long time hencewill get down, the spiritual cultivationenvironmentfeared that iswill be getting more and more difficult. So the situation, can the worldalsobreed the newbeginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal?
洪荒天地正在走下坡路,长此以往下去,修道环境怕是会越来越难。如此情况,天地还能蕴育出新的混元大罗金仙吗?Readandhence, in the heart of manybigmagical powers, castshadow.
念及至此,众多大神通者的心中,不由蒙上了一层阴霾。Buthas becomeexistence of beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal, althoughwithoutthisworry, buttheirsameare not happy.
而已经成为混元大罗金仙的存在,虽然没有这个担心,但祂们的心情一样不好。Is looking in the middle of the innateominousbeast, thatnumberunderdoes not revere the levelinnateominousbeast over ten thousandsay/way, has a look at more than 4000bigLuoDaozunagain, no matter whatwhosemoodnot.
The disparity was too big.
差距真的太大了。4000pairsover ten thousand, howsaw the aspect that mustlose, mustmake a measure, otherwise, reallymustcrash in the great antiquityworldby the innateominousbeast, that is really greatlytroublesome.
四千对上万,怎么看都是必输的局面,得做点措施,不然的话,真要被先天凶兽冲进了洪荒天地之中,那才真是大麻烦。According to the gamblingmakes, anyby the place that the innateominousbeasthas wreaked havoc, will become the territory of chaosdemongod.
Does the side of bed, howtolerate others to sleep peacefully?
卧榻之侧,岂能容他人安睡?Is the neighborwith the chaosdemongod, thinks that ismatter that letspersonscalp tingles.
The peopleon the scene, no onecanwant.
在场众人,没有一个人会愿意。Isreceiving and instructingsaint that the chaosdemongoddescendantcomes, is not willingto be the neighborwith the chaosdemongod. Even, comparesinFeng Zichenand the others, theyare hostile toward the chaosdemongod.
就是混沌魔神后裔出身的接引圣人,也不愿意与混沌魔神做邻居。甚至于,相比较于风紫宸等人,祂二人更加的仇视混沌魔神。Theyfear! Whichday of chaosdemongodfearstorestore the strength, choosesthemswallows.
The descendantaschaosdemongod, it that theyhave, is borntheirchaosdemongodregarding that is the biggesttonic.
身为混沌魔神的后裔,那祂们存在的本身,对于那位诞生出祂们的混沌魔神而言,就是最大的补品。So long asswallowedthem, canplundertheirall, restoresmanysources.
只要吞噬了祂们,就能掠夺祂们的一切,恢复不少的本源。Therefore, is not resignedto makereceiving and instructing of bridal clothesto proposetwoSaintsforotherscertainly, tochaosdemongodthatis the unusualhatred, looks forward tothem dead entirely.
…………Looksinnateominousbeast that is flushing, frowning of peoplenotconsciousness, theyexpected the innateominousbeastto be many, bigLuoDaozun but who has not actually expectedone's own sidesowill be few.
因此,Suddenlycannot find out the meansunexpectedly.
一时间竟是想不出办法来。As forlettingbigmagical powersacts?
The chaosdemongodonlyfactionmakes a debut the innateominousbeast that reveres the level, the meaningis very obvious.
混沌魔神只派出道尊级的先天凶兽,意思已经很明显了。Thiswar, haltsinDaluoto sayreveres. Aboveexistence, can not meddle, otherwise, thisfightsto evolve an unrivalledwar.
这一战,止步于大罗道尊。之上的存在,不得插手,不然的话,这一战就会演变成一场旷世大战。Sees the peoplereally unable to find out the means that the personin the sovereignpalace, Feng Zichenknits the brows, the hesitantmoment, from the human clanarea, tookimmortalDragon City, in the chaosbeyond the day, turns intotogether the invincibledefense linehorizontally, helpingsay/wayrevere the protectiongreat antiquityworld.
见众人实在想不出办法来,人皇殿中,风紫宸皱了皱眉,犹豫片刻,从人族疆域之中,将不朽龙城取了过来,横在天外混沌之中,化成一道无敌的防线,帮助诸位道尊守护洪荒天地。Seesthis, even ifto the Feng ZichenextremelydiscontentedfiveSaints, could not bearlowly the noblehead, thankedtowardFeng Zichen: „CancelsChenfellow daoistesteemed friendship, weare far less.”
看到这一幕,哪怕是对风紫宸极为不满的五圣,也是忍不住低下了高贵的头颅,朝风紫宸谢道:“勾陈道友高义,吾等远不如也。”hearsword, personFeng Zichen in sovereignpalace, curling the lip of butdisdains, said that whatesteemed friendshipnon-esteemed friendship, is the bullshit.
闻言,人皇殿中的风紫宸,只是不屑的撇了撇嘴,说什么高义不高义的,都是屁话。IfreallythankedIt, hownon-to explainwith practical action,for example, let the DonghuaDaoists and ZiyunDaoistssurrendersimmediately?
The matter of talking, does not needto pay the pricein any case, is a meaning, whatsinceritycanhave?
During a immortalDragon Cityappearance, 4000revere the human clansay/wayto revere, immediatelyhas induced, moves sideways, thenarrived above immortalDragon City.
不朽龙城一出现,四千道尊之中的人族道尊,立即有所感应,一个闪身,便来到了不朽龙城之上。Seestheirformto handlewithin, galaxyeonbrilliantlaunchesslowly, obtains the resonancewith the sidereal revolutionstars of rear area, received and instructed the infinitestar light, in additionholdsaboveimmortalDragon City, causedon a mightagainstair of immortalDragon City.
就见祂们身影措动间,星河宙光大阵徐徐展开,与后方的周天星辰取得共鸣,接引来无穷星光,加持在了不朽龙城之上,使得不朽龙城的威力再上一个台阶。Rumble~ ~
The vastfluctuationeruptsfromimmortalDragon City, formsjust like the tideripples, takes away as many things as possibleforward.
浩瀚的波动从不朽龙城的身上爆发开来,形成一道道宛如潮汐般的涟漪,向前席卷而去。In an instant, butsees the ripplesto sweep, theseclashin the frontinnateominousbeast, evencalled out pitifullyhas not sent outwith enough time, thenbecamebloodfogby the steamroll.
刹那间,但见涟漪扫过,那些冲在前面的先天凶兽,连惨叫都未来得及发出,便被碾压成了一片血雾。Recited~ ~
吟~~Later, startleddaydragonrecited the soundto get up, sky overimmortalDragon City, immortalDivine Dragonreappeared, the bodywoundendless, was ordinarylike the gods of keeping aloof, is overlookingall.
之后,惊天的龙吟声响起,不朽龙城上空,不朽神龙再现,身躯蜿蜒无尽,如同高高在上的神明一般,俯瞰着一切。ImmortalDragon City, is not the offensivemagic weapon, itis a defensivemost precious object, andstimulates to movementitsperson more, that itcanperformis also stronger.
不朽龙城,不是攻击性的法宝,它是一件防御性的至宝,且催动它的人越多,它所能发挥出的力量也就越强。Holdsby way of the in addition of immortalDragon City, these4000LuoDaozundefenses, canturnonetimegreatlyat least, compares favorably with8000greatlyLuoDaozun.
经由不朽龙城的加持,这四千尊大罗道尊的防御,起码能翻个一倍,比得上八千尊大罗道尊。Then, the peopledefend the possibility in great antiquityworld, thenincreasedmuch.
……Roar~ ~
The similardeath, has not made the innateominousbeasthave the fear the mood
同类的死亡,并没有使得先天凶兽产生害怕的情绪On the contrary, under the stimulation of blood, ominous of otherinnateominousbeasts, seemedis stimulatedgenerally, to enter the wildconditionentirely, fiercedid not fearattackedtowardimmortalDragon City.
相反,在鲜血的刺激下,余下先天凶兽的凶性,好似被激发了一般,统统进入狂暴状态,悍不畏死的朝不朽龙城攻来。AboveimmortalDragon City, the numeroussay/wayrevereto see the innateominousbeastto attack, is not keeping the hand, the powerfulsetin the same place, just likehuman clanandwitchclan, the monsterclans, the innatethreeclans, forms the strategyto oppose the enemyrespectivelyjointly.
不朽龙城之上,众道尊见先天凶兽攻来,也不在留手,有势力的集合在一起,犹如人族、巫族、妖族、先天三族等,各自结成阵法联手对敌。Butdoes not have the powder of influence on cultivate/repair, thentakesimmortalDragon Cityas the defense, offers a sacrifice tothislifemagic weapon, distantgoestoward the innateominousbeastbang.
而没有势力的散修,则是以不朽龙城为防御,祭起本命法宝,遥遥的朝先天凶兽轰去。Regardless ofwhether there isinfluence, everyonesilentlywithownway, goes all outto protectis giving birth totheirgreat antiquityworld.
An earth-shakingwar, began.
一场惊天动地的大战,就此拉开了序幕。Each other disparityis so disparate, Feng Zichen, receives and instructsraisesand the otherscertainly, is not thinkingcaptured alive the innateominousbeast.
彼此差距如此悬殊,风紫宸、接引准提等人,也不想着活捉先天凶兽了。Presentthey, onlyaskoneselfsubordinate, striking of doing utmostkills the innateominousbeast, cannotmakeitstep into the great antiquityworldhalfstep.
The warjustfrom the beginning, entered the most intensetime, both sidesallaredoing utmostkillstoward the opposite party. Variouscountlessmagical powersmagic weapons, dance in the airin the chaos, shine upon all kinds ofrays, is magnificentandmoving.
大战甫一开始,就进入了最为激烈的时刻,双方皆是竭尽全力的朝对方杀去。各种数之不尽的神通法宝,在混沌之中飞舞,映照出各种各样的光芒,华丽而又动人。Suddenly, beyonddaychaosbloodstained, everywhereis the innateominousbeastshatterflesh, and wreckage of magic weapon, thatwanders the chaosair/Qiincessantly, caughtblood-colorgradually.
The war, was even more frigid.
大战,愈发的惨烈了。Butat this moment, quiet, blood-coloraltarsappear, hidein the middle of the air/Qi of chaos, unceasingis swallowing the surroundingflesh.
而就在这时,悄无声息的,一座座血色的祭坛浮现,藏匿在混沌之气当中,不断的吞噬着周围的血肉。Thatis the bloodsacrificial altar, isFeng Zichenthinks the assurance that thiswarmustwinis.
那是血祭台,也是风紫宸认为此战必胜的把握所在。When the bloodsacrificial altarswallowedenoughfleshpurification, thathuman clanbigLuoDaozun, maysuch assaintnot refuse stubbornlyto extinguishgenerally.
待血祭台吞噬了足够的血肉净化,那人族的大罗道尊,就可如圣人一般不死不灭。Thatfollowing, the warwas simpler, put together the consumption, looked that whofirstcannot boil.
那接下来,大战就简单多了,就拼消耗呗,看谁先熬不住。Whofirstcannot boil, whowill be defeated.
谁先熬不住,谁就会落败。Victory that the person who boils, will be the last.
…………„The life of thatgreat antiquity is also interesting, agreedunexpectedlyIand otherproposition, theycontinue, theseinnateominousbeastsinmeand others, wait, ifinexhaustible?”
“那洪荒的生灵也是有趣,竟然同意了我等的提议,祂们难道不止,那些先天凶兽于我等而言,等若无穷无尽吗?”Beyonddaychaosmostdeep place, hiddenin the ninechaosdemongods of thisplace, discussedwith a smile.
天外混沌的最深处,隐藏在此地的九尊混沌魔神们,笑着谈论道。They, do not care about the consumption of innateominousbeast, because, the innateominousbeastto them, can definitely easilyaccomplish. Even the innateominousbeast of bigLuoDaozunrank, is still so.
祂们,根本就不在乎先天凶兽的消耗,因为,先天凶兽对祂们来说,完全可以轻易造就。就算大罗道尊级别的先天凶兽,也是如此。Thatresides outside the bigchaoschaosdemongods, an arm, thencan the good fortunehaveseveral tens of thousands ofinnateominousbeasts, andisgreatlyLuoDaozunrank.
那居于界外大混沌的混沌魔神们,一条手臂,便能造化出数万头的先天凶兽,且都是大罗道尊级别的。Ifchaosgodstoneand otherdaymaterialtreasures, thisquantity must riseseveraltimesto continuein addition. But will the life outside the chaosdemongod of bigchaos, lackchaosgodstonesuchtreasure?
The life outside bigchaosso manyyears, thesechaosdemongodsis notwhitepassed/lived, besidesclosing uptherapy, othertimes, is collecting all kinds ofmagic weapons.
生活在界外大混沌这么多年,这些混沌魔神也不是白过的,除了闭关疗伤之外,其余的时候,都在收集各种各样的法宝。After all, opensday a war, injured , is not only they, chaosspirit treasure in theirhand. Thisneedsto swallow all kinds ofchaosdivine objects.
毕竟,开天一战,受伤的不仅是祂们,还有祂们手中的混沌灵宝。这就需要吞噬各种各样的混沌神物了。But the chaosdemongodseeks for the chaosdivine object outside the bigchaos, thatcanFeng Zichenseekto be simpler outside the chaos.
而混沌魔神在界外大混沌寻找混沌神物,那可以风紫宸在界外混沌寻找简单多了。Howto sayagain, the chaosdemongodalsohas the child's of chaosname, seeks for the chaosdivine object, isn't that the simpleincomparablematter?
再怎么说,混沌魔神也有着混沌之子的称呼,寻找混沌神物,那不是简单无比的事?Therefore, in the hand of thatseveralchaosdemongods, graspsa lot ofchaosdivine objects.
正是因此,那几个混沌魔神的手中,都掌握有大量的混沌神物。Thisin other words, so long asthesechaosdemongodswant, only need take a sourceasto direct, canthrough the chaosdivine object, accomplishmassivehigh-gradeinnateominousbeasts.
这也就是说,只要那些混沌魔神愿意,只需以一点本源为引,便可通过混沌神物,造就出大量的高等级的先天凶兽。Thiscanhavemanymassively, alllooked that the chaosdemongodhasmanychaosdivine objects.
这个大量能有多少,全看混沌魔神有多少混沌神物。Thenwantsto come, theseinnateominousbeastswill not be short, ninebigchaosdemongodssaidcontinuously, the bigprobabilityis notexaggerating.
那么想来,这些先天凶兽是不会少了,九大混沌魔神们说源源不绝,大概率不是夸张。Thistime, great antiquityreallydanger.
The decision of great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestor, was somewhat careless.
但事实真的如此吗?Shrewd and crafty, bah, will the wisegreat wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestor, be really planned?
…………Saidnottime flies, how fast time flies. In a flash, wasseveral yearstimepasses.
说不尽光阴似箭,日月如梭。转瞬间,就是数年时光过去了。Butbeyonddaychaoswar, sawto turn red-hot.
而天外混沌的大战,也愈见白热化了。On this occasion, not only a innateominousbeastsidecasualtyis serious, is a great antiquityworldside, saw the blood.
值此之际,非但先天凶兽一方死伤惨重,便是洪荒天地一方,也是见了血。SeesabovethatimmortalDragon City, presentedgiantcracks, althoughthere is an immortalstrength the unceasingrestore, but the speed of crack extension, actuallymustbe better than the speed of immortalstrengthrestore.
就见那不朽龙城之上,出现了一道道巨大的裂纹,虽有不朽之力在不断的修复,但裂纹扩张的速度,却要远远的胜过不朽之力修复的速度。Butthis, caused the fissure above immortalDragon City, throughoutis hardto restore.
而这,也就使得了不朽龙城之上的裂痕,始终难以修复。ImmortalDragon Cityhad the crack, made clear, thatinvincibledefensehad the flaw.
不朽龙城出现了裂缝,也就昭示了,那无敌的防御有了缺陷。Throughtheseflaws, the attack of innateominousbeastjust like the tidegeneral, welled upcrazily, givesthesegreat antiquitysay/wayto revere, created the tremendouspressure.
, Is first correctto revereto be woundedgradually, is correctto reveregraduallyweak, was torn into shredsbythatwildmagical powers, sheds the bloodat the scene.
渐渐的,先是有道尊负伤,然后就有道尊渐渐不支,被那狂暴的神通撕碎,血洒当场。Has the firstsay/wayto revereto fall from the sky, will havesecond, third, fourth.
有第一个道尊陨落,就会有第二个,第三个,第四个。Quick, thendozenssay/wayrevereto fall from the sky.
很快,便有数十尊道尊陨落。Smells there is something wrong, thatseveralgreat antiquitylarge clans, display the properactingimmediately.
见势不妙,那几个洪荒大族,立刻就发挥出了应有的担当。Seesseveralgreat antiquitylarge clansheaded byhuman clan, the monsterclanandwitchclan, the innatethreeclans, bravely stepped forward, keep offin the defective area of immortalDragon City, faces directly the situation of mostcrisis.
就见以人族为首的几个洪荒大族,妖族、巫族,先天三族等,挺身而出,挡在了不朽龙城的缺陷处,直面最危机的形势。Buthad the human clanand otherlarge clan of the help, the powdercultivated/repaired and pressure of smallclan, immediatelyreducedgreatly.
而有了人族等大族的帮助,散修们以及小族的压力,顿时大减。But the pressures of severallarge clans, actuallymultiply. The pressure that especiallyhuman clan, theyfaceis biggest.
More than 4000 during on the scene first Heavenly Daoreveres, ismost, butthey who the human clansay/wayreveres are actually notstrongest. It is not being inferior in boundary, butisbeing inferior in magic weapon.
The human clansay/wayrevereswas basically bornafter the witchmonsterfights a decisive battle, missed the great antiquitygolden period, mostsay/wayreverein the hand, notinnatespirit treasure.人族道尊基本上都生于巫妖决战之后,错过了洪荒的黄金时期,大多数道尊手上,并无先天灵宝。Butotherlarge clans, such asmonsterclanandwitchclan, innatethreeclans, because ofbeing bornin the great antiquityworldmost magnificentperiod, don'tsaid that waseveryinnatespirit treasure, average, even ifwere notmanpowertwoinnatespirit treasure, thatcould not missmany.
而其余的大族,如妖族、巫族、先天三族等,因出生于洪荒天地最为辉煌的时期,莫说是人手一件先天灵宝了,平均下来,就算不是人手两件先天灵宝,那也差不了多少了。Thisislives the earlyadvantage, human clanhas not enjoyed the least bit. Butisthis, human clan was still bornseveral hundredgreatlyLuoDaozun, thus it can be seenFeng Zichen of method.
这就是生得早的优势,人族没有享受到半点。可就是这样,人族依然诞生了数百尊大罗道尊,由此可见风紫宸的手段之强。Ontrainedexpert, this, on the one hand, even/includingHongjunsaid that the ancestorscompareFeng Zichen.
……Ordinaryinnatespirit treasure, to the increase that LuoDaozunbringsgreatly, at leastcanmakeitsstrengthturnthree. Ifpowerfulinnatespirit treasure, makesitsstrengthturnseveraltimessufficiently.
一件普通的先天灵宝,给大罗道尊带来的增幅,起码能使其战力翻个三层。若是强大的先天灵宝,足以使其战力翻个几倍。Thus it can be seen, the importance of innatespirit treasuretogreatlyLuoDaozun.
The human clansay/wayreveredeatsin the handnot to haveowing of innatespirit treasure, hadlargestgreatlyLuoDaozunspatially, mayin the influenceactuallynot befirst.人族道尊们就是吃了手上没有先天灵宝的亏,以至于空有数量最多的大罗道尊,可在势力上却不是第一。Similarly, does not have the assistance of innatespirit treasure, whenfacing the attack of innateominousbeast, the human clansay/wayreverealsoappearscompared withothersstrenuous.
The distant place, the purpleslightlyGreat Emperorseesthis, in the heartmoves slightly, mustflipowntreasure house, has a lookwhether to discoversomeinnatespirit treasure, good first Heavenly Daoto revere the helptohuman clan.
远方,紫微大帝看到这一幕,心中微动,就要翻翻自己的宝库,看看能否找出一些先天灵宝,好给人族先天道尊们一些帮助。But, has not waited for the purpleslightlyGreat Emperorto act, inItsside, tooclearsaintsighssuddenly, said:
可是,还没等紫微大帝行动,在祂的身边,太清圣人突然叹了一口气,说道:„Oh, guards the hero in mygreat antiquityworld, howthis poor Daoistis cruel enoughto look that theybattleunarmed, makesthis poor Daoistperformsomepygmy effortsforthem.”
“唉,都是守卫我洪荒天地的英雄啊,贫道又怎忍心看着祂们赤手空拳的作战,就让贫道为祂们尽一些绵薄之力吧。”During the speeches, the tooclearsaintbigsleevewields, took outdozensinnatespirit treasureunexpectedly, reveresto throwtoward the human clansay/way.
说话间,太清圣人大袖一挥,竟是取出了数十件先天灵宝,朝着人族道尊扔去。ButafterIt, Yuan Shi Tian Zun is also unemotionaltakes outdozensinnatespirit treasure, oneandthrewto the human clansay/wayrevered.
而在祂之后,元始天尊亦是面无表情的取出数十件先天灵宝,一并扔给了人族道尊。As for the exceedingly highfounder, loosevaluablemultipleIt, is the family propertyis continuously rich, almostmustbottom.
至于通天教主,连续散宝多次的祂,就是家底再丰厚,也差不多要见底了。Butthistime, Itclenches teeth, unexpectedlyiswithout hesitation, took outmore than teninnatespirit treasure.
但这次,祂咬了咬牙,竟是毫不犹豫的,又取出了十几件先天灵宝。Do not look that thesemore than teninnatespirit treasurequantitiesare not many, innatespirit treasure that is far fromtooclearsaintandYuan Shi Tian Zuntakesare many, butitwinsin the quality.
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