Outsidemember who except thatpartiallymustsettle the personal grudge, inothermember, overwhelming majoritiesinhesitantone , the choicewent to the easternWang DonghuaDaoistto go, planned that wrestled a futureinItsthere.
It is not allmember, thinks that The Legend and Herois a prisoner's cage, many member, have a dreamthink that the soulentersThe Legend and Hero.
After living forever, pursueisn't refusing stubbornlyto extinguish? But the immortalis easy, immortaldifficultcard. Mostgold/metalimmortals, are the pooritslife, touchesless thangreatlyLuoDaozunthreshold.
长生不老之后,追求的不正是不死不灭吗?可长生易得,不朽难证。绝大多数的金仙,就是穷其一生,也摸不到大罗道尊的门槛。Therefore, inThe Legend and Heroleaves a good name the broughtalternativedoes not refuse stubbornlyto extinguish, became the pursues of some member.
因此,封神榜上留名所带来的另类的不死不灭,就成了这部分修士的追求。Sought, fearlesslife and death.
求道者,无惧生死。Askedimmortal, mostfeared death!
求长生者,最是怕死!Resulted after the help that disperses the immortal, the influence of DonghuaDaoistcan be said as the rapidinflation, quick, surpassed the influences of anothertworebellionchiefs, anddistantleaves behindit.
The singlelooseimmortalis not perhaps strong, butworks asoverwhelming majoritypowderimmortals the strengthaboutin the same place, the strength of thatitserupting, isevensaint must look askance. Did not say that teachesstronglycompared with the truncation, but the absoluteratioclarified that teachesstrongly.
The easternWang DonghuaDaoisthasstrong assistance of Three Pure Ones, the westernkingZiyunDaoistshavevigorously of WesterntwoSaintsto assist.
东王东华道人有三清的鼎力相助,西王紫云道人有西方二圣的倾力相助。Whatsouthking does Godhave?
南王神有什么?Ithas the help of chaosdemongod.
祂有混沌魔神的帮助。Quiet, the boundlesschaosvitalityfills the airinsouthkingGodterritory, life that causesthisplace, ininvisibleslowlyis powerful.
悄无声息的,磅礴的混沌元气在南王神的领地之中弥漫开来,使得此地的生灵,在无形之中慢慢的强大起来。Not onlyhuman clan, as long asbathes the lifeformunderchaosvitality, the flowers and plantstrees, are the birdsfishinsects, will gain the enormousadvantage.
不只是人族,但凡沐浴在混沌元气之下的生物,无论是花草树木,还是鸟兽鱼虫,都将获得极大的好处。Because, thisismyriad thingsmotherQi, compared with the air/Qi of ityellow and black must even better.
因为,这是万物母气,比之玄黄之气还要更胜一筹。However, the godreleases the chaosvitality the goal, tonot expandlife, thisis onlywhile convenient, Itstruegoal, is to expandItsinnateominousbeasthand/subordinate.
但是,神释放出混沌元气的目的,不是为了壮大手下的生灵,这只是顺带的,祂真正的目的,是为了壮大祂手下的先天凶兽。Right, is the innateominousbeast.
没错,就是先天凶兽。Notchaosinnateominousbeastfromday, butis born the innateominousbeastingreat antiquityland.
The worlddoes not extinguish, the ominousbeastis unceasing.
天地不灭,凶兽不绝。Therefore, in the great antiquityworld, will never lack the innateominousbeast.
故此,洪荒天地之中,从来不会缺少先天凶兽。However, afterslaughtering, even if the innateominousbeastcanliveagain, is the vitalitydamages severely, fromfinding at everywhere the condition, reducesfor the great antiquityrare and preciousspecies.
The worldhas been breeding the innateominousbeast, thisclankilledbecoming extinct.
要不是天地一直在孕育先天凶兽,这一族早就被杀的绝种了。Therefore, Feng Zichenwill look atotherplace. Itcannot have a liking for the innateominousbeast in great antiquityworld, was too weak, were too few.
正是因此,风紫宸才会把目光放到别的地方。祂看不上洪荒天地之中的先天凶兽,太弱了,也太少了。ButItcannot have a liking , the godlooks on.
但祂看不上,神看的上啊。Un...... is notlooks on, is mainly the currentsituation, Itbesidesuseinnateominousbeast, did not haveothermeansto enhanceoneselfstrengthhand/subordinate.
嗯……也不是看的上,主要是目前的情况,祂除了动用先天凶兽之外,也没别的办法提升自己手下的实力了。Sees the easternWang DonghuaDaoist and influence of westkingZiyunDaoist, unceasingenhancement, butItsinfluence, but also is marking. Saw, Itmustbytwopeople of distantflingingbehind.
The godsare anxious!
神急啊!Unavoidablily, Itusedoneselfchaosdemongod the authority of strength, forcefullyrequisitionseveral tens of thousands ofinnateominousbeaststo come.
不得已,祂动用了自己混沌魔神的力量的权柄,强行征调了数万头先天凶兽过来。Order of chaosdemongod, innateominousbeastswheredaresto reject, immediatelyrunning over.
混沌魔神的命令一出,先天凶兽们哪里敢拒绝,立即就屁颠屁颠的跑了过来。Several tens of thousands ofinnateominousbeasts, the quantityare actually many, but the strength, actuallyindecently. Taiyigold/metalimmortalrankalmostdoes not have, gold/metalimmortalrank, onbigcatkitten2-3.
数万头先天凶兽,数量倒是不少,但实力,却是不堪入目。太乙金仙级别的几乎没有,金仙级别的,也就大猫小猫2-3只。Remaining, is the profoundimmortalandangelclass/flow, usesembarrassedlygreatly.
剩下的,全是玄仙、天仙之流,难堪大用。Againunavoidablily, the godclenches teeth, fromoneselfbrokenchaosdemongod'sbody, dug a meat, changed to the purestchaosvitality, poured into within the body of theseinnateominousbeasts, promotedtheirboundariesforcefully.
再次不得已,神咬了咬牙,从自己残破的混沌魔神之体上,挖下来了一块肉,化作最为纯粹的混沌元气,灌入这些先天凶兽的体内,强行提升它们的境界。Fortunately, LuoDaozunis not atnowgreatly, the god only need theirstrengths, promotetoTaiyiDaoist deityrankon the line.
The innateominousbeasts of several tens of thousands ofTaiyiDaoist deityranks, absolutelywere an extremelystronginfluence, the time in thisgreatlyLuoDaozun, almostcansweep away the world.
After enhancing the strength of innateominousbeast, the godfromownsubordinate, selectedseveral tens of thousands ofwarriors, was usedto controltheseinnateominousbeasts.
提升完先天凶兽的实力之后,神又是从自己的麾下,选拔出了数万个勇士,用来驾驭这些先天凶兽。Thiscalled the ominousbeastknight.
The courage of godis big, is impossibleto emittens of thousandsinnateominousbeaststo impact the human clangodcitydirectly, otherwise, feared that ishuman clancancollaboratewith the rebel army, firstgot rid ofItsaidagain.
The innateominousbeastis the public enemy of great antiquity, oncewere discovered, as long as the great antiquitylifeallhas the dutyto killit.
先天凶兽乃洪荒之公敌,一经发现,但凡洪荒生灵皆有义务杀之。Under this situation, perhaps1-2innateominousbeastsappearalonehave no, butinnateominousbeast, oncebecame the scale, thatwaits forthem, is jointstrangling to death of great antiquityexpert.
在这种形势下,1-2先天凶兽单独出现或许没什么,可先天凶兽一旦成了规模,那等待它们的,便是洪荒高手的联合绞杀。Therefore, in the great antiquity, littlehas the innateominousbeastgroupemergence of scaleextremely.
The state of mindin the position of personsovereign, was more impossibleto makethisfacing universal condemnationmatter.
神志在人皇之位,就更不可能做出这种冒天下之大不韪的事了。By the godthought it over, found out an excellentidea. Itturns intohand/subordinate the mount of officers the innateominousbeast, forms a powerfulcavalrybythis.
Becoming the mount, the lifeis restrained the master, the innateominousbeastneverturnscontrollablycontrollably, then, thenbecame the scale, the world have no reasonto acttothem.
成为了坐骑,生命受制于主人,先天凶兽就从不可控变成可控的了,如此一来,便是成了规模,世人也没有理由对它们出手了。Itmayreally be a youngclever and resourceful person.
祂可真是个小机灵鬼。Solved the problem of innateominousbeast, the influence of godrises with a spring, becomesinthreebigrebel armies, is next to the influence of easternking.
解决了先天凶兽的问题,神的势力一跃而起,成为了三大叛军之中,仅次于东王的势力。Thatmay be called the invincibleinnateominousbeastcavalry, the capital of godstriving for hegemonyworld.
The westkingZiyunDaoist, becameinthreepeople an influenceweakestside. However, the ZiyunDaoistsdo not carecompletely, althoughItis the strengthis weakest, butrelations between Itandhuman clan, are actually closest.
西王紫云道人,就成了三人之中势力最弱的一方了。不过,紫云道人完全不在乎,祂虽是实力最弱,但祂与人族之间的关系,却是最紧密的。Itis the inbornpersonsovereign.
祂是天生的人皇。Now, ZiyunDaoistson, when the three partiesslaughtermutually, mutualconsumption, after itsthreedefeatentirelyinjury, iswestIt the kingrises.
……„My goodness!”
“好家伙!”„Will playone by one.”
“一个比一个会玩。”In the personsovereignpalace, saw that the godbuiltoneteam of invinciblecavalrieswith the innateominousbeast, the eye of Feng Zichenonebright.
人皇殿中,看到神用先天凶兽打造出了一队无敌骑兵,风紫宸的眼睛不由一亮。Thismeansare good, hasn't Itthought? When the laterconditionswere ripe, Italsoplayslike this, builds an invinciblecavalryto come out.
这个办法好,祂怎么没想到呢?待以后时机成熟了,祂也这样玩玩,打造一个无敌骑兵出来。Ifby the writing skill, Feng Zichenweremostly. Itmustbegin, was not the TaiyiDaoist deity was so simple, inferiorly was also halfstepgreatlyLuoDaozun.
若论手笔,风紫宸可谓是大多了。祂要动手,就不是太乙道君那么简单了,最次也是半步大罗道尊。Lookedagain, Feng Zichendiscovered that the easternnobility and chaosdemongodhave the sign of attacking a city, thenordered: „The officers who noticedefends a city, thatcitycandefenddefends, cannot defendabandoned, firstreturned to the human clanancestorto sayagain.”
再看了看,风紫宸发现东王公与混沌魔神有攻城的迹象,遂下令道:“通知守城的将士们,那城能守住就守,守不住就弃了,先返回人族祖地再说。”„Ourwars, notinlosing of cityplace, butwithgambling of upper layer.”
“吾辈之战,非在一城一地之失,而是在与上层的博弈。”„In brief, cannot be victoriousremoves, firstreturns to the human clanancestorplace, retains the usefulbody, waits for the arrival of finaldecisive battle!”
“总之,打不过就撤,先回到人族祖地,保留有用之身,以待最后决战的到来!”Officers who thatdefends a city, afterbeing under the order of Feng Zichen, immediatelyunderstood, oneselfthisyour majestyhasbigplan, preparedto cheat.
那守城的将士们,在得到风紫宸的命令后,立即就明白了,自家这陛下是有着大谋划,准备坑人了。As forinstigating?
至于怂?Cracks a joke, Three Saintsbefore, the Saintsovereignsdaresto rush the dyingwar, yousaid that suchpersonwill instigate?
Isn't thatnoisy?
After resulting in the order of Feng Zichen, officers of defensethenconfident, nobore, the plan and rebel armyare fun
The plandisplays, thatcalled a boldness, will seemwill not have defended a cityto be serious.
计划施展起来,那叫一个大胆,好似没将守城当一回事似的。Alsohas not truly been serious, your majestyordered, does not needthemto persevere the city, theywere naturally fun.
也确实没当一回事,陛下都下令了,不用他们坚守城池,那他们自然就要好好玩玩了。Facingreleases for flightthoroughly the self-defenseofficers, the rebel armyhas bad luck, althoughtookmanycities, but also was madedirtily, the lossis serious.
面对彻底放飞自我的守城将士们,叛军可是倒了血霉,虽是拿下了不少城池,但也是被弄得灰头土脸,损失惨重。Butwhenboth sidesfightgets stronger and stronger, quietmanyyears of nether world, finallyhad the sound.
而就在双方大战愈演愈烈的时候,沉寂多年的幽冥界,终于有了动静。Nether worldcenter, inFengtucity!
The Fengtughostemperorstake outto seal/conferGuibang, givesowntrusted aidegreat general, makinghimlead the armyto go to the exit|to speak of nether world, pastesthislistin the Gate of Death, toadmitancient and modernhero soul.
酆都鬼帝取出封鬼榜,交给自己的心腹大将,让他带领大军前往幽冥界的出口,将此榜单贴在鬼门关上,以接纳古今英灵。Itreceived an orderto go, leads the armyenormously and powerfularrived at the Gate of Death, pastedto seal/conferGuibang.
刷……to seal/conferGuibangopensgreatly, the innumerablemysteriouscharactersappear, shines upon the spookycold light, causesoriginallygloomy and coldsad and shrillnether world, refillsseveralpoints of gloomy and cold.
轰……Nextflickers, the dreadfulgloomfills the air, fromto seal/conferGuibang, falls in torrentstoward the worldturbulently, shortly, thenenormous and powerfulentiregreat antiquityland.
下一瞬,滔天的阴气弥漫开来,从封鬼榜上汹涌而出,向着人间倾泻,顷刻之间,便浩荡了整个洪荒大地。Instantaneously, ten thousandghostshave the feeling, exudes the sad and shrillghosthowlingsound, curls upcold winds, takes away as many things as possibletowardnether world.
瞬间,万鬼有感,发出凄厉的鬼嚎声,卷起一道道阴风,向着幽冥界席卷而去。Thiswas the hero soul of dying in battle, that person, althoughdied, butfoughtintentnot to extinguish, changeddoes not extinguish the hero soulto pace back and forth in world.
这都是战死的英灵,其人虽死,但战意不灭,化作不灭英灵徘徊在世间。Originally, waits forthesehero soulmalignant influences worn down the similartime, The Legend and Herowill arrive, receives and instructsintoHeaventhem, turns into the invincible forceto guard Celestial Court.
本来,等这些英灵身上的煞气被消磨得差不多的时候,封神榜就会降临,将他们接引入天界,化成天兵守卫天庭。Butnow, withto seal/conferGuibang the presentworld, afterdoes not extinguish the hero soul the sensationto these aura, itdirectlythesehero soulsreceiving, preparedto turn into the demon soldiersto guard the Yincourtyard.
但如今,随着封鬼榜的现世,在感知到这些不灭英灵的气息后,它直接就把这些英灵给收了起来,准备化成阴兵守卫阴庭。In other words, thesedo not extinguish the hero soul, missedwithThe Legend and Hero.
也就是说,这些不灭英灵,与封神榜无缘了。to seal/conferGuibangmakes the sobignoise, naturallyalarmedsaint on Kunlun Mountain.
“什么?”„Nether world does wantto do?”
“幽冥界想要干什么?”Opens the eyes, fiveSaintseverywheregloomylookedto the nether worlddirection.
The might that manyto seal/conferGuibang, to seal/conferShenliangtribulationsthenwantson a bigpoint, in the meantime, the loss of saintalsohason many point.
多一个封鬼榜,封神量劫的威力便要大上一分,同时,圣人的损失也有多上一分。Because, the name in listis to fill in the lives of theirdisciple.
因为,榜单上的名字,是要用祂们弟子的性命去填的。In the heart the anger, fiveSaintsreallywish one coulddirectmurdernether world, to seal/conferGuibangrippingfragment. Butpitifully, theycannot.
心中愤怒,五圣真恨不得直接杀人幽冥界,将封鬼榜给撕成碎片。但可惜,祂们不能。Even if saint, musttake the larger situation into account.
哪怕是圣人,也要以大局为重。Nowadays, really the archenemyoutside, ninechaosdemongodsswaggering in the chaosbeyond the day, does not provoke the civil war the time.
现如今,大敌在外,九尊混沌魔神大摇大摆的驻留在天外混沌之中,实在不是挑起内战的时候。Otherwise, oncehas problems, theywere the great antiquitycriminals.
不然的话,一旦出了什么问题,祂们就是洪荒的罪人了。„Calculates that yourluckwas good, caught up with the goodtime, thishesitated to go forwardfirstlets off your horse. In the future, weinsettlementthis timecauses and effects.”
“算你运气好,赶上了好时候,这次且先放过你一马。待到日后,吾等在清算此番的因果。”Coldlylooked at a nether worlddirection, fiveSaintsthentook back the visionrespectively.
冷冷的看了一眼幽冥界的方向,五圣便各自收回了目光。Thistime, theytotake the entire situation into account, gives upintrudingnether world and Fengtughostemperorsfor the time beingdoes accounts.
此次,祂们为了顾全大局,暂且放弃了闯入幽冥界与酆都鬼帝算账。Butthisdoes not represent, thismatterpassed. FiveSaintsmallminds, bearing a grudge, somewill be very noisyin the future.
但这并不代表,这件事就这么过去了。五圣多小的心眼,记仇的很,日后还有的闹了。Thismatter, has not played!
The ideas of fiveSaintshow, Feng Zichendid not care, in fact, attacks a city the matter that includingthreegroups of rebel armiesseizes territory, Itis disinclinedto care.
五圣的想法如何,风紫宸根本不关心,事实上,连三路叛军一路攻城略地的事,祂都懒得关心。Becausedoes not need.
因为没必要。All sorts of rebel armycultivate/repairare, in his eyes, such as the childplaysnoisilygeneral, duringItscontrol, how can also arouseItsinterest?
叛军的种种修为,在祂的眼中,就如小孩玩闹一般,都在祂的掌控之中,又如何能引起祂的关注呢?Just likeinFeng Zichenplanlike that the human clanarmyretreats in defeat again and again, unceasinglossarea, backwardretreat. Butthreegroups of allied armiespress on step by step, attacks a cityto seize territoryunceasingly, compelsgraduallyto the human clanancestor.
正如风紫宸计划中的那般,人族大军节节败退,不断的损失疆域,向后退去。而三路联军则是步步紧逼,一路攻城略地不断,渐渐向人族祖地逼去。Wonis so relaxed, isthreegroups of rebel armiesdetected that was not right. Butwithout the means that knows perfectly wellis the trap, they must to clench teethto step on.
赢的那么轻松,就是三路叛军都察觉到了不对。但没办法,就是明知是陷阱,祂们也得要咬牙踩下去。Bythis time, does not have the possibility of retreat, can only clench teethto continueto go forward.
到了这个时候,已经没了后退的可能,只能咬牙继续前进了。Moreover, DonghuaDaoistthreepeople, understandsfaintly the plan of Feng Zichenisanything.
而且,东华道人三人,也隐隐明白了风紫宸的计划是什么。Itincontractionstrength, ownmain forcecentralizedinhuman clanancestorplace, thenpreparesin the decisive battle, gets rid ofthemat one fell swoop, is goodto rally the mountains and rivers, decides the universeagain.
祂在收缩力量,将自己的主力都集中在人族祖地,然后准备在决战的时候,一举干掉祂们三人,好重整山河,再定乾坤。Thisplanis very good, but how will threepeoplemakeFeng Zichenpleasant?
这个计划很好,但三人又岂会让风紫宸如意?Feng Zicheninsavingsstrength, threepeopleinsavingsstrength, whentocapturinghuman clanancestorplacetime, whosestrength, thatis even better uncertain.风紫宸在积蓄力量,三人又何尝不是在积蓄力量,待到攻入人族祖地的时候,谁的力量更胜一筹,那还不一定呢。At this moment, fromdecisive battle, but alsofor sometime, so long asaccumulatesto the sufficientstrengthin this period of time, the balance of thatvictory, will then leanevillytothem.
此刻,距离决战,还有一段时间,只要在这段时间里积累到足够的力量,那胜利的天平,便会向祂们倾邪。Threepeoplecollaborate, won't always hit the unbeatenpersonsovereign?
The personsovereignpotentialis big, threepeople are the inbornally, the agreementresist the personsovereignjointly.
After the treating peoplesovereigndrops down, inthreepeople, actuallywhowields the world, howthatlooked at the respectiveskill.
待人皇倒下之后,三人之中,究竟谁执掌天下,那就看各自的本事如何了。AlsoisFeng Zichendoes not knowtheirideas, ifknew, feared that will laugh aloud.
The child, youweretoonaive.
孩子,你们还是太天真了。Youthink that human clanancestor, wasItscompletestrength?
你们以为人族祖地之中,就是祂全部的力量了吗?Made a mistake, andis completely mistaken.
错了,而且是大错特错。human clanancestorinhuman clan, is never the card in a hand in Feng Zichen, thatis not the strongeststrength that Itgrasps.人族祖地之中的人族,从来不是风紫宸手里的底牌,那也不是祂掌握的最强力量。
The human clanancestorplace, is only the tip of the iceberg of Feng Zichenstrength. Butisthis, compelsthreepeople to whole-heartedly, is really enoughpitiful.人族祖地,只是风紫宸力量的冰山一角。可就是这样,也逼得三人不得不全力以赴,真是够可悲的。Theythink that oneselfsaw the hope, butactuallydoes not know,inthathopeend, whathiddenis the endlessdespair.
Since the warstarts, almostonce in a while, has the immortalunfortunatebody dead, the soulturns over toThe Legend and Hero.
自大战开始至今,几乎每隔一段时间,就有仙人不幸身死,魂归封神榜。Butthis, but alsohas the qualificationssoulto turn over toThe Legend and Hero. Thesedo not havein the qualificationsThe Legend and Hero, dyingare more.
A shortdozensyears of time, does not know that fell from the skymanyimmortals, dark redblood, unceasingflowed outfrom the body of immortalgod, formedbloodrivers, incarnadinegreat antiquityland.
In the world,
天地间,Is fillingsmell of bloodeverywhere.
到处都弥漫着一股血腥味。Naturally, because of the reason of immortalgodlarge-scaledeath, making more and more sourcesreturn to the world, the spiritual energy between worldthereforewas also getting more and more active, was getting more and more rich.
当然,因为仙神大规模死亡的缘故,使得越来越多的本源回归天地,天地间的灵气也因此越来越活跃,越来越浓郁。Ifcanneglectthatbloodstained the mountains and rivers, during is absent-minded, but alsothinks that the prosperous timesarrived.
若是能忽略掉那染血的山河,恍惚之中,还以为盛世到来了呢。Cruentationprosperous times!
染血的盛世!Believes, whenmeasured the tribulationto end, in the worldwill then welcomecultivationprosperous times.
相信,待量劫结束,天地间便会迎来一个修炼盛世。Greatlywastegreatlyvertical, is so.
…………However, the worldhow, Feng Zichendoes not pay attention.
不过,天地如何,风紫宸已经不关注了。Becauseat this moment, includingItandsaintbigmagical powers, itsemphasis, alreadynotingreat antiquityworld, butplacedbeyond the dayin the chaos.
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