GDSP :: Volume #8

#781: Burns down Mt. Xumi

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Their this Saint sovereigns, most like feigns death, probably this severe wound, is the attire. 他们这位圣皇,最喜欢的就是诈死,保不齐这次重伤,也是装的。 The Saint sovereign is what kind of old deceitful great...... coughs, will the wise supernatural might, how be planned by saint? 圣皇是何等的老奸巨……咳,英明神武,岂会被圣人算计到? This severe wound, absolutely is an attire, its main body hides in the person sovereign palace, definitely in quietly is planning anything. 这次重伤,绝对是装的,其本尊躲在人皇殿里,肯定在悄悄的算计着什么。 Perhaps, he is staring at this place is not uncertain. 说不定,祂老人家正盯着此地也不一定呢。 Read and hence, the people unconscious throwing out the chest chest cavity, hitting to be very energetic. 念及至此,众人不自觉的挺起了胸膛,打起十分精神来。 Later but must display well, to give the Saint sovereign to make a good impression. 待会可要好好的表现,以给圣皇留下一个好印象。 Has human clan that from cancelling Chen Tiangong gets down, brought the blueprints of ten thousand spirit tables, the people build ten thousand spirit tables according to this blueprint, the following matter, was simpler. 有从勾陈天宫下来的人族,带来了万神台的图纸,众人依此图纸打造万神台,接下来的事,就简单多了。 The human clan many skilled craftsmen collaborate, quick, built giant ten thousand spirit tables outside the person imperial city. 人族众多能工巧匠联手,很快的,就在人皇城外打造出了一个巨大的万神台。 After ten thousand spirit tables build completes, the Feng Zichen trusted aide thinks and Its order, then steps onto ten thousand spirit tables, respectful hung ten thousand Shentu. 万神台打造完成之后,风紫宸的心腹思及祂的命令,遂走上万神台,恭敬的将万神图挂了上去。 Also is strange, after ten thousand Shentu arrived at ten thousand spirit tables, does not choose a person to begin, automatic floated in stage center, pulled open slowly. 也是奇异,万神图来到了万神台后,也不用人动手,自动就浮在了台中央,缓缓拉开。 In an instant, the endless god light/only spews out from ten thousand Shentu, brilliant incomparable, covered entire human clan. 霎那间,无尽的神光从万神图上喷涌而出,绚烂无比,笼罩住了整个人族 Then, about sealing the news of god, then appearance naturally in the mind of all living things. 然后,关于封神的讯息,便自然而然的出现在了众生的脑海之中。 ten thousand Shentu opens, every merit in body, whether there is regardless to cultivate/repair for in the body, after dying, all may the soul enter Bang Fengshen. Protects a side for the mountain spirit land, either protects the common people for the stove patrolling god, either is in power a side for the tutelary god...... 万神图开,凡功德在身者,无论生前有无修为在身,死后皆可魂入榜封神。或为山神土地守护一方,或为灶神游神守护万民,或为城隍执政一方…… In brief, on ten thousand Shentu, the god position has everything expected to find, covered human clan daily all needs, did not fear that could not find to suit own being charmed. 总之,万神图上,神位应有尽有,涵盖了人族日常的所有所需,不怕找不到适合自己的神往。 As long as merit in body, so long as wants, may enter Bang Weishen, specializes in the incense and candle Shintoism, the accumulation merit. 但凡功德在身者,只要愿意,都可入榜为神,专修香火神道,积累功德。 If the merit will accumulate in the future enough, may change into the world god directly, results in the world destiny to add the body, wields the strength of the world authority. But also with the merit turning around reincarnation, starts over from the beginning directly. 若是日后功德积累够了,可直接化为天地正神,得天地气运加身,执掌天地权柄之力。也可直接携功德转身投胎,从头再来。 Repairs Shintoism, if during reigning , when good behavior, reincarnation, can result in ten thousand spirit asylums, not only can be exempt from the embryo the puzzle of riddle, can evade changed/easy Wanmo. 修神道者,若是在位期间表现良好,转世之时,便可得万灵庇护,不仅可以免受胎中之谜的困扰,更是可以避易万魔。 The life does not have the disaster worry-free, relaxed can the achievement achievement. 一生无忧无灾,轻轻松松的就能成就成果。 This is on ten thousand Shentu god, in god with The Legend and Hero, biggest difference. 这就是万神图上的神,与封神榜上的神,最大的区别。 The former is the body of freedom, is the humane Spiritual God, the latter manner enslaves, is the world god. A ownership humanity, a ownership Heavenly Dao, the difference is very significant. 前者为自由之身,是人道神灵,后者为人所奴役,是天地正神。一者归属人道,一者归属天道,区别很明显。 Naturally, the world god on The Legend and Hero, can result in strength of in addition world to hold, the strength must be better than on ten thousand Shentu Spiritual God, but he does not have the freedom. 当然了,封神榜上的天地正神,能得天地之力加持,实力要远远胜过万神图上的神灵,但他没自由。 In which quality, did not say actually, why all looked at the idea of person of being on the list. 其中的好坏,倒是不好说,全看上榜之人的想法为何。 ...... …… Seals god news one, the high-level member community is good, but these low level member and ordinary common people, are actually become excited. 封神消息一出,高级修士群体还好,可那些低级修士与普通的百姓,却是变得激动起来。 By the human clan current situation, is unable to visit the road of spiritual cultivation as before, talent that ugly, even if it is estimated that is not the inborn spiritual energy insulator, that could not miss many. 人族目前的情况来说,依旧无法踏足修道之路的,天赋那得有多难看,估计就算不是天生的灵气绝缘体,那也差不了多少了。 Possibility that such person, has almost not cultivated oneself according to religious doctrine. But ten thousand Shentu the appearance, actually gave their another choice. 这样的人,几乎没有修道的可能了。但万神图的出现,却是给了他们另一个选择。 That is the incense and candle Shintoism. 那就是香火神道。 Could not absorb the world spiritual energy, couldn't that have absorbed the incense and candle to hope the strength? 吸收不了天地灵气,那还吸收不了香火愿力吗? The absorption incense and candle hopes the strength, becomes the humane Spiritual God, can grow stronger in the same old way . Moreover, but can also accumulate the merit. 吸收香火愿力,成为人道神灵,照样能变强,而且,还能积累功德。 This is another road of being aloof, so, how can the ordinary mortal not be excited? 这是另一条超脱之路啊,如此,普通的凡人如何能不激动? Pursues the unusual strength, that is a person of instinct. 追求超凡的力量,那可是人之本能啊。 As for the member of low boundary, they compare the ordinary mortal more excited. what Weidi the boundary member, cultivates for the boundary is not high, and potential has exhausted, person who later is very difficult to be progressive. 至于低境界的修士,他们比普通的凡人更加激动。何为低境界修士,就是修为境界不高的,且潜力已经耗尽,以后很难进步的人。 These people, are hopeless, cannot see any rise the space, in the heart despairs. But ten thousand Shentu the appearance, making them see the road of another promotion, how can they not be excited? 这些人,前途无望,看不到任何上升的空间,心中早已绝望。但万神图的出现,让他们看到了另一条的晋升之路,他们如何能不激动? The immortal said, also or is the martial arts, being insufficient made them progress, in view of this, they are willing to try the incense and candle Shintoism. 无论是仙道,亦或者是武道,都不足以让他们进步了,既如此,他们愿意尝试香火神道。 In any case, own situation, had been defeated like this indifferently. 反正,自己的情况都已经这样了,就是失败了也无所谓。 The member of these low boundaries, unlike ordinary human clan, they have tasted the pleasant sensation that the strength had brought. Therefore, their chase to the strength, longs for compared with ordinary human clan. 这些低境界的修士,与普通的人族不同,他们早已品尝过了力量带来的快感。故此,他们对力量的追逐,比普通的人族更渴望。 ...... …… Good, the opportunity has come. 好,机会已经来了。 That present key is, does the merit come? 那现在的关键是,功德怎么来? It is not all people, has the merit in the body. 不是所有的人,都有功德在身的。 The big merit cannot do, can only from the minor matter. 大功德搞不来,只能从小事着手了。 That does good. 那就是做好事。 If nothing else, does good will certainly obtain the merit. The done good deed gets bigger and bigger, the obtained merit also gets bigger and bigger. 别的不说,做好事肯定会得到功德。做的好事越多越大,得到的功德也就越多越大。 Suddenly, human clan started a activity of vast struggle mediation good deed. 一时间,人族掀起了一场浩大的争做好人好事的活动。 ...... …… But in the Feng Zichen life person pastes shortly after ten thousand Shentu, above Celestial Court, the purple slightly Great Emperor, sky God and Antarctic Great Emperor three people seem the induction, offered a sacrifice to The Legend and Hero jointly, hung it in Nantianmen. 而就在风紫宸命人贴出万神图不久,天庭之上,紫微大帝、昊天上帝、南极大帝三人似有感应,联手祭出了封神榜,将其挂在了南天门上。 The Legend and Hero, the immortal god kills the tribulation to suddenly have. 封神榜一出,仙神杀劫顿起。 In a flash, the dreadful tribulation air/Qi from fills the air void, quick, then enormous and powerful to each corner of great antiquity world. 转瞬之间,滔天劫气自虚空弥漫而出,很快的,便浩荡至洪荒天地的每一个角落。 At this time, as long as the person of say/way of cultivation day after tomorrow, has all induced, the immortal god killed tribulation! 这个时候,但凡修炼后天之道的人,皆是有所感应,仙神杀劫到了! Wants about one step, must visit this mortal world to go to cross the tribulation. Passed, is well with everything, must measure the free and unfettered of tribulation. But, all things all rest, the body dead soul extinguishes. 想要更近一步,必须踏足尘世前去渡劫。度过了,万事大吉,得一量劫之逍遥。度不过,万事皆休,身死魂灭。 If should tribulation to go, the soul enters The Legend and Hero, although does not die by luck, but also missed with the immortal say/way, from now on will belong to the Shintoism, must enjoy the god fruit position, will seem like that will not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, actually must be enslaved, will be pitiful. 若是应劫而去,魂入封神榜,虽是侥幸不死,但也与仙道无缘了,今后归入神道,得享正神果位,看似不死不灭,却要受人奴役,也是凄惨。 The immortal god kills tribulation, although the numerous immortals are helpless, but does not have the means to reject, had the helpless putting out weapon, the enter the world crosses tribulation. 仙神杀劫起,众仙虽是无奈,但也没有办法拒绝,只得无奈的拿出兵器,入世渡劫去了。 Now crosses the tribulation? 如今渡劫? To kill the tribulation, naturally by killing to cross the tribulation. 即为杀劫,自然是以杀渡劫。 This numerous immortal enter the world, being doomed to raise reign of terror, kills the group immortal to weep blood. 这一次众仙入世,注定要掀起一场腥风血雨,杀得群仙泣血。 Only by doing so, can pass kills the tribulation. 唯有如此,方能度过杀劫。 The immortal god kills a tribulation eruption, has five Saints of preparation early, immediately is to enter the world to cross the tribulation on arranged own disciple, the auxiliary son of heaven obtains the position of person sovereign. 仙神杀劫一爆发,早有准备的五圣,立即就安排自己的弟子入世渡劫,辅助真命天子取得人皇之位。 Under the order of Three Pure Ones, clarified that teaches the disciple besides the cloud neutron and moral Daoist immortal, other disciples, perform to have Kunlun Mountain, goes the auxiliary east Wang Donghua Daoist to compete for the position of person sovereign. 三清的命令下,阐教弟子除云中子与道德真君外,其余弟子,尽出昆仑山,前去辅助东王东华道人争夺人皇之位。 But the truncation teaches the disciple, in a big way helped human clan four pass on the disciple except for before, and other outside the disciple with three clouds, other disciples, not arrested in the interior door entrance door, went out of East Sea all, went to assist east human clan Wang Donghua Daoist. 而截教弟子,除了之前帮助过人族的四大亲传弟子,与三霄等十几位内门弟子外,其余的弟子,无拘于内门外门,尽数走出东海,前去辅助人族东王东华道人。 The truncation teaches the disciple, far more than ten thousand people? 截教弟子,何止万人? ten thousand Xianqi has East Sea, that scene, condition how, alarmed many people. 万仙齐出东海,那场面,多么的状况,着实惊动了许多人。 But pitifully, their trip, from most started to be doomed is a tragedy. Do not look that they are at this moment high-spirited, may wait till after the war, can return to this place truly, feared that is a hand cannot count. 但可惜,他们此行,从最开始就注定了是一场悲剧。别看他们此刻意气风发的,可等到战后,真正能返回此地的,怕是一只手都数不过来。 ...... …… Here Three Pure Ones sends out own disciple to go the auxiliary east nobility, that side West two Saints are not backward, the Oobirakisan gate, sending out own disciple to go to support the western king Ziyun Daoist. 这边三清派出自己的弟子前去辅助东王公,那边西方二圣也不落后,大开山门,派出自己的弟子前去支援西王紫云道人。 Moreover, Western two Saint multi- chicken thieves. They thought that only sends own disciple is not unsafe, but must add a chip to the Ziyun Daoists. 而且,西方二圣多鸡贼啊。祂们觉得只派自己的弟子还不保险,还得给紫云道人多加点筹码。 Therefore, two people used some crooked brains. 于是,二人就动了些歪脑筋。 Also does not know where these two people did one first Tianfeng air/Qi, through this thing, screened out a destiny of phoenix clan in the mystique forcefully, in addition held on the body of Ziyun Daoist. 也不知这二人从哪里搞来了一道先天凤气,通过此物,以秘法强行抽走了一丝凤凰族的气运,加持在了紫云道人的身上。 Because of this matter, the phoenix ancestor is furious, spares nothing arrival world, rushes to the West to seek the Western two Saints personally the unluckiness. 因为此事,凰祖震怒,不惜代价的降临世间,亲自赶赴西方来寻西方二圣的晦气。 Western two Saints are in the wrong, naturally did not dare the phoenix ancestor to meet, seeks a reason to hide. 西方二圣理亏,自然不敢于凰祖见面,寻了个理由就躲了起来。 They knew in the heart, by phoenix ancestor's condition, not possible long-term stops over in the world, so long as they drag last a while, when the phoenix ancestor's strength exhausts, naturally also left. 祂们心知,以凰祖的状态,绝不可能长时间的在天地间逗留,只要祂们拖上一会儿,待凰祖的力量耗尽,自然也就离开了。 Their ideas are good. But pitifully, they actually forgot, was once world control, the phoenix ancestor is not good to deal with. 祂们的想法是挺好的。但可惜,祂们却是忘了,身为曾经的天地主宰,凰祖也不是好相与的。 About cannot seek the Western two Saints, the phoenix ancestor is in a rage, burnt down Mt. Xumi, ruthlessly had/left foul odor in a heart, this departure swaggering. 左右寻不到西方二圣,凰祖一怒之下,一把火烧了须弥山,狠狠的出了一口心中的恶气,这才大摇大摆的离开。 Phoenix ancestor's Nirvana day fire, was called does not extinguish a day of fire, arranges the great antiquity first three strong main road fires sufficiently, was known as that innate ten thousand can light continually, its might can be imagined. 凰祖的涅槃天火,又被称之为不灭天火,是足以排进洪荒前三的强大道火,号称连先天万道都能点燃,其威力可想而知。 The Nirvana day fire falls into Mt. Xumi, that sees what fever anything, the earth, is the stone, or is the water......, so long as is exists, can become its fuel. 涅槃天火一落入须弥山,那是见什么烧什么,无论是土,还是石头,亦或者是水……只要是存在的,都能成为它的燃料。 Therefore, in an instant time, the Nirvana day fire spread to the entire Mt. Xumi. As for mountain-protecting big of Mt. Xumi, very early in the morning by Nirvana day fire burning, becomes one of the main fuels. 所以,不过转眼的功夫,涅槃天火就蔓延至了整个须弥山。至于须弥山的护山大阵,一早就被涅槃天火给燃了,成为其主要燃料之一。 Because dreads the phoenix ancestor, even if Mt. Xumi were burnt, receives and instructs proposes two people not to dare to act certainly, can only look at the cuns (2.5 cm) spread of Nirvana day fire helplessly in Mt. Xumi, the combustion. 因忌惮凰祖,哪怕须弥山被烧,接引准提二人也是不敢出面,只能眼睁睁的看着涅槃天火在须弥山上一寸寸的蔓延,燃烧。 When the phoenix ancestor vents anger, left Mt. Xumi, receives and instructs proposes two Saints certainly urgently hastily to run the fire fighting. 待凰祖出了气,离开了须弥山,接引准提二圣连忙火急火燎的跑出来救火。 What a pity, the Nirvana day hot might, was big. Waits to receive and instruct proposes two people to fight fire certainly, Mt. Xumi was also fired bare one piece. 可惜,涅槃天火的威力,还是大了些。等接引准提二人灭了火,须弥山也被烧成光秃秃的一片了。 On the mountain the thing, does not have remaining, was fired the ashes. 山上东西,一个都没剩下,都被烧成了灰烬。 Mt. Xumi that the god put brilliantly, now is to become pitch-dark one piece, like a giant black coal. 原本神光大放的须弥山,如今更是变得黑漆漆一片,如同一块巨大的黑炭。 Luckily, the disciple and main treasure on mountain, were received and instructed to propose two people to shift certainly ahead of time, otherwise, the West teaches to lose, but continued this thing, made the Western two Saints spurt the blood sufficiently. 幸好,山上的弟子与主要宝物,都被接引准提二人提前转移走了,不然的话,西方教损失的,可就不止这点东西了,足以让西方二圣喷血。 But is so, the Western two Saints this time also lost the big face, the entrance made one burn, can not lose face? 可就是如此,西方二圣这次也是丢了大脸,山门都让人烧了,能不丢脸吗? However is good because , the entrance was destroyed, two people have been used to it, pours does not have extremely to care. 不过好在,山门被毁,二人都已经习惯了,倒也没太过在意。 Has saying that Mt. Xumi is very hapless, altogether on two masters, actually one by one pit. 不得不说,须弥山挺倒霉的,总共就两任主人,却一个比一个坑。 First destroyed in the demon ancestor Luo Hou hand one time, after that in hand that in receiving and instructing raises certainly, destroyed several times. They have been used to it, restored Mt. Xumi also to restore the attainment, thus it can be seen, Mt. Xumi destroyed many times. 先是在魔祖罗睺手中毁了一次,其后更是在接引准提的手中,毁了数次。祂二人都已经习惯了,修复须弥山也修复出心得了,由此可见,须弥山毁了多少次。 This is in the great antiquity, is next to the Divine Mountain of Kunlun Mountain, for the ancestor of lineage/vein West. 这可是洪荒之中,仅次于昆仑山的神山啊,为西方之祖脉。 The great antiquity most miserable Holy Mountain, was Mt. Xumi. 洪荒最惨的圣山,莫过于须弥山了。 Is willing to call it miserably! 愿称其为最惨! ...... …… ............ ………… After does not raise Mt. Xumi was destroyed, the Western two Saints are how grieved, said why they must brave to offend the phoenix ancestor's risk, screens out a destiny of phoenix clan forcefully, in addition holds on the body of Ziyun Daoist. 不提须弥山被毁之后,西方二圣如何心痛,就说祂们为何要冒着得罪凰祖的风险,强行抽走凤凰一族的气运,加持在紫云道人的身上。 Still remembered the destiny image of Shang Dynasty? 还记得商朝的气运形象吗? The destiny swallow, falls, but fresh business. 天命玄鸟,降而生商。 Business the destiny image, is the swallow. But the swallow was one of the Wufeng, was the phoenix is, one of the phoenix descendants. 商的气运形象,就是玄鸟。而玄鸟乃五凤之一,是凤属,凤凰的后代之一。 But Feng Zichen before becoming person sovereign, is business the emperor emperor's children house, although finally, It by torch generation of swallows, reset the universe. But undeniably, in present human clan destiny, somewhat has air/Qi of swallow. 风紫宸在成为人皇之前,是商帝帝子宸,虽然最后,祂以薪火代玄鸟,重定乾坤。但不可否认,如今的人族气运之中,多多少少的带有一丝玄鸟之气。 Western two Saints were to detect the air/Qi of this swallow, will hit a phoenix clan destiny the idea. 西方二圣就是察觉到了这丝玄鸟之气,才会打凤凰一族气运的主意。 They think, although the swallow is strong, but weak the phoenix planned. Then, the destiny of Ziyun Daoist, melt the shape of shape phoenix, can't press excellent sovereign one? 祂们是这么想的,玄鸟虽强,但到底还是弱了凤凰一筹。如此一来,祂们将紫云道人的气运,化形凤凰之象,不就能压过人皇一头了吗? Has saying that the Western two Saints are really the talents, coming out that such idea can think. 不得不说,西方二圣真是天才,这样的主意都能想的出来。 Also truly such as they think, if the destiny image of Ziyun Daoist presents in the shape of phoenix, can indeed restrain the swallow. 也确实如祂们所想,紫云道人的气运形象若以凤凰的形态呈现,的确能克制玄鸟。 Although is only insignificant one, but the struggle of main road, does not accommodate the tiny bit mistake. Can take one point of advantage to take one point of advantage. 虽然只是微不足道的一丝,但大道之争,不容一丝一毫的差错。能占一分便宜就要占一分便宜。 That point that because, you do not care about, and finally, may become last straw that crushed the camel, becomes key that determined the final outcome. 因为,你所不在意的那一分,到了最后,可能会成为压倒骆驼的最后一根稻草,成为决胜的关键。 ...... …… ............ ………… This......” “这……” In Kunlun Mountain, Three Pure Ones sees the performance of Western two Saints, the expression on face was splendid. 昆仑山上,三清看到西方二圣的表现,脸上的表情精彩极了。 They have not thought, can unexpectedly some people as astute as this degree, is really an opportunity does not let off. 祂们没有想到,竟然能有人精明到这种程度,真是连一点机会都不放过。 Hiss......” “嘶……” In the person sovereign palace, Feng Zichen sees the performance of Western two Saints, cold air that holds breath, including saying two people in this way, cannot remain unexpectedly terrifyingly seriously. 人皇殿中,风紫宸看到西方二圣的表现,不由倒吸的一口凉气,连道二人竟恐怖如斯,当真是留不到啊。 His, really ran into the opponent. This astute vigor, had It half of styles. 祂这回,是真的遇到对手了。这精明劲儿,都有祂一半的风范了。 What a pity, Its subsequent hand was really many, many It was not cruel enough with bully the opposite party. 可惜,祂的后手真的是太多了,多的祂都不忍心用出来欺负对方。 Otherwise, only depending on Western two Saint, Feng Zichen must find the way to find the opportunity now to collapse. 不然的话,仅凭西方二圣这一手,风紫宸现在就得想办法找机会破局。 But reality not, if. 但现实没有如果。 Card in a hand innumerable Feng Zichen, sit pretty now, unhurriedly watches the performances of five Saints. 底牌无数的风紫宸,如今稳坐钓鱼台,不慌不忙的看着五圣的表演。 This wave, It is invincible. The innumerable year of pains of plan have not wasted, all shows in this moment, becomes Its invincible capital. 这一波,祂已经无敌了。无数年的苦心算计没有白费,全都在这一刻彰显出来,成为祂无敌的资本。 Only if Pangu comes back to life, and stands that side Three Pure Ones, otherwise, Feng Zichen does not have the possibility of turning over certainly. 除非是盘古复生,并站在三清那一边,否则的话,风紫宸绝无翻车的可能。 Was the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor came, Feng Zichen spared nothing the use to stand erect Pangu in great antiquity world, can it going against. 就是鸿钧道祖来了,风紫宸不惜代价的动用屹立在洪荒天地上的盘古法相,也能将其给顶回去。 Hou, we such self-confident. 嚯,咱就是这么的自信。 Invincible! 无敌! ...... …… ............ ………… Three Pure Ones sends out own disciple to support the eastern nobility, the brought influence is not simple. 三清派出自己的弟子支援东王公,带来的影响可没有那么简单。 This time needs to enter the world to cross the tribulation, not only but the disciple of Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism, is all the member of say/way of cultivation day after tomorrow. 要知道,此次需要入世渡劫的,可不只是三教的弟子,是所有修炼后天之道的修士。 World member, far more than trillion? 天下修士,何止亿万? The quantity, thinks to make people think scalp tingles. But these , are how many Three Pure Ones disciples and followers? 其数量,想想都让人觉得头皮发麻。而这其中,又有多少是三清的徒子徒孙呢? Feng Zichen is not clear, Three Pure Ones is not clear, but they know, this quantity exceeded their imagination absolutely. 风紫宸不清楚,三清也不清楚,但祂们都知道,这个数量绝对超出了祂们的想象。 Because, the entire day after tomorrow system, is the Three Pure Ones construction. Really must trace the source, the day after tomorrow member, few can disagreement/not with Three Pure Ones have the relations. 因为,整个后天体系,都是三清构建的。真要追溯源头,后天修士,就没几个能不和三清扯上关系的。 Nowadays, Three Pure Ones clarifies the carriages and horses must support the Donghua Daoist, the effect on these member can be imagined. 现如今,三清摆明车马的要支持东华道人,对这些修士的影响可想而知。
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