GDSP :: Volume #8

#780: Constructs ten thousand spirit tables

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After nine people discussed is good, directly to all living things issues a command, convened in the great antiquity world all first Heavenly Dao revered, beyond the first bygone days the chaos hunted and killed the innate ominous beast. 九人商议好之后,直接向众生发布道令,召集洪荒天地内的所有先天道尊,前往天外混沌猎杀先天凶兽。 This is a command, the command of Heavenly Dao, anybody cannot violate. Even if not want to go, after the say/way made the promulgation, must go, must go. 这是道令,天道之令,任何人都违背不得。哪怕不想去,在道令颁布之后,也得去,也必须去。 An member as great antiquity world, is usually enjoying the resources of the world, now the archenemy invades one's territory, is actually thinks a force component, this possibility? 身为洪荒天地的一份子,平日里享受着天地的资源,如今大敌来犯,却是想一分力都不出,这可能吗? If who does not go, nine big beginning of the universe powerhouses do not mind to punish one as a warning to others, deliver the person of that not going, the return world, was repays the world to give birth to Its kindness. 谁若不去,九大混元强者也不介意杀鸡儆猴,送那不去之人,回归天地,也算是偿还了天地生养祂的恩德。 The say/way made one, resounded through in all Luo Daozun mind directly greatly, making them understand the cause and effect of this war. 道令一出,直接就在所有大罗道尊的脑海之中响彻,让祂们明白了此战的前因后果。 This war, without the division of race, every goes beyond day chaos, fights for the great antiquity, fights for world all living things, when there is a big merit. 此战,没有种族之分,凡前去天外混沌者,都是为洪荒而战,为天地众生而战,当有大功德。 When fights finish, the Heavenly Dao will come, lowers the boundless merit, to reward heroes. 待战毕,天道自会现身,降下无边功德,以奖励英雄们。 ...... …… ............ ………… On the eve of said the command to issue, in the human clan area, the human clan say/way revered bored, how is pondering over to play with the rebel army. 道令下达前夕,人族疆域之中,人族道尊们无聊之下,正琢磨着如何玩弄叛军的。 But, said the command to arrive suddenly, making them all leave the great antiquity world, beyond the first bygone days the chaos met head-on the innate ominous beast. 可突然的,道令降临,让祂们悉数离开洪荒天地,前往天外混沌迎战先天凶兽。 In a flash, the human clan numerous say/way revere to look at the present rebel army, the person were silly. Now the person sovereign causes heavy losses, the rebel army has not eliminated, how they can easily leave. 一瞬间,人族众道尊看着眼前的叛军,人都傻了。如今人皇重创,叛军未除,祂们怎能轻易离开。 If they walked in this time, wasn't giving the rebel army the opportunity? But the say/way made actually to obey, if did not go to beyond the day the chaos, that estimated that they will be killed by saint now. 要是祂们于此时走了,不正是给了叛军机会吗?但道令却不得不遵,要是不去天外混沌的话,那估计祂们现在就会被圣人干掉。 Hesitant a while, human clan many first Heavenly Dao reveres to look to the look of rebel armies, suddenly appeared some dangerous vision. 犹豫一会儿,人族诸多先天道尊看向叛军们的眼神,突然浮现了些许危险的目光。 Originally also wants to accompany these rebel armies to play, but now looks like, did not have the opportunity. 本来还想陪这些叛军玩玩的,可如今看来,却是没有机会了。 Like this thinking, the people was acting, resorts to the strongest method, kills toward the rebel army, only need strike to solve the rebel army unexpectedly. 这样想着,众人出手了,纷纷动用自己最强的手段,向着叛军杀去,仅竟是要一击解决掉叛军。 Critical moment, in Kunlun Mountain, suddenly to two radiant brilliance, is lending humanity aura, submerged in within the body of Ziyun Daoist and Donghua Daoist. 关键时刻,昆仑山上,忽然冲来两道璀璨光辉,散发着人道的气息,没入了紫云道人与东华道人的体内。 That is the human clan destiny, by two destiny that too clear saint seizes. At this moment, that 20% destiny, were divided into two by too clear saint unexpectedly, simultaneously infiltrated in within the body of Ziyun Daoist and Donghua Daoist. 那是人族气运,被太清圣人夺走的两层气运。此刻,那20%气运,竟是被太清圣人一分为二,同时打入了紫云道人与东华道人的体内。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! In an instant, two people imposing manners rise suddenly loudly, quick, from the accurate Saint initial boundary, entered into the greatly complete boundary, becomes big magical powers worthy of the reputation. 刹那间,两人的气势轰然暴涨,很快的,就从准圣初期的境界,迈入了大圆满的境界,成为了一尊名副其实的大神通者。 Aha!” “啊哈!” The strength explodes the earliest possible time of rising, two people without hesitation many first Heavenly Dao reveres the bang to go toward human clan, the terrifying magical powers erupt from their hands, magical powers destruction that the people rumble. 实力爆涨的第一时间,两人毫不犹豫的就朝人族诸多先天道尊轰去,恐怖的神通从祂们手中爆发,将众人轰来的神通覆灭。 Meanwhile, within the body of god, erupts powerful chaos air/Qi in vain, covered the surrounding area several million li (0.5 km), blocks the sky general. 与此同时,神的体内,徒然爆发出一股强大的混沌之气,足足笼罩了方圆数百万里,遮天蔽日一般。 The magical powers of people just the bang came, blotted out the sky the chaos air/Qi swallows, has not raised including a spray. 那众人的神通刚刚轰来,就被铺天盖地般的混沌之气所吞噬,连一朵浪花都没有掀起。 Sees this, an numerous human clan say/way reveres the violent anger, must launch a body, forms galaxy eon brilliant, fights to the death with it. 见此,一众人族道尊暴怒,就要展开道体,结成星河宙光大阵,与其决一死战。 But at this time, near their ears broadcast Feng Zichen that indistinct sound suddenly: You draw back, does not need to make the senseless battle with them. Beyond as soon as possible former bygone days the chaos, catch the innate ominous beast for my human clan.” 可就是在这个时候,祂们的耳边忽然传来了风紫宸那缥缈的声音:“你们退下吧,没必要和祂们做无谓的争斗。还是尽早的前往天外混沌,为我人族捕捉先天凶兽。” Remember, while guaranteeing oneself safe, if there is an opportunity to capture alive the innate ominous beast, that does as far as possible.” “记住,在保证自己安全的同时,若有机会活捉先天凶兽,那就尽量去做吧。” Do not fear the loss, with capturing alive compared with innate ominous beast, regardless of the big loss, is worth.” “不要怕损失,与活捉先天凶兽相比,无论多大的损失,都是值得的。” Speaking of finally, the Feng Zichen sound getting smaller, until vanishing does not see. 说到最后,风紫宸的声音越来越小,直至消失不见。 This......” “这……” The people each other look at each other one, although is the meaning of non- knowledgeable person sovereign, but the person sovereign's order, they truly have no alternative but to listen. 众人彼此对视一眼,虽是不解人皇的意思,但人皇的命令,祂们确实不能不听。 Therefore, saw the people to stare rebel army one bitterly, said: Snort, this time was really cheap you, had the innate ominous beast to appear by chance, rescued your life.” 于是,就见众人恨恨的瞪了叛军一眼,言道:“哼,这一次真是便宜你们了,碰巧有先天凶兽出现,救了你们一命。” Otherwise......” “不然的话……” At this point, the people sneered two, then left in abundance, beyond the first bygone days the chaos prepare. 说到这里,众人冷笑了两声,便纷纷离开了,前往天外混沌备战。 Finally although the threat words have not said that but the people know that is not what word of praise. 最后威胁的话虽然没有说出口,但众人都知道,那绝非是什么好话。 Sees first Heavenly Dao to revere leaves, the rebel armies breathe a sigh of relief long. Has these say/way to revere, they cannot see any hope of winning, has, is only the endless despair. 见先天道尊们离开,叛军们不由长舒了一口气。有这些道尊们,他们根本看不到任何赢的希望,有的,只是无尽的绝望。 Now they leave finally, presses the giant stone in rebel army heart to disappear, they relaxed certainly. 如今祂们终于离开了,压在叛军心头上的巨石不见了,他们当然放松下来了。 Captures the human clan ancestor place, is just round the corner. 攻入人族祖地,指日可待。 As for the word of threat these say/way revere? So long as they gained the final victory, is the high-ranking, that is the human clan say/way reveres again strongly, temporarily cannot do to them. 至于那些道尊的威胁之言?只要他们取得了最后的胜利,身居高位,那就是人族道尊再强,暂时也奈何不得他们。 Moreover, after dominating the human clan destiny, they revere with these say/way, whose who weakly is uncertain. 另外,把持人族气运之后,他们与这些道尊之间,孰强孰弱还不一定呢。 ...... …… ............ ………… „, Finally began?” “啧啧,终于动手了吗?” In the person sovereign palace, sees to hold 20% human clan destiny on the red cloud ancestor and eastern nobility, in the eye of Feng Zichen, appeared to wipe none. 人皇殿中,看到加持在红云老祖与东王公身上的20%人族气运,风紫宸的眼中,不由浮现出了一抹精光。 This is It recaptures these 20% human clan destiny the opportunity. 这就是祂夺回这20%人族气运的机会。 So long as defeated these two people, that 20% by the human clan destiny that too clear saint seizes, not only will flow in human clan, will carry these reincarnation human clan the destiny of antiquity powerhouses, converges in the human clan destiny together. 只要击败了这二人,那20%被太清圣人夺走的人族气运,非但会重新流入人族,更是会携带那些转世人族的上古强者们的气运,一同汇入人族气运之中。 Among this if the amount is counted twice, the human clan destiny will rise suddenly without doubt much. 这一进一出之间,人族气运无疑会暴涨不少。 This is the good fortune! 这就是造化啊! By the present human clan situation, the destiny has almost arrived withstood/top, basically did not have the independent powerful possibility. To continue to install to get down greatly, only has the destiny of nibbling other race. 以如今人族的局势来看,气运几乎已经到顶了,基本上没有自主强大的可能了。想要继续装大下去,唯有蚕食别的种族的气运。 But nibbles the destiny of foreign clan, is not that simple, after letting it turns on own initiative , can only the armed suppression. 但蚕食外族的气运,也不是那么简单的,除了让其主动投靠之后,也就只能武力镇压了。 But armed suppression. 但武力镇压嘛。 Nowadays, has to human clan discontented big magical powers. But they actually could not find the appropriate reason to start to human clan, if human clan provokes the war on own initiative, attacks foreign clan. 现如今,对人族不满的大神通者有很多。但祂们却找不到合适的理由对人族下手,若人族主动挑起战争,攻伐外族。 Isn't this reason of delivering? 这不就是送上门的理由吗? When the time comes, saint raises the arm shouts, the responder converges, human clan becomes the world public enemy directly. Really must evolve to this situation, even if human clan is the world lead, is still difficult the fate that escapes to defeat. 到时候,圣人振臂一呼,响应者云集,人族直接就成为了天下公敌。真要演变到这种地步,那就算人族是天地主角,也难逃战败的下场。 Since does not attack on own initiative good, that can only passive and the others turned, this may be more difficult than the armed suppression. Is Feng Zichen, for a short time cannot find out the means to achieve this point. 既然主动攻伐不行,那就只能被动的等人投靠,这可比武力镇压难多了。就是风紫宸,一时半会也想不出办法做到这一点。 Yet now, did not need It to try to find the solution. saint delivered the destiny to It on own initiative. 可如今,也不用祂想办法了。圣人主动给祂送气运了。 These were reincarnated the human clan antiquity powerhouse, the destiny put together completely, was not the small number, comparing favorably with several powerful races. 那些转世进人族的上古强者,气运全部加在一起,可不是小数目,都比得上数个强大的种族了。 At least, can make the human clan destiny increase partly becomes, even therefore 10%. Truth that the advantage of delivering, how can there be does not want? 最起码,也能让人族气运增加半成,甚至于是10%。送上门的好处,岂有不要的道理? Therefore, Feng Zichen whatever the influences of these rebel armies do in a big way. Nowadays, their influences are bigger, the saved destiny are more. 所以,风紫宸才会任由这些叛军的势力做大。现如今,他们的势力越大,积攒的气运越多。 When brings order out of chaos to Feng Zichen finally, the advantage that can gain are also more. 待到风紫宸最后拨乱反正的时候,所能获得的好处也就越多。 As for playing to take off/escape? 至于玩脱? Does not exist. 不存在的。 If really played to take off/escape, Feng Zichen raised the card in a hand directly, emitted the humane sovereign courtyard, by the ancient times human clan destiny, flows in backward the present human clan destiny, decided the universe at one fell swoop, swept away all turbulence. 真要是玩脱了,风紫宸直接就掀底牌,放出人道皇庭,以远古人族的气运,倒灌如今的人族气运,一举定乾坤,横扫一切动荡。 If the humane sovereign courtyard is insufficient, It also has a day of Demonic Path, the Yin courtyard, ten thousand boundary/world trades the city...... 倘若人道皇庭还不够,祂还有天魔道,还有阴庭,还有万界交易城…… I, Feng Zichen, the great antiquity waistcoat is crazy, biggest old compels Yin. 我,风紫宸,洪荒马甲狂,最大的老阴逼。 Has a person of sovereign and purple slightly Great Emperor, to cancel Chen Great Emperor, Fengtu Great Emperor, Antarctic Great Emperor wait/etc a series of waistcoats, with being above layout of imagination. 有着人皇、紫微大帝、勾陈大帝、酆都大帝、南极大帝等等一系列的马甲,和超乎想象的布局。 The card in a hand are innumerable, how to possibly play to take off/escape. 底牌无数,怎么可能会玩脱。 This not funny? 这不搞笑的吗? So many cards in a hand, opened several casually, can still the human clan current chaotic situation at one fell swoop. 这么多的底牌,随便揭开出来几个,都能一举平定人族目前的乱局。 ...... …… ............ ………… Outward looked, saw the rebel army to start to attack a city, Feng Zichen somewhat shakes the head unavoidably. The offensive of rebel army is very strong, if It does not dispatch troops to volunteer, these god cities feared that could not defend. 朝外看了看,见叛军已经开始攻城了,风紫宸不免有些摇了摇头。叛军的攻势很强,祂要是不派兵志愿的话,那些神城怕是守不住了。 The might of god city is very strong, but its actually shortcoming, that is outward not internal. 神城的威力是很强,但它却有一个缺点,那就是对外不对内。 What do you mean? 什么意思呢? That is, if there is foreign clan to invade one's territory, the might of god city full, resists the invasion of foreign enemy or strikes to kill the foreign enemy. 就是说,倘若有外族来犯,神城的威力就会全开,抵御外敌的入侵或是将外敌击杀。 But if human clan erupts the civil war, the might of god city will then not start, compared with ordinary city, except for hard, had nothing differently. 但要是人族爆发内战,神城的威力便不会启动,与普通的城池相比,除了坚硬点,也没什么不同了。 Why will have the setting of such pit? Naturally is because Feng Zichen establishes intentionally. 为什么会有这么坑的设定呢?当然是因为风紫宸故意设定的。 If not do that when the time comes the might of god city opens, how does the rebel army also attack? Without Luo Daozun acts greatly, who can the defense of rumbling broken god city? 要是不这么做的话,到时候神城的威力一开,叛军还怎么攻?没有大罗道尊出手,谁能轰破神城的防御? Then, even if big Luo Daozun left, the rebel army cannot go forward as before, that Feng Zichen following plan, but how also to carry out? 如此一来,哪怕大罗道尊都离开了,叛军依旧还是前进不得,那风紫宸接下来的计划,还怎么执行? These are the living destiny, how can discard? 这些都是活生生的气运啊,怎么能够舍弃呢? In order to makes the rebel army have opportunity capturing human clan ancestor place, Feng Zichen also is really enough takes great pains. 为了能够让叛军有机会“攻入”人族祖地,风紫宸也真是够煞费苦心的。 Takes back the line of sight from rebel army there, Feng Zichen the vision looked that to overlapped with the human clan area in same place god. 从叛军那里收回视线,风紫宸又将目光看向了与人族疆域重叠在一起的神界。 At this time, after nourishing of human clan area rusticity, as well as breeding of innumerable expert source, god, although has not opened completely, but can also be operational. 此时,经过人族疆域地气的滋养,以及无数高手本源的孕育,神界虽是没有完全开辟,但也可以投入使用了。 Sees this, the Feng Zichen facial expression moved slightly, called a trusted aide. Sees It to take out ten thousand Shentu, told toward that trusted aide: 见此,风紫宸神情微微一动,唤了一位心腹。就见祂取出万神图,朝那位心腹吩咐道: You pass on my order, calls human clan all skilled craftsmen, the imitation cancels Chen Tiangong pattern, builds outside the person imperial city makes ten thousand spirit tables.” “你去传寡人的命令,召集人族所有的能工巧匠,仿照勾陈天宫的格局,在人皇城外打造一做万神台。” Then, when ten thousand spirit tables build, you paste this chart above.” “然后,待万神台打造完毕,你就将此图贴在上面。” Then, Feng Zichen gave that trusted aide on ten thousand Shentu. 说完,风紫宸就万神图交给了那名心腹。 Builds ten thousand spirit tables, takes out ten thousand Shentu, this was must seal the god. The war hence, to seal/confer God should also begin. 打造万神台,取出万神图,这是要封神了。大战至此,封神也该拉开序幕了。 Yes, your majesty!” After that trusted aide received ten thousand Shentu, then received an order to leave this place, called the manpower to build ten thousand Shentai. “是,陛下!”那名心腹接过万神图后,便领命离开了此地,召集人手打造万神台去了。 Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism, your ends.” “三教,你们的末日到了。” When the trusted aide walks away, Feng Zichen is looking at the vault of heaven of distant place, slightly reveals saying of anticipation. 待心腹走远,风紫宸望着远方的天穹,略显期待的说道。 World person Three Realms altogether spreads out to seal/confer God, how many human lives the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism must with fill, can fill up it? 天地人三界共衍封神,三教要拿多少人命去填,才能将其填满? Moreover, the war hence, agreement in Zixiaogong can be said as does not make the number completely. Who will be on the list, who must free and unfettered, who can relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish? saint said does not calculate how all looks at own skill. 而且,大战至此,紫霄宫内的约定已经可以说是完全不作数了。谁会上榜,谁得逍遥,谁会形神俱灭?圣人说的不算,全看自己的本事如何。 Right. Here Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism, refers to clarifying that teaches, truncation to teach with the West to teach, rather than clarified that teaches, truncation to teach to teach. 哦,对了。这里的三教,指的是阐教、截教与西方教,而不是阐教、截教与人教。 The whole person teaches, two people, this seal the tribulation of god, had nothing to do with them. 整个人教加起来,也才不过两个人,这场封神之劫,本就与祂们无关。 Is taught to replace the person to teach appropriately by the West, who called their people many? This to seal/confer Shenliang tribulations, from the beginning was doomed, whose disciple are many, who then must suffer a loss. 由西方教取代人教最合适,谁叫祂们人多呢?这场封神量劫,从一开始就注定了,谁的弟子多,谁便要吃亏。 ...... …… ............ ………… The person sovereign has the command, all skilled craftsmen who must convene the world, builds ten thousand spirit tables. 人皇有令,要召集天下的所有的能工巧匠,来打造万神台。 This token/order, the world in an uproar, many skilled craftsmen leave in abundance, through the transmission flying boat, caught up with a person of imperial city. Cancels in Chen Tiangong continually , many people run down every. 此令一出,天下哗然,众多能工巧匠纷纷动身,通过传送飞舟,赶来了人皇城。就是连勾陈天宫之中,也有不少人跑下凡来。 They, although does not know that anything is ten thousand spirit tables, but they are clear, this is the person sovereign's order. If completed this matter, doesn't beam with joy before the person sovereign? 他们这些人,虽然不知道什么是万神台,但他们却清楚,这是人皇的命令。要是办成了此事,不就在人皇面前露了脸吗? If the lucky luck is good, can be taken down the sovereign, that is really carp fish dive Dragon Gate, henceforth one point soars to the heavens, is becomes enlightened is not difficult. 若是侥幸运气好,能够被人皇记下,那真的就是鲤鱼跃龙门,从此一分冲天,便是成道也不难。 It is well known, the person the talent of sovereign, is the great antiquity recognized first. 众所周知,人皇的天赋,乃是洪荒公认的第一。 Is the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor and eastern sovereign too one, these two immemorial strongest Heaven's Chosen, with the antiquity strongest Heaven's Chosen, before It, must candidly admit defeat, acknowledged is unable to be on par with it in the talent. 就是鸿钧道祖与东皇太一,这两位太古最强的天骄,与上古最强的天骄,在祂面前,也是要甘拜下风,承认在天赋上无法与其比肩。 If can be regarded as important by such character, the quantity as it builds a family merit law, that achievement say/way reveres is not really difficult. 要是能被这样的人物看重,量身为其打造一门功法,那成就道尊真的不难。 The must know, in the human clan legend, Saint sovereign purple house, trains the expert who most excels. 须知,在人族的传说之中,圣皇紫宸氏,最擅长的就是培养高手。 Before the Flood, human clan emaciated, is the great antiquity lowest level. May under Its leadership, human clan once become the great antiquity strong clan, was born the innumerable experts. 上古时代,人族孱弱,为洪荒的最底层。可在祂的带领下,人族曾一度成为洪荒强族,更是诞生出了无数高手。 And finally, human clan under Its leadership, even threatened the rule of monster clan, then heavenly emperor monster clan head of the clan emperor was handsome, led troops to attack human clan personally, the destruction the magnificent antiquity human clan civilization. 到了最后,人族在祂的带领下,甚至威胁到了妖族的统治,以至于时任天帝的妖族族长帝俊,亲自带兵攻打人族,覆灭了辉煌的上古人族文明。 Has saying that the legend is the legend, passes on is passing on is changing flavor. Undeniably, antiquity human clan was not truly weak, but must say that threatened the rule of monster clan, that somewhat pulled. 不得不说,传说就是传说,传着传着就变了味儿。不可否认,上古人族确实不算弱,但要说威胁到妖族的统治,那就有些扯了。 The real situation is, antiquity human clan in the front of antiquity monster clan, collapsed at the first blow radically. May do, present human clan does not believe. 真实情况是,上古人族在上古妖族的面前,根本不堪一击。可奈何,现在的人族不信呐。 My big human clan is so strong, how easily to be defeated possibly by the trivial monster clan? Must experience a bloody battle, this poured under the plot of monster clan unfortunately, caused the incomparably magnificent civilization, from now on will move toward the decline. 我大人族这么强,怎么可能会被区区妖族轻易击败?必是经历了一番血战,这才不幸倒在了妖族的阴谋之下,使得无比辉煌的文明,自此走向了没落。 Bah, the monster clan, is really mean. 呸,妖族,真卑鄙也。 It is not strange present human clan to think, looking into the distance, the monster clan in great antiquity, let alone was revolts against human clan, has degenerated into human clan food, on human clan recipes. 不怪乎现在的人族这么想,放眼望去,洪荒之中的妖族,别说是反抗人族了,都已经沦为人族的食物,上了人族的食谱了。 Looks at such human clan, you let present human clan young one generation, how to believe, antiquity human clan was once hung to hit by the monster clan? 看着这样的人族,你让现在的人族年轻一辈,如何相信,上古人族曾被妖族吊打? This is impossible. 这不可能。 Has not experienced the person of that time, how also to know the antiquity monster clan fearful? 未曾经历过那个时代的人,又怎会知道上古妖族的可怕呢? ...... …… ............ ………… A great antiquity weak clan, builds the great antiquity strong clan, so the method, is really fire imagination. 把一洪荒弱族,生生打造成洪荒强族,这般手段,真是令人神往。 Naturally, such method, if using on individual body, that person cannot the standing start! 当然,这样的手段,若是用在个人的身上,那人还不得原地起飞啊! It is said that is only it is said that now human clan surpasses the most first Heavenly Dao to revere, is the person sovereign cultivates. So long as into the eyes of person of sovereign, that 100% can become the say/way to revere. 据说啊,只是据说啊,现在人族超过大半的先天道尊,都是人皇培育出来的。只要入了人皇的眼,那百分之百的就能成为道尊。 The people come this, to enter the eyes of person sovereign well, to wrestle a magnificent future to oneself. 众人来此,就是为了入人皇的眼,好给自己搏一个辉煌的未来。 Causes heavy losses as for the person sovereign? No matter saint really believed that they did not believe in any case. 至于人皇重创?甭管圣人是不是真的信了,反正他们是不信。
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