GDSP :: Volume #8

#779: Who plans whom

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Although two's goal is different, but the goal is actually same, this was runs upon. 二者的目的虽然不同,但目标却是相同,这是撞上了啊。 On the purple faint star, the purple slightly Great Emperor mind moves, finds out the palm suddenly, the infinite star light gathering, changes to one not to know that the great hand of boundary, blocks the sky general, beyond the chaos toward the day grasps. 紫微星上,紫微大帝心神一动,猛然探出手掌,无穷星光汇聚,化作一不知边际的巨手,遮天蔽日一般,朝着天外混沌抓去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The great hand is boundless, and is getting bigger and bigger. 巨手无垠,且越来越大。 Initially when leaves the purple faint star, great hand purple faint star size, but it raids, under in addition of sidereal revolution stars holds, is actually bigger and bigger. 初离开紫微星时,巨手不过紫微星大小,可其一路袭来,在周天星辰的加持之下,却是越来越大。 Waits for him to run out of the boundless starry sky, when arrives beyond day the chaos, has the less than half boundless starry sky to be like that big. 等其冲出无垠星空,来到天外混沌之时,已经有小半个无垠星空那般大了。 The great hand obstructs the day, plunders from the boundless starry sky, almost covered all innate ominous beasts. Sees under its grasping, by its innate ominous beast of covering, uncontrolled was all welled up toward the great hand palm. 巨手遮天,从无垠星空掠来,几乎笼罩住了所有的先天凶兽。就见其一把抓下,被其笼罩的先天凶兽,全都不受控制的朝巨手手心涌去。 Purple slightly Great Emperor this palm, must catch unexpectedly all innate ominous beasts. 紫微大帝这一掌,竟是要把所有的先天凶兽都抓下。 Sees this, receiving and instructing on Kunlun Mountain proposes two Saints certainly, the eye was straight, wishes one could to scold a straight mother thief, this intended is also ruthless, had not planned stayed behind unexpectedly to others. 看到这一幕,昆仑山上的接引准提二圣,眼睛都直了,恨不得骂一句直娘贼,这出手也太狠了吧,竟然一个都没打算给别人留下。 Keeping everything for oneself, is not the good behavior. 吃独食,可不是什么好行为。 In the heart worries, receives and instructs proposes two people certainly, acts unexpectedly, goes toward the great hand bang that the purple slightly Great Emperor grasps. 心中着急,接引准提二人,竟是同时出手,朝紫微大帝抓出去的巨手轰去。 These innate ominous beasts, but their West teaches whether key energetically can be, cannot fall into outside in the person hand. 这些先天凶兽,可是祂们西方教能否大兴的关键所在,万万不能落入外人手中。 Receives and instructs raises certainly quickly, but some people are quicker than them. Hides beyond the day the chaos, emits these innate ominous beasts the chaos demon gods. 只是,接引准提快,但有人比祂们更快。是隐藏在天外混沌,放出这些先天凶兽的混沌魔神们。 Saw, all innate ominous beasts, must fall into the palm that the purple slightly Great Emperor magical powers change to all. Beyond the day above the chaos, presented nine terrifying forms suddenly. 眼看着,所有的先天凶兽,就要尽数落入紫微大帝神通化作的手掌之中。天外混沌之上,忽然出现了九道恐怖的身影。 Their bodies, were all being covered by air/Qi of chaos, making one unable to see clearly their faces. The terrifying aura fills the air from their bodies, crushed chaos all around. 祂们的身体,皆是被一层混沌之气笼罩着,让人看不清他们的面孔。恐怖的气息从祂们的身上弥漫开来,粉碎了周遭的混沌。 Beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal! 混元大罗金仙! These nine chaos demon gods, all are existences of beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal rank. 这九尊混沌魔神,皆是混元大罗金仙级别的存在。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Nine terrifying fluctuations, from the bodies of nine big chaos demon gods, well up respectively enormously and powerful toward the palm of purple slightly Great Emperor. 九道恐怖的波动,分别从九大混沌魔神的身上浩荡而出,朝着紫微大帝的手掌涌去。 Listens to one of the bang, that obstructs a day of great hand to be rumbled jointly broken by nine terrifying fluctuations, turns into the innumerable luminous spots to dissipate. 就听轰的一声,那遮天巨手被九道恐怖的波动联手轰碎,化成无数光点消散。 Meanwhile, that by its innate ominous beast of seizing, with shatter of great hand, from in the air was previously dropped, a face panic-stricken escapes toward the distant place. 同时,那先前被其抓走的先天凶兽,随着巨手的破碎,从空中跌落,一脸惊恐的朝远方逃去。 „!” “哦!” Chaos demon god?” “混沌魔神吗?” During the speeches, the form of purple slightly Great Emperor, has then disappeared in the purple faint star, arrived at beyond the day in the chaos, with nine chaos demon god facing one another of face-to-face. 说话间,紫微大帝的身影,便已消失在了紫微星,来到了天外混沌之中,与九尊混沌魔神面对面的相望。 Shortly after It, seven Saints with the eastern sovereign too first-grade person, caught up. 在祂之后不久,七圣与东皇太一等人,也是赶了过来。 Is faced with an archenemy, the infighting must put, first united efforts to repel the enemy said again. This called the brothers catfish in wall, outside governing its shame. 大敌当前,内部争斗还是要放一放的,先协力退敌再说。这叫兄弟阋于墙,外御其辱。 It can be said that immemorial that at this time, the beginning of the universe powerhouse in great antiquity, except for hidden world to powerhouses, has not come on person sovereign Feng Zichen, other all arrived. 可以说,这个时候,洪荒之中的混元强者,除了隐世不出的太古至强者们,也就人皇风紫宸没来,其余的全都到了。 Why hasn't come as for Feng Zichen? Naturally is because It is healing from a wound! 至于风紫宸为何没来?当然是因为祂在养伤啊! Seven Saints, the purple slightly Great Emperor, the eastern sovereign too one, puts together, just nine beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortals, but the opposite party is the chaos demon gods of nine beginning of the universe ranks. 七圣,紫微大帝,东皇太一,加在一起,刚好九尊混元大罗金仙,而对方则是九尊混元级别的混沌魔神。 Nine pairs nine, 九对九, Is just one-to-one, fair. 刚好一对一,公平的很。 Holds the breath with rapt attention, nine people wield a magic wand respectively, must kill toward the chaos demon god. 屏息凝神,九人各自祭起法宝,就要朝混沌魔神杀去。 But at this moment, in nine big chaos demon gods is of head, opens the mouth: „The Pangu descendants, you really considered, can fight with main body and the others?” 可就在这时,九大混沌魔神中为首的那个,开口了:“盘古后裔们,你们真的考虑好了,要与本尊等人交手?” You may know, do 18 beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal breaking out tangled warfare, regarding this side world, actually mean what?” “你们可知,十八尊混元大罗金仙爆发混战,对于此方天地来说,究竟意味着什么?” hears word, nine people were silent. They know certainly that this consequence, is not careful, feared that will be the great antiquity world will make into the fragment by them. 闻言,九人沉默了。祂们当然知道这个后果,一个不小心,怕是洪荒天地就会被祂们打成碎片。 But does not fight, whatever the chaos demon god does intrude on? This is not cracks a joke? 但不交手,难道就任由混沌魔神进犯?这不是开玩笑的吗? The plate Mr. Gu god gives them this side world, does not make them give the chaos demon god submissively. The chaos demon god wants to enter the great antiquity world, Ok, that treads from their corpses. 盘古父神将此方天地交给祂们,可不是让祂们拱手让给混沌魔神的。混沌魔神想要进入洪荒天地,可以,那得从祂们的尸体上踏过去。 Rather dead honorably, to not live dishonorably. 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。 This, 这, Is their attitude to the chaos demon god. 就是祂们对混沌魔神的态度。 Sees nine people of silence, that is the chaos demon god of head continues saying: „Do the Pangu descendants, how we make a bet? If you won, we turn around to walk.” 见九人沉默,那为首的混沌魔神继续说道:“盘古后裔们,我们来打个赌如何?若你们赢了,我们转身就走。” If we won, we are not many want, only need let us in the great antiquity world, opens together the habitat becomes.” “若我们赢了,我们也不多要,只需让我们在洪荒天地之中,开辟出一块栖息之地就成。” hears word, nine people of looks were inexplicable, crossed some little time, just now by qualifications oldest too clear saint, spoke to ask: How to bet?” 闻言,九人神色莫名,过了好一会儿,方才由资格最老的太清圣人,出言问道:“如何赌?” To nine people, they, although is not willing to see that the chaos demon god enters the great antiquity world, but they are not willing to fight with the chaos demon god. 对九人而言,祂们虽然不愿意看到混沌魔神进入洪荒天地,但祂们更不愿意与混沌魔神交手。 Because, that price was really big. 因为,那代价实在是太大了。 Almost takes the great antiquity shatter risk, is fighting with the opposite party. 几乎是冒着洪荒破碎的风险,在与对方交手。 In the steel wire dances, is so. 钢丝绳上跳舞,便是如此。 Hears the inquiry of too clear saint, that is the chaos demon god of head on the knowledge, their heart movement. Therefore, listens to It saying: Simple, we do not act, making our subordinates conduct the showdown.” 听到太清圣人的询问,那为首的混沌魔神就知,祂们心动了。于是,就听祂说道:“简单,我们都不出手,让我们的手下进行对决。” Saying, that is the chaos demon god of head, chaos of a finger/refers beyond the day in the innate ominous beast that is unruly, said: Saw these innate ominous beasts?” 说着,那为首的混沌魔神,一指正在天外混沌之中撒泼的先天凶兽,道:“看到这些先天凶兽们了吗?” Then, the main body will make them initiate the charge toward the great antiquity world, but you must do, lets your subordinates, spells prevents the innate ominous beasts that goes all-out.” “接下来,本尊会让它们向着洪荒天地发起冲锋,而你们要做的,就是让你们的手下,拼尽全力的去阻止先天凶兽们。” When finally, the innate ominous beast was cut to kill by you completely, that natural all things do not mention.” “待到最后,先天凶兽被你们一方斩杀殆尽,那自然万事休提。” „But if you do not beat the innate ominous beast, was stormed into the great antiquity world by it. That any by the place that the innate ominous beast has wreaked havoc, all turns over to our chaos demon god.” “可要是你们一方不敌先天凶兽,被其攻入洪荒天地。那凡是被先天凶兽肆虐过的地方,皆归我们混沌魔神所有。” So, how do you look?” “如此,你们看如何?” Then, that is the chaos demon god of head is then not speaking, but static is staring at them, is waiting for nine people of answers. 说完,那为首的混沌魔神便不在说话,只是静静的盯着祂们,等待着九人的答案。 Nine people each other are looking at each other, exchanges by the look, has not actually done to decide. They , the person who waited for that to take responsibility open the mouth. 九人彼此对视着,以眼神进行交流,却是迟迟没有做下决定。祂们在等,等那个能做主的人开口。 Do not look that chaos demon god said a big pile to nine people anxiously, but It said that also spoke in vain. Because, such big matter, they cannot take responsibility. 别看那混沌魔神巴巴对九人的说了一大堆,可祂说了,也是白说。因为,这么大的事,祂们根本就做不了主。 Do not forget, although nine people strong, but eventually is only the great antiquity manager, rather than great antiquity world's control. Can make the great antiquity truly main, but also is not one's turn them. 可别忘了,九人虽强,但终究只是洪荒的管理者,而不是洪荒天地的掌控着。真正能做洪荒主的,还轮不到祂们。 From beginning to end, the hierarch in great antiquity world, only has one person, that is the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor. 从始至终,洪荒天地的掌权者,只有一人,那就是鸿钧道祖。 The gambling that the chaos demon god proposed fought, agreed that must look at the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor's meaning. 混沌魔神提出的赌斗,是否同意,还是要看鸿钧道祖的意思。 Silent, 沉默, Endless silence. 无休止的沉默。 The great wild goose honored say/way ancestor does not open the mouth, nine people do not dare to open the mouth to accept anything. Otherwise, waits for a great wild goose honored say/way ancestor opens the mouth, the opinion is inconsistent with them, that is awkward. 鸿钧道祖不开口,九人也不敢开口应承什么。不然的话,等鸿钧道祖一开口,意见与祂们不一致,那就尴尬。 Has not known how long, until the impatient time that the chaos demon gods must wait , the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor of dropping got online finally, passes on toward them said: 不知过了多久,直到混沌魔神都要等的不耐烦的时候,掉线的鸿钧道祖终于上线了,朝祂们传言道: But!” “可!” When hears that indistinct say/way sound, when the ear resounds, nine people breathe a sigh of relief immediately long. 当听到那飘渺的道音,在耳边响起的时候,九人顿时长舒了一口气。 Has maintained the energy, very intensive confronts, will be they will also feel tired. 一直保持精力,高强度的与人对峙,就是祂们也会感觉到累。 Shook the sleeves, too clear saint said toward and other impatient chaos demon god: Proposition our, does not know when the gambling does fight starts?” 抖了抖衣袖,太清圣人朝等的不耐烦的混沌魔神说道:“诸位的提议我们准了,不知赌斗何时开始?” hears word, is the chaos demon god eye of head one bright, said: Main body does not occupy you to be cheap, gives you hundred years deploys troops, set manpower.” 闻言,为首的混沌魔神眼睛一亮,说道:“本尊也不占你们便宜,给你们百年的时间调兵遣将,集合人手。” When to hundred years later, when is the innate ominous beasts mounting a large-scale attack great antiquity world.” “待到百年之后,就是先天凶兽们大举进攻洪荒天地之时。” Then, the form of that nine chaos demon gods, disappeared beyond the day in slowly the chaos. 说罢,那九尊混沌魔神的身影,就缓缓消失在了天外混沌之中。 Regarding the chaos, the chaos demon god be familiar compared with them too, is almost equivalent has the home advantage, wants to defeat the chaos demon god here, is very difficult. 对于混沌,混沌魔神要比祂们熟悉太多了,几乎相当于占据着主场优势,想要在这里战胜混沌魔神,真的很难。 The away game battles, to nine people of disadvantage, in addition, who knows in secret ambush also has had other chaos demon god? 客场作战,本就对九人不利,再加上,谁知道暗中潜伏的还有没有别的混沌魔神? Is having scruples these, nine talents do not have the choice and chaos demon god make war. The chaos demon god foundation is solid, is not afraid of losing, can make war with them at any time. 正是顾忌着这些,九人才没有选择与混沌魔神开战。混沌魔神底蕴深厚,不怕输,可以随时与祂们开战。 But they are different, they cannot lose, once will lose will not have a thing in the world. Therefore, under without the completely safe assurance, nine people will not easily make war with the chaos demon god. 可祂们不同,祂们不能输,一旦输了就会一无所有。所以,在没有万全的把握下,九人不会轻易与混沌魔神开战。 Naturally, regarding present this result, how others to think that the purple slightly Great Emperor is not clear, but It is quite satisfied. 当然,对于眼下这个结果,别人怎么想紫微大帝不清楚,但祂还是比较满意的。 Because, this is It prays. 因为,这正是祂所祈盼的。 If they really and chaos demon god hit, during that war, the purple slightly Great Emperor has not grasped captures alive 360 innate ominous beasts. 要是他们真与混沌魔神打起来,那大战期间,紫微大帝也没把握活捉三百六十头先天凶兽。 But at present, was different. Although It cannot make a move, but if by subordinate, present great antiquity world, but also there is what clan to be able with human clan to be on par? 而眼下,就不同了。祂虽是不能出手了,但若论手下,眼下的洪荒天地,还有何族能与人族比肩? 300 first Heavenly Dao reveres to be uneven, taking 300 innate ominous beasts is not difficult. Moreover, who said that under hand of Feng Zichen, only has human clan this influence? 三百尊先天道尊齐出,拿下三百头先天凶兽不难。而且,谁说风紫宸的手底下,只有人族这一个势力? It also has the say/way of what god demon, boundless starry sky. Although the innate star gods were killed by the monster clan was similar, but some people lived after all. But this, is the boundless starry sky biggest background. 祂还有什么神魔之道,还有无垠星空。先天星神们虽然被妖族杀的差不多了,但总归还是有人活了下来。而这,就是无垠星空最大的底蕴。 The ancient innate star god, can until now, the strength not have one to be lower than first Heavenly Dao to revere exactly, even, several certainly Saints. 古老的先天星神,能够活到如今,实力就没有一个低于先天道尊的,甚至于,还有数尊准圣。 Feng Zichen calculates in secret, without exposing human clan background, It can set out about 400 greatly Luo Daozun. 风紫宸暗中算了算,在不暴露人族底蕴的情况下,祂能够出动大约四百尊大罗道尊。 This strength, was enough. 这力量,足够了。 It also has the blood sacrificial altar, can resurrect infinitely greatly Luo Daozun, this made them be in an impregnable position. So, takes the innate ominous beast that 400 say/way revere the rank should not be difficult. 祂还有血祭台,能够无限复活大罗道尊,这就使得祂们立于不败之地了。如此,拿下四百头道尊级别的先天凶兽应该不难。 Words as the matter stands, the human clan say/way reveres on leaves from the great antiquity land, beyond the first bygone days in the chaos prepares. 只是,这样一来的话,人族道尊就得从洪荒大地上离开,前往天外混沌之中备战。 Wasn't this cheap three groups of rebel armies? 这不就是便宜了三路叛军吗? Has the human clan say/way to revere to keep off, whatever that three groups of rebel armies are how restless, cannot overturn the heavens, goes forward one step. But the human clan say/way reveres walks, that keeps off the biggest stumbling obstacle in front of rebel army, did not have. 人族道尊挡着,任凭那三路叛军如何闹腾,也是翻不了天,前进一步。可人族道尊一走,那挡在叛军前面的最大绊脚石,不就没了。 They depending on this, had the possibility of capturing the human clan ancestor place. This is not cheap they, who is also cheap? 他们凭此,就有了攻入人族祖地的可能。这不是便宜他们,又是便宜谁? Always felt, these chaos demon gods, are aiming at human clan, otherwise, how matter can such fortunately. Here god just a rebellion, that side chaos demon god did such a. 总感觉,这些混沌魔神,就是在针对人族,不然的话,事情怎么会这么凑巧。这边神刚一叛乱,那边混沌魔神就搞了这么一出。 These chaos demon gods, most likely (80%) are hitting the assistance for the god. The purple slightly Great Emperor more ponders over, more thought that this possibility is bigger. 这些混沌魔神,八成就是在为神打辅助。紫微大帝越是琢磨,就越是觉得这个可能性越大。 Among the world where has such matter fortunately? 天下间哪有这么凑巧的事? If , the writing skill of chaos demon god, somewhat were in this case big. 真要是这样的话,混沌魔神的手笔,就有些大了。 The purple slightly Great Emperor guesses that has basically been close to the truth. 紫微大帝猜的,基本上已经接近真相了。 The chaos demon god appear here time, to boost the god, to divert the human clan say/way to revere. Meanwhile, they also fully realized, the egg cannot place truth in a basket. 混沌魔神之所以在此时出现,就是为了助力神,以牵制人族道尊。同时,祂们也深知,鸡蛋不能放在一个篮子里的道理。 Therefore, they made both kinds of preparation. 故此,祂们做了两手准备。 Besides the god does the matter in human clan, they make a bet with nine people, send out the innate ominous beast attack great antiquity world. 除了神在人族搞事之外,祂们更是与九人打赌,派出先天凶兽进攻洪荒天地。 Then, so long as these two plans succeed casually, they entered the goal of great antiquity world to achieve even. 如此一来,只要这两个计划随便成功一个,那祂们进入洪荒天地的目的就算达成了。 Nine people on the scene are the worldly people, ponders over slightly, understood the plan of chaos demon god. 在场九人都是人精,稍微一琢磨,就明白了混沌魔神的打算。 But they regarding this, does not have the means. With the battlefield of chaos demon god, without a doubt, they are the minority groups, can only the passive defensive. 可祂们对此,也没办法。在与混沌魔神的战场中,毫无疑问,祂们是弱势群体,只能被动防御。 The chaos demon god has the move, they also can only meet to incur. 混沌魔神出招,祂们也只能接招了。 Moreover, the great antiquity, is their home games. 而且,洪荒,可是祂们的主场。 The chaos demon god thinks oneself clever, how could it not be to know the people the idea of hitting is making them lose everything. 混沌魔神自以为得计,岂不知众人正打着让祂们人财两空的想法。 Nine people each other look at each other, did not speak, will then go back to mobilize soldiers respectively condemn. 九人彼此对视,也不说话,便各自回去调兵谴将去了。 Said deploys troops, may occupy the big end truly, on human clan, witch clan, monster clan three parties. 说是调兵遣将,可真正占大头的,也就人族,巫族,妖族三方而已。 The present great antiquity world, feared that is only then these three clans, can set out several hundred big Luo Daozun. 现在的洪荒天地,怕是只有这三族,能够出动数百尊的大罗道尊。 Well, is not right. Perhaps innate three clans, can put out so many big Luo Daozun, is, after the ancient times, three clans become the unusual low key, no one knows that actually they hid many strengths. 咦,不对。或许先天三族,也能拿出这么多的大罗道尊,可是,自远古之后,三族就变得异常的低调,谁也不知道祂们究竟隐藏了多少实力。 .................................... ……………………………… „, The god, I also really underestimated you , the chaos demon god gave up so the initial capital unexpectedly under your body, did not hesitate to make war with the great antiquity, was really enough unexpected.” “啧,神,我还真是小看你了,没想到,混沌魔神竟然舍得在你身上下如此血本,都不惜与洪荒开战了,真是够叫人意外的。” In the person sovereign palace, is claiming illness Feng Zichen that heals from a wound, through the line of sight of purple slightly Great Emperor, knew beyond the day the chaos happen after all, on the face cannot bear the color of reappearing accident/surprise. 人皇殿中,正在称病养伤的风紫宸,通过紫微大帝的视线,得知天外混沌所发生的一切后,脸上忍不住浮现意外之色。 It has guarded, is five Saints. Even, planned that while five Saints make a move, gives them to come one ruthlessly, quite lets its long lesson. 祂一直防备的,都是五圣。甚至于,都打算趁着五圣出手的时候,给祂们来一记狠的,好让其长长教训。 Instead, has not thought actually, the chaos demon god five Saints one step will first act unexpectedly, disrupted the plan of Feng Zichen thoroughly, thus makes five Saints escape. 可到头来,倒是没有想到,混沌魔神竟会先五圣一步出手,彻底打乱了风紫宸的计划,从而让五圣逃过一劫。 The luck of five Saints are actually good, this wave, the chaos demon uncanny prediction helped their indirectly. 五圣的运气倒是不错,这一波,混沌魔神算是间接帮了祂们一把。 Thousand against ten thousand guarded, defended all, actually forgot the chaos demon god, was planned one time by it on the contrary, was enough. 千防万防,防住了所有,却是忘了混沌魔神,反倒被其算计了一次,也是够了。 Oh, considers the retribution. Feng Zichen planned the chaos demon god so to be many time, hasn't allowed others to retrieve primary field? 唉,就当是报应吧。风紫宸算计了混沌魔神那么多次,还不允许人家找回一次场子? In any case loses is not big. 反正损失的也不大。 Perhaps let alone, the chaos demon god has a dream does not think, making the human clan say/way revere to leave, the itself/Ben is one point of Feng Zichen plan. 更别说,恐怕混沌魔神做梦也不会想到,让人族道尊离开,本就是风紫宸计划的一环。 The human clan say/way cannot revere, the rebel army is unable to go forward one step, Donghua and Ziyun, god three people, but how also to become the person sovereign? 人族道尊不走,叛军始终无法前进一步,东华、紫云,神三人,还怎么成为人皇? They are unable to become the person sovereign, that Feng Zichen makes them the plan of sacrificial offering, but how also to work? 祂们无法成为人皇,那风紫宸让祂们成为祭品的计划,还怎么进行下去? Therefore, even if no chaos demon god time, Feng Zichen is still if wants the means to find an excuse, first Heavenly Dao reveres to send out the great antiquity land human clan. 所以,就算没有混沌魔神这一遭,风紫宸也是要想办法找个理由,将人族先天道尊送出洪荒大地的。 Otherwise, following drama, but how also to sing? 不然的话,接下来的大戏,还怎么唱啊? This time, was the chaos demon god planned Feng Zichen, rather was the chaos demon god helped Its busy. 这一次,与其说是混沌魔神算计了风紫宸,倒不如说是混沌魔神无意间帮了祂一个大忙。 Without the chaos demon god acts, Feng Zichen also wants the using energy plans the compiling reason. 若是没有混沌魔神出手,风紫宸还要费劲心机的编造理由。 That is troublesome! 那多麻烦啊! Now is booing, all saved. 现在倒好,一切都省了。 This wave, Feng Zichen in atmosphere. 这一波啊,风紫宸在大气层。
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