Ascends the skywill not actto the good person.
上天是不会对好人出手的。By the person who aimed by the heaven, definitelyis the unprincipled person.
The logicis perfect, impregnable.
逻辑完美,无懈可击。Feng Zichen, realunprincipled person, bigtyrant!风紫宸,真坏人,大暴君!Revoltsshortly after the DonghuaDaoists and ZiyunDaoistspublicly, god, isthatincarnationis the chaosdemongod in human clanHeaven's Chosen, cannot repressfinally, with the personsovereigncruelname, announced the rebellion.
就在东华道人与紫云道人公开造反之后不久,神,也就是那位化身为人族天骄的混沌魔神,也终于按耐不住,以人皇残暴之名,宣布了造反。However, besides the cruelty, Itgave back toFeng Zichento settle an envycapablereputation.
不过,除残暴之外,祂还给风紫宸安了一个嫉妒贤能的名头。Hefromexposingstatus, saidoneself is a fallen from the skygod. IsFeng ZichenenviesItscapable, was worried after oneselfgrow, threatensItsposition.
他自曝身份,说自己就是本已陨落的神。是风紫宸嫉妒祂的贤能,担心自己成长起来以后,威胁到祂的地位。ThenafterItcaptures more than 40human clangodcities, makes a moveto plotinItsecretly, plansto cutto killIt, bynever recurringtrouble.
这才在祂夺取四十余座人族神城之后,偷偷出手暗算于祂,打算将祂斩杀,以绝后患。Was fortunate enough toHeaven's blessing, Itwas the person of inborndoublesoul, thisavoided a tribulation, had the opportunityto be in front of the world, exposed the Feng Zichenuglycountenance.
幸得天佑,祂乃天生双魂之人,这才躲过了一劫,有机会当着世人的面,揭露风紫宸丑陋的嘴脸。Such remarks, the worldin an uproar.
此言一出,天下哗然。As long asa littlecultivatesfor the person, definitelydoes not believe the words of god, hundredyearspractice successfullygreatlyLuoDaozun, youinsisted saying that the goddid not have the issue, intelligence quotient that is insulting the peoplesimply.
但凡有点修为的人,肯定是不信神的话的,百年修成大罗道尊,你硬要说神没问题,那简直就是在侮辱众人的智商。However, these words of god, does not need the personto believe,Itfinds an attractiveexcuseforoneselfrebellion, andattackFeng Zichenwhile convenientprestige.
不过,神的这些话,也不需要人相信,祂只是为自己的造反找个光鲜的理由,并顺带的打击风紫宸的威信而已。BesidesIt, these people of harboring ulterior motives, does not believe the words of god, butthisdoes not hinderthemfor this reason, desperatediscreditsFeng Zichen.
The rebellionafter all is an ignominiousmatter, is not a justmatter, therefore, tocreate the justimage, theymustgo all outdiscreditsFeng Zichen.
造反毕竟是件不光彩的事,也不是一件正义的事,故此,为了树立自己正义的形象,祂们必须拼命的去抹黑风紫宸。OnlyhasthoroughlydidFeng Zichensmelly, theirbehaviorscanbejust, was a veryhonoredmatter, was the revolt, wasto the resistance that the tyrantoppressed, rather thanrevoltedfor the power.
唯有彻底的把风紫宸搞臭了,那祂们的行为才能算是正义的,是一件非常光彩的事,是起义,是对暴君压迫的反抗,而不是为了权力去造反。Naturally, hasdoes not believe that naturallyalsohasto believe. The must know, inthisworld, neverlacks the benightedperson.
After theyseeFeng Zichenencounters the scourge, at heartnaturallythinks that Itisperson of the monstrous crimes.
他们见风紫宸遭遇天谴之后,心里自然而然的就会认为祂乃罪恶滔天之人。Then, whoeverthrowsfilthy watertowardFeng Zichenon, manageshissomenot to have, has the firstimpression there, theywill chooseto believe. Will be placed the evidenceinthemat present, it is estimated thattheywill not changeownidea.
无知而又偏执。Createssuchreason, investigatesitsfundamentally, the issueleaveson the body of Feng Zichen. Itopens the plan of wisdomfor the common people, stillhad not achievedperfectly.
造成这样的原因,究其根本,问题还是出在风紫宸的身上。祂为万民开智的计划,尚还没有做到完美。Ifeveryonecanopen the wisdom, is no longer ignorant, thattheserumors, allmaycollapse of itself, cannot vacillateFeng Zichenslightly.
若是人人都得以开智,不再愚昧,那这些谣言,皆可不攻自破,动摇不了风紫宸丝毫。Because, no one meetingletter/believes.
因为,根本就没人会信。Like the present, with the person's of harboring ulterior motivespromotion, the rumorwill not get stronger and stronger, has the spreadentirehuman clantrend.
绝不会像现在这样,随着别有用心之人的鼓吹,谣言愈演愈烈,颇有蔓延整个人族的趋势。Naturally, rumoroncoming force, althoughis ominous, butFeng Zichenruleshuman clanso manyyears, has dead loyally.
当然,谣言来势虽凶,但风紫宸统治人族这么多年,也不是没有死忠的。Almosthuman clanallfirstHeavenly Daorevere, is the Feng Zichendeathis loyal. human clanmajorroyalty, royal familiesandlarge clan, isItsdeathis loyal.
几乎人族所有的先天道尊,都是风紫宸的死忠。还有人族各大皇族、王族、大族,也都是祂的死忠。In addition, Feng Zichenalsograspshuman clanto exceedmost likely (80%)military.
The DonghuaDaoists and ZiyunDaoists, the godthreepeoplerevolt, is seemingly mammoth, butunder the relative strengthwill actually discover,istheir three peoplewith joint forces, the strength is also well belowFeng Zichen.
东华道人、紫云道人,神三人造反,看似声势浩大,可实力对比之下却会发现,就是他们三人合力,力量也是远远不如风紫宸。Threepeoplerevolt, are no differentfight a hopeless battle.
三人造反,无异于以卵击石。However, isso, threepeoplechose the rebellion, is nottheiriron, butis they have to take advantagerespectively.
…………Inthreepeople of the earliest possible time of announcing the rebellion, did not needFeng Zichento tell,Itssubordinatethenwent into actionrespectively.
在三人宣布造反的第一时间,无需风紫宸吩咐,祂的手下便各自行动起来。human clanworthy people of former timesheaded bywindboundless, doing utmostsuppresses the rumor.
以风苍茫为首的人族先贤们,竭尽全力的去镇压谣言。But the human clansay/wayrevere, thenleaves the human clanancestorplacein abundance, goes to the human clanmajorgodcitiesto assume personal commandpersonally, with the stablewill of the people.
A Feng Zichensidecatches up, more than 200godcities that Itrules, quickstabilized, all sorts ofrumorsaboutFeng Zichen, alsodesalinatesandvanishes.风紫宸一方一发力,祂所统治的二百余座神城,很快就稳定了下来,其中关于风紫宸的种种谣言,也随之淡化、消失。
The sphere of influence that butoutsidethese200human clangodcities, the DonghuaDaoist, the ZiyunDaoist and godthreepeople of institutesgrasp, Feng Zichenwas somewhat beyond control.
The rumorgets stronger and stronger there, quick, human clan in more than 160human clangodcities, regarding the Feng Zichencognition, graduallystayedin the level of tyrant.
The people, have a bad memory.
人,都是健忘的。Regardless ofFeng Zichenmadeanythingto contributetohuman clanbefore, theywill not care, theyonlyknow,Feng Zichenby the scourge, is a tyrant.
…………Counts the Feng Zichentenbigindictments, the god, the ZiyunDaoist, the DonghuaDaoist, dispatches troops, from, the easternthreedirections, sets outtoward the human clanancestorrespectively, wanting to overthrow the rule of Feng Zichen.
细数完风紫宸十大罪状,神,紫云道人,东华道人,同时发兵,分别从南、西、东三个方向,朝人族祖地进发,欲要推翻风紫宸的统治。„Rebellion? Discredits?”
“造反?抹黑?”„Is thisyourmeans?”
“这就是你们的办法吗?”„Thatwas without doubt disappointing, human clanseveral hundredLuoDaozun, is notplaysgreatly, hasthemto assume personal command, threepeopleturn out in full strength, is impossibleto take over the human clangodcity.”
“那无疑让人失望了,人族数百尊大罗道尊,可不是来玩的,有祂们坐镇,三人就是倾巢而出,也不可能攻下人族神城。”In the personsovereignpalace, Feng Zichenwatches the human clanaccident, in the eyeshowslookquite interesting. Itmusthave a lookbut actually, fiveSaints have anythingto plan.
人皇殿中,风紫宸看着人族的变故,眼中露出饶有趣味的神色。祂倒要看看,五圣还有着什么谋划。Theydefinitely have the subsequent hand, otherwise,
祂们肯定还有后手,不然的话,human clanseveral hundredgreatlyLuoDaozunhorizontally there, thispass/test, threepeople of enoughrebelliondesperate.人族数百尊大罗道尊横在那里,就这一关,就足够造反的三人绝望的了。But the saint means that Feng Zichenroughly can also guess correctly,nothing butreveresto expelthesehuman clansay/waybyvariousreasons, orsetsall sorts oflimits, enabling the human clansay/wayto revere unable to meddlethiswar.
而圣人的办法,风紫宸大致也能猜到,无非就是以各种理由将这些人族道尊逼走,或者设下种种限制,使得人族道尊无法插手此战。In fact, like that saint that just likealsoFeng Zichenthinksplans. In the pastZhuanxuemperorcan the worldpasscertainly, theirnaturallyalsoenergy.
事实上,也正如风紫宸所想的那般,圣人就是这么打算的。当年颛顼帝能够绝天地通,祂们自然也能。However, saintworldcertainlypasses, passesunlikeworld of certainlyZhuanxuemperor, theylimit, is onlygreatlyexistence above LuoDaozunrank.
不过,圣人的绝天地通,与颛顼帝的绝天地通不同,祂们限制的,只是大罗道尊级别之上的存在。Un, specificallyaims athuman clan.
嗯,就是专门针对人族的。sainthas not concealedowngoal.圣人根本就没掩饰自己的目的。Naturally, does not needto conceal, sainthas the overbearingcapital.
当然,也无需掩饰,圣人有霸道的资本。Ifregards a game the great antiquityworld, manager who the manager who on that daywas the game, saintwas the game, but the Feng Zichenthisclassbeginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal, wassomeloopholes.
如果把洪荒天地当成一个游戏的话,那天道就是游戏的管理者,圣人就是游戏的管理员,而风紫宸这类的混元大罗金仙,就是有些的漏洞。Gamemanager, so long asdoes not care aboutuser'sexperience, thatgamecomes, isn'tcalculations that theysaid?
不满,Orsuppressing, eitheris deleting the numberto leave.
The deletionnumber of great antiquityworldleaves, naturallyisdies.
洪荒世界的删号走人,自然就是死喽。Naturally, if the strengthis enough, canlikeFeng Zichen, use the powerfulcapital, goesto compete for the jurisdictionwith the manager.
…………Threegroups of armiesin a threatening manner, hasto destroy the stance of Yellow Dragongreatly.
三路大军气势汹汹的出发,大有直捣黄龙的姿态。What a pity, the factis just the opposite, they of threatening, are actually frustrated. Let alonewas the human clanancestor, wascontinually the firstgodcity, theyhave not hit.
可惜,事实恰恰相反,气势汹汹的他们,却出师不利。别说是人族祖地了,就是连第一座神城,他们都没打下来。Whenthreegroups of armieswithmustwin the heartarrives at the human clangodcity, greetstheir, isdozensjust like the goddemonform.
当三路大军怀着必胜之心来到人族神城的时候,迎接他们的,是数十尊宛如神魔般的身影。Right, theyaregreatlyLuoDaozun!
没错,祂们都是大罗道尊!Threegroups of armies, threedirections, east, south, eachhavedozensLuoDaozunto assume personal commandgreatly, mustkeep the rebel armyfromgoing forwardonestep.
三路大军,三个方向,东、西、南,每一路都有数十尊大罗道尊坐镇,务必让叛军无法前进一步。SeveralLuoDaozun, the rebel armystillhad the couragegreatlywith a itwar, butdozensLuoDaozun, thissomewhatpressedthemgreatly.
数尊大罗道尊,叛军尚有勇气与之一战,但数十尊大罗道尊,这就有些难为他们了。If were not worried that afterward the retaliation of saint, the reincarnations of theseantiquitypowerhouses, have travelled.
The words saying, in the reincarnation of antiquitypowerhouse, hasgreatlyLuoDaozun, is only, thesegreatlyLuoDaozunnumber, how can also be on parwith the human clanLuoDaozunnumbergreatly?
The human clansay/wayrevereswells upon, is the accurateSaint must cherish hatred, let alone the reincarnations of theseantiquitypowerhouses.人族道尊一涌而上,就是准圣也要饮恨,就更别说这些上古强者的转世了。As for the matter of resurrectingantiquitymonstergod, tooonehas not reactivatedwas still good, butItresurrectsnow, saintdoes not dareto havethisthoughtactuallyagain.
至于复活上古妖神的事,太一没复活尚好,可如今祂都复活了,圣人倒是不敢再动这个念头了。Do not solvehuman clanwhen the time comes, the monsterclanbecame the serious hidden troubleon the contrary, thatmade laugh.
别到时候解决了人族,反倒妖族又成了心腹大患,那就搞笑了。„Brother, shouldmake a move!”
“诸位道兄,该出手了!”Is looking atthreegroups of armies of obstruction, raises the saintsinkingsoundto saycertainly.
望着受阻的三路大军,准提圣人沉声说道。„The sea of principleand otherswere brokenbyme, must and otherin the handsremouldinme, pecking and sipping, seriouslyfate!”
After raisingcertainlysaint said that receives and instructssaintto sighone.
准提圣人说完之后,接引圣人不由感叹了一句。hearsword, tooclearsaintshot a look atoneto receive and instructsaintlooking pensive, in the eyeflashes through a wisp of strangeray, has not spoken, butoffered a sacrifice to the primal chaoschart, preparedto restore the sea of principle.
闻言,太清圣人若有所思的瞥了一眼接引圣人,眼中闪过一缕诡异的光芒,却没有说话,只是祭起太极图,准备修复法则之海。However, in fiveSaintsare goingto act, beyond the dayin the chaos, is actually the variableregeneration.
The bunchchaossourceappearssuddenly, floatsin the chaosbeyond the day, just like the placentais ordinary, is wrigglingunceasingly.
一团团混沌本源忽然浮现,漂浮在天外混沌之中,犹如胎盘一般,不断的蠕动着。Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump......
The giantheartbeat the placenta that changes tofromthatchaossourcespreads, causes the air/Qi of all aroundchaosto vibrateunceasingly, withitresonance.
巨大的心跳声从那混沌本源化作的胎盘上传出,引得四周混沌之气不断震动,与之共鸣。Inexplicable, beyond the dayin the chaos, resounded a mysterioussoundsuddenly. Thatintonation, is exceptionally ancientandmysterious, seems the main roadto whisper, contains the inconceivablestrength.
莫名的,天外混沌之中,忽然响起了道道玄妙的声音。那语调,异常的古老与玄妙,好似大道在低语,蕴含着不可思议的力量。Thisis not the great antiquitylanguage, butis the language of ancientchaosdemongod, is the chaosgodlanguage, isgodlanguage that the main roadhands down.
这不是洪荒的语言,而是古老的混沌魔神的语言,是混沌神语,是大道传下的神语。Said the soundrumble, beyond the chaoswith the dayobtained the resonance, chaosair/Qiall aroundboiledimmediately, crazywelled uptowardtheseplacentas.
道音隆隆,与天外混沌取得了共鸣,周遭的混沌之气顿时沸腾了,疯狂的朝那些胎盘涌去。Then, the remarkablechange happened, a leadermalignant influencesthreateninginnateominousbeast, crawlsfromthatplacenta, the chaosbeyond the daycried loud and longloudly.
The chaosreverberation of giantbeastroarbeyond the day, causeschaosair/Qiall around, even moreboiled. Formsto extinguish the worldtide, takes away as many things as possibletoward the great antiquity.
The chaostide that came from the daysweeps acrossto come, racketruthlesslyin the barrier of boundlessstarry sky, continuedtrembling of itsimpact.
The boundlessstarry sky, isbeyondchaos the centersituated in the great antiquityworld and day, for the great antiquity world's largest barrier, has been resistingbeyond the dayfor the world the chaosattack.
“天外混沌怎么会突然暴动?”In the boundlessstarry skyreceivesbeyondday the instance of chaosattack, in the purpleslightlyGreat Emperor who on the purplefaint starobserves the human clansituation, has turned head, the surpriseduncertainoutsidechaoslookupwards.
在无垠星空受到天外混沌攻击的瞬间,正在紫微星上观察人族局势的紫微大帝,不由扭过头来,惊疑不定的朝天外混沌看去。Then, Itthensaw the dense and numerousinnateominousbeasts.
尔后,祂便看到了密密麻麻的先天凶兽。„Hiss~ ~”
“嘶~~”Seesthis, the purpleslightlyGreat Emperorheld breath a cold air/Qi. Thisdid not fear that thisisexcited.
见此,紫微大帝不由倒吸了一口冷气。这不是怕的,这是兴奋的。Looks atso manyinnateominousbeasts, the eyes of purpleslightlyGreat Emperorare shining. Reallylacksanythingto comeanything, the chaosdemongod is really a good person!
看着这么多的先天凶兽,紫微大帝的双眼都在放光。真是缺什么来什么,混沌魔神真是好人啊!Ina short time ago, Italsoinanxious, innateominousbeast where looks more than 360greatlyLuoDaozunrank, at present, this not entiresimultaneous/uniform?
就在前不久,祂还在忧虑,去哪里找三百六十多尊大罗道尊级别的先天凶兽,眼下,这不全齐了吗?Looking into the distance, beyonddayinnateominousbeast in chaos, far more thanthousandheads? Dense and numerous, said that isten thousandheads, Feng Zichenletter/believes.
放眼望去,天外混沌之中的先天凶兽,又何止千头?密密麻麻的,说是万头,风紫宸都信。Buttheseinnateominousbeasts, at least1/10aregreatlyLuoDaozunranks. 1/10 of 10,000, are1000heads.
而这些先天凶兽,起码有十分之一是大罗道尊级别的。一万头的十分之一,就是一千头。Innateominousbeast that 1000say/wayrevere the rank, suchbigwriting skill , the chaosdemongodcantakecomes out.
一千头道尊级别的先天凶兽,这么大的手笔,也就混沌魔神能够拿得出来了。Naturally, herefinger/refers of chaosdemongod, isoutsideinbigchaosthese, rather thaninseathatgroup of disabled people.
当然,这里指的混沌魔神,是界外大混沌里面的那些,而不是界海里面的那群残废。1000heads, canmeet the Feng Zichenneedabsolutely.
The human clangodcityis about365, in other words, Feng Zichenlacks, is about360heads, probably is also 1/3quantities.人族神城不过三百六十五座,也就是说,风紫宸所缺的,不过三百六十头,大概也就是三分之一的量。Naturally, innateominousbeasttype of thing, naturallythe more better, the use was really many. Even if not take an eye, being usedto refineinnatespirit treasure is still good.
当然,先天凶兽这种东西,自然是越多越好,用处实在是太多了。就算不作为阵眼,用来炼制先天灵宝也不错啊。human clanalsolacksinnatespirit treasurevery much.人族也很缺先天灵宝啊。Looks attheseinnateominousbeasts, the purpleslightlyGreat Emperoreyesare braving the green light, wished one could to capture alivethem. Deductsthese that the human clangodcityneeds, remaining, allraises, toprepareemergency requirement.
看着这些先天凶兽,紫微大帝眼睛都在冒绿光,恨不得将它们全都活捉了。扣除人族神城需要的那些,剩下的,全都养起来,以备不时之需。Raises the innateominousbeast, It is also enoughcrazy.
养先天凶兽,祂也是够疯狂的。However, ifreallycanraise the innateominousbeast, thenbyitsprecious, the purpleslightlyGreat Emperorgot rich.
不过,若真的能豢养先天凶兽的话,那以其之珍贵,紫微大帝就发大财了。At least, laterwill not lack the chaossource.
……Good that the purpleslightlyGreat Emperorthinks, butIthas sole possession of the ideas of theseinnateominousbeasts, was actually hardto realize.
紫微大帝想的挺好,可祂独吞这些先天凶兽的想法,却是难以实现了。Because, besidesIt, but also two drooltotheseinnateominousbeasts, wished one could to capture aliveit, reared in a pen.
The twoarereceive and instructraisecertainly!
那两人就是接引准提!Beyond the day the matter of chaos, naturallycannot hide the truth from the saintsensation. In the purpleslightlyGreat Emperordetectsexceptionallyshortly, theyalsowithdiscoveringwere not right.
天外混沌发生的事,自然瞒不过圣人的感知。在紫微大帝察觉到异常不久,祂们也就跟着发现了不对。Then, theysawchaos of thatcrowdbeyond the daywanders around the innateominousbeasts.
然后,祂们就看到了那群在天外混沌四处游荡的先天凶兽们。Three Pure Onessaw, isknits the brows.三清见了,自是皱眉不已。WesterntwoSaintssaw, is takes a broad viewto shine.
西方二圣见了,则是放眼放光。Theseinnateominousbeasts, in their eyes, no longerare the appearancefierceominousbeasts, butiscleverlovabledisciples, inheritstheirConfucian orthodoxysufficiently.
那些先天凶兽们,在祂二人的眼里,不再是模样狰狞的凶兽,而是一个个乖巧可爱的弟子,足以传承祂们的道统。Right, is the disciple!
The westteachesnow the important source of disciple, is the innateominousbeasts that the WesterntwoSaintschange magically.
西方教如今弟子的主要来源,便是西方二圣点化的先天凶兽们。Buttheyspendwith all one's heart the strengthin the innateominousbeast that the great antiquityseeks, how can the natural talentplace on a parwith the innateominousbeast of thischaosdemongodcreationdirectly?
可祂们费尽心力在洪荒寻找的先天凶兽,天资如何能与这混沌魔神直接创造的先天凶兽相提并论?Theseinnateominousbeasts, are the Westteach the futurepillar of the state!
这些先天凶兽,都是西方教未来的栋梁啊!Youlook, their brightbigeyes, fullisto the hope of say/way.
The eye of hopewas red, trulyveryhope.
啧,渴望的眼都红了,确实挺渴望的。Ifcantheseinnateominousbeasts, allcatch, 11change magically, thatWestteachesdayenergetically, is not far.
要是能将这些先天凶兽,全都抓起来,一一点化,那西方教大兴的日子,就不远了。Is looking atbeyond the day the innateominousbeast in chaos, the WesterntwoSaintssuch asthink.
望着天外混沌之中的先天凶兽,西方二圣如是想到。Innateominousbeast that pastwas chased by all, nowbecomes the rarityactually, wasenoughunusual.
啧啧,昔日人人喊打的先天凶兽,如今倒是成了稀罕物,也是够稀奇的。Really the human affairsis difficult to predict.
The purpleslightlyGreat Emperorwantsto catchto take the eye of human clangodcity the innateominousbeast, the WesterntwoSaintswantto catch the innateominousbeast, when the discipletrains.
紫微大帝想将先天凶兽抓起来作为人族神城的阵眼,西方二圣则是想将先天凶兽抓起来当弟子培养。Asked the monthly ticket, sought the subscription.
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