GDSP :: Volume #8

#778: Beyond day chaos mutation

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Ascends the sky will not act to the good person. 上天是不会对好人出手的。 By the person who aimed by the heaven, definitely is the unprincipled person. 是以,被上天所针对的人,肯定是坏人。 The logic is perfect, impregnable. 逻辑完美,无懈可击。 Feng Zichen, real unprincipled person, big tyrant! 风紫宸,真坏人,大暴君! Revolts shortly after the Donghua Daoists and Ziyun Daoists publicly, god, is that incarnation is the chaos demon god in human clan Heaven's Chosen, cannot repress finally, with the person sovereign cruel name, announced the rebellion. 就在东华道人与紫云道人公开造反之后不久,神,也就是那位化身为人族天骄的混沌魔神,也终于按耐不住,以人皇残暴之名,宣布了造反。 However, besides the cruelty, It gave back to Feng Zichen to settle an envy capable reputation. 不过,除残暴之外,祂还给风紫宸安了一个嫉妒贤能的名头。 He from exposing status, said oneself is a fallen from the sky god. Is Feng Zichen envies Its capable, was worried after oneself grow, threatens Its position. 他自曝身份,说自己就是本已陨落的神。是风紫宸嫉妒祂的贤能,担心自己成长起来以后,威胁到祂的地位。 Then after It captures more than 40 human clan god cities, makes a move to plot in It secretly, plans to cut to kill It, by never recurring trouble. 这才在祂夺取四十余座人族神城之后,偷偷出手暗算于祂,打算将祂斩杀,以绝后患。 Was fortunate enough to Heaven's blessing, It was the person of inborn double soul, this avoided a tribulation, had the opportunity to be in front of the world, exposed the Feng Zichen ugly countenance. 幸得天佑,祂乃天生双魂之人,这才躲过了一劫,有机会当着世人的面,揭露风紫宸丑陋的嘴脸。 Such remarks, the world in an uproar. 此言一出,天下哗然。 As long as a little cultivates for the person, definitely does not believe the words of god, hundred years practice successfully greatly Luo Daozun, you insisted saying that the god did not have the issue, intelligence quotient that is insulting the people simply. 但凡有点修为的人,肯定是不信神的话的,百年修成大罗道尊,你硬要说神没问题,那简直就是在侮辱众人的智商。 However, these words of god, does not need the person to believe, It finds an attractive excuse for oneself rebellion, and attack Feng Zichen while convenient prestige. 不过,神的这些话,也不需要人相信,祂只是为自己的造反找个光鲜的理由,并顺带的打击风紫宸的威信而已。 Besides It, these people of harboring ulterior motives, does not believe the words of god, but this does not hinder them for this reason, desperate discredits Feng Zichen. 除祂之外,那些别有用心之人,也不信神的话,但这并不妨碍祂们以此为由,拼命的去抹黑风紫宸 The rebellion after all is an ignominious matter, is not a just matter, therefore, to create the just image, they must go all out discredits Feng Zichen. 造反毕竟是件不光彩的事,也不是一件正义的事,故此,为了树立自己正义的形象,祂们必须拼命的去抹黑风紫宸 Only has thoroughly did Feng Zichen smelly, their behaviors can be just, was a very honored matter, was the revolt, was to the resistance that the tyrant oppressed, rather than revolted for the power. 唯有彻底的把风紫宸搞臭了,那祂们的行为才能算是正义的,是一件非常光彩的事,是起义,是对暴君压迫的反抗,而不是为了权力去造反。 Naturally, has does not believe that naturally also has to believe. The must know, in this world, never lacks the benighted person. 当然,有不信的,自然也有相信的。须知,这世上,从不缺少愚昧无知之人。 After they see Feng Zichen encounters the scourge, at heart naturally thinks that It is person of the monstrous crimes. 他们见风紫宸遭遇天谴之后,心里自然而然的就会认为祂乃罪恶滔天之人。 Then, whoever throws filthy water toward Feng Zichen on, manages his some not to have, has the first impression there, they will choose to believe. Will be placed the evidence in them at present, it is estimated that they will not change own idea. 接下来,无论谁往风紫宸身上泼脏水,管他有的没的,有第一印象在那里,他们都会选择相信。就是把证据摆在他们眼前,估计他们也不会改变自己的想法。 Ignorant and biased. 无知而又偏执。 Creates such reason, investigates its fundamentally, the issue leaves on the body of Feng Zichen. It opens the plan of wisdom for the common people, still had not achieved perfectly. 造成这样的原因,究其根本,问题还是出在风紫宸的身上。祂为万民开智的计划,尚还没有做到完美。 If everyone can open the wisdom, is no longer ignorant, that these rumors, all may collapse of itself, cannot vacillate Feng Zichen slightly. 若是人人都得以开智,不再愚昧,那这些谣言,皆可不攻自破,动摇不了风紫宸丝毫。 Because, no one meeting letter/believes. 因为,根本就没人会信。 Like the present, with the person's of harboring ulterior motives promotion, the rumor will not get stronger and stronger, has the spread entire human clan trend. 绝不会像现在这样,随着别有用心之人的鼓吹,谣言愈演愈烈,颇有蔓延整个人族的趋势。 Naturally, rumor oncoming force, although is ominous, but Feng Zichen rules human clan so many years, has dead loyally. 当然,谣言来势虽凶,但风紫宸统治人族这么多年,也不是没有死忠的。 Almost human clan all first Heavenly Dao revere, is the Feng Zichen death is loyal. human clan major royalty, royal families and large clan, is Its death is loyal. 几乎人族所有的先天道尊,都是风紫宸的死忠。还有人族各大皇族、王族、大族,也都是祂的死忠。 In addition, Feng Zichen also grasps human clan to exceed most likely (80%) military. 除此之外,风紫宸还掌握着人族超过八成的兵力。 The Donghua Daoists and Ziyun Daoists, the god three people revolt, is seemingly mammoth, but under the relative strength will actually discover, is their three people with joint forces, the strength is also well below Feng Zichen. 东华道人、紫云道人,神三人造反,看似声势浩大,可实力对比之下却会发现,就是他们三人合力,力量也是远远不如风紫宸 Three people revolt, are no different fight a hopeless battle. 三人造反,无异于以卵击石。 However, is so, three people chose the rebellion, is not their iron, but is they have to take advantage respectively. 不过,就是如此,三人还是选择了造反,不是祂们头铁,而是祂们各自有着依仗。 ...... …… ............ ………… In three people of the earliest possible time of announcing the rebellion, did not need Feng Zichen to tell, Its subordinate then went into action respectively. 在三人宣布造反的第一时间,无需风紫宸吩咐,祂的手下便各自行动起来。 human clan worthy people of former times headed by wind boundless, doing utmost suppresses the rumor. 以风苍茫为首的人族先贤们,竭尽全力的去镇压谣言。 But the human clan say/way revere, then leaves the human clan ancestor place in abundance, goes to the human clan major god cities to assume personal command personally, with the stable will of the people. 人族的道尊们,则是纷纷离开人族祖地,亲自前往人族各大神城坐镇,以稳固人心。 A Feng Zichen side catches up, more than 200 god cities that It rules, quick stabilized, all sorts of rumors about Feng Zichen, also desalinates and vanishes. 风紫宸一方一发力,祂所统治的二百余座神城,很快就稳定了下来,其中关于风紫宸的种种谣言,也随之淡化、消失。 The sphere of influence that but outside these 200 human clan god cities, the Donghua Daoist, the Ziyun Daoist and god three people of institutes grasp, Feng Zichen was somewhat beyond control. 可这二百座人族神城之外,东华道人、紫云道人、神三人所掌握的势力范围,风紫宸就有些鞭长莫及了。 The rumor gets stronger and stronger there, quick, human clan in more than 160 human clan god cities, regarding the Feng Zichen cognition, gradually stayed in the level of tyrant. 谣言在那里愈演愈烈,很快的,这一百六十余座人族神城里的人族,对于风紫宸的认知,逐渐停留了在暴君的层面上。 The people, have a bad memory. 人,都是健忘的。 Regardless of Feng Zichen made anything to contribute to human clan before, they will not care, they only know, Feng Zichen by the scourge, is a tyrant. 无论之前风紫宸人族做了什么贡献,他们都不会在乎,他们只知道,风紫宸遭了天谴,是暴君。 ...... …… ............ ………… Counts the Feng Zichen ten big indictments, the god, the Ziyun Daoist, the Donghua Daoist, dispatches troops, from , the eastern three directions, sets out toward the human clan ancestor respectively, wanting to overthrow the rule of Feng Zichen. 细数完风紫宸十大罪状,神,紫云道人,东华道人,同时发兵,分别从南、西、东三个方向,朝人族祖地进发,欲要推翻风紫宸的统治。 Rebellion? Discredits?” “造反?抹黑?” „Is this your means?” “这就是你们的办法吗?” That was without doubt disappointing, human clan several hundred Luo Daozun, is not plays greatly, has them to assume personal command, three people turn out in full strength, is impossible to take over the human clan god city.” “那无疑让人失望了,人族数百尊大罗道尊,可不是来玩的,有祂们坐镇,三人就是倾巢而出,也不可能攻下人族神城。” In the person sovereign palace, Feng Zichen watches the human clan accident, in the eye shows look quite interesting. It must have a look but actually, five Saints have anything to plan. 人皇殿中,风紫宸看着人族的变故,眼中露出饶有趣味的神色。祂倒要看看,五圣还有着什么谋划。 They definitely have the subsequent hand, otherwise, 祂们肯定还有后手,不然的话, human clan several hundred greatly Luo Daozun horizontally there, this pass/test, three people of enough rebellion desperate. 人族数百尊大罗道尊横在那里,就这一关,就足够造反的三人绝望的了。 But the saint means that Feng Zichen roughly can also guess correctly, nothing but reveres to expel these human clan say/way by various reasons, or sets all sorts of limits, enabling the human clan say/way to revere unable to meddle this war. 圣人的办法,风紫宸大致也能猜到,无非就是以各种理由将这些人族道尊逼走,或者设下种种限制,使得人族道尊无法插手此战。 In fact, like that saint that just like also Feng Zichen thinks plans. In the past Zhuanxu emperor can the world pass certainly, their naturally also energy. 事实上,也正如风紫宸所想的那般,圣人就是这么打算的。当年颛顼帝能够绝天地通,祂们自然也能。 However, saint world certainly passes, passes unlike world of certainly Zhuanxu emperor, they limit, is only greatly existence above Luo Daozun rank. 不过,圣人的绝天地通,与颛顼帝的绝天地通不同,祂们限制的,只是大罗道尊级别之上的存在。 Un, specifically aims at human clan. 嗯,就是专门针对人族的。 saint has not concealed own goal. 圣人根本就没掩饰自己的目的。 Naturally, does not need to conceal, saint has the overbearing capital. 当然,也无需掩饰,圣人有霸道的资本。 If regards a game the great antiquity world, manager who the manager who on that day was the game, saint was the game, but the Feng Zichen this class beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, was some loopholes. 如果把洪荒天地当成一个游戏的话,那天道就是游戏的管理者,圣人就是游戏的管理员,而风紫宸这类的混元大罗金仙,就是有些的漏洞。 Game manager, so long as does not care about user's experience, that game comes, isn't calculations that they said? 游戏管理员嘛,只要不在乎用户的体验,那游戏怎么来,还不都是祂们说的算? Discontented, 不满, Or suppressing, either is deleting the number to leave. 要么憋着,要么删号走人。 The deletion number of great antiquity world leaves, naturally is dies. 洪荒世界的删号走人,自然就是死喽。 Naturally, if the strength is enough, can like Feng Zichen, use the powerful capital, goes to compete for the jurisdiction with the manager. 当然,若是实力足够,也可以像风紫宸这样,利用强大的资本,去与管理员争夺权限。 ...... …… ............ ………… Three groups of armies in a threatening manner, has to destroy the stance of Yellow Dragon greatly. 三路大军气势汹汹的出发,大有直捣黄龙的姿态。 What a pity, the fact is just the opposite, they of threatening, are actually frustrated. Let alone was the human clan ancestor, was continually the first god city, they have not hit. 可惜,事实恰恰相反,气势汹汹的他们,却出师不利。别说是人族祖地了,就是连第一座神城,他们都没打下来。 When three groups of armies with must win the heart arrives at the human clan god city, greets their, is dozens just like the god demon form. 当三路大军怀着必胜之心来到人族神城的时候,迎接他们的,是数十尊宛如神魔般的身影。 Right, they are greatly Luo Daozun! 没错,祂们都是大罗道尊! Three groups of armies, three directions, east , south, each have dozens Luo Daozun to assume personal command greatly, must keep the rebel army from going forward one step. 三路大军,三个方向,东、西、南,每一路都有数十尊大罗道尊坐镇,务必让叛军无法前进一步。 Several Luo Daozun, the rebel army still had the courage greatly with a it war, but dozens Luo Daozun, this somewhat pressed them greatly. 数尊大罗道尊,叛军尚有勇气与之一战,但数十尊大罗道尊,这就有些难为他们了。 If were not worried that afterward the retaliation of saint, the reincarnations of these antiquity powerhouses, have travelled. 若非担心事后圣人的报复,那些上古强者的转世们,早就跑路了。 The words saying, in the reincarnation of antiquity powerhouse, has greatly Luo Daozun, is only, these greatly Luo Daozun number, how can also be on par with the human clan Luo Daozun number greatly? 话说,上古强者的转世中,也不是没有大罗道尊的,只是,这些大罗道尊的数量,又如何能与人族大罗道尊的数量相比肩? The human clan say/way reveres wells up on, is the accurate Saint must cherish hatred, let alone the reincarnations of these antiquity powerhouses. 人族道尊一涌而上,就是准圣也要饮恨,就更别说这些上古强者的转世了。 As for the matter of resurrecting antiquity monster god, too one has not reactivated was still good, but It resurrects now, saint does not dare to have this thought actually again. 至于复活上古妖神的事,太一没复活尚好,可如今祂都复活了,圣人倒是不敢再动这个念头了。 Do not solve human clan when the time comes, the monster clan became the serious hidden trouble on the contrary, that made laugh. 别到时候解决了人族,反倒妖族又成了心腹大患,那就搞笑了。 Brother, should make a move!” “诸位道兄,该出手了!” Is looking at three groups of armies of obstruction, raises the saint sinking sound to say certainly. 望着受阻的三路大军,准提圣人沉声说道。 „The sea of principle and others were broken by me, must and other in the hands remould in me, pecking and sipping, seriously fate!” “法则之海被我等所破,如今又要于我等手中重塑,一饮一啄,当真定数也!” After raising certainly saint said that receives and instructs saint to sigh one. 准提圣人说完之后,接引圣人不由感叹了一句。 hears word, too clear saint shot a look at one to receive and instruct saint looking pensive, in the eye flashes through a wisp of strange ray, has not spoken, but offered a sacrifice to the primal chaos chart, prepared to restore the sea of principle. 闻言,太清圣人若有所思的瞥了一眼接引圣人,眼中闪过一缕诡异的光芒,却没有说话,只是祭起太极图,准备修复法则之海。 However, in five Saints are going to act, beyond the day in the chaos, is actually the variable regeneration. 不过,就在五圣将要出手之际,天外混沌之中,却是变数再生。 The bunch chaos source appears suddenly, floats in the chaos beyond the day, just like the placenta is ordinary, is wriggling unceasingly. 一团团混沌本源忽然浮现,漂浮在天外混沌之中,犹如胎盘一般,不断的蠕动着。 Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump...... 咚!咚!咚!咚…… The giant heartbeat the placenta that changes to from that chaos source spreads, causes the air/Qi of all around chaos to vibrate unceasingly, with it resonance. 巨大的心跳声从那混沌本源化作的胎盘上传出,引得四周混沌之气不断震动,与之共鸣。 Inexplicable, beyond the day in the chaos, resounded a mysterious sound suddenly. That intonation, is exceptionally ancient and mysterious, seems the main road to whisper, contains the inconceivable strength. 莫名的,天外混沌之中,忽然响起了道道玄妙的声音。那语调,异常的古老与玄妙,好似大道在低语,蕴含着不可思议的力量。 This is not the great antiquity language, but is the language of ancient chaos demon god, is the chaos god language, is god language that the main road hands down. 这不是洪荒的语言,而是古老的混沌魔神的语言,是混沌神语,是大道传下的神语。 Said the sound rumble, beyond the chaos with the day obtained the resonance, chaos air/Qi all around boiled immediately, crazy welled up toward these placentas. 道音隆隆,与天外混沌取得了共鸣,周遭的混沌之气顿时沸腾了,疯狂的朝那些胎盘涌去。 Then, the remarkable change happened, a leader malignant influences threatening innate ominous beast, crawls from that placenta, the chaos beyond the day cried loud and long loudly. 然后,惊人的变化发生了,一头头煞气逼人的先天凶兽,从那胎盘之中爬出,在天外混沌放声长啸。 Roar roar roar roar...... 吼吼吼吼…… The chaos reverberation of giant beast roar beyond the day, causes chaos air/Qi all around, even more boiled. Forms to extinguish the world tide, takes away as many things as possible toward the great antiquity. 巨大的兽吼声在天外混沌回荡,使得周遭的混沌之气,愈发的沸腾了。形成一道道灭世般的潮汐,向着洪荒席卷而去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The chaos tide that came from the day sweeps across to come, racket ruthlessly in the barrier of boundless starry sky, continued trembling of its impact. 从天外而来的混沌潮汐席卷而来,狠狠的拍在了无垠星空的屏障上,将其冲击的颤栗不止。 The boundless starry sky, is beyond chaos the center situated in the great antiquity world and day, for the great antiquity world's largest barrier, has been resisting beyond the day for the world the chaos attack. 无垠星空,正是位于洪荒天地与天外混沌的中心,为洪荒天地最大的屏障,一直为天地抵御着天外混沌的侵袭。 Un?” “嗯?” How can?” “怎会?” Beyond day chaos how sudden rebellion?” “天外混沌怎么会突然暴动?” In the boundless starry sky receives beyond day the instance of chaos attack, in the purple slightly Great Emperor who on the purple faint star observes the human clan situation, has turned head, the surprised uncertain outside chaos look upwards. 在无垠星空受到天外混沌攻击的瞬间,正在紫微星上观察人族局势的紫微大帝,不由扭过头来,惊疑不定的朝天外混沌看去。 Then, It then saw the dense and numerous innate ominous beasts. 尔后,祂便看到了密密麻麻的先天凶兽。 Hiss ~ ~ “嘶~~” Sees this, the purple slightly Great Emperor held breath a cold air/Qi. This did not fear that this is excited. 见此,紫微大帝不由倒吸了一口冷气。这不是怕的,这是兴奋的。 Looks at so many innate ominous beasts, the eyes of purple slightly Great Emperor are shining. Really lacks anything to come anything, the chaos demon god is really a good person! 看着这么多的先天凶兽,紫微大帝的双眼都在放光。真是缺什么来什么,混沌魔神真是好人啊! In a short time ago, It also in anxious, innate ominous beast where looks more than 360 greatly Luo Daozun rank, at present, this not entire simultaneous/uniform? 就在前不久,祂还在忧虑,去哪里找三百六十多尊大罗道尊级别的先天凶兽,眼下,这不全齐了吗? Looking into the distance, beyond day innate ominous beast in chaos, far more than thousand heads? Dense and numerous, said that is ten thousand heads, Feng Zichen letter/believes. 放眼望去,天外混沌之中的先天凶兽,又何止千头?密密麻麻的,说是万头,风紫宸都信。 But these innate ominous beasts, at least 1/10 are greatly Luo Daozun ranks. 1/10 of 10,000, are 1000 heads. 而这些先天凶兽,起码有十分之一是大罗道尊级别的。一万头的十分之一,就是一千头。 Innate ominous beast that 1000 say/way revere the rank, such big writing skill , the chaos demon god can take comes out. 一千头道尊级别的先天凶兽,这么大的手笔,也就混沌魔神能够拿得出来了。 Naturally, here finger/refers of chaos demon god, is outside in big chaos these, rather than in sea that group of disabled people. 当然,这里指的混沌魔神,是界外大混沌里面的那些,而不是界海里面的那群残废。 1000 heads, can meet the Feng Zichen need absolutely. 一千头,绝对能满足风紫宸的需求了。 The human clan god city is about 365, in other words, Feng Zichen lacks, is about 360 heads, probably is also 1/3 quantities. 人族神城不过三百六十五座,也就是说,风紫宸所缺的,不过三百六十头,大概也就是三分之一的量。 Naturally, innate ominous beast type of thing, naturally the more better, the use was really many. Even if not take an eye, being used to refine innate spirit treasure is still good. 当然,先天凶兽这种东西,自然是越多越好,用处实在是太多了。就算不作为阵眼,用来炼制先天灵宝也不错啊。 human clan also lacks innate spirit treasure very much. 人族也很缺先天灵宝啊。 Looks at these innate ominous beasts, the purple slightly Great Emperor eyes are braving the green light, wished one could to capture alive them. Deducts these that the human clan god city needs, remaining, all raises, to prepare emergency requirement. 看着这些先天凶兽,紫微大帝眼睛都在冒绿光,恨不得将它们全都活捉了。扣除人族神城需要的那些,剩下的,全都养起来,以备不时之需。 Raises the innate ominous beast, It is also enough crazy. 养先天凶兽,祂也是够疯狂的。 However, if really can raise the innate ominous beast, then by its precious, the purple slightly Great Emperor got rich. 不过,若真的能豢养先天凶兽的话,那以其之珍贵,紫微大帝就发大财了。 At least, later will not lack the chaos source. 最起码,以后不会缺混沌本源。 ...... …… Good that the purple slightly Great Emperor thinks, but It has sole possession of the ideas of these innate ominous beasts, was actually hard to realize. 紫微大帝想的挺好,可祂独吞这些先天凶兽的想法,却是难以实现了。 Because, besides It, but also two drool to these innate ominous beasts, wished one could to capture alive it, reared in a pen. 因为,除祂之外,还有两人对这些先天凶兽垂涎不已,也恨不得将其全都活捉了,圈养起来。 The two are receive and instruct raise certainly! 那两人就是接引准提! Beyond the day the matter of chaos, naturally cannot hide the truth from the saint sensation. In the purple slightly Great Emperor detects exceptionally shortly, they also with discovering were not right. 天外混沌发生的事,自然瞒不过圣人的感知。在紫微大帝察觉到异常不久,祂们也就跟着发现了不对。 Then, they saw chaos of that crowd beyond the day wanders around the innate ominous beasts. 然后,祂们就看到了那群在天外混沌四处游荡的先天凶兽们。 Three Pure Ones saw, is knits the brows. 三清见了,自是皱眉不已。 Western two Saints saw, is takes a broad view to shine. 西方二圣见了,则是放眼放光。 These innate ominous beasts, in their eyes, no longer are the appearance fierce ominous beasts, but is clever lovable disciples, inherits their Confucian orthodoxy sufficiently. 那些先天凶兽们,在祂二人的眼里,不再是模样狰狞的凶兽,而是一个个乖巧可爱的弟子,足以传承祂们的道统。 Right, is the disciple! 没错,就是弟子! The west teaches now the important source of disciple, is the innate ominous beasts that the Western two Saints change magically. 西方教如今弟子的主要来源,便是西方二圣点化的先天凶兽们。 But they spend with all one's heart the strength in the innate ominous beast that the great antiquity seeks, how can the natural talent place on a par with the innate ominous beast of this chaos demon god creation directly? 可祂们费尽心力在洪荒寻找的先天凶兽,天资如何能与这混沌魔神直接创造的先天凶兽相提并论? These innate ominous beasts, are the West teach the future pillar of the state! 这些先天凶兽,都是西方教未来的栋梁啊! You look, their bright big eyes, full is to the hope of say/way. 你看,它们那明亮的大眼睛,满满的都是对道的渴望啊。 The eye of hope was red, truly very hope. 啧,渴望的眼都红了,确实挺渴望的。 If can these innate ominous beasts, all catch, 11 change magically, that West teaches day energetically, is not far. 要是能将这些先天凶兽,全都抓起来,一一点化,那西方教大兴的日子,就不远了。 Is looking at beyond the day the innate ominous beast in chaos, the Western two Saints such as think. 望着天外混沌之中的先天凶兽,西方二圣如是想到。 Innate ominous beast that past was chased by all, now becomes the rarity actually, was enough unusual. 啧啧,昔日人人喊打的先天凶兽,如今倒是成了稀罕物,也是够稀奇的。 Really the human affairs is difficult to predict. 真是世事难料啊。 The purple slightly Great Emperor wants to catch to take the eye of human clan god city the innate ominous beast, the Western two Saints want to catch the innate ominous beast, when the disciple trains. 紫微大帝想将先天凶兽抓起来作为人族神城的阵眼,西方二圣则是想将先天凶兽抓起来当弟子培养。 Asked the monthly ticket, sought the subscription. 求月票,求订阅。 Two books throw together...... 两本书一起扑…… Desperate...... 绝望……
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