Industrystrength, althoughgods and ghosts, butalsohas the meansto cope.
The merit, isindustry the difficult adversary of strength.
功德,就是业力的克星。Consumptionmerit, thencounter-balanceindustrystrength.
消耗功德,即可抵消业力。Thistime, tocounter-balancekillsindustry the strength that the personsovereignproduces, fiveSaintsgot down the initial capital.
这一次,为了抵消袭杀人皇所产生的业力,五圣可谓是下了血本。Thatscattersingroundmeritspirit treasure, is the evident proof. As can be seen, thesemeritspirit treasuremiraculous glows, allarebecomedimincomparable, obviouslyis the intelligencedrops sharply.
那散落在地上的功德灵宝,就是明证。可以看到,那些功德灵宝的身上的灵光,皆是变得黯淡无比,显然是灵性大跌。And what is more, the bodyhas covered entirely the crack, seemswill breakmomentarilygeneral.
更有甚者,身上已经布满了裂纹,好似随时都会破碎一般。Causesreason that all thesehave, allbecause oftheirmerits, tocounter-balanceindustry the strength, has exhaustedcompletely.
The meritexhausts, the intelligence of thesemagic weaponsnaturallydrop sharply, the mightdamagesgreatly. Canrestorein the future, theyalso can only degenerate into the ordinarymagic weapon, no longer the name of meritspirit treasure.
功德耗尽,这些法宝的灵性自然大跌,威力更是大损。就是日后能够修复,它们也只能沦为普通的法宝,不复功德灵宝之名。Butthesemeritspirit treasure, were almost the fivesanctumsomestocks. Afterthistime, intheirhandsalsohasmeritspirit treasure, notover2-3.
A several hundreds of millionsyears of collectiondynastyempties, thispriceis nothing less thanbig, at the net worth of fiveSaints, feels the meatpainunavoidably.
数亿年的收藏一朝清空,这个代价不可谓不大,就是以五圣的身家,也难免觉得肉痛不已。However, thesepricescompared with the result that theyyield, without doubtis worth.
The rampantdomineeringpersonsovereign, reallycaused heavy losses tobythem. In a short time, feared that is unable to appearin the great antiquityland.
嚣张跋扈的人皇,真的被祂们重创了。短时间内,怕是无法出现在洪荒大地上了。As the matter stands, the followingsituation, was favorableforfiveSaints.
这样一来,接下来的局势,就对五圣非常的有利了。Whatsomemeritspirit treasureare, the values of thesetreasuresare high, but can also high the worldyellow and blacktowerbe inadequate? Evenworldyellow and blacktowerThree Pure Onesabandoned, but alsocared aboutthis pointmeritspirit treasure?
一些功德灵宝算什么,这些宝物的价值再高,还能高过天地玄黄塔不成?连天地玄黄塔三清都舍出去了,还在乎这一点功德灵宝吗?So long ascancause heavy losses to the personsovereign, regardless ofpayswhatpriceto be worth.
只要能重创人皇,无论付出什么代价都是值得的。„Fellow Daoist, cancelsChento cause heavy lossesbyus, in a short timefearedis unable to preside over the human clanbusiness, butthis, isouropportunities, nextstepplan, shouldlaunch.”
“诸位道友,勾陈已经被吾等重创,短时间内怕是无法主持人族事务了,而这,就是吾等的机会,下一步的计划,也该展开了。”„Whilethisopportunity, a wardecides the universe, brings order out of chaos, leads the right trackthischaoticsituation, will cancelChenfellow daoistto return toHeavenwhile convenient.”
“趁此机会,一战定乾坤,拨乱反正,将这纷乱的局势导回正轨,顺带的,将勾陈道友送回天界。”„QuitemakesItfeel at ease , to continue , whenItscancellingChenEmperorGreat Emperor, mustregeneratesomeimproperthoughtsnot, meddled the human clanmatter.”
“好让祂安心的,继续当祂的勾陈天皇大帝,莫要再生出一些不该有的心思,插手人族的事了。”Wavesto receivemeritspirit treasure that theseare damaged, tooclearsaintis looking at the direction of personsovereignpalace, fullissaying of hatred.
挥挥手将那些受创的功德灵宝收起,太清圣人望着人皇殿的方向,满是恨意的说道。Lost the worldyellow and blacktower, is the etherclearsaintdisposition, is difficultto cover the angrymeaning in heart, Itwaswishes one couldto hackFeng Zichenseriouslyexactly.
失了天地玄黄塔,就是以太清圣人的心性,也难掩心中的愤怒之意,祂当真是恨不得活剐了风紫宸。Hishatredto the Feng Zichen, is really the water of big wavecompletelyMilky Way , is hardto scrub.
祂对风紫宸的恨意,真的是涛尽天河之水,也是难以洗刷。„senior brothersaid is really!”
“师兄所言甚是!”„Thiswarcontinuednow, almostalsonearly100,000years, shouldbe the timebranches out a result.”
“此战持续到现在,差不多也有近十万年了,也该是时候分出个结果了。”Too after clearsaint said that Yuan Shi Tian Zunsaid.
太清圣人说完之后,元始天尊接话道。Ifbytohate of Feng Zichen, Yuan Shi Tian Zunreallydoes not misstooclearsaintleast bit, even still has hadit.
若论对风紫宸的恨,元始天尊是真的不差太清圣人半点,甚至是犹有过之。TooclearsaintinfightwithFeng Zichen, lost the worldyellow and blacktower, seems like that wasItowes.
太清圣人在与风紫宸的交手中,丢失了天地玄黄塔,看似是祂亏了。Butin fact, Ithas not suffered a loss, wasItfirstseizes the human clan20%destiny, Feng Zichenindignantcounter-attacked, thisseized the worldyellow and blacktower.
可实际上,祂并没有吃亏,是祂先夺走了人族20%气运,风紫宸愤而反击,这才夺走了天地玄黄塔。Lost the worldyellow and blacktower, tooclearsaintalsohas the human clan20%destinyin the hand, said no that onanythingsuffers a loss.
就是失了天地玄黄塔,太清圣人还有人族的20%气运在手,说不上什么吃亏。ButYuan Shi Tian Zunwas different, Itreallyeatsin the hand of Feng Zichenowesoversized. Not to mentionItpreviouslyfoughtwithFeng Zichenseveral times, has not taken the half a pointadvantagenot saying that admits defeatrepeatedly, loses face.
可元始天尊就不同了,祂是真的在风紫宸的手上吃过大亏的。且不说祂先前与风紫宸数次大战,没有占到半分便宜不说,更是屡屡吃瘪,丢尽脸面。With the previouswar, right arm of Yuan Shi Tian Zun, butcut offby the Feng Zichensimultaneous/uniformarm, until the present, has not restored, as beforebe at the condition of arm.
就拿上次大战来说,元始天尊的右臂,可是被风紫宸齐臂斩断的,直至现在,都没有恢复过来,依旧处于断臂的状态。Solemnsaint, unsurpassedpowerhouseYuan Shi Tian Zun of great antiquityworld, in the way of alonearm, walksunexpectedly in world.
堂堂圣人,洪荒天地的无上强者元始天尊,竟然以独臂的方式,行走在世间。How the average mensaid that Yuan Shi Tian Zundoes not know, buthefelt, was really disgraced.
常人怎么说元始天尊不知道,但祂自己却是觉得,真是丢死人了。Yuan Shi Tian Zun of alonearm, Itis imperfect! Thisletexceptionallyattach importance to faceYuan Shi Tian Zun, howcanendure?
独臂的元始天尊,祂不完美了啊!这让异常好面子了元始天尊,如何能忍受的了?Therefore, sincebeyond after the day the chaosreturn, Yuan Shi Tian Zunhas stayed at home, if nothas no recourse, does not have/leaveYuxugonghalfstep, evenItdoes not wantto see the bystander.
为此,自从天外混沌归来之后,元始天尊就一直闭门不出,若非迫不得已,绝不出玉虚宫半步,甚至祂都不想见外人。However, onlythose whomadeYuan Shi Tian Zungratifiedwas, althoughItsright armbroke, butItsstrengthhas not actually come under the tremendousimpact.
不过,唯一令元始天尊欣慰的是,祂的右臂虽然断了,但祂的实力却没有受到多大的影响。Thisis notFeng Zichenacts the insufficientlyruthlessreason, on the contrary, IthatedYuan Shi Tian Zunat that time, therefore, Itinmaking a move, is relentless.
这不是风紫宸出手不够狠的缘故,相反,当时祂是恨极了元始天尊,所以,祂在出手的时候,是毫不留情的。Theoretically, breaksYuan Shi Tian Zun of arm, even ifhas not receivedanythingto cause heavy losses, stillthis/shouldstrengthdrops for 1-2 points to be right.
理论上,断臂的元始天尊,就算没有受到什么重创,也该实力跌落1-2才对。Butwhomakesothershave a goodmaster?
可谁让人家有个好师父呢?Beyond after the day the war of chaosended, Three Pure Onesand the otherswent toZixiaogongwith the great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestortogether.
天外混沌之战结束后,三清等人随鸿钧道祖一起去了紫霄宫。InZixiaogong, said that the ancestorlooked at the injury of Yuan Shi Tian Zun, althoughhas not begunto restoreItsbreakingarm, butalsowipesto disappearto mediate the armto the influence that Itsstrengthhas.
It is not the great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestordoes not wantto continue the armforYuan Shi Tian Zun, butisItcannot achieve. But, will back off, forYuan Shi Tian Zuntreatmentinjury.
不是鸿钧道祖不想为元始天尊接续断臂,而是祂做不到。无奈之下,才会退而求其次,为元始天尊治疗伤势。Thus it can be seen, ruthless of Feng Zichenthatsword, said that the ancestoris also at a loss, can only makeYuan Shi Tian Zuncontinueto maintain the stance of arm.
由此可见,风紫宸那一剑之狠,就连道祖也是束手无策,只能让元始天尊继续保持断臂的姿态。„Right that Senior Brother said that thiswar should also have a result.”Sawbothelder brothersto open the mouth, the exceedingly highfounderquicklyindicated.
“师兄说的对,此战也该有个结果了。”见两位兄长都开口了,通天教主急忙表示道。„senior brothersaidgreatlygood!”2
“师兄所言大善!”二Three Pure Onesunified the opinion, wherealsohasto receive and instruct the leeway that the sainttwopeoplereject, theyalsotook a standhastily.三清都统一了意见,又哪里有接引圣人二人拒绝的余地,祂二人亦是连忙表态道。„Good, sincefellow daoist agreed that that noticeeasternnobilities and redcloudancestortwofellow daoist, makingthemstart the plan.”
“好,既然诸位道友都同意了,那就通知东王公与红云老祖两位道友,让祂们开启计划吧。”Saw the peopleto agree, tooclearsaintgave the final wordto say.
………………………………human clanarea, Donghuacity!人族疆域,东华城!Thisishuman clanoverlordDonghuaDaoist the place of cardsay/way, in the meantime, is the basis that Itsettles down and gets on with life, Itthentakesthiscityas the foundation, risesstep by step, finallybecomeshuman clanto be next to the great person of personsovereign.
这是人族霸主东华道人的证道之地,同时,也是祂安身立命的根本,祂便是以此城为根基,一步步崛起,最后成为人族仅次于人皇的大人物。It, the DonghuaDaoist, east the head of antiquitymaleimmortal the reincarnation of nobility, wielded the human clanEast more than 50godcities, isoverlord who human clanwas worthy of the reputation.
The name of easternnobility, byfake goodsFeng Zichenoccupying, therefore, the reincarnationhuman claneasternnobility, is forcedbut, hasto change to the DonghuaDaoistownname.
东王公的名字,已经被冒牌货风紫宸给占了,所以,转世人族的东王公,被迫无奈之下,只好把自己的名字改为东华道人。Reason thatin the namealsohas„east”character, is explained that the DonghuaDaoistscould not have forgotten the easternnobilitystatus, frequentlyalerts themselvesandencouraging, so thatsome day, recapturedoneselfoncename.
之所以名字里还带个“东”字,则是说明东华道人还忘不了东王公这个身份,时刻警醒、激励着自己,以便有朝一日,夺回自己曾经的名字。Butat this time, Donghua that is closing upin the citymainmansion the person, suddenlyreceived the pass on message of Three Pure Ones, tellstime that Itfights a decisive battle.
The planhad started, Ithas not neededto bear patiently, canfulfilownaspirationheartily.
计划已经开始了,祂已无需隐忍了,可以尽情的施展自己的抱负。God knows, the DonghuaDaoistsforand othernews, how longwaited.
Since losingownstatus, the DonghuaDaoistshave been practicingdiligently, will soon restoreownstrengthby the chart, recapturedonceall.
自从丢失自己的身份之后,东华道人一直在努力修炼着,以图早日恢复自己的实力,夺回曾经的一切。Butthiswas too difficult!
After losing the status of easternnobility, the DonghuaDaoistsalsolostowndestiny. Butdid not have the assistance of destiny, Itscultivationspeedwithout doubtbecomesslowincomparable.
失去了东王公的身份后,东华道人同时也失去了属于自己的气运。而没了气运的辅助,祂的修炼速度无疑变得缓慢无比。Butis difficult, ifItalsowants the meanscustomer service, otherwise, Itto fear that mustperishforever.
The DonghuaDaoistanythingmeanshad once attempted.
The heavendoes not lose the person with high aspirations, finally, in one day, the DonghuaDaoistsobtained a godcityimperial jade sealaccidentally/surprisingly, since thenopened his road of striving for hegemony.
皇天不负有心人,终于,在某一天,东华道人意外得到了一枚神城玉玺,从此开启了祂的争霸之路。In the godcitycontest, the DonghuaDaoistscapturehuman clangodcity more than 60at one fell swoop, depending onthis, results in the human clandestinyto fill the body, cultivatingisonestep the situation of restoring the accurateSaint, becameonegeneration of bigenergies.
在神城争夺战中,东华道人一举夺取人族神城六十余座,凭此,得人族气运灌体,修为一步恢复到了准圣的地步,成为一代大能。Originally, the DonghuaDaoistsshouldbe stronger, butpitifully, the godappears, seized more than tengodcitiesfromItshand, making the DonghuaDaoiststrengthdrop for severalpoints.
本来,东华道人应该更强的,但可惜,神横空出世,从祂手中夺走了十余座神城,使得东华道人力量跌落了数分。However, evenso, Itas beforeishuman clantopexistence.
The personsovereign, human clanfewperson can.
……Wakes upfrom the recollection, the DonghuaDaoistsset outto go out of the peaceful roomin vain, calls the officialmilitary commanderto come the discussing official businesspalaceto discuss official businesshand/subordinate.
从回忆中醒来,东华道人徒然起身走出静室,召集手下文臣武将前来议事殿议事。Itmusttell the people, the world of bigstruggleto!
…………Besides the Donghuacity, the human clanareaWest, a namedcloudcitygodcityis not quiet.
除了东华城之外,人族疆域西方,一处名为云城的神城也不平静。Rulescloudcityexistence, isexistence that shares the honorwith the DonghuaDaoists, ZiyunDaoist, thisperson is also one of the human clanoverlords, is ruling the Western more than 50godcities.
统治云城的存在,乃是与东华道人齐名的存在,紫云道人,此人亦是人族霸主之一,统治着西方五十余座神城。Without a doubt, the ZiyunDaoistswere the reincarnations of redcloudancestor. Whyis called the ZiyunDaoistas forIt, rather than the redcloudancestor, thisalsohas the view.
毫无疑问,紫云道人就是红云老祖的转世了。至于祂为何叫做紫云道人,而不是红云老祖,这也是有说法的。clouds,naturallyreferred to the redcloud.
云,自然指的是红云了。Purple, thenrefers to the primordial chaosauspicious sign.
The redcloudancestorwantsinthisShichengSaint, thereforefrom the primordial chaosauspicious signwithownname, takes a characterrespectively, composed the newname.
红云老祖想在这一世成圣,故此从鸿蒙紫气与自己的名字之中,各取一字,组成了自己新的名字。Thison behalf ofItsto becomeSaintambition.
这代表了祂成圣的野心。Alsoisenoughlaughable, the giving a namecharactercanto becomeSaint, thatthissaintalso is really enoughinexpensive.
也是够可笑的,起个名字就能成圣,那这圣人也真是够廉价的。Did not mention the name of ZiyunDaoist, said that Itsexperience, that was the DonghuaDaoistsis solitary.
The DonghuaDaoistscanhavetoday, alltries hardto strive for success to byoneselfcome, in this perioddoes not knowencounteredmanydangers.
东华道人能够有今天,全是靠自己努力拼搏得来的,期间更是不知道遇到了多少危险。Reallywrestles the futureby the life.
真就是以命搏前程。But the ZiyunDaoistsare different, the relationsbecause offireYundong, his walks, may be calledsmooth.
可紫云道人不同,因火云洞的关系,祂这一路走来,堪称顺风顺水。Walkson the road, canpick the treasure.
The tigerbodyshakes, thenhas the four directionsXiangentlemanto do obeisance.
The godcitycontest, the ZiyunDaoistshave not participated. As forIt who has not attendedthiswar, whywill be graspingso manyhuman clangodcities.
神城争夺战,紫云道人根本就没有参加。至于没有参加此战的祂,为什么会掌握着这么多的人族神城。That can only say, the luckis good, reallycanact in a self-serving manner.
那就只能说,运气好,真的可以为所欲为。Peopleinhomemiddle stall, godcityimperial jade sealspace.
人在家中座,神城玉玺天上来。Does not needto compete, the godcityimperial jade seal, the association/willby all kinds ofcoincidences, appearsin the side of ZiyunDaoist, andwas obtainedbyIt.
Since the ZiyunDaoistsmake a debut, onlysuffers a lossonetime, plantedin the hand of god, was won more than tenhuman clangodcitiesbyItfrom the hand.
紫云道人出道至今,唯一一次吃亏,就是栽在了神的手里,被祂从手上夺走了十余座人族神城。Matter that thisdoes not have the means that after all to the great antiquityworld, the chaosdemongodisbug, the existingruleis mostly uselesstothem.
The destiny of ZiyunDaoistcannot affect the god, is the normalmatter.
紫云道人的气运影响不到神,也是正常的事。Said, withoutFeng Zichen, thatredcloudancestorwere the personsovereign who the daydecided. FireYundongto the destiny that Itbrings, was too deep.
讲真的,如果没有风紫宸,那红云老祖就是天定的人皇。火云洞给祂带来的气运,真的太深厚了。Said that as long asis occupied by the human clanworthy people of former timesinfireYundong, including the Three Sovereignsfive emperors, mustbranch out a wisp of destinyin additionto holdin the redcloudancestor, thisfireYundongrightful ownerperson.
这么说吧,但凡居住在火云洞中的人族先贤,包括三皇五帝在内,都是要分出一缕气运加持在红云老祖,这个火云洞原主人身上的。Hassuchpowerfuldestinyredcloudancestor, is reincarnatedhuman clan, has the posture of personsovereignabsolutely.
拥有这么强大气运的红云老祖,转世到人族,绝对拥有着人皇之姿。Was somewhat a pity, ItchosewithFeng Zichenfor the enemy, otherwise, Ithas not necessarily become the possibility of personsovereign.
就是有些可惜了,祂选择了与风紫宸为敌,不然的话,祂未必没有成为人皇的可能。However, whatnowis certain, withFeng ZichenforIt of enemy, was doomedto run counterwith the position of personsovereign.
不过,现在可以肯定的是,与风紫宸为敌的祂,注定了与人皇之位背道而驰。Obtains the pass on message of Three Pure Onesafter the DonghuaDaoists, the ZiyunDaoistsalsoobtained the pass on message of WesterntwoSaints.
在东华道人得到三清的传讯后,紫云道人同时也得到了西方二圣的传讯。Right, fiveSaintsupportis not a person, butistwopeople.
没错,五圣扶持的不是一个人,而是两个人。Three Pure Onesis the DonghuaDaoistplatform, the WesterntwoSaintsfor the ZiyunDaoistplatform.三清为东华道人站台,西方二圣则是为紫云道人站台。Thisis very goodto understand, the WesterntwoSaintsowe the redcloudancestor, in any eventmuststandthis sideIt.
这很好理解,西方二圣欠红云老祖的,无论如何都要站在祂这一边。As forThree Pure Ones, is very it is estimated that difficultto like the redcloudancestor, after all the WesterntwoSaintscan be said asItsone„support”getting up.
至于三清,估计很难喜欢红云老祖,毕竟西方二圣可以说是祂一手“扶持”起来的。In the heartis angry, the object of Three Pure Oneschoicesupport, naturallycamefrom the easternnobility of Daoism.
心中有气,三清选择扶持的对象,自然就是出身于玄门的东王公了。Thisistheirsame side, said the character who the ancestorregarded as importantpast, Three Pure OnessupportsIt, is truly more appropriate than the redcloudancestor.
Since Feng Zichencauses heavy losses, falls intotranquilhuman clan, at this moment, was brokenby a hugesoundsuddenly.
自风紫宸重创之后,就陷入平静的人族,此刻,忽然被一道巨大的声音所打破。„Personsovereignlosessaid,is punished for an offenseinheaven, nowsuffers the scourge, is the evident proof.”
“人皇失道,获罪于天,今遭天谴,正是明证。”„NowmyDonghuaDaoist, east the kingfrom the number, wantingleads the armyto storm into the personimperial city, toeliminateunenlightened ruler, but alsohuman clanringinguniverse.”
东华道人反了!Taking advantage ofFeng Zichenby the name of saintkilling, was buckledhat that toItwas punished for an offenseinheavenby the scourge, thenfrom the numberwas a king, dispatched troops into battleto revolt.
借着风紫宸被圣人袭杀之名,给祂扣了个获罪于天遭了天谴的帽子,然后自号为王,起兵造反。To be honest, thishatbucklesis very solid, isFeng Zichenwantsto washcannot wash off.
说实话,这个帽子扣的很结实,就是风紫宸想洗都洗不掉。Inhuman clan, is punished for an offenseinheaven the opinionaboutFeng Zichen, is notcurrentlyhas, manyyears ago, hadsimilarrumorto appear.人族之中,关于风紫宸获罪于天的言论,可不是现在才有的,早在很多年之前,就有类似的传言出现了。Just, that timeFeng Zichenwas rising, no onechoseto believe.
只不过,那个时候的风紫宸如日中天,没人选择相信罢了。Comesas forthisopinionfrom where, probablyfrom the human clanareaenvironmentmore and morebadtime, starts.
至于这言论从何而来,大概是从人族疆域之中的环境越来越恶劣的时候,开始的。Several tens of thousands ofyears ago, sainttwisted the day after tomorrowprinciple, causes the environment in human clanarea, is getting more and more bad, the extremeweathersometimes happened.
数万年前,圣人扭曲了后天法则,使得人族疆域内的环境,越来越恶劣,极端天气更是时有发生。Istherefore, human clanwill haveFeng Zichento be punished for an offenseinheaven the rumorto spread.
就是因此,人族才会有风紫宸获罪于天的流言传出。Although, Feng Zichenalreadyverydiligentlyinenvironmental management, but the rumor, alwayscannot ban. Instigation of person of harboring ulterior motives, was in addition more inappeasable.
虽然,风紫宸已经很努力的在治理环境了,可流言嘛,总是禁不掉的。再加上别有用心之人的挑拨,就更难平息了。However, byFeng Zichenin the human clanprestige, some rumorsappears, nothing to be worried, becauseno one meetingletter/believes.
不过,以风紫宸在人族的威信,就是有些许流言出现,也不足为虑,因为没有人会信的。Yet now, the situationhaddifferently.
可如今,情况却有了不同。AlthoughFeng Zichenwas injuredbysaint, did not ascend the skyto injure, but how can the average persondistinguish the difference of saintandheaven?风紫宸虽是被圣人打伤的,不是被上天打伤的,但普通人又如何能分辨出圣人与上天的区别?In their eyes, saintacts, reallyactedwith the heavenwithout doubt.
在祂们的眼里,圣人出手,就真的与上天出手无疑了。Said, actuallynotwrong.
The saintitself/Benis the spokesman of Heavenly Dao, theymake a movetoFeng Zichen, in some sense, wasascends the skytoItacts.圣人本就是天道的代言人,祂们对风紫宸出手,从某种意义上来说,也算是上天对祂出手了。Inthistime, all living thingsaweto the day. Does Feng Zichenhave the mistakeleave alone, so long asall living thingsrecognized, ascends the skyto the hand that Ithas, Itis wrong.
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