GDSP :: Volume #8

#776: saint acts

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This human clan Heaven's Chosen, is a Feng Zichen very good person, thought that he has very big probability to become the person king. 这个人族天骄,是风紫宸很好的一个人,觉得他有很大的几率成为人王。 Has not thought, this fellow seems like the heavy features, finally is actually the reincarnation of chaos demon god. 可没想到,这个家伙看起来浓眉大眼的,结果却是混沌魔神的转世。 My goodness, he hidden may be really deep, poor Feng Zichen hid the truth from by It. 好家伙,他隐藏的可真深,差一点风紫宸就被祂瞒过去了。 Right, this person is the chaos demon god. 没错,这个人就是混沌魔神。 God, hidden the ordinary human clan youngster in human clan, is It deliberately keeps outside pretence, is used to cover up Its true status. 无论是外界的神,还是隐藏在人族之中的普通人族少年,都是祂刻意留在外面的幌子,用来遮掩祂真正的身份。 Who can think, one of the human clan highest level Heaven's Chosen, unexpectedly is the reincarnation of chaos demon god? 谁又能想到,人族最顶级的天骄之一,竟是混沌魔神的转世呢? Really, the most dangerous place, is the safest place. Under this fellow hid in the eye of Feng Zichen rambles was so long, Feng Zichen had not detected unexpectedly the least bit was unusual, was enough. 果然,最危险的地方,才是最安全的地方。这家伙在风紫宸的眼皮子底下逍遥了这么久,风紫宸竟是没察觉到半点异常,也是够可以的。 This time, is that chaos demon god general idea/careless, otherwise, Feng Zichen has not really been able to discover Its status. When the time comes, unavoidably by this chaos demon god Yin. 这一次,也是那位混沌魔神大意,不然的话,风紫宸还真就无法发现祂的身份。到时候,难免会被这尊混沌魔神阴一把。 Calculates in secret, Feng Zichen discovered, this chaos demon god hundreds of thousands of years ago, started to plan human clan at least. 暗中算了算,风紫宸发现,这尊混沌魔神最起码在数十万年前,就开始算计人族了。 How to have hidden the truth from the Feng Zichen sensation as for It, can only say, this chaos demon god, is really a ruthless person. 至于祂是如何瞒过风紫宸的感知的,只能说,这尊混沌魔神,真的是一个狠人。 In order to prevent own status exposition, It first in the great antiquity samsara several times, washed off air/Qi of oneself chaos, this is reincarnated human clan. 为了防止自己的身份暴露,祂先是在洪荒轮回了数次,洗掉了自己一身混沌之气,这才转世进人族 Then, It has not worried to carry out oneself plan, but continues to be reincarnated in the human clan samsara, after dozens times, just now ambushes in human clan. 然后,祂并没着急开展自己的计划,而是继续在人族轮回转世,直到数十次之后,方才在人族里面潜伏下来。 Also It dares to sway in front of Feng Zichen no wonder, actually never fears by its discovery status. In the human clan samsara dozens times, this chaos demon god and real human clan, no difference. 也难怪祂敢在风紫宸面前晃荡,却从不怕被其发现身份。在人族轮回了数十次,这混沌魔神与真的人族,也没什么区别了。 Was Feng Zichen sees now, has not seen this chaos demon god, had what difference from real human clan. 就是风紫宸现在见了,也没看出这尊混沌魔神,与真的人族有什么差别。 Such depth that since this chaos demon god hidden, how It exposes? 既然这尊混沌魔神隐藏的如此之深,那祂又是如何暴露的呢? This can only say, It was too greedy. 这只能说,祂太贪心了。 Sees the human clan chaos, this chaos demon god got up unexpectedly the thoughts of competing for the person sovereign. 人族大乱,这尊混沌魔神竟然起了争夺人皇的心思。 Then, he found an opportunity, exchanged a person king Ye position fragment, plans first to become the person king, then seizes the position of person sovereign in the stratagem. 然后,他找到一个机会,兑换了一个人王业位碎片,打算先成为人王,接着在谋夺人皇之位。 The person king Ye position fragment enters the body, wants to fuse together with Its real spirit, but the issue emerges here. Regardless how a person changes, Its real spirit throughout like one. 人王业位碎片入体,欲与祂的真灵融为一体,而问题就出现在这里。无论一个人如何变化,祂的真灵始终都是如一的。 Therefore, how regardless of the contour of this chaos demon god changes, Its real spirit, is the chaos demon god really spirits throughout. 所以,无论这尊混沌魔神的外形如何改变,祂的真灵,始终都是混沌魔神真灵。 Affected king Ye the position fragment, this chaos demon god loses control for a while, divulges air/Qi of chaos demon god unexpectedly. 受人王业位碎片影响,这尊混沌魔神一时失控,竟是泄露出了一丝混沌魔神之气。 Although, Its quick concealed it, but sensation keen of how Feng Zichen, human clan any slightest sign of trouble, could not hide the truth from It. 虽然,祂很快的就将其掩饰掉了,但风紫宸的感知何其之敏锐,人族的任何风吹草动,都瞒不过祂。 The air/Qi of this wisp of chaos demon god, is naturally no exception. 这缕混沌魔神之气,自然也不例外。 Perhaps this chaos demon god also detected that oneself exposed. Therefore, It made two false bodies, one light and one dark, passes off fake articles for the real thing and gets by under false pretences by the chart. 或许这尊混沌魔神也察觉到自己暴露了。所以,祂先后制造了两尊假身,一明一暗,以图鱼目混珠、蒙混过关。 But was Feng Zichen exceeds, looked through Its hidden, found Its true body. 但到底是风紫宸技高一筹,看破了祂的隐藏,找到了祂的真身。 The joke, the person king Ye the position fragment is Feng Zichen, this chaos demon god keeps within the body the person king Ye position fragment, but also wants to hide the truth from It, that is not funny? 笑话,人王业位碎片就是风紫宸的,这尊混沌魔神把人王业位碎片留在自己体内,还想瞒过祂,那不是搞笑的吗? If this chaos demon god compels the person king Ye position fragment promptly, could not say that Feng Zichen really could not find, but It not only left behind the person of king Ye position fragment, dares to continue to sway in front of Feng Zichen. 要是这尊混沌魔神及时逼出人王业位碎片,说不得风紫宸还真找不到,但祂不仅留下了人王业位碎片,更是还敢继续在风紫宸面前晃荡。 If this Feng Zichen could not find It, that yes damn. 风紫宸要是还找不到祂,那才是见鬼了。 ...... …… 1 st discovered that this person of status, Feng Zichen really wishes one could a palm of the hand to pat It. 初一发现这人的身份,风紫宸真是恨不得一巴掌拍死祂。 But at once, Feng Zichen changed the mind. 可旋即,风紫宸就改变了主意。 This chaos demon god do not work as the person sovereign? 这尊混沌魔神不是要当人皇吗? That Feng Zichen helps It. 风紫宸就成全祂。 When the time comes, this chaos demon god becomes the person sovereign, or is the red cloud ancestor and eastern nobility becomes the person sovereign, Feng Zichen will take them to force in the person imperial city, as perpetual motion machine. 到时候,无论是这尊混沌魔神成为人皇,亦或者是红云老祖与东王公成为人皇,风紫宸都会把祂们塞进人皇城中,作为永动机。 As for another two, does not waste, moon city, Sun City, just good. 至于另外两个,也不浪费,太阴城一个,太阳城一个,刚刚好。 ...... …… The influence that by that chaos demon god, after coping with god falls from the sky, to leave behind, isn't the easy matter? 以那尊混沌魔神之强,对付“神”陨落之后遗留下来的势力,还不是手到擒来的事? Therefore, It easily, that more than 40 god cities with, became a human clan side overlord very much. 所以,祂很轻易的,就将那四十余座神城给拿了下来,成为了人族的一方霸主。 Perhaps at this time, thought that the time, this chaos demon god has not chosen to start own party, but continues to submit to the Feng Zichen subordinate. 只是,这个时候,兴许是觉得时机未至,这尊混沌魔神并没有选择自立门户,而是继续臣服在风紫宸的麾下。 Regarding this, Feng Zichen also has nothing to express. 对此,风紫宸也没什么表示。 It, waited for the next plan of saint. 祂在等,等圣人的下一步计划。 Things have gotten to this point, if saint does not have the follow-up plan, that this play may have no way to sing. 事已至此,圣人若是没有后续的计划,那这场戏可就没法唱下去了。 Really, does not have the expectation of Feng Zichen, seeing the time was similar, five Saints decided to act finally. 果然,没出风紫宸的预料,见时机差不多了,五圣终于决定出手了。 In Yuxugong, five Saints each other look at each other one, says slowly: Fellow Daoist, the success or failure depended on this.” 玉虚宫中,五圣彼此对视一眼,缓缓开口说道:“诸位道友,成败就在此一举了。” The language falls, sees the people to nod, one and went out of Yuxugong. 语落,就见众人点了点头,一并走出了玉虚宫。 Begins!” “动手!” After calls out, the world is simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform shivers unexpectedly, makes the sound of wail void. Then, sees, five radiant rays, raise from Kunlun Mountain distantly, goes toward the person sovereign palace bang. 一声暴喝过后,天地竟是齐齐颤动,虚空发出哀鸣之音。然后,就见到,有五道璀璨的光芒,从昆仑山上遥遥升起,向着人皇殿轰去。 But that five light beams, are innate supreme treasure primal chaos, the Pangu streamer, execute the immortal four swords impressively, with best quality goods innate merit spirit treasure 12 grade merit golden lotus, Eastern azure Baolian flag. 而那五道光束,赫然便是先天至宝太极图、盘古幡、诛仙四剑,与极品先天功德灵宝十二品功德金莲,东方青色宝莲旗。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Five prestige can be possible be called the peerless most precious object, the bang from Kunlun Mountain comes, shatter layer upon layer void, in a flash, then arrived at the human clan area. 五件威能堪称绝世的至宝,从昆仑山上轰来,一路破碎层层虚空,转瞬之间,便来到了人族疆域。 The sensation to the danger, immortal Dragon City erupts loudly, ascends the endless god light/only, turns into together the radiant light screen, before the human clan area, tries to keep off this to strike horizontally. 感知到危险,不朽龙城轰然爆发,升腾起无尽的神光,化成一道璀璨的光幕,横在人族疆域之前,试图挡下这一击。 But finally is actually, collapses at the first encounter. 可结果却是,一触即溃。 In the front of five big most precious objects, powerful immortal Dragon City, does not have the strength of resistance was routed. 在五大至宝的面前,强大的不朽龙城,毫无反抗之力的就被击溃了。 Later, Nine Provinces ties raises, the faintly visible nine tripods empty shadow appears, suppresses endless void. That powerful strength fills the air, formed huge knot in the sky of human clan area. 之后,九州结界升起,隐隐可见九鼎虚影浮现,镇压无尽虚空。那强大的力量弥漫开来,在人族疆域的上空形成了一道巨大的结界。 What a pity, 可惜, Finally is actually nothing's change. 结果却是没有任何的改变。 Facing five Saints strikes jointly, may be called human clan strongest protection Nine Provinces tie, seems general that the paper sticks, was been easily stave by it. 面对五圣的联手一击,堪称人族最强守护的九州结界,就好似纸糊的一般,被其轻易破碎。 After rumbling one after another broken immortal Dragon City and Nine Provinces tie, the treasures of that five saint, castrate the unceasing bang forward to go, the goal points to the person of sovereign palace. 接连轰碎不朽龙城与九州结界之后,那五件圣人之宝,去势不绝的向前轰去,目标直指人皇殿。 Danger!!! 危险!!! Perfect danger!!! 极致的危险!!! In the person sovereign palace, saw that treasure of bang five saint come, in heart of Feng Zichen, production the feeling of danger. 人皇殿中,看到五件圣人之宝轰来,风紫宸的心中,久违的产生了危险的感觉。 This strikes, if were rumbled, Its big probability will die. 这一击要是被轰实了,祂大概率会死。 Even if Its strength, has restored the situation of beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal , is the same. 哪怕祂的实力,已经恢复到了混元大罗金仙的地步,也是一样。 Five Saints jointly strongest strikes, was Feng Zichen suffered in peak condition, will cause heavy losses, let alone It now is not in peak condition. 五圣联手的最强一击,就是风紫宸巅峰状态挨了一下,也会重创,就更别说祂现在还不是巅峰状态了。 Just like Feng Zichen expects like that five Saint follow-up plans. 正如风紫宸所料的那般,五圣后续的计划来了。 But It thinks many possibilities, have not thought only, five Saints are the choice make a move to It unexpectedly directly. 可祂想了很多种可能,唯独没有想到,五圣竟是选择直接对祂出手。 Really unexpected result. 真是出人意料的结果。 Sidereal revolution temple, opens to me!” “周天神殿,给我启!” Humane emperor imperial seal, shakes to me!” “人道帝玺,给我震!” Ten thousand spirit crowns, in addition holds my body.” “万灵冠,加持吾身。” Person god of journeys link, protects Yugo body!” “人道神环,护佑吾身!” ...... …… Almost instantaneous, Feng Zichen resorts to all methods that oneself can resort, prepares anti- this to strike hardly. 几乎是瞬间的,风紫宸就动用了自己所能动用的所有手段,准备硬抗这一击。 saint this was calculates, It will not hide, this chose to start the struck. 圣人这是算准了,祂不会躲,这才选择发动的这一击。 Right, this strikes, Feng Zichen cannot hide, cannot counter-attack, can only choose resists hardly. 没错,这一击,风紫宸不能躲,也不能反击,只能选择硬抗。 Because, Its behind is the human clan ancestor place. If Feng Zichen hid, saint this strikes, will rumble the human clan ancestor absolutely to become fragments. 因为,祂的身后就是人族祖地。要是风紫宸躲了,圣人这一击,绝对会将人族祖地轰成齑粉。 If It chooses the counter-attack, after that these two powerful strengths clash, the fluctuation of energy that produces, puts down the human clan area sufficiently. 而要是祂选择反击,那这两股强大的力量对撞之后,所产生的能量波动,足以将人族疆域扫平。 No, incessantly is the human clan area, could not say that will become the fragment the great antiquity big landslide. 不,不止是人族疆域,说不得会将洪荒大地崩成碎片。 Therefore, Feng Zichen does not have the escape route, facing this strikes, It can only choose resists hardly. 所以,风紫宸已无退路,面对这一击,祂只能选择硬抗。 That brushes, the humane emperor imperial seal flies, changes to a section of giant finger, is indomitable spirit general, horizontally in the Feng Zichen front. 刷的一声,人道帝玺飞来,化作一截巨大的手指,顶天立地一般,横在风紫宸的面前。 Meanwhile, in Its head, ten thousand spirit crowns blooms the radiant ray, dangles 72 color light, throws over on the body of Feng Zichen, protects firmly It. 同时,在祂的头上,万灵冠绽放出璀璨光芒,垂下七十二色道光,披在风紫宸的身上,将祂牢牢的守护起来。 In addition, the radiant god link, appears together after the brain of Feng Zichen, surrounds It. 除此之外,一道璀璨的神环,浮现在风紫宸的脑后,将祂环绕起来。 This is the person god of journeys link, is humanity to the blessing of Feng Zichen. This link in the body, under the beginning of the universe, no one can injure its slightest, as for the beginning of the universe above strength, will be weakened several points by this link. 这是人道神环,是人道对风紫宸的祝福。此环在身,混元之下,无人能伤其分毫,至于混元以上的力量,也会被此环削弱数分。 But these, are not the Feng Zichen strongest defenses, It biggest subsequent hand, that is situated the sidereal revolution temple in great antiquity land. Is galaxy eon brilliant that it composes, as well as Pangu Deity! 而这些,还不是风紫宸最强的防御,祂最大的后手,还是那坐落在洪荒大地上的周天神殿。是其组成的星河宙光大阵,以及盘古神人! Rumble! 轰隆隆! Under the order of Feng Zichen, the sidereal revolution temple in human clan area, is situated the human clan temple in great antiquity land, is follows to shiver, spout the inexhaustible god light/only. 风紫宸的命令下,无论是人族疆域中的周天神殿,还是坐落在洪荒大地上的人族神殿,都是跟着颤动起来,喷涌出无穷无尽的神光。 These rays, are centered on the person of sovereign palace, each other colludes and intersects in the land, quick, then forms a huge strategy in the land, the galaxy eon brilliant land version. 那些光芒,以人皇殿为中心,在大地上彼此勾连、相交,很快的,便在大地上形成一个巨大的阵法,星河宙光大阵大地版。 Bang! 轰! Radiant light spewed out from the land, blocks the sky general, has covered the brilliance of livelihood and group star. 璀璨的道光从大地上喷涌而出,遮天蔽日一般,盖过了日月与群星的光辉。 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! Then, sees the galaxy to be turbulent, enormous and powerful, galloping is restless. The eon glittering, is accompanying the galaxy peer. 接着,就见星河汹涌,浩浩荡荡,奔腾不息。宙光闪烁,伴着星河同行。 But this galaxy eon brilliant, is not one, but is two. One big is small, one one, the mutual entanglement, is instead situated above the land, causes the galaxy eon brilliant might, promoting several tenths to continue. 而这星河宙光大阵,不是一个,而是两个。一大一小,一正一反,相互纠缠,坐落于大地之上,使得星河宙光大阵的威力,提升了数成不止。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Faint, an empty shadow of Pangu Deity, appears quietly, stands erect above the great antiquity land, gradually fuses together with Feng Zichen. 隐隐的,一尊盘古神人的虚影,悄然浮现,屹立在洪荒大地之上,逐渐与风紫宸融为一体。 In Feng Zichen own all methods, uses, the magic weapons of five Saints. 就在风紫宸将自己的所有手段,都施展出来的时候,五圣的法宝,也是到了。 Listens to one of the bang, the magic weapons of five Saints, after weakening of humane god link, solid bang on the body of humane emperor imperial seal. 就听轰的一声,五圣的法宝,在经过人道神环的削弱之后,结结实实的轰在了人道帝玺的身上。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The powerful fluctuation eruption, raised to fly it directly. 强大的波动爆发,直接将它掀飞了出去。 Also is the main body of humane emperor imperial seal, builds by the phalanx of Pangu, hard incomparable, otherwise, five Saints this strikes, did not raise the minute/share is so simple him, at least must collapse several gaps. 也就是人道帝玺的主体,是以盘古的指骨打造而成,坚硬无比,不然的话,五圣这一击,就不是把他掀分那么简单了,起码也要崩出几个缺口来。 Bang ~ ~ after raising the flying humane emperor imperial seal, five Saint magic weapons then rumbled in the defenses of ten thousand spirit crowns, tore 72 color profound light of its asylum directly on Feng Zichen. 轰~~掀飞人道帝玺之后,五圣法宝接着轰在了万灵冠的防御上,直接撕裂了其庇护在风紫宸身上的七十二色玄光。 Then, the treasures of five saint, direct bang on the body of Feng Zichen. 然后,五件圣人之宝,就直接轰在了风紫宸的身上。 Bang, Feng Zichen only thinks that raids vigorously, the whole body vitality is to turn wells up to continue, then body then uncontrolled soaring goes, falls toward behind. 砰的一声,风紫宸只觉一股大力袭来,浑身气血更是翻涌不止,接着身体便不受控制的腾飞而去,向着后面摔去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Sees the Feng Zichen place visited, the space caves in layer upon layer, It was one fell into the void deep place unexpectedly, crossed for a long time, other source is vomiting the blood, crawled from the void deep place. 就见风紫宸所过之处,空间层层塌陷,祂竟是一头栽进了虚空深处,过了许久,祂方才呕着血,从虚空深处爬了出来。 At this time, Its appearance was seemingly pitiful, the big mouth spat up blood did not say, the whole body covered entirely the wound, the blood just like the fountain to gush out. Like the fine chinaware, the whole body covered entirely the crack, will break momentarily general. 只是,这个时候,祂的模样看起来凄惨极了,大口呕血不说,浑身更是布满了伤口,血液犹如喷泉般涌出。就像精美的瓷器,浑身布满了裂纹,随时都会破碎一般。 Feng Zichen received very heavy wound, seems can the belch fart be ordinary momentarily. Forced to crawl from the void deep place, It drilled into the person of sovereign palace immediately, announced closes up, did not see the bystander. 风紫宸受了很重的伤,就好似随时都会嗝屁一般。勉强从虚空深处爬了出来,祂立即就钻入了人皇殿中,宣布闭关,不见外人。 But when Its plants into the void deep place, the magic weapons of five Saints, have been missing. 而就在祂一头栽入虚空深处的时候,五圣的法宝,就已不见了踪影。 ...... …… Shortly after Feng Zichen announced closed up, about It causes heavy losses to the dying news, then just like the strong winds wild waves to be the same, shortly, spread over the entire great antiquity. 就在风紫宸宣布闭关之后不久,关于祂重创垂死的消息,便犹如狂风骇浪一般,顷刻之间,就传遍了整个洪荒。 The bystanders are shocked in brave of saint, dares to act to the person sovereign unexpectedly, is really lawless. 外人震惊于圣人的胆大,竟然敢对人皇出手,真是无法无天。 But human clan...... 人族…… Itself/Ben in human clan situated in precariousness, after knowing person of sovereign severe wound dying, that called an undercurrent to surge. 本就是处于风雨飘摇中的人族,在得知人皇重伤垂死之后,那叫一个暗流涌动。 Person of the especially those harboring ulterior motives, but found the opportunity, put up drama one after another in human clan, is really, you sang me to arrive, was splendid. 尤其是那些别有用心之人,可是找到机会了,在人族上演了一幕又一幕的大戏,真可谓是,你方罢唱我登场,精彩极了。 In any case, after the Feng Zichen injured news travels, the entire great antiquity world, can say is the will of the people fluctuates. 反正,风紫宸受伤的消息传开之后,整个洪荒天地,都可以说得上是人心浮动。 ...... …… ............ ………… But at this moment, is Feng Zichen doing in the person sovereign palace? 而此刻,风紫宸正在人皇殿里干什么呢? It therapy? 祂在疗伤? No, It is shouting hurts! 不,祂在喊疼! It has not been injured, the wound of curing. 祂根本就没受伤,疗个屁的伤。 Five Saints strikes jointly, is truly strong, may pass through weakening of so many strengths, how many but can also remaining become? 五圣的联手一击,确实很强,可经过了那么多力量的削弱,还能剩下几成? Hits on the body of Feng Zichen, said that was rich/forgive itchy exaggerating a point, but has not become anything to injure to other party. Hit the tumbling Its vitality, striked to fly It while convenient. 打在风紫宸的身上,说是饶痒痒夸张了一点,但也没对祂造成什么伤害。只是将祂的气血打得翻滚不已,顺带也将祂打飞了出去。 In addition, Feng Zichen radically not by what wound. However, hurting is actually very sore. 除此之外,风紫宸根本就没受什么伤。不过,疼倒是挺疼的。 As for such pitiful why It can display, that naturally installs. 至于祂为何会表现的如此凄惨,那自然是装出来的。 saint did not hesitate to act to It, if Feng Zichen did not display pitiful, that saint following drama, but how can also sing? 圣人都不惜对祂出手了,风紫宸要是不表现的凄惨一点,那圣人接下来的大戏,还要怎么唱下去? Curious saint to the goal that It acted, severe wound that Feng Zichen naturally coordinated very much dying. 好奇圣人对祂出手的目的,风紫宸自然很配合的“重伤垂死”了。 It must have a look but actually, can actually saint then do? 祂倒要看看,圣人接下来究竟要干什么? ...... …… ............ ………… Meanwhile, the moods of five Saints, are not obviously beautiful. 与此同时,五圣的心情,显然也不怎么美丽。 To acts just when the person sovereign of peak, are they also possible a price not to pay? 对正值巅峰时期的人皇出手,祂们又怎么可能一点代价也不付出呢? Shortly after they make a move to Feng Zichen, the strength of that powerful backlash came. 就在祂们对风紫宸出手后不久,那强大的反噬之力就来了。 Backlash in strength, was naturally not paid attention to by saint, turns the hand can its be disillusioned. 力量上的反噬,自然不被圣人放在眼里,翻手间就能将其破灭。 But industry backlash of strength level, called the saint headache. If they ignore, their disciples, may meet with a disaster even. 但业力层面的反噬,就叫圣人头疼了。祂们要是置之不理的话,那祂们的弟子,可就算遭了殃。 Read and disciple, saint intended to keep off kept off. Sees their under feet, overspread shatter merit spirit treasure. 念及弟子,圣人还是出手挡了一挡的。就见祂们的脚下,铺满了破碎的功德灵宝
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