GDSP :: Volume #8

#775: Wraps the kid

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And what is more, when opens the previous generation vestige, suddenly was sneak attacked, loses the magic weapon not saying that even assigned/life loses. 更有甚者,在开启自己前世遗迹的时候,突然被人偷袭,失了法宝不说,更是连命都丢了。 This naturally was the masterpiece of human clan hero soul. 这当然都是人族英灵的杰作了。 With intensifying of war, they also followed to act, comes chance that sought the antiquity powerhouse to be reincarnated. 随着战争的加剧,他们也是纷纷跟着出手了,前来谋取上古强者转世的机缘。 One is long-premeditated, one does not have the protection, the latter suffered certainly a loss. In the human clan hero soul has in the situation that does mental arithmetic to have no interest , the reincarnation of antiquity powerhouse was the loss is serious. 一者蓄谋已久,一者毫无防备,后者当然吃亏了。在人族英灵有心算无心的情况下,上古强者的转世可谓是损失惨重。 Only 10% people, successfully brought back the blessings left by predecessors of previous generation. Other 90%, 60% people return empty-handed, 30% people die of the hand of human clan hero soul, thorough dying in underground. 仅有10%的人,成功取回了前世的遗泽。余下90%,有60%的人空手而归,30%的人死于人族英灵之手,彻底的长眠于地下。 This, Feng Zichen lets the human clan hero souls are receiving the result, otherwise, the antiquity powerhouse was reincarnated dead, incessantly was these people. 就这,还是风紫宸人族英灵们收着的结果,不然的话,上古强者转世死的,就不止是这些人了。 Feng Zichen was also counting on the reincarnations of these antiquity powerhouses, supported the eastern nobility and red cloud ancestor diligently mount the throne, how also to kill kills off them? 风紫宸还指望着这些上古强者的转世们,努力扶持东王公与红云老祖登上皇位呢,又怎杀得将他们杀光? If they died, that eastern nobility and red cloud ancestor didn't become the one-man army? That later play, but also sang! 要是他们都死了,那东王公与红云老祖不就成了光杆司令吗?那之后的戏,还唱个屁啊! Is Feng Zichen desirably is receiving, but was carried the thorn two times, the antiquity powerhouse was reincarnated one to say is the loss is serious. 就是风紫宸刻意的收着,可先后二次被人背刺,上古强者转世一方可谓是损失惨重。 Puts together twice, died four adults. 前后两次加在一起,足足死了四成人之多。 The war has not started, had died 40% people, this obviously is not such good sign. 大战还未开始,就已经死了40%的人,这显然不是这么好兆头。 But at this moment, is not you dies, is I perishes, they could not attend to too, all used full power slaughtered with human clan, competed for the god city imperial jade seal with it. 可事到如今,不是你死,就是我亡,他们也顾不得太多了,全都倾尽全力的与人族厮杀起来,与其争夺神城玉玺。 But after millenniums tangled warfare, human clan situation also slowly stabilized. 而经过千年的混战,人族的局势也慢慢的稳定了下来。 In human clan 365 god cities, including 200 god cities are still during the control of human clan. 人族三百六十五座神城之中,其中有二百座神城依旧处于人族的掌控之中。 As for the remaining 165 god cities, then by the reincarnation side of antiquity powerhouse, seizing. 至于剩下的一百六十五座神城,则是被上古强者的转世一方,给夺了过去。 Naturally, they can capture so many human clan god cities, not necessarily does not have the reason that Feng Zichen deliberately turns on the water. 当然,他们能夺取这么多的人族神城,未必就没有风紫宸刻意放水的原因。 However, is so, to capture these god cities, the antiquity powerhouse was reincarnated a side, paid the huge price. 不过,就是如此,为了夺取这些神城,上古强者转世一方,也是付出了巨大的代价。 Only was left over 60% population, now was to sharply fall three. 本就只剩下60%的人数,如今更是锐减到了三层。 In other words, competes for in the war of human clan god city, half of antiquity powerhouses were reincarnated, shed the blood at the scene, stayed in the human clan land forever, becomes nutrient that new student/life god needed strong. 也就是说,争夺人族神城之战中,有一半的上古强者转世,血洒当场,永远的留在了人族大地,成为新生的神界壮大所需要的养分。 The antiquity powerhouse paid such big price, human clan was not has not lost, that 165 god cities, were the biggest losses. 上古强者付出这么大的代价,人族也不是什么都没有损失的,那一百六十五座神城,就是最大的损失。 In addition, human clan surpassed 50% member, the boundary more or less fell, this explained, they once died of the antiquity powerhouse's hand. 除此之外,人族超过50%的修士,境界或多或少的掉落了一些,这说明,他们都曾死于上古强者之手。 However, has the boundary to fall, naturally also has the boundary promotion. 不过,有境界掉落的,自然也有境界提升的。 In human clan, many outstanding clansmen, in this war, gained massive advantage, the strength are promoted not saying that fragment that several people obtained the person of king Ye position. 人族之中,有不少表现优异的族人,在此战之中,获得了大量的好处,实力得到提升不说,更有数人得到了人王业位的碎片。 It is estimated that again diligently 12, but then the volume simultaneous/uniform nine person king Ye position fragments, have to be on par greatly Luo Daozun strength. 估计再努力一二,便可集齐九枚人王业位碎片,拥有比肩大罗道尊的力量。 But these people, are the Feng Zichen key attention objects. Can obtain the fragment of person of king Ye position, explained that they have the aptitude of king person, in the future some will become the possibility of person king. 而这些人,都是风紫宸的重点关注对象。能得到人王业位的碎片,说明他们都是有着王之资质的人,未来有的成为人王的可能。 Even if unable to become the person king finally, 12, can still prove on greatly Luo Daozun slightly diligently at least, becomes the human clan mainstay. 就算最后无法成为人王,稍加努力一二,起码也能证就大罗道尊,成为人族的中流砥柱。 ...... …… ............ ………… Un?” “嗯?” Isn't right?” “不对?” „The aura of chaos demon god?” “混沌魔神的气息?” Really had the chaos demon god to mix in human clan.” “竟然有混沌魔神混入了人族之中。” Some moment, is observing the human clan situation Feng Zichen, suddenly discovered not a right place. It in the human clan area, felt the aura of chaos demon god unexpectedly. 某一刻,正在观察人族局势的风紫宸,忽然发现了一丝不对劲的地方。祂竟然在人族疆域之中,感受到了混沌魔神的气息。 Although, the air/Qi of that wisp of demon god flashes to pass, but Feng Zichen to the chaos demon god is what kind of familiar, he soon transformed into the chaos demon god. 虽然,那缕魔神之气一闪而逝,但风紫宸对混沌魔神是何等的熟悉,祂自己都快要蜕变为混沌魔神了。 Therefore, all of chaos demon god, cannot escape Its sensation. The emergence of that wisp of aura, possibly is not Its misconception. 故此,混沌魔神的一切,都逃不过祂的感知。那缕气息的出现,不可能是祂的错觉。 Read and hence, Feng Zichen was somewhat anxious. 念及至此,风紫宸有些紧张了。 In the human clan area presents the aura of chaos demon god, this is not a minor matter, explained that had the chaos demon god to stare at human clan. 人族疆域之中出现混沌魔神的气息,这可不是一件小事,说明有混沌魔神盯上了人族 This to human clan, may not can be regarded any good news. First has five Saints to stare, later also had the chaos demon god to stare at human clan. 这对人族来说,可算不得什么好消息。前有五圣盯着,随后又有混沌魔神盯上了人族 First has the wolf, latter has the tiger, this situation, to human clan exceptionally disadvantageous. 前有狼,后有虎,这种局势,对人族异常的不利。 Even the slightest misstep, has the danger of tilting. 稍有不慎,就有倾覆之危。 Originally, copes with five Saints enough to let Feng Zichen has a headache, this added on the chaos demon god, this is compels It to continue to expose the card in a hand. 本来,对付五圣就已经够让风紫宸头疼的了,这又加上了混沌魔神,这是逼祂继续暴露底牌啊。 High position invites criticism!” “树大招风啊!” Regarding the arrival of chaos demon god, Feng Zichen has not thought that is Three Pure Ones brings, they will not do that, the chaos demon god also disdains in the Pangu authentic Three Pure Ones cooperation. 对于混沌魔神的到来,风紫宸倒也没认为是三清引来的,祂们不会那样做,混沌魔神也不屑于与盘古正宗的三清合作。 The chaos demon god and Pangu are authentic, is the inborn mortal enemy. Really must let each other meet, is at the scene competent, launches a life and death duel, let alone was drinks tea to chat to discuss the transaction. 混沌魔神与盘古正宗,可是天生的死敌。真要让彼此见面了,当场就能干起来,展开一场生死决斗,就更别说是喝茶聊天谈交易了。 Do not have a dream. 别做梦了。 As for why the chaos demon god will stare at human clan, Feng Zichen also has several at heart probably, nothing but is the high position invites criticism. 至于混沌魔神为何会盯上人族,风紫宸的心里也大概有数了,无非是树大招风而已。 human clan at present is the great antiquity biggest influence, and that puts in order in the civil strife period now, if the chaos demon god wants to do the matter in the great antiquity world, naturally cannot let up this opportunity 人族目前是洪荒最大的势力,且加之如今整处于内乱期,混沌魔神要想在洪荒天地搞事,自然不会放过这个机会 Stares at human clan, has nothing well strange. 盯上人族,也没什么好奇怪的。 However, why no matter the chaos demon god stares at human clan, Feng Zichen must give to look It. 不过,不管混沌魔神因何盯上人族,风紫宸都得把祂给找出来。 Does not look for it, that chaos demon god hidden in human clan, seems a bomb of indefinite tense, will detonate at any time, to Feng Zichen one huge pleasant surprise. 不将其找出来,那混沌魔神隐藏在人族之中,就好似一枚不定时的炸弹,随时都会引爆,给风紫宸一个巨大的“惊喜”。 Deep that the chaos demon god hidden? 混沌魔神隐藏的很深? That are not related, Feng Zichen recently some were the time, can in the human clan area, investigations. 那没关系,风紫宸最近有的是时间,可以在人族疆域之中,一个一个的排查起来。 It has not believed that It turns the entire human clan area upside down, but also cannot discover that chaos demon god. 祂还就不信了,祂将整个人族疆域都翻个底朝天,还找不出那尊混沌魔神来。 The eastern nobility and red cloud ancestor in deep that human clan hidden, has saint to act as a cover, by Feng Zichen looking, let alone was the chaos demon god. 东王公与红云老祖在人族隐藏的那么深,更是有着圣人做掩护,都被风紫宸给找出来了,就更别说是混沌魔神了。 Here is the great antiquity world, is not the sea. Is the Feng Zichen home game, rather than the home game of chaos demon god. 这里是洪荒天地,不是界海。是风紫宸的主场,而不是混沌魔神的主场。 In occupying the situation of home advantage, under Feng Zichen can also make the chaos demon god hide in own eye slips away, It also arranged white/in vain so many years in human clan. 在占据着主场优势的情况下,风紫宸还能让混沌魔神在自己的眼皮子底下溜掉,那祂也就白在人族布置那么多年了。 Abdicates to consider as finished as early as possible. 趁早退位算了。 ...... …… ............ ………… Rumble! 轰隆隆! The vast god read from Feng Zichen within the body gushes out, is coordinating the human clan destiny pagoda, the world yellow and black tower, started scanning inch by inch in the human clan area. 浩瀚的神念从风紫宸的体内涌出,配合着人族气运宝塔,天地玄黄塔,开始在人族疆域内一寸一寸的扫描起来。 Meanwhile, the human clan destiny torch is also shivering, produces the resonance with human clan all destiny, investigates the unusuality of human clan from the destiny level. 同时,人族气运薪火也在颤动,与人族所有的气运产生共鸣,从气运层面排查人族的异常。 Once there is a special destiny to appear, inevitably by the Feng Zichen sensation. 一旦有特殊的气运出现,势必会被风紫宸感知到。 So, was hundred years passes. 如此,就是百年过去了。 But Feng Zichen prospects the plan of human clan area, completed half. 风紫宸勘察人族疆域的计划,也才堪堪完成了一半。 Also is this half, It has not discovered any unusuality. That is, the chaos demon god does not have the hidden here, It also needs to continue to prospect. 也就是这一半,祂没有发现任何的异常。就是说,混沌魔神没有隐藏在这里,祂还需要继续勘察。 However, does not need to continue. Because, Feng Zichen has basically locked the status of chaos demon god. 不过,也没必要继续了。因为,风紫宸大致已经锁定了混沌魔神的身份。 This It discovered actually not, but was that chaos demon god exposes own status on own initiative. 这倒不是祂发现的,而是那尊混沌魔神主动暴露出了自己的身份。 In Feng Zichen seeks for hundred years of chaos demon god trail, human clan has a peerless Heaven's Chosen again. 就在风紫宸寻找混沌魔神踪迹的百年间,人族再出一尊绝世天骄。 The talent of that person, has been not enough to describe with the peerless grace and talent, then compared with it Three Sovereigns five emperors young time , is also not the weak slightest, even is even better. 其人之才,已经不足以用风华绝代来形容,便是比之三皇五帝年轻的时候,也是不弱分毫,甚至是更胜一筹。 That this person outstanding? 那这个人到底有多优秀呢? Breaks existence of common sense completely. 完全就是打破常理的存在。 That person from the number is a god, is born in the ordinary village. But so comes, this from the number for the country youngster of god, only used for hundred years, on achievement greatly Luo Daozun boundary. 其人自号为神,诞生于普通的乡间。可就是如此出身,这位自号为神的乡野少年,仅用了百年时间,就成就了大罗道尊的境界。 Hiss Hundred years, even is less than hundred years, this child built greatly Luo Daozun boundary, seriously is the terrifying in this way. 百年啊,甚至是不到百年,这孩子就修成了大罗道尊的境界,当真是恐怖如斯。 This did not clarify told others, did I have the issue? 这不是摆明了告诉别人,我有问题吗? You are to let Feng Zichen now are reincarnated to repair, It has no way to build greatly Luo Daozun boundary in hundred years, at least also millenniums. 你现在就是让风紫宸转世重修,祂也没法在百年内重新修成大罗道尊的境界,起码也得千年。 Boundary supernatural power anything but actually indifferent, but is only polishes a greatly Luo Daozun rank the mortal body, took the millenniums. 境界法力什么的倒无所谓,但光是打磨出一具大罗道尊级别的肉身,就需要千年了。 This god, it is estimated that was the chaos demon god without doubt. Also is the chaos demon god, the number of times of dying were many, is quite experienced, by the chaos source good fortune myriad things, just now has this to be able. 这个神,估计就是混沌魔神无疑了。也就是混沌魔神,死的次数多了,相当的有经验,以混沌本源造化万物,方才有这个能为。 ...... …… The gods in these hundred years, may be the cultivation are so incessantly simple, he also pulled up a big influence, joined in the battle of god city imperial jade seal, was reincarnated in a hand of side from the antiquity powerhouse, seized the controls of more than 40 god cities. 神在这百年里,可不止是修炼那么简单,他还拉起了一股大势力,加入了神城玉玺的争斗之中,生生的从上古强者转世一方的手里,夺走了四十余座神城的掌控权。 Meanwhile, It also from a hand of human clan side, robbed the sovereignty in more than ten god cities. 同时,祂也是从人族一方的手里,抢走了十余座神城的统治权。 At this time, Feng Zichen also almost saw the goal of this chaos demon god, his was must compete for the position of person sovereign! 这个时候,风紫宸也差不多看出这尊混沌魔神的目的了,祂这是要争夺人皇之位啊! Also is enough. 也是够可以的。 Regarding the idea of this chaos demon god, Feng Zichen also praised without cease. 对于这尊混沌魔神的想法,风紫宸也是赞叹不已。 If really made It succeed, even if that this chaos demon god thorough infiltrated in the great antiquity interior, and became the pivotal great person. 真要是让祂成功了,那这尊混沌魔神就算是彻底的打入了洪荒的内部之中,并成为举足轻重的大人物。 At the appointed time, regardless of It has anything to plan, but launches calmly. 到时,无论祂有着什么计划,都可从容展开。 Has saying that the plan of this chaos demon god is very perfect, if gives It the time, making It arrange calmly, several tens of thousands of years ago starts to plan, that also really might make It succeed. 不得不说,这尊混沌魔神的计划很完美,要是给祂时间,让祂从容布置,从数万年前就开始谋划,那还真有可能让祂成功了。 Yet now, It displays was too irritable a point, hundred years practice successfully greatly Luo Daozun, didn't this clarify told others to have the issue? 可如今,祂表现的还是太急躁了一点,百年时间修成大罗道尊,这不是摆明了告诉别人自己有问题吗? Who trading to do is, will suspect It, let alone was oversuspicious Feng Zichen. 换做是谁,都会怀疑祂,就更别说是多疑的风紫宸了。 Peeped at it with the main road mark with the foot, Feng Zichen really discovered on It chaos aura, this person was the chaos demon god without doubt. 以大道印记窥视其跟脚,风紫宸果然在祂身上发现了混沌的气息,此人是混沌魔神无疑了。 Read and hence, Feng Zichen must make a move to suppress It, the chaos demon god, that naturally was sees one to extinguish one. 念及至此,风紫宸就要出手将祂镇压,混沌魔神,那自然是见一个灭一个。 Especially is so rampant like this person, wishes one could entire day under to know that Its status, that remains seriously. 尤其是像此人这么嚣张的,恨不得全天下都知道祂身份的,那就更留不得了。 But in the instance of making a move, Feng Zichen hesitated, It thought that matter some are not right, this chaos demon god looks does not seem like the fool, how can display so non- wisdom? 可就是在出手的瞬间,风紫宸迟疑了,祂觉得事情有些不对,这尊混沌魔神看起来也不像是傻子,怎会表现的如此不智? It seems makes one discover that intentionally Its status is ordinary. 就好似故意让人发现祂的身份一般。 Always felt, It is hiding anything. 总感觉,祂是在隐藏什么。 Read and hence, Feng Zichen was not acting to It actually anxiously, but continued to investigate in the human clan area. 念及至此,风紫宸倒是不急着向祂出手了,而是继续在人族疆域排查起来。 It always felt, hidden in the human clan chaos demon god, incessantly. 祂总感觉,隐藏在人族的混沌魔神,不止一尊。 The gods read turbulently, quick, Feng Zichen discovered was not right, It on an ordinary human clan youngster, induced aura of chaos demon god. 神念汹涌之下,很快,风紫宸就发现了不对,祂在一尊普通的人族少年身上,感应到了一丝混沌魔神的气息。 But that wisp that the aura of that chaos demon god, then previously Feng Zichen felt impressively. 而那丝混沌魔神的气息,赫然便是先前风紫宸感受到的那一缕。 Really has the issue!” “果然有问题!” After detecting this point, Feng Zichen has not disclosed that investigation that but continues. 察觉到这一点之后,风紫宸并未声张,而是继续的排查下去。 Until the entire human clan area, thorough investigation, did not discover any issue after again, shifts the vision to the body of that ordinary human clan youngster. 直到把整个人族疆域,都彻底的排查一遍,再没有发现任何问题之后,才将目光转移到那尊普通人族少年的身上。 No, It is not ordinary, It hidden the chaos demon god in human clan truly, fellow who outside that displays the bright eye, is only Its target, is used to attract the attention of bystander, thus conceals Its existence. 不,祂不普通,祂才是真正隐藏在人族之中的混沌魔神,外面那个表现亮眼的家伙,只是祂的靶子罢了,用来吸引外人的注意力,从而掩饰住祂的存在。 The accidental release aura, brought to the attention of person of sovereign. In order to prevent the status exposes, that chaos demon god arranged a false body immediately, attracts the attention of people, oneself are continues to camouflage, keeps human clan to seek the important matter. 意外泄露气息,引起了人皇的注意。为防止身份暴露,那尊混沌魔神立即安排了一个假身,来吸引众人的注意,自己则是继续伪装,留在人族以谋大事。 This means that to be honest, are not wise, but is the so simple way, has actually almost deceived Feng Zichen. Has saying that this means held the erroneous zone of Feng Zichen thought. 这个办法,说实话,并不怎么高明,可就是如此简单的办法,却差点骗过了风紫宸。不得不说,这个办法抓住了风紫宸思维的误区。 Who can think, the chaos demon empathize does use the so simple means to conceal own trail? 谁又能想到,混沌魔神会使用如此浅显的办法来掩饰自己的踪迹呢? Really, often the simplest means that are the best way. 果然,往往最朴实的办法,才是最好的办法。 Oh!” Sighed, Feng Zichen put out a hand suddenly, grasped toward that chaos demon god. But that chaos demon god, clearly is prepared early. “唉!”叹了口气,风紫宸忽然伸手,朝那尊混沌魔神抓去。而那尊混沌魔神,显然对此早有准备。 Really was discovered?” “果然还是被发现了吗?” Sees Feng Zichen to put out a hand to grasp, that chaos demon god has not revolted, but smiled bitterly, then the body then dissipates slowly. 风紫宸伸手抓来,那尊混沌魔神也没反抗,只是苦笑了一声,然后身体便缓缓消散。 It melted says! 祂化道了! The body of own together reincarnation, is in itself not the opponent of person sovereign, in addition this place is the human clan area, It was not the opponent of person sovereign. 自己不过一道转世之身,本身就不是人皇的对手,加之此地又是人族疆域,那祂就更不是人皇的对手了。 Knew perfectly well that is not the opponent, does not want to fall into the rival to be insulted, that self- said, was that chaos demon god best to choose. 明知不是对手,又不想落入敌手受辱,那自我化道,就是那尊混沌魔神最好的选择了。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The Feng Zichen big hand searches, grasped spatial. 风紫宸大手探下,抓了一个空。 Snort, calculates rapidness that you run!” “哼,算你跑的快!” That chaos demon god wants to melt said, Feng Zichen could not prevent, can only cold snort/hum, take back the palm of finding out. 那尊混沌魔神想要化道,风紫宸也阻止不了,只能冷哼一声,收回了探出的手掌。 As this chaos demon god said that false body that the outside world, It leaves behind, god, also vanishes into thin air. 而随着这尊混沌魔神的化道,外界,祂留下的假身,神,也随之烟消云散。 In a flash, human clan has more than 60 god cities simultaneously the owner of lost articles, the radiant god light/only soars to the heavens, turns into more than 60 imperial jade seals, in in the air slowly ups and downs. 一瞬间,人族就有六十余座神城同时失主,璀璨的神光冲霄而起,化成六十余个玉玺,在空中徐徐沉浮。 What's the matter? Gods how on falling from the sky of no indication?” “怎么回事?神怎么就毫无征兆的陨落了?” Sees the god to fall from the sky, many people show the shocking look, but also many people, thought that this is own opportunity, submerged the god city to capture the imperial jade seal quietly. 见神陨落,不少人露出震惊的神色,但也有不少人,觉得这是自己的机会,悄悄潜入神城夺取玉玺去了。 A tangled warfare, in light of this eruption. 一场混战,就此爆发。 ...... …… ............ ………… Meanwhile, Feng Zichen convenes human clan all Heaven's Chosen suddenly, after assigning/life them to go to take back the god falls from the sky, the human clan god cities of these without owners. 与此同时,风紫宸忽然召集来人族所有的天骄,命他们前去收回被神陨落之后,那些无主的人族神城。 Can enter Heaven's Chosen of Feng Zichen discernment, is about dozens people, obtained the character of person of king Ye fragment, has to become the aptitude of king. 能入风紫宸法眼的天骄,也不过数十人而已,都是取得了人王业位碎片的人物,有着成为王的资质。 „......” “啧啧啧……” Puts this to wrap/sets of the kid to me?” “搁这给我套娃呢?” When the people receive an order to depart, Feng Zichen looks at one of them 's back, in the eye is completely pondering. 待众人领命离去,风紫宸望着其中一人的背影,眼中尽是玩味。 :.: :。:
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