GDSP :: Volume #8

#774: Fights too one

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If the monster clan obtained the sidereal revolution stars chart in the past, result that witch monster fights a decisive battle, feared that will be another result. 若是当年妖族得到了周天星辰图,巫妖决战的结局,怕就是会另一种结果了。 What a pity, everything not, if. 可惜,凡是没有如果。 Too a fellow daoist, you pulled rank, in the boundless starry sky with my showdown, don't said your one person, added God to be handsome again, was not good.” “太一道友,你太托大了,在无垠星空与我对决,莫说你一个人了,就是再加上帝俊,也不行。” Too fights intent flaming, wants to measure strength with Feng Zichen, but Feng Zichen does not have the thoughts with Its showdown, It is only thinking fighting a battle to force a quick decision. 太一战意熊熊,欲与风紫宸一决高下,但风紫宸却没心思与祂对决,祂只想着速战速决。 The people ran the boundless starry sky, but also is thinking and Its fair showdown, this was not funny? Has the advantage not to use, does that also want the advantage to do? 人都跑来无垠星空了,还想着与祂公平对决,这不是搞笑的吗?有优势不用,那还要优势干嘛? „It is not good!” “不好!” Heard that the word of Feng Zichen, too one knows well, do not turn around to leave without doubt the starry sky. 闻听风紫宸之言,太一顿知不好,就要转身离开无疑星空。 But, has ended. 可是,已经完了。 Saw Feng Zichen after saying, began directly. 就见风紫宸在说完之后,直接就动手了。 Galaxy eon brilliant, gets up!” “星河宙光大阵,起!” Rumble! 轰隆隆! In the group star sparkle, the vast boundless galaxy appears, roaring, toward is too sweeping across. 群星闪耀中,浩瀚无垠的星河浮现,咆哮着,朝太一席卷而来。 Meanwhile, the eon light flashes before, the exceedingly high earth, is accompanying the radiant galaxy, one and sweeps to too one. 同时,宙光闪现,通天接地,伴着璀璨的星河,一并扫向太一。 Chaos bell, gets up!” “混沌钟,起!” Sees Feng Zichen to intend to incur extremely, too one not polite, offers a sacrifice to the chaos bell, all urges to send its prestige energy. 风紫宸一出手就是极招,太一也没客气,祭起混沌钟,就全力催发它的威能。 Immediately, sees on the chaos bell, the kerosene wind surges continuous, the strength of ebullition Yin-Yang continues, the innate five lines move restlessly...... 顿时,就见混沌钟上,地火水风涌动不休,阴阳之力沸腾不止,先天五行躁动不已…… Some moment, listens to one that works as, the great ding transmits, shortly, the Yin-Yang will disintegrate, the kerosene wind will collapse, five lines of strength will be stave, the myriad things regression chaos, will evolve the endless chaos tide, will want to destroy all. 某一刻,就听当的一声,宏大的钟声传来,顷刻之间,阴阳瓦解,地火水风崩溃,五行之力破碎,万物复归混沌,演变成无尽的混沌潮汐,欲毁灭一切。 Bang! 轰! The chaos bell vibrates, vast boundless chaos air/Qi surging forward, with welling up galaxy eon light, collision ruthlessly in one. 混沌钟震动,浩瀚无边的混沌之气汹涌澎湃,与涌来的星河宙光,狠狠的碰撞在了一起。 The next quarter, listens to one of the bang, galaxy blasting open, surges everywhere silvery brilliance ; The eon light was shattered, the endless ray bursts out, illuminates the entire boundless starry sky. 下一刻,就听轰的一声,星河炸裂,激荡出漫天银辉;宙光破碎,无尽光芒迸发而出,照亮整个无垠星空。 At the same time, the chaos tide rewinds to return, enormous and powerful, uses all potentials by one type, coerces the chaos bell to retreat backward, and east the sovereign too will submerge. 同一时间,混沌潮汐倒卷而回,浩浩荡荡,以一种倾尽一切之势,裹挟着混沌钟向后退去,并将东皇太一淹没。 Kills!” “杀!” Sees too one to be submerged by the chaos tide, Feng Zichen is in power unforgiving, offers a sacrifice to the sidereal revolution stars chart, is coercing the strength of boundless starry sky, killed directly to was fighting the chaos tide impact full power too one. 见太一被混沌潮汐淹没,风紫宸得势不饶人,祭起周天星辰图,裹挟着无垠星空之力,直接杀向了正在全力抵御混沌潮汐冲击的太一。 At this moment, about the strength of boundless starry sky, Feng Zichen this strikes, at least can display to compare favorably with the beginning of the universe ten heavy day of strengths, even is stronger. 这一刻,合无垠星空之力,风紫宸这一击,起码能发挥出媲美混元十重天的力量,甚至是更强。 Bang This ejects, the entire boundless starry sky is shivering, is thundering, this is not afraid, but in excited, is gathering own strength, in addition holds this to strike in Feng Zichen. 这一击出,整个无垠星空都在颤抖,都在轰鸣,这不是在害怕,而是在兴奋,在汇聚自己的力量,加持在风紫宸这一击上。 From Feng Zichen, to killing to eastern sovereign too one, strength that his strikes, in strengthening, when It rushes to too a near, acts when. 风紫宸起步,到杀向东皇太一,祂这一击的力量,一直在加强,等祂冲到太一的近前,向其出手之际。 Might that this strikes actually strong, Feng Zichen was not very clear, It only knows, the might that this struck has somewhat gone beyond Its control. 这一击的威力究竟有多强,风紫宸也不是很清楚了,祂只知道,这一击的威力已经有些超出祂的控制了。 If in does not rumble, this strength will lose control and explode in his hands, has not injured the enemy, first injures oneself. 若是在不轰出去的话,这股力量就将在祂手中失控、爆炸,未伤敌,先伤己。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Does not dare to hesitate, arrived at too a side, Feng Zichen this strikes to rumble. 不敢犹豫,一来到太一的身边,风紫宸就将这一击轰了出去。 Sees Feng Zichen to kill, is fighting the chaos tide impact too knew in the heart, at this time counter-attacked already without enough time. 风紫宸杀来,正在抵御混沌潮汐冲击的太一心知,此时反击已经来不及了。 Therefore, promptly, sees too one to condense a supernatural power reluctantly, chaos bell Heng before oneself body, tried to keep off Feng Zichen this to strike. 所以,当机立断之下,就见太一勉强凝聚一丝法力,将混沌钟横在了自己身前,试图挡下风紫宸这一击。 Then, listens to one of the bang, this attack collision ruthlessly on the body of chaos bell, then in too an incredible look, pierced the chaos bell directly, bang on Its body. 接着,就听轰的一声,这道攻击狠狠的撞在了混沌钟的身上,然后在太一不可置信的眼神中,直接将混沌钟洞穿,轰在了祂的身上。 In an instant, too a body was submerged by the terrifying fluctuation, starts disintegration and shatter slowly, until radical falling from the sky. 刹那间,太一的身体就被恐怖的波动所淹没,开始慢慢的解体、破碎,直至彻底的陨落。 Even if to the last minute, too a look, has the thick shock as before, as well as is incredible. 哪怕到了最后一刻,太一的眼神,依旧带着浓浓的震惊,以及不可置信。 It is unable to understand, is actually what strength, will pierce the chaos bell. 祂无法理解,究竟是什么样的力量,才会将混沌钟洞穿。 Cuts “切” Really is not the main body!” “果然不是本体!” That too one is not a boorish fellow!” “那太一也不是莽夫啊!” Looks the place that is too falling from the sky, Feng Zichen cut one very much at will. 望着太一陨落的地方,风紫宸很是随意的切了一声。 Was struck to kill by It, is not the true eastern sovereign too one, but too an incarnation. 被祂击杀的,并非是真正的东皇太一,而是太一的一具化身。 If Feng Zichen really has strikes to cut to kill an eastern sovereign too ability, It also plans anything all day, is resisting a primordial chaos bell directly, goes to Kunlun Mountain to fight to the death to consider as finished with five Saints. 要是风紫宸真的具有一击斩杀东皇太一的能力,那祂还整天谋划个啥,直接抗着鸿蒙道钟,去昆仑山与五圣决一死战算了。 When the time comes, It fights with the fists Three Pure Ones, the foot kicks to receive and instruct raises certainly, performs obviously the invincible posture, naturally was It said that anything was anything. 到时候,祂拳打三清,脚踢接引准提,尽显无敌之姿,自然是祂说什么就是什么了。 Was a pity, Feng Zichen does not have this skill. 就是可惜,风紫宸没这个本事。 Present It, if really rushed to Kunlun Mountain to fight to the death with five Saints, let alone won, can complete complete coming back, still also in two said. 现在的祂,真要是冲上了昆仑山与五圣决一死战,别说是赢了,能不能完整无缺的回来,尚还在两说之间。 Bang When all subside, the place that the eastern sovereign too falls from the sky, his corpse has disappeared does not see, only leaves behind one group of radiant innate sources same place. 待一切都平息,东皇太一陨落的地方,其尸身早已消失不见,原地只留下一团璀璨的先天本源。 That innate source, soon before is, too one must come from emperor handsome subsequent hand where, Feng Zichen regarding this familiar, because It also has. 那先天本源,正是不久之前,太一从帝俊后手哪里得来的,风紫宸对此熟悉的很,因为祂也有。 To come, too one refine the incarnation this group of innate sources, came to probe the depth of boundless starry sky for It. 想来,太一就是将这团先天本源炼成了化身,来替祂试探无垠星空的深浅。 So many years passed by, the boundless starry sky by the monolithic bloc of Feng Zichen operation, too one does not have the completely safe assurance, can have the round-trip boundless starry sky. 这么多年过去了,无垠星空早就被风紫宸经营的铁板一块,太一亦是没有万全的把握,能够自有往返无垠星空。 By It refining up the opportunity of solar star taking advantage of this east nobility, sends out clone, comes to try the depth of boundless starry sky. 是以,祂就借着此次东王公炼化太阳星的机会,派出分身,前来一试无垠星空的深浅。 Also is police is too cautious, has not dared the true body to catch up, otherwise, Feng Zichen uses the resistance of boundless starry sky, will try to find the solution too one thoroughly keeps the boundless starry sky. 也是太一警慎,没敢真身赶来,不然的话,风紫宸就是倾尽无垠星空的抵御,也会想办法将太一彻底的留在无垠星空。 After all, existence, the threat to the boundless starry sky was too too big. His one day does not die, solar star then one day can not be peaceful. 毕竟,太一的存在,对无垠星空的威胁太大了。祂一日不死,太阳星便一日不得安宁。 At this time, Feng Zichen even thinks, destroyed the solar star simply, remoulded to consider as finished one time. As the matter stands, broke emperor handsome too 12 people of among contacts with solar stars thoroughly. 这时候,风紫宸甚至想到,干脆将太阳星毁了,重塑一次算了。这样一来,就彻底断了帝俊太一二人与太阳星之间的联系。 This plan, but is really crazy enough, Feng Zichen is also thinks that does not dare to put in the action. Because, It cannot block the Pangu left eye. 这个计划,可真够疯狂的,风紫宸也就是想想而已,根本就不敢付诸于行动。因为,祂挡不住盘古左眼。 If by some chance destroys the solar star time, enraged the Pangu left eye, gave It to come one ruthlessly, that was Feng Zichen injust, did not die also wants half remnantly. 万一毁灭太阳星的时候,触怒了盘古左眼,给祂来了一记狠的,那风紫宸冤不冤啊,不死也要半残。 Moreover, even if the Pangu left eye does not act to Feng Zichen, It has not grasped, after destroying the solar star, remoulded one with previously not the slightest difference solar star. 而且,就算是盘古左眼不对风紫宸出手,祂也没把握,在毁了太阳星之后,重塑一个与先前一般无二的太阳星。 This was too difficult, somewhat goes beyond the Feng Zichen area of competence. It can remould the sidereal revolution stars, actually cannot remould the solar star. 这太难了,有些超出风紫宸的能力范围。祂能重塑周天星辰,却是不能重塑太阳星。 After all, the solar star and sidereal revolution stars are different, is at for the great antiquity world foundation, cannot move absolutely. 毕竟,太阳星与周天星辰还是不同的,为洪荒天地根基之所在,万万动不得。 Therefore, destroys the idea of solar star , can only think that cannot put in the practice. 所以,毁灭太阳星的想法,也就只能想想而已,不能付诸于实践。 However, do not think this, Feng Zichen took the solar star not to have the means. It now, has plan that copes with the solar star, its, once succeeds, can cut off the solar star and emperor inevitably handsome too between one relation. 不过,别以为这样,风紫宸就拿太阳星没办法了。祂现在,已经有了对付太阳星的计划,其一旦成功,势必能斩断太阳星与帝俊太一之间的联系。 But key of this plan, in eastern nobility and body of Pangu Deity. 而这个计划的关键,就在东王公与盘古神人的身上。 Feng Zichen wants by the strength of Pangu Deity , to promote the solar star promotion full power. 风紫宸欲以盘古神人之力,全力促进太阳星晋升。 After waiting for the solar star to promote, in emperor handsome of solar star with too one, definitely will not be affected, among contact with solar stars by further weakening. 等太阳星晋升之后,早已不在太阳星的帝俊与太一,势必会受到影响,与太阳星之间的联系遭到进一步的削弱。 But at this time, is wielding east solar eastern Singapore Monarch the nobility, when the solar star promotes, will obtain the biggest advantage inevitably, can break through to the beginning of the universe boundary cannot guarantee. 而这时,正执掌太阳星的东君东王公,在太阳星晋升之际,势必会得到最大的好处,能否突破到混元境界不敢保证。 But it the position in solar star mind, will definitely surpass the emperor handsome too one. 但其在太阳星心目中的地位,肯定会超过帝俊太一。 Then, taking advantage of expanding the opportunity of solar star, Feng Zichen raises the eastern nobility's position in solar star mind step by step, thus has pressed the emperor at one fell swoop handsome too one, and finally, their thorough replacements. 就这样,借着壮大太阳星的机会,风紫宸一步步抬高东王公在太阳星心目中的地位,从而一举压过帝俊太一,到了最后,更是将祂们彻底的取代。 So, the solar star can be worry-free. 如此,太阳星便可无忧矣。 This is to leap the cage trades the plan of bird! 此为腾笼换鸟之策! This law, the time of although costing for a long time, but wins in safely, and even too discovered, does not have the means to prevent. 此法,虽然耗费的时间久点,但胜在稳妥,且就算太一发现了,也没办法阻止。 Can It also hinder the solar star promotion to be inadequate? 祂还能阻碍太阳星晋升不成? As the matter stands, how could it not be center Feng Zichen below bosom, does not need It to make anything, solar star naturally will loathe too one. 这样一来,岂不正中风紫宸的下怀,都无需祂做什么,太阳星自然而然的就会厌恶太一。 It is not right, 不对, This plan does not have the flaw, that is east the nobility. 这个计划也不是全无破绽,那就是东王公。 If too found the way to kill the eastern nobility, and resurrected the true eastern nobility, that Feng Zichen this plan then collapsed of itself. 要是太一想办法弄死了东王公,并复活了真正的东王公,那风紫宸这计划便不攻自破了。 Therefore, the eastern nobility cannot have an accident. 所以,东王公不能出事。 Read and hence, in the Feng Zichen heart had the decision. For Its important matter, can only put in great inconvenience to the eastern nobility, later, It has stayed in Qurikancha to close up. 念及至此,风紫宸心中有了决定。为了祂的大计,就只能委屈东王公了,以后,祂就一直留在太阳神殿闭关吧。 In there, no one can harm It. 在那里,无人能够伤害到祂。 Oh, the pitiful eastern nobility, was just born, has not experienced to arrive at outside mortal world, was set became the great antiquity's first dwelling male destiny. 唉,可怜的东王公,才刚刚出世,还未见识到外面的花花世界,便被定下了成为洪荒第一宅男的命运。 Also is enough miserable. 也是够惨的。 Oh, 唉, Is sighing for eastern Wang, Feng Zichen while returned to the purple faint star. 一边为东王公叹息着,风紫宸一边返回了紫微星。 After an eastern sovereign too incarnation falls from the sky, keeps there innate source, Feng Zichen is looked that has not looked at one. 至于东皇太一的化身陨落后,留在那里的先天本源,风紫宸是看都没看一眼。 Because, does not need. 因为,没必要。 How the eastern sovereign too one will leave It the innate source, the line of that matters of supporting the enemy? In its previous quarter of falling from the sky, the strength in that innate source containing, then was too consumed. 东皇太一又岂会将先天本源留给祂,行那资敌之事?早在其陨落的前一刻,那先天本源之中所蕴含的力量,便被太一消耗一空了。 In other words, that group innate source that too leaves behind, is only a empty shell, inside does not have the strength of least bit. 也就是说,太一留下的那团先天本源,只是一副空壳罢了,里面全无半点的力量。 Shortly after sees Feng Zichen walks, together the breeze has blown, that group innate source then scattered with the wind. 就见风紫宸走后不久,一道微风吹过,那团先天本源便随风飘散了。 ...... …… ............ ………… Very powerful!” “好强!” So many years passed by, boundless starry sky unexpectedly by such great strength of its operation. That strength, in the great antiquity, besides the ancestor, feared that was unmanned energy enemy.” “这么多年过去了,无垠星空竟然被其经营的如此强大。那种力量,洪荒之中,除了道祖之外,怕是无人能敌了吧。” Moreover, this should also not be the limit of purple slightly Great Emperor. According to my feeling, in the boundless starry sky, should have more powerful strength hidden.” “而且,这应该还不是紫微大帝的极限。按照我的感觉,无垠星空之中,应该还有着一股更为强大的力量隐藏其中。” Of that strength, gives me to face directly feeling of the ancestor, has the ability that I cut to kill.” “那力量之强,给予我直面道祖之感,有着将我斩杀的能力。” Some great antiquity place, the eastern sovereign too opens the eye, recalls to see in the boundless starry sky, in the heart cannot bear appear meaning of the lingering fear. 洪荒某地,东皇太一睁开眼睛,回忆起自己在无垠星空所见,心中忍不住浮现一股后怕之意。 Luckily, It has not pulled rank, is not the main body goes to the boundless starry sky personally, but sent clone to go, otherwise, It fears today did not come back. 幸好,祂没有托大,不是本尊亲自前往无垠星空,而是派了分身前往,不然的话,今天祂怕是回不来了。 In the boundless starry sky, the purple slightly Great Emperor is invincible existence. 在无垠星空之中,紫微大帝就是无敌的存在。 This is too the most direct-viewing feeling. 这是太一最为直观的感受。 The great wild goose honored say/way ancestor went, can defeat the purple slightly Great Emperor, too one is not very clear, but It is clear, if It went, the purple slightly Great Emperor must really reckless, really has the ability to cut to kill It. 鸿钧道祖去了,能否战胜紫微大帝,太一不是很清楚,但祂却清楚,若是祂去了,紫微大帝要真的不顾一切的话,是真的有能力将祂斩杀的。 Later, if fights with the purple slightly Great Emperor, may absolutely not in the boundless starry sky. Recovers, the eastern sovereign too one is determined to say secretly. 以后,若与紫微大帝交手,断不可在无垠星空之中。回过神来,东皇太一暗自下定决心道。 ...... …… ............ ………… The time in a hurry, in an instant, was the millenniums passes by. 时光匆匆,转眼之间,就是千年过去了。 But during the millenniums, the great antiquity really had many things, including has the dream color much. 而千年之间,洪荒真的是发生了很多事,其中有不少颇具梦幻色彩。 For example, the eastern sovereign too starts the army, dispatches troops to attack the North Sea monster clan, must offer sacrifice to heaven with the Kunpeng old ancestor's head/number of people, to console witch monster to fight a decisive battle, because It escapes the soul in heaven of antiquity monster clan died in battle. 就比如,东皇太一兴起大军,出兵攻打北海妖族,要拿鲲鹏老祖的人头祭天,以告慰巫妖决战中,因祂逃跑而战死的上古妖族的在天之灵。 The eastern sovereign too one leads personally, the antiquity monster clan remnants of defeated troops changed dispiritedly condition, the mental outlook might be called changed beyond recognition, the strength turned several times to continue. 东皇太一亲自带队,上古妖族残部一改颓废之态,精神面貌堪称焕然一新,实力更是翻了几倍不止。 But the North Sea monster clan the potential is big, but one hear is an eastern sovereign too pair of war, war, timid three points. 而北海妖族虽然势大,但一听是与东皇太一对战,大战未起,就已经怯了三分。 Has not fought is first timid, for the taboo of military commander, the North Sea monster clan so displays, was not the strength turned the opponent of several antiquity monster clan remnants of defeated troops, was almost a contact, the North Sea monster clan is just hit retreats in defeat again and again, is utterly routed. 未战先怯,为兵家之大忌,北海妖族如此表现,绝不是实力翻了几番的上古妖族残部的对手,几乎是刚一接触,北海妖族就被打得节节败退,溃不成军。 The North Sea monster clan was not the opponent of antiquity monster clan remnants of defeated troops, the Kunpeng old ancestors is not east an sovereign too opponent. Also on a putting in an appearance Kung Fu, the Kunpeng old ancestors too one fell face down dry/does. 北海妖族不是上古妖族残部的对手,鲲鹏老祖就更不是东皇太一的对手了。也就一个照面的功夫,鲲鹏老祖就被太一干趴下了。 Saw, the Kunpeng old ancestors must die of an eastern sovereign too hand, magic happen. The Mother Earth empress as monster clan mortal enemy, intended to get down the Kunpeng old ancestor unexpectedly. 眼看着,鲲鹏老祖就要死于东皇太一之手,魔幻的一幕发生了。身为妖族死敌的后土娘娘,竟然出手就下了鲲鹏老祖。 This, was really is startled the chins of many. 这一幕,真是惊掉了不少人的下巴。 ...... 啧啧啧…… Also does not know that the Kunpeng old ancestors paid what kind of price, can please move the Mother Earth empress to lend a hand to assist. 也不知道鲲鹏老祖付出了何等的代价,才能请的动后土娘娘出手相助。 Suddenly, people recollections handsome. 一时间,众人浮想翩翩。 Had making a move of Mother Earth empress to assist, the Kunpeng old ancestors except for the situation, the crisis relieved awkwardly actually. 有了后土娘娘的出手相助,鲲鹏老祖除了处境尴尬一点,危机倒是解除了。 Even, with the help of witch clan, the North Sea monster clan also had with the qualification that the antiquity monster clan remnants of defeated troops contended with. 甚至于,在巫族的帮助下,北海妖族也有了与上古妖族残部抗衡的本钱。 ...... …… The monster clan is so lively, human clan is not naturally bad, even, he is more chaotic than the monster clan. 妖族这么热闹,人族自然也不差,甚至于,他比妖族更为混乱。 Feng Zichen underestimated the attraction of position of person of sovereign, besides the board game piece that Three Pure Ones places, the people of many alien race, spare nothing to join in human clan in the mystique unexpectedly, comes to strive for the position of person sovereign. 风紫宸还是低估了人皇之位的吸引力,除了三清安插的棋子外,竟然还有不少异族之人,不惜代价的以秘法投身进人族,前来争取人皇之位。 Regarding person who these are opportunistic, Feng Zichen is only helpless shaking the head, then arranges a pitiful result to them, making them be out ahead of time. 对于这些投机取巧的人,风紫宸只是无奈的摇了摇头,便给祂们安排一个凄惨的结局,让祂们提前下场。 Naturally, their mortal body sources have not wasted, all integrated in new student/life god, becomes the capital grain of its promotion. 当然,祂们的肉身本源也一点都没浪费,全都融入了新生的神界之中,成为其晋升的资粮。 Later, was the fight that human clan and antiquity powerhouse was reincarnated. The eve of war of millennium, human clan is relying on the advantage that occupies the situation, cut to kill the reincarnation of many antiquity powerhouse actually. 之后,就是人族与上古强者转世的战斗了。千年之战的前夕,人族凭借着占据先机的优势,倒是斩杀了不少上古强者的转世。 But these antiquity powerhouses were not the fools, sneak attacked were many, gradually pondered over the taste, own status this was the exposition. 但这些上古强者也不是傻子,被偷袭的多了,也逐渐琢磨出味来,自己的身份这是暴露了。 Although does not know that human clan with what method, discovers their status, but their status exposition definitely is without doubt. 虽然不知道人族是用什么方法,发现他们身份的,但他们身份暴露肯定是无疑的。 Must otherwise, human clan powerhouse not so precisely locking their status. 要不然的话,人族强者也不会如此精确的锁定他们的身份。 Since their status exposed, that also has no hidden. The reincarnations of antiquity powerhouse, lifted oneself card in a hand, slaughtered with the human clan expert. 既然他们的身份都暴露了,那也就没什么好隐藏的了。上古强者的转世们,纷纷掀开自己的底牌,与人族高手厮杀起来。 But part of antiquity powerhouses, when lifts the card in a hand, the surprise, the blessings left by predecessors of oneself previous generation, has actually been missing unexpectedly. 而其中一部分的上古强者,在掀开底牌的时候,却意外发现,自己前世的遗泽,竟然已不见了踪影。
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