GDSP :: Volume #8

#773: East Monarch from number

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Has a source, the solar star cannot reject the eastern nobility refining up, even, when eastern king Lianhua it, the solar star will also coordinate on own initiative. 同出一源,太阳星根本就不会拒绝东王公的炼化,甚至于,在东王炼化它的时候,太阳星还会主动配合。 In the eye of solar star, the position of eastern nobility, with emperor handsome too one equal, can be its child. 于太阳星的眼中,东王公的地位,是与帝俊太一相等的,都能算是它的孩子。 With the initiative of solar star, how long time was useless, the eastern nobility own real spirit mark above the Pangu left eye, controlled the solar star thoroughly. 在太阳星的主动配合下,没用多久的功夫,东王公就就将自己的真灵印记了盘古左眼之上,彻底掌控了太阳星。 In a flash, the eastern nobility feels a boundless vast strength, incessant, gushes out from the solar on-board spout, pours into Its within the body. 一瞬间,东王公就感到一股磅礴浩瀚的力量,滔滔不绝的,从太阳星上喷涌涌出,灌入祂的体内。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The powerful imposing manner ascends from the body of eastern nobility, sweeps away the entire boundless starry sky. His strength is rising suddenly, the time of twinkling, from accurate Saint promoted in the middle period of the accurate Saint. 强大的气势从东王公的身上升腾而起,横扫整个无垠星空。祂的力量在暴涨,不过瞬息的功夫,就从准圣初期提升到了准圣中期。 Then is later period of the accurate Saint, the accurate Saint is greatly complete. 然后是准圣后期,准圣大圆满。 Until this time, the strength of eastern nobility just now stabilized. 直到这时,东王公的力量方才稳定下来。 The accurate Saint is greatly complete, is the eastern nobility current boundary , the strength arrives at this situation, had arrived at Its upper limit, the strength that therefore, his rises suddenly will stop. 准圣大圆满,正是东王公目前的境界,实力到达这个地步,已经到达了祂的上限,故此,祂那暴涨的力量才会停下来。 If the boundary of eastern nobility is higher, that It benefits will be more. 若是东王公的境界再高一些,那祂得到的好处将会更多。 However, even, the eastern nobility still was very satisfied. The times of however several breaths, saved It several tens of thousands of years of self-torture, Its have no reason satisfied. 不过,就算如此,东王公也很满意了。不过几息的功夫,就省却了祂数万年的苦修,祂没理由不满意。 But this, refining up the solar star advantage. Also the emperor handsome too one so will be no wonder powerful, is defending such treasure trove, does not think difficultly. 而这,就是炼化太阳星的好处。也难怪帝俊太一会如此的强大了,守着这样的宝地,想不强都难。 Luckily, Sun breeds inborn sacred is two people, rather than a person. Otherwise, a person of unshared Sun star that huge destiny, is that what kind of fearfulness? 幸好,太阳孕育的天生神圣是两个人,而非是一个人。不然的话,一人独享太阳星那庞大的气运,那将会是何等的可怕? Not being able to do well is inborn saint. 搞不好又是一个天生圣人 ...... …… ............ ………… After controlling the solar star, eastern Wang felt oneself somewhat fluttered, east the title of nobility, has demonstrated Its status insufficiently. 掌控太阳星之后,东王公感觉自己有些飘了,一个东王公的称号,已不足以展示祂的身份了。 Therefore, It must to a additional industry position, to make clear the Sun again the main status. 所以,祂要给再自己在加一个业位,以昭示自己太阳之主的身份。 Also, others too one were called the eastern sovereign, It is actually called the eastern nobility. The sovereigns and kings, this obviously was weaker than a head others, this is inappropriate. 再说了,人家太一被称之为东皇,祂却叫做东王公。皇与王,这明显比人家弱了一头,这不合适。 It must with too strive for hegemony in the future, any aspect cannot lose in Donghuang too one. 祂未来可是要与太一争霸的,任何方面都不能输于东皇太一。 The reputation is also. 就连名头也是。 Otherwise, has not started to hit, as soon as the people listen to reputation of both sides. 不然的话,都还没开始打呢,众人一听双方的名头。 Eastern sovereign and eastern king? 哦,东皇与东王? That also used saying that definitely was east sovereign! 那还用说,肯定是东皇强啊! Therefore, the matter of name change, should put on the agenda. 所以,改名之事,也该提上日程了。 In the heart moves, the eastern nobility announced suddenly to the great antiquity: East this poor Daoist the nobility, operates solar star now, the number eastern Monarch, looks at the world to reflect it.” 心中一动,东王公骤然向洪荒宣告道:“贫道东王公,今执掌太阳星,号东君,望天地鉴之。” The language falls, the world has the feeling, had the great strength to reappear, condenses an industry position, in addition holds on the body of eastern nobility. 语落,天地有感,有伟大力量浮现,凝聚出一尊业位,加持在了东王公的身上。 Hence later, the title of eastern nobility, was east the solar star lord east Monarch the nobility. 至此之后,东王公的称号,便是太阳星主东君东王公了。 Also is nowadays, the strength of eastern nobility has not arrived at the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal the boundary, otherwise, It shouted the eastern emperor directly, rather than eastern Mr . 也就是现如今,东王公的实力还没有到达混元大罗金仙的境界,不然的话,祂直接就喊东帝,而不是东君了。 East the eastern emperor the sovereign, sounds some such evenly matched feelings like this, eastern Monarch in comparison, missed a meaning. 东帝东皇,这样听起来才有那么一丝势均力敌的感觉,东君与之相比,就差了点意思。 But who lets the boundary of eastern nobility is not the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal? Is understrength, the energy also has been naturally insufficient. 可谁让东王公的境界不是混元大罗金仙呢?力量不足,底气自然也就有所不足。 Eastern emperor name, after waiting for him to become the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, changes, nowadays, first takes the eastern Monarch to cope with. 东帝这个称呼,还是等他成为混元大罗金仙之后再改吧,现如今,还是先拿东君对付一下吧。 Eastern Wang felt, oneself useless east emperor name, but was the choice used the eastern Monarch name, already enough low-key. 东王公觉得,自己没用东帝这个称呼,而是选择用了东君这个称呼,已经够低调的了。 But It thinks, too one actually does not think. 可祂这么想,太一却不这么想。 Too thought the eastern nobility this is in the provocation in It, particularly, when It hears the eastern nobility to be known as the lord of solar star, in the heart raised the dreadful anger, wants to burn down the Heaven. 太一觉得东王公这是在挑衅于祂,尤其是,当祂听到东王公号称太阳星之主的时候,心中更是升起了滔天怒火,直欲焚烧九重天。 The solar star was separated from itself to control was so long, should seize. 太阳星脱离自己掌控这么久了,也该夺回来。 Inexplicable, in an eastern sovereign too heart, raised such idea. Then, It began directly. 莫名的,东皇太一的心中,升起了这样的想法。然后,祂直接就动手了。 Listens to working as, the chaos bell vibrates, in an eastern sovereign too body side, opened a channel to solar star directly. 就听“当”的一声,混沌钟震动,在东皇太一的身侧,直接开辟出了一条通往太阳星的通道。 Properly speaking, by the blockade of Feng Zichen to boundless starry sky, is the strength of chaos bell is strong, should not so easily drives out a channel. 按理来说,以风紫宸对无垠星空的封锁,就是混沌钟的力量再强,也不该如此轻易的就轰开一条通道来。 When really the galaxy eon brilliant and Pangu Deity is the ornaments is inadequate? Is Three Pure Ones, without obtaining Feng Zichen agreement, is impossible to intrude in the boundless starry sky. 真当星河宙光大阵与盘古神人是摆设不成?就是三清,在没有获得风紫宸同意的情况下,也不可能闯入无垠星空之中。 Let alone, intruded the boundless starry sky the center, solar star there. 更别说,还是闯入无垠星空的腹地,太阳星那里了。 In this, has certainly the issue. 这里面,一定有问题。 The sensation to opening of channel, the Feng Zichen thought arrived at Sun directly on-board, its entire covering, careful searching for element. 感知到通道的开启,风紫宸的念头直接就降临到了太阳星上,将其整个的笼罩,仔细的搜素起来。 The entire boundless starry sky, besides the solar stars, the moon stars and purple faint star three supreme stars, other sidereal revolution stars, had once been remoulded by Feng Zichen. 整个无垠星空,除了太阳星、太阴星、紫微星三颗至尊星辰外,其余的周天星辰,都曾被风紫宸重塑过。 In other words, Feng Zichen is the good fortune lord of sidereal revolution stars, their all, cannot hide the truth from Feng Zichen. 换而言之,风紫宸就是周天星辰的造化主,它们的一切,都瞒不过风紫宸 In the boundless starry sky, can have the problem only the place, was the solar star. 无垠星空之中,唯一能出现问题的地方,就是太阳星了。 This is the place that Feng Zichen is unable to grasp thoroughly, as emperor handsome with too a birthplace, the secret that this inside hid is really many. 这是风紫宸始终无法彻底掌握的地方,作为帝俊与太一的诞生地,这里面隐藏的秘密实在是太多了。 Is Feng Zichen, as well as saint, is unable to see clearly. 就是风紫宸,以及诸位圣人,也是无法看清。 Bang The Feng Zichen god read has swept, really in the space node of somewhere solar star, discovered the issue. 风紫宸的神念扫过,果然在太阳星的某处空间节点中,发现了问题。 A mysterious fluctuation, sends out from that node, obtained the resonance with the chaos bell. Is therefore, too a side can stroke a channel to solar star. 一股玄妙的波动,从那处节点之中散发开来,与混沌钟取得了共鸣。就是因此,太一方能一击打开一个通往太阳星的通道来。 Really, the firmest fortress, often starts to destroy from the interior. 果然,最坚固的堡垒,往往都是从内部开始破坏的。 Snort!” “哼!” cold snort/hum, Feng Zichen catches up in secret, solar on-board that space node destruction. Meanwhile, channel that chaos bell opens, also disintegrates and collapses. 冷哼一声,风紫宸暗中发力,将太阳星上的那处空间节点覆灭。与此同时,那混沌钟开辟的通道,也是随之瓦解、崩溃。 However, Feng Zichen movement, although is quick, but slow one step. 不过,风紫宸的动作虽然快,但还是慢了一步。 In the previous quarter that the space channel collapses, the eastern sovereign too grasps the form of chaos bell, then has gone out of the channel, arrived in the boundless starry sky, the front of solar star. 在空间通道崩溃的前一刻,东皇太一手持混沌钟的身影,便已走出通道,来到了无垠星空之中,太阳星的面前。 After the endless years, returns to the boundless starry sky again, sees this familiar and strange all, an eastern sovereign too mood, for a while some difficult words. 时隔无尽岁月,再次回到无垠星空,看到这熟悉而又陌生的一切,东皇太一的情绪,一时有些难言。 Buzz humming sound...... 嗡嗡嗡…… Feels east sovereign too aura, the solar star unexpectedly inexplicable tremor, fills a kind meaning, looked like saw own child was the same. 感受到东皇太一的气息,太阳星竟然莫名的颤动起来,弥漫出一股亲切之意,就像是见到了自己的孩子一样。 No, was not saw own child like it, the eastern sovereign too one. 不,不是就像它就是见到了自己的孩子,东皇太一。 Feels the response of solar star, the Feng Zichen complexion somewhat is unavoidably ugly. Although to this situation early some expectations, but sees this truly, It is somewhat hard to accept. 感受到太阳星的反应,风紫宸的面色不免有些难看。虽然对这种情况早有预料,但真正看到这一幕,祂还是有些难以接受。 This indicated that the effort that Its these years to weaken an emperor too pair of Sun star effect make handsome, was all in vain. 这说明,祂这些年为了削弱帝俊太一对太阳星影响所做出的努力,全都白费了。 Those images and scenes, making Feng Zichen deeply realize, only if It can remould the solar star, otherwise, gave up any idea of that weakens an emperor handsome too pair of Sun star the influence. 此情此景,让风紫宸深刻意识到,除非祂能重塑太阳星,不然的话,休想削弱帝俊太一对太阳星的影响。 I came back!” “我回来了!” Is looking at the solar star, the eastern sovereign too muttered. 望着太阳星,东皇太一喃喃道。 In an instant, the solar star shock, the mark of eastern nobility brand mark on Pangu left eye, is beating loudly crazily, several want to be shaken to fly, crossed for a long time, just now returned to gradually normal. 刹那间,太阳星轰然剧震,东王公烙印在盘古左眼上的印记,更是在疯狂跳动,几欲被震飞出去,过了许久,方才渐渐恢复平静。 That is the authority of Sun is revolting, must get rid of the eastern nobility's control, returns east in an sovereign too hand. 那是太阳的权柄在反抗,要摆脱东王公的掌控,重新回到东皇太一的手中。 Luckily, the eastern nobility is also and solar star common origin, is one of the children. Otherwise, only depending on too a few words, it is estimated that the solar star returned too during a control. 幸好,东王公也是与太阳星同源,算是它的孩子之一。否则的话,仅凭太一的一句话,估计太阳星就重新回到了太一的掌控之中。 Sees this, the Feng Zichen complexion was uglier. It does not doubt, if trades to do is It grasps the solar star, a moment ago absolute struggle too one. 见此,风紫宸的脸色更难看了。祂毫不怀疑,要是换做是祂掌握太阳星的话,刚才绝对争不过太一。 Too emperor handsome two brothers, perhaps were the boundless starry sky biggest flaws. Has them , the solar star will have the problem at any time. 太一帝俊兄弟二人,或许就是无垠星空最大的破绽了。有祂们在,太阳星随时都会出现问题。 But solar star that has problems, will become the galaxy eon brilliant biggest flaw. 而出问题的太阳星,就将成为星河宙光大阵的最大破绽。 Also is the Feng Zichen luck is good, an idle chess replaced the eastern nobility conveniently, and enables its to become the solar star lord. Otherwise, whose today the solar star is, but also is really uncertain. 也是风紫宸运气好,随手一记闲棋顶替了东王公,并让其成为太阳星主。不然的话,今天太阳星到底是谁的,还真就不一定了。 So, the importance of eastern nobility incarnation, the Feng Zichen imagination is more important , must remain. Similarly, that true eastern nobility must die without doubt. 如此看来,东王公这个化身的重要性,比风紫宸想象的还要重要,必须得留着。同样的,那真正的东王公将必死无疑。 Why as for is strikes to kill really east the nobility, rather than cuts to kill too one. Isn't that very obvious? 至于为何是击杀真的东王公,而不是斩杀太一。那不是很显然吗? The persimmon selects soft pinching, cuts to kill an eastern sovereign too difficulty, can be the same with the difficulty of cutting killing really east the nobility? 柿子都是挑软的捏,斩杀东皇太一的难度,和斩杀真的东王公的难度能一样吗? The latter Feng Zichen backhand can pinch it. Former, if not draw support from the strength of boundless starry sky, Feng Zichen has not even grasped beats It. 后者风紫宸反手就能将其捏死。前者,若是不借助无垠星空之力,风紫宸甚至都没把握击败祂。 It with one, who is too weak whose, before really fights, but also really did not say. 祂与太一之间,孰弱孰强,在没有真的交手之前,还真不好说。 ...... …… ............ ………… „Does the eastern nobility, you court death?” “东王公,你找死?” Saw oneself have not recaptured the control of solar star, the eastern sovereign too one immediately, discovered the issue stems from there. 看到自己没有夺回太阳星的掌控权,东皇太一在第一时间,就发现了问题出自那里。 In the heart the violent anger, too has the chaos bell at one fell swoop, pounded toward the eastern nobility. 心中暴怒,太一举起混沌钟,就朝着东王公砸了过去。 Sees this, eastern nobility there dares to go forward, hastily after hides, runs back in the middle of Qurikancha. 见此,东王公那里敢上前,连忙朝后躲去,跑回太阳神殿当中。 The accurate Saint greatly is between complete and disparities beginning of the universe six heavy days, is sufficiently desperate. If really by chaos bell smash, that just became the eastern Mr.'s eastern nobility, feared that do not die a tragic death directly at the scene. 准圣大圆满与混元六重天之间的差距,足以让人绝望。真要是被混沌钟砸中了,那刚成为东君的东王公,怕不是要直接惨死当场。 „The eastern Monarch fellow daoist, comes at once.” “东君道友,速来。” Detected that east Wang suffers the crisis, is closing up the Chinese hibiscus Daoist who to see in Qurikancha, makes a move to receive and instruct hastily. 察觉到东王公遭遇危机,正在太阳神殿之中闭关的扶桑道人见了,连忙出手接引。 Brushing...... 刷…… A god of journeys light on-board runs out from Sun, is coordinating the eastern nobility, prompt dragged into It Qurikancha, evaded the chaos bell this to strike. 一道神光从太阳星上冲出,配合着东王公,及时的将祂拉入了太阳神殿之中,堪堪躲过了混沌钟这一击。 Holds the mulberry tree, unexpectedly is you?” “扶桑树,竟然是你?” Even do you also want to betray me and others?” “连你也要背叛我等吗?” Recognized innate held the mulberry tree, asking that eastern sovereign too some do not dare to believe. It has not thought actually, innate holds the mulberry tree to betray It, remembers especially, It with innate holds the mulberry tree to be together also good! 认出了先天扶桑树,东皇太一有些不敢置信的问道。祂倒是没想到,先天扶桑树会背叛祂,尤记得,祂与先天扶桑树相处的还不错啊! Fellow Daoist spoke discreetly.” “道友言重了。” This poor Daoist never submits to your two brothers, what discussed that the betrayal did say?” “贫道从未臣服于你兄弟二人,又何谈背叛之说?” Moreover, handsome how in the past emperor treated this poor Daoist, wants to come the fellow daoist is also clear. If It is willing to help my helping hand in the past, how today can hence?” “而且,当年帝俊待贫道如何,想来道友也是清楚的。若祂当年肯助我一臂之力,今日又怎会至此?” The Chinese hibiscus Daoist light voice, fluttered from Qurikancha. 扶桑道人淡淡的声音,从太阳神殿之中飘了出来。 hears word, too one is somewhat at a loss for words. In the past after the worry innate held the mulberry tree shape, can with Its two brothers fight for the destiny of solar star. Emperor handsome to innate holds the mulberry tree, that is guards in every possible way. 闻言,太一不免有些语塞。当年因担心先天扶桑树化形之后,会与祂兄弟二人争抢太阳星的气运。帝俊对先天扶桑树,那是百般防备。 Not only has not helped it melt the shape, was separates innate to hold some sources of mulberry tree, making its vitality damage severely. Innate in place where the sun rises holds the mulberry tree, is emperor handsome the source that separates from the Chinese hibiscus Daoist. 非但没有助其化形,更是分离出了先天扶桑树的部分本源,让其元气大伤。汤谷之中的先天扶桑树,便是帝俊从扶桑道人身上分离出的本源。 Therefore, accompanies the endless years, Chinese hibiscus Daoist and between emperor handsome, not only does not have any friendship, instead had a big hatred. 正是因此,相伴无尽岁月,扶桑道人与帝俊之间,非但没有任何的情谊,反而结下了不小的仇恨。 The Chinese hibiscus Daoist with too one, pours no enmity, but, only depending on too one is emperor handsome younger brother this point, enough Chinese hibiscus Daoist has loathed about It. 扶桑道人与太一之间,倒没什么仇怨,不过,仅凭太一是帝俊的弟弟这一点,已经足够扶桑道人对祂厌恶的了。 Too one, you crossed!” “太一,你过了!” Here early non- was the past boundless starry sky, did not welcome in you.” “这里早非是当年的无垠星空,并不欢迎于你。” Too wallows in the passing time, Feng Zichen came, horizontally between It and solar stars. 就是太一沉迷于过往的时候,风紫宸来了,横在祂与太阳星之间。 Too has seen the purple slightly fellow daoist.” “太一见过紫微道友。” Sees Feng Zichen to walk, eastern sovereign too always It salutes upon meeting said. 看到风紫宸走来,东皇太一向祂见礼道。 The purple slightly Great Emperor has the merit of salvation, has to remould the merit of boundless starry sky, without It, the great antiquity world has not destroyed even, will still be at half remnant condition. 紫微大帝有救世之功,有重塑无垠星空之功,若没有祂,洪荒天地就算没有毁灭,也将处于半残的状态。 Therefore, all living things saw the purple slightly Great Emperor, must treat with good manners. Let alone was saint, was the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor saw, was so. 故此,众生见了紫微大帝,都要以礼相待。别说是圣人了,就是鸿钧道祖见了,也是如此。 The merit was too big. 功德真的太大了。 The ancestors are no exception, let alone too one. 道祖都不能例外,就更别说太一了。 Too a fellow daoist, has a look at this boundless starry sky, has a look the sidereal revolution stars that just restored, you thought that they will welcome you?” Referred to the surrounding starry sky, Feng Zichen to too said. “太一道友,看看这无垠星空,看看那刚刚修复的周天星辰,你觉得它们会欢迎你吗?”指了指周围的星空,风紫宸对太一说道。 Also is the Feng Zichen speech at the same time, that surrounding stars, very much also coordinates to too releases the mood of being hostile toward. 也就是风紫宸说话的同时,那周围的星辰,也很是配合的对太一释放出仇视的情绪。 Can not coordinate? 能不配合吗? The innate star god who one breed, was almost cut to kill by the monster clan completely. But they, received bringing disaster to of war of witch monster, entire breaks. 自身孕育的先天星神,几乎被妖族斩杀殆尽。而它们本身,更是受到了巫妖之战的殃及,整个的破碎开来。 If not Feng Zichen makes a move to remould the starry sky, that here really became stretch of ruins, overspread the wreckage of stars. 若非风紫宸出手重塑星空,那此处真的就成了一片废墟,铺满了星辰的残骸。 Sensation the mood to the surroundings stars being hostile toward, the eastern sovereign one even more was too silent, the monster clan rules the boundless starry sky innumerable years, does not have any achievements did not say, becomes the hostility object of all stars. 感知到周围星辰仇视的情绪,东皇太一愈发的沉默了,妖族统治无垠星空无数年,没有任何建树不说,更是成为了全体星辰的仇视对象。 Mentioning , is really enough pitiful. 说来,也真是够可悲的。 Oh, the fellow daoist must say not again.” “唉,道友莫要再说了。” Monster clan really has the lost/carrying boundless starry sky, this poor Daoist also really has guilty. But this is not this poor Daoist gives up the reason of solar star, wish makes this poor Daoist depart, under the hand is clear.” “妖族确实有负无垠星空,贫道心里也确实有所愧疚。但这都不是贫道放弃太阳星的理由,想要让贫道离去,还是手底下见分晓吧。” Silent for a long time, the eastern sovereign too one invited the war to say to Feng Zichen suddenly. 沉默许久,东皇太一突然向风紫宸邀战道。 Suits me.” Nods, Feng Zichen offered a sacrifice to the sidereal revolution stars chart suddenly, eastern North Korea sovereigns too rumbles in the past. “正合我意。”点了点头,风紫宸忽然祭起周天星辰图,朝东皇太一轰了过去。 Almost is simultaneously, the eastern sovereign too one is to also offer a sacrifice to the chaos bell, rumbled toward Feng Zichen in the past. 几乎是同时的,东皇太一也是祭起混沌钟,朝风紫宸轰了过去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Two terrifying fluctuations clashed in the starry sky, crushed the endless space and time, has not actually injured to arrive at the surrounding stars slightest. 两股恐怖的波动在星空对撞,粉碎了无尽的时空,却没有伤到周围的星辰分毫。 The two are great antiquity highest level existences, has controlled the superb situation the strength, every acts one time, is calculates, will not have the slight strength waste, may be called second arrive at certainly the summit. 二者都是洪荒最顶级的存在,早已将力量控制到出神入化的地步,每一次出手,就是计算好的,绝不会有丝毫的力量浪费,堪称秒到绝巅。 „Is this innate supreme treasure sidereal revolution stars chart of boundless starry sky breeding?” “这就是无垠星空孕育的先天至宝周天星辰图吗?” In the past I and big brother often induced, in the boundless starry sky is breeding the most precious object, how whatever we sought , was hard to detect its trail.” “当年我与大哥就时常感应到,无垠星空之中孕育着一桩至宝,可是任凭吾等如何寻找,也是难以察觉其踪迹。” Has not thought actually, this treasure can unexpectedly for you obtained.” “倒是没有想到,此宝竟会为你所得。” Seriously is the divine intervention.” “当真是天意啊。” At the same time kills to Feng Zichen, too 11 look at sidereal revolution stars to say. 一边杀向风紫宸,太一一边望着周天星辰图说道。 S: The new book western roaming, my within the body has nine suns tomorrow the on the shelf, looks at everyone to support, the lazybones knelt down and thank. s:新书西游,我体内有九只金乌明天上架,望大家支持一下,懒虫跪谢了。 :.: :。:
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