GDSP :: Volume #8

#772: The eastern king is in charge of the solar star

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Then, didn't that gain in a big way? 如此一来,那不是赚大了吗? An imperial jade seal in the hand, was equivalent to the advantage of duplicate, this who can not be excited? If not for does not make clear the condition, the people have closed, go to compete for the imperial jade seal. 一枚玉玺在手,就相当于得了双份的好处,这谁能不激动?若不是搞不清楚状况,众人早就一拥而上,前去争夺玉玺了。 In the eye of ordinary human clan, big Luo Daozun is the peak. The position of person sovereign is away from them to be extremely remote, therefore, their vision have placed above the imperial jade seal. 在普通人族的眼里,大罗道尊就已经是顶峰了。人皇之位距离他们太过遥远,所以,他们的目光一直放在玉玺之上。 May say regarding others, big Luo Daozun is unable to satisfy their ambitions by far, they want are more. Therefore, they looked at the vision in the position of person of sovereign. 可对于另一些人说,大罗道尊远远无法满足他们的野心,他们想要的更多。故此,他们将目光瞄在了人皇之位上。 Person sovereign, world highest level industry position. Also only has such position, can be joined to their status. 人皇,天地最顶级的业位。也唯有这样的位置,方能配得上祂们的身份。 Is reincarnated the human clan red cloud ancestor, such as thinks with the eastern nobility. 转世进人族的红云老祖,与东王公如是想到。 Especially the eastern nobility, Its position to the person sovereign it can be said that wins. Because, It cannot be defeated again. Words that is defeated again, Its anything did not have. 尤其是东王公,祂对人皇的位置可以说是志在必得。因为,祂已经不能再失败了。再失败的话,祂就什么都没有了。 No, present It, anything does not have. Including own status, was replaced by others. 不,现在的祂,就已经什么都没有了。连自己的身份,都被别人顶替了。 Becoming the person sovereign, is opportunity that the eastern nobility turns over/stands up only. 成为人皇,是东王公唯一翻身的机会了。 Became, It is the unsurpassed person sovereign, or may recapture own status depending on this. 成了,祂就是无上人皇,或可凭此夺回自己的身份。 Was defeated, It was really beyond redemption. 失败了,祂就真的万劫不复了。 Eastern nobility of having a thing in the world, in this in fight that competes for the person sovereign, wrestles furiously. It has nothing to lose, true can achieve recklessly. 一无所有的东王公,将在这场争夺人皇的战斗中,奋力一搏。祂已经没什么好失去了,真正的可以做到不顾一切。 Compared with the eastern nobility, the red cloud ancestor displays was more indifferent. Because, It is secure. In order to repay causes and effects, the Western two Saints will certainly spell to go all-out, pushes up the position of person sovereign It. 与东王公相比,红云老祖表现的就淡然多了。因为,祂有恃无恐。为了偿还因果,西方二圣一定会拼尽全力的,将祂推上人皇之位。 Moreover, even failed still no, It also has the primordial chaos auspicious sign. So long as the chance arrived, It then can vertical to become Saint. 而且,就算失败了也没什么,祂还有鸿蒙紫气。只要机缘到了,祂便可以立地成圣。 saint isn't It more fragrant than the person sovereign? 圣人祂不比人皇香吗? Although, the red cloud ancestor does not know the chance that Its to become Saint is actually anything and that's the end. However, this does not hinder It to display stress-free. 虽然,红云老祖也不知道祂成圣的机缘究竟是什么就是了。不过,这并不妨碍祂表现的毫无压力。 It has the Saint scratch coat person! 祂可是有圣位打底的人! It and others are different! 祂和别人不一样! ...... …… ............ ………… God city imperial jade seal leaves, being predestined friends all may result in it.” The indistinct voice spreads from the Feng Zichen mouth, clear falls into the ear of each life. “神城玉玺出,有缘者皆可得之。”缥缈的话音从风紫宸的口中传出,清晰的落入每一个生灵的耳中。 Instantaneously, the people burst with joy, displays the magical powers, toward floating to grasp in the in the air imperial jade seal. 瞬间,众人沸腾了,纷纷施展神通,朝浮在空中的玉玺抓去。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The terrifying invincible might blooms from the body of imperial jade seal, the magical powers that will well up all rumble broken, then, sees imperial jade seal restraining to set out on fluctuation, turns into together the streams light/only, runs away toward the distant place. 恐怖的神威从玉玺的身上绽放,将涌来的神通悉数轰碎,然后,就见玉玺收敛起身上的波动,化成一道道流光,朝着远方遁去。 Pursues!” “追!” The people see this, is follows to turn into the escaping light, pursues toward the imperial jade seal of disappearance. 众人见此,也是跟着化成遁光,朝消失的玉玺追去。 Meanwhile, Feng Zichen lets loose suddenly forbids, then beyond the news of demon about the day, the flash floods in the mind of people. 与此同时,风紫宸忽然放开禁止,那关于天外邪魔的消息,一瞬间就充斥在众人的脑海之中。 Made them see, hid beyond the day in human clan the demon, was actually any people. 使得他们看到了,隐藏在人族之中的天外邪魔,究竟都是些什么人。 Some moment, is pursuing the form that the imperial jade seal goes, discovered suddenly, in his side, a body of fellow daoist, wound around suddenly layer upon layer the blood light. 某一刻,一位正在追逐玉玺而去的身影,骤然发现,在他的身边,一位道友的身上,突然缭绕出了层层血光。 Beyond day demon!” “天外邪魔!” After the initial god, that person understood all of a sudden, all over the body the winding around blood light, this is beyond the day the symbol of demon. 在经过最初的愣神过后,那人一下子就明白了,通体缭绕血光,这正是天外邪魔的标志。 Kills!” “杀!” Almost nothing hesitant, that person wields a magic wand, spells beyond going all-out the demon toward the day in his eye to kill. 几乎没有任何犹豫的,那人祭起法宝,拼尽全力的就朝他眼中的天外邪魔杀去。 On that day outside the demon, naturally was the reincarnation of antiquity powerhouse. As Feng Zichen relaxes the limit, as long as the person of human clan, had ability that recognizes beyond day the demon. 那天外邪魔,自然就是上古强者的转世了。随着风紫宸放开限制,但凡人族之人,都有了认出天外邪魔的能力。 Therefore, this, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform in the human clan land glances. 故此,这一幕,在人族大地上齐齐上眼。 However is instantaneous, then the under reincarnations of several antiquity powerhouses, did not observe for a while, died of the sneak attack of human clan expert. 不过是瞬间,便有数尊上古强者的转世,一时不察之下,死于人族高手的偷袭。 Naturally, has is reincarnated by the antiquity powerhouse who human clan strikes to kill, that naturally also has by the human clan powerhouse who the antiquity powerhouse instead killed. 当然,有被人族击杀的上古强者转世,那自然也有着被上古强者反杀的人族强者。 Because, the human clan expert seized the unexpected opportunity, casualty are few. But the reincarnation of antiquity powerhouse, because of losing the reason of situation, casualty are many. 只不过,因为人族高手占了出其不意的先机,死伤的较少。而上古强者的转世,因失了先机的缘故,死伤的较多罢了。 Moreover, the reincarnation of antiquity powerhouse, dying that is really dies. The flesh really spirits all shatter, changes into the purest source, was swallowed by new student/life god. 而且,上古强者的转世,死了那是真的死了。血肉真灵尽数破碎,化为最为纯粹的本源,被新生的神界所吞噬。 But after the human clan expert dies, it really spirit is not loose, the soul does not extinguish, by receiving and instructing of blood sacrificial altar, was resurrected in the human clan long bright palace. 人族高手死后,其真灵不散,灵魂不灭,受血祭台的接引,于人族长明殿中重新复活。 This resurrecting, is unlimited. In other words, the number of times that the human clan expert dies even if are many, can resurrect. 这个复活,是无限制的。也就是说,人族高手死的次数哪怕再多,也都能够复活。 However, this did not mean, this resurrecting does not need to pay on a price. Every time resurrects one time, the boundary will drop one. 不过,这也并不是说,这个复活就一点代价也不需要付出的。每复活一次,境界就会跌落一层。 Died the experience to be the same with the game. 就和游戏死亡掉经验一样。 Without this limit, the human clan expert discovered oneself will not die, they meet absolutely are not serious oneself life, used to assign/life actually, goes to the reincarnations of group of dead antiquity powerhouses. 要是没这个限制的话,人族高手发现自己不会死,那他们绝对会不把自己的性命当回事,就硬是用命,去堆死上古强者的转世们。 Do not suspect, they are willing to make to order comes out this matter. 不要怀疑,他们肯定做的出来这种事。 Then, without the threat of death, the Feng Zichen so-called experience, absolutely did not have the function. It might as well begins personally, a palm of the hand clapped the reincarnations of these antiquity powerhouses to consider as finished. 如此一来,没了死亡的威胁,风紫宸所谓的历练,就完全没了作用。那祂还不如亲自动手,一巴掌拍死这些上古强者的转世算了。 Where also with spending so many thoughts, designs that this. 哪里还用花费这么多的心思,来设计那个,这个的。 ...... …… Yeah!” “哎!” Kills, kills!” “杀吧,杀吧!” Young people do not see the blood, how can also grow real?” “年轻人不见血,又怎能得到真正的成长?” Looks the human clan area that the dispute is rising from all directions, Feng Zichen tone light saying. 望着纷争四起的人族疆域,风紫宸语气淡淡的说道。 Has Nine Provinces to tie, whatever these member hit again ominously, cannot injure the mortal slightly, It naturally cannot be worried to go wrong. 有九州结界在,任凭这些修士打得再凶,也是伤不到凡人丝毫,祂自然不会担心出乱子。 As for these member, they will not really die, does not need to worry for them. However, perhaps to these member, falling of boundary, compared with killing them made them uncomfortably uncertain. 至于那些修士们,他们又不会真的死,也无需为他们操心。不过,或许对这些修士来说,境界的掉落,比杀了他们更让他们难受也不一定。 After all, no one is willing to see oneself cultivate/repair the strength of holding laboriously, turned into the running water all of a sudden, vanishes into thin air. 毕竟,没人愿意看到自己辛辛苦苦修持来的力量,一下子就化成了流水,烟消云散。 To preserve the boundary, going on living that they can also try hard. 就是为了保住境界,他们也会努力的活下去。 Here, after all is the reality, is not the game. 这里,毕竟是现实,不是游戏。 Repairing is, is not the experience. Really must fall, wants to cultivate, is not an easy matter. If an under heart did not bump into the knowledge to see the barrier, that was silly. 修为,也不是经验。真要掉了,想要重新修炼回来,可不是一件轻松的事。要是一不下心碰到了知见障,那才是傻了。 .................................... ……………………………… When human clan opens the world of big struggle, the boundless starry sky is not tranquil. 就在人族开启大争之世的时候,无垠星空也不平静。 That eastern nobility, is the Feng Zichen incarnation, after leaving East Sea purple mansion state, has not gone to North Sea with the Kunpeng old ancestors together, with the Mother Earth empress together, has not gone to nether world. 那东王公,也就是风紫宸的化身,在离开东海紫府州后,并未与鲲鹏老祖一道前往北海,也没有与后土娘娘一道,前往幽冥界。 But is the purple slightly Great Emperor together, went to the boundless starry sky. 而是与紫微大帝一道,前往了无垠星空之中。 Just, the destination of purple slightly Great Emperor is the purple faint star. But the destination of eastern nobility, is the solar star. 只不过,紫微大帝的目的地是紫微星。而东王公的目的地,则是太阳星。 The purple mansion state has abandoned, wants to restore, in a short time is hard to complete, this needs the long years to go to change slowly. 紫府州已经废了,想要恢复,短时间内难以完成,这需要漫长的岁月去慢慢的改变。 If the eastern nobility wants rapidly to restore the strength, staying in the purple mansion state obviously is incorrect. Therefore, It looked at the body of solar star. 东王公若是想快速的恢复实力,留在紫府州显然是不行的。所以,祂就把目光放到了太阳星的身上。 Sun, to Yang, although the name is different, but its essence is the same, is manifestation of Yang say/way in the world. 太阳、至阳,名字虽然不同,但其本质却是相同的,都是阳之道在天地的体现。 Therefore, eastern nobility , to restore the strength, the solar star became It best choice. Moreover, as innate to Yang say/way breeding inborn sacred, the eastern nobility also has the qualifications to become the solar star main. 故此,东王公若想恢复实力,太阳星就成了祂最好的选择。而且,作为先天至阳之道孕育的天生神圣,东王公也是有资格成为太阳星主的。 Now, the master of solar star, is the purple slightly Great Emperor. This in other words, the eastern nobility can definitely take advantage of this opportunity, refining up the solar star, becomes the new solar star lord. 如今,太阳星的主人,正好就是紫微大帝。这也就是说,东王公完全可以趁此机会,将太阳星炼化,成为新的太阳星主。 Grasped the solar star, the position of eastern nobility without doubt becomes stable. 掌握了太阳星,东王公的地位无疑会变得更加的稳固。 Moreover, as the matter stands, It also had contended with eastern sovereign too energy. Meanwhile, can guard against the emperor too to stage a comeback handsome, seizes the control of solar star. 而且,这样一来,祂也就有了抗衡东皇太一的底气。同时,也能防备帝俊太一卷土重来,重新夺走太阳星的掌控权。 The solar star, is the key point of Feng Zichen attention. The reason does not have it, only because of it is an emperor handsome too birthplace, who knows that two people left behind what subsequent hand in inside. 太阳星,一直都是风紫宸关注的重点。原因无它,只因它是帝俊太一的诞生地,谁知道二人在里面留下了什么后手。 Even if Feng Zichen searched the solar star repeatedly, does not have complete reassurance. 哪怕风紫宸将太阳星搜查了一遍又一遍,也是没有完全的放下心来。 Why does innate hold the mulberry tree never to make an appearance in the great antiquity world? Is because Feng Zichen does not feel relieved the solar star, this has made It protect there, to guard unexpected occurrence. 先天扶桑树为何从未在洪荒天地露过面?就是因为风紫宸不放心太阳星,这才一直让祂守护在那里,以防意外的发生。 Originally, Feng Zichen also felt, has innate holds the mulberry tree to guard in the solar star, may be absolutely safe greatly. May with the start of emperor handsome subsequent hand, Feng Zichen be not so self-confident. 本来,风紫宸还觉得,有先天扶桑树镇守在太阳星,大可万无一失。可随着帝俊后手的启动,风紫宸就不那么自信了。 My goodness, 好家伙, Under the great antiquity land, the eye of saint hides, this monster clan influence weakest place, the emperor can leave behind the subsequent hand handsome, letting the person is unable to discover. 在洪荒大地上,圣人的眼皮子底下,这个妖族势力最为薄弱的地方,帝俊都能留下后手,让人无法发现。 That takes the solar star of Its supreme headquarters, hasn't Its what thing really stayed behind? 那作为祂的大本营的太阳星,祂就真的什么东西也没留下? Yes, in recent years, Feng Zichen and innate holds the mulberry tree, on-board has not found the problem in Sun. Has not found the problem, on-board does not have the issue on behalf of Sun. 是,这些年来,风紫宸与先天扶桑树,是没在太阳星上发现问题。可没发现问题,不代表太阳星上没有问题。 Subsequent hand who the emperor leaves behind handsome, before the start, saint has not thought that there will have problems. 帝俊留下的后手,在没有启动之前,圣人也没想到那里会出问题。 Therefore, is the police is more cautious, making eastern Wang clone to assume personal command in the solar star. Many person, are many a strength, multi- single layer insurance. 所以,还是警慎一些吧,让东王公分身坐镇在太阳星。多一个人,就多一份力量,也多一重保险。 In that case, 那样的话, Can drop to lowly the threat. 方能将威胁降至最低。 ...... …… Two people arrive at the boundless starry sky, the purple slightly Great Emperor the authority of solar star, shifted to the eastern nobility. 二人一到无垠星空,紫微大帝就将太阳星的权柄,转移给了东王公。 In a flash, the eastern nobility felt, oneself with the solar stars, were many a relation. It seems Its intention to move, can assemble the solar on-board infinite mighty force. 一瞬间,东王公就感到,自己与太阳星之间,多了一道联系。好似祂心念一动,就能调集太阳星上的无穷伟力。 Read and hence, the eastern nobility one step took, the form then disappeared in same place, arrived at the core of solar star, in the middle of Qurikancha. 念及至此,东王公一步迈出,身影便消失在了原地,来到了太阳星的核心,太阳神殿当中。 This is the magic weapon that solar star source breeds, for past emperor too has lived handsome place. Embodiment 32 first deity bans, the share is innate, is the high-grade. 这是太阳星本源孕育的法宝,为当年帝俊太一生活过的地方。内蕴三十二道先天神禁,份属先天,位列上品。 Meanwhile, here is also the core of solar star. 同时,这里也是太阳星的核心。 Has seen the Chinese hibiscus fellow daoist.” “见过扶桑道友。” After arriving here, the eastern nobility to is holding the mulberry tree to greet in innate that here closes up. 来到这里之后,东王公向正在此处闭关的先天扶桑树打招呼道。 Un?” “嗯?” „Are you east the nobility?” “你是东王公?” „It is not right, this aura is not right.” “不对,这气息不对。” Is the strength of solar authority, you are the purple slightly Great Emperor, but your appearance......” “是太阳权柄之力,你是紫微大帝,可你的模样……” Is looking at the sudden eastern nobility, innate holds mulberry tree whole face the color of shock. 望着突然出现的东王公,先天扶桑树满脸的震惊之色。 It was too surprising. 祂太意外了。 Present person, from the appearance, the aura, or the state of mind, is exactly the same as the eastern nobility. 眼前的这个人,无论是从样貌、还是气息、亦或是神魂,都与东王公一模一样。 If not from this person of sensation to the authority of solar star, innate held the mulberry tree also really to think that was east the nobility comes back to life. 若非从这人的身上感知到了太阳星的权柄,先天扶桑树还真就以为是东王公复生了呢。 What a pity, this is impossible. 可惜,这不可能。 Since the emperor too falls from the sky handsome, the authority of solar star then fell in the hand of purple slightly Great Emperor, and by its regarding was something for one's own exclusive use, the bystander cannot peep at the slightest. 自帝俊太一陨落之后,太阳星的权柄便落在了紫微大帝的手中,并被其视之为禁脔,外人根本不能窥视分毫。 At present this person, comes with the strength of solar star authority unexpectedly, that without a doubt, is the purple slightly Great Emperor without doubt. 眼前这人,竟是携太阳星权柄之力而来,那毫无疑问,就是紫微大帝无疑。 Does not know why the purple slightly Great Emperor turned into the appearance of eastern nobility. 只是不知,紫微大帝为何化成了东王公的模样。 This was incomprehensible. 这就让人不解了。 In the heart has doubts, innate holds the mulberry tree unable to bear open the mouth to ask: Purple slightly fellow daoist, are you?” 心中疑惑,先天扶桑树忍不住开口问道:“紫微道友,你这是?” Smiles, eastern Wang said: Chinese hibiscus fellow daoist, will shout east from now on this poor Daoist the nobility is. The true eastern nobility , this poor Daoist is not the new eastern nobility.” 笑了笑,东王公说道:“扶桑道友,今后喊贫道东王公便是。真正的东王公,已经不在了,贫道就是新的东王公。” hears word, innate holds in the mulberry tree not only heart to shake. It understood what is heard the meaning of Feng Zichen, this is thorough replaced the eastern nobility, seized Its all. 闻言,先天扶桑树不仅心中一震。祂听明白了风紫宸的意思,这是彻底的取代了东王公,夺走了祂的一切。 Also does not know how the eastern nobility provoked this evil star, so aimed by It unexpectedly. 也不知道东王公怎么招惹这煞星了,竟是被祂如此针对。 In the heart is thinking like this, innate held the mulberry tree to make way silently a channel, quite let the eastern nobility in the past. 心中这样想着,先天扶桑树默默让开了一条通道,好让东王公过去。 The eastern nobility comes this, the goal is very obvious, that replaces the purple slightly Great Emperor, becomes the new solar star lord. 东王公来此,目的已经很显然了,那就是取代紫微大帝,成为新的太阳星主。 But this, needs own life mark, the brand mark in the solar star true core, above the Pangu left eye. 而这,就需要将自己的本命印记,烙印在太阳星真正的核心,盘古左眼之上。 After innate holds the mulberry tree exchanged greetings meets, the eastern nobility directly toward most deep place of Qurikancha walks. 与先天扶桑树寒暄一会之后,东王公径直朝太阳神殿的最深处走去。 Pangu left eye there. 盘古左眼就在那里。 Naturally, the beforehand Pangu left eye, here, may not after Feng Zichen wields the solar star, was worried that the emperor too does the matter handsome, shifts Qurikancha the Pangu left eye, under own eye hides. 当然,以前的盘古左眼,并不在这里,可在风紫宸执掌太阳星后,担心帝俊太一搞事情,就将盘古左眼转移到太阳神殿,自己的眼皮子底下。 As the matter stands, even if the emperor too one really did the matter handsome, It can still discover immediately. 这样一来,就算帝俊太一真的搞事了,祂也能在第一时间发现。 After all, wants to grasp the solar star, circles inevitably does not look at the Pangu left eye. 毕竟,想要掌握太阳星,就必然绕不看盘古左眼。 ...... …… Qurikancha most deep place, huge eye static ups and downs, the whole body is filling the astonishing pressure. 太阳神殿最深处,一颗巨大的眼睛静静的沉浮着,周身弥漫着惊人的威压。 Pangu worthily is Pangu, even if falling from the sky endless years, but under it leaves behind the eye, brought the tremendous pressure on the eastern nobility as before. 盘古不愧是盘古,哪怕陨落无尽岁月了,可其遗留下的眼睛,依旧给东王公带来了巨大的压力。 Without a doubt, the might of this eye, if erupts completely, has absolutely easily cuts to kill the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal the strength. 毫无疑问,这颗眼睛的威力若是全部爆发开来,绝对有着轻易斩杀混元大罗金仙的力量。 Fearful, was really fearful. 可怕,真的是太可怕了。 witch monster fights a decisive battle that frigidly, the entire boundless starry sky was hit remnantly, the sidereal revolution stars are collectively shatter, but the moon Sun two supreme stars, have not actually received any injury. 巫妖决战那么惨烈,整个无垠星空都被打残了,周天星辰更是集体破碎,可太阴太阳两颗至尊星辰,却是没有受到任何的伤害。 This besides the two enough strong, are more , because of the eyes of Pangu. Has them, no one dares to begin to destroy the moon Sun two stars. 这除了二者够强之外,更多的,还是因为盘古的双眼在。有它们在,无人敢动手破坏太阴太阳两颗星辰。 Otherwise, the Pangu eyes recover, is the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal must fall from the sky. 不然的话,盘古双眼复苏,就是混元大罗金仙也得陨落。 This is the livelihood two stars stands erect the immortal reason to be. Without the Pangu eyes, the livelihood two stars had been given to destroy. 这才是日月二星屹立不朽的原因所在。若是没有盘古双眼,日月二星早就被人给毁了。 Do not suspect this point, so long as the benefit is big enough, great antiquity big magical powers dare to destroy the world, let alone livelihood two stars. 不要怀疑这一点,只要利益足够大,洪荒的大神通者们连天地都敢毁灭,就更别说日月二星了。 Reason that the motionless livelihood two stars, are not because will move will die, therefore, they do not dare to move. 之所以不动日月二星,还不是因为动了就会死,故此,祂们不敢动。 ...... …… Goes!” “去!” From knowing the sea deep place compels a really spirit mark, the eastern nobility goes toward the Pangu left eye brand mark. 从识海深处逼出一丝真灵印记,东王公朝盘古左眼烙印而去。 This point is not to him difficult, even can say, comes easily compared with the purple slightly Great Emperor. 这一点对祂来说并不难,甚至可以说,比之紫微大帝来得更容易。 But this, needs to mention from the origin of eastern nobility. Influence that although the eastern nobility establishes in the purple mansion state, but Its family background place, is actually not the purple mansion state, but is the East Sea place where the sun rises. 而这,就需要从东王公的来历说起了。东王公虽是在紫府州建立的势力,但祂的出身地,却不是紫府州,而是东海汤谷。 The place where the sun rises, the place of sunrise, is the left eye socket of Pangu. Why said that the eastern nobility has the qualifications of wielding the solar star, is therefore. 汤谷,日出之地,为盘古的左眼眶所化。为什么说东王公有执掌太阳星的资格,便是因此了。 He, with the solar star common origin, wielding the solar star reality is the logical matter. 祂本身,就与太阳星同源,执掌太阳星实乃顺理成章之事。
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