GDSP :: Volume #8

#771: The tumultuous times will open

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These seals, all are the highest level innate magic weapons, has nine first deity to ban, only misses one, may be promoted to low-grade innate spirit treasure. 这些印章,皆是最顶级的先天法宝,有着九道先天神禁,仅差一丝,就可晋升为下品先天灵宝 They, are the centers of god city, represented the highest power, so long as grasped them, can mobilize all strengths of god city. 它们,便是神城的中枢,代表了最高的权力,只要掌握了它们,便可调动神城的一切力量。 Holds this seal, is the lord of god city. 持此印者,即为神城之主。 If places the later generation, these seals may also call it the official stamp. 若是放在后世,这些印章亦可被称之为官印。 This is the symbol of power! 这是权力的象征! Insufficient!” “还是不够啊!” Looking is only being the seal of innate magic weapon, in the eye of Feng Zichen revealed several points of disappointed color unavoidably. 望着仅是先天法宝的印章,风紫宸的眼中不免露出了几分失望之色。 According to Its anticipation, these seals, are innate spirit treasure are at least good. The innate magic weapon, naturally cannot make It satisfy. 按照祂的预期,这些印章,起码也得是先天灵宝才行。先天法宝,自然不能令祂满意。 The time was too hasty, the preparation of Feng Zichen had insufficient, cannot refine innate spirit treasure these seals. 时间还是太仓促了,以至于风紫宸的准备有所不足,没能将这些印章炼成先天灵宝 However, is the better than nothing. The top innate magic weapon, is very good, from promotion low-grade innate spirit treasure, could not miss many. 不过,也算是聊胜于无吧。顶级的先天法宝,已经很不错了,距离晋升下品先天灵宝,也差不了多少。 So long as gives them the time to grow, not necessarily cannot about one step. 只要给它们时间成长,未必不能更近一步。 The present human clan god city, looks like in Feng Zichen, but also is far from going to the perfect situation. 况且,眼前的人族神城,在风紫宸看来,还远没有达到完美的地步。 The present human clan god city, is only the half-finished product. 现在的人族神城,只是半成品。 In the tentative plan of Feng Zichen, besides the seals of these innate magic weapon ranks, in each human clan god city, should suppress a innate ominous beast of greatly Luo Daozun rank. 风紫宸的设想之中,除了这些先天法宝级别的印章外,每座人族神城之中,都应镇压着一头大罗道尊级别的先天凶兽。 Is centered on that ominous beast, as the energy of actuation god city, maintains the revolution of strategy, compromises the spiritual energy of the world, so can the might of maximum display lost city. 以那头凶兽为核心,作为驱动神城的能源,维持阵法的运转,调和天地之灵气,如此方能最大限度的发挥出神城的威力。 Such human clan god city, was Luo Daozun came greatly, is unable to break through. In other words, is each human clan god city, is equivalent to greatly Luo Daozun. 这样的人族神城,就是大罗道尊来了,也无法攻破。换而言之,就是每一座人族神城,都相当于一尊大罗道尊。 365 god cities, are 365 big gold/metal immortals. 三百六十五座神城,就是三百六十五尊大罗金仙。 Moreover, that represents the two of solar star and moon star to the strong god city, according to the plan of Feng Zichen, suppression, is not greatly Luo Daozun, but is big magical powers. 而且,那代表太阳星与太阴星的两座至强神城,按照风紫宸的打算,镇压的,也不是大罗道尊,而是大神通者。 Naturally, if can suppress existences of two -and-a-half beginning of the universe ranks, that it would be the best. 当然了,若是能镇压两尊半步混元级别的存在,那就最好不过了。 As for the human clan strongest god city, that corresponds the person imperial city of purple faint star, Feng Zichen is planning to grasp existence of beginning of the universe rank, thorough to seal/confer Zhen in city, to take the core of person imperial city. 至于人族最强神城,那对应着紫微星的人皇城,风紫宸打算抓一头混元级别的存在,彻底封镇在城中,以作为人皇城的核心。 This was regards the perpetual motion machine to use the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal. The beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal that also let alone, does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, very looks like the perpetual motion machine, and perpetual motion machine of ultra-large power. 这是把混元大罗金仙当成永动机来用了。还别说,不死不灭的混元大罗金仙,就挺像永动机的,且还是超大功率的永动机。 If Feng Zichen really achieved this point, that human clan really can ten thousand world not be easy. 风紫宸真的做到了这一点,那人族就真的可以万世不易了。 This idea, sounding is very bold, the actual operation, is more like the not possible matter. 这想法,听上去就很大胆,实际操作起来,更像是不可能的事。 The beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, is that what kind of powerhouse? Almost stood erect in great antiquity most peak, with. 混元大罗金仙,那是何等的强者?几乎屹立在了洪荒的最顶峰,与道同在。 Strikes to kill the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, is in itself an extremely difficult matter, let alone captures alive it, made the energy to squeeze out. 击杀混元大罗金仙,本身就是一件万分困难的事,就更别说是将其活捉,做成能量榨取器了。 This is not realistic, is impossible. 这不现实,也不可能。 Pitiful will the so spell of good or bad fortune, how appear on the body of beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal? If really could not see to hope, the beginning of the universe does say main from not exploding? 如此悲惨的际遇,岂会出现在混元大罗金仙的身上?真要是看不到希望了,混元道主还不会自爆吗? Was struck to kill, still had the opportunity of resurrecting. 被人击杀,尚有复活的机会。 Was suppressed, there is one day that broken seals. 被人镇压,也有破封的一天。 But if degenerates into the energy to squeeze out, becomes the perpetual motion machine, that life really despaired, thorough degenerating into tool person, losing as all dignity of powerhouse. 可若是沦为能量榨取器,成为了永动机,那人生就真的绝望了,彻底的沦为工具人,丧失了身为强者的所有尊严。 Any beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, is unable to endure such humiliation, really must reduce to this situation, will resort to the extreme method inevitably. 任何一个混元大罗金仙,都无法忍受这样的屈辱,真要沦落到这个地步,势必会动用极端手段。 Either the enemy dies, either I die! 要么敌人死,要么我死! Rather dead honorably, to not live dishonorably! 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全! Therefore, the idea of Feng Zichen , can only think, wants successfully, simply is a not possible matter. 因此,风紫宸的这个想法,也就只能想想了,想要成功,简直是件不可能的事。 But who Feng Zichen is, never does the uncertain matter, since he thought that that indicated in Its heart to have the idea. 风紫宸是什么人,从不做无把握之事,他既然这么想了,那就表明祂心中已经有了主意。 The normal beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, Feng Zichen spells to go all-out, could cut to kill it, but wants to capture alive it, that cannot. 正常的混元大罗金仙,风紫宸拼尽全力,或许能将其斩杀,但想要将其活捉,那是万万不能的。 But It needs, is a normal beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal? Obviously is not! 可祂需要的,是一个正常的混元大罗金仙吗?显然不是! The Feng Zichen need, or is the human clan need, but a strength achieves existence of beginning of the universe level, rather than a true beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal. 风紫宸需要的,或者说是人族需要的,只是一个力量达到混元层次的存在,而非是一个真正的混元大罗金仙。 So long as the strength arrived, that enough, as for boundary anything, did not need completely. 只要力量到了,那就够了,至于境界什么的,完全没必要。 In any case human clan need, is only the strength of beginning of the universe rank. Boundary, is inalienable, is useless in human clan, does that want it to do? 反正人族需要的,也只是混元级别的力量而已。境界,又不能剥夺,于人族无益,那要它干什么? The true beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal is not good to do, but has big magical powers of beginning of the universe strength, was quite good to cope. 真正的混元大罗金仙不好搞,但只是拥有混元战力的大神通者,就比较好对付了。 At present, has one ready-made. 眼下,就有一个现成的。 That is the reincarnation human clan red cloud ancestor, or is the reincarnation human clan eastern nobility. 那就是转世人族的红云老祖,或者是转世人族的东王公。 They, have this possibility. 祂二人,都有这个可能。 Present they, let alone has the strength of beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal rank, greatly Luo Daozun were also not. Such strength, cannot meet the requirements of Feng Zichen by far. 现在的祂们,别说是拥有混元大罗金仙级别的战力了,就连大罗道尊都还不是。这样的力量,远远达不到风紫宸的要求。 But now is not good, does not represent will not be good in the future. 但现在不行,不代表未来不行。 Don't these two people with the support of saint, want to fight over the position of person sovereign? That made them struggle. 这二人在圣人的支持下,不是要争人皇之位吗?那就让祂们争好了。 Really waited for their one of them to become a person of sovereign, then under in addition of human clan destiny held, shortly, may stride in the domain of beginning of the universe. 真等祂们其中一人成了人皇,那在人族气运的加持之下,顷刻之间,就可跨入混元的领域。 But enters into the beginning of the universe domain instance in it, was the time that Feng Zichen acted. 而在其迈入混元领域的瞬间,就是风紫宸出手的时机了。 First by oneself absolute control to the human clan, captures the human clan destiny forcefully the control, then using human clan counterattacking in It, enabling it to move. 先以自己对人族的绝对掌控力,强行夺取人族气运的掌控权,接着利用人族反制于祂,使其不能动弹。 Then, by the unsurpassed strength, in his to seal/confer Ruren Imperial city, becomes the human clan biggest background again, good is human clan brings good fortune continuously. 然后,再以无上实力,将其封入人皇城中,成为人族最大的底蕴,好为人族带来源源不绝的造化。 Becoming in the human clan destiny, that is doomed to receive counterattacking of human clan destiny, this by the drawback that the strength of promotion strength destiny brings. 成于人族气运,那注定要受人族气运的反制,这就是以气运之力提升实力带来的弊端。 Feng Zichen these years wield human clan, are not play, human clan already by impregnable that It operated. 风紫宸这些年执掌人族,也不是来玩的,人族早已被祂经营的固若金汤。 Especially, after experiencing the human clan 20% destiny was won by too clear saint, It was more careful to the human clan destiny. 尤其是,在经历人族20%气运被太清圣人夺走之后,祂对人族气运更加的上心了。 Now, even if the human clan destiny was won, so long as It thinks, can still the human clan destiny seizing. 现在,哪怕人族气运被人夺走,但只要祂想,依然可以把人族气运给夺回来。 The reason does not have it, only because of It is Feng Zichen, is the human clan only Saint sovereign. It at Its unsurpassed merit, cast the indelible influence in human clan. 原因无它,只因祂是风紫宸,是人族唯一的圣皇。祂以祂的无上功绩,在人族铸就了难以磨灭的影响力。 This is It wields human clan in a big way takes advantage, is the approval of human clan, rather than the approval of the world. 这就是祂执掌人族的最大依仗,是人族的认可,而非是天地的认可。 Feng Zichen in the human clan position, is not shakable, Nüwa is not good, Suiren is not good, the person the sovereign is not better. 风紫宸人族的地位,无可动摇,女娲不行,燧人氏不行,人皇更不行。 saint wants to support a person sovereign, vacillates the rule of Feng Zichen. Idea yes right, but they actually underestimated influence of Feng Zichen to human clan. 圣人想要扶持一个人皇,来动摇风紫宸的统治。想法是没错,可祂们却低估了风紫宸人族的影响力。 So long as Feng Zichen iron core did not agree that is outstanding that the red cloud ancestor and eastern nobility display, is unable to become the person sovereign. 只要风紫宸铁了心的不同意,那就是红云老祖与东王公表现的再优秀,也无法成为人皇。 It, has this power. 祂,有这个权力。 Then is the Three Sovereigns five emperors, Feng Zichen can also strip their human clan destiny. Words that does this, the price is too big, is Feng Zichen, is somewhat unbearable. 便是三皇五帝,风紫宸也能剥离祂们身上的人族气运。只是这样做的话,代价太大,就是风紫宸,也有些难以承受。 ...... …… ............ ………… The person sovereign of saint support, can only degenerate into the Feng Zichen tool finally. 圣人扶持的人皇,最后只能沦为风紫宸的工具。 As the person sovereign, definitely wants human clan to make the contribution. But becomes the perpetual motion machine, is they to the human clan biggest contribution. 身为人皇,必然是要人族做贡献的。而成为永动机,就是祂们对人族最大的贡献。 Reason Feng Zichen thought. 理由风紫宸都想好了。 During measuring the tribulation, the person the sovereign to protect human clan, was willing to sacrifice itself, joined in the person imperial city, to maintain big revolution, helped human clan pass the great misfortune. 量劫期间,人皇为护人族,甘愿牺牲自己,投身人皇城,以维持大阵的运转,助人族度过大劫。 What kind inspiration! 何等的可歌可泣! This should be these stuffed dummy sovereign best homes to return. 这应是那些假人皇最好的归宿。 Really must let the plan success of Feng Zichen, that human clan was really invincible in the great antiquity world. 真要让风紫宸的计划成功了,那人族就真的在洪荒天地无敌了。 A city of beginning of the universe rank, supplements with two -and-a-half beginning of the universe ranks the cities, again in addition the city of 362 greatly Luo Daozun rank. 一尊混元级别的城池,辅以两尊半步混元级别的城池,再加上三百六十二尊大罗道尊级别的城池。 Such powerful strength about in the same place, composed galaxy eon brilliant, the might was on par sufficiently saint. 这么强大的力量合在一起,组成的星河宙光大阵,威力足以比肩圣人了。 By that time, is saint wants to destroy the great antiquity world, feared that cannot break the defense of human clan area. 到了那时,就是圣人想要毁灭洪荒天地,怕是也打不破人族疆域的防御。 Even saint cannot break through the defense of human clan, let alone others. Called a great antiquity strongest defense, was not overrated. 圣人都攻不破人族的防御,就更别说旁人了。称一声洪荒最强防御,也不为过。 Just, the strength of beginning of the universe rank, with the experts of two -and-a-half beginning of the universe ranks, Feng Zichen tries hard, can seek 12. 只不过,混元级别的战力,与两尊半步混元级别的高手,风紫宸努努力,还是能寻到一二的。 But 362 Luo Daozun, this is not Feng Zichen tries hard greatly, can find. So many big Luo Daozun of quantity, put any time, is not a small number. 但三百六十二尊大罗道尊,这可不是风紫宸努努力,就能找到的了。这么多数量的大罗道尊,放到任何一个时代,都不是一个小数目。 Not to mention, put on this day the time on the wane. To be honest, the difficulty of arresting 362 greatly Luo Daozun, difficulty that may compared with arresting half step beginning of the universe expert, but also is big. 更不用说,放到这天地凋零的时代了。说实话,抓捕三百六十二尊大罗道尊的难度,可比抓捕半步混元高手的难度,还要大。 Moreover, these Luo Daozun origin, best or stems from an ominous beast clan greatly. 而且,这些大罗道尊的来历,最好还是出自凶兽一族。 Innate ominous beast, although is powerful, but does not have the spirit wisdom. This is as the perpetual motion machine, best to choose. 先天凶兽,虽然实力强大,但却没有灵智。这是作为永动机,最好的选择了。 If changes into the monster clan, the demon clan and evil clan anything, its seal in the human clan god city, does not do well, is not the chance, but laid a mine. 要是换成妖族,魔族、邪族什么的,将其封印在人族神城之中,一个弄不好,就不是机缘,而是埋雷了。 Seal that in this world, could not have broken. 这世上,就没有破不开的封印。 If by some chance the day , the seal of human clan god city broke, the inside suppressed say/way revered to run, who knows that will start the big mighty waves for human clan? 万一那一日,人族神城的封印破了,里面被镇压的道尊跑了出来,谁知道会为人族掀起多大的波澜? The most powerful defense, often starts to disintegrate from the interior. Once the inside suppressed first Heavenly Dao revered to run, human clan will welcome a catastrophe inevitably. 最强大的防御,往往都是从内部开始瓦解的。一旦里面被镇压的先天道尊跑了出来,人族势必会迎来一场浩劫。 Domestic trouble and foreign aggression, 内忧、外患, Shook the human clan basis sufficiently. 足以动摇人族的根本了。 If in human clan god city, what by seal is the innate ominous beast, not so many troubles. 而若是人族神城里面,被封印的是先天凶兽,就不会有这么多的麻烦了。 With fear of innate ominous beast to Pangu, Feng Zichen can absolutely their seal stubbornly. 以先天凶兽对盘古之畏惧,风紫宸绝对能将祂们封印的死死的。 And, even if their were put, Feng Zichen still had confidence, making them broken seal, but the earliest possible time, the choice escapes, rather than destroys human clan. 且,就算祂们被人放了出来,风紫宸也有把握,让祂们在破封而出的第一时间,选择逃跑,而不是破坏人族 Without the spirit wisdom, was too good to bully. 没有灵智,真的是太好欺负了。 So long as found to make them from the thing of soul awe, even cannot the command they, still be able to make It fear it like the tiger, does not dare to be close slightly. 只要找到令祂们发自灵魂敬畏的东西,就算不能号令祂们,也能让祂畏之如虎,不敢接近丝毫。 Remembers especially, in the hand of Feng Zichen, an demon god streamer, this copes with the most precious object of innate ominous beast, this streamer, can make them not dare absolutely to approach the human clan area half step. 尤记得,风紫宸的手中,还有一面魔神幡,这可是对付先天凶兽的至宝,此幡一出,绝对能让祂们不敢靠近人族疆域半步。 Yeah! 哎! Regardless of , on the one hand, the innate ominous beast may be called perfect, can be called is the inborn most precious object. 无论从哪一方面来看,先天凶兽都堪称完美,可以称得上是天生的至宝了。 But is because the innate ominous beast extremely perfect reason, this clan was sheared the fragrant-flowered garlic by Feng Zichen repeatedly, sheared the heirless person quickly. 可就是因为先天凶兽太过完美的缘故,这一族屡屡被风紫宸割韭菜,都快割绝户了。 The fragrant-flowered garlic injured the root, It is not long. 韭菜伤了根,祂不长了。 The present great antiquity world, the innate ominous beast vanishes quickly, on the Western land, but also exists, but does not meet the requirement of Feng Zichen. 现在的洪荒天地,先天凶兽都快绝了迹,也就西方大地上,还存在着一些,但又都不符合风紫宸的要求。 „!” “啧啧!” If we had known will use the innate ominous beast, initially damn raised some in secret.” “早知道会用到先天凶兽,当初就该死私下里养上一些。” Thinks that the innate ominous beast present situation, Feng Zichen regrets secretly. 想到先天凶兽如今的处境,风紫宸不由暗自后悔起来。 clear(ly) knows that the innate ominous beast whole body is the treasure, initially didn't It raise some? Also is insufficient the present to be at wit's end. 明知道先天凶兽浑身是宝,当初祂怎么不养上一些呢?也不至于现在无计可施。 Yeah, 哎, What a pity, 可惜, Now regretted also without enough time. 现在后悔也来不及了。 Unavoidablily, Feng Zichen looked at sea there, such big sea, and supreme headquarters of chaos demon god, collected the innate ominous beast that 362 say/way revered the rank, should not be difficult. 不得已,风紫宸将目光放到了界海那里,这么大的界海,且还是混沌魔神的大本营,凑齐三百六十二头道尊级别的先天凶兽,应该不难吧。 If the sea incorrect words, that Feng Zichen did not have the means that so long as will first look at the body of monster god, first withstand/top one with the monster god, waited later to collect the innate ominous beast to trade again. 要是界海还不行的话,那风紫宸也没办法了,只要先将目光放到妖神的身上,就先用妖神顶一顶,等以后凑齐了先天凶兽再换。 Such big monster clan, even if declines now, wants to collect 362 monster gods, is not the too difficult matter. 这么大一个妖族,哪怕如今没落了,想要凑齐三百六十二尊妖神,也不是太难的事。 However, this matter cannot be anxious, otherwise provoked anger the eastern sovereign too one, comes jade entirely burn, that troubled. 不过,这事不能急,不然惹急了东皇太一,来个玉石俱焚,那就麻烦了。 Falls from the sky all of a sudden more than 300 monster gods, don't said that was east the sovereign too one, changes into Feng Zichen, It must explode. 一下子陨落三百多尊妖神,莫说是东皇太一了,就是换成风紫宸,祂也得炸啊。 In the heart had the idea, Feng Zichen started to ponder over, how to display this plan. 心中有了想法,风紫宸就开始琢磨起来,如何施展这个计划。 Thinks, It first is informs ten thousand boundary/world to trade that side the city, making them pay attention to the news of innate ominous beast specially, has a look to collect the multi- discounts. 想了想,祂先是通知万界交易城那边,让祂们特别注意一下先天凶兽的消息,看看能凑出来多少头。 If can collect 362 say/way to revere, that naturally is happy. 要是能凑出三百六十二头道尊来,那自然是皆大欢喜。 If cannot collect, that was embarrassed, the gap can only make up from the body of monster clan. 要是凑不齐,那就不好意思了,缺口就只能从妖族的身上补了。 Lacking multi- discounts, makes up the multi- discounts. 缺多少头,就补多少头。 Feng Zichen: I was too difficult. jpg limited edition 风紫宸:我太难了。jpg限定版 ...... …… ............ ………… The matter of innate ominous beast can wait, but the matter of person sovereign, actually cannot wait. 先天凶兽的事可以等等,但人皇的事,却是不能等了。 The red cloud ancestor and eastern nobility do not compete with the position of person sovereign? That Feng Zichen gives them an opportunity. 红云老祖与东王公不是要竞争人皇之位吗?那风紫宸就给祂们一个机会。 In the Feng Zichen heart moves, besides the imperial jade seal of person imperial city, other 364 seals that represent the human clan god city to the high power, raise suddenly high, hang sky over the god city, and blooms the radiant ray. 风紫宸心中一动,除人皇城的玉玺外,其余三百六十四枚代表人族神城至高权力的印章,突然高高升起,悬在神城上空,并绽放出璀璨光芒。 Meanwhile, the human clan destiny shivers, from the destiny river, in addition holds obviously on the bodies of these seals, causes its ray of blooming, was more radiant. 与此同时,人族气运颤动,从命运长河之中显化,加持在那些印章的身上,使其绽放的光芒,更加的璀璨了。 In a flash, radiant light, illuminated the entire human clan area. 一瞬间,璀璨的道光,照亮了整个人族疆域。 At this time, as long as human clan life, so long as raised the head, can see that to hang in in the air, bloomed the radiant bright seal. 这个时候,但凡人族生灵,只要抬头,都能看到那悬在空中,绽放出璀璨光明的印章。 The god city imperial jade seal, may grasp the god city, has to be on par greatly Luo Daozun strength. 神城玉玺,得之可掌握神城,拥有比肩大罗道尊的力量。 If can volume of simultaneous/uniform 365 imperial jade seals, then grasp the complete god city, obtains the human clan destiny in addition to hold, has to become the qualifications of person sovereign. 若是能集齐三百六十五枚玉玺,即可掌握全部的神城,获得人族气运的加持,拥有成为人皇的资格。 Inexplicable, the news appeared in the heart of human clan all living things together, making them know the function of that imperial jade seal. 莫名的,一道讯息出现在了人族众生的心头,让他们得知了那玉玺的作用。 Immediately, entire human clan boiled. 顿时,整个人族都沸腾了。 Treasure, genuine treasure! 宝物,真正的宝物! Can have to be on par greatly Luo Daozun strength, wasn't this ultra god? Suddenly, they looked that was red to the eye of imperial jade seal, when compared with knowing to cut to kill the demon, but also is excited. 得一枚便可拥有比肩大罗道尊的力量,这不是超神了吗?一时间,祂们看向玉玺的眼都红了,比得知斩杀邪魔时,还要激动。 The function of this imperial jade seal, may compared with cutting to kill that the demon benefits mostly. Moreover, after resulting in the imperial jade seal, but also feared that isn't able to cut to kill the demon? 这玉玺的作用,可比斩杀邪魔得到的好处大多了。而且,得了玉玺之后,还怕无法斩杀邪魔吗? That is greatly Luo Daozun, above the land almost invincible existence, it is estimated that begins, can write off large quantities of demons. 那可是大罗道尊,大地之上几乎无敌的存在,估计动动手,就能将大批的邪魔抹杀。
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