Meanwhile, othersidereal revolutionstars, isfollows the danglingstar light, shinesabovecity that respectively, incorrespondswith.
与此同时,其余的周天星辰,也是跟着垂下星光,各自照耀在与自己对应的城池之上。Suddenly, the entirehuman clanareawas coveredby the star lightall, seemedcovered a silverfine gauze, was really attractive.
一时间,整个人族疆域尽数被星光所笼罩,好似蒙上了一层银色的轻纱,煞是好看。„Galaxyeonbrilliant, gets up!”
“星河宙光大阵,起!”In the boundlessstarry sky, the purpleslightlyGreat Emperorwieldsat fingertips, immediately, sidereal revolutionstarssimultaneous/uniformsimultaneous/uniformis shocked, spontaneousformsgalaxyeonbrilliant.
无垠星空之中,紫微大帝信手一挥,顿时,周天星辰齐齐震动,自发的结成星河宙光大阵。Bang~ ~
轰~~Voiddeep place that no onesees, the PanguDeitystands majestically, is sending out the suppressioneternalaggression.
When human clangodcitywithsidereal revolutionstarscross coupling, the change of thatsidereal revolutionstars, immediatelybyitssensation, alsochanges.人族神城正是与周天星辰交感之际,那周天星辰的变化,立即被其感知到,也是随之变化起来。Immediately, anothergalaxyeonbrilliantformson the ground, samegreatPanguDeitystandsgorgeously, suppresses the great antiquityland, in the PanguDeitywithstarry sky, faces each other across a great distance.
顿时,另一座星河宙光大阵在地上成形,同样一尊伟岸的盘古神人巍然而立,镇压洪荒大地,与星空之中的盘古神人,遥遥相对。TwoPanguDaoist immortals, are seemingly same, butis differentactually. The PanguDeity in thatboundlessstarry sky, is only condensedbyZhou Tianxingcompletely.
两尊盘古神人,看似一样,可实则还是有所不同的。那无垠星空之中的盘古神人,完全是由周天星光凝聚而成。But the PanguDeity of ground, is different. ComposesIts, besidesstar light, the air/Qi of landsource.
An imagepointview is, the PanguDeity of space, is partialinPanguYuangod.
形象一点的说法便是,天上的盘古神人,更偏向于盘古元神。But the PanguDeity of ground, is partialin the Pangumortal body.
A god, a body. The twounite, becomesinvinciblePangu.
“合!”Is moved, Feng Zichen and purpleslightlyGreat Emperoralsomake a move, operates the PanguDeity that are graspingrespectively, hurries totoward the opposite party.
The PanguDeity in starry sky, goes out of the starry sky, hurries totoward the great antiquityland. The PanguDeity above land, leaves the land, hurries totoward the starry sky.
The twomeetin the intersection point of the world, is gradually in onefriendly.
二者在天地的交界处相遇,逐渐融合为一体。Withoutcreatinganysound, withouttriggeringanyphenomenon, the twofuseexceptionallysmooth, quick, then the thoroughfriendlinessis in one.
The new student/lifePanguDeity, comparedwithbefore, does not have anydifference. Butin the Feng Zichensensation, Itswithout doubtwas stronger, visited the boundary of notenormousgold/metalimmortaltruly, forgreat antiquity.
新生的盘古神人,与之前相比,没有任何的不同。但在风紫宸的感知中,祂无疑的更强了,真正的踏足了无极大罗金仙的境界,为洪荒之最。Rumble~ ~
轰隆隆~~TwoPanguDeityfusionsareone, to the boundlessstarry sky, and human clangodcitybrought about the hugechange.
两尊盘古神人融合为一,给无垠星空,以及人族神城带来了巨大的变化。Seesin the boundlessstarry sky, morestar lightdangle, have the godsplendor, sends out the mysteriousstrength, falls into the human clangodcity, changes to the emptyshadow of sidereal revolutionstars.
就见无垠星空之中,更多的星光垂下,带着点点神辉,散发出玄妙的力量,落入人族神城之中,化作周天星辰的虚影。Thatis the source of sidereal revolutionstars, onlyhas the strength of sourceto dangle, canform the starsemptyshadow.
The landis vibrating, the strength of boundlessandheavy/thickland features, is mixing with the landsource, spews outfrom the placebottom, floatswiththatin the in the airstarsemptyshadow, fuses togethergradually.
大地在震动,磅礴而厚重的地脉之力,夹杂着大地本源,从地底喷涌而出,与那浮在空中的星辰虚影,渐渐融为一体。Results inlandthis/BenGennosuke, the emptyshadow of thatsidereal revolutionstars, congealedall of a suddenreallymuch, lent the powerfulaura.
得大地本源之助,那周天星辰的虚影,一下子凝实了不少,散发出强大的气息。Butthislooks likeinFeng Zichen, but alsoinsufficiently.
但这在风紫宸看来,还不够。SeesItto blow off the mind, graduallyenteredwith the Pangugodfuses together, controlledItsbody.
“嘶!”„Very powerful!”
“好强!”Although the first time is notbody that grasps the PanguDeity, buteveryfeelsItswithin the bodythatgreatunparalleledstrengthonetime, broughtenormousshocktoFeng Zichen.
虽不是第一次掌握盘古神人的身体了,但每一次感受到祂体内那伟岸无双的力量,都给风紫宸带来了极大的震撼。Thisis the strength that Ittracks down.
这正是祂所追寻的力量。Immersesin the great strength of PanguDeity, Feng Zichengraduallymoved.
The strength of vastlynotmeasuring, gushed outfromPanguDeitywithin the body, went beyond the limit of great antiquityworld, arrived atbeyond the day the chaos, and evenoutsideinbigchaos.
, Feng Zichenis operating the PanguDeityagain, stands erectPanguabovegreat antiquityworldto fusewith that triesto useItsstrength.
再一次的,风紫宸操纵着盘古神人,与那屹立在洪荒天地之上的盘古法相融合,试图动用祂的力量。Pangu, thisisFeng Zichenabout the strength of boundlessstarry sky, condenses the law of becomingwith the strength of entiregreat antiquityland, hasto be above the strength of imagination.
盘古法相,这是风紫宸合无垠星空之力,与整个洪荒大地之力凝聚而成的法相,具有超乎想象的力量。Reallyis above the imagination, because, Feng Zichendoes not knowItsstrength, actuallystrong.
真的超乎想象,因为,就连风紫宸也不知道祂的力量,究竟有多强。ThisPangu, it can be said thatFeng Zichenbiggestcard in a hand, butIthas not actually used.
这道盘古法相,可以说是风紫宸最大的底牌了,但祂却从没动用过。Thistime, Itusesthisstrength for the first time.
轰隆隆!Under the control of Feng Zichen, the strength of PanguDeity, graduallycontactswithPangu, andintegratesItswithin the body.
在风紫宸的操控下,盘古神人的力量,逐渐与盘古法相相接触,并融入祂的体内。In a flash, Feng Zichenfeels a supremestrength, swamps intoItsmind, almostexplodesto the braceIt.
一瞬间,风紫宸就感到一股至高无上的力量,涌入祂的心神,差点将祂给撑爆。„It is not good!”
“不好!”„Thisstrengthwas too strong.”
“这股力量太强了。”„Bymypresentboundary, is unable to withstand.”
“以我现在的境界,根本无法承受。”In the Feng Zichensensation, thisstrength was really strong, leastalsohas not enormousgold/metalimmortalcompletestrength, evencansay,has exceeded the boundary of notenormousgold/metalimmortal.
在风紫宸的感知中,这股力量真的是太强了,最少也有着无极大罗金仙圆满的力量,甚至可以说,已经超越了无极大罗金仙的境界。In brief, by the Feng Zichencurrentboundary, how longcannot withstandthisstrength.
总之,以风紫宸目前的境界,根本承受不了这股力量多久。Iflong-termgraspingthisstrength, thatFeng Zichengraduallybyitsassimilation, becamepart of thisstrength, radicallosing.
若是长时间的掌握这股力量,那风紫宸就会渐渐的被其同化,成为这股力量的一部分,彻底的迷失自我。Thisstrength, alreadypowerfulto the situation that Feng Zichenis unable to understand, will submergeItsmindmomentarily.
“给我动!”Knew in the heartoneselfare unable to controlthisstrength is too long, Feng Zichenmakes the best use of the time, spellsto go all-out, is stimulating to movementthisPangu.
轰隆隆!With the efforts ofFeng Zichen, Pangu, opened the eyesfiercely. Immediately, the strength that is unable to explainfills the air.
The unknown world that no onedetects, underthisstrength, disintegratesloudly, existences in allconcepts, are destroying, is vanishing, turns into the condition without thoroughly.
那无人察觉的未知世界,在这股力量下,轰然瓦解,一切概念上的存在,都在毁灭,都在消失,彻底化成无的状态。Bang~ ~
轰~~Strength that Feng Zichenis unable to understand, fromPanguwithin the bodygushes out, divulgesto gotoward the outside world, quick, thenran out of the great antiquityworld, beyond the day the chaos, arrived atoutsidein the bigchaos.
Of bang, thisstrengthsweepsin the chaos, mixes the air/Qi of boundlesschaos, formedvastchaostide.
轰的一声,这股力量在混沌之中一扫而过,搅动无边混沌之气,形成了一场浩大的混沌潮汐。Butoutsideinbigchaos, as long ashad been sweptbythatstrengthplace, clearshinein the Feng Zichenmind.
而界外大混沌之中,但凡被那股力量扫过的地方,都清晰的映照在了风紫宸的脑海之中。Then, Itthensawhid the treasureinchaos, was congealed the most precious object that by the air/Qi of innumerablesay/waychaosbecame, chaosgodstone.
接着,祂便看到了隐藏在混沌之中的宝物,那由无数道混沌之气凝结而成的至宝,混沌神石。Suchmost precious object, putsin the great antiquity, builds the innatespirit treasurebestmaterial.
这样的至宝,放到洪荒之中,就是打造先天灵宝最好的材料。Does not needto use the universecauldron, does not needto use first source of deitydemon, bringsto usedirectly, canrefineinnatespirit treasure.
无需动用乾坤鼎,也不需要动用先天神魔的本源,直接拿来用,就能炼成先天灵宝。Innateis higher than the day after tomorrowfirst-level, thatlikewise, the chaosalsocompareinnatehigherfirst-level.
The innatematerial can only be usedto buildthe day after tomorrow the most precious object, thatchaosmaterial, thencanbe usedto buildinnatespirit treasure.
先天材料只能用来打造后天至宝,那混沌材料,便能用来打造先天灵宝。Ifseeks that highest levelchaosmaterial, such aschaossource, biggod of journeysstone, evencanbe usedto buildinnate supreme treasure , and evenchaosspirit treasure.
The great antiquityhas the upper limit, but the chaosdo not have.
洪荒有着上限,但混沌没有。Here, even the boundary of main roadcan the achievement, not to mentionrefineinnate supreme treasure .
The chaosgodstone that oneselfwill discovermarks, Feng Zichenstimulates to movementPangusuddenly the strength, thesechaosgodstones, allreceived.
轰隆隆!InPanguunder the strength, thatchaosgodstoneis coercinga lot ofchaosair/Qi, fastacross the worldbarrier, arrived at the Feng Zichenfront.
在盘古法相的力量下,那混沌神石裹挟着大量的混沌之气,飞快的穿过天地屏障,来到了风紫宸的面前。Butregarding this, in the great antiquityworld, is actually no onedetected. don'tsaid that great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestor, is the Heavenly Dao is also so.
而对此,洪荒天地之中,却是无人察觉。莫说鸿钧道祖了,就是天道亦是如此。Pangu of strength, thus it can be seengenerally.
盘古法相实力之强,由此可见一般。Thatchaosgodstoneare not many, altogetheralsohasnine, butactuallyincomparablehuge, just likenineantiqueDivine Mountainis ordinary, towersin the Feng Zichenfront, inshocktopersonvision.
那混沌神石也不多,总共也就有着九块,但却无比的庞大,犹如九座太古神山一般,耸立在风紫宸的面前,给人一视觉上的震撼。Worthilyis the treasure of chaosbreeding, perfectlyconforms to the chaos the characteristics, greatly, is abovebig of imagination.
不愧是混沌孕育的宝物,非常符合混沌的特点,大,超乎想象的大。As long asoutside the thing of bigchaosbreeding, regardless ofpersonorthing, veryhuge. The chaosdemongodso, chaosspirit treasureso, the chaosgodmaterialisso.
……Afterobtainingtheseninechaosgodstones, Feng Zichenmind, suddenlyfromPanguwithin the bodydrew back, returnedwithin the body of PanguDeity.
在得到这九块混沌神石之后,风紫宸的心神,猛然从盘古法相的体内退了出去,重新回到了盘古神人的体内。Pangu the strength, was really powerful, onlyused the moment, Feng Zichenhadby the trend of itsassimilation, immediately, naturallydrew backurgently, did not dareto continueto contactthisstrength.
盘古法相的力量,真的是太强大了,仅是使用了片刻,风紫宸就有被其同化的趋势,当下,自然是紧急退了出来,不敢在继续接触这股力量。However, harvest that the time of thisthatmoment, obtains, enoughFeng Zichenpleasantly surprised.
不过,就这那片刻的功夫,所取得的收获,也足够风紫宸惊喜的了。Theseninechaosgodstones, if the attentivesacrificerefining up, canrefineninebest quality goodsinnatespirit treasureabsolutely.
这九块混沌神石,若是用心祭炼一番,绝对能炼制成九件极品先天灵宝。However, thisnon-isFeng Zichenasks.
不过,这非是风紫宸所求。SeesItshesitantmoment, suddenlystimulates to movement the PanguDeity the strength, offered a sacrifice to the fire of chaos, the fevertothesechaosgodstones, the desiremeltedthem, was goodto refine the source.
就见祂犹豫片刻,忽然催动盘古神人的力量,祭出混沌之火,烧向了那些混沌神石,欲将它们熔了,好提炼出本源。Alsois the fire of PanguDeitystimulation of movementchaosat the same time, the strength that is the space and time, fills the airfromItswithin the body, affectsin the surroundings, the time of thisplace, infiniteslows down.
The refinementchaosgodstonetime needed, was too long, Feng Zichenabsolutelydoes not haveso manytime. Therefore, Itperforms the maximumstrengthto stimulate to movement the say/way of space and time, staticowntime.
炼制混沌神石所需要的时间,真的太久了,风紫宸根本就没这么多的时间。所以,祂尽自己最大的力量去催动时空之道,静止了自己的时间。As the matter stands, regardless ofItrefine the chaosgodstoneto spendhow muchtimehere, in the outside world, actuallyonlycrossedthroughoutflickered.
…………WhenFeng Zichenrefines the chaosgodstone, outsidein the bigchaos, is actually becauseItstimulates to movementPangu the strength, stirred a great unrest.
就在风紫宸炼制混沌神石的时候,界外大混沌之中,却是因为祂催动盘古法相的力量,引发了一场轩然大波。Hide the chaosdemongodinchaos, wakes upfrom the deep sleep, surpriseduncertainlookedto the great antiquitydirection.
The Heavenly Daosensationdoes not arrive at the aura of Pangu, thatisbecauseit came from Pangu. Therefore, Feng Zichenuses the strength of Pangu, veryeasilycanhide the truth fromIt.
天道感知不到盘古的气息,那是因为其本身就来自于盘古。故此,风紫宸动用盘古之力,很轻易的就能瞒过祂。But the chaosdemongodis different, theyare the personal enemies of Pangu, toItsstrengthnaturesensitive, therefore, a Pangustrengthemergence, alarmedthem.
可混沌魔神不同,祂们都是盘古的仇人,对祂的力量自然敏感的很,故此,盘古力量一出现,就惊动了祂们。„A moment ago, wasPanguwas acting?”
“刚才,是盘古在出手吗?”„Does Itfromsinkingduring the dormancywake?”
“祂从沉眠之中醒了过来?”Looksdirection that the Pangustrengthis vanishingfinally, saying that a chaosdemongodmuttered. At this time, inItseye, not onlyfears, insteadraisedinfinitewarintent.
The fire of hatredburnsin the heart, brought the tremendousstrengthtoIt.
仇恨之火在心中燃烧,给祂带来了巨大的力量。Outside the chaosdemongod in bigchaos, is the truechaosdemongod, the chaosdemongod in seain comparison, allcanbe called the disabled person.
界外大混沌之中的混沌魔神,才算是真正的混沌魔神,界海之中的混沌魔神与其相比,皆可以称为残废。Canlivefrom the Panguaxe, theirpowerful, truestanding erectwithout a doubtin the peak of chaosdemongod, were next toPangu.
能从盘古斧下活下来,祂们的强大毋庸置疑,真正的屹立在了混沌魔神的巅峰,仅次于盘古。Therefore, theynot onlydo not fearPangu, insteadis suppressinga lot ofair/Qi, wantsto take revengetoPangu.
所以,祂们非但不怕盘古,反而憋着一肚子气的,想向盘古复仇。If nottheirinjuryhas not recovered, thatpast yearsattacked the great antiquitytime, did not probe, butkilledfull power.
The strengthhas not replied, theydo not dareeasilyto visit the great antiquity, for fear thatby the subsequent hand who Panguleft behindkilling.
实力未复,祂们也是不敢轻易踏足洪荒的,生怕被盘古留下的后手给杀了。„Shouldnot have!”
“应该没有!”„Ido not have the sensationto the aura of Pangu.”
“我没有感知到盘古的气息。”„Shouldsomepeoplenot knowwithwhat means that with the strength of Pangu.”
“应是有人不知用了什么办法,借来了盘古之力。”„But, candisplaythisdegree the strength of Pangu, thatpersonis not simple, fearsisin the great antiquity, was difficultsomepeopleto havehimto control.”
又一尊混沌魔神说道。ButItswords, brought in the approval of anotherchaosdemongod.
而祂的话,也引来了另一尊混沌魔神的认同。„That's true, thisstrength was too strong, had been the chaoslevel.”
“确实如此,这股力量真的太强了,已经达到了混沌的层次。”„Great antiquityhas the capable person!”
“洪荒有能人啊!”„Cannotmake the great antiquitycontinueto expand, if the great antiquity is really born a expert of chaoslevelto come, Iand otherswere passive.”
“不能让洪荒继续壮大下去了,若洪荒真的诞生出一尊混沌级的高手来,那我等就被动了。”„Great antiquityis stronger, the probability that Panguwakes upis also bigger, tous is also disadvantageous.”
“洪荒越强,盘古醒来的几率也就越大,对吾等也越是不利。”„Beforewehave not preparedcompletely, Pangucannotwake up.”
“在吾等未曾准备完全之前,盘古绝不能醒来。”„Noticein the great antiquityfellow daoist, makingthemseek a time, ruins the great antiquityworld, reset the kerosenewind, toweakengreat antiquitystrength, delaystime that Panguwakes up.”
“通知在洪荒的道友们,让祂们寻个时机,毁掉洪荒天地,重定地火水风,以削弱洪荒的力量,延缓盘古醒来的时间。”Severalchaosdemongodsexchange, after setting, aims at the plan of great antiquityworld.
数尊混沌魔神交流间,定下了之后针对洪荒天地的计划。Destroys the dayto extinguish, restorationuniverse, toweaken the source of the world.
毁天灭地,再造乾坤,以削弱天地的本源。Butregarding this, Feng Zichenas well asgreat antiquitymanybigmagical powers, know nothing.
而对此,风紫宸以及洪荒的诸多大神通者们,都是一无所知。Nowadays, theirthoughts, allplacedatmatter that plans the rival, bycontrolsituationduring the future. Has not thought that will have the foreign enemyto seize the chanceto enter.
The chaosdemongod, wasquiet was too long, the worldforgottheirexistences.
…………Does not know how long, Feng ZichenfinishedninechaosgodShilianhuafinally, seesninegroups of hugechaossources, floatinItsside, sends out the mysteriousstrength.
不知过去了多久,风紫宸终于将九块混沌神石炼化完毕,就见九团巨大的混沌本源,悬浮在祂的身边,散发出玄妙的力量。Thisis the goodthing!
这可是好东西啊!Ifthislonggroupchaossource, allinstills intoon a body of person, so long asItcan unable to supportdoes not die, thatcanobtain being on parbeginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortalimmediately the strength.
要是将这久团混沌本源,全都灌输在一个人的身上,只要祂能撑不住不死,那立即就能获得比肩混元大罗金仙的力量。Butthis is also thinks that by the tyranny of chaossource, ninestrengthsputs together, iseven/includingancestorwitch'sbodymay notwithstand, not to mentionothers.
“碎!”In the heartmoves, Feng Zichencatches upin secret, theseninegroups of chaossources, shook365on average, is just corresponding365human clangodcities.
The bigsleevewields, the air/Qi of these365chaossources, thenfell into the human clangodcityrespectively, fuses togetherwith the emptyshadow of thatsidereal revolutionstars.
大袖一挥,这三百六十五道混沌本源之气,便分别落入了人族神城之中,与那周天星辰的虚影融为一体。In an instant, the marvelouschange happened.
The emptyshadow of sidereal revolutionstars, is twistingunceasingly, andbloomsto make a debut a mysteriousinnatemiraculous glow.
周天星辰的虚影,在不断的扭曲着,并绽放出道道玄妙的先天灵光。Withouta while, allinnatemiraculous glowsrestrained, sidereal revolutionstarsemptyshadowchange, alsofinished.
没一会儿,所有的先天灵光都收敛了起来,周天星辰虚影的变化,也随之结束。Butat this moment, theirappearanceshave changed, no longeris the emptyshadow of stars, butturned intoexquisiteseals, bloomedmysteriouslight.
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