GDSP :: Volume #8

#769: Person imperial city

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The queen mothers of the west also understand this point obviously, for this reason, It has not chosen with the eastern nobility spells hardly, but gets up with its crosscut saw. 西王母显然也明白这一点,为此,祂没有选择与东王公硬拼,而是与其拉锯起来。 Waits for the eastern nobility one breath to release, is good to give It to strike fatally. 就等着东王公一口气泄去,好给祂致命一击。 In an instant, was several moves passes. 转眼间,便是数招过去了。 Some moment, after a eastern nobility sword wields, the aura starts to drop suddenly, is difficult to maintain the previous strength. 某一刻,东王公一剑挥出之后,气息忽然开始跌落,再难维持先前的战力。 Sees this, queen mother of the west eyes one bright, offers a sacrifice to the Kunlun Mountains mirror, the lasing has clear light/only, must take away the eastern nobility enormously and powerful together, is involved in the mirror. 见此,西王母眼睛一亮,祭起昆仑镜,激射出一道浩荡清光,就要将东王公收走,卷入镜中。 The critical moment, a main hall drops from the clouds, protects firmly the eastern nobility, kept off this to strike for It. 关键时刻,一座大殿从天而降,将东王公牢牢的保护起来,为祂挡下了这一击。 Monster master hall! 妖师殿! The treasure of monster clan enlightenment! 妖族教化之宝! Was the northern deep monster sovereign Kunpeng acted, It saved the eastern nobility. 是北冥妖皇鲲鹏出手了,祂救下了东王公。 Kunpeng, do you want to mind others' business?” “鲲鹏,你要多管闲事吗?” Sees the monster master palace to block itself, queen mother of the west somewhat disgruntled saying. 见妖师殿拦住自己,西王母有些不悦的说道。 Copes with the Kunpeng old ancestor, It may not cope with the relaxedness of eastern nobility to be satisfied. After all, the latter is far less than It, but former, actually existence with Its same level. 对付鲲鹏老祖,祂可就没有对付东王公的轻松惬意了。毕竟,后者远不如祂,而前者,却是与祂同等层次的存在。 Haha!” “哈哈!” Queen mother of the west fellow daoist, this poor Daoist here, you actually cannot move the eastern nobility fellow daoist slightest.” “西王母道友,贫道在此,你却是动不了东王公道友分毫了。” From the void moderate step, with the eastern nobility stands shoulder to shoulder, the Kunpeng old ancestors said toward the queen mother of the west with a smile. 从虚空之中度步而出,与东王公并肩站在一起,鲲鹏老祖笑着朝西王母说道。 Why?” “为何?” Why fellow daoist wants lateral part of character evildoer who pretends to be the eastern Wang dao brother? The fellow daoist and this evildoer did know?” “道友为何要偏旁这个冒充东王公道兄的贼子?还是说,道友与这贼子认识?” Restrains by force the anger, the queen mother of the west hates the sound to ask. 强压怒气,西王母恨声问道。 Fellow Daoist sent intent sickness, this fellow daoist was east the nobility, what to come did imitation say?” “道友发意症了吧,这位道友就是东王公啊,何来冒充之说?” Also, this poor Daoist has formed an alliance in eastern Wang, actually cannot look on that the fellow daoist acts.” “还有,贫道已于东王公结成联盟,却是不能坐视道友对其出手。” Looks at the queen mother of the west, the Kunpeng old ancestors do intentionally the doubts toward It said. That expression, seems It really not to know, the present eastern nobility is false common. 看着西王母,鲲鹏老祖故作疑惑的朝祂说道。那表情,好似祂真的不知道,眼前的东王公是假的一般。 You......” “你……” Sees this, queen mother of the west where has not known, the Kunpeng old ancestors are east that false nobility one group. In the heart resented, the queen mother of the west offers a sacrifice to the Kunlun Mountains mirror, hits on the towards Kunpeng old ancestors. 见此,西王母哪里还不知道,鲲鹏老祖乃是与那假东王公一伙的。心中愤恨,西王母祭起昆仑镜,就朝鲲鹏老祖打去。 But the queen mother of the west is quick, some people are quicker than It. 但西王母快,有人比祂更快。 „The Kunpeng young child, you also dares to appear in the this solitary one front unexpectedly, really courts death!” “鲲鹏小儿,你竟然还敢出现在孤的面前,真是找死!” Chaos bell, kills!” “混沌钟,杀!” In the world, resounded the eastern sovereign suddenly too one fully kills the voice of intent, later, saw the chaos bell to come, to crack-up across the sky layer upon layer void, went toward the Kunpeng old ancestor steamroll. 天地间,骤然响起了东皇太一满是杀意的声音,随后,就见混沌钟横空而来,撞碎层层虚空,朝着鲲鹏老祖碾压而去。 In a flash, the strength of chaos bell wells up, the Kunpeng old ancestors including the eastern nobility, one and decided in same place, could not move. 一瞬间,混沌钟的力量涌来,就将鲲鹏老祖连同东王公在内,一并定在了原地,丝毫动弹不得。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The chaos bell steamroll comes, the place visited, the myriad things all become the chaos, that powerful strength, brought the threat of death to two people. 混沌钟碾压而来,所过之处,万物皆成混沌,那强大的力量,给两人带来了死亡的威胁。 The strength that but they, actually struggle continually does not have, can only look at chaos bell Zhuanglai helplessly. 可祂们,却是连挣扎的力量都没有,只能眼睁睁的看着混沌钟撞来。 Broken!” “破!” The critical moment, the Mother Earth empress acted. 关键时刻,后土娘娘出手了。 The empty shades of six samsara plates appear quietly, twist the space and time, the chaotic order, hit the one side the chaos bell ruthlessly, rescued two people. 六道轮回盘的虚影悄然浮现,扭曲时空,混乱秩序,将混沌钟狠狠的撞到了一旁,救下了二人。 Mother Earth you......” “后土你……” Sees that eastern sovereign too violent anger, carries the chaos bell, killed toward the Mother Earth empress, with its war one group. 见状,东皇太一暴怒,拎起混沌钟,就朝着后土娘娘杀了过去,与其战成一团。 Almost is simultaneously, the Kunlun Mountains mirror comes quietly, the lasing makes a debut a clear light, covers in which two people, the desire embezzles it. 几乎是同时的,昆仑镜悄然而来,激射出道道清光,将二人笼罩其中,欲将其吞没。 Broken!” “破!” The Kunpeng old ancestor body in a flash, turns into the original form directly, resembles the Kun non- Kun, resembles the Peng non- Péng, by the powerful magical powers, shakes the Kunlun Mountains mirror hardly. 鲲鹏老祖身体一晃,直接化成原形,似鲲非鲲,似鹏非鹏,以强大的神通,硬撼昆仑镜。 What the Kunpeng old ancestors walk is the magical powers becomes a lay priest the path that its cultivates is, in the body of mortal body and magical powers, extremely powerful, endures is on par with best quality goods innate spirit treasure. 鲲鹏老祖走的是神通入道的路子,其一身修为,都在肉身与神通的身上,极为的强大,堪与极品先天灵宝比肩。 Although that Kunlun Mountains mirror is strong, actually cannot do to the Kunpeng old ancestor. If few brush, you how, when It dares to say the North Sea monster sovereign, striving for hegemony world? 那昆仑镜虽强,却也奈何不得鲲鹏老祖。若是没有几把刷子,你当祂如何敢自称北海妖皇,争霸天下? When the Kunpeng old ancestor and queen mother of the west fight, in Mt. Wanshou five manor Guan, the town/subdues Yuan child sees the Kunpeng old ancestor's form, the complexion is gloomy. 就在鲲鹏老祖与西王母交手的时候,万寿山五庄观中,镇元子看着鲲鹏老祖的身影,脸色阴沉无比。 At this time, Its where has not known, oneself this was used. 这个时候,祂哪里还不知道,自己这是被人利用了。 Originally also because of carrying Feng Zichen turns to saint secretly, but rebukes oneself the town/subdues Yuan, at this moment, in the heart where also has anything to rebuke oneself, has, is only the endless anger. 本来还因背着风紫宸偷偷投靠圣人,而自责不已的镇元子,此刻,心中哪里还有什么自责,有的,只是无尽的愤怒。 Was planned, town/subdues Yuan as good-hearted person, got up unavoidably killed the heart. 被人这么算计,就是身为老好人的镇元子,也不免起了杀心。 Kills!” “杀!” Turns the hand to offer a sacrifice to the book, the town/subdues Yuan child is away from the endless space and time, goes toward the Kunpeng old ancestor distant bang. 翻手祭出地书,镇元子隔着无尽时空,朝着鲲鹏老祖遥遥轰去。 Rumble 轰隆隆 The enormous and powerful strength from wells up void, lends the boundless heavy/thick aura, raids the Kunpeng old ancestors to go, kills It on the desire. 浩荡的力量从虚空涌来,散发出苍茫厚重的气息,直袭鲲鹏老祖而去,就欲将祂打杀。 But at this moment, the Kunpeng old ancestors full power to fighting the queen mother of the west, absolutely do not have the ample force to keep off this to strike. 而此刻,鲲鹏老祖正全力对战西王母,根本就没有余力挡下这一击。 The town/subdues Yuan child this strikes, the elected time was really skillful, was just the critical moment that the Kunpeng old ancestor and queen mother of the west fought, It was incapable of avoiding radically. 镇元子这一击,选的时机真的是太巧了,刚好是鲲鹏老祖与西王母交手的关键时刻,祂根本无力躲避。 This strikes, if hit , the Kunpeng old ancestors did not die, that must delaminate the skin. 这一击,要是打实了,鲲鹏老祖就是不死,那也要脱层皮。 Kills!” “杀!” The critical moment, two blood-color long swords puncture come void, bone-chilling cold murderous aura to sweep across, child this strikes to stir the fragment the town/subdues Yuan directly. 关键时刻,两柄血色长剑刺破虚空而来,凛冽的杀气席卷而出,直接将镇元子这一击搅成碎片。 Innate kills the sword, Yuan slaughter avici! 先天杀剑,元屠阿鼻! The bloodshed river of the netherworld old ancestors came. 血海冥河老祖来了。 However, It has not rushed to the purple mansion state, but went to Mt. Wanshou, kept off there, did not make the town/subdues Yuan child make a move. 不过,祂没有赶赴紫府州,而是前往了万寿山,只身挡在了那里,不让镇元子出手。 Before Mt. Wanshou, the river of the netherworld old ancestors tread on the 12 grade fire of karma red lotus to come, child salutes upon meeting toward the town/subdues Yuan said: Fellow Daoist, the long time saw.” 万寿山前,冥河老祖脚踏十二品业火红莲而来,朝镇元子见礼道:“道友,久见了。” Static standing there, river of the netherworld old ancestors, although has not had what movement, but actually gave a town/subdues Yuan innertube to come the enormous pressure. 静静的站在那里,冥河老祖虽未有什么动作,但却给镇元子带来了极大的压力。 Must say in the great antiquity world, who the person close to beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal is, that belonged to the river of the netherworld old ancestors. 要说洪荒天地中,最接近混元大罗金仙的人是谁,那就非冥河老祖莫属了。 This person, may be called under the beginning of the universe the first person! 此人,堪称混元之下第一人! Facing saluting upon meeting of river of the netherworld old ancestor, the town/subdues Yuan child does not return a courtesy, but coldly visits It, killing in heart aiming at unceasing ascension. 面对冥河老祖的见礼,镇元子也不回礼,只是冷冷的看着祂,心中的杀意在不断的升腾。 The town/subdues Yuan child and river of the netherworld old ancestors have a grudge. 镇元子与冥河老祖有仇。 The red cloud ancestor, then dies under the Yuan slaughter avici sword. 红云老祖,便是死于元屠阿鼻剑下。 Why child only asks the Kunpeng old ancestors to revenge as for the town/subdues Yuan, rather than the river of the netherworld old ancestors revenges. That naturally is because, the river of the netherworld old ancestors are old ancestor to be stronger than Kunpeng. 至于为何镇元子只找鲲鹏老祖报仇,而非是冥河老祖报仇。那自然是因为,冥河老祖比鲲鹏老祖强。 Revenging, naturally first is from weakest starting. If even/including weak could not kill, what discussed to kill is stronger? 报仇,当然是先从最弱的下手。要是连弱的都杀不了,何谈去杀更强的? ...... …… ............ ………… Yeah!” “哎!” Before Kunlun Mountain, with Feng Zichen that Three Pure Ones confronts, after seeing a town/subdues Yuan child choice, cannot bear sigh. 昆仑山前,正与三清对峙的风紫宸,在看到镇元子的选择后,忍不住叹了一口气。 It really does not want to plan the town/subdues Yuan, but things have gotten to this point, said that anything did not have the significance. 祂是真的不想算计镇元子,但事已至此,说什么也没意义了。 If the town/subdues Yuan child and It is the ally, that Kunpeng old ancestor naturally does not have the opportunity of present world. But once the town/subdues Yuan child gets angry with It, that Kunpeng old ancestor became a Feng Zichen balance town/subdues Yuan child method. 若镇元子和祂是盟友,那鲲鹏老祖自然没有现世的机会。可一旦镇元子与祂翻脸,那鲲鹏老祖就成了风紫宸制衡镇元子的手段。 The Feng Zichen manner is discrete, except for oneself, It no one letter/believes. With a town/subdues Yuan child cooperation, naturally must keep previous, to guard by It was carried the thorn. 风紫宸为人谨慎,除了自己,祂谁都不信。与镇元子合作,当然要留上一手,以防被祂背刺。 Facts showed, Feng Zichen has not made the mistake, holding back one trick is right, a town/subdues Yuan child really back punctured It. 事实证明,风紫宸没有做错,留一手是对的,镇元子果然背刺了祂。 If the town/subdues Yuan child has not carried to puncture It, Feng Zichen this act on some villains. 若镇元子没有背刺祂,风紫宸此举就有些小人了。 But fact not, if, if Its non- villain, today unlucky should be It. 但事实没有如果,若祂不小人,今天倒霉的就该是祂了。 ...... …… ............ ………… Why will appear as for Feng Zichen in Kunlun Mountain, naturally to prevent Three Pure Ones goes to the purple mansion state. 至于风紫宸为何会出现在昆仑山,当然是为了阻止三清前往紫府州的。 The purple mansion state war hence, Three Pure Ones still has not made an appearance, this is the merit of Feng Zichen and purple slightly Great Emperor. 紫府州大战至此,三清依然没有露面,这都是风紫宸与紫微大帝的功劳。 Un, 嗯, Purple slightly Great Emperor also in! 紫微大帝也在! Depending on Feng Zichen one person, naturally cannot only block Three Pure Ones. But if adds on the purple slightly Great Emperor, un, that is insufficient. 仅凭风紫宸一人,当然拦不住三清。但若是加上紫微大帝,嗯,那还是不够。 Because, in Kunlun Mountain, besides Three Pure Ones, Western two saint. 因为,昆仑山上,除了三清之外,还有西方二尊圣人 Five Saints collaborate, did not say that hangs to hit Feng Zichen and purple slightly Great Emperor two people, that can also easily beat them. 五圣联手,不说把风紫宸与紫微大帝二人吊起来打,那也能将祂二人轻易击败。 However, this war, actually cannot hit. 不过,这一战,却是打不起来。 Because, Three Pure Ones has not prepared fight in which both sides perish. 因为,三清还没做好鱼死网破的准备。 Once they and under the purple slightly Great Emperor the extreme methods to Feng Zichen, several other Great Emperor above that Celestial Court, as well as tall Ju the chaos Nüwa empress, will not stand by. 一旦祂们向风紫宸与紫微大帝下死手,那天庭之上的其余几尊大帝,以及高居混沌的女娲娘娘,都不会袖手旁观。 At the appointed time, one a tangled warfare that is above the imagination will break out. 到时,一场超乎想象的混战就会爆发。 The tangled warfare result how, Three Pure Ones does not know, but they actually know, with the eruption of tangled warfare, the great antiquity world surely did not have. 混战结局如何,三清不知道,但祂们却知道,随着混战的爆发,洪荒天地肯定是没了。 But destruction great antiquity world, this is the method of final fight in which both sides perish, unless it is absolutely essential, cannot use. 而毁灭洪荒天地,这是最后鱼死网破的手段,不到万不得已,不能动用。 If again with Feng Zichen to the war, Three Pure Ones cannot see any hope of winning, they will not hesitate, will shut out to extinguish the tribulation of the world directly, destroys the great antiquity world. 若是再与风紫宸的对战中,三清看不到任何赢的希望,那祂们绝不会犹豫,直接就会嫌弃灭世之劫,毁灭洪荒天地。 This called to upset the table! 这叫掀桌子! Cannot play you, the father does not play the general headquarters. 玩不过你,老子不玩了总行吧。 Why will saint make one dread? Is because they have qualification that upsets the table. 为啥圣人会让人忌惮?就是因为祂们有着掀桌子的本钱。 Cannot play, destroys the day to extinguish, the heavy vertical kerosene wind restoration universe, then, the past passing completely became the mist, with the destruction of the world, one and belonged to the nihility. 玩不过,就毁天灭地,重立地火水风再造乾坤,如此一来,前尘过往就尽成云烟,随着天地的毁灭,一并归于虚无。 At the appointed time, saint can definitely the gravity head come. 到时,圣人完全可以重头来过。 saint, experience all generations do not rub, the world destroys, but I do not destroy, the livelihood extinguishes, but I do not extinguish. Then not measures the tribulation to arrive, is difficult to damage its. 圣人,历万劫而不磨,天地毁而我不毁,日月灭而我不灭。便是无量量劫降临,也是难损其身。 Such existence, does not fear the destruction of the world. When they cannot see the hope, naturally does not mind to overthrow all, starts over from the beginning, the restoration hopes. 这样的存在,根本就不怕天地的毁灭。当祂们看不到希望的时候,自然不介意推倒一切,从头再来,再造希望。 And yet, Three Pure Ones has not wanted to resort to such method. Because, in their deductions, present situation to them specially advantageous, Feng Zichen is walking into their traps step by step. 可眼下,三清还不想动用这样的手段。因为,在祂们的推演中,如今的局势对祂们特别的有利,风紫宸正一步步走入祂们的陷阱之中。 Victory, in front. 胜利,就在前方。 So gets the advantage greatly, how Three Pure Ones will destroy the day to extinguish, gravity head again? 如此大占优势,三清岂会毁天灭地,重头再来? ...... …… Three Pure Ones has the strength to destroy the day to extinguish, then with them situated in Feng Zichen of same level, naturally also has this ability. 三清有实力毁天灭地,那与祂们处于同等层次的风紫宸,自然也有这个能力。 Three Pure Ones can destroy the day to extinguish, but Feng Zichen actually cannot. 只是,三清可以毁天灭地,但风紫宸却不能。 The Three Pure Ones disciple are not many, therefore, if extinguishes the tribulation of the world to erupt, they are completely capable of protecting oneself disciple. 三清弟子不多,故此,若灭世之劫爆发,祂们完全有能力护住自己的弟子。 But human clan, was really many. 人族,真的是太多了。 By the Feng Zichen strength, is all clone acts, not possible in extinguishing world's disaster, preserves entire human clan. 风紫宸的实力,就是所有的分身一齐出手,也不可能在灭世的劫难中,保住整个人族 Therefore, Feng Zichen will not look on the great antiquity world destruction, is Three Pure Ones must destroy the day to extinguish, It must spell to go all-out stops. 为此,风紫宸是不会坐视洪荒天地覆灭的,就是三清要毁天灭地,祂也要拼尽全力的去阻拦。 Unknowingly, human clan has become the Feng Zichen biggest soft rib. If no longer worries about human clan, that is Three Pure Ones, does not dare to provoke It at will. 不知不觉中,人族已经成了风紫宸最大的软肋。若是不再牵挂人族,那就是三清,也不敢随意招惹祂。 The powerhouse of all alone, is most fearful. Because, It does not have the soft rib. 孤身一人的强者,才是最可怕的。因为,祂没有软肋。 ...... …… ............ ………… Fellow Daoist is really good to plan.” “道友真是好算计。” I win over a town/subdues Yuan child fellow daoist with great difficulty, stands this side human clan. But the fellow daoist light action, won over.” “寡人好不容易才拉拢镇元子道友,站在人族这一边。可道友轻飘飘的一个举动,就将人拉拢了回去。” Such method, really made one blush with shame!” “此等手段,真是令人汗颜啊!” Looks too clear saint that is not speaking with a smile, Feng Zichen clenches teeth to say. 望着含笑不语的太清圣人,风紫宸咬牙说道。 Reactivates the red cloud ancestor's matter, was Its general idea/careless, was advanced one step by Three Pure Ones, the person has not won over not saying that but also stood in Its opposite. 复活红云老祖的事,是祂大意了,以至于被三清先行了一步,人没拉拢到不说,还站在了祂的对立面。 Where, where.” “哪里,哪里。” Cancelled Chen fellow daoist to chat, if by planning, how this poor Daoist can be on par with you?” “勾陈道友真是说笑了,若论算计,贫道又怎能与你比肩?” East that the nobility, wants to come is the writing skill of fellow daoist.” “那东王公,想来就是道友的手笔吧。” Is looking at Feng Zichen, too clear saint clenches teeth to say similarly. In the spoken language, had detected the status of eastern nobility obviously. 望着风紫宸,太清圣人同样咬牙说道。其言语中,显然是对东王公的身份有所察觉。 Regarding this, Feng Zichen is not accidental/surprised. 对此,风紫宸也不意外。 Everyone was not the fool, was so obvious, so with every effort maintained the eastern nobility who Feng Zichen displayed, naturally can look, the eastern nobility and Feng Zichen relations were not ordinary. 大家也不是傻子,风紫宸都表现的这么明显了,如此尽力的去维护东王公,自然能看出来,东王公与风紫宸的关系不一般。 Is Its clone, cannot cut off the relations with It. 就是不是祂的分身,也与祂脱不了关系。 In fact, these years, has person of relations that has suspected the purple slightly Great Emperor and Feng Zichen, thought that they should be a person. But at once, after this thought then by the brain of people throwing . 事实上,这些年,也不是没有人怀疑过紫微大帝与风紫宸的关系,觉得祂二人应该是一人。可旋即,这个念头便被众人抛之脑后。 Thinks, thought this matter is impossible. 想一想,就觉得这件事不可能。 If these two people are really one person, that said, the expert in entire great antiquity world, did play with by it in the stock palms? 若这二人真为一人,那岂不是说,整个洪荒天地的高手,都被其玩弄在股掌之间? This was too exaggerating, obviously divorced from the reality. 这太夸张了,明显脱离了实际。 Great antiquity world, how also to have so powerful existence? 洪荒天地,又怎会有如此强大的存在? True answer, because is extremely absurd, even if the people thought that will also not choose to believe. 真正的答案,因为太过荒谬,哪怕众人想到了,也不会选择相信。 Even, discovered two people may is a person of evidence, the people automatic brain will also make up, this is Feng Zichen and purple slightly Great Emperor intentionally for it. 甚至于,就是发现了两人有可能身为一人的证据,众人也会自动脑补成,这是风紫宸与紫微大帝故意为之。 Deliberately guides the people to trace their status, is good to divert the energy of people. 刻意引导众人追查祂们的身份,好分散众人的精力。 ...... …… ............ ………… When Feng Zichen and Three Pure Ones confront, the tangled warfare of purple mansion state, drew to a close. 就在风紫宸三清对峙的时候,紫府州的混战,也步入了尾声。 The eastern nobility sought an opportunity, vanished in the purple mansion state. But was the eastern nobility of lead walked, this fought the necessity that has not naturally continued. 东王公寻了个机会,消失在了紫府州。而身为主角的东王公都走了,这一战自然也就没有继续下去的必要了。 After the people receive the hand respectively, then left one after another. 众人各自收手之后,便相继离开了。 However, although the person walked, but hated to remain. 不过,人虽是走了,但仇恨却是留了下来。 This matter, was far from the conclusion. 这件事,远没有结束。 ...... …… Fellow Daoist, said goodbye.” “道友,告辞了。” After the purple mansion state fought the result, Feng Zichen said goodbye to Three Pure Ones directly, turns around human clan. 紫府州一战有了结果之后,风紫宸直接向三清告辞,转身回了人族 In a moment ago, the Feng Zichen sensation, the human clan god city had built, should complete last by It. 就在刚才,风紫宸感知到,人族神城已经打造完毕,该由祂完成最后一步了。 The intention moves, Feng Zichen then returned to human clan, sees under Its line of sight, in the human clan area, 365 just like the antique Divine Mountain general great city, standing majestically, are sending out the stirring strength. 心念一动,风紫宸便回了人族,就见祂的视线之下,人族疆域之中,三百六十五座宛如太古神山一般的巨城,巍然耸立着,散发着震撼人心的力量。 This is human clan in the future the most solid fortress, is protecting the human clan people. 这就是人族未来最坚实的堡垒,守护着人族的子民。 In order to build these 365 god cities, was almost presses out to do the human clan background. 为了打造这三百六十五座神城,几乎是榨干了人族的底蕴。 They use the sidereal revolution stars as the base, is situated above the land features node, is willing the strength to fuse various types of talent treasures to build by the incense and candle, all will be the highest level day after tomorrow most precious object. 它们以周天星辰为基,坐落在地脉节点之上,以香火愿力融合各种天才地宝打造而成,皆是最顶级的后天至宝。 Periphery returns to the human clan ancestor place, Feng Zichen to look at the strange city wall, in the heart full is the vibration. 回到人族祖地,风紫宸看着周围陌生的城墙,心中满是震动。 This is the person imperial city, called the purple slightly city. Takes the person of sovereign palace( purple slightly temple) as the base, builds god city that becomes. For the head of has god city, is the human clan sovereigns. 这是人皇城,也叫紫微城。是以人皇殿(紫微神殿)为基,打造而成的神城。为所有神城之首,也是人族的皇都。 Takes a step to walk into the person of sovereign palace, Feng Zichen blows off the mind, gradually has the contact with the purple faint star. 迈步走入人皇殿,风紫宸放空心神,逐渐与紫微星取得联系。 Immediately, the purple faint star has the feeling, dangles a wisp of star glow, first illuminates in the person sovereign palace, then extends outward, quick, then covered the whole person imperial city. 顿时,紫微星有感,垂下一缕星芒,先是照在人皇殿上,然后向外延伸,很快,便笼罩了整个人皇城。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! At this moment, under shining of purple faint star, the person the sovereign palace seemed lives came general, sent out an unsurpassed dignity, caused eight side void tremors. 这一刻,在紫微星的照耀下,人皇殿就好似活了过来一般,散发出一股无上的威严,引得八方虚空颤动。
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