The queen mothers of the westalsounderstandthis pointobviously, for this reason, Ithas not chosenwith the easternnobilityspellshardly, butgets upwithitscrosscut saw.
西王母显然也明白这一点,为此,祂没有选择与东王公硬拼,而是与其拉锯起来。Waits for the easternnobilityone breathto release, is goodto giveItto strikefatally.
就等着东王公一口气泄去,好给祂致命一击。In an instant, was severalmovespasses.
转眼间,便是数招过去了。Somemoment, after a easternnobilityswordwields, the aurastartsto dropsuddenly, is difficultto maintain the previousstrength.
某一刻,东王公一剑挥出之后,气息忽然开始跌落,再难维持先前的战力。Seesthis, queen mother of the westeyesonebright, offers a sacrifice to the Kunlun Mountainsmirror, the lasinghasclearlight/only, musttake away the easternnobilityenormously and powerfultogether, is involved in the mirror.
The critical moment, a main halldrops from the clouds, protectsfirmly the easternnobility, kept offthisto strikeforIt.
The treasure of monsterclanenlightenment!
妖族教化之宝!Was the northerndeepmonstersovereignKunpengacted, Itsaved the easternnobility.
是北冥妖皇鲲鹏出手了,祂救下了东王公。„Kunpeng, do youwantto mind others' business?”
“鲲鹏,你要多管闲事吗?”Sees the monstermasterpalaceto block itself, queen mother of the westsomewhatdisgruntledsaying.
见妖师殿拦住自己,西王母有些不悦的说道。Copes with the Kunpengoldancestor, Itmaynot cope with the relaxedness of easternnobilityto be satisfied. After all, the latteris far less thanIt, butformer, actuallyexistencewithItssamelevel.
“哈哈!”„Queen mother of the westfellow daoist, this poor Daoisthere, youactuallycannot move the easternnobilityfellow daoistslightest.”
“西王母道友,贫道在此,你却是动不了东王公道友分毫了。”From the voidmoderatestep, with the easternnobilitystandsshoulder to shoulder, the Kunpengoldancestorssaidtoward the queen mother of the westwith a smile.
“为何?”„Whyfellow daoistwantslateral part of characterevildoer who pretends to be the easternWangdaobrother? The fellow daoistandthisevildoerdid know?”
“道友为何要偏旁这个冒充东王公道兄的贼子?还是说,道友与这贼子认识?”Restrains by force the anger, the queen mother of the westhates the soundto ask.
强压怒气,西王母恨声问道。„Fellow Daoistsentintentsickness, thisfellow daoistwaseast the nobility, whatto come did imitationsay?”
“道友发意症了吧,这位道友就是东王公啊,何来冒充之说?”„Also, this poor Daoisthas formed an allianceineasternWang, actuallycannotlook on that the fellow daoistacts.”
“还有,贫道已于东王公结成联盟,却是不能坐视道友对其出手。”Looks at the queen mother of the west, the Kunpengoldancestorsdo intentionally the doubtstowardItsaid. Thatexpression, seemsItreallynot to know, the presenteasternnobilityisfalsecommon.
“你……”Seesthis, queen mother of the westwherehas not known, the Kunpengoldancestors are eastthatfalsenobilityonegroup. In the heartresented, the queen mother of the westoffers a sacrifice to the Kunlun Mountainsmirror, hitson the towardsKunpengoldancestors.
见此,西王母哪里还不知道,鲲鹏老祖乃是与那假东王公一伙的。心中愤恨,西王母祭起昆仑镜,就朝鲲鹏老祖打去。But the queen mother of the westis quick, somepeopleare quicker than It.
但西王母快,有人比祂更快。„The Kunpengyoung child, youalsodaresto appearin the this solitary onefrontunexpectedly, reallycourts death!”
“鲲鹏小儿,你竟然还敢出现在孤的面前,真是找死!”„Chaosbell, kills!”
“混沌钟,杀!”In the world, resounded the easternsovereignsuddenlytooonefullykills the voice of intent, later, saw the chaosbellto come, to crack-upacross the skylayer upon layervoid, wenttoward the Kunpengoldancestorsteamroll.
天地间,骤然响起了东皇太一满是杀意的声音,随后,就见混沌钟横空而来,撞碎层层虚空,朝着鲲鹏老祖碾压而去。In a flash, the strength of chaosbellwells up, the Kunpengoldancestorsincluding the easternnobility, oneanddecided in same place, could not move.
The chaosbellsteamrollcomes, the place visited, the myriad thingsallbecome the chaos, thatpowerfulstrength, brought the threat of deathtotwo people.
The strength that butthey, actuallystrugglecontinuallydoes not have, can only look atchaosbellZhuanglaihelplessly.
The critical moment, the Mother Earthempressacted.
The emptyshades of sixsamsaraplatesappearquietly, twist the space and time, the chaoticorder, hit the one side the chaosbellruthlessly, rescuedtwopeople.
六道轮回盘的虚影悄然浮现,扭曲时空,混乱秩序,将混沌钟狠狠的撞到了一旁,救下了二人。„Mother Earthyou......”
“后土你……”Sees that easternsovereigntooviolent anger, carries the chaosbell, killedtoward the Mother Earthempress, withitswaronegroup.
见状,东皇太一暴怒,拎起混沌钟,就朝着后土娘娘杀了过去,与其战成一团。Almostissimultaneously, the Kunlun Mountainsmirrorcomes quietly, the lasingmakes a debut a clearlight, coversin whichtwopeople, the desireembezzlesit.
The Kunpengoldancestorbodyin a flash, turns into the original formdirectly, resembles the Kunnon-Kun, resembles the Pengnon-Péng, by the powerfulmagical powers, shakes the Kunlun Mountainsmirrorhardly.
鲲鹏老祖身体一晃,直接化成原形,似鲲非鲲,似鹏非鹏,以强大的神通,硬撼昆仑镜。What the Kunpengoldancestorswalkis the magical powersbecomes a lay priest the path that itscultivatesis, in the body of mortal bodyandmagical powers, extremelypowerful, enduresis on parwithbest quality goodsinnatespirit treasure.
鲲鹏老祖走的是神通入道的路子,其一身修为,都在肉身与神通的身上,极为的强大,堪与极品先天灵宝比肩。AlthoughthatKunlun Mountainsmirroris strong, actuallycannot do to the Kunpengoldancestor. Iffewbrush, youhow, whenItdaresto say the North Seamonstersovereign, striving for hegemonyworld?
那昆仑镜虽强,却也奈何不得鲲鹏老祖。若是没有几把刷子,你当祂如何敢自称北海妖皇,争霸天下?When the Kunpengoldancestor and queen mother of the westfight, inMt. WanshoufivemanorGuan, the town/subduesYuanchildsees the Kunpengoldancestor'sform, the complexionis gloomy.
就在鲲鹏老祖与西王母交手的时候,万寿山五庄观中,镇元子看着鲲鹏老祖的身影,脸色阴沉无比。At this time, Itswherehas not known,oneselfthis was used.
这个时候,祂哪里还不知道,自己这是被人利用了。Originallyalsobecause ofcarryingFeng Zichenturns tosaintsecretly, butrebukes oneself the town/subduesYuan, at this moment, in the heartwherealsohasanythingto rebuke oneself, has, is only the endlessanger.
本来还因背着风紫宸偷偷投靠圣人,而自责不已的镇元子,此刻,心中哪里还有什么自责,有的,只是无尽的愤怒。Was planned, town/subduesYuanasgood-hearted person, got upunavoidablykilled the heart.
“杀!”Turns the handto offer a sacrifice to the book, the town/subduesYuanchildis away from the endlessspace and time, goestoward the Kunpengoldancestordistantbang.
The enormous and powerfulstrengthfromwells upvoid, lends the boundlessheavy/thickaura, raids the Kunpengoldancestorsto go, killsIton the desire.
浩荡的力量从虚空涌来,散发出苍茫厚重的气息,直袭鲲鹏老祖而去,就欲将祂打杀。Butat this moment, the Kunpengoldancestorsfull powertofighting the queen mother of the west, absolutelydo not have the ample forceto keep offthisto strike.
The town/subduesYuanchildthisstrikes, the electedtime was really skillful, was just the critical moment that the Kunpengoldancestor and queen mother of the westfought, Itwas incapable ofavoidingradically.
镇元子这一击,选的时机真的是太巧了,刚好是鲲鹏老祖与西王母交手的关键时刻,祂根本无力躲避。Thisstrikes, ifhit , the Kunpengoldancestorsdid not die, that must delaminate the skin.
The critical moment, twoblood-colorlong swordspuncturecomevoid, bone-chilling coldmurderous aurato sweep across, childthisstrikesto stir the fragment the town/subduesYuandirectly.
关键时刻,两柄血色长剑刺破虚空而来,凛冽的杀气席卷而出,直接将镇元子这一击搅成碎片。Innatekills the sword, Yuanslaughteravici!
The bloodshedriver of the netherworldoldancestorscame.
血海冥河老祖来了。However, Ithas not rushed to the purplemansionstate, butwent toMt. Wanshou, kept off there, did not make the town/subduesYuanchildmake a move.
Before Mt. Wanshou, the river of the netherworldoldancestorstread on the 12 gradefire of karmared lotusto come, childsalutes upon meetingtoward the town/subduesYuansaid: „Fellow Daoist, the long timesaw.”
万寿山前,冥河老祖脚踏十二品业火红莲而来,朝镇元子见礼道:“道友,久见了。”Staticstanding there, river of the netherworldoldancestors, althoughhas not hadwhatmovement, butactuallygave a town/subduesYuaninnertubeto come the enormouspressure.
静静的站在那里,冥河老祖虽未有什么动作,但却给镇元子带来了极大的压力。Mustsayin the great antiquityworld, who the personclose tobeginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortalis, thatbelonged to the river of the netherworldoldancestors.
要说洪荒天地中,最接近混元大罗金仙的人是谁,那就非冥河老祖莫属了。Thisperson, may be calledunder the beginning of the universe the firstperson!
此人,堪称混元之下第一人!Facingsaluting upon meeting of river of the netherworldoldancestor, the town/subduesYuanchilddoes not return a courtesy, butcoldlyvisitsIt, killing in heartaiming atunceasingascension.
The town/subduesYuanchild and river of the netherworldoldancestorshave a grudge.
The redcloudancestor, thendiesunder the Yuanslaughteravicisword.
红云老祖,便是死于元屠阿鼻剑下。Whychildonlyasks the Kunpengoldancestorsto revengeas for the town/subduesYuan, rather than the river of the netherworldoldancestorsrevenges. Thatnaturallyisbecause, the river of the netherworldoldancestorsare oldancestorto be stronger than Kunpeng.
至于为何镇元子只找鲲鹏老祖报仇,而非是冥河老祖报仇。那自然是因为,冥河老祖比鲲鹏老祖强。Revenging, naturallyfirstisfromweakeststarting. Ifeven/includingweakcould not kill, whatdiscussedto killis stronger?
Before Kunlun Mountain, withFeng Zichen that Three Pure Onesconfronts, afterseeing a town/subduesYuanchildchoice, cannot bearsigh.
昆仑山前,正与三清对峙的风紫宸,在看到镇元子的选择后,忍不住叹了一口气。Itreallydoes not wantto plan the town/subduesYuan, butthings have gotten to this point, said that anythingdid not have the significance.
祂是真的不想算计镇元子,但事已至此,说什么也没意义了。If the town/subduesYuanchildandItis the ally, thatKunpengoldancestornaturallydoes not have the opportunity of presentworld. But once the town/subduesYuanchildgets angrywithIt, thatKunpengoldancestorbecame a Feng Zichenbalancetown/subduesYuanchildmethod.
The Feng Zichenmanneris discrete, except foroneself, Itno oneletter/believes. With a town/subduesYuanchildcooperation, naturallymustkeepprevious, toguardbyItwas carried the thorn.风紫宸为人谨慎,除了自己,祂谁都不信。与镇元子合作,当然要留上一手,以防被祂背刺。Factsshowed,Feng Zichenhas not made the mistake, holding back one trickis right, a town/subduesYuanchildreallybackpuncturedIt.
事实证明,风紫宸没有做错,留一手是对的,镇元子果然背刺了祂。If the town/subduesYuanchildhas not carriedto punctureIt, Feng Zichenthis actonsomevillains.
若镇元子没有背刺祂,风紫宸此举就有些小人了。Butfactnot, if, ifItsnon-villain, todayunluckyshouldbeIt.
…………Whywill appearas forFeng ZicheninKunlun Mountain, naturallytopreventThree Pure Onesgoes to the purplemansionstate.
The purplemansionstatewarhence, Three Pure Ones still has not made an appearance, thisis the merit of Feng ZichenandpurpleslightlyGreat Emperor.
嗯,PurpleslightlyGreat Emperoralsoin!
紫微大帝也在!Depending onFeng Zichenoneperson, naturallycannot only blockThree Pure Ones. Butifadds on the purpleslightlyGreat Emperor, un, thatisinsufficient.
仅凭风紫宸一人,当然拦不住三清。但若是加上紫微大帝,嗯,那还是不够。Because, inKunlun Mountain, besidesThree Pure Ones, Westerntwosaint.
因为,昆仑山上,除了三清之外,还有西方二尊圣人。FiveSaintscollaborate, did not say that hangsto hitFeng Zichen and purpleslightlyGreat Emperortwopeople, that can also easilybeatthem.
五圣联手,不说把风紫宸与紫微大帝二人吊起来打,那也能将祂二人轻易击败。However, thiswar, actuallycannot hit.
不过,这一战,却是打不起来。Because, Three Pure Oneshas not preparedfight in which both sides perish.
因为,三清还没做好鱼死网破的准备。Oncetheyandunder the purpleslightlyGreat Emperor the extreme methodstoFeng Zichen, several other Great Emperor above that Celestial Court, as well astallJu the chaosNüwaempress, will not stand by.
一旦祂们向风紫宸与紫微大帝下死手,那天庭之上的其余几尊大帝,以及高居混沌的女娲娘娘,都不会袖手旁观。At the appointed time, one a tangled warfare that is above the imaginationwill break out.
The tangled warfareresulthow, Three Pure Onesdoes not know, buttheyactuallyknow,with the eruption of tangled warfare, the great antiquityworldsurelydid not have.
混战结局如何,三清不知道,但祂们却知道,随着混战的爆发,洪荒天地肯定是没了。Butdestructiongreat antiquityworld, thisis the method of finalfight in which both sides perish, unless it is absolutely essential, cannotuse.
而毁灭洪荒天地,这是最后鱼死网破的手段,不到万不得已,不能动用。IfagainwithFeng Zichento the war, Three Pure Onescannot see any hope of winning, theywill not hesitate, will shut outto extinguish the tribulation of the world directly, destroys the great antiquityworld.
若是再与风紫宸的对战中,三清看不到任何赢的希望,那祂们绝不会犹豫,直接就会嫌弃灭世之劫,毁灭洪荒天地。Thiscalledto upset the table!
这叫掀桌子!Cannot playyou, the fatherdoes not play the general headquarters.
玩不过你,老子不玩了总行吧。Why will saint make one dread? Isbecausetheyhavequalification that upsets the table.
为啥圣人会让人忌惮?就是因为祂们有着掀桌子的本钱。Cannot play, destroys the dayto extinguish, the heavyverticalkerosenewindrestorationuniverse, then, the pastpassingcompletelybecame the mist, with the destruction of the world, oneandbelonged to the nihility.
玩不过,就毁天灭地,重立地火水风再造乾坤,如此一来,前尘过往就尽成云烟,随着天地的毁灭,一并归于虚无。At the appointed time, saint can definitely the gravity headcome.
到时,圣人完全可以重头来过。saint, experienceall generationsdo not rub, the worlddestroys, butIdo not destroy, the livelihoodextinguishes, butIdo not extinguish. Thennotmeasures the tribulationto arrive, isdifficultto damageits.圣人,历万劫而不磨,天地毁而我不毁,日月灭而我不灭。便是无量量劫降临,也是难损其身。Suchexistence, does not fear the destruction of the world. Whentheycannot see the hope, naturallydoes not mindto overthrowall, starts over from the beginning, the restorationhopes.
这样的存在,根本就不怕天地的毁灭。当祂们看不到希望的时候,自然不介意推倒一切,从头再来,再造希望。And yet, Three Pure Oneshas not wantedto resort tosuchmethod. Because, intheirdeductions, presentsituationtothemspeciallyadvantageous, Feng Zichenis walking into theirtrapsstep by step.
可眼下,三清还不想动用这样的手段。因为,在祂们的推演中,如今的局势对祂们特别的有利,风紫宸正一步步走入祂们的陷阱之中。Victory, infront.
胜利,就在前方。Sogets the advantagegreatly, howThree Pure Oneswill destroy the dayto extinguish, gravity headagain?
……Three Pure Oneshas the strengthto destroy the dayto extinguish, thenwiththemsituated inFeng Zichen of samelevel, naturallyalsohasthisability.三清有实力毁天灭地,那与祂们处于同等层次的风紫宸,自然也有这个能力。Three Pure Onescandestroy the dayto extinguish, butFeng Zichenactuallycannot.
The Three Pure Onesdiscipleare not many, therefore, ifextinguishes the tribulation of the world to erupt, they are completely capable ofprotectingoneselfdisciple.三清弟子不多,故此,若灭世之劫爆发,祂们完全有能力护住自己的弟子。Buthuman clan, was really many.
但人族,真的是太多了。By the Feng Zichenstrength, isallcloneacts, not possibleinextinguishingworld'sdisaster, preservesentirehuman clan.
以风紫宸的实力,就是所有的分身一齐出手,也不可能在灭世的劫难中,保住整个人族。Therefore, Feng Zichenwill not look on the great antiquityworlddestruction, isThree Pure Onesmustdestroy the dayto extinguish, It must spellto go all-outstops.
为此,风紫宸是不会坐视洪荒天地覆灭的,就是三清要毁天灭地,祂也要拼尽全力的去阻拦。Unknowingly, human clanhas become the Feng Zichenbiggestsoft rib. Ifno longerworries abouthuman clan, thatisThree Pure Ones, does not dareto provokeItat will.
The powerhouse of all alone, ismost fearful. Because, Itdoes not have the soft rib.
…………„Fellow Daoist is really goodto plan.”
“道友真是好算计。”„Iwin over a town/subduesYuanchildfellow daoistwith great difficulty, standsthis sidehuman clan. But the fellow daoistlightaction, won over.”
“寡人好不容易才拉拢镇元子道友,站在人族这一边。可道友轻飘飘的一个举动,就将人拉拢了回去。”„Suchmethod, reallymadeoneblush with shame!”
“此等手段,真是令人汗颜啊!”Lookstooclearsaint that is not speakingwith a smile, Feng Zichenclenches teethto say.
望着含笑不语的太清圣人,风紫宸咬牙说道。Reactivates the redcloudancestor'smatter, wasItsgeneral idea/careless, was advancedonestepbyThree Pure Ones, the personhas not won overnot saying that but alsostoodinItsopposite.
复活红云老祖的事,是祂大意了,以至于被三清先行了一步,人没拉拢到不说,还站在了祂的对立面。„Where, where.”
“哪里,哪里。”„CancelledChenfellow daoistto chat, ifbyplanning, howthis poor Daoistcanbe on parwithyou?”
“勾陈道友真是说笑了,若论算计,贫道又怎能与你比肩?”„Eastthat the nobility, wantsto comeis the writing skill of fellow daoist.”
“那东王公,想来就是道友的手笔吧。”Is looking atFeng Zichen, tooclearsaintclenches teethto saysimilarly. Inthespoken language, had detected the status of easternnobilityobviously.
望着风紫宸,太清圣人同样咬牙说道。其言语中,显然是对东王公的身份有所察觉。Regarding this, Feng Zichenis not accidental/surprised.
对此,风紫宸也不意外。Everyonewas not the fool, was so obvious, sowith every effortmaintained the easternnobility who Feng Zichendisplayed, naturallycanlook, the easternnobilityandFeng Zichenrelationswere not ordinary.
大家也不是傻子,风紫宸都表现的这么明显了,如此尽力的去维护东王公,自然能看出来,东王公与风紫宸的关系不一般。IsItsclone, cannot cut off the relationswithIt.
就是不是祂的分身,也与祂脱不了关系。In fact, theseyears, hasperson of relations that has suspected the purpleslightlyGreat EmperorandFeng Zichen, thought that theyshouldbe a person. Butat once, after thisthoughtthenby the brain of peoplethrowing .
事实上,这些年,也不是没有人怀疑过紫微大帝与风紫宸的关系,觉得祂二人应该是一人。可旋即,这个念头便被众人抛之脑后。Thinks,thoughtthismatteris impossible.
想一想,就觉得这件事不可能。Ifthesetwopeople are really oneperson, thatsaid, the expert in entiregreat antiquityworld, did play withbyitin the stockpalms?
若这二人真为一人,那岂不是说,整个洪荒天地的高手,都被其玩弄在股掌之间?Thiswas too exaggerating, obviouslydivorced from the reality.
这太夸张了,明显脱离了实际。Great antiquityworld, howalsoto havesopowerfulexistence?
洪荒天地,又怎会有如此强大的存在?Trueanswer, becauseis extremely absurd, even if the people thought that will also not chooseto believe.
真正的答案,因为太过荒谬,哪怕众人想到了,也不会选择相信。Even, discoveredtwo peoplemay is a person of evidence, the peopleautomaticbrainwill also make up, thisisFeng Zichen and purpleslightlyGreat Emperorintentionallyforit.
甚至于,就是发现了两人有可能身为一人的证据,众人也会自动脑补成,这是风紫宸与紫微大帝故意为之。Deliberatelyguides the peopleto tracetheirstatus, is goodto divert the energy of people.
…………WhenFeng ZichenandThree Pure Onesconfront, the tangled warfare of purplemansionstate, drew to a close.
The easternnobilitysought an opportunity, vanishedin the purplemansionstate. Butwas the easternnobility of leadwalked, thisfought the necessity that has not naturally continued.
After the peoplereceive the handrespectively, thenleftone after another.
众人各自收手之后,便相继离开了。However, although the personwalked, buthatedto remain.
不过,人虽是走了,但仇恨却是留了下来。Thismatter, was far from the conclusion.
……„Fellow Daoist, said goodbye.”
After the purplemansionstatefought the result, Feng Zichensaid goodbyetoThree Pure Onesdirectly, turns aroundhuman clan.
紫府州一战有了结果之后,风紫宸直接向三清告辞,转身回了人族。Ina moment ago, the Feng Zichensensation, the human clangodcityhad built, shouldcompletelastbyIt.
The intentionmoves, Feng Zichenthenreturned tohuman clan, seesunderItsline of sight, in the human clanarea, 365just like the antiqueDivine Mountaingeneralgreatcity, standing majestically, are sending out the stirringstrength.
心念一动,风紫宸便回了人族,就见祂的视线之下,人族疆域之中,三百六十五座宛如太古神山一般的巨城,巍然耸立着,散发着震撼人心的力量。Thisishuman clanin the future the most solidfortress, is protecting the human clanpeople.
这就是人族未来最坚实的堡垒,守护着人族的子民。In order tobuildthese365godcities, was almost presses outto do the human clanbackground.
为了打造这三百六十五座神城,几乎是榨干了人族的底蕴。Theyuse the sidereal revolutionstarsas the base, is situatedabove the land featuresnode, is willing the strengthto fusevarioustypes of talenttreasuresto buildby the incense and candle, allwill be the highest levelday after tomorrowmost precious object.
Periphery returns to the human clanancestorplace, Feng Zichento look at the strangecity wall, in the heartfullis the vibration.
回到人族祖地,风紫宸看着周围陌生的城墙,心中满是震动。Thisis the personimperial city, called the purpleslightlycity. Takes the person of sovereignpalace( purpleslightlytemple) as the base, buildsgodcity that becomes. For the head of has godcity, is the human clansovereigns.
这是人皇城,也叫紫微城。是以人皇殿(紫微神殿)为基,打造而成的神城。为所有神城之首,也是人族的皇都。Takes a stepto walk into the person of sovereignpalace, Feng Zichenblows off the mind, graduallyhas the contactwith the purplefaint star.
迈步走入人皇殿,风紫宸放空心神,逐渐与紫微星取得联系。Immediately, the purplefaint starhas the feeling, dangles a wisp of star glow, firstilluminatesin the personsovereignpalace, thenextendsoutward, quick, thencovered the whole personimperial city.
轰隆隆!At this moment, undershining of purplefaint star, the person the sovereignpalaceseemedlivescamegeneral, sent out an unsurpasseddignity, causedeightsidevoidtremors.
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