GDSP :: Volume #8

#768: Pure Yang divine sword

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Un?” “嗯?” „Did the eastern nobility fellow daoist return?” “东王公道友归来了?” How such sudden?” “怎么如此的突然?” Great antiquity big magical powers, news that after knowing the eastern nobility returns, but somewhat shocks in Its sudden return, does not want is too many actually. 洪荒的大神通者们,在得知东王公归来的消息后,只是有些震惊于祂的突然归来,倒是没有想太多。 But has several people, that was different. 但有几人,那就不一样了。 Too one on for example east the sovereign, in the purple mansion state has anything, It is clear. According to the truth, the source of eastern nobility stays there, does not have the possibility of resurrecting certainly. 就比如东皇太一,紫府州里面有什么,祂一清二楚。按道理来说,东王公的本源留在那里,绝无复活的可能。 Direction that but now, that eastern nobility voice conveys, impressively is the purple mansion state. 但如今,那东王公声音传来的方向,赫然便是紫府州。 What did this indicate? 这说明了什么? Explained that some people destroyed Its arrangement in secret, helping eastern Wang resurrect. 说明有人暗中破坏了祂的布置,帮助东王公复活。 Read and hence, in eastern sovereign too eyes is completely the anger. 念及至此,东皇太一的眼中尽是怒火。 Very good!” “很好!” This solitary one was really long had not acted, some people put behind the this solitary one method.” “孤真是太久没有出手了,以至于都有人忘却孤的手段了。” Dares to do the matter at the this solitary one present, since you want dead, that this solitary one helps you.” “敢在孤的眼下搞事,既然你想死,那孤就成全你。” Coldly smiles, an eastern sovereign too body gradually vanishes in same place, hurries to toward the purple mansion state. 冷冷一笑,东皇太一的身体逐渐消失在原地,朝紫府州赶去。 If said that the eastern sovereign too one is only angry, that several other people, such as Three Pure Ones queen mother of the west these knew person who the true eastern nobility has reactivated. 若说东皇太一只是愤怒的话,那另外几个人,如三清西王母这些得知真正的东王公已经复活的人来说。 After the initial god, the innermost feelings was then flooded by a huge anger, the face was mad twists. 在经过最初的愣神之后,内心便被一股巨大的怒火所充斥,脸都气得扭曲了。 Angry, 愤怒, Incomparable anger! 无比的愤怒! By their wisdom, how unable to think that actually to have what? 以祂们的智慧,如何想不出来究竟发生了什么? Some this clearly people while eastern nobility not in the opportunity, assumes a false identity, wants the thorough replacement eastern nobility. 这分明是有人趁着东王公不在的机会,冒名顶替,想要彻底的取代东王公。 Really must this to succeed, solid the status of eastern nobility, that really east Wang makes an appearance, cannot east the status of nobility pose as. 真要让这个人成功了,坐实了东王公的身份,那就是真的东王公露面,也不能以东王公的身份自居了。 Assuming a false name, unable to be replacing the strength and boundary of eastern nobility, but can actually replace Its status and industry the position. 冒名着,顶替不了东王公的力量与境界,但却能顶替祂的身份与业位。 But the eastern nobility is most important, is the head of that male immortal industry position, with first status of deity demon. If loses these advantages, eastern nobility also why with an eastern sovereign too struggle? With person sovereign struggle? 而东王公最重要的,就是那男仙之首的业位,与先天神魔的身份了。若是失去这些优势,东王公还凭什么和东皇太一争?和人皇争? In the heart the anger, Three Pure Ones hurries to toward the purple mansion state directly. They must have a look but actually, is actually whose such big courage, dares to assume a false identity the eastern nobility. 心中愤怒,三清直接就往紫府州赶去。祂们倒要看看,究竟是谁这么大的胆子,竟敢冒名顶替东王公。 Although Three Pure Ones is quick, but there is a person to be quicker than them. 只是,三清虽然快,但有一个人比祂们更快。 That is a queen mother of the west! 那就是西王母! Also does not know that this goddess and eastern nobility are anything relate, to It is unusual looking. In order to resurrect the eastern nobility, does not hesitate to make the transaction with too clear saint. 也不知这尊女神和东王公是什么关系,对祂可谓是异常的关照。为了复活东王公,更是不惜与太清圣人做交易。 At present, matter had the progress with great difficulty, actually braves a fake eastern nobility suddenly, goes bad Its good deed, how can the queen mother of the west not be angry? 眼下,事情好不容易有了进展,却是突然冒出来一个假的东王公,来坏祂的好事,西王母怎能不愤怒? East the false Wang in the earliest possible time that makes noise, the queen mother of the west went out of the western Kunlun Mountains on threatening, kills intent steaming hurries to toward the purple mansion state. 就在假东王公出声的第一时间,西王母就气势汹汹的走出了西昆仑,杀意腾腾的朝紫府州赶去。 The speed, unexpectedly compared with it beginning of the universe boundary one, is too exactly right, obviously in the queen mother of the west heart the anger, lost the reason quickly. 其速度,竟是比之混元境界的太一,都不差分毫,可见西王母心中之愤怒,都快失去理智了。 That side, Feng Zichen , the eastern nobility just did not resurrect, when is self-satisfied, does not know completely the danger has arrived. 那边,风紫宸,哦不,东王公刚刚复活,正是志得意满之时,完全不知道危险已经降临。 It now is very self-satisfied. 祂现在很得意。 If he material has not missed, Its sudden resurrecting, certainly was startled the chins of many. Especially Three Pure Ones, the complexion was certainly splendid. 若祂所料没差的话,祂的突然复活,一定惊掉了很多人的下巴。尤其是三清,脸色一定是精彩极了。 Was somewhat a pity, has no way to have a liking for one personally, making this pleasure be short of several points baseless. 就是有些可惜,没法亲自去看上一眼,让这乐趣凭空少了几分。 If there is an opportunity, Feng Zichen really wants to run up to the Three Realms front, shouted that toward them, „, the master also has this move!” 若是有机会,风紫宸真的想跑到三界的面前,朝祂们喊上一声,“没想到吧,爷还有这一招!” If really did this, Three Pure Ones anything responded that Feng Zichen does not know, but It certainly feels very exciting. 若真的这样做了,三清什么反应风紫宸不知道,但祂一定是觉得很刺激。 Only thinks, is very exciting, let alone practiced personally. 仅是想想,就已经很刺激了,就更别说亲自实践了。 ...... …… Stretches a little bit, the eastern nobility must leave the purple mansion state. 活动活动身体,东王公就要离开紫府州了。 At present, It just resurrected, although has the Saint greatly complete boundary certainly, but strength, reluctantly initial period of accurate Saint. 眼下,祂才刚刚复活,虽是有着准圣大圆满的境界,但力量,也才勉强不过准圣初期。 Such strength, in the eyes of average person, naturally was existence of keeping aloof. But if bumped into class/flow of Three Pure Ones and eastern sovereign, that is also the powerful point ants. 这样的力量,在普通人的眼里,自然是高高在上的存在了。可要是碰到了三清、东皇之流,那也不过是强大一点的蝼蚁罢了。 Said that strikes to kill conveniently, that perhaps was exaggerating a point, but could not support several moves absolutely. 说是随手击杀,那或许是夸张了一点,但也绝对撑不了几招。 For fear that oneself just resurrected, by Three Pure Ones and the others strangling, the eastern nobility sole rubs the oil, must sneak off. 生怕自己刚刚复活,就被三清等人给扼杀了,东王公脚底抹油,就要开溜了。 But Its speed, was on slow one step. 可祂的速度,还是慢上了一步。 The eastern nobility just about to enters void, listens to one that works as, strength of the unsurpassed suppression transmits, pushed from void It directly. 东王公刚要进入虚空,就听当的一声,一股无上镇压之力传来,直接将祂从虚空之中挤了出来。 Was the eastern sovereign too acts. 是东皇太一出手了。 Replaced the status of eastern nobility, naturally also inherited Its memory. Hears that familiar ding, the eastern nobility recognized its origin all of a sudden, the eastern sovereign bell! 顶替了东王公的身份,自然也继承了祂的记忆。听闻那熟悉的钟声,东王公一下子就认出了其来历,东皇钟! By chaos bell Ding in void, helplessly looks that the eastern sovereign too one strolls to come from void, in the eyes of eastern nobility actually does not see slightly flustered. 被混沌钟定在虚空,眼睁睁的看着东皇太一从虚空之中漫步而来,东王公的眼中却不见丝毫慌张。 At Its present strength, naturally cannot be east an sovereign too opponent, but It has the helper. 以祂如今的力量,自然不会是东皇太一的对手,但祂有帮手。 His helper, keeps off east the sovereign sufficiently too one. 祂的帮手,足以挡下东皇太一。 Lets have a look this solitary one, actually you are who!” “让孤看看,你究竟是谁!” Before arriving at the body of eastern nobility, the eastern sovereign too searches to act, must Its crumb, be good to verify Its true status. 来到东王公的身前,东皇太一探出手来,就要将祂捏碎,好查明祂真正的身份。 But on this time, twisted void suddenly, all are inverting, in chaotic, is becoming the disorder, is transforming to the most primitive condition. 可就这时,虚空忽然扭曲起来,一切都在颠倒,都在混乱,都在变得无序,都在向最原始的状态转变。 The strength of quick, chaos bell, was then wiped to disappear, the eastern nobility regained the freedom. 很快,混沌钟的力量,便被抹消一空,东王公重新恢复了自由。 Brushing...... 刷…… Jumps, the eastern nobility escapes from an eastern sovereign too hand. But the eastern sovereign too one has not intended to stop, but whole face dignified stares at that great strength to transmit the direction that nether world! 一个纵身,东王公就从东皇太一的手中逃脱。而东皇太一也没有出手阻拦,只是满脸凝重的盯着那股伟岸力量传来的方向,幽冥界! That is the samsara strength of nether world, was the Mother Earth empress acted, It was east the helper of nobility. Takes Its can , can definitely block the eastern sovereign too one. 那是来自幽冥界的轮回之力,是后土娘娘出手了,祂就是东王公的帮手。以祂之能为,完全可以挡住东皇太一。 Mother Earth, can you block me?” “后土,你要拦我吗?” Has not looked to the eastern nobility, the eastern sovereign too one coldly is staring at nether world, spooky saying. 没有看向东王公,东皇太一只是冷冷的盯着幽冥界,幽幽的说道。 The Mother Earth empress has not replied the eastern sovereign too one, but gave the response with practical action. Sees step by step Its went out from nether world, stands too a front. 后土娘娘没有回答东皇太一,而是用实际行动给予了回应。就见祂一步一步的从幽冥界走出,站到了太一的面前。 The although has not spoken, but that meaning has expressed was very clear. 其虽没有说话,但那意思已经表达的很明白了。 This person, my must protect. 这个人,我保定了。 ...... …… Too one, although was blocked by the Mother Earth empress, but this does not represent, the eastern nobility's trouble, was solved. 太一虽是被后土娘娘挡住了,但这并不代表,东王公的麻烦,就解决了。 Brushing...... 刷…… At the same time ancient Jing, pierces comes, to carry the strength of years void, goes toward the eastern nobility photo. 一面古镜,洞穿虚空而来,携带着岁月之力,朝着东王公照去。 In a flash, the eastern nobility then feels own years, in recollection fast, if not stop, it is estimated that soon, It will turn resurrects the beforehand condition. 一瞬间,东王公便感觉属于自己的岁月,在飞快的回溯,要是不阻拦的话,估计用不了多久,祂就会变成复活之前的状态。 Also is innate to the condition of Yang source. 也就是先天至阳本源的状态。 The mirror, the strength of space and time, this two kinds characteristics link, made eastern Wang think of a magic weapon all of a sudden, best quality goods innate spirit treasure Kunlun Mountains mirror. 镜子,时空之力,这两样特性联系在一起,一下子就让东王公想到了一件法宝,极品先天灵宝昆仑镜。 Was queen mother of the west that woman acts. 是西王母那娘们出手了。 In the heart moves slightly, eastern Wang offers a sacrifice to the best quality goods innate spirit treasure dragon's head walking stick, vast innate to Yang air/Qi turbulently, broke through the blockade of Kunlun Mountains mirror directly. 心中微动,东王公祭出极品先天灵宝龙头拐杖,浩瀚的先天至阳之气汹涌而出,直接就冲破了昆仑镜的封锁。 The dragon's head walking stick, best quality goods innate spirit treasure, is the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor grants the treasure of eastern nobility. Since must pretend to be the eastern nobility, that Feng Zichen has prepared completely safe. 龙头拐杖,极品先天灵宝,乃是鸿钧道祖赐予东王公的宝物。既然要冒充东王公,那风紫宸早就做好了万全的准备。 The associated spirit treasure Jingyang bell of eastern nobility, Feng Zichen had not found, but borrows the Pangu Deity is collector of the great antiquity world the time, It found this Pure Yang most precious object dragon's head walking stick actually. 东王公的伴生灵宝景阳钟,风紫宸没有找到,但借用盘古神人收罗洪荒天地的时候,祂倒是找到了这件纯阳至宝龙头拐杖。 Had the dragon's head walking stick in the hand, right now, east his the status of nobility, was solid several points. 有了龙头拐杖在手,这下子,祂这东王公的身份,又是坐实了几分。 Originally very angry queen mother of the west, after seeing the dragon's head walking stick in eastern nobility hand, without doubt anger. 本来就很愤怒的西王母,在看到东王公手中的龙头拐杖后,无疑更加的愤怒了。 Even the dragon's head walking stick did, it seems like that this evil creature, was must pretend to be the eastern Wang dao brother who iron core. 连龙头拐杖都搞到手了,看来这孽障,是铁了心的要冒充东王公道兄了。 In the heart is thinking like this, the movement in queen mother of the west hand, was swift and fierce three points, innate to Yin god light/only, sent out from Its hand, hit Ling injury all over the body eastern Wang. 心中这样想着,西王母手中的动作,又是凌厉了三分,道道先天至阴神光,从祂手中发出,直把东王公打得遍体凌伤。 Courts death!” “找死!” So was pressed the feeling of hitting, Feng Zichen has not been really feeling for a long time. Sees in Its heart to make a determined effort, full power stimulation of movement dragon's head walking stick. 被人这般压着打的感觉,风紫宸真的是许久没有感受到了。就见祂心中发狠,全力催动龙头拐杖。 Recitation Startled day dragon recited the sound to get up together, on the dragon's head on Jianlongtou walking stick, seemed lives came general, opened dragon head slightly. 一道惊天的龙吟声响起,就见龙头拐杖上的龙头,好似活了过来一般,微微张开了龙首。 „The Pure Yang sword, leaves!” “纯阳剑,出!” A dragon head, eastern Wang shouted suddenly. 一点龙首,东王公突然喝道。 Then, the remarkable change happened. 然后,惊人的变化发生了。 The light golden light sends out from the body of dragon's head walking stick, then, the stick body under that dragon's head, vanishes unexpectedly slowly. 淡淡的金光从龙头拐杖的身上散发,接着,那龙头之下的杖身,竟是缓缓消失。 While the stick body vanishes, a section of golden sword blade, puts out from the mouth of dragon head slowly. 而在杖身消失的同时,一截金色的剑身,缓缓从龙首的口中吐出。 When the stick body of that dragon's head walking stick completely vanishes, the appearance of dragon's head walking stick has changed, thorough turned into a innate divine sword. 待那龙头拐杖的杖身完全消失,龙头拐杖的模样已是大变,彻底的化成了一把先天神剑。 Brushing...... 刷…… In an instant, imposing killing intent, is mixing with the air/Qi of pure innate Pure Yang, from that sword blade turbulently. Only is the moment, the world had been covered by the air/Qi of withering. 刹那间,凛然的杀意,夹杂着纯粹的先天纯阳之气,从那剑身之上汹涌而出。仅是片刻,天地已是被肃杀之气所笼罩。 This is the highest level innate spirit treasure Pure Yang sword. Meanwhile, it is also the true body of dragon's head walking stick. 这是最顶级的先天灵宝纯阳剑。同时,它也是龙头拐杖的真身。 Is Feng Zichen what kind of person? Great antiquity sword ancestor! 风紫宸是何许人也?洪荒剑祖! Is obtaining the earliest possible time of dragon's head walking stick, It has then known, the appearance of this walking stick, is not its true body. 在得到龙头拐杖的第一时间,祂便已经知道,这拐杖的模样,不是它的真身。 Its true body, is a innate divine sword, a might certainly strong innate divine sword. If not the purple house sword appears, this innate Pure Yang sword, should be the great antiquity divine sword ranked the first. 它的真身,是一把先天神剑,一把威力绝强的先天神剑。若非紫宸剑横空出世,这把先天纯阳剑,就该是洪荒排名第一的神剑。 The Yuan slaughter and avici two big innate kill the sword, falls , unites and executes four certainly in a big way first may you be punished by heaven immortal sword, compares individually, cannot compare this innate Pure Yang sword. 元屠、阿鼻两大先天杀剑,陷、绝、戮、诛四大先天诛仙剑,单个比起来,也是比不上这把先天纯阳剑的。 Because, this sword, is the sword of pure sovereign. 因为,这把剑,是一把纯粹的皇者之剑。 Why does the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor want to grant the eastern nobility the dragon's head walking stick? Because It is the head of the world male immortal! 鸿钧道祖为何要将龙头拐杖赐予东王公?因为祂是天下男仙之首! The ancestor bestows It this treasure, is gives the great expectations to eastern Wang, hopes that It can shoulder its corresponding responsibility. 道祖将此宝赐祂,是对东王公给予厚望的,希望祂能承担其相应的责任来。 Otherwise, this not symbolizing the divine sword of sovereign, is granting the eastern nobility. 不然的话,也不会把这把象征着皇者的神剑,赐予东王公了。 But pitifully, eastern Wang disappointed great wild goose honored say/way ancestor. After obtaining dragon's head walking stick, It completely immersed in the status of head of the world male immortal, became overbearing. 但可惜,东王公辜负了鸿钧道祖的期望。在得到龙头拐杖之后,祂完全沉浸在了天下男仙之首的这个身份之中,变得骄横起来。 It had not discovered unexpectedly the secret of dragon's head walking stick, making the divine sword flee the capital, until the eastern nobility falls from the sky, has not shown the point the opportunity. 以至于,祂竟是没有发现龙头拐杖的秘密,使得神剑蒙尘,直至东王公陨落,都没有展现锋芒的机会。 However is good because, it bumps into Feng Zichen now, finally had the opportunity of exposing the point. 不过好在,它现在碰到了风紫宸,终于有了展露锋芒的机会。 Brushing...... 刷…… Received the Pure Yang divine sword, the eastern nobility pulled several swords to be colored conveniently, burst out trillion radiant sword light, took away as many things as possible toward the queen mother of the west. 接过纯阳神剑,东王公随手挽了几个剑花,迸发出亿万道璀璨的剑光,朝着西王母席卷而去。 Un?” “嗯?” Saw that the dragon's head walking stick turns into the Pure Yang divine sword, in the eyes of queen mother of the west, shocks completely. 看到龙头拐杖变成纯阳神剑,西王母的眼中,满是震撼。 It with the dragon's head walking stick contact was not one day two days, but It actually never knows, the true body of dragon's head walking stick, unexpectedly was the sword of sovereign. 祂与龙头拐杖接触也不是一天两天了,但祂却从不知道,龙头拐杖的真身,竟是一把皇者之剑。 Even, the queen mother of the west is certain, this matter fears is east the nobility does not know. 甚至于,西王母可以肯定,这件事怕是连东王公也不知道。 View sword might, if east the nobility can grasp it in the past, even if not beat too one, will not defeat so pitifully. 观此剑威力,要是当年东王公能够掌握它的话,就算不敌太一,也不会败得如此凄惨。 That side, in the eastern sovereign who the Mother Earth empress confronts too one, after the sensation arrives at birth of Pure Yang sword, selected the brow. 那边,正在与后土娘娘对峙的东皇太一,在感知到纯阳剑的出世后,也是不禁挑了挑眉头。 It felt, this might of sword, even compared with Its elder brother emperor that in handsome hand the solar divine sword, but also wants on the big several points. 祂感觉,这把剑的威力,甚至要比祂兄长帝俊手中的那把太阳神剑,还要大上几分。 Really an extraordinary divine sword. 真是一把了不得的神剑。 Defends the most precious object not to know spatially, eastern Wang dies is not resentful. 空守至宝而不自知,东王公死的不怨。 At this moment, in an eastern sovereign too heart, appeared such idea. 这一刻,东皇太一的心中,不禁浮现出了这样的想法。 Actually, is not only It, other saw big magical powers of Pure Yang divine sword, in the heart also had the similar idea. 其实,不仅是祂,就连其余看到纯阳神剑的大神通者,心中也生出了同样的想法。 Eastern Wang dies is not resentful. 东王公死的不怨。 Really, the most precious object could not recognize certainly in the hand, whom this did not have in the great antiquity, the record annals, looked at reverently by the later generation sufficiently. 真是绝了,至宝在手都认不出来,这在洪荒也没谁了,足以记载史册,被后人瞻仰。 Everyone is not a fool, saw queen mother of the west angry looks for the eastern nobility's trouble, even does not hesitate is too collaborates, pondered over the taste to come gradually. 大家也不是傻子,看到西王母怒气冲冲的来找东王公的麻烦,甚至不惜是和太一联手,也渐渐琢磨出味来了。 The present eastern nobility, has what issue probably. 眼前的这尊东王公,大概是有着什么问题。 However, although discovered the issue, but everyone has not minded others'business. After all, no one is willing to see that eastern Wang comes back. 不过,虽说发现了问题,但大家也没多管闲事。毕竟,没人愿意见到东王公回来。 Head of reputation world male immortal, really made eastern Wang offend too many people. If he low key fortunately, everyone whats the eyes don't see the heart isn't troubled about, when only does not have him. 天下男仙之首这个名头,真的让东王公得罪太多人了。祂要是低调还好,大家眼不见心不烦,就只当没祂这个人。 But It had not known, must pose as the status of people leader. The emperor does not have It is so rampant handsome, who doesn't It die dead? 可祂偏偏还不自知,非要以众人首领的身份自居。帝俊都没祂这么嚣张,祂不死谁死? Why this was also, in the past the eastern nobility was too cut to kill by the eastern sovereign, reason that no one lends a hand to assist. 这也是为什么,当年东王公被东皇太一斩杀的时候,没人出手相助的原因。 It made into himself the loner. 祂把自己弄成了孤家寡人。 It did not have the friend! 祂没朋友了! Actually, after seeing present eastern Wang summons the Pure Yang divine sword, the people felt, the present eastern nobility, is more like the true eastern nobility. Beforehand that is false. 其实,在看到眼前的东王公召唤出纯阳神剑后,众人不由觉得,眼前的东王公,更像是真正的东王公。之前的那个,才是假的。 Peerless grace and talent, startled certainly colorful, the whole body reveals if I can not do it , who can the aggression, so the style, before is not east that the nobility, can comparison. 风华绝代,惊才绝艳,浑身流露出一股舍我其谁的霸气,这般风范,远不是以前的那个东王公,所能比较的。 ........................ …………………… The concealed sword trillion plant, today present point. 藏剑亿万栽,今日现锋芒。 Majestic sword intent cuts from the body of Pure Yang divine sword, is carrying the earth-shaking might, hits the Kunlun Mountains mirror retreats in defeat again and again. 大气磅礴的剑意从纯阳神剑的身上斩出,携带着撼天动地的威力,直将昆仑镜打得节节败退。 That years of incarnation dragon's head walking stick, the Pure Yang divine sword is not has not done. It is gathering the potential also to raise the sword. 化身龙头拐杖的那段岁月,纯阳神剑也不是什么都没做的。它在蓄势也在养剑。 You said why the Pure Yang divine sword will have this to be able, can be called the great antiquity swordsmanship first? 你道纯阳神剑为何会有此能为,堪称洪荒剑道第一? All is the merit of dragon's head walking stick. 皆是龙头拐杖的功劳。 It looks like the sword chest, accumulated has been raising the Pure Yang divine sword. Because has dragon's head walking stick innumerable year of accumulated to raise, the Pure Yang divine sword can show so the point today. 它就像是剑匣,一直蕴养着纯阳神剑。正是因为有着龙头拐杖无数年的蕴养,纯阳神剑今日才能展现出如此锋芒。 If east the nobility drew out the Pure Yang divine sword in the past, it also not necessarily has today's point. 要是当年东王公拔出纯阳神剑,它也不见得有今日的锋芒。 Brushing...... 刷…… The sword light dances in the air, lets the eastern nobility actually in the fight with queen mother of the west, built an evenly matched scene. 剑光飞舞间,硬是让东王公在与西王母的战斗中,营造出了一副势均力敌的场面。 But in fact, the eastern nobility is completely not the opponent of queen mother of the west. It is accurate the Saint initial strength, but the queen mother of the west is actually half beginning of the universe, is close to the strength of beginning of the universe infinitely. 可事实上,东王公完全不是西王母的对手。祂不过准圣初期的实力,而西王母却是半步混元,无限接近混元的实力。 The disparity between this, is not a Pure Yang divine sword can make up. 这之间的差距,可不是一把纯阳神剑能够弥补的。 Now the eastern nobility can hit evenly matched with the queen mother of the west, depends entirely on the one breath to support, when this tone releases, It is not far from the defeat. 现在东王公能与西王母打得势均力敌的,全靠一口气撑着,待这口气泄去,祂就离败不远了。
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