Godemperor, thisis the authority of personsovereign, withcancelling the authority of ChenEmperorGreat Emperor, reveringposition that the fusionbecomes.
神帝,这是人皇的权柄,与勾陈天皇大帝的权柄,融合而成的尊位。Itpromoted the two, simultaneouslyownersovereignwithcancellingChenGreat Emperorauthority, in the world tohighreveringposition.
The worlditself/Bendoes not havethisto revere the position, but when Feng Zichenachievesthisstepwordstruly.
The worldhas the feeling, ten thousandinterweave, humanity, will then condensethisindustrypositionfrom the worldobviously, in additionholdspersonallyon the body of Feng Zichen.
天地有感,万道交织,人道便会显化,从天地之中凝聚这个业位,亲自加持在风紫宸的身上。Godemperor, humanityhighestindustryposition!
神帝,人道最高的业位!Naturally, Feng Zichenbuilds the godcourtyard, althoughtoexpandhuman clan, butdoes not forgetto plan12foroneselfwhile convenient.
当然了,风紫宸建立神庭,虽是为了壮大人族,但也不忘顺便为自己谋划一二。IfFeng Zichenbecomescompleted the godcourtyard, Ithas the promotionnotenormousgold/metalimmortal, evenhigherboundarycapital.
倘若风紫宸成的建成了神庭,那祂就有晋升无极大罗金仙,甚至更高境界的资本。InHeaven, Itwill soon becomeheavenly emperor.
在天界,祂即将成为天帝。Innether world, Itisthistohighcontrol.
在幽冥界,祂已是此界的至高主宰。In the world, Itis the lord of godcourtyard, tohighgodemperor.
在人间,祂乃是神庭之主,至高的神帝。WorldpersonThree Realmshighestindustryposition, during the control of Feng Zichen, ifItcanunitethesethreeindustrypositions, Itcanbecomewithexistence that at one fell swoop the great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestoris on par with.
It is not being on par in strength, butisbeing on par in power.
不是实力上的比肩,而是权力上的比肩。Withis the great antiquityworldto the highcontrol.
同为洪荒天地最为至高的主宰。Itholds the world, Irefine the yellow and black.
祂掌天地,我炼玄黄。Itgrasps the universe, mymaingreat antiquity.
祂握宇宙,我主洪荒。Thisis the pattern of futuregreat antiquityworld.
这就是未来洪荒天地的格局。saintno longercanbe the Feng Zichenopponent. Hisopponent, will turn, since thathas been epoch-making, the firstlife of birth, is the great antiquitymost ancientlife, great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestor.圣人将不再会是风紫宸的对手。祂的对手,将会变成,那开天辟地以来,诞生的第一个生灵,也是洪荒最为古老的生灵,鸿钧道祖。Naturally, besidesgreat wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestor, chaosdemongod, as well asdemonancestorLuoHou, canbe the Feng Zichenfutureopponent.
当然,除了鸿钧道祖之外,混沌魔神,以及魔祖罗睺,也都会是风紫宸未来的对手。However, that timeFeng Zichen, the patternincreased, is no longer taking care of the great antiquitybenefit, butwill look atten thousandboundary/world, putsin the chaos.
The ideais truly good, butdistancetruerealization, still a bigsectiondistance.
想法确实挺好的,但距离真正的实现,尚还有一大段距离。First, godcourtyardFeng Zichenhas not established.
首先,神庭风紫宸还未建立。Next, even ifItbuilt the godcourtyard, ItcannotcompletelygraspHeavenandnether world.
其次,就算祂建立了神庭,祂也没能完全的掌握天界与幽冥界。Feng Zichenwill soon becomeheavenly emperor, the meaningisIt is also notheavenly emperor, butcancelsChenGreat Emperor, crape myrtleGreat Emperor, AntarcticGreat Emperor.风紫宸只是即将成为天帝,意思就是祂还不是天帝,只是勾陈大帝,紫薇大帝,南极大帝而已。Wantsto becomeheavenly emperor, Italsohas a smallsectiondistance to walk.
想要成为天帝,祂还有着一小段距离要走。Butnether world, Feng Zichenalsohas the absolutepowerto the Yincourtyard. But the Yincourtyard, is not the entirety of nether world.
而幽冥界,风紫宸也只是对阴庭有着绝对的权力。但阴庭,并不是幽冥界的全部。Except thatYinout of court, nether worldalsohaswitchclan, bloodshedAshurateachesand other stronginfluences.
除阴庭外,幽冥界还有巫族,血海阿修罗教等强大的势力。However, thesenothing to be worried, so long asto seal/conferGuibang the plancan conduct smoothly, the under strength of thatYincourtyardrises suddenly, Feng Zichenhad confidence that convincedthemto join the Yincourtyard.
不过,这些都不足为虑,只要封鬼榜的计划能够顺利的进行,那阴庭的实力暴涨之下,风紫宸就有把握说服祂们加入阴庭。As the matter stands, the Yincourtyardthenrepresentsentirenether world, becomeswith the influence that Celestial Courtis on par with.
这样一来,阴庭即可代表整个幽冥界,成为与天庭比肩的势力。Bythat time, Feng ZichenthisFengtuGreat Emperor, is the truenether worldcontrol, is graspingauthority that exceededDihuang.
到了那时,风紫宸这个酆都大帝,才算是真正的幽冥界主宰,掌握着超越地皇的权柄。Lets the Feng Zichenworrytruly, is Celestial Court.
真正让风紫宸忧心的,还是天庭。Damn, whenthatskycanpractice successfully the beginning of the universeto say the fruit, abdicatesto give up one's post to a more qualified person!
The skyis unable to break through, not onlyheis anxious, Feng Zichenis anxiousforIt.
昊天迟迟无法突破,非但祂自己急,就连风紫宸都替祂急。Itis keeping off the Feng Zichenroad.
The skydoes not break through, howto abdicate? Itdoes not abdicate, Feng Zichenthencannotaboutonestep, becomenewheavenly emperor.
烦啊!Builds this period of godcourtyardandstableYincourtyardinFeng Zichen, was the skylastchance.
在风紫宸打造神庭与稳固阴庭的这段期间,是昊天最后的机会了。If the situation in godcourtyardandYincourtyard, after thoroughstability, the skyhas not broken through the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortalas before the sign, thatdo not blameFeng Zichento disregard another's feelings, askingItto abdicateto give up one's post to a more qualified person.
要是神庭与阴庭的局势,彻底的稳定之后,昊天依旧没有突破混元大罗金仙的迹象,那就别怪风紫宸不留情面,请祂退位让贤了。Compared withownsay/wayway, the benefit of sky appeared notspeciallyimportant.
After the hearthad the decision, Feng Zichendisplays the speed of plan, quickseveralpoints.
心中有了决定之后,风紫宸施展计划的速度,又快了几分。Buildsgodcourtyardmatter, Feng Zichenis experienced, firsthashumanesovereign, latterhas the Yincourtyard, isItbuildssingle-handedly.
打造神庭这种事,风紫宸非常的有经验,先有人道皇廷,后有阴庭,都是祂一手打造的。This, isexperiencesslowly!
轰隆隆!In the worldbellow, thatnew student/lifebiggraduallycovers the human clanarea, is then overlapped.
天地轰鸣声中,那新生的大界逐渐将人族疆域覆盖,尔后重叠。Seesthis, the Feng Zichenbigsleevewields, fluttersthatin the human clanaboveincense and candlehopes the strength, allsweeps into new student/lifebig.
见此,风紫宸大袖一挥,将那飘荡在人族上空的香火愿力,全都扫入新生的大界之中。human clansaves the endlessyears the incense and candleto hope the strength, someactuallymany, Feng Zichenis notveryclear. Itonlyknows, is abovein the imaginationmany, and that's the end.人族积攒无尽岁月的香火愿力,究竟有多少,风紫宸也不是很清楚。祂只知道,很多,超乎想象中多,就是了。Rumble!
轰隆隆!Inthishugeincense and candlehopesunder the help of strength, thatnew student/lifebig, quickevolved.
在这股庞大的香火愿力的帮助下,那新生的大界,很快的就演变了起来。Howeverhundredyears of time, has become and human clanareais exactly the same, overlapswithitin the same place.
不过百年的功夫,就已变得和人族疆域一模一样,与其重叠在一起。At this time, if some people of states of mindhad/left the hole, will discover,oneselfenteredoneillusory, withhuman clanareaexactly the sameworld.
这就是神界!Feng Zichenopensgod the reasonto be very simplenow, after wascollectstheseantiquitypowerhousesto fall from the sky the source.风紫宸现在开辟神界的理由很简单,就是收集那些上古强者陨落后的本源。Godis newborn, but also is very frail, wantsto becomepowerful, needsto swallowmassiveinnatesources.
神界初生,还很脆弱,想要变得强大,就需要吞噬大量的先天本源。Butsourcewhatto come?
可本源何来?Feng Zichenthinks it over, reallymadeItthink of an idea.风紫宸思来想去,真就让祂想到了一个主意。Wastheseis reincarnated the human clanantiquitypowerhouses. Inthem, weakesthascultivating of TaiyiDaoist deityis, strongevenhascultivating of bigmagical powersis.
就是那些转世进人族的上古强者们。他们之中,最弱的都有着太乙道君的修为,强的甚至有着大神通者的修为。Ifcanintegrateinnew student/lifegodtheirsources, growth that godhas not brushed.
The time of therefore, whilehuman clanwith the reincarnation of antiquitypowerhousenot having battled against, Feng Zichenfirstopensgod, makingitoverlapwith the human clanarea.
故此,趁着人族还未与上古强者的转世开战的时机,风紫宸先将神界开辟出来,使其与人族疆域重叠。Later, ifboth sidesmake war, the after reincarnationbody of thatantiquitypowerhousefell from the sky, itsfleshsourcewill not waste, directlybygodabsorbing, became the nutrient of itsgrowth.
哎呀!Perhapsthiswastheseantiquitypowerhousesis reincarnatedhuman clan, to the biggestcontribution that human clanmade.
这或许是那些上古强者转世进人族,对人族做出的最大的贡献吧。Lethuman clanhaveownunsurpassedmacrocosm...... god!
“不错!”Looks that overlapswith the human clanareainsame placegod, Feng Zichensatisfiednod.
看着与人族疆域重叠在一起的神界,风紫宸不由满意的点了点头。Godbecomes, Itsnextstepplan, shouldstart.
神界既成,那祂下一步的计划,也该开始了。Sees the Feng Zichenbigsleeveto wield, almost allhuman clan, in the mind, appearedsimultaneously a news.
就见风紫宸大袖一挥,几乎所有的人族,脑海之中,同时浮现出了一道讯息。Has the demon born human clan, wantsto destroy the foundation of human clan. The people of our timesovereignhas the command, assigns/lifememberhuman clan, puts to death the demonwith joint forces, returns a human clanpeace.
有邪魔降生人族,欲毁人族之根基。今人皇有令,命人族修士,合力诛杀邪魔,以还人族一个安宁。Afterthisnews, theseobtainnewshuman clan, initsmind, is has an extremelyrichscience fictioncolorpanelto reappear.
在这条讯息之后,这些得到消息的人族,其脑海之中,皆是有着一个极富科幻色彩的面板浮现。Aboverecordsis cuttingto kill the reward of demon. From low to high, the efficacious medicineandmagic weapon, the magical powers and meritlaw, have everything expected to find, only thenyoucannot think that withoutabovedoes not record.
That highest levelefficacious medicine, is the say/wayfruit in legend, according to what has been heard after eating, canprovegreatlyLuoDaozun.
那最顶级的灵药,乃是传说之中的道果,据闻吃了之后,能直证大罗道尊。Thathighest levelmeritlaw, namedplatesovereignmain road, according to what has been heardcultivatesfinally, can the incarnationbecome the Pangumain roadto revere, has the epoch-makingstrength.
那最顶级的功法,名为盘皇大道经,据闻修炼到最后,能化身成盘古大道尊,拥有开天辟地的力量。Thathighest levelmagical powers, namedthoughtlessseal, after according to what has been heardaccomplishment, can the incarnationforthatalreadyMount Buzhou that breaks, hasto suppressallmighty force, isevensaint can also suppress.
那最顶级的神通,名为不周道印,据闻大成之后,可以化身为那早已破碎的不周山,具有镇压一切的伟力,就是连圣人也能镇压。But that highest levelmagic weapon, unexpectedlyis the innate supreme treasure profoundfirst note of the twelve note scale. Onthatpanel, the treasurehas not conducted anydescription, the function, mightandeffectanything, has not raisedtotally.
而那最顶级的法宝,竟然是先天至宝玄黄钟。那面板上,没有对此宝进行任何的描述,功能、威力、效果什么的,一概没提。Recordeda few wordssimply, the innate supreme treasure profoundfirst note of the twelve note scale.
只是简简单单的记录了一句话,先天至宝玄黄钟。Butis such a simpledescription, making the peopleexcited. Thatisinnate supreme treasure , the great antiquitymightstrongestmagic weapon.
可就是这么简单的一句描述,让众人激动了起来。那可是先天至宝,洪荒威力最强的法宝。Does not need many descriptions, onlyto beinnate supreme treasure , thenhas representedall. As the immortal, no onedoes not knowinnate supreme treasure , meaning that thesefourcharactersrepresent.
无需过多的描述,仅是先天至宝,便已代表了一切。身为仙人,没有人不知道先天至宝,这四个字所代表的含义。Graspsinnate supreme treasure , innateis in an impregnable position, perhapscould not win, butwill definitely not lose. Moreover, ifcanuniteinnate supreme treasure completely, thatdistancebecomes enlightened, is only the issue of time.
手持先天至宝,先天立于不败之地,或许赢不了,但肯定不会输。而且,若是能将先天至宝完全联合,那距离成道,也只是时间的问题。innate supreme treasure , changesanybody'sdestinysufficiently, thiswas the great antiquityhighest levelchance. Reveres the positionto tradewith the world, does not trade.先天至宝,足以改变任何人的命运,这是洪荒最顶级的机缘了。就是用天地尊位来换,都不换。Inheartexcited, the eyes of peoplewere red, looks at the surroundingperson, looked that wholooks like the demon, wished one couldto killthemat the scene, was usedto receive in exchange forinnate supreme treasure .
心中激动,众人的眼睛都红了,看着周围的人,看谁都像邪魔,恨不得当场就将他们杀了,用来换取先天至宝。What a pity, Feng Zichenonlytold the peopletemporarily the emergence of demon, has not told the people, whichpeopleare the demons.
可惜,风紫宸暂时只告诉了众人邪魔的出现,却是没有告诉众人,哪些人是邪魔。This point, is not first anxious, firstworked up the mood of peopleto saywithvariousrewardsagain.
这一点,先不急,先用各种奖励调动众人的情绪再说。Whentheirmoodwas transferredcompletely, startsto cultivatediligently, after the strengthpromotesonebigsection, Feng Zichennaturallycantellthem, whichpeoplearebeyond the day the demon.
待他们情绪被完全调动起来,开始努力修炼,实力提升一大截之后,风紫宸自然会告诉他们,哪些人是天外邪魔。As for the present, they were too tender.
至于现在,他们还太嫩了。Directlywhoiftoldthemisbeyond the day the demon, under theyactedrashly, alerted the enemydid not say,will lose the lifefor no reason.
若是直接告诉他们何人是天外邪魔,那他们冒然行动之下,打草惊蛇了不说,更是会凭白丢了性命。Thisis unworthy, firstmadethemenhance the strengthto sayagain.
这样不值得,还是先让他们提升一下实力再说。Theseare thinking, Feng Zichenopened the human clantreasure house, a lot ofprecioustreasures, will not ask for moneyto resemblescattered, proliferatesacross the human clanarea, turns into all kinds ofchances, waits for the peopleto seek.
这些想着,风紫宸打开了人族宝库,将大量珍贵的宝物,不要钱似的撒了出去,遍布在人族疆域各地,化成各种各样的机缘,等着众人去寻找。Onlyby the self-torture, how many strengthcanpromote?
仅是靠苦修,实力能提升多少?Wants the fastpromotionstrength, but must opentothembyFeng Zichenhangs.
想要快速的提升实力,还得靠风紫宸给他们开挂。Moreover, does not openhangs, theyalsocompared with the reincarnations of theseantiquitypowerhouses. Reallythinks, the reincarnations of theseantiquitypowerhouses, will cultivatehonestly
另外,不开挂,他们也比不过那些上古强者的转世们啊。真以为,那些上古强者的转世们,就会老老实实的修炼吧Not to mention, saintwill opentothemhangs, issaintdoes not opentothemhangs, the cultivationexperienceandchance of itsprevious generation, aretheybiggesthanging.
且不说,圣人会给他们开挂,就是圣人不给他们开挂,其前世的修炼经验、机缘,就是他们最大的挂。IfFeng Zichendoes not givememberhuman clanto openhangs, that was inferior tomemberhuman clan of antiquitypowerhouse, it is estimated thatwill be inferior tothem.风紫宸要是再不给人族修士开挂的话,那本就是不如上古强者的人族修士,估计就会更不如他们了。
…………„BigLuoDaoguo, platesovereignmain road, thoughtlessseal, innate supreme treasure profoundfirst note of the twelve note scale.”
“大罗道果、盘皇大道经,不周道印,先天至宝玄黄钟。”„OpportunityIhave givenyou, does not know,anyone of you have the ability, sinceItook awayto tradethesefourtypes of treasures.”
“机会寡人已经给你们了,就是不知道,你们谁有能耐,从寡人收走换走这四样宝物了。”In the personsovereignpalace, Feng Zichen the peopleexcitingmood, in11incomeeyes, cannot bearshakes the headwith a smile.
人皇殿中,风紫宸将众人激动的情绪,一一收入眼中,忍不住笑着摇了摇头。SinceItdaresto takethesethings, ifreallysomepeoplemet the requirements, Itiswill also deliverwithout hesitation.
祂既然敢把这些东西拿出来,那要是真的有人达到了要求,祂也是会毫不犹豫的送出去。Thisprestige, Feng Zichenhas.
这点信誉,风紫宸还是有的。Possibility that the former threestillhad, butis finally same, the innate supreme treasure profoundfirst note of the twelve note scale, wantsactuallysuch asto ascend to heavendifficultly.
只是,前三者尚有得到的可能,但最后一样,先天至宝玄黄钟,想要得到却难如登天。Obtainsitsrequest, is cutsto killbeyondimpressivelyday the leader of demon. Alsois the redcloudancestors and easternnobilitytwopeople.
得到它的要求,赫然便是斩杀天外邪魔的领袖。也就是红云老祖与东王公二人。Thisrequest, is actually verydifficult, regardingmemberhuman clan, the possibility of almostnot having completed.
这个要求,却是很难,对于人族修士来说,几乎没有完成的可能。But if not difficult, how can also serve as contrastinnate supreme treasure precious?
但要是不难的话,又如何能衬托出先天至宝的珍贵呢?Initial capitalFeng Zichenhad gotten down, cancompleteas forit, looked at the skill of people.
……Arranged the ordinaryhuman clanchance, Feng Zichento shift the body of antiquityhuman clan the vision.
也安排一下他们了。Asoneselfoncetrusted subordinate, Feng Zichentothem, has the strictrequest. Naturally, whilestrict demand, Feng Zichengivesthem is also best.
作为自己曾经的亲信,风紫宸对他们,是有着严格的要求的。当然,在严格要求的同时,风紫宸给他们的也是最好的。For example, Feng Zichenthistimeto the chance that theyprepare, is differentfromordinaryhuman clan.
就比如,风紫宸这次给他们准备的机缘,就与普通的人族不同。Isinnatespirit treasure, orinnatemagic weapon.
都是先天灵宝,或是先天法宝。As forinnatespirit treasurewhatto come? Definitelyis not the exceedingly highfounderdelivers.
The exceedingly highfounderis usedto settle the causes and effectsdozensinnatespirit treasure, Feng Zichenhas not coveredhot, allgivesto divide, thisis insufficient.
通天教主用来了结因果的数十件先天灵宝,风紫宸还没捂热乎呢,就全都给分了出去,就这还不够。human clanfirstHeavenly Daorevered is really many, madeteninnatespirit treasureinsufficientlyto divideradically, Feng Zichenbasicwithunnecessaryinnatespirit treasure, gavetheseantiquityhuman clan.人族的先天道尊实在是太多了,做十件先天灵宝根本就不够分的,风紫宸根本拿不出来多余的先天灵宝,交给那些上古人族。In view of this, whymustsay,Feng Zichendid prepare the chanceaboutinnatespirit treasuretotheseantiquityhuman clan?
Did Ithaveinnatespirit treasure? Wherealsochangesso manyinnatespirit treasure, gaveantiquityhuman clan?
祂不是没有先天灵宝了吗?又从哪里变出来这么多的先天灵宝,送给上古人族们?ThismustthankThree Pure Ones.
这就要感谢三清了。In order tohide the truth from the Feng Zichensensation, whentheseantiquitypowerhouseswere reincarnatedhuman clan, Three Pure Oneshas not madethemcarry the magic weapon, buthidit, after waiting fortheyrose, oneselfseek.
为了瞒过风紫宸的感知,在那些上古强者转世进人族的时候,三清并未让他们携带法宝,而是将其隐藏了起来,等待他们崛起之后,自己去寻找。Butnow, Feng Zichenprojected on the bodies of thesemagic weapons the idea. In the magic weapons of theseantiquitypowerhouses, did not lackinnatespirit treasureabsolutely.
而如今,风紫宸就把主意打到这些法宝的身上了。这些上古强者的法宝之中,绝对不缺少先天灵宝。Ifantiquityhuman clancandothem, will not lack the magic weapon.
要是上古人族能将它们搞到手,也就不会缺法宝了。As forantiquityhuman clanmagic weapon......
至于上古人族本身的法宝……Under the easternsovereignbell, the myriad thingsdo not save, theyhave not preserved, the magic weapon, has not to mention become the fragmentpowderreturnworld.
The magic weapon that Three Pure Oneshides, Feng Zichencould not find, butItcanfind the reincarnationbodies of theseantiquitypowerhouses.三清藏起来的法宝,风紫宸是找不到,但祂能找到那些上古强者的转世身啊。Letantiquityhuman clanfollowthey, whenitwill soon retrieve the previous generationmagic weapon, directtruncationreckless, orsnatchedthemdirectly.
让上古人族跟着他们,在其即将寻回前世法宝的时候,直接截胡,或者是直接抢了他们。Look didn't the magic weaponsucceed in obtaining?
这不,法宝不就到手了吗?At this time, do not pullwhatcauses and effectsnon-causes and effects. Measures the tribulationto be usedto do? Used to clear off the causes and effects.
这个时候,也别扯什么因果不因果的了。量劫是用来干什么的?就是用来理清因果的。Persondead is lost!
人死万事休!Only ifheresurrects!
…………ButwhenFeng Zichenplanned the antiquitypowerhouse, in the great antiquity, was actually the variableregeneration.
而就在风紫宸谋划上古强者的时候,洪荒之中,却是变数再生。SeesaboveEast Sea, in the purplemansionstate, raisessuddenlytogether the exceedingly highpenetratingplacetoYangShenguang.
就见东海之上,紫府州中,骤然升起一道通天彻地的至阳神光。Later, thathas brokeninnatetoYangsay/way, condenses, graduallyforms a greatform.
之后,那早已破碎的先天至阳之道,重新凝聚,逐渐形成一道伟岸的身影。Seesthatperson, the crownthree dimensionalcrown, the clothing/taking of clothing/takingninecolorrosy clouds, the whole bodyis winding aroundrichlyinnatetoYangShenguang.
就见那人,冠三维之冠,服九色云霞之服,周身缭绕着浓郁的先天至阳神光。East the head of the world maleimmortalnobility!
正是天下男仙之首东王公!At this moment, the easternnobilitycame back to life!
“哈哈!”„This poor Daoistcame back.”
The carefreelaughtersends outfrom the mouth of easternnobility, shortly, thenspread over the entiregreat antiquityworld.
The worldin this momentfiercevibration, the spontaneousgiving birthinduction, interweavesall sorts ofphenomenon, tocelebrate the return of easternnobility.
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