GDSP :: Volume #8

#784: To kill the chaos demon god

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Innate spirit treasure in exceedingly high founder hand, besides minority several, other is high-grade innate spirit treasure. 通天教主手中的先天灵宝,除了少数的几件之外,其余的都是上品先天灵宝 But innate spirit treasure that too clear saint and Yuan Shi Tian Zun take, although the quantity are many, but mostly is low-grade innate spirit treasure. 而太清圣人与元始天尊拿出来的先天灵宝,数量虽多,但大都是中下品的先天灵宝 On having the value, that more than ten innate spirit treasure values that might as well the exceedingly high founder puts out is high. Also the exceedingly high founder met the meat pain no wonder, this wave, It was the real massive hemorrhage. 论起价值来,还不如通天教主拿出的那十几件先天灵宝价值高。也难怪通天教主会肉痛了,这一波啊,祂是真的大出血了。 Three Pure Ones puts together innate spirit treasure that puts out, has 180. In hand that this helping, human clan first Heavenly Dao reveres, did not say that every innate spirit treasure, that was also similar. 三清加在一起拿出的先天灵宝,足足有着一百八十件之多。得此之助,人族先天道尊的手上,不说人手一件先天灵宝,那也差不多了。 But this, has not ended. 但这,还没完。 Sees in the chaos, suddenly the multi-colored sunlight flashed through, blocks the sky, covers the entire immortal Dragon City. 就见混沌之中,忽然有一道霞光闪过,遮天蔽日,笼罩住了整个不朽龙城。 Then, sees several hundred innate spirit treasure, such as the raindrop landing, falls into these not to have innate spirit treasure first Heavenly Dao to revere in the hand respectively. 然后,就见数百件先天灵宝,如雨点般降落,分别落入那些没有先天灵宝的先天道尊手上。 Several hundred innate spirit treasure, the eye does not wink to divide, in the great antiquity can have this writing skill, only had the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor. 数百件先天灵宝,眼睛都不眨一下的就分了出去,洪荒之中能有此手笔的,也就唯有鸿钧道祖了。 Was he acted personally, did not have innate spirit treasure first Heavenly Dao to revere to these, sent innate spirit treasure every. 是祂老人家亲自出手了,给那些没有先天灵宝的先天道尊,人手发了一件先天灵宝 Then, then everyone had innate spirit treasure. 如此一来,便人人都有了一件先天灵宝 In addition, one group of yellow and black sources let fall, float sky over immortal Dragon City, the release the air/Qi of inexhaustible yellow and black good fortune, revere for these injured first Heavenly Dao therapy. 除此之外,还有一团玄黄本源垂落,悬浮在不朽龙城上空,释放出无穷无尽的玄黄造化之气,为那些受伤的先天道尊们疗伤。 Results in helping of great wild goose honored say/way ancestor, a weary potential of great antiquity world side sweeps away, meets head-on the innate ominous beast by the peak condition again. 得鸿钧道祖之助,洪荒天地一方的疲势一扫而空,再次以巅峰的状态迎战先天凶兽。 The inexhaustible magical powers change to the god light/only to burst out, in a flash, then cuts to kill the innate ominous beast that dozens say/way revered the rank. 无穷无尽的神通化作神光迸发,转瞬间,便斩杀了数十头道尊级别的先天凶兽。 However, useless! 但是,无用! The innate ominous beast seems inexhaustible general, regardless of these first Heavenly Dao revered to kill many, never saw its has the sign of reduction, even, were instead getting more and more. 先天凶兽好似无穷无尽一般,无论这些先天道尊杀了多少,始终不见其有减少的迹象,甚至于,反而还越来越多。 Kills not, chaos all around had been dyed the blood-color, but the innate ominous beast is kills as before not. 杀之不尽,周遭的混沌已经被染成了血色,可先天凶兽依旧是杀之不尽。 Gradually, these because of absorbing the air/Qi of yellow and black good fortune re-entered the peak first Heavenly Dao to revere, the strength exhausts again, on the face appeared a weary condition. 渐渐的,那些因吸收了玄黄造化之气而重回巅峰的先天道尊们,力量再次耗尽,脸上重新浮现了一丝疲态。 Why? 为什么呢? Why does the innate ominous beast kill not? 先天凶兽为何杀之不尽呢? Answer chaos deep place beyond day, place that the chaos demon god hidden. 答案就在天外混沌深处,混沌魔神隐藏的地方。 Where, nine giant placentas are beating unceasingly, seems the breath to be the same, each tremor, has a lot of chaos air/Qi to be swallowed by it. 在哪里,有九个巨大的胎盘正在不断的跳动着,就好似呼吸一般,每一次颤动,都有大量的混沌之气被其吞噬。 Then, sees together the chaos color god light flash, then has massive innate ominous beasts born from these nine placentas, roaring, flushes away in the direction of great antiquity world. 然后,就见一道混沌色的神光闪过,便有大量的先天凶兽从这九个胎盘之中诞生,咆哮着,往洪荒天地的方向冲去。 Because has these nine placentas in the continuous manufacture innate ominous beast, they will kill the ceaselessness, is impacting the great antiquity world unceasingly. 正因为有着这九个胎盘在源源不断的制造先天凶兽,它们才会杀之不绝,不断的冲击着洪荒天地。 Did not destroy these nine chaos placentas, this war, the great antiquity world must defeat without doubt. 不将这九个混沌胎盘毁了,这一战,洪荒天地必败无疑。 This is, at this time, great antiquity world one although increasingly realized is not right, but has not caused all these real reasons to be at definite. 这是,这个时候,洪荒天地一方虽然逐渐意识到了不对,但还未确定造成这一切的真正原因所在。 Only can try the best, to strengthen the strength that one's own side first Heavenly Dao reveres, thus resists the attack of innate ominous beast. 只能尽自己所能的,去增强己方先天道尊的实力,从而抵御先天凶兽的进攻。 However, over time, the disparity between enemy and ourselves is getting bigger and bigger, gradually, presented first Heavenly Dao to revere the injured sign. 不过,随着时间的流逝,敌我之间的差距越来越大,渐渐的,又出现了先天道尊受伤的迹象。 Fortunately, has existence of yellow and black source, can prompt reveres to retrieve these injured first Heavenly Dao, is only, the air/Qi of chaos is inexhaustible, but the yellow and black source is not inexhaustible. 还好,有着玄黄本源的存在,能够及时的将那些受伤的先天道尊救回,只是,混沌之气无穷无尽,但玄黄本源却不是无穷无尽的。 When the yellow and black source exhausts, a great antiquity world side has the casualty is the unavoidable matter. 等到玄黄本源耗尽,洪荒天地一方出现死伤已是无法避免的事。 ...... …… ............ ………… Oh!” “唉!” In person sovereign palace, Feng Zichen numerous sighing. Sees the Three Pure Ones action, It somewhat is ashamed. 人皇殿中,风紫宸重重的叹了一口气。看到三清的举动,祂不免有些羞愧。 In order to protect the great antiquity world, Three Pure Ones can regardless the prejudice helps human clan full power, why does It also want to be biased? His was Three Pure Ones inferior? 为了守护洪荒天地,三清都能抛开成见的去全力帮助人族,祂为何还要心存偏见?难道祂连三清都不如? Read and hence, Feng Zichen no longer hesitated, offered a sacrifice to the blood sacrificial altar gradually, starts internal energy that collected a great antiquity world side first Heavenly Dao to revere, to take basing on that they resurrected. 念及至此,风紫宸不再犹豫,渐渐祭起血祭台,开始收集洪荒天地一方的先天道尊的气机,以作为祂们复活的凭依。 Fellow Daoist, must resist not.” “诸位道友,莫要抵抗。” Meanwhile, Feng Zichen forgets to send greetings in secret to immortal Dragon City above various multi-channel have not revered, informs the function of their blood sacrificial altar, making them do not resist the strength of blood sacrificial altar. 同时,风紫宸还不忘暗中传音给不朽龙城之上的诸多道尊们,告知祂们血祭台的作用,让祂们不要抵抗血祭台的力量。 Knew existence of blood sacrificial altar, as well as after its function, immortal Dragon City on first Heavenly Dao revere, naturally is happy. Had existence of this treasure, they can the fearless death, be able to resurrect momentarily. 得知了血祭台的存在,以及它的作用之后,不朽龙城们上的先天道尊们,自然是高兴不已。有了此宝的存在,祂们便可无惧死亡,随时都能复活。 Had the escape route, various first Heavenly Dao reveres again unscrupulously, begins may be called fierce does not fear, goes all out to slaughter with the innate ominous beasts. 有了后路,诸先天道尊再无顾忌,动起手来堪称悍不畏死,与先天凶兽们拼命厮杀起来。 Will not die in any case, who feared who! 反正不会死,谁怕谁啊! But Three Pure Ones and the others, after knowing Feng Zichen also has blood sacrificial altar such treasure, the complexion becomes strange. 三清等人,在得知风紫宸还有血祭台这样的宝物后,脸色不禁变得古怪起来。 Since the blood sacrificial altar can the resurrecting dead, then so many years later, who with it Feng Zichen did reactivate? Depending on this, in hand of Feng Zichen, grasped a how terrifying strength. 既然血祭台能够复活亡者,那么这么多年下来,风紫宸用它都复活了谁?凭此,风紫宸的手中,又掌握了多么恐怖的一股力量。 These doubts, are full in the mind of people, causes their dreading to Feng Zichen, rose a stair. 这些疑惑,充盈在众人的脑海之中,使得祂们对风紫宸的忌惮,又上升了一个台阶。 But at this moment, pays attention to the front war is the important matter, at present, does not have the time to go into seriously, these year of Feng Zichen with the blood sacrificial altar, actually did anything. 但此刻,关注前方的大战才是要紧之事,眼下,却是没有功夫去深究,这些年风紫宸拿血祭台,究竟都干了些什么。 These matters, must bury temporarily in the heart, after repelling the chaos demon god, is doing to haggle over. 这些事,只得暂时埋藏在心底,待击退了混沌魔神之后,在做计较。 ...... …… After having the blood sacrificial altar, a first Heavenly Dao of great antiquity world side revere, is ordinary with the innate ominous beast, starts becomes fierce does not fear. 有了血祭台之后,洪荒天地一方的先天道尊们,与先天凶兽一般,也开始变得悍不畏死起来。 Therefore, the war is even more intense, the flesh of innate ominous beast, overspread the chaos, with the air/Qi of chaos tight pesters in together, blooms the monster different blood light. 为此,大战愈发的激烈起来,先天凶兽的血肉,铺满了混沌,与混沌之气紧紧的纠缠在一起,绽放出妖异的血光。 But blood sacrificial altar, then going all out swallows the flesh of innate ominous beast, to transform resurrecting first Heavenly Dao to revere it is the need strength. 而血祭台,则是在拼命的吞噬先天凶兽的血肉,以将其转化成复活先天道尊是需要的力量。 This is a benign circulation, now first Heavenly Dao revere the innate ominous beast that kills more, later after waiting for them to fall from the sky, the number of times that can resurrect are also more, restores the strength the speed, is quicker. 这是一个良性的循环,现在先天道尊们杀的先天凶兽越多,之后等祂们陨落之后,能够复活的次数也就越多,恢复力量的速度,也就越快。 Meanwhile, Three Pure Ones too first-grade beginning of the universe powerhouse, as well as many big magical powers, has not been idling. 与此同时,三清太一等混元强者,以及诸多大神通者们,也都没有闲着。 Sees them to take out own collection respectively, the innate source that being correct rhyme fills, first deity material that the having mystical powers light four shoot, has the spiritual energy threatening first deity fruit wait/etc...... 就见祂们各自取出自己的珍藏,有道韵弥漫的先天本源,有灵光四射的先天神材,更有灵气逼人的先天神果等等…… In brief, what treasure has, can let the innate treasure that the person reaches the sky in a single bound, contains the astonishing strength. 总之,什么样的宝物都有,都是能够让人一步登天的先天宝物,蕴含着惊人的力量。 After these great people take out oneself collection respectively, unexpectedly is without hesitation its crumb, turns into the purest world source, pours into the yellow and black source, to expand its strength , to continue first Heavenly Dao to revere to come to in addition for the people to hold. 这些大人物各自取出自己的珍藏之后,竟是毫不犹豫的将其捏碎,化成最为纯粹的天地本源,灌入玄黄本源之中,以壮大它的力量,继续为众人先天道尊来加持。 Another side, beyond the day the chaos deep place, Zixiaogong is shivering crazily, blooms the endless god light/only, forms a huge black vortex in its surroundings, rests swallowing chaos air/Qi that all around goes all-out. 另一边,天外混沌深处,紫霄宫疯狂的颤动着,绽放出无尽的神光,在其周围形成一个巨大的黑色漩涡,歇尽全力的吞噬周遭的混沌之气。 This is the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor is acting, stimulates to movement Zixiaogong to swallow the air/Qi of chaos full power, to transform the yellow and black source it. 这是鸿钧道祖在出手,全力催动紫霄宫吞噬混沌之气,以将其转化成玄黄本源。 But in the boundless starry sky, the sidereal revolution stars are also the tremor continue, the galaxy eon brilliant automatic performance, performs to accept the air/Qi of eight side chaos, refining up the purest innate source. 而无垠星空之中,周天星辰亦是颤动不止,星河宙光大阵自动运转,尽纳八方混沌之气,炼成最为纯粹的先天本源。 In this moment, all big magical powers, in the completely maximum effort , helping these first Heavenly Dao revere , helping them defend the great antiquity world. 在这一刻,所有的大神通者,都在尽自己最大的努力,去帮助那些先天道尊们,助祂们守住洪荒天地。 Time, 时间, Such a minute/share one second of passing. 就这样一分一秒的过去了。 ...... …… ............ ………… Un?” “嗯?” In the person sovereign palace, because of camouflaging the severe wound has not gone to Feng Zichen that enters the war, at this moment, whole face dignified is staring at these innate ominous beasts, tries to seek for the problem is. 人皇殿中,因伪装成重伤而未去参战的风紫宸,此刻,正满脸凝重的盯着那些先天凶兽,试图寻找问题关键的所在。 Wanting to pin on the body that first Heavenly Dao reveres, this is not the Feng Zichen style. 把希望寄托在先天道尊的身上,这不是风紫宸的风格。 Cracking a joke, was their these beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortals dies certainly? The big great antiquity world must first Heavenly Dao revere to protect by one crowd unexpectedly, this not funny? 开玩笑,是祂们这些混元大罗金仙死绝了吗?偌大的洪荒天地竟然要靠一群先天道尊去守护,这不搞笑的吗? The great antiquity world does not need first Heavenly Dao to revere to protect, at least, before Feng Zichen and Three Pure Ones, too these beginning of the universe powerhouses have not died certainly, but also is not one's turn them to protect. 洪荒天地不需要先天道尊去守护,最起码,在风紫宸三清、太一这些混元强者没有死绝之前,还轮不到祂们去守护。 Most starts, the great antiquity world is protected by the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor, the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor could not defend, Three Pure Ones, Western two Saints, Mother Earth empress, Nüwa empress, Feng Zichen, too first-grade person. 最开始,洪荒天地由鸿钧道祖守护,鸿钧道祖守不住了,还有三清,西方二圣,后土娘娘,女娲娘娘,风紫宸、太一等人。 After waiting for these people to drop down completely, the wheel obtains first Heavenly Dao to revere. 等这些人全部倒下之后,才轮得到先天道尊们。 Now, people also, and has not acted, the great antiquity world is far from the life and death time, but also is not one's turn these first Heavenly Dao to revere goes all out. 现在,众人还在,且还未出手,洪荒天地远没有到生死存亡的时候,还轮不到那些先天道尊们去拼命。 They now, is not the appearance of going all out. Really must arrive at the moment of life and death crisis, how so leisurely and carefree, many big magical powers do add to them holds? 祂们如今,也不是拼命的样子。真要到了生死危机的关头,岂会如此的悠闲,还有诸多大神通者给祂们加持? Said goes all out, rather is informed and experienced appropriate. 说是拼命,不如说是历练更为的合适。 Moreover, will want to pin on others' body, this is not the Feng Zichen style. Believes, is Feng Zichen thinks incessantly, others, generally are also so. 而且,将希望寄托在别人的身上,这不是风紫宸的风格。相信,不止是风紫宸这么想,其余的人,大抵也是如此。 However, unlike Feng Zichen, Three Pure Ones and other people have exposed under the line of sight of chaos demon god, has been staring by it, even if in the heart has an idea, is not easy to act. 不过,与风紫宸不同,三清等九人已经暴露在了混沌魔神的视线下,一直被其盯着,就算心中有所想法,也不好行动。 But Feng Zichen is different, in people's eyes It now is the severely wounded dying condition, therefore, this fights It not to participate, chaos demon gods, has not focused on Its body. 风紫宸不同,在众人的眼里祂现在是重伤垂死的状态,因此,此战祂并未参加,混沌魔神们,也没将目光放在祂的身上。 But this, gave the opportunity of Feng Zichen in secret action. 而这,就给了风紫宸暗中行动的机会。 ...... …… Quiet, Feng Zichen left the person of sovereign palace, arrived at beyond the day in the chaos. 悄无声息的,风紫宸离开了人皇殿,来到了天外混沌之中。 Looked at several, determined that no one notices himself, Feng Zichen hidden goes to the form quietly, following the direction that the innate ominous beast wells up, the backward goes. 四下看了几眼,确定没人注意到自己,风紫宸悄然隐去身影,顺着先天凶兽涌来的方向,追溯而去。 Even if at a rate of Feng Zichen, in the chaos, that can also achieve in a flash 100.02 million li (0.5 km). 风紫宸,哪怕是在混沌之中,那也能做到转瞬之间亿万万里。 What exceeds the speed of light, simply does not have the significance. 什么超越光速,根本没有意义。 Because, any concept becomes under Its strength fuzzy, must according to the rule that It formulates. 因为,任何概念在祂的力量下都变得模糊起来,都要按照祂制定的规则来。 Therefore, quick, Feng Zichen arrived at the source of innate ominous beast, that nine big chaos placenta is. 因此,很快的,风紫宸就来到了先天凶兽的源头,那九大混沌胎盘所在。 So that's how it is!” “原来如此!” „The innate ominous beast will kill no wonder not, plant root originally here.” “怪不得先天凶兽会杀之不尽,根子原来都在这里。” Looks that at present that nine are making the chaos placenta of innate ominous beast continuously, in the eye of Feng Zichen, flashed through a wisp of none. 看着眼前那九个正源源不绝的制造先天凶兽的混沌胎盘,风紫宸的眼中,不由闪过了一缕精光。 What is the treasure, this and that's the end. 什么是宝物,这就是了。 So long as can do this chaos placenta, what innate ominous beast that also captures alive, directly by this thing creation not on line? 只要能将这混沌胎盘搞到手,那还活捉什么先天凶兽,直接以此物创造不就行了吗? When the time comes, wants many innate ominous beast, many innate ominous beasts. 到时候,想要多少先天凶兽,就有多少先天凶兽。 Wasn't that invincible? 那不是无敌了吗? However, the excited thoughts of returning home move, looks after nine big chaos placentas, are standing nine chaos demon gods, regardless of Feng Zichen has what idea, suppressed forcefully. 不过,心动归心动,看着九大混沌胎盘之后站着的九尊混沌魔神,无论风紫宸有何想法,都强行压制了下去。 Good that do not alert the enemy, otherwise, wants to gain these chaos placentas again, somewhat was difficult. 还是不要打草惊蛇的好,否则的话,再想获取这些混沌胎盘,就有些难了。 Takes down here all silently, Feng Zichen drew back quietly. However, It has not returned to the person of sovereign palace, but arrived at Three Pure Ones quietly and other people of sides. 默默记下这里的一切,风紫宸悄无声息的退了出去。不过,祂并没有返回人皇殿,而是悄悄的来到了三清等九人的身边。 Fellow Daoist, you looks......” “诸位道友,你们看……” Hides in secret, Feng Zichen a moment ago in the picture that the chaos deep place saw, respectively read by the god passed to nine people. 隐藏在暗中,风紫宸将自己刚才在混沌深处看到的画面,分别以神念传给了九人。 Un?” “嗯?” Obtains the Feng Zichen rumor suddenly, although nine people in heart surprise, but in the surface is actually the motionless slightest, pretends appearance calmly, looked all pictures that It transmitted. 骤然得到风紫宸的传言,九人虽然心中诧异,但面上却是不动分毫,装作若无其事的样子,看完了祂传来的所有画面。 These innate ominous beasts kill no wonder not, originally has these nine chaos placentas, is making the innate ominous beast continuously.” “怪不得那些先天凶兽杀之不尽,原来是有着这九个混沌胎盘,正在源源不绝的制造先天凶兽。” „The method of chaos demon god, was really, can the lot manufacturing first Heavenly Dao revere unexpectedly, worthily once was with the character who the father god strove for hegemony.” “混沌魔神的手段,真是了得,竟然能批量制造先天道尊,不愧是曾与父神争霸的人物。” Looked picture that Feng Zichen transmits, the people are saying after a sigh at heart. 看完风紫宸传来的画面,众人在心里感叹道。 Then, sees too clear saint unemotional passes on the sound said toward Feng Zichen: Since cancelled Chen fellow daoist to discover the issue was, that depended on the meaning of fellow daoist, how I should and others?” 然后,就见太清圣人面无表情的朝风紫宸传音道:“既然勾陈道友发现了问题所在,那依道友之意,我等又该如何?” When too clear saint passes message, during is void, an inexplicable strength arrives, forms a strange world, pinched to take a ten people of god to read respectively. 就在太清圣人传音的时候,虚空之中,一股莫名力量降临,形成一个奇异的世界,各自捏取了十人的一丝神念。 In the strange world, an unusual refined form sits cross-legged to sit in the center. Ten people of gods read the incarnation to arrive at this place, immediately toward that form pays respects say/way: We see the corridor ancestor.” 奇异世界之中,一超凡脱俗的身影盘膝坐在中央。十人的神念化身一来到此地,立即朝那身影拜道:“吾等见过道祖。” This side world is an ancestor by the strength of Heavenly Dao condenses, to do the people to exchange to use, can hide the truth from the sensation of chaos demon god absolutely. 这方世界乃是道祖以天道之力凝聚而成,以做众人交流所用,绝对能瞒过混沌魔神的感知。 Waving makes the people get up, the great wild goose honored said that ancestor asked: Has understood clearly the plot of chaos demon god, that depends on your meanings, how do we deserve?” 挥手让众人起来,鸿钧道祖问道:“诸位都已洞悉了混沌魔神的阴谋,那依你们之意,吾等该当如何?” Said the ancestor to finish speaking, too one said on categorical returning immediately: Kills, at the maximum speed cuts to kill that nine chaos demon gods, only by doing so, can destroy their planning.” 道祖话音刚落,太一立即就斩钉截铁的回道:“杀,以最快的速度斩杀那九尊混沌魔神,唯有如此,才能破坏祂们的算计。” Otherwise, by that innate ominous beast continuously, this fights me and others to be very difficult to win.” “否则的话,以那源源不绝的先天凶兽来看,此战我等很难取胜。” Too after a saying ended, although several other people have not spoken, but observed its expression, obviously also approved Its words. 太一说完之后,其余的几人虽未说话,但观其表情,显然也都是认可祂的话的。 Nowadays, cuts to kill the chaos demon god, truly is the best way. 现如今,斩杀混沌魔神,确实是最好的办法。 Also must cut to kill the chaos demon god, that has to face a realistic issue. 只是,既要斩杀混沌魔神,那就不得不面对一个现实的问题。 That is, now the chaos demon god closely is staring at them, once they take an action, that chaos demon god will have a vigilance inevitably. Then, wanted to cut to kill the chaos demon god is not easy. 那就是,如今混沌魔神正紧紧的盯着祂们,一旦祂们有所行动,那混沌魔神势必会有所警觉。如此一来,想要斩杀混沌魔神就没那么容易了。 Only has unexpectedly, has the possibility that cuts to kill the chaos demon god. If they had the protection, that beats them to be easy, may want to cut to kill it, somewhat was difficult. 唯有出其不意,方有斩杀混沌魔神的可能。倘若祂们有了防备,那击败祂们容易,可想要将其斩杀,就有些难了。 But is unable to cut to kill the chaos demon god, that troublesome was big. 而无法斩杀混沌魔神,那麻烦就大了。 Suddenly, the people somewhat hesitate, does not know that should carry out to behead the plan. 一时间,众人有些踌躇,不知该不该执行斩首计划。 However is good because , the people are the resolute people, after short weighing the advantages and disadvantages, in the heart had the decision. 不过好在,众人都是果决之人,在短暂的权衡利弊之后,心中就有了决定。 Sees too takes out the chaos bell, hands over in it the hand of Feng Zichen, said: Now fellow daoist in the line of sight of chaos demon god beyond, that trouble fellow daoist my magic weapon, belt/bring to the side of chaos demon god.” 就见太一取出混沌钟,将其交到风紫宸的手中,说道:“如今道友处于混沌魔神的视线之外,那就麻烦道友将我这法宝,带到混沌魔神的身边。”
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