GDC :: Volume #9 穹霄万古执道主

#2100: When the sword rainbow reflects in old

How Xiyue Mountain these cultivator ponder over is packing off Ran Xiushu and Tian Kun two people as soon as possible, does not want with them to the war. 犀月山这些修道人只是琢磨着如何尽早把冉秀书田坤二人送走,也不想与他们对战。 Although in this generation of eye, after two people Ascend to this, did not have again possibly contacted with back sect, can be called was weak, but their is difficult to deal with to flying sword technique was actually very clear, if two people have not displayed the hostility, they from will not begin in advance. 虽说在此辈眼中,两人飞升到此之后,就再无可能与背后宗门联络了,称得上是势单力孤,可他们对飞剑之术厉害却是十分清楚,如果二人不曾表现出来敌意,那他们自也不会先行动手。 By the 2nd day, this generation sent cultivator surnamed Chi, it similarly is also Mortal Transcendence cultivation base, but from revealing on Internal Qi looked, is by far is inferior in two people. 到了第二日,此辈派来了一名迟姓修士,其同样也是凡蜕修为,只是从显露出来的气机上看,却是远远逊色于二人。 That person can also judge with two people of some disparities, humbleness of somewhat former circumstances performance, after seeing to deliver the betrothal gifts, his regret said very: How many Sword Immortal immortal cave hears two to seek for that? Perhaps this is unable to achieve wishes.” 其人似也能判断出自己与二人有些差距,故态度表现的有些谦卑,在见过礼后,他十分遗憾道:“听闻两位在找寻那几位剑仙洞府?这恐怕无法如愿了。” Ran Xiushu has no happily, instead me did not think that you can write the appearance that what kind of reason comes, said: „? Why is this?” 冉秀书却没有什么不高兴,反而一副我看你们能编出何等理由来的模样,道:“哦?这是为何?” cultivator surnamed Chi in he teased under the vision to lower the head slightly, in the mouth sighed: That several immortal cave original excursions above Vault of Heaven, I and others have not gone, but after that several Sword Immortal depart, on the disappearing trace, I and others does not know where.” 迟姓修士在他戏谑目光之下微微低头,口中则叹道:“那几处洞府本来漂游在天穹之上,我等也未曾去过,只是在那几位剑仙离去之后,也就不见了影踪,我等也不知到底在何方。” This saying nature non- is the real situation, in the past that several may immortal cave, several of excursion on Vault of Heaven not see incessantly, followed its to depart doubtful together, but above land also left leeway several. 这话自然非是真实情况,当年那几位可不止一处洞府,漂游在天穹上几处是果真不见的,疑似跟随其等一同离去了,但地陆之上却还留有几处。 Their immortal cave also has the idea, once tried to seek has cultivated sword secret technique, but in this all leaves leeway sword qi, until now, they do not have the means. The key is they do not know that in this kept anything, if had something to open the two worlds gate means again, that was they are not actually willing to see. 他们这些人都洞府也不是没有想法,曾试图进去找寻过修剑秘法,只是此中俱留有一股剑气,到现在为止,他们对此都没有办法。关键是他们不知道这里面到底留下来了什么东西,要是有什么可以再度打开两界门户的办法,那却是他们不愿看到的。 Therefore yesterday, the people set up 1-layer outside 1-layer Restriction Array, was gets up here thorough pickling. 所以就在昨日,众人在外面立起了一重一重禁阵,算是把此处彻底封藏起来了。 Ran Xiushu does not pester in this issue, asked at will: „ I many cultivator come and go out world gate in this Sense, is it possible that these do Fellow Daoist come from other boundary? 冉秀书也不在这个问题上纠缠,随意问道:“我在此感应得不少修士出入天地关门,这些同道莫非是从其他地界而来么? cultivator surnamed Chi not conceals, in their opinion, here is that several Sword Immortal boundary, in sect decides recorded however, now is to test oneself, if not dare to acknowledge this point that clearly said directly oneself had the issue. 迟姓修士对此倒无隐瞒,在他们看来,这里本就是那几位剑仙地界,门中定然是有记载的,现在不过是试探自己,要是连这一点都不敢承认,那分明就是直接说自己有问题了。 He said: precisely, in this world has many two worlds gate, once for a while also bounded outside cultivator to this.” 他道:“正是,此界之中有不少两界门户,时不时也有界外修士到此。” Ran Xiushu said: That past years my several seniors also went to other border areas from this?” 冉秀书道:“那当年我那几位前辈也是由此去往其余界域的么?” cultivator surnamed Chi catches up with hurriedly said: Non- is this, said the gateway then to save below , after self- world entering, rarely has had the fluctuation, but that several Sword Immortal the place, there did not have the gateway, but these do not know opened a place afterward with what means baseless, after these departed, this closed also gathers on shut, I and others were does not know how can open again.” 迟姓修士忙道:“非是这样,在下所言之门户本来便是存于此间的,自我入界后,很少有过增减,而那几位剑仙所去之地,那里本是没有门户的,只是后来这几位不知用了什么办法又是凭空打开了一座,在这几位离去之后,这关门也就自己合闭了,我等也是不知如何才能再度开启。” Ran Xiushu pondered over secretly, asked curiously: „When I and others, once saw your Internal Qi and mortal docks, actually must consult, this makes what use?” 冉秀书暗自思忖了一下,又好奇问道:“我等来时,曾见贵方气机与凡人相接,却要请教,这到底是作何用处的?” cultivator surnamed Chi said: „, Fellow Daoist sees, that is our generation the next world chess.” Speaking of this, he is actually the interest gets up, „ comes, me knows with two, below , but in this expert, 迟姓修士道:“哦,道友所见,那是我辈所下世棋。”说到这个,他却是兴致起来,“来来,我来说与两位知晓,在下可是此中能手, He also introduced in detail, in these board game pieces has martial Zi, has writing Zi, has the child, has Imperial Child, other all various crafts and recluse's son, higher realm cultivator resists for the chess with this generation of mortal mutually, a game of chess can the be continuous several hundred years, related to many dynasty rise and fall. 他又详细介绍了一些,这些棋子之中有武子,有文子,有将子,有帝子,还有其余百工及隐士之子,各位上境修士都是拿此辈凡人为棋互相对抗,一局棋能绵延数百载,涉及多个王朝兴衰。 Ran Xiushu said puzzled: „Does this have what meaning?” 冉秀书不解道:“这又有何意思?” cultivator surnamed Chi said: This pleasure, this playing chess just like world of mortals, but takes the mortal as the board game piece, the world is the checkerboard, the human affairs changes, is all one of them,” at this time he also said the sentence, this also non- is our generation creates, hearsay this also spreads from some Great Expert hand.” 迟姓修士却是道:“此乐趣也,此正如凡间之弈棋,不过以凡人为棋子,天地为棋盘,世事变化,俱在其中,”这时他又说了句,“这也非是我辈所创,传闻这也是自某一位大能手中传出的。” Ran Xiushu snorts contemptuously, manipulates several mortals there fight, where he really cannot look here pleasure. 冉秀书对此嗤之以鼻,操弄几个凡人在那里斗来斗去,他实在看不出来这里乐趣何在。 In his heart, pursues the Grand Dao wonderful principle, lifts the sword and opponent fights with all might, that side is the unsurpassed pleasure, but each boundary pass/test, has defeated a rival every time, the feeling of that achievement does not have to explain, therefore grade of approaches looks to this and other really does not glance. 在他心中,追逐大道妙理,举剑与对手拼杀,那方是无上乐趣,而每过一次境关,每战胜一名敌手,那种成就之感可谓无以言喻,故是对这等这等做法着实看不上眼。 Tian Kun looks in side, has not said anything, cultivation is transcendence that asked that oneself want to make anything then to make anything, perhaps the bystander felt to disdain, may want to feel that was then OK. 田坤在旁看着,也并没有说什么,修行本来就是求的超脱,自家想做什么便做什么,外人或许觉得不屑,可只要自家觉得好,那便可以了。 Among cultivator also has to take playing chess as happily, just like its said that this actually changed into the mortal the board game piece. 修士之间也有以下棋为乐的,正如其所言,这其实是将棋子换成了凡人。 He is unhappy this grade of action, because the board game piece is the dying thing, the mortal is the life. But he will not therefore make noise the opposition, after all this is not the Azure Ocean Sect boundary, 只是他不喜这等举动,因为棋子是死物,凡人乃是生灵。可他也不会因此出声反对,毕竟这也不是溟沧派地界, Ran Xiushu not worth looking at these, simply said: Fellow Daoist whether to lead me and others to look to that several world gate place?” 冉秀书不耐看这些,便道:“道友可否带我等去往那几处天地关门所在瞧上一瞧?” cultivator surnamed Chi sees two people not to dare the interest, is actually very regrettable, but he still still remembered the proper business, nods again and again, said: Yes, two please come along with me.” 迟姓修士见两人对此不敢兴趣,却是十分遗憾,不过他尚还记得正事,连连点头,道:“自是可以,两位请随我来。” Under he leads, Ran Xiushu and Tian Kun two people come before together the great light screen, during Zhou Yan gradually integrates to be void, can see, here is hanging and vertical, but successor , under built had the thousand li (500 km) surrounding area altar broad stage fully, looked grandly for ten points magnificent. 在他带领之下,冉秀书田坤二人来至一道宏大光幕之前,周沿逐渐融入虚空之中,可以见得,这里本来是悬空而立,只是后来人在下方修筑了足有千里方圆的法坛广台,看去十分之宏伟壮观。 cultivator surnamed Chi said: „ This gateway is quite calm and steady, the opposite does not know many border areas to here, but each Internal Spirit and others here is actually misses compared with it me too, therefore has other world cultivator to this, usually will not depart, can arrive at this, is Heavenly Cave first-class, the population actually is also not many. 迟姓修士道:“这一处门户较为安稳,对面也不知有多少界域通往这里,不过每一处灵机比之我等这里却是差得太远,故是有他界修士到此,通常都不会离去了,能到此的,都是洞天一流,人数其实也是不多。 Ran Xiushu looks at one, this world gate can a erectness here, the method that this actually Mortal Transcendence cultivator cannot have, or higher realm cultivator behavior, but also possibly is Ancestral Master opens. 冉秀书望有一眼,这处天地关门能够一直立在此处,这却不似凡蜕修士能够拥有的手段,或是上境修士所为,但也可能是祖师开辟的。 He said: Quite calm and steady? Also is the word, does here have not the steady place?” 他道:“较为安稳?也即是言,这里还有不稳之地?” cultivator surnamed Chi said: precisely, these close more than ten, somewhat stands tall in this for a long time, some each period of time will then have vanished, the past period of time duplicate/restores opened again, resembling this kind of gateway number was also many.” 迟姓修士道:“正是,这些关门大约有十余座,有些长久峙立于此,有些则每过一段时日便会消失,再过去一段时日复又再开的,似这类门户数目也是不少。” Ran Xiushu said: Fellow Daoist whether to lead me to go to a that place view?” 冉秀书道:“道友可否带我去那处一观?” cultivator surnamed Chi from may, have two people escaping line all immediately before another world gate, and points was saying: This closes on 300 years will then vanish, 300 years emerge again, nowadays the lie has more than 200 years in this, perhaps will soon then diverge.” 迟姓修士自无不可,当即又带了两人遁行至另一处天地关门前,并指着言道:“这一处关门每逢三百年便会消失,又三百年再是浮出,现如今停驻在此已有两百余年,许是用不了多久便会散去。” Some here his a few words had not said, this domain can go out freely, actually not necessarily can also come back. He had Fellow Daoist to go to investigate before, but did not have the result afterward again, because they do not have the guts again to the opposite, therefore is unable to confirm that person life and death. 这里他还有一句话没有说,这界域尽管出得去,却未见得还能回来。他之前有过同道进去探查过,但后来就再也没了结果,而他们因为没有胆量再至对面,所以至今无法确认其人生死。 Gets down Ran Xiushu under that person led to go to other to close the door one by one to look, but two people on will have no interest anything from now on again, immediately offered a sacrifice to harness flying boat, said that toured everywhere, did not need cultivator surnamed Chi to accompany. 下来冉秀书又在其人带领之下去到其余关门一一看过了,只是过后二人就似再没了什么兴趣,随即祭出一驾飞舟,说是四处游览一番,就无需迟姓修士相陪了。 cultivator surnamed Chi does not force, after two people said goodbye, returns to immortal cave, immediately a Spiritual Will revolution, escaped into inexplicably, a moment later, the High Lord Hu form appeared in this, it asked: Fellow Daoist Chi, situation how?” 迟姓修士也不勉强,与二人告别之后,就回得自家洞府之内,随即神意一转,遁入莫名,片刻之后,葫上真身影在此浮现出来,其问道:“迟道友,情形如何了?” cultivator surnamed Chi hesitates, said: By I see/my temple it, these two surely do not find the older generation immortal cave wish, instead is interested to outside Heaven, almost all two worlds' gate transferred.” 迟姓修士沉吟一下,道:“以我观之,这两位似没有定要找到自家先辈洞府的意愿,反而对界外界天更感兴趣,几乎所有两界关门都是转了一圈。” The High Lord Hu spirit inspires slightly, said: Must really be so, is actually a good news.” 葫上真精神稍振,道:“要真是这般,却是一个好消息。” cultivator surnamed Chi said: Here also has the incident, I look today, in these two, one is sword cultivator without doubt, is only another person, I think that actually the right and wrong is this grade of family background.” 迟姓修士道:“这里还有一事,我今日看了下来,这两人之中,其中一个乃是剑修无疑,只是另一人,我以为却是非是这等出身。” The High Lord Hu thought rotates fast, they most fear is actually flying sword technique, but if only has sword cultivator, whether...... 葫上真念头飞快转动起来,他们最惧怕的其实是飞剑之术,可要是只有一名剑修,那是否可以…… He thinks, depressed this thoughts. 他想了想,还是把这个心思压下了。 Another person can walk with sword cultivator in one, wants to come the skill is also big, currently these two people may depart, that does not need to go to the multi- causing trouble end. 另一人既能与剑修走在一处,想来本事也是不小,现在这二人既是有可能离去,那也不必去多生事端。 Above flying boat, Ran Xiushu looks at all around grand scenery, said: Today I walk randomly the world by Sword Pill, felt that have several stock sword qi buries, but was sieged by heavily / one after another Restriction Array, but my Lacking Purity cultivator immortal cave, never with any restrictive seal, before any crisis arrives, Sword Artifact will give birth to Sense, therefore is this act should be this generation of behavior.” 飞舟之上,冉秀书看着四周壮丽景色,言道:“今日我以剑丸游走天地,感觉有数剑气埋藏此间,但被重重禁阵围困,而我少清修士洞府,从来不用任何禁制,任何危机到前,剑器自会生出感应,故是此举应该是此辈所为。” Tian Kun said: How does Fellow Daoist want to do?” 田坤道:“道友欲如何做?” Ran Xiushu said: Here boundary goes see was also similar, I treated first go back Mountains and Seas Realm reply this matter, then decided by Mountain Sect / Gate.” 冉秀书道:“这里地界探看的也是差不多了,我待先回去山海界回禀此事,再由得山门定夺。” He guessed these senior whereabout clues, perhaps only then can find the answer in these immortal cave. However he actually does not crave to these matters, that several books are the gentlemen of Ascend, if can see, no doubt is good, cannot see also insignificant, instead is here person occupies unjustly the place of Lacking Purity Ascend unexpectedly, this makes him want this news belt/bring to go back impatiently. 他猜测那些前辈下落线索,恐怕只有在那些洞府之内才能找到答案。不过他对这些事其实并不热衷,那几位本就是飞升之士,若能见得,固然是好,见不到也无关紧要,反而是这里之人竟然窃据少清飞升之地,这却让他迫不及待想将这个消息带回去。 Tian Kun regarding this from viewless, immediately took Magic Talisman to come out a show/unfolds, in the wink of an eye, had miraculous glow together to launch, two people rode flying boat to penetrate immediately. 田坤对此自无意见,当下就拿了法符出来一展,瞬息之间,顿有一道灵光展开,两人所乘飞舟随即穿入其中。 Two people only think that before one's eyes absent-minded, immediately outside the body the scenery changes, actually returned to Mountains and Seas Realm, because of must report elders and superiors in sect respectively, therefore two people bow with hands clasped the ritual to say goodbye in this, 两人只觉眼前恍惚了一下,随即身外景物一变,却又回到了山海界内,因需各自禀告门中尊长,所以两人就在此揖礼道别, After Ran Xiushu left flying boat, escaping broken world, toward Half World. 冉秀书离了飞舟之后,就遁破天地,往半界而来。 In order to guard against Beyond the Heavens has cultivator intrude into the world again, therefore was this moment Ying Chunqiu still guarded here, in sect all things were managed by Qingchen Zi, if not the fact this, this should also be the latter goes, rather than one's turn Ran Xiushu. 为防备天外再有修士侵入界中,故是此刻婴春秋仍还是在此处镇守,门中诸事则由清辰子代为主持,事实若非这样,这回也该是后者前往,而非是轮到冉秀书了。 Ran Xiushu seeks Internal Qi to come, before arriving at the Ying Chunqiu pedestal quickly, in going forward to see to deliver the betrothal gifts after the teacher, then after said the trip in detail. 冉秀书寻着气机而来,很快来到婴春秋台座之前,在上前与自家老师见过礼后,便将此行经过详细道出。 Ying Chunqiu hear, ponder for a long time, then said solemnly: My Lacking Purity Sect high and low population are not many, now also has the station above Kunshi Continent Land, foreign object Internal Spirit does not lack, this grade of boundary are actually many few also insignificant.” 婴春秋听罢,思考许久,便沉声道:“我少清派上下人数不多,如今在昆始洲陆之上又有驻地,外物灵机都是不缺,这等地界实则多一处少一处也无关紧要。” paused, he actually aggravated the tone, is only this boundary is extremely possible is Ancestral Master passes on, possibly also has Ancestral Master to keep the thing, was not good easily to throw actually. disciple you hold my jade talisman to return to Mountain Sect / Gate convene High Lord, so long as can bring back here, would-be you and others acted in own discretion.” 顿了一下,他却是加重了语气,“只是这处地界极可能是祖师所传,可能还有祖师所留之物,却不好轻易抛却了。徒儿你持我玉符回至山门召集各位上真,只要能将此处取回,准你等便宜行事。” ............ ………… ............ …………
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