GE :: Volume #10

#938: Soul in palm

Said barbarian 2nd Test, started! Has the God Extinguishing Shield fragment protection, you want to pass through this pass/test, should not be difficult.” “道蛮第二关,开始!有灭神盾碎片守护,你想闯过此关,应该不难。” As Dao Barbarian Mountain orders, among Heaven and Earth all sceneries vanish entirely, seems has a pair of invisible hand, cancels world all entirely. 随着道蛮山一声令下,天地间一切景色通通消失,好似有一双无形之手,将世间一切通通抹去。 Only is left over the endless darkness. 只剩下无尽的黑暗。 In the darkness, Ning Fan floats alone in in the air, gaze concentrates slightly, Divine Ability that changes the world sufficiently... 1st Test tests Will, actually does not know what 2nd Test test is anything...” 黑暗之中,宁凡孤零零浮在空中,目光微微一凝,“又是足以改天换地的神通么…第一关考验意志,却不知第二关考验的是什么…” All around is the endless darkness, the air is somewhat moist, and has off and on drop splashing/underwater sound, transmits from the dark end. 四周是无尽的黑暗,空气有些潮湿,并有断断续续的滴水声,从黑暗的尽头传来。 Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock... 滴答,滴答,滴答… This place deathly stillness, only has this drop of splashing/underwater sound, is particularly clear. 此地一片死寂,唯有这滴水声,分外清晰。 Here darkness, is unable to completely understand by the Ning Fan Heaven and Mortal Second Realm eyesight. Ning Fan attempted, displayed several cultivation world general illumination Divine Ability, at most can illuminate surrounding area ten zhang (3.33 m) nothing more, beyond ten zhang (3.33 m), is unable to see clearly. 这里的黑暗,以宁凡天人第二境的目力都无法看透。宁凡尝试了一下,施展了几种修真界通用的照明神通,最多也只能照亮方圆十丈而已,十丈之外,仍是无法看清。 Here, is barbarian 2nd Test... 这里,便是道蛮第二关么… Barbarian, First Ancestor of nature, the large amounts of ten thousand territory. Was born in Mountains and Seas, becomes enlightened in the nature, after dying , the hero soul turns over to Mountains and Seas, nine mountain Bahai side boundary/world, in the Heaven and Earth Samsara palm opens...” 夫蛮者,自然之始祖,万域之大宗也。蛮生于山海,成道于自然,死后英灵归山海,九山八海一方界,天地轮回掌中开...” As if come from the Ancient sutra chanting, suddenly resounds, then in this moment, the body of Ning Fan is unable to keep hanging unexpectedly, body one light, toward below darkness suddenly falling. 一声声仿佛来自远古的诵经声,忽然响起,便在这一刻,宁凡的身体竟无法保持悬空,身体一轻,朝下方的黑暗骤然下坠 This place very powerful the strength of flying restriction!” In Ning Fan heart slightly one cold. “此地好强禁空之力!”宁凡心中微微一凛。 Body falling at the same time, detected that from all around several seem killing intent that if no. without/has not any hesitant, Ning Fan urges the God Extinguishing Shield fragment immediately, transformation outside the body has the shadow of God Extinguishing Giant. 身体下坠的同时,更是从四周察觉到数道似有若无的杀机没有任何犹豫,宁凡立刻一催灭神盾碎片,在身体外幻化灭神巨人之影。 The next instance, then have several said that Little Shan (small mountain) general huge shadow, hit layer on layer/heavily above God Extinguishing Giant, the great strength spread, earth-shaking! 下一个瞬间,便有数小山一般巨大的黑影,重重撞在了灭神巨人之上,巨力传开,撼天动地! Bang, bang, bang! 轰,轰,轰! All around is extremely dark, cannot see clearly the thing that hits is anything. 四周太过黑暗,根本看不清撞上来的东西是什么。 The Ning Fan facial expression changes countenance, these shadows the strength of hit, can compare favorably with the attack of Eternal Immortal Venerable absolutely, has the Destroy the Heavens and Exterminate the Earth prestige energy, if not he were vigilant, summons the God Extinguishing Giant protection promptly, decides however can by these shadow heavy injury! 宁凡神情动容,那些暗影的撞击之力,绝对可以媲美万古仙尊的攻击了,拥有着毁天灭地的威能,若非他内心警惕,及时召出灭神巨人守护,定然会被那些暗影重创 This barbarian 2nd Test, really dangerous, may not be careless step by step. 这道蛮第二关,果然步步凶险,不可疏忽大意。 These shadows cannot hit, angrily roars to soar to the heavens one by one , to continue to attack God Extinguishing Giant, is actually not able to injure to the Ning Fan half a point of giant within the body. 那些暗影一击不中,各个怒吼冲天,继续攻击灭神巨人,却无法伤到巨人体内的宁凡半分。 Ning Fan in falling, these shadows has also been pursuing, jumps over falling, all around dark aura is then thicker. 宁凡一直在下坠,那些暗影也在一直追击,越下坠,四周的黑暗气息便越浓。 After all around dark aura as strong as certain extent, these shadows do not dare to pursue Ning Fan unexpectedly, as if wariness what general, is not daring to approach. 当四周的黑暗气息浓烈到一定程度以后,那些暗影竟再也不敢追击宁凡了,似乎忌惮着什么一般,不敢靠近。 All around gradually quiet gets up, Ning Fan in falling, does not know how long to crash, finally falls to the ground above, there is a foothold. 四周渐渐安静起来,宁凡仍在下坠,不知坠落了多久,终于落到地面之上,有了立足之地。 After he successfully descends, the strength of that flying restriction also vanishes, near ear drop splashing/underwater sound is clearer. 在他成功降落之后,那禁空之力也随之消失,耳边的滴水声则更加清晰。 Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock... 滴答,滴答,滴答… The under foot, is the rock generally chilling land, near the ear, is suddenly nearly suddenly far drop splashing/underwater sound. 脚下,是岩石一般冷硬的土地,耳边,是忽近忽远的滴水声 Ning Fan one time uses the illumination technique again, actually the discovery only illuminates zhang (3.33 m) scopes sufficiently. The dark aura of this place was stronger, does not accommodate any ray of light exist(ence). 宁凡一次施展照明术,却发现只足以照亮丈余范围。此地的黑暗气息更强了,不容任何光芒存在 Rough sensation, in this dark land, as if only then his Dao Qi breath, other without/has not lifeform exist(ence). 约略感知了一下,这黑暗大地上,似乎只有他一道气息,没有其他生物存在 Other without/has not lifeform, not representative without/has not danger. Ning Fan without/has not relaxes vigilantly, but waited for in same place for a long time. By within the body Magic Force is not enough to support the consumption of God Extinguishing Shield faintly, exploringly takes back God Extinguishing giant shadow. 没有其他生物,不代表没有危险。宁凡没有放松警惕,而是在原地等待了许久。直到体内法力隐隐不足以支撑灭神盾的消耗,才试探性地收回灭神巨影 After receiving God Extinguishing giant shadow, Ning Fan had not come under any attack, this place seems safe, without/has not that type fills offensive shadow exist(ence). 收起灭神巨影后,宁凡仍未受到任何攻击,此地似乎很安全,没有那种充满攻击性的暗影存在 This barbarian 2nd Test, imagines with him is critically different. How should rush to this test, Ning Fan no clue whatsoever. 这道蛮第二关,与他想象中大为不同。该如何闯过这一关,宁凡没有任何头绪 17 days! If you can support 17 days in this place, then calculates to pass through. If you can go out of this place, similarly can pass through!” 十七日!若你能在此地撑上十七日,便算过关。若你能走出此地,同样可以过关!” You have the God Extinguishing Shield protection, even if unable to go out of this place, supports 17 days in this place is very easy. If possible , Old Man hopes sees you to go out of this place.” “你有灭神盾守护,即便无法走出此地,在此地撑上十七日还是很容易的。只是若有可能,老夫还是希望看到你走出此地的一幕。” The Dao Barbarian Mountain sound, resounds at the right moment. 道蛮山的声音,适时响起。 This is rushes to the 2nd Test means... Ning Fan to hesitate slightly. 这便是闯过第二关的办法么…宁凡微微沉吟起来。 A moment later, he seemed to be the decision, starts to explore in the dark land. 片刻之后,他似有了决定,开始在黑暗大地上探索起来。 After the landing, this place no longer flying restriction, he can use Groundwarping Golden Light to fly to escape, explores this stretch of dark land. 降落之后,此地不再禁空,他可以使用纵地金光飞遁,来探索这片黑暗大地。 This stretch of land is quite as if vast, at the Ning Fan Groundwarping Golden Light speed, spent a day and a night, has not arrived at the end of land. 这片大地似乎极为辽阔,以宁凡纵地金光的速度,花了一日一夜,也没到达大地的尽头。 And why does not know, this place to a Ning Fan extremely strange feeling, as if steps onto 100 years in low spirits, 1000 years, will not come to the end... 且不知为何,此地给宁凡一种极为古怪的感觉,就仿佛闷着头走上一百年,一千年,也不会走到尽头… This feeling, comes to really be strange... 这种感觉,来得真是古怪… 1st day, this place without/has not any danger, but to 2nd day, started to have some mutations at this moment. 第一日,此地没有任何危险,但到了第二日,此刻开始出现一些异变。 In the originally ice-cold ground, suddenly had a temperature, seems the body temperature of human body general. In the ground, starts to present some gullies. 原本冰冷的地面上,忽然有了一丝温度,好似人体的体温一般。地面上,开始出现一些沟壑。 Among Heaven and Earth, gradually had the most profound strength. After this strength appears, the body of Ning Fan, did not have the indication place unexpectedly, a little bit/bit by bit appeared senilly condition. 天地间,更是逐渐有了一股玄之又玄的力量。在这力量出现之后,宁凡的身体,竟是毫无征兆地,一点点出现了衰老之态。 It is not senility that the vitality passes, but is a senility of say/way, Ning Fan Grasping Dao, in senile, moved toward the death in step by step! 并非生机流逝的衰老,而是一种道的衰老,宁凡执道,在衰老,在一步步走向死亡! This strength... is power of Samsara!” Ning Fan gaze shakes. “这力量…是轮回之力!”宁凡目光一震。 Will not be wrong, this strength clearly is power of Samsara, but had seen with him in the past power of Samsara is different. 不会错,这种力量分明就是轮回之力,但又与他以往见过的轮回之力不同。 power of Samsara is 3rd step cultivator can the cultivation strength. Ning Fan has seen Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou power of Samsara, that is one type may make all memory wipe to disappear and let all exist(ence) nothing left terrifying strengths. 轮回之力第三步修士才能修炼的力量。宁凡见过紫斗仙皇轮回之力,那是一种可让一切记忆抹消、让一切存在荡然无存的恐怖力量。 However by no means is all power of Samsara, has to wipe the person memory ability. Ning Fan has seen Sen Luo power of Samsara, although non- Immortal Emperor, actually may depend on the Samsara strength, fights Eastern Heaven several Emperors. That power of Samsara, the strength of attacking is very strong, is suitable for going on an expedition. 然而并不是所有的轮回之力,都有抹人记忆的能力。宁凡见过森罗轮回之力,虽非仙帝,却可凭轮回的力量,战东天诸帝。那种轮回之力,攻伐之力很强,适于征战。 Ning Fan has seen Sky Watchtower Ninth Stratum Gray Moon, that Gray Moon, contains power of Samsara, that power of Samsara ability, seems like lets all thing petrification. 宁凡见过天阙第九层灰月,那灰月,同样蕴含着一股轮回之力,那种轮回之力的能力,似乎是让一切事物石化。 As the story is long gradually, Ning Fan increasingly realized, is not all power of Samsara is the same. 随着阅历渐长,宁凡逐渐意识到,不是所有的轮回之力都相同。 power of Samsara of place of this darkness, can make his say/way a little bit/bit by bit disintegrate and collapse, such as the person is senile. This type senile has nothing to do with the vitality, is unable to suppress through the supplement vitality. Only if has with the strength that Samsara is equal, otherwise is unable to contend with this senility, even if within the body still had the vitality, Grasping Dao destroys, Ning Fan will also pass away in this place. 这黑暗之地的轮回之力,能让他的道一点点瓦解、崩溃,如人衰老。这种衰老与生机无关,无法通过补充生机抑制。除非拥有与轮回等同的力量,否则无法抗衡这种衰老,纵然体内仍有生机,执道一毁,宁凡也会随之老死在此地。 Wants on this place dull 17 days, must contend with these power of Samsara...” “想要在此地呆上十七日,必须抗衡这些轮回之力…” In the Ning Fan eye had a clear(ly) to become aware, explored this place at the same time, made Tribulation Sense red glow cover the entire body. 宁凡眼中有了一丝明悟,探索此地的同时,也令劫念红芒覆盖住整个身体。 Can contend with this place power of Samsara, only then the Tribulation Blood strength of its within the body, that is with the strength that Samsara is equal to! 能够与此地轮回之力抗衡的,只有其体内的劫血力量,那是与轮回等同的力量! Had strength of body protection Tribulation Sense, 2nd day, this place senile strength is unable to let the Ning Fan senile half a point again. 有了劫念之力护体,第二日,此地衰老之力再无法让宁凡衰老半分。 3rd day, 4th day, 5th day... each day, this place power of Samsara will have strengthened many, to 6th day, Ning Fan somewhat could not contend with this place power of Samsara finally, body one time had the senile trend again. 第三日,第四日,第五日…每过一天,此地轮回之力都会增强许多,到了第六日,宁凡终于有些抗衡不住此地轮回之力,身体再一次有了衰老的趋势。 More and more gullies, appeared above the land, why did not know, these gullies started to take to the Ning Fan fearful and apprehensive feeling unexpectedly. 越来越多的沟壑,出现在了大地之上,不知为何,那些沟壑竟开始带给宁凡心惊肉跳的感觉。 6th day, seemed the this child limit..., if did not have the God Extinguishing Shield protection, he can support at most on the 6 th in 2nd Test, 2nd Test. Has God Extinguishing Shield, he may depend on the prestige of God Extinguishing Shield, regarding this forms the suppression, wants to support 17 days, not difficult...” 第六日,似乎就是此子的极限了…若无灭神盾守护,他顶多能在第二关撑上六日,过不了第二关。拥有灭神盾,他可凭灭神盾之威,对此地形成压制,想撑十七日,不难…” In the past this one rushed to this 2nd Test by Quasi-Saint cultivation base, only supported 14 days, is unable to support finally..., if not three generations of Barbarian God take action rescued, this test, must be my burial ground...” “当年妾身准圣修为闯这第二关,也只撑了十四天,无法撑到最后…若非三代蛮神出手相救,这一关,必是我葬身之地…” The Xi Zihua innermost feelings are peeping at 2nd Test complex. Ning Fan is Tai Cang Tribulation Spirit, she wished one could Ning Fan dead, but Ning Fan actually inherited the God Extinguishing Shield fragment, became barbarian lineage/vein Successor, was approved by Dao Barbarian Mountain... 西子画内心复杂地窥视着第二关宁凡太苍劫灵,她本恨不得宁凡死,但宁凡却偏偏继承了灭神盾碎片,成了道蛮一脉的传人,被道蛮山所认可… God Extinguishing Shield, is not only treasure of the might huge Starting Heaven, is the symbol of barbarian Successor status, holds this thing, has to murder to unite the penalty any Barbarian right, is Barbarian God, if makes mistakes, may by the God Extinguishing Shield penalty. 灭神盾,不仅是一件威力巨大的开天之宝,更是道蛮传人身份的象征,持此物者,有弑戮刑罚任何一个蛮人的权利,便是蛮神,若犯了错,也可被灭神盾刑罚。 Holds this thing, may suppress Clan Fate, this is also the most essential point, is concerning the rise and fall Barbarian Clan. 持此物者,可重新镇压蛮之一族气运,这也是最关键的一点,关乎着蛮族的兴衰。 These matters, Dao Barbarian Mountain also without/has not told Ning Fan, but, waited for Ning Fan to discover the God Extinguishing Shield significance. 这些事,道蛮山没有告诉宁凡,而是在等,等宁凡自己发现灭神盾的意义。 Here power of Samsara, will strengthen over time. 6th day, is present I keeps the limit of this place, if crosses several days again, power of Samsara is stronger, at the appointed time I will perhaps die in this place...” “这里的轮回之力,会随着时间推移增强。第六日,已是如今的我留在此地的极限,若再过几日,轮回之力更强,届时我恐怕会死在此地…” Ning Fan sighed slightly, by his cultivation base, has thought 2nd Test really some reluctantly. 宁凡微微一叹,以他的修为,想过第二关实在有些勉强了。 Is good has the God Extinguishing Shield protection because of him, is the crisis-charged, he more can feel the great strength of God Extinguishing Shield. 好在他有灭神盾守护,越是面临危机,他越能感受到灭神盾的强大。 That God Extinguishing Shield fragment has Spiritual Nature extremely, once were detected Ning Fan unable to resist this place power of Samsara, the line spreads a strength always doing nothing but, easy then the power of Samsara impediment of this place beyond ten zhang (3.33 m), is unable near body. 灭神盾碎片极有灵性,一经察觉到宁凡抵御不住此地轮回之力,竟自行传出一股力量,轻而易举便将此地的轮回之力阻隔在十丈之外,无法近身。 Even not transformation has God Extinguishing Giant, this shield still has such prestige energy, really makes Ning Fan surprised. 即便不幻化灭神巨人,此盾也有如此威能,实在让宁凡惊讶。 Has this treasure, he wants to support 17 days in this place, is not really difficult. 有此宝在,他想在此地撑上十七日,真的不难。 But he spent on the 6 th , had not found the end of dark land to be, is unable to go out of this place. Perhaps found 17 days to finish continuously, cannot go out of the place of this darkness... in the Ning Fan heart secretly thought. 而他花了六日,也未找到黑暗大地的尽头所在,无法走出此地。恐怕一直找到十七日结束,也走不出这黑暗之地吧…宁凡心中暗道 Has the God Extinguishing Shield protection in any case, is not difficult on this place dull 17 days, as if the without/has not necessity continued to search for the places of this darkness... 反正有灭神盾守护,在此地呆上十七日不难,似乎没有必要继续搜寻这片黑暗之地了… This thought just now appears in the Ning Fan heart, his mind, then reverberates together the sound, such as entreaty. 这个念头才刚在宁凡心中出现,他的脑海,便回荡起一道声音,如哀求。 Soul... found him... to find my soul in the hand...” “魂在手中…找到他…找到我的魂…” I... have the soul... dies the soul to turn over to Mountains and Seas after... the 6th fragment...” “吾为…第六碎片…有魂…死后魂归山海…” Found my soul... I is true... God Extinguishing Shield... marginal of soul... palm in hand...” “找到我的魂…吾便是真正的…灭神盾…魂在手中…掌之边缘…” That sound, is God Extinguishing Shield sends out impressively unexpectedly. 那声音,赫然竟是灭神盾所发出。 That is not the sound that the ear can hear, but is one type from the sound of soul, before comprehending Mountain and Sea Incantation, Ning Fan cannot hear this soul sound. 那不是耳朵听得到的声音,而是一种发自灵魂的声音,在领悟山海咒之前,宁凡听不到这种魂音。 But now, he can actually hear, by his Dao Enlightenment, once after being comprehended Mountain and Sea Incantation, can with the mountain and with the sea, all dying thing exchange with Heaven and Earth, so long as the opposite party wants. 但如今,他却可以听到,以他的道悟,一经领悟山海咒之后,可以与山、与海,与天地间一切死物交流,只要对方愿意。 The mountain is also good, sea also fine, so long as there is the thing of soul, may hear the voice of opposite party. This, is Barbarian natural Great Dao. 山也好,海也罢,只要有魂之物,都可听到对方的声音。这,就是蛮人的自然大道 Naturally, is not every Barbarian Cultivator can achieve this point. Can cultivation Mountain and Sea Incantation, 当然,不是每一个蛮修都能做到这一点。能修炼山海咒的, Only then major Barbarian Clan Barbarian Young Ruler, but can achieve the communication nature, then is also a few in Barbarian Young Ruler. 只有各大蛮族少司蛮,而能做到沟通自然的,便在少司蛮中也属少数。 Ning Fan can actually achieve this point, it may be said that heaven's chosen. 宁凡却能做到这一点,可谓天骄 The God Extinguishing Shield soul sound, is entreating Ning Fan, retrieves soul that he loses. Told Ning Fan repeatedly, marginal of soul... palm in hand...’. 灭神盾的魂音,哀求着宁凡,找回他遗失的魂。反反复复告诉宁凡,‘魂在手中…掌之边缘…’。 The marginal of soul... palm in the hand... what is this? The Ning Fan brow slightly wrinkle, he does not mind to help God Extinguishing Shield, gets back to the soul of its losing, but is actually not able to understand the God Extinguishing Shield words. 魂在手中…掌之边缘…这是什么意思?宁凡眉头微皱,他不介意帮助灭神盾,找回其遗失之魂,但却无法理解灭神盾的话语。 Soul... here...” this time, God Extinguishing Shield changed a view, Ning Fan understood what is heard actually. “魂…就在这里…”这一次,灭神盾换了一种说法,宁凡倒是听明白了。 God Extinguishing Shield soul, losing in the places of this darkness! 灭神盾的魂,就遗失在这片黑暗之地! Must on this place dull 17 days, then seek for the God Extinguishing Shield soul in this place in any case, but does not know, soul where... 反正要在此地呆上十七日,便在此地寻找灭神盾的魂吧,只是不知道,魂在何处… marginal of soul... palm in hand...” “魂在手中…掌之边缘…” marginal of soul... palm in hand...” “魂在手中…掌之边缘…” Back and forth such several, God Extinguishing Shield without/has not Spiritual Wisdom, only then the instinct makes the soul sound, is reminding Ning Fan. 来来回回就这么几句,灭神盾没有灵智,只有本能地发出魂音,提醒着宁凡 Ning Fan suddenly feels helpless, exchanges with God Extinguishing Shield, is similar to with a babbling baby dialogue is ordinary, is quite strenuous. 宁凡顿觉无奈,跟灭神盾交流,就如同和一个牙牙学语的婴儿对话一般,极为费力。 Although Barbarian can communicate with Mountains and Seas, but Mountains and Seas after all is not a person, intelligence originally not in same level line... 蛮人虽能与山海沟通,但山海毕竟不是人,智力本就不在同一水平线上… Ning Fan shakes the head, cannot understand then cannot understand, first looks in this place casually. 宁凡摇摇头,听不懂便听不懂吧,先在此地随便找找吧。 Ning Fan continues to seek in this place, in a flash is three days passed. 宁凡继续在此地寻找,一晃又是三日过去 He had flown Nine Heavens in the places of this darkness, to 9th day, Ning Fan had not found the God Extinguishing Shield soul, had not found the end of place of this darkness. 他已在这片黑暗之地飞行了九天,到了第九日,宁凡仍未找到灭神盾的魂,也未找到这黑暗之地的尽头。 The place of this darkness really so broad... in eye of Ning Fan, first time had the suspicion. 这黑暗之地真的如此广阔么…宁凡的眼中,第一次有了怀疑。 He flew continually Nine Heavens for nine nights, but actually strange feelings, seem this three days/three Heavens continuously in the same place going around circle, basic without/has not moves is too far. 他持续飞行了九天九夜,但却有一种诡异的感觉,好似这三天一直是在原地绕圈圈,根本没有移动太远。 But he in the darkness, noticed that after some Rain Intent caresses the face and sparkles the shining Magic Force mark, the own idea of believing firmly! 而他在黑暗之中,看到某个雨意扑面、闪闪发亮的法力印记后,更加确信的自己的想法! Leads the way in the place of this darkness, Ning Fan will often be leaving behind the Magic Force mark along the way. He always goes forward straightly, but after going forward Nine Heavens, actually in the front saw Magic Force mark that oneself 1st Heaven leaves behind! 在这黑暗之地前行,宁凡不时地会在沿途留下一下法力印记。他始终笔直前进,但前进了九天之后,却在前方看到了自己第一天留下的法力印记! can it be he really in place of going around circle this darkness! 难道他真的在这黑暗之地绕圈圈! Perhaps this place not really broad, but has some strength that makes people unable to go out, will make people unable to go out. 或许此地并非真的广阔,而是有着某种让人无法走出的力量,才会让人无法走出。 After Ning Fan is slightly silent, transfers the direction, flies to escape in another direction, 11th day, his again one time before oneself mark that leaves behind. 宁凡微微沉默之后,调转方向,朝着另一个方向飞遁,第十一日,他再一次遇到自己之前留下的印记。 Changes the direction again, 13th day, he returned to same place... 再次改变方向,第十三日,他又回到了原地 this child... cannot go out of here...” Dao Barbarian Mountain sighed slightly, cannot go out of this place, then could not find the God Extinguishing Shield soul. 此子…走不出这里么…”道蛮山微微叹息,走不出此地,便找不到灭神盾的魂。 If unable to find the God Extinguishing Shield soul, even if collection simultaneous/uniform this shield all fragments, is unable to make the God Extinguishing Shield prestige be able to re-enter Peak... 若无法找到灭神盾的魂,纵然集齐此盾所有碎片,也无法令灭神盾威能重回巅峰 If this child is unable to find the shield soul, then only then my take action helped him personally... Dao Barbarian Mountain innermost feelings secretly thought. 此子无法找到盾魂,便只有我亲自出手帮他了…道蛮山内心暗道 This is Samsara, how regardless to walk, will return to the zero point. Because is unable to change, is Samsara...” “这就是轮回,无论怎么走,都会回到原点。因为无法改变,才是轮回…” Xi Zihua faint sighed, 13th day, had seemed like, Ning Fan is unable the strength to go out of this place depending on oneself. 西子画幽幽叹息,已经第十三日了,看起来,宁凡是无法凭自身之力走出此地了。 If no God Extinguishing Shield, he should unable the strength to rush to 2nd Test depending on himself... 若无灭神盾,他应该无法凭自身之力闯过第二关吧… His cultivation base, can only support on the 6 th in this place, was not enough to pass through ; he unable to find to leave this place the method, similarly is unable to pass through. 他的修为,只能在此地撑六日,不足以过关他又找不到离开此地的方法,同样无法过关。 2nd Test to this child, as if some early... 第二关此子而言,似乎有些早了… From 13th day, Ning Fan no longer went forward in the place of darkness blindly, but stopped. 第十三日开始,宁凡不再在黑暗之地盲目前进了,而是停了下来。 aimlessly advance, only in same place going around circle, without/has not, no matter what what meaning righteousness. 漫无目的地前进,只会在原地绕圈圈,没有何意义。 marginal of soul... palm in hand...” “魂在手中…掌之边缘…” marginal of soul... palm in hand...” “魂在手中…掌之边缘…” God Extinguishing Shield stupidly was still repeating that two words, making the Ning Fan big feeling helpless. 灭神盾仍旧傻乎乎地重复着那两句话语,让宁凡大感无奈。 The words of these two unclear significances, do not understand what is heard... 这两句不明意义的话语,根本听不明白… Crossed again on the 4 th, has rushed to 2nd Test, as if... will also lose gets back to the God Extinguishing Shield soul opportunity... 再过四日,就闯过第二关了,似乎…也会失去找回灭神盾魂的机会 I become lost, because of this place dark reason, if sweeps off this place to be dark, how can also... 我之所以迷路,是因为此地黑暗的缘故,若扫去此地黑暗,又会如何… Reason that this place a darkness, seem like desirably, is not willing to make me see clearly here something.” “此地之所以一片黑暗,似乎是刻意为之,不愿让我看清这里的一些东西。” By my present cultivation base, being not enough to sweep off this place to be dark, but if pays some prices, should be able in a short time, to achieve this point.” “以我如今修为,不足以扫去此地黑暗,但若是付出一些代价,应该可以在短时间内,做到这一点。” In the Ning Fan eye flashes through the resolute color, gets back to the shield soul, seems like a big chance, for this chance, he did not mind that pays some prices. 宁凡眼中闪过果决之色,找回盾魂,似乎是一大机缘,为了这一机缘,他不介意付出一些代价。 He by the fist hammer chest, is enduring the severe pain suddenly, spurted 12 mouth Blood Essence continually much, the aura immediately the dispirited. 他猛然以拳锤胸,忍着剧痛,连喷十二精血,气息顿时萎靡了不少。 With the strength of 12 mouth Blood Essence, Ning Fan counts on the fingers to a day point, dark red Fire of Misfortune Beast, immediately overspreads entire Heaven and Earth, the flaming combustion, the flame soars to the heavens, has the Wind-Thunder sound to pass through the ear. 借着十二精血之力,宁凡屈指向天一点,黑红色的厄兽之火,立刻铺满整个天地,熊熊燃烧,火光冲天,更有风雷声贯耳。 The Misfortune Beast flame, this is not enough to illuminate this place to be dark, before this point Ning Fan, has tried several times. But after absorbing the strength of Blood Essence, actually achieved this point. 厄兽火光,本不足以照亮此地黑暗,这一点宁凡之前试过数次。但吸收了精血之力以后,却是做到了这一点。 Rips open the darkness to Heavenly Fire light gradually, taking advantage of the flame, Ning Fan saw clearly this dark land true finally, the innermost feelings was startled. 天火渐渐撕开黑暗,借着火光,宁凡终于看清了这黑暗大地的真正面貌,内心一惊。 Place that he stands, where is what land, clearly is a giant incomparable palm, such as trim Continent is broad! 他所站立的地方,哪里是什么大地,分明是一只巨大无比的手掌,如一整片大陆般广阔! This giant palm wrist/skill place cut off by what sharp weapon including bones, the wound place, is flowing the blood until now, that blood passed through the innumerable years, Spiritual Nature completely lost, was actually still flowing. 巨掌的手腕处似被什么利器连骨斩断,伤口处,至今流着鲜血,那鲜血经过了无数岁月,灵性尽失,却仍旧流淌着。 Before Ning Fan, drop splashing/underwater sound that hears, is this breaks palm the sound of drop blood impressively! 宁凡之前听到的滴水声,赫然便是这断掌的滴血之声! That intertwining gully, breaks the lines on the hand on palm vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 那纵横交错的沟壑,是断掌上的掌纹。 That lingers in this place power of Samsara, indeed flows out from the lines on the hand! 那萦绕在此地的轮回之力,正是从掌纹之中流出! Ning Fan escape speed is quick, even if this breaks the palm to be very broad, properly speaking, he also only needs several breath, can depart the palm range. 宁凡遁速很快,纵然这断掌十分广阔,按理说,他也只需数个呼吸,便可飞出断掌范围。 But regardless of he departs far, can never see the boundary of palm, that will break palm to escape with his flying, will increase unceasingly, cannot depart, not being able to escape, seeming him will be only a fly insect, will seem this to surround his palm, will then be entire World... 但不论他飞出多远,永远看不到断掌的边际,那断掌似会随着他的飞遁,不断变大,飞不出,逃不掉,好似他只是一只蝇虫,好似这困住他的手掌,便是整个世界 Whose breaking palm this is! 这是谁的断掌! Only breaks the palm depending on one, then imprisons cultivation base to be close to Immortal Venerable Ning Fan sufficiently, this strength, seriously terrifying! 仅凭一个断掌,便足以囚禁修为接近仙尊宁凡,这份实力,当真恐怖 The Ning Fan careful sensation, breaks above the palm from this finally, feels Dao Barbarian Mountain aura. 宁凡细细感知,终于从这断掌之上,感觉到一丝道蛮山的气息。 Perhaps... this breaks the palm is the blood that the palm of Dao Barbarian Mountain... that this place flows, the blood of Saint! 或许…这断掌是道蛮山的掌…那此地流的血,岂不是圣人之血! What a pity, these blood seemed like Spiritual Nature completely to lose, no used greatly... 可惜,那些血似乎灵性尽失了,没什么大用… marginal of soul... palm in hand...” “魂在手中…掌之边缘…” The God Extinguishing Shield silly sound resounded, this time, Ning Fan understood what is heard. 灭神盾傻乎乎的声音又响起了,这一次,宁凡听明白了。 The God Extinguishing Shield soul, decides breaks the marginal place of palm in this, so long as goes out of this palm to imprison sleepily, deciding to find the God Extinguishing Shield soul! 灭神盾的魂,定是在这断掌的边缘处,只要走出此掌囚困,定能找到灭神盾的魂! The person on the palm, in trapped/sleepy in the palm, how must get rid, how to go out of this place... 只是人在掌上,困于掌中,要如何摆脱,如何走出此地… Luminous of Fire of Misfortune Beast, gradually by dark Devour(ing), Heaven and Earth one time fell into the darkness again. 厄兽之火的光亮,渐渐被黑暗吞噬,天地一次陷入黑暗。 In the darkness, Ning Fan first time closes one's eyes, the eye is useless, why to use. 黑暗之中,宁凡第一次闭上眼,眼既无用,何必使用。 This place is unable to go out, is Saint sieges, wants to go out, must spell to go all-out, will have extremely few possibility... 此地无法走出,乃是圣人围困,想要走出,必须拼尽全力,才会有极少一丝可能… 14th day, Ning Fan motionless such as a sculpture. 第十四日,宁凡不动如一尊雕塑。 The 15th day, Ning Fan had not moved. 第十五日,宁凡仍未移动。 The 16th day, he had not made any action. 第十六日,他仍没做出任何举动。 He is calculating anything in the innermost feelings secretly, Power Word Secret by his activates to the pinnacle, being made Heaven and Earth great power move for him. 他在内心暗暗计算着什么,势字秘被他催动到了极致,使得天地大势都为他而动。 16 days... this child had not given up...” Xi Zihua shakes the head slightly, she goes out of this place to Ning Fan, does not have any hope. “已经十六日了…此子还未放弃么…”西子画微微摇头,她对宁凡走出此地,已不抱任何希望。 The 17th day, Ning Fan open eyes, the facial expression was finally resolute, as if had the resolution. 第十七日,宁凡终于睁开眼了,神情果决,似乎有了决断。 Difference!” “分!” A Ning Fan character drinks, in the body goes out of exactly the same unexpectedly. 宁凡一字喝出,身体内竟走出一个一模一样的自己。 That Ning Fan, the whole body black air/Qi is dreadful, is flooding the Ancient Demon strength. The back has Six Wings, the head has the demon corner/horn, wears the scales, unexpectedly is Ning Fan life Demon Path Clone. 那一个宁凡,浑身黑气滔天,充斥着古魔的力量。背有六翼,头有魔角,身披鳞甲,竟是宁凡一生魔道所化的分身 Clone class Divine Ability, Ning Fan few uses, but by no means does not represent, on the contrary, he when Harmonious Spirit, can achieve Clone, once branched out Bai Fan and Mo Ning two. 分身类的神通,宁凡很少使用,但并不代表不会,相反,他早在融灵之时,便可做到分身,曾分出白凡墨宁二身。 At this moment branches out Ancient Demon Clone, naturally to cope with the present aspect. 此刻分出古魔分身,自然是为了应付眼前的局面。 That Ancient Demon Clone once appeared, does not talk too much, immediately changes to together the demon light, speeds away toward east side, the intention departs the palm range. 古魔分身一经出现,也不多言,立刻化作一道魔光,朝着东面疾驰,意图飞出断掌范围。 Divides again!” “再分!” Ning Fan puts forth Divine Ability, branches out Ancient God Clone from within the body, Ancient God Clone Rain Intent, Divine Light is threatening, once appeared, immediately flies toward west side. 宁凡又使出神通,从体内分出古神分身,古神分身一身雨意,神光逼人,一经出现,立刻朝着西面飞去。 Ancient Monster Clone present!” 古妖分身现!” Also the black clothes robe, rune Ning Fan, goes out from its within the body wear a look, on the black clothes robe, has Purple Intent indistinctly, indeed Ning Fan Ancient Monster Clone. 又有一个黑色衣袍、面带符文宁凡,从其体内走出,黑色的衣袍上,隐约有一丝紫意,正是宁凡古妖分身 Ancient Monster Clone one presently, changes to a Fu Li monster butterfly directly, speeds away to go toward north. 古妖分身一现,直接化作一只扶离妖蝶,朝着北面疾驰而去。 Branches out Ancient Demon, Ancient God and Ancient Monster Clone continuously, shoulders enormously to Ning Fan, but, but also without/has not finished. 连续分出古魔古神古妖分身,对宁凡负荷极大,但,还没有结束。 Ning Fan deeply inspires, actually branches out Clone that red glow soars to the heavens from within the body, this Clone, is his Tribulation Spirit Clone, is in his four big Clone, most powerful! 宁凡深吸一口气,却又从体内分出一个红芒冲天的分身,这一分身,是他的劫灵分身,也是他四大分身之中,最强的一个! A Tribulation Spirit Clone appearance, flies immediately toward the south. Four directions, have Clone to speed away respectively. 劫灵分身一出现,立刻朝着南面飞去。四个方向,各有分身疾驰。 Ning Fan True Body/this Senior, after branching out four big Clone, seemed lost all cultivation base, such as a mortal, stood in same place, actually opened the eye, the eyes reveal azure glow, resembled is scheming anything. 宁凡本尊,在分出四大分身之后,好似失去了所有修为,如一个凡人,站在原地,却睁开了眼,目露青芒,似在图谋着什么。 this child thinks that branches out four Clone, can flee Old Man's to break the palm to siege...” Dao Barbarian Mountain somewhat disappointed shaking the head. 此子以为分出四道分身,便可逃离老夫的断掌围困么…”道蛮山有些失望的摇摇头。 If Ning Fan, only then this Divine Ability, cannot go out of this place. He thinks that Ning Fan prepared several days, found the method of going out of this place. Cannot think that waited for this child several days, only waits for the Clone technique... 宁凡只有这点神通,走不出此地。他本以为宁凡筹划了数日,是找到了走出此地的方法。想不到等了此子数日,也只等来分身术… Four Clone rush to a side respectively, is actually not able to depart the palm range. This breaks the palm, radically limitless... 四道分身各奔一方,却始终无法飞出断掌范围。这断掌,根本无边无际… Difference!” “分!” Ning Fan is a character drinks, four big Clone all divide into two unexpectedly, 20% will be four... shortly, then have several by million Clone, will fly to escape in the innumerable directions. 宁凡又是一字喝出,四大分身竟是全都一分为二,二分为四…顷刻间,便有数百万分身,朝着无数方向飞遁。 Body million to Low-Rank cultivator, is unsurpassed Divine Ability, but cultivation base to his one step, displaying by no means was difficult. 身化百万低阶修士而言,算是无上神通,但修为到了他这一步,施展起来并不困难。 Body million... only depends on million Clone, not being able to go out of this place... is 10 billion, is the same result.” Dao Barbarian Mountain shakes the head to say. “身化百万么…仅凭百万分身,走不出此地…便是身化百亿,也是一样的结果。”道蛮山摇头道。 But the next instance, Dao Barbarian Mountain gaze shook suddenly, has startled accommodated. 但下一个瞬间,道蛮山忽然目光一震,有了惊容。 At this moment, Ning Fan million Clone suddenly had the crazy action, each and every single (person) lifted the finger, toward breaking held four directions to press down. 这一刻,宁凡百万分身忽然有了疯狂之举,一个个抬起手指,朝着断掌四方按下。 Each Ning Fan, is displaying Heaven Locking Art, million Ning Fan simultaneously take action, wants impressively by Heaven Locking Art, the breaking palm of freeze Dao Barbarian Mountain! 每一个宁凡,都在施展定天之术,百万宁凡同时出手,赫然是想以定天术,定住道蛮山的断掌! Unexpectedly is Drifting Kun Saint Sect Samsara Locking Art!... It is not true Samsara Locking Art, this technique takes the form of nothing more, not Sealed Samsara strength...” “竟是混鲲圣宗定轮回之术!不…不是真正的定轮回之术,此术只是形似而已,并无封定轮回的力量…” Dao Barbarian Mountain gaze narrows the eyes, he discovered himself from beginning to end, looked down on Ning Fan. 道蛮山目光一眯,他发现自己从始至终,都小瞧了宁凡 Although this technique is not Drifting Kun Saint Sect Samsara Locking Art, but Extraordinary, was also displayed by Ning Fan million Clone, perhaps can also freeze break the palm twinkling... 此术虽说不是混鲲圣宗定轮回之术,但也十分不凡了,由宁凡百万分身施展,恐怕也能定住断掌瞬息… million Clone that Ning Fan branches out, seizes a side respectively, the agreeing without consultation battle formation, causes under each other Heaven Locking Art series, is ordinary like formation, the prestige can increase. 宁凡分出的百万分身,各据一方,彼此之间暗合阵势,使得彼此的定天之术串联之下,如同阵法一般,威能大增。 If this is not the case, by Ning Fan cultivation base, cannot decide the palm of Saint decisively, even if this is only the breaking palm that one exist(ence) innumerable years and Spiritual Nature completely lose! 若非如此,以宁凡修为,断然定不住圣人之掌,即便这只是一个存在无数年、灵性尽失的断掌! The comprehension of this child to battle formation, surely is also very profound... common Eternal Immortal Venerable, is absolutely impossible to prevent the palm, even if twinkling. Only has this child... 此子对阵势的领悟,必定也是十分高深的…寻常万古仙尊,绝无可能阻止断掌,哪怕瞬息。唯有此子 Decides!” “定!” As a Ning Fan character drinks, million Heaven Locking Art by activates to the maximum! 随着宁凡一字喝出,百万定天术催动到极致 At this moment, Ning Fan use technique, freeze mediates the palm twinkling forcefully, actually also received extremely heavy backlash. 这一刻,宁凡强行施术,定住了断掌瞬息,却也受到了极重反噬 each and every single (person) Clone cannot withstand backlash, the collapse, cultivation base gradually returns to Ning Fan True Body/this Senior in abundance, but these injury, bring back similarly, causes the Ning Fan whole body like the collapse, continuously presents injury. 一个个分身承受不住反噬,纷纷崩溃,修为逐渐回到宁凡本尊身上,但那些伤势,同样带回,使得宁凡浑身如崩溃般,不断出现伤势 God Extinguishing Shield brings power of Undying, discovers Ning Fan injured, then protects Ning Fan state of mind Inextinguishable/not exterminates, Mortal Body does not destroy. 偏偏灭神盾自带不死之力,一发现宁凡受伤,便自行护住宁凡神魂不灭,肉身不毁。 If this is not the case, Ning Fan freeze Saint breaks the action of palm forcefully, at least must ruin half Mortal Body, so backlash. 若非如此,宁凡强行定住圣人断掌的举动,起码要毁掉半个肉身,如此反噬 million Clone collapses, cultivation base returns, Ning Fan cannot attend to wiping in the blood, changes to together Jin Guang (golden light) directly, recognizes some direction, vertical departs. 百万分身崩溃,修为回归,宁凡顾不得擦去口中鲜血,直接化作一道金光,认准某个方向,纵地飞出。 Is breaking the palm to restore the ability to act the previous instance, Ning Fan departs mediates imprisoning of palm to be sleepy, and in this direction, breaks holds marginal, saw a wisp of soul. 在断掌恢复行动能力的前一个瞬间,宁凡飞出了断掌的囚困,并在这一方向,断掌边缘,看到了一缕魂。 That is together the partly visible shield soul, illusory , is very radiant, like the brightest stars, even this place is dark, is unable its ray of light Devour(ing)! 那是一道若隐若现的盾魂,虚幻,却又无比璀璨,如同最为明亮的星辰,即便是此地黑暗,也无法将它的光芒吞噬 This, is the God Extinguishing Shield soul! 这,便是灭神盾的魂! Ning Fan has a premonition, once obtains this soul, may make God Extinguishing Shield obtain some qualitative change... 宁凡有一种预感,一旦获得此魂,可使得灭神盾获得某种质变… this child by Immortal Venerable cultivation base, broke on the palm from the barbarian unexpectedly!” Xi Zihua shocking shock. 此子竟以不到仙尊修为,从道蛮断掌上走了出去!”西子画震惊的合不拢嘴 She has Quasi-Saint cultivation base, is unable to go out of a barbarian to break imprisoning of palm to be sleepy, but Ning Fan actually achieved! 她有着准圣修为,都无法走出道蛮断掌的囚困,但宁凡却做到了! Does not hesitate serious injury, wants freeze to break the palm twinkling... this child Divine Ability, unthinkable, this child very ruthless is resolute, is unexpected. 不惜重伤,也要定住断掌瞬息…此子神通,匪夷所思,此子狠辣果决,更是出人意料。 Really fearful younger generation... 真是一个可怕的后辈
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