GE :: Volume #10

#939: The spirit table ascends eight side Jing

The mountain has the soul, if the soul is loose, is the barren hill, infertile. 山有魂,若魂散,则为荒山,寸草不生。 The sea has the soul, if the soul is loose, is the dead sea, the fish dragon does not save. 海有魂,若魂散,则为死海,鱼龙不存。 God Extinguishing Shield, has the soul, but that soul, was broken when the past shield, separation. 灭神盾,亦有魂,但那魂,却在当年盾碎之时,离散。 Soul in hand, marginal of palm... at this moment, the soul of shield, here, close. 魂在手中,掌之边缘…此刻,盾的魂,就在这里,近在咫尺。 Soul... my soul... thinks of...” “魂…我的魂…想念…” Soul... return... soul... return...” “魂兮…归来…魂兮…归来…” Ning Fan within the body \ { 宁凡体内\{ the 3 w God Extinguishing Shield fragment, spreads missing the soul sound, changes to flowing light suddenly, departs the Ning Fan body, flies toward that wisp of shield soul. 3w的灭神盾碎片,传出思念的魂音,忽而化作流光,自行飞出宁凡身体,朝那缕盾魂飞去。 If the separation of millions of years, is meeting again finally at this moment. 千百万年的分离,终于在此刻重聚。 The two break in this hold marginal, in the endless darkness, a little bit/bit by bit fuses, changes to a body. This integration process, uneventful, silent, but Ning Fan can still obviously feel, fused the 6th fragment of shield soul, with beforehand compared to, had differently. 二者就在这断掌边缘,在无尽的黑暗中,一点点融合,重新化作一体。这一融合过程,风平浪静,无声无息,但宁凡仍能明显感觉到,融合了盾魂的第六碎片,与之前相比,有了不同。 Beforehand 6th fragment, although has the unsurpassed prestige energy, actually a Death Qi heavy feeling. 之前的第六碎片,虽然具有无上威能,却给人一种死气沉沉之感。 But at this moment, God Extinguishing Shield had the soul, Divine Light is no longer dim, had/left several points of Spiritual Nature many. 但这一刻,灭神盾有了魂,神光不再黯淡,更多出了几分灵性 For a long time, melted the soul to finish. 许久,融魂完毕。 The 6th fragment no longer makes any soul sound, but flies back to side Ning Fan slowly, circles around the body of Ning Fan, such as a cheerful child. 第六碎片不再发出任何魂音,而是徐徐飞回宁凡身边,绕着宁凡的身体盘旋,如一个欢快的孩童。 Although it did not say a word, but Ning Fan can actually from its behavior, see the grateful mood. 它虽不言语,但宁凡却能从它的行为里,看出感激的情绪。 The shield also feels emotion, it is feeling grateful Ning Fan, helping it retrieve the soul, making its a little bit/bit by bit complete. 盾亦有情,它在感激宁凡,帮它寻回了魂,让它一点点完整。 Ning Fan shows a faint smile, opened mouth swallows, swallows into within the body the 6th fragment, received the dantian. He likes understanding lifeform that feels grateful, even the opposite party is only a shield... 宁凡微微一笑,张口一吞,将第六碎片重新吞入体内,收在丹田。他喜欢懂得感恩的生灵,即便对方只是一个盾… And he felt faintly, the fusion shield soul later 6th fragment, had some qualitative change, had some ability, concrete is what ability, temporarily is unknown. 且他隐隐感觉,融合盾魂之后的第六碎片,有了某种质变,具备了某种能力,具体是何能力,暂时不得而知。 Good, your without/has not falls short of the Old Man's anticipation. Really goes out mediates sealing of palm, you, very good!” “不错,你没有辜负老夫的期待。果然走出了断掌之封,你,很好!” As the Dao Barbarian Mountain sound resounds, all around darkness vanishes entirely, the Ancient Barbarian Grave Fifth Stratum scenery, a little bit/bit by bit appears in Ning Fan at present. 随着道蛮山声音响起,四周黑暗通通消失,古蛮坟第五层的景色,一点点出现在宁凡眼前。 One and appears, tall ladder of also to Sixth Stratum, as well as innumerable safe, drifts in in the air. 一并出现的,还有通往第六层的天梯,以及无数银箱,飘浮在空中。 Safe by no means are many, only has 42. All is operating the box lid, can see thing clearly. 银箱并不多,只有四十二个。全都开着箱盖,可以清晰看到其中的东西。 In the box, is not Fourth Stratum has presented Saint Relic, instead is a life plate kind of wooden sign, but also slightly has differently with life plate... 箱子里,不是第四层出现过的圣人遗物,反而全是命牌一类的木牌,但又与命牌略有不同… In this 42 wooden sign, having 29 has broken to pieces is two halves, still also complete, only has 13. 四十二个木牌中,有二十九个已经碎为两半,尚还完好的,只有十三个。 These wooden signs, are pass the reward of port customs official 2nd Test... 这些木牌,便是通关道蛮第二关的奖励么… Properly speaking. Said that reward of barbarian 2nd Test, should be more precious than 1st Test can be more precious than Starting Heaven Spirit Mushroom and other Supreme Treasure to... these wooden signs... 按理说。道蛮第二关的奖励,应该比第一关更珍贵才对…这些木牌能比开天灵芝至宝更珍贵么… Come, comes to here, Old Man gives you to introduce these...” “来,来这里,老夫给你介绍一下这些…” Ning Fan hearing this. Along with Dao Barbarian Mountain is on the altar together, presses down the doubts in heart, is listening to the introduction of Dao Barbarian Mountain. 宁凡闻言。随道蛮山一道登上祭坛,按下心中的疑惑,听着道蛮山的介绍。 Does not listen fortunately, after one hear . Cannot help but shocks greatly. 不听还好,一听之后。不由得大为震撼。 The so-called say/way barbarian soul command, is a special token, only has all previous Barbarian God to understand the law of manufacture. 所谓的道蛮魂令,是一种特殊的令牌,唯有历代蛮神懂得制造之法。 In each soul command. Seal great expert/power cultivator Life Soul, and type has the special spell. 每一个魂令之中。都封印着一名大能修士命魂,并种有特殊符咒。 So long as has the corresponding soul command, can easily control that person of Life and Death, making it submit to for the slave. 只要持有对应魂令,就可以轻易掌控那人的生死,令其臣服为奴。 In brief, said the reward of barbarian 2nd Test, not dying thing, but was the living servant. 简而言之,道蛮第二关的奖励,不是死物,而是活生生的奴仆。 Old Man before death, once went on an expedition various heaven, has subdued the 42 Saint retinue, plants the soul command. Since Old Man dies, already many years, these Saint retinues, had died the 29 person, the still left over 13 person survives, keeps in Ancient Barbarian World, waits for the true say/way barbarian Successor return...” 老夫生前,曾征战诸天,收服过四十二圣人仆从,种下魂令。自老夫死后,已有多年,那些圣人仆从,也已死去二十九人,尚余十三人存活,留在古蛮界之内,等待真正的道蛮传人归来…” Their soul commands, then here, you rushed to barbarian 2nd Test, Old Man had delivered you a Saint retinue.” “他们的魂令,便在这里,你闯过了道蛮第二关,老夫送你一个圣人仆从。” Is beyond control Ning Fan not startled, rushes to corridor 2nd Test, may obtain a Saint retinue... to let solemn 3rd step Saint for the servant unexpectedly, this writing skill was really big. 由不得宁凡不惊,闯过道蛮第二关,竟然可获得一位圣人仆从…让堂堂第三步圣人为仆,这手笔真是太大了。 Four Heavens and Nine Worlds including Saint also without/has not, Ancient Chaos is also good, Undying/not dead also fine, cannot step into Saint Realm. 四天九界连一个圣人没有,乱古也好,不死也罢,都未能踏入圣人境界。 But Ning Fan, how is likely to obtain a Saint retinue... he to be able today not to shock! 宁凡,今日有望获得一位圣人仆从…他如何能不震撼! You do not need to cheer too soon, if Old Man has not misread, you should not be cultivating of Dust World, is not cultivating of Inverse Dust World, was not Ancient Saint Sect cultivates... Old Man saying that but?” Dao Barbarian Mountain gaze concentrates slightly, as if can see through Ning Fan all secrets easily. “你也不必高兴的太早,若老夫没看错,你应该不是尘界之修,也不是逆尘界之修,更加不是远古圣宗之修…老夫说的可是?”道蛮山目光微微一凝,仿佛轻而易举便可看穿宁凡的一切秘密。 Dust World Inverse Dust World... Ancient Saint Sect...” In the Ning Fan eye had a confusion, to these nouns, he knows nothing simply. 尘界逆尘界远古圣宗…”宁凡眼中有了一丝困惑,对这些名词,他简直一无所知。 Does not know. Really, Old Man without/has not misreads, you are Imaginary Dream World cultivator. Does not know, in which Immortal Sovereign dream you are the person, which Imaginary Dream World also places...” “不知道么。果然,老夫没有看错,你是幻梦界修士。只是不知,你是哪位仙皇梦中之人,又身处哪一处幻梦界…” Dao Barbarian Mountain sighed slightly, the age that he survived, Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou has not said becomes, was familiar with Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou Dream World aura by no means by him, cannot see through Ning Fan location. 道蛮山微微一叹,他存活的年代,紫斗仙皇还未道成,是以他对紫斗仙皇梦界气息并不熟悉,看不穿宁凡所在之地 What is Imaginary Dream World? Listens to the Senior tone, Imaginary Dream World as if to have many places, not just one?” In the Ning Fan eye the fine glow flashes. 幻梦界是什么?听前辈的口气,幻梦界似乎有很多处,并非只有一处?”宁凡眼中精芒一闪。 He from many Old Monster mouths, had once heard the name of Imaginary Dream World, in these population, often is called as Imaginary Dream World in World him. 他曾从许多老怪口中,听到过幻梦界的称呼,在那些人口中,时常把他所在世界称作幻梦界 Imaginary Dream World is anything, Ning Fan by no means knows, but as if can from the Dao Barbarian Mountain mouth, get an answer today. 幻梦界是什么,宁凡并不知晓,但今日似乎能从道蛮山口中,得到一个答案。 You are Imaginary Dream World cultivator, does not know that what Imaginary Dream World is, by no means is strange. This side universe, exist(ence) World are many, only has Three Great World is really: First, Dust World, is Tai Cang Tribulation Spirit is reborn in paradise place of ; Samsara two is Inverse Dust World, is reborn in paradise place of ; Samsara for cultivating of counter dust three is Ancient Saint Sect in various days... except for these three World, other World, are false, is World that a 4th step cultivator dream forms...” “你是幻梦界修士,不知道幻梦界是何物,并不奇怪。这方宇宙,存在世界很多,其中只有三大世界为真:一是尘界,为太苍劫灵往生轮回之地二是逆尘界,为逆尘之修往生轮回之地三是远古圣宗所在诸天…除了这三处世界,其余所有世界,都是虚假,都是第四步修士一梦形成的世界…” Imaginary Dream World is not real exist(ence) World, cultivator that among occupies, if Foreign Cultivator also on forget it/that's all, if cultivating of native place, is not the real person, is only illusory, is Phantom in 4th step cultivator dream...” 幻梦界并非真实存在世界,其内居住的修士,若是外来修士也就罢了,若是本土之修,则并非真实之人,只是虚幻,是第四步修士梦中的幻影…” Immortal Sovereign, the life may make many innumerable Imaginary Dream World to come... beside Three Great Real Worlds, has innumerable Imaginary Dream World...” “一个仙皇,一生可造出许多无数幻梦界来…三大真界之外,有着数不清的幻梦界…” Illusory person, is unable to cultivate Perfection Realm forever, is unable to break through 3rd step forever... naturally, has some exceptions...” “虚幻的人,永远无法修到圆满境界,也永远无法突破第三步…当然,也有例外…” At this point, Dao Barbarian Mountain as if remembered what past events, the facial expression is very suddenly disappointed. 说到这里,道蛮山似乎想起了什么往事,神情一时间无比怅然。 But Ning Fan, turned the difficult situation in the heart, until now, he touched the Four Heavens Nine Heavens biggest secret finally. 宁凡,则在心中翻起了惊涛骇浪,时至今日,他终于触及到了四天九天最大的隐秘。 Four Heavens and Nine Worlds is called Imaginary Dream World , because, this is World that is accomplished by a 4th step cultivator dream! 四天九界之所以被称作幻梦界,是因为,这是一处由第四步修士一梦造就的世界 And all native lifeform. Is unreal, is Phantom in 4th step Immortal Sovereign dream, is not real exist(ence)! 其中所有的本土生灵。都是虚幻的,都是第四步仙皇梦中的幻影,并非真实存在的! Phantom... unexpectedly is Phantom! 幻影…竟是幻影 I and other Four Heavens and Nine Worlds cultivator, unexpectedly all are in others dream Phantom... this is real! This... how possible! 我等四天九界修士,竟然全都是他人梦中幻影…这是真的么!这…怎么可能! This Ancient secret, really lets person unable to believe! 这种远古秘闻,实在让人无法相信 Ning Fan has never thought that oneself can be a false thing, can be in some 4th step great expert/power dream Phantom... 宁凡从未想过,自己会是一个虚假的事物,会是某个第四步大能梦中幻影 The road that he passes through, has cultivated the say/way, has loved person, all. Is false... 他走过的路,修过的道,爱过的人,一切的一切。都是假的么… All, unexpectedly are only... a dream... 一切的一切,竟都只是…一场梦… Steps into from him cultivates Path of Dao, Dao Heart will rarely falter, but at this moment, Dao Heart had the tremble slightly. 自他踏入修道之路,道心很少会出现动摇,但这一刻,道心却有了轻微颤动。 Any cultivator, heard suddenly oneself are only false exist(ence), for it shake/shock, Ning Fan is unable to escape by luck even. 任何一个修士,骤然听说自己只是一个虚假的存在,都会为之震动,就算是宁凡也无法幸免。 But quick, Ning Fan then stood firm Dao Heart. Reveals the calm color. 但很快,宁凡便稳住了道心。重新露出冷静之色。 His by no means suspected the authenticity that Dao Barbarian Mountain words, actually does not believe overall. 并不怀疑道蛮山话语的真实性,却也不会全盘相信。 And even he is really in Imaginary Dream World together false Phantom, so what! 且就算他真的是幻梦界中一道虚假幻影,又如何 Even entire World is only a 4th step cultivator dream, how can also! 就算整个世界都只是第四步修士的一场梦,又能如何! Also is really good. False also fine, his cultivation many years, cultivated is really a character, but regarding True and False two characters. Cannot see clearly on the contrary more and more, touches airtight. 真也好。假也罢,他修真多年,修的便是真之一字,但对于真虚二字。反倒越来越看不清,摸不透。 More sees clearly, does not jump over on the contrary clearly. Is vacant. 越是看清,反倒越不明白。越是茫然。 This world, actually what is real, what is false? 这世间,究竟什么是真,什么是假? The dream is false , is the talent of having a dream false? Who is the dream? Who is real? Did not say certainly... 梦是虚假的,抑或者,做梦之人才是虚假的?谁才是梦?谁才是真?说不准… People in aquatic, who is whose inverted image? Did not say certainly... 人在水上,谁是谁的倒影?说不准… Birth and death, which one side true is living? Did not say certainly... 生与死,哪一边才是真正的活着?说不准… What is real, anything was false... does not say certainly... 什么是真,什么是假…说不准… Ning Fan only knows, he has experienced sentiment, is real! Graciousness that he receives, is real! He has felt warm, is real! 宁凡只知道,他经历过的情,是真!他受过的恩,是真!他感受过的温,是真! He feels, that is real! True and False only in a thought! 他觉得真,那便是真!真虚只在一念间! He is cultivator, is one becomes aware really the person, because of other people spoken language, the innermost feelings will not then vacillate forever! 他是一名修真者,是一名悟真之人,不会因为旁人一句言语,便永远内心动摇下去! Senior said, I do come from some 4th step Immortal Sovereign Imaginary Dream World? Is that place, only an illusion? But I, am not real exist(ence)...” Ning Fan deeply inspires, the tone thoroughly returns to normal. 前辈是说,我来自某个第四步仙皇幻梦界?那处地方,只是一场幻梦?而我,并非真实存在的么…”宁凡深吸一口气,语气彻底恢复平静。 If all of these real, then makes Four Heavens and Nine Worlds 4th step cultivator by the dream, mostly was Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou... 这一切都是真的,那么以梦造出四天九界第四步修士,多半就是紫斗仙皇了吧… If all of these real, perhaps the reason of Four Heavens no Saint, because of all living things all for the illusory reason... the illusory person, how can cultivate/repair perfection... Dao Barbarian Mountain also saying that has the exception... 这一切都是真的,四天无圣的原因,或许就是因为众生皆为虚幻的缘故吧…虚幻之人,如何能够修得圆满…不过道蛮山又说有例外… My life... are unable to cultivate the boundary of perfection... saying that I can also be the person of that exception... 我此生…也无法修到圆满之境么…还是说,我也会是那例外之人… Ning Fan shakes the head, depresses this impractical idea. 宁凡摇摇头,将这种不切实际的想法压下。 become a Saint to him, but also is very remote, present he, does not need to worry these issues. 成圣对他来说,还十分遥远,现在的他,根本不必烦恼这些问题。 Dao Barbarian Mountain gaze narrows the eyes slightly, has profound meaning looks at Ning Fan greatly, said, disposition is good. Repairing of many illusions, hear themselves suddenly are false exist(ence), can Dao Heart vacillate, even collapses and goes crazy because of this field of endeavor, is deliberately bad..., but you, as if by no means care about your True and False... actually, really also good, false also fine, to me and other people of cultivation, really important...” 道蛮山目光微微一眯,大有深意地看着宁凡,道,“心性不错。许多幻梦之修,骤然听闻自身是虚假存在,都会道心动摇,甚至因此道崩、发狂,自暴自弃…而你,似乎并不在意自身的真假…其实,真也好,假也罢,对我等修真之人而言,真的重要么…” Hehe, you do not need to improperly belittle oneself, you come from Imaginary Dream World, this point, the Old Man sensation will not be wrong. Because in your soul, without/has not... you are the person who a Immortal Sovereign dream makes, who talked nonsense to make one, then wasn't the person? Person who wants the Yin-Yang sexual intercourse to make, is the person? I and other cultivator, so long as cultivation base is profound, then picks the soil, may give the life, said that he is a person, is the person! Really with false, by no means is important, more importantly, how you regard True and False...” 呵呵,你也不必妄自菲薄,你来自幻梦界,这一点,老夫不会感知错误。因为你的魂中,没有…你是仙皇一梦造出的人,但谁说梦造之人,便不是人了?非要阴阳交合造出的人,才是人?我等修士,只要修为高深,便是捡来泥土,也可赋予生命,说他是人,便是人!真与假,并不重要,重要的是,你如何看待真假…” „The Imaginary Dream World topic, stops. Which Imaginary Dream World you come from, the Old Man by no means care. The trouble, making some Old Man headaches... Old Man deliver your Saint retinue, the original intention wants to protect you, but was a pity very much, Old Man's retinues in Ancient Barbarian World, situated in..., but your location, as if has some extremely powerful strength impediment, is unable... you to stay with the Real World connection in Imaginary Dream World, is unable to use the soul command, is unable to summon Old Man to deliver with your Saint servant, only if you can go out of this Imaginary Dream World, arrives at Real World...” 幻梦界的话题,到此为止吧。你来自哪一处幻梦界,老夫并不关心。只是有一个麻烦,让老夫有些头疼…老夫送你的圣人仆从,本意是想保护你,但很可惜,老夫的仆从都在古蛮界,位于…而你所在之地,似乎有某种极为强大的力量阻隔,无法与真界连通…你呆在幻梦界中,便无法使用魂令,无法传召老夫送与你的圣仆,除非你能走出这处幻梦界,来到真界…” Dao Barbarian Mountain is pitifully looks at are greatly innumerable. 道蛮山大为可惜地看着无数银箱。 The say/way barbarian soul command that he leaves behind, also 13, in this 13 soul command, there are nine Beginning Saint soul commands, three Nirvana Saint soul commands. 他遗留的道蛮魂令,还有十三个,在这十三个魂令之中,有九个始圣魂令,三个涅圣魂令。 also one, is some Half-Step steps into the Desolate Saint Expert soul command! 还有一个,是某个半步踏入荒圣强者魂令! If Ning Fan can leave Imaginary Dream World, enters Real World, takes soul command that he is delivering. May easily summon a Saint retinue, presents him for the lord. 宁凡能够离开幻梦界,进入真界,拿着他送的魂令。可轻易传召一位圣人仆从,奉他为主。 That that what a pity... Ning Fan is at locates Imaginary Dream World, the strength of impediment was too powerful, does not know that is Imaginary Dream World that which later generation Immortal Sovereign makes. If no that Immortal Sovereign to permit, feared that is some 4th step cultivator, is unable to force one's way in this world... his these Saint retinues, is not naturally able to enter. 可惜…宁凡所在的那处幻梦界,阻隔之力太强大了,也不知是哪个后世仙皇造出的幻梦界。若无那位仙皇允许,怕是一些第四步修士,都无法强行闯入此界…他的那些个圣人仆从,自然也是无法入界的。 Since he dies, the later generation presented so fierce Immortal Sovereign unexpectedly... is really fearful... 自他死后,后世竟出现了如此厉害的仙皇…真是可怕… He wants to deliver a Ning Fan Saint retinue, but was a pity very much, these souls made as if the without/has not anything use. Only if Ning Fan can locate in Imaginary Dream World to go out from that... 他想送宁凡一个圣人仆从,但很可惜,这些魂令似乎并没有什么用处。除非宁凡能从那处幻梦界中走出… forget it/that's all, first is this child introduces these soul commands... 罢了,还是先为此子介绍一下这些魂令吧… This soul command, what Seal is Life Soul of Ming Ling clan Beginning Saint —— too white Saint...” “此魂令,封印的是螟蛉始圣——太白圣之命魂…” This soul command, what Seal is Life Soul of cold sect Nirvana Saint —— to seal/confer heaven founder...” “此魂令,封印的是寒宗涅圣——封天教主之命魂…” This soul made...” “此魂令…” origin that the each and every single (person) soul made, was told by Dao Barbarian Mountain. The Ning Fan facial expression from the initial shock, gradually gets makes the forced smile, said that the reward of barbarian 2nd Test, could be absolutely richly. 一个个魂令的来历,被道蛮山娓娓道来。宁凡的神情从最初的震惊,渐渐变作苦笑,道蛮第二关的奖励,绝对算得上丰厚了。 Other Saint Level retinue, is can it be not rich? If can carry off one. Four Heavens and Nine Worlds, his only I am supreme, what Ten Great Secret Clans, must stand out of the way... 圣人级别的仆从,难道还不算丰厚?若能带走一个。四天九界,他可唯我独尊,什么十大秘族,都要靠边站… Only pitifully. He places Four Heavens and Nine Worlds, is unable to go out of this world, even if picks one from these soul commands, is unable to summon these Saint... these tokens is not impractical for the servant. Only if Ning Fan can go out of Four Heavens and Nine Worlds, arrives Three Great Real Worlds that Ancient Barbarian World is at... 只可惜。他身处四天九界,无法走出此界,即便从这些魂令之中选走一个,也无法传召那些圣人为仆…这些令牌根本不实用。除非宁凡能够走出四天九界,到达古蛮界所在的三大真界 If can trade, Ning Fan rather takes this Saint soul command. Trades Eight Tribulations Puppet in 1st Test reward, even durable is insufficient, can still use immediately... 若可以换,宁凡倒宁愿拿这圣人魂令。换第一关奖励里的八劫傀儡,就算耐久度不够,也能立刻使用… Last soul command, what Seal is Half-Step Desolate Saint Life Soul... the the name blue say/way seals, is founder who four Saints teach...” “最后一个魂令,封印的是一个半步荒圣命魂其名蓝道封,是四圣教的教主…” Ning Fan listened to the introduction of Dao Barbarian Mountain unemotionally. 宁凡面无表情地听完了道蛮山的介绍。 The Half-Step Desolate Saint soul command, sounding is actually very big on, but was a pity very much, cannot go out of Imaginary Dream World, on without/has not any use. 半步荒圣的魂令么,听起来倒是十分高大上,但很可惜,不能走出幻梦界,就没有任何用处。 I can take the reward of 2nd Test, exchanges the 1st Test thing...” The Ning Fan forced smile asked. “我能拿第二关的奖励,交换第一关的东西么…”宁凡苦笑问道。 Cannot. Old Man is not true Dao Barbarian Mountain, but after is Dao Barbarian Mountain dies, leaves behind the shadow of Mountains and Seas, although inherited Dao Barbarian Mountain some memory and sentiments, but the rule that before is unable to change Dao Barbarian Mountain dies, formulates. Each pass/test, you only may obtain a reward, other thing Old Man are unable to deliver you, is unable to change the established reward...” Dao Barbarian Mountain shakes the head to say. “不能。老夫并非真正的道蛮山,而是道蛮山死后遗留山海之影,虽然继承了道蛮山的部分记忆与感情,但,无法改变道蛮山死前制定的规则。每一关,你只可获得一件奖励,其他东西老夫无法送你,也无法改变既定的奖励…”道蛮山摇头道。
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