GE :: Volume #10

#937: Starting Heaven Artifact

Well what should elect? 该选什么好呢? Ning Fan gaze lingers in each and every single (person) bronzes box, being hard choices. As for Dao Barbarian Mountain, after introducing all Relic, then the standing still one side, closed eyes did not speak, by no means interfered with the Ning Fan choice. 宁凡目光一个个箱上流连,难以取舍。至于道蛮山,在介绍完所有遗物之后,便静立一旁,闭目不语,并不干涉宁凡选择。 Here altogether has the 400 copper box, 400 Relic. And, Magical Treasure kind of Relic 74, is Innate Grade. 这里共有四百个铜箱,四百遗物。其中,法宝遗物七十四件,无一不是先天品阶 Medicine Pill and Spirit Herb kind of Relic 166, is Nine Revolutions Emperor Pill and Innate Spirit Medicine. 丹药灵药遗物一百六十六件,无一不是九转帝丹先天灵药 cultivation method Divine Ability jade slip and Scroll have, the casual one type takes, but becoming Immortal Emperor Level Expert card in a hand Divine Ability. 功法神通玉简卷轴也有很多,随便一种拿出去,都可成为仙帝级强者的底牌神通 Puppet also more than ten, Grade is highest, is that Eternal Eighth Tribulation Immortal Emperor Puppet... in Four Heavens, perhaps was very difficult to find Grade such high Puppet... 傀儡也有十余具,其中品阶最高的,是那具万古第八劫仙帝傀儡四天之内,恐怕很难找到品阶这么高的傀儡了… In addition, in Relic also many junks, such as some Saint Sect secret place concealed treasure chart, if some Saint has sat war chariot, has used liquor back... 除此之外,遗物还有诸多杂物,如某圣宗密地的藏宝图,又如某圣人生前坐过的战车,使用过的酒樽… Especially makes Ning Fan speechless, is in many junks, also Saintess has used undergarment... Dao Barbarian Mountain is actually lascivious, collects this thing. In fact, this extremely common undergarment, is Innate Magical Treasure, named 42 Drifting Heaven damask silk... 尤其让宁凡无语的,是诸多杂物里,还有一个女圣生前使用过的肚兜…倒不是道蛮山好色,才收集此物。实际上,就连这个极不起眼的肚兜,都是一件先天法宝,名叫【四十二混天绫】… What we definitely know is that here Saint Relic, takes one casually, is the rare treasure, 可以肯定的是,这里的圣人遗物,随便拿出去一个,都是难得一见的珍品, Naturally, in junks also that extremely common shield treasure fragment. Only has this fragment, Ning Fan is unable to determine its value... 当然,杂物里还有那块极不起眼的盾宝碎片。唯有这个碎片,宁凡无法确定其价值… That shield valuable fragment, Dao Barbarian Mountain without/has not detailed introduction. The surface seems like, this fragment averagely not wonderful, when but if stares this fragment is having a liking to be many, near the ear will then buzz. Looks again, near the ear sound gradually will be then clear, that is ancient shouting sounds, resembling the person is inhuman, resembles the beast non- beast, a scared feeling... 那盾宝碎片,道蛮山没有详细介绍。表面看上去,此碎片平平无奇,但若是盯着此碎片看上多时,耳边便会嗡嗡作响。再看下去,耳边的响声便会逐渐清晰,那是一声声古老的嘶吼声,似人非人,似兽非兽,给人一种胆寒之感… This place powerful Magical Treasure are no doubt many, but this shield valuable fragment, can take to the Ning Fan scared feeling only. 此地强大的法宝固然不少,但唯独这盾宝碎片,能带给宁凡胆寒的感觉。 That scared feeling, somewhat looks like Ancient Country Fighting Heaven Shield, actually the ratio fights a day of shield more fearful several hundred times. 那种胆寒之感,有些像古国战天盾,却比战天盾更可怕数百倍。 Actually this fragment... is what profound principles! 这碎片…究竟是何玄机 Could not completely understand! 看不透! Long time, Ning Fan takes back from the shield treasure fragment gaze, hesitates slightly. This place Saint Relic, can only take one, then, his choice must be prudent, best chooses the most practical thing. 良久,宁凡才将目光从盾宝碎片上收回,微微沉吟起来。此地圣人遗物,只能取走一件,如此一来,他的选择就必须慎重,最好是选一件最为实用的东西。 Perhaps this shield valuable fragment, has the place of its Extraordinary, but is not necessarily practical. It is not complete Magical Treasure, without/has not any defense prestige energy, chose it, can do anything... 这盾宝碎片,或许有其不凡之处,但未必实用。并非完整的法宝,没有任何防御威能,选了它,能干什么… Un... said, some material quality actually Extraordinary of this fragment, are Ning Fan without/has not has seen Spirit Ore, if smelts this fragment, mixes in some materials again, should be able again a refining extremely good shield... 嗯…说起来,这碎片的材质倒是有些不凡,是宁凡没有见过的灵矿,若将这碎片熔炼掉,再掺入一些材料,应该能重新炼制一个极为不错的盾牌… However this appears moves unnecessarily, Ning Fan may without/has not be self-confident, uses this small fragment to refine Innate Rank Magical Treasure, Innate Magical Treasure is that easy refining? The shield could refining come out, but that Grade is not mostly high. Then, might as well direct selection Innate Rank defense Magical Treasure, why do oneself forge the shield? 不过这就显得多此一举,宁凡没有自信,利用这小小碎片炼出先天级别法宝,先天法宝是那么容易炼制的么?盾牌或许能炼制出来,但那品阶多半不高。如此一来,还不如直接选择一个先天级别的防御法宝,何必自己锻造盾牌? Then, chooses this shield treasure fragment, has what significance... 那么,选择这个盾宝碎片,有什么意义呢… Shakes the head, Ning Fan puts aside gaze, looks other things. All that although Dao Barbarian Mountain not Open Eyes, actually has know from A to Z. 摇了摇头,宁凡目光移开,去看其他东西了。道蛮山未睁眼,却对此地发生的一切了如指掌。 this child... does not plan to choose this thing...” The Dao Barbarian Mountain innermost feelings sighed secretly, without/has not said anything. 此子…不打算选择此物么…”道蛮山内心暗暗一叹,却没有多说什么。 Regardless of Ning Fan makes what choice, he will not interfere, but he has waited after all painstakingly for many years, for the person of Inheritance, in the heart many somewhat is only regrettable. 无论宁凡作何选择,他都不会干涉,但他毕竟已经苦等多年,只为等来传承之人,心中多少有些遗憾。 What a pity, what a pity... this child is 4th a person who has opportunity to obtain the barbarian approval, actually must just miss with the barbarian halidom... 可惜,可惜…此子第四个有机会获得道蛮认可的人,却也要与道蛮圣物失之交臂了么… Similar to the people of first three Inheritance general, the boldness of without/has not choice halidom fragment... 就如同前三个传承之人一般,没有选择圣物碎片的魄力… Four generations of Barbarian God were very anxious, but discovered after Ning Fan extremely has not taken seriously the halidom fragment, in the heart has the feeling that the big stone fell to the ground immediately. 四代蛮神本来十分紧张,但发现宁凡并未太过重视圣物碎片后,心中顿时有了大石落地的感觉。 „It seems like, this child as if too does not take seriously the halidom fragment. this one considered thoroughly actually, I said that a halidom of barbarian lineage/vein, will not fall into the this child hand...” “看起来,此子似乎不太重视圣物碎片。妾身倒是多虑了,我道蛮一脉的圣物,不会落入此子手中…” So, then good... 如此,便好… Ning Fan gaze lingers in this place many Relic, finally, only then four things, making him long for obtaining. 宁凡目光在此地诸多遗物之中流连,最终,只有四件东西,让他渴望得到。 In Magical Treasure, he most wants to obtain is not that prestige can a most powerful day of bead, but is that Saintess undergarment- 42 Drifting Heaven damask silk. 法宝之中,他最想得到的不是那威能最强的荡天珠,而是那女圣肚兜-【四十二混天绫】。 Chooses this thing, is not because Ning Fan has the special fondness, because this treasure has the special use. 选择此物,绝不是因为宁凡有特殊癖好,而是因为此宝有特殊的用途。 This Drifting Heaven damask silk is Innate Rank Magical Treasure, the defensive power is not quite weak. single Lunwei can, not can be regarded most powerful in this place Innate Magical Treasure, but according to Dao Barbarian Mountain, this treasure may in Immeasurable Tribulation, protect mind of host, increases host about 30% become a Saint opportunity. 混天绫是一件先天级别法宝,防御力极为不弱。单论威能,在此地先天法宝之中算不得最强,但据道蛮山介绍,此宝可在‘无量劫’中,守护宿主的心神,增加宿主30%左右的成圣机会 According to Dao Barbarian Mountain, Immeasurable Tribulation was Great Tribulation that become a Saint must pass, extremely dangerous, and was extremely difficult to appear. 道蛮山所言,无量劫成圣必须度过的大劫,极其凶险,且极难出现。 Only has to direct Immeasurable Tribulation, Quasi-Saint to step into 3rd step opportunity. But in Immemorial Time, in 1000 Quasi-Saint, at most also only then 1-2 people can cultivation perfection, direct Immeasurable Tribulation. 唯有引下无量劫,准圣才拥有踏入第三步机会。但在太古之时,一千准圣之中,顶多也只有1-2能够修行圆满,引下无量劫 But successfully directs in the Immeasurable Tribulation person, only has 1/10 to be able crossing tribulation to succeed, 90% Quasi-Saint will die in Immeasurable Tribulation, this tribulations dangerous fully obviously... 而成功引下无量劫的人中,又只有十分之一能够渡劫成功,九成准圣会死在无量劫中,足可见此劫凶险 It is not Drifting Heaven damask silk Innate Grade, said only that 30% cross the Immeasurable Tribulation probability, then makes Ning Fan excited sufficiently. 不算混天绫的先天品阶,单说那30%渡无量劫的几率,便足以让宁凡心动。 If chose the Drifting Heaven damask silk, comes day become a Saint, can surely relaxed many..., and this Drifting Heaven damask silk is extremely good Innate Magical Treasure, defensive power especially Extraordinary. Can be regarded undergarment by Saintess, the personal wear, the defensive power can lower. 若选择了混天绫,来日成圣,必定可以轻松不少…且这混天绫本身还是一件极为不错的先天法宝,防御力尤其不凡。能被一位女圣当成肚兜,贴身穿着,防御力能低么。 The defense was really important, the Ning Fan attack method emerged one after another incessantly, the defensive measure was actually not many. 防御真是太重要了,宁凡攻击手段层出不穷,防御手段却是不多。 Three Flowers Gather on Crown Defensive Divine Ability, is insufficient, Ancient Demon Mortal Body defense of Ning Fan, is not enough to apply in the Shedded Void above fight. 三花聚顶防御神通,早就不够用了,宁凡古魔肉身防御,也不足以在舍空以上的战斗中派上用场。 Obtains 12 Nirvanas Grade defense Magical Treasure 7 Star Lantern with great difficulty, but also was detonated by Ning Fan. 好不容易得到一个十二涅品阶的防御法宝-七星灯,还被宁凡引爆了。 Is used for life saving Life Illusion Pill, used up... 用来保命幻生丹,也用掉了… Present Ning Fan, urgently needs increases the defensive measure self-preservation, this 42 Drifting Heaven damask silk, truly is a good choice, winning is practical. 如今的宁凡,迫切需要增加防御手段自保,这四十二混天绫,确实是一个不错的选择,胜在实用。 If there is a Drifting Heaven damask silk to defend personal, Ning Fan has the confidence to meet the Immortal Venerable level attack hardly, but Undying/not dead, then facing attack of Immortal King and Immortal Emperor, there is the strength of certain self-preservation. 若有混天绫贴身防御,宁凡有信心硬接仙尊级攻击而不死,便是面对仙王仙帝的攻击,也有一定的自保之力。 With this thing compared to, that Swings a day of bead Wanted to be inferior many. 与此物相比,那【荡天珠】就要逊色很多了。 In here many Magical Treasure, swings day of bead most powerful without a doubt. Can wound Saint Magical Treasure, can not be strong, under Saint, this treasure can without rival, kill Immortal Emperor absolutely such as the slaughter dog. 这里的诸多法宝之中,毫无疑问要数荡天珠最强。能够击伤圣人法宝,能不强么,圣人之下,此宝绝对可以无敌,杀仙帝如屠狗。 But this has a premise. To display this bead most powerful might, must by Saint Blood sacrificial refining this bead, this somewhat be but actually troublesome, Ning Fan self-examined where doesn't get so far as Saint Blood... to make? Among this Heaven and Earth, also Saint exist(ence), also Saint Blood leaves behind... 但这有一个前提。想要发挥此珠最强威力,必须以圣人血祭炼此珠,这倒有些麻烦,宁凡自问弄不到圣人血…从哪里弄?这天地间,还有圣人存在么,还有圣人血遗留么… without/has not Saint Blood, this bead are most can only display 1/10 prestige energies, in 1 nothing more compared with other Innate Magical Treasure, cannot extremely heaven-defying. 没有圣人血,此珠最多只能发挥十分之一的威能,也就比其他先天法宝强上一点而已,不会太过逆天 By Ning Fan cultivation base, holds to swing a day of bead in the hand, many also more 12 steps, can with a High Level Immortal Venerable war. 宁凡修为,持荡天珠在手,最多也就越个一两阶,能与高阶仙尊一战。 This appeared the weak... unable very to attack Magical Treasure that the enemy struck to kill, where had life saving sufficiently Defense-Type Magical Treasure to be practical? 这就显得十分鸡肋了…不能对敌人一击必杀的攻击法宝,哪有足以保命防御类法宝实用? Besides the Drifting Heaven damask silk, Ning Fan is extremely excited about Starting Heaven Spirit Mushroom. 混天绫外,宁凡还对开天灵芝极其心动。 Magical Treasure eventually is only foreign object, was far less than that direct promoting cultivation base really comes. If not for can increase become a Saint opportunity, the Drifting Heaven damask silk cannot compare Starting Heaven Spirit Mushroom to be practical absolutely. 法宝终究只是外物,远不如直接提升修为来得实在。若不是能够增加成圣机会,混天绫绝对比不上开天灵芝实用。 This Spirit Mushroom, clothing/taking, if Undying/not dead, can have Quasi-Saint cultivation base directly. If had Quasi-Saint cultivation base, why Ning Fan chooses Innate Magical Treasure. cultivation base is basic, Crossing Truth cultivator that takes Innate Magical Treasure, could not defeat Quasi-Saint empty-handed forever. 灵芝,服之若是不死,便可直接拥有准圣修为。若拥有了准圣修为,宁凡何必去选先天法宝修为才是根本,一个拿着先天法宝渡真修士,永远战胜不了空手的准圣 Must choose this Starting Heaven Spirit Mushroom... 要选这株开天灵芝么… Said that is not excited is false, but Ning Fan actually without/has not chooses Starting Heaven Spirit Mushroom immediately, the facial expression is quite prudent. 说不心动是假的,但宁凡没有立刻选择开天灵芝,神情极为慎重。 This thing can make person one step have Quasi-Saint cultivation base, solid extremely heaven-defying. However the Heavenly Dao circulation, when things reach their extreme they turn back, has must lose, is the Nitian (heaven defying) thing, often more has the flaw. 此物能让人一步拥有准圣修为,实在太过逆天。然而天道循环,物极必反,有得必有失,越是逆天的东西,往往越是有缺陷。 Like Great Emperor Undying Undying Body, even Desolate Saint kills his Undying/not dead, oneself actually very difficult become a Saint... 如同不死大帝不死之身,连荒圣都杀他不死,自身却很难成圣 take Starting Heaven Spirit Mushroom, can have Quasi-Saint cultivation base directly, but the all of these premise, that then must take Undying/not dead... 服下开天灵芝,可以直接拥有准圣修为,但这一切有一个前提,那便是必须服之不死 The mortals eat up Immortal Pill, if without/has not suddenly/violently body perishes, similarly has opportunity one step become Immortal. But this world, basic without/has not several cultivator are one step become Immortal. Attempts the one step become Immortal person, almost died... 凡人吃下仙丹,若是没有暴体而亡,同样有机会一步成仙。但这世间,根本没有几个修士一步成仙的。试图一步成仙的人,几乎都死掉了… Ning Fan eyes reveal azure glow, looks Starting Heaven Spirit Mushroom, more examines carefully, the brow wrinkles deeply. 宁凡目露青芒,去看开天灵芝,越是细看,眉头皱得越深。 Long time later, he takes back gaze, sighed slightly, when looked at Starting Heaven Spirit Mushroom again, in eye fiery ice-cold. 良久之后,他收回目光,微微一叹,再看开天灵芝之时,眼中火热冰冷了许多。 Really, this Starting Heaven Spirit Mushroom flaw is very big. 果然,这开天灵芝缺陷很大啊。 This Starting Heaven Spirit Mushroom medicinal power is extremely overbearing, because actually the rule limits, not separable takes, must prune to take, otherwise medicinal power reduces greatly, more than ten not one. 10,000 takes Starting Heaven Spirit Mushroom personally, feared that has 9999 people, cannot withstand medicinal power, direct suddenly/violently body perishes. To withstand medicinal power Undying/not dead, at least needs other Saint Level powerful Mortal Body... this not to crack a joke! 开天灵芝药力极其霸道,却又因为规则所限,不可分而服食,必须整枝服用,否则药力大减,十不余一。一万个人服用开天灵芝,怕是有9999人,承受不住药力,直接暴体而亡。想要承受药力不死,起码需要拥有圣人级别的强大肉身…这不是在开玩笑么! Can have the 3rd step Mortal Body person in 2nd step Realm, through the ages, how many can have? 能在第二步境界拥有第三步肉身的人,古往今来,能有几个? Has the qualifications to take Starting Heaven Spirit Mushroom Undying/not dead 2nd step cultivator... also to have several... 有资格服食开天灵芝不死第二步修士…又有几个… Also is a ten points weak thing... and other Ning Fan Mortal Body cultivation to 3rd step, only Mortal Body he then sufficiently with a Saint war. 又是一个十分鸡肋的东西啊…等宁凡将自身肉身修炼第三步,单凭肉身他便足以与圣人一战。 At that time, did he also rare Quasi-Saint Rank Magic Force? 那时候,他还稀罕准圣级别法力 At that time, his did also take the Starting Heaven Spirit Mushroom necessity? 那时候,他还有服食开天灵芝的必要? If chose Starting Heaven Spirit Mushroom, after Ning Fan naturally cannot be kept waiting Mortal Body 3rd step, takes, he will be divided into dozens parts Starting Heaven Spirit Mushroom, a little bit/bit by bit takes. 若选择了开天灵芝,宁凡自然不会傻等到肉身第三步后再去服食,他会将开天灵芝分成数十个部分,一点点服食。 Then, Spirit Mushroom medicinal power meets more than ten not one, being insufficient makes Ning Fan break through Quasi-Saint, even is not necessarily able to make Ning Fan stride in Shedded Void from Crossing Truth one step... 如此一来,灵芝药力会十不余一,不足以让宁凡突破准圣,甚至未必能让宁凡渡真一步跨入舍空 This thing can let Ning Fan cultivation base promoting, but the promoting scope, by no means meets extremely heaven-defying. 此物能让宁凡修为提升,但提升的幅度,并不太过逆天 Starting Heaven Spirit Mushroom...” Ning Fan stared at Starting Heaven Spirit Mushroom for a long time, put aside gaze finally, looked to that Eight Tribulations Puppet. 开天灵芝…”宁凡凝视了开天灵芝许久,最终移开目光,望向那具八劫傀儡 This thing, made his heart movement similarly. If chose this Puppet, the Ning Fan side, will directly be many loyal not two Immortal Emperor Level goons! 此物,同样令他心动。若选择了此傀儡,宁凡的身边,将直接多出一个忠心不二的仙帝级打手! To vision extremely high Dao Barbarian Mountain, Eight Tribulations Puppet are most can only be used to guard Immortal Cave, without/has not uses greatly. 对眼界极高的道蛮山而言,八劫傀儡最多只能用来看守洞府,没有大用。 But Ning Fan is different, place that he lives, is Four Heavens and Nine Worlds, is Quasi-Saint is supreme, Immortal Emperor runs amuck sufficiently Heaven and Earth World. 宁凡不同,他生活的地方,是四天九界,是准圣至上、仙帝足以横行天地世界 entire Eastern Heaven Immortal World, on also had 16 Immortal Emperor nothing more outwardly, also several people dies in chaotic of Sen Luo. And, cultivation base achieves Eight Tribulations is few... 整个东天仙界,明面上也不过有十六仙帝而已,还有几人死在了森罗之乱。其中,修为达到八劫的更是寥寥无几… Eternal Eighth Tribulation cultivation base, can be the top strength in Four Heaven Immortal Worlds absolutely! 万古第八劫修为,在四天仙界绝对算得上顶级战力! If chooses this puppet, in Four Heavens, can kill Ning Fan rarely...! 若选择此傀,四天之内,能杀宁凡者…罕有! This puppet makes Ning Fan excited, but also has a big flaw. That flaw, is this puppet really is extremely ancient obsoletely . In brief, Puppet durable are not many, most can also use several times, will shatter thoroughly... 此傀让宁凡心动,但同样有不小的缺陷。那缺陷,就是此傀实在太过古老、陈旧。简而言之,傀儡的耐久度已经不多了,最多还能使用几次,就会彻底坏掉… Practical, actually not durable... 实用,却不耐用… Thing that 4th lets the Ning Fan heart movement, is Scroll that diagrams Blood Lotus, above Blood Lotus, sits Hong Yi (red-clothed) Boy, both hands pinches finger joints with the thumb, the appearance is lifelike, resembling to go out general from the picture. 第四个让宁凡心动的东西,是一个绘有血莲卷轴,血莲之上,坐着一个红衣童子,双手掐诀,模样栩栩如生,似能从画中走出一般。 If examines carefully, Hong Yi (red-clothed) Boy in picture, somewhat is actually similar to Dao Barbarian Mountain. 若细看,画中的红衣童子,倒是与道蛮山有几分相似。 In this Scroll, there is my life most powerful cultivation method- Blood Lotus passes through. This is body refining cultivation method, Inheritance from some by the body prove Dao Ancient Immortal sovereign. What a pity what Old Man obtains is only the remnant volume, by no means is complete. This cultivation method, Immortal Venerable cultivation base can start cultivation, but step by step tempers Mortal Body, if can Realm completely cultivate successfully on remnant volume, even can when 2nd step, cultivate/repair 3rd step Mortal Body...’ ‘此卷轴中,有我一生最强功法-【血莲经】。这是一部炼体功法,传承自某个以体证道古仙皇。可惜老夫获得的只是残卷,并不完整。此功法,仙尊修为便可开始修炼,可一步步锤炼肉身,若能将残卷上的境界全部修成,甚至能在第二步之时,修出第三步肉身…’ High Level cultivation method, Ning Fan does not lack, but can cultivate/repair 3rd step Mortal Body body refining cultivation method, Ning Fan or first time meet. 高阶功法,宁凡不缺,但能修出第三步肉身炼体功法,宁凡还是第一次遇到。 Immortal Sovereign, is the 4th step cultivator unique title. Under this is some 4th step Body Refining Cultivator leaves behind cultivation method, absolutely is more profound than «Yin-Yang Transformation» «Chaotic Ring Secret Art»! 仙皇,是第四步修士特有的称谓。这是某个第四步炼体修士遗留下的功法,绝对比《阴阳变》《乱环决》更加高深! What a pity, is only the remnant volume... 可惜,只是残卷… And cultivation method this type of thing, will not apply immediately, must spending massive time cultivation, be able to present the advantage. 功法这种东西,不会马上派上用场,必须花费大量的时间修炼,才能将好处呈现出来。 Practical, actually cannot apply immediately, wants to rely on this cultivation method, cultivation has 3rd step Mortal Body, does not know that needs many years... 实用,却不能马上派上用场,想要凭借此功法,修炼第三步肉身,更不知需要多少年… Which the Drifting Heaven damask silk and Starting Heaven Spirit Mushroom and Eight Tribulations Puppet and Blood Lotus after... must elect to be the same... 混天绫、开天灵芝八劫傀儡血莲经…要选哪一样呢… Ning Fan from hesitating, suddenly gaze one cold, had the induction. 宁凡正自沉吟,忽然目光一凛,有了感应。 In this moment, in the outside world lake water, there is a mutation! 却是在这一刻,外界湖水之中,有了异变! Jet black such as lake water of black ink, starts to boil in this moment, is turning the fiery hot air bubble, the mist transpiration. 漆黑如墨的湖水,在这一刻开始滚沸,翻着炽热的气泡,水雾蒸腾。 No, said accurately, boiling is not the lake water, but dissolves blood after lake water- that is Great Emperor Undying 4th Demon Star is broken, black blood that flows off! 不,准确的说,滚沸的不是湖水,而是溶在湖水里的血-那是不死大帝第四魔星碎后,流下的黑血! Before also quite the deathly stillness black blood, actually seemed induces to what general at this moment, had the exciting mood. 之前还颇为死寂的黑血,此刻却好似感应到什么一般,有了激动的情绪。 That the lakeside, the strange eyeball looks at lake water boils, is somewhat perplexed, his by no means understood why the lake water can have such mutation. 湖畔,眼珠怪看着湖水滚沸的一幕,有些不明所以,他并不了解,为何湖水会有如此异变。 Strange... Undead Demon blood of outside world, why will boil suddenly...? This fragment...” “古怪...外界不死魔血,为何会突然滚沸…嗯?这碎片…” In the Ning Fan eye the fine glow flashes suddenly, looks toward that shield valuable fragment. 宁凡眼中忽然精芒一闪,朝那盾宝碎片望去。 The not just Undead Demon blood had the mutation, at this moment, that shield valuable fragment also had the mutation. 不止不死魔血有了异变,这一刻,那盾宝碎片同样有了异变。 The dark red fragment, is dispersing blazing red ray of light at this moment, seeming was been excessively ordinary by raging fire purification. Extremely similar Undying Dao Principle aura, unceasingly dissipation from fragment. 暗红的碎片,此刻散着炽红光芒,好似被烈火煅烧过一般。更有一股极为类似不死道则的气息,不断从碎片上散逸。 No, is not similar! 不,不是类似! The strength in that fragment containing, clearly is power of Undying, with Great Emperor Undying common origin strength! 那碎片中蕴含的力量,分明就是不死之力,与不死大帝同源的力量! This fragment...” “此碎片…” Ning Fan also treats looked again that shield valuable fragment departs suddenly, changes to together blazing red fire glow unexpectedly, directly soars Ning Fan. 宁凡还待再看,那盾宝碎片忽然自行飞出,竟是化作一道炽红火芒,直奔宁凡而来。 When flying near Ning Fan beyond three zhang (3.33 m), this fragment reduced speed the speed suddenly, falls on the Ning Fan palm slowly, obeys extremely cleverly. 待飞近宁凡三丈之外,此碎片忽然减慢了速度,缓缓落在宁凡掌心,极为乖巧顺从。 How this is a matter... he has not chosen Saint Relic, this fragment how flew... to give instead of taking... 这是怎么一回事…他还没选择圣人遗物,这碎片怎么自己就飞过来了…倒贴么… In this fragment flies into the instance in Ning Fan hand, Ancient Country Fighting Heaven Shield is also good, other copper box also fine, all vanished in split second. 在这碎片飞入宁凡手中的瞬间,古国战天盾也好,其他铜箱也罢,全都在一瞬间消失了。 Depressed... is this explanation, he can only choose this shield valuable fragment, can't choose other things... the choice to finish? His also without/has not starts... Ning Fan face full of black lines, this rather also extremely pit... 郁闷…这是不是说明,他只能选择这盾宝碎片,不能选其他东西了…选择已经结束了?他还没有开始好么…宁凡满头黑线,这未免也太坑了… He can choose... Ning Fan gaze to shift to Dao Barbarian Mountain, actually discovered that Dao Barbarian Mountain facial expression, is unprecedented startled accommodates. 他可以重新选择么…宁凡目光转向道蛮山,却发现道蛮山的神情,是前所未有的惊容。 Solemn Starting Heaven Artifact, recognizes the lord unexpectedly on own initiative!” “堂堂开天之器,竟然主动认主!” In the Dao Barbarian Mountain heart shocks, for a long time, saw some clue, secretly thought, so that's how it is, on this child, there is aura of 4th fragment... no wonder...” 道蛮山心中大为震惊,许久,才看出了些许端倪,暗道,“原来如此,此子身上,有一丝第四碎片的气息…难怪…” In four generations of Barbarian God hearts is shocking, she cannot look through the clue, is not really able to understand. Ning Fan has no intention to choose the halidom fragment obviously, why the halidom fragment gives instead of taking on own initiative, flies in the Ning Fan hand... how to have this space to fall the pie the matter! 四代蛮神心中更是震惊,她看不破其中端倪,实在是无法理解。宁凡明明无意选择圣物碎片,圣物碎片为何主动倒贴,飞到宁凡手中…怎么会有这种天上掉馅饼的事情! That is the Starting Heaven Artifact fragment! And is not ordinary Starting Heaven Artifact, since that has been Immemorial Starting Heaven, in world all Magical Treasure, ranks 19th Supreme Treasure! 那可是开天之器的碎片啊!且还不是普通的开天之器,那可是太古开天以来,世间一切法宝之中,排名第十九至宝 Even if this treasure is only fragment, still has own proud is right, even Saint, without/has not counts 10,000 years sacrificial refining, is unable to subdue this fragment. Supreme Treasure that so difficult to subdue, actually puts in an appearance in 1st, gave instead of taking on own initiative to Ning Fan... 此宝即便只是一片碎片,也有自己的骄傲才对,即便是圣人,没有万年祭炼,都无法将这碎片收服。如此难收服的至宝,却在第一个照面,主动倒贴给了宁凡 Who can give her to explain, how all of these is a matter! 谁能给她解释一下,这一切是怎么一回事! Rumble! 轰隆隆! Among Heaven and Earth, starts transformation to have Black Thunderbolt unceasingly, thunders unceasingly, some innumerable ray of light, departs from the shield treasure fragment in Ning Fan hand, above the heaven, transformation has a giant incomparable shield shadow, a little bit/bit by bit, appears in Heaven and Earth. 天地间,开始不断幻化黑色雷霆,轰鸣不绝,更有无数光芒,从宁凡手中的盾宝碎片中飞出,于苍天之上,幻化出一个巨大无比的盾影,一点点,出现在天地间。 That shield shadow is high measureless, its altitude, resembled to surpass Heaven and Earth Realm, the material quality copper non- copper, the luster dark red, had dense and numerous Undying Dao Principle to interweave above. 那盾影高不可量,其高度,似超出了天地界限,材质似铜非铜,色泽暗红,更有密密麻麻的不死道则在其上交织。 Above under the shield body, has the shades of countless giant to fluctuate, examines carefully, these giant each and every single (person) left hands hold the shield, the right hand holds the sword, wears the dark red armor, what is strange, the shadow of each giant is illusory, giant within the body, as if also cultivator exist(ence)... 盾身之上,有着无数巨人之影浮动,细看之下,那些巨人一个个左手持盾,右手持剑,身披暗红铠甲,古怪的是,每一个巨人之影都是虚幻的,巨人体内,似乎还有修士存在 In instance that the shadow of that giant shield presents, this place all Innate Magical Treasure had the tremor, seeming is dreading that giant shield general, extinguished the unusual brightness completely, is overshadowed. 在那巨盾之影出现的瞬间,此地所有先天法宝有了颤动,好似在畏惧那巨盾一般,全部熄灭了宝光,黯然失色。 Innate Magical Treasure, will dread unexpectedly! 先天法宝,竟会畏惧! I for Drifting Kun Saint Sect... Starting Heaven Artifact... 6th fragment...” “吾为混鲲圣宗开天之器第六碎片…” On you... the breath of 4th fragment... fondly remembers...” “你身上…第四碎片之息…怀念…” without/has not any sound sends out obviously, but Ning Fan actually as if from that may the towering shield shadow, hear these sounds high. Also as if, these sounds send out from the fragment in hand... 明明没有任何声音发出,但宁凡却仿佛从那高可参天的盾影中,听到了这些声音。又仿佛,那些声音是从手中的碎片里发出的… He does not understand what that sound told was anything, off and on, listened not to understand. 他不明白那声音诉说的是什么,断断续续,听不太懂。 Can feel only, is above that shield shadow, has Magical Treasure aura that surpasses his Realm understanding, in the face of that shield shadow, he has an unprecedented tiny feeling unexpectedly. 唯一能够感受到的,是那盾影之上,有着一股超出他境界理解的法宝气息,在那盾影面前,他竟有一种空前的渺小感。 It seems this ancient shield shadow, is Heaven and Earth, is Great Dao, is all rules between Heaven and Earth. It seems without/has not anything, can restrain this shield, no strength, drives out this shield to defend sufficiently. Even the Heaven Collapse cracks in the earth, the years adverse current, is unable to make this shield destroy slightly. 好似这古老盾影,便是天地,便是大道,便是天地间的一切规则。好似没有任何东西,能够约束此盾,更无任何力量,足以轰开此盾防御。即便天崩地裂,岁月逆流,也无法令此盾丝毫毁灭。 This is... what shield! Ning Fan is staring at the heaven shadow above of giant shield, why when does not know, actually thought of to sever mundane Divine Transformation, above sea of clouds, seen Samsara ancient bell... 这是…什么盾!宁凡凝视着苍天之上的巨盾之影,不知为何,竟然想到了斩凡化神之时,云海之上,看到的轮回古钟… Samsara Bell, is surpasses the Four Heavens cultivator strength Magical Treasure, without/has not any Four Heavens cultivator can subdue this thing. That Magical Treasure, has gone beyond the Innate category. 轮回钟,是超出四天修士力量的法宝,没有任何一个四天修士可以收服此物。那法宝,早已超出先天范畴。 The shadow of present giant shield, has the extremely similar feeling with that Samsara Bell unexpectedly, as if, is with 1st stratum time Magical Treasure... 眼前的巨盾之影,竟与那轮回钟有着极为相似的感觉,似乎,是同一层次的法宝 Starting Heaven Artifact... the 6th fragment... can it be this is the background of shield valuable fragment... 开天之器第六碎片…难道这就是盾宝碎片的来头么… Starting Heaven Artifact is anything, Ning Fan does not know, but wants to come compared with Magical Treasure of Innate Magical Treasure higher level. 开天之器是什么,宁凡不知,但想来是比先天法宝更高层次的法宝吧。 This fragment, as if imagine also wants Extraordinary... to choose this fragment, perhaps does not owe... 这碎片,似乎比自己想象中还要不凡…选择此碎片,也许不亏… „The 4th fragment... fondly remembers...... met with me...” 第四碎片…怀念…与吾…相见…” At this moment, mutation fresh! 这一刻,异变又生! The Undead Demon blood in outside world lake water, starts to swamp into the body of Ning Fan suddenly crazily, on the surface, seems Ning Fan to absorb that strength general! 外界湖水中的不死魔血,忽然开始疯狂涌入宁凡的身体,表面看来,就好似宁凡在吸收那股力量一般! Ss! what's the matter! this child is not the Undying Demon Physique owner, can absorb in the blood of Great Emperor Undying unexpectedly the Undying/not dead strength!” 嘶!怎么回事!此子不是不死魔体的拥有者,竟能吸收不死大帝的血中不死力!” strange eyeball shocked, in this drop of blood, contained Great Emperor Undying Inheritance, only has the Undying Physique qualitative owner, can obtain this Inheritance. Why Ning Fan can... 眼珠怪震惊了,这一滴血中,蕴含了不死大帝的一丝传承,唯有不死体质的拥有者,才能得到此传承。为何宁凡能够得到… Shock, not only strange eyeball, Ning Fan oneself is even startled. 震惊的不只是眼珠怪,连宁凡本人都在吃惊。 Although his consciousness is stranded in Ancient Barbarian Grave, can actually feel the change of outside world. He can feel clearly, the Great Emperor Undying Demon Blood strength, is flowing in own body crazily... 他的意识虽说困在古蛮坟中,却能感觉到外界的变化。他能清晰感受到,不死大帝魔血力量,正疯狂流入自己的身体… Misses homeland... thinks very much..., but family/home already not in...” this time, is the Great Emperor Undying sound, resounds in the Ning Fan ear. “想家…很想…但家已经不在…”这一次,是不死大帝的声音,在宁凡耳边响起。 My 1st family/home... is Ancient Barbarian World... Black Mountain Corps..., but Black Mountain Corps destroyed in the hand of Zi Wei Immortal Cultivator... I lost a 1st family/home...” “我第一个家…是古蛮界黑山部…但黑山部毁于紫薇仙修之手…我失去了第一个家…” My 2nd family/home... is Zi Dou Immortal Domain..., but Zi Dou Immortal Domain destroys in the Tribulation Spirit invasion...” “我第二个家…是紫斗仙域…但紫斗仙域毁于劫灵入侵…” Perhaps... “也许…我还有一个家…在我降生之前…曾是古国灭神盾第四碎片…因一场意外…从古蛮坟中脱离…转世为人…” power of Undying... does not come baseless..., but is the strength that Ancient Country God Extinguishing Shield... deduces...” 不死之力…不是凭空而来…而是古国灭神盾…自行推演出的力量…” Off and on sounds, reverberate in the Ning Fan ear, these information are too fragmentary, Ning Fan is unable to hear is too clear. 一声声断断续续的声音,在宁凡耳边回荡,那些信息太零碎,宁凡无法听得太明白。 But he heard some keywords indistinctly, such as 4th fragment. 但他还是隐约听到了一些关键词,如‘第四碎片’。 That shield valuable fragment flies in the hand, Undead Demon blood of outside world, has the mutation at the same time... Great Emperor Undying with this fragments, as if has some relation... 那盾宝碎片自行飞到自己手上,外界不死魔血,也在同一时刻出现异变…不死大帝与这碎片之间,似乎有某种联系… 6th fragment, 4th fragment... Ancient Country God Extinguishing Shield... 第六碎片,第四碎片…古国灭神盾 You have the 6th fragment...... to derive power of Undying by the strength of 6th fragment sufficiently...” “尔身怀第六碎片…以第六碎片之力…足以衍生出不死之力…” power of Undying... is unable to come... only to have Ancient Country God Extinguishing Shield... to be able baseless to create, but...” 不死之力…无法凭空而来…唯有古国灭神盾…能够创造而出…” This Demon Star...... contains breath of the 4th fragment for my 4th Demon Star...” “此魔星…为我第四魔星…蕴含一丝第四碎片之息…” Passes on... Dao of Undying...... to control the fragment by Dao of Undying sufficiently...” “传尔…不死之道…以不死之道…足以驾驭碎片…” Pain! 痛! A severe pain transmits, Ning Fan right eye flows out a black blood suddenly, has a pale Purple star point, is partly visible in its right eye. 一股剧痛传来,宁凡右目忽然流出一道黑血,更有一个淡紫色的星点,在其右目若隐若现。 That is the Great Emperor Undying right eye 4th Demon Star strength, but ran up to Ning Fan right eye at this time unexpectedly! 那是属于不死大帝右目第四魔星的力量,但此时竟跑到了宁凡右目之中! That strength extremely huge, and as if to/clashes with Ning Fan Yin-Yang Demon Veins, was absorbed by Ning Fan very much difficultly, but, sneaked into Ning Fan within the body after all. 那力量太过庞大,且似乎与宁凡阴阳魔脉相冲,很难被宁凡吸收,但,毕竟还是窜入了宁凡体内。 After having this pale purple star point, Ning Fan obviously feels, oneself in the shield treasure fragment with hand, were many a marvelous induction. 多出这一淡紫星点之后,宁凡明显感觉到,自己与手中的盾宝碎片,多了一丝奇妙感应。 Very mysterious induction, seems the present shield treasure fragment, is own body part, seems is in itself a part of that fragment... 很玄妙的感应,就好似眼前的盾宝碎片,是自己身体的一部分,又好似自己是那碎片的一部分… This is not the a piece useless fragment! Had this induction, Ning Fan can from the fragment, felt huge to the strength of sending referring. 这不是一块无用的碎片!有了这一丝感应,宁凡能从碎片中,感受到一股庞大到发指的力量。 The pale purple star point, revolves in Ning Fan right eye, the shield treasure fragment in hand, strength a little bit/bit by bit was stimulated by Ning Fan. 淡紫的星点,在宁凡右目旋转,手中的盾宝碎片,力量一点点宁凡激发。 The strength of fragment, but also, but can also use..., since were forced to choose this fragment, then fiercely actually had a look at it! 碎片的力量,还在,还能使用…既然被迫选择了这个碎片,便看看它究竟有多厉害吧! Ning Fan keeps silent, mind sinks to the fragment, seems is exchanging general with the fragment. 宁凡不言不语,心神沉入碎片之中,好似在与碎片交流一般。 Long time, the Heaven and Earth shadow between of giant shield vanishes. 良久,天地间的巨盾之影消失。 Long time, the pale purple star point in Ning Fan right eye stops revolving, hidden goes, seems has not appeared. 良久,宁凡右目中的淡紫星点停止旋转,隐去,好似不曾出现过。 However the shield treasure fragment in Ning Fan hand, more and more blazing red, the unusual brightness is also getting more and more intense. 然而宁凡手中的盾宝碎片,却越来越炽红,宝光也越来越强烈。 It seems flees the capital many years of precious pearl, in this moment, was polished! 就好似蒙尘多年的宝珠,在这一刻,被擦亮! The unusual brightness is getting more and more abundant, finally, is just like Sun to be generally dazzling unexpectedly, letting the person is unable to look straight ahead. 宝光越来越盛,最终,竟是犹如太阳一般耀眼,让人无法直视。 But Ning Fan, in the eye the fine glow is getting more and more bright, he discovered, this fragment imagines him is more powerful than! 宁凡,眼中精芒越来越亮,他发现,这碎片比他想象中还要强大! This thing, is the Starting Heaven Grade Magical Treasure fragment... the treasure of that Starting Heaven, seems called Ancient Country God Extinguishing Shield...” “此物,是开天级法宝的碎片…那开天之宝,似乎叫做古国灭神盾…” This shield, even if only remains the a piece fragment, the strength of implication, still surpasses any Innate Magical Treasure...” “此盾即便只剩一块碎片,蕴含的力量,也超过任何一件先天法宝…” This strength, but can also use! The method of use, as if must protect in the dantian...” “这力量,还能使用!使用的方法,似乎必须护在丹田之中…” Ning Fan cancels the black blood that right eye flows off, must lift the hand suddenly, making the shield treasure fragmentation make together flowing light, swallowed into the abdomen. 宁凡抹去右目流下的黑血,忽得一抬手,令盾宝碎片化作一道流光,一口吞入腹中。 With the fragment mind exchange for a long time, Ning Fan had found the application method of fragment. 与碎片心神交流许久,宁凡已经找到了碎片的使用方法。 The God Extinguishing Shield fragment, flies into the Ning Fan dantian, circles the protection in the Ning Fan Nascent Divinity place. As the Ning Fan intention moves, Magic Force in within the body immediately toward the God Extinguishing Shield fragment, reckless inflow. 灭神盾的碎片,飞入宁凡丹田,在宁凡元神处盘旋守护。随着宁凡心念一动,体内的法力立刻朝着灭神盾碎片,不要命的流入。 At this moment, God Extinguishing Shield the strength of fragment, by the Ning Fan radical stimulation! 这一刻,灭神盾的碎片之力,被宁凡彻底激发! At this moment, Ning Fan are many 1st stratum level dark-red ray of light, that ray of light congealing reality, finally, changes to shadow of the empty as imaginary giant more and more unexpectedly, its body package is one of them! 这一刻,宁凡身上多出一层层暗红色的光芒,那光芒越来越凝实,最终,竟是化作一个似虚似幻的巨人之影,将其身体包裹在其中! The shadow of giant, be only high of hundred zhang (333 m), is throwing over the Divine Light threatening dark red armor, the body like the Flame combustion, the left hand holds the shield, the right hand holds the sword, that sword is extremely unreal, resembling is unable to use general. That shield has some congealing realities... 那巨人之影,只有百丈之高,披着神光逼人的暗红铠甲,身体如同火焰燃烧,左手持盾,右手持剑,那剑极其虚幻,似无法使用一般。那盾却有些许凝实… At giant within the body, Ning Fan seemed had world strongest defensive power. This moment he, has this feeling! 处在巨人体内,宁凡好似有了世间最为强大的防御力。这一刻的他,有这种感觉! It seems without/has not any attack, can penetrate the shadow of giant, the wound to giant within the body! 好似没有任何攻击,能够击穿巨人之影,伤到巨人体内的自己! Even the attacks of some Immortal Emperor, cannot accomplish! 即便是一些仙帝的攻击,也办不到! „To try the Ancient Country God Extinguishing Shield defensive power...” Never cared that the Ning Fan choice Dao Barbarian Mountain, opens the mouth suddenly, shows the smile. “想试试古国灭神盾的防御力么…”始终不关心宁凡选择的道蛮山,忽然开口,露出微笑。 And without/has not to Ning Fan reply opportunity, before Ning Fan answered, he has lifted the hand slowly, pressed down toward Ning Fan one finger/refers. 没有宁凡回答的机会,在宁凡答复之前,他已徐徐抬手,朝着宁凡一指按下。 It is not able to describe a finger/refers of mystery of Dao Barbarian Mountain, as he refers to delimiting, the sky changes to piece of Starry Sky immediately, in Starry Sky, nine Cultivation Star hit toward Ning Fan to suddenly! 无法形容道蛮山的一指玄妙,随着他一指划过,天空立刻化作一片星空,星空之中,更有九个修真星朝着宁凡猛然撞至! Each Cultivation Star, is Emperor Level Cultivation Star, once explodes, is Immortal Emperor also injured! 每一颗修真星,都是帝级修真星,一旦爆开,便是仙帝也要受伤! Emperor Level Cultivation Star self-detonation, injures to Eternal Sixth Tribulation Immortal Emperor sufficiently slightly. 一颗帝级修真星自爆,足以稍稍伤到万古第六劫仙帝 Dozens Emperor Star self-detonation, feared together is Peak Immortal Emperor must withdraw the point. 数十颗帝星一起自爆,怕是巅峰仙帝都要退避锋芒。 A Dao Barbarian Mountain finger/refers of strength, direct transformation has 9 Emperor Level Cultivation Star, 9 Emperor Level Cultivation Star self-detonation, should be able to compare Eight Tribulations Immortal Emperor to strike... in the Dao Barbarian Mountain heart full power secretly thought. 道蛮山一指之力,直接幻化出九个帝级修真星,九个帝级修真星自爆,应该可以比拟八劫仙帝全力一击了吧…道蛮山心中暗道 A stronger attack, he can also display, but such will surpass the God Extinguishing Shield present defensive power... Ning Fan to only have the a piece fragment after all, the God Extinguishing Shield defensive power is very limited... 更强的攻击,他也能施展出来,但那样就会超过灭神盾如今的防御力…毕竟宁凡只有一块碎片,灭神盾的防御力还十分有限… Collapses!” “崩!” As a Dao Barbarian Mountain character read, 9-star simultaneous/uniform explodes! 随着道蛮山一字念出,九星齐爆! Cultivation Star explodes, Ning Fan has to see, but he is first time sees the explosion of Emperor Level Cultivation Star, that momentum with Destroy the Heavens and Exterminate the Earth described that is not overrated. 修真星爆炸,宁凡不是没见过,但他还是第一次见到帝级修真星的爆炸,那声势用毁天灭地来形容都不为过。 If former he, even if has to endure compared with the Immortal Venerable strength, still surely heavy injury in the explosion of this Rank, even died! 若是从前的他,即便拥有堪比仙尊的实力,也必定在这种级别的爆炸中重创,甚至死亡! Even if hides into Profound Yin World is still useless, the strength of this degree of explosion, penetrates the Medium Universe surface sufficiently, the cultivator of wound to World Treasure! 即便躲入玄阴界也没用,这种程度的爆炸之力,足以穿透中千界面,伤到界宝内的修士 However at this moment, Ning Fan activates the strength of God Extinguishing Shield fragment, had the shadow of giant to keep off in outside the body, even collapses facing nine Emperor Star, he cannot feel any sense of crisis. 然而这一刻,宁凡催动灭神盾碎片的力量,拥有巨人之影挡在体外,即便面对九颗帝星崩溃,他也感觉不到任何危机感。 The giants raised in the hand the shield, the facial expression is faint, regards exploding of that 9-star like without thing. Divine Light powder, that Destroy the Heavens and Exterminate the Earth explosion storm, kept off in the giant beyond completely ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), in ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), good seems real to be spatial, without/has not any attack can rumble to enter! 巨人举起了手中之盾,神情淡漠无情,视那九星之爆有如无物。神光一散,那毁天灭地的爆炸风暴,全部被挡在了巨人万丈之外,万丈之内,好似真空一般,没有任何攻击可以轰入! Even 9 Emperor Level Cultivation Star explode, is unable to drive out the giant the shadow defense, is unable to injure to the Ning Fan half a point of giant within the body! 即便是九颗帝级修真星爆炸,也无法轰开巨人之影的防御,更无法伤到巨人体内的宁凡半分! This is the terrifying defense of God Extinguishing Shield fragment! 这便是灭神盾碎片的恐怖防御! Starting Heaven Grade Magical Treasure, Ancient Country God Extinguishing Shield! Even if only then a piece fragment, even if the Ning Fan strength only endures compared with Immortal Venerable, but holds this fragment, is Eight Tribulations Immortal Emperor strikes full power, Ning Fan can still keep off, does not damage the slightest! 开天级法宝,古国灭神盾!即便只有一块碎片,即便宁凡本身实力只堪比仙尊,但持此碎片,便是八劫仙帝全力一击,宁凡也能挡下,不损分毫! This a piece fragment, is the Ancient Country God Extinguishing Shield 6th fragment, in the Immemorial Starting Heaven list, is some Immortal Sovereign Life Source Magic Treasure is also not necessarily able to enter first hundred, this treasure actually arranges when 19th... this treasure is complete, drools Immortal Sovereign of this shield to have plenty of such people, is actually not able to defeat Old Man, seizing. “这一块碎片,是古国灭神盾第六碎片,太古开天榜上,便是一些仙皇本命法宝也未必能入前百,此宝却排在第十九…此宝完整之时,垂涎此盾的仙皇大有人在,却无法战胜老夫,将之夺走。 When Old Man most flourishing, is Desolate Saint cultivation base, the strength was inferior that 4th step Immortal Sovereign is many, but does not fear these Immortal Sovereign, by, is this shield nearly Nitian (heaven defying) defensive power. Only pitifully, on Old Man working as of Desolate Ancient Immortal Sovereign, this shield also in that war shatter is six... 老夫全盛之时,是荒圣修为,实力不如第四步仙皇甚多,但不惧那些仙皇,凭借的,便是此盾近乎逆天的防御力。只可惜,老夫上了荒古仙皇的当,此盾也在那一战中破碎为六块… Six fragments, scatter Heaven and Earth, 4th block fragment Spiritual Nature is highest, the reincarnation manner... 1st and 2nd fragment was won... the 5th fragment to be brought back by Drifting Kun Saint Sect by Desolate Ancient, actually unknown whereabouts, 3rd fragment Lost in Six Paths of Samsara, could not seek... 六块碎片,散落天地,其中第四块碎片灵性最高,转世为人…第一第二碎片被荒古夺走…第五碎片被混鲲圣宗取回,却又下落不明,第三碎片失落在了六道轮回之中,寻不到… The fragment in Old Man hand, is the 6th fragment, can make this fragment recognize the lord because of you on own initiative, Old Man will tell you so many. Otherwise, Old Man will not talk too much. Old Man has died, actually does not want to make Supreme Treasure flee the capital, you are predestined friends with this treasure, can make this treasure recognize the lord on own initiative, then do not disappoint this treasure might name. Has this valuable guard, non- Nine Tribulations Immortal Emperor, cannot injure you! 老夫手中的碎片,是第六碎片,因你能让此碎片主动认主,老夫才会告诉你这么多。否则,老夫不会多言。老夫已死,却不欲让至宝蒙尘,你与此宝有缘,既能令此宝主动认主,便不要辜负此宝威名。有此宝护身,非九劫仙帝,伤不到你! Naturally, if you can seek other fragments, fuses with the 6th fragment, its defensive power will be stronger. If you can volume of simultaneous/uniform all fragments, this treasure then be the treasure of true Starting Heaven, is 4th step Immortal Sovereign, for this treasure will be crazy! You, are very lucky, have the aura of 4th fragment, obtained the approval of 6th fragment! ” 当然,若你能寻到其他碎片,与第六碎片融合,其防御力还会更强。若你能集齐所有碎片,此宝便是真正的开天之宝,便是第四步仙皇,也会为了此宝疯狂!你,很幸运,拥有第四碎片的气息,得到了第六碎片的认可!” Ning Fan gaze shakes, the innermost feelings have turned the difficult situation. 宁凡目光一震,内心已翻起惊涛骇浪。 Cannot think that this Ancient Country God Extinguishing Shield, is 4th step Immortal Sovereign must unexpectedly for Supreme Treasure that it drools! 想不到这古国灭神盾,竟是第四步仙皇都要为之垂涎的至宝 In the Immemorial Starting Heaven list, this treasure ranks 19th... only the a piece fragment, then disregards under Nine Tribulations sufficiently the attack of Immortal Emperor. Dao Barbarian Mountain once depended on this shield, by Desolate Saint cultivation base, does not fear 4th step! 太古开天榜上,此宝排名第十九…仅一块碎片,便足以无视九劫之下仙帝的攻击。道蛮山曾凭此盾,以荒圣修为,不惧第四步 Chooses this thing, immediately then can have under Nine Tribulations no wound Nitian (heaven defying) defensive power, if has the chance, seeks other fragments, but can also make the God Extinguishing Shield prestige be able stronger and stronger... 选择此物,立刻便能拥有九劫之下无伤的逆天防御力,且若有机缘,寻到其他碎片,还能令灭神盾的威能越来越强… Lets Ning Fan accident/surprise, after is the God Extinguishing Shield fragment enters the dantian, Yin-Yang Locket is dreading the fragment. Faint trace power of Undying, flows out from the fragment, integrates in Ning Fan Bloodlines unceasingly, is changing Ning Fan Demon Clan Bloodlines, enabling the blood of Ning Fan, gradually to have the Undying/not dead characteristics... 更让宁凡意外的,是灭神盾碎片进入丹田之后,就连阴阳锁都在畏惧碎片。更有一丝丝不死之力,从碎片上流出,不断融入宁凡血脉里,改变着宁凡魔族血脉,使得宁凡的血液,渐渐有了不死特性… He produces the Undying Physique nature in a little bit/bit by bit unexpectedly, within the body a little bit/bit by bit is born Undying Demon Vein Demon Blood! 他竟在一点点生成不死体质,体内正一点点诞生着不死魔脉魔血 Since ancient, Great Emperor Undying is the 1st Undying Physique qualitative owner, Si Ming is 2nd. His Ning Fan... can be 3rd! 亘古以来,不死大帝第一不死体质的拥有者,司命第二个。他宁凡…会是第三个么! Chooses this treasure, does not owe absolutely! 选择此宝,绝对不亏! You had obtained the 6th fragment, is I says barbarian lineage/vein true Successor. By the command of my Dao Barbarian Mountain, does not allow anybody in Ancient Barbarian Grave to your take action! Your 8th Diminishing, even 9th Diminishing, by my Dao Barbarian Mountain, personally for your berm!” “你已获得了第六碎片,便是我道蛮一脉真正传人。以我道蛮山之令,不容许任何人在古蛮坟对你出手!你的第八损,甚至第九损,都将由我道蛮山,亲自为你护道!” Walks, Old Man accompanies on you Seventh Stratum, sees Xi Zihua! Old Man does not believe that only four generations of Barbarian God, dare to violate the order of my First Generation!” “走,老夫陪你上第七层,见一见西子画老夫不信,区区四代蛮神,敢违背我这初代的命令!” Before then, said that barbarian 2nd and 3rd Test must rush. Fragment Old Man without/has not, but in the hand other also things, may bestow you, makes the choice...” “不过在此之前,道蛮第二第三关还是要闯的。碎片老夫没有了,但手上还有其他东西,可赐给你,从中做出选择…” Dao Barbarian Mountain big sleeve one volume, entire Heaven and Earth fluctuates immediately. 道蛮山大袖一卷,整个天地顿时变幻。 The next instance, he brings Ning Fan directly, appears in Ancient Barbarian Grave Fifth Stratum. 下一个瞬间,他直接带着宁凡,出现在古蛮坟第五层 Said barbarian 2nd Test, started! Has the God Extinguishing Shield fragment protection, you want to pass through this pass/test, should not be difficult.” Dao Barbarian Mountain said assuredly. “道蛮第二关,开始!有灭神盾碎片守护,你想闯过此关,应该不难。”道蛮山笃定地说道。
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