GE :: Volume #6

#596: War!

Butterfly Fire incites, myriad things turn to ash! 蝶火一煽,万物成灰 Ice Bamboo is Void Fragmentation Old Monster, Bai Li King is also certainly the strong generation, but two people were actually struck to wound by Void Burning Technique, figure is distressed. 凌竹子乃是碎虚老怪,百黎王亦是绝强之辈,但二人却被燃虚之术一击击伤,身形狼狈。 Ning Fan both eyes is burning Black Fire Glow, today he displayed Butterfly Fire Void Burning Technique, might compared with the past at least 30%! 宁凡双目燃着黑色火芒,今日他施展蝶火燃虚之术,威力比往日强了至少30%! This technique can the combustion nihility, but has cavity obsession depending on the use technique heart, to read friendly fire, burns the wing by the fire, by wing Heaven Burning! 此术之所以能燃烧虚无,但凭施术者心中存有一腔执念,以念融火,以火焚翼,以翼焚天 obsession is stronger, then this technique Void Fire might is bigger! 执念越强,则此术虚火威力越大! More is on the brink of the hopeless situation, then mental state more coincides with this technique! 越是濒临绝境,则心境越与此术相合! Butterfly Fen Chi (Burning Wings), shakes the day at risk of life, hundred refusing stubbornly regret, hundred fight does not draw back! 蝴蝶焚翅,拼死撼天,百死不悔,百战不退! Ning Fan at this moment, was first stranded by Wan Changkong in this world, then, mental state the spells of good or bad fortune was touched by Sun Yu and other Living Puppet. 此刻的宁凡,先是被万长空困于此界,而后,心境又被孙玉生傀的际遇所触动。 He is displaying the instance of technique of Butterfly Fire, in the heart ignites the fire of obsession similarly. 他在施展出蝶火之术的瞬间,心中同样燃起执念之火。 That obsession, is to deliver all Living Puppet dead extrications! 执念,是要送所有生傀一死解脱! That obsession, is to break open this world Seal, with a Wan Changkong war! 执念,是要破开此界封印,与万长空一战! For Sun Yu, Bai Li and other Living Puppet wars, before 10,000 years dies asks for the blood debt of the Ming Luo Clan person of hand of Wan Changkong! 孙玉百黎生傀一战,替万年之前死于万长空之手的冥罗族人讨回血债! Void Ignition!” 燃虚!” Ning Fan Finger Secret Art flies like the shadow, the above the vast sky great butterfly launches Fire Wing, aims at Ice Bamboo and Bai Li King two people, 2nd Tribulation, 3rd Tribulation and 4th Tribulation stirs up Butterfly Wings! 宁凡指诀飞逝如影,长空之上的巨蝶展开火翼,对准凌竹子百黎王二人,第二次第三次第四次煽动蝶翼 Above the top of the head, the black hot smoke disperses to the entire sky suddenly, will flow the cloud, strong winds and other thing of the nihilities, burns down turn to ash completely! 其头顶之上,黑色的火烟瞬息间散至整个天空,将流云、狂风等一切虚无之物,全部焚烧成灰 Butterfly Fire four incite, its hot prestige sufficiently instant kill Primordial Supreme Void! 蝶火四煽,其火威足以瞬杀归元太虚 The hot smoke raids the body, the Ice Bamboo empty gaze reappearing startled color, figure in a flash, changes to Giant Bamboo manifestation, changes makes one to have ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high huge Golden Bamboo fully. 火烟袭身,凌竹子空洞的目光浮现惊色,身形一晃,化作巨竹法相,变作一根足有万丈之高的巨大金竹 This Giant Bamboo this defense may be called Nitian (heaven defying), is Ice Bamboo most powerful Defensive Divine Ability. Then is receives 1st Heavenly Layer Void Fragmentation to strike may also uninjured. 巨竹本相的防御堪称逆天,是凌竹子最强防御神通。便是受到一重天碎虚一击也可毫发无伤 But the hot smoke just, this Giant Bamboo ignites immediately for no reason soars to the heavens Black Fire, an instant was only burnt the flying ash by Black Fire! 但火烟刚至,此巨竹立刻无端燃起冲天黑火,只一瞬便被被黑火焚成飞灰! This was broken, Ice Bamboo appears the person, stuffy snort/hum. Spits blood in above the vast sky draws back continually, treads 1st Fragment piece by piece Void Space. 本相被破,凌竹子现出人相,闷哼一声。在长空之上吐血连退,踏碎一片片虚空 His solemn Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer cultivation base, uses the most powerful defense technique, actually still by Void Burning Technique heavy injury! 他堂堂碎虚一重天修为,施展出最强防御术,却仍被燃虚之术重创 In addition Ice Bamboo by Void Burning Technique heavy injury, Bai Li King was been more distressed. 凌竹子尚且被燃虚之术重创,百黎王就更加狼狈了。 The hot smoke raids the body, Bai Li King feels one to immediately the dead crisis. The body the instinct has acted, pats Heavenly Spirit, departs seven to exaggerate shadow from Heavenly Spirit in! 火烟袭身,百黎王立刻感受到一股必死危机。身体已本能行动,一拍天灵,自天灵中飞出七头血虎虚影 Each exaggerates has Supreme Void cultivation base, seven exaggerate swings the body in turn in a flash, breaks into pieces the tiger body in abundance, changes to be continuous hundred li (0.5 km) 7 Layers blood-color multi-colored light. Protects Bai Li King in multi-colored light. 每一头血虎都有着太虚修为,七头血虎依次摇身一晃,纷纷碎散虎身,化作绵延百里的七重血色霞光。将百黎王护在霞光之内。 That blood mist defense quite Extraordinary, then withstands the attacks of jointly seven Primordial Supreme Void, will not be broken through. 那血霞防御相当不凡,便是承受七名归元太虚的联手攻击,也不会被攻破。 But the hot smoke one , the 7 Layers blood mist was lit by Black Fire completely, was burnt by Black Fire for the nihility! 但火烟一至,七重血霞全部被黑火点燃,被黑火生生焚为虚无! After 7 Layers defends was broken, the hot smoke toward Bai Li King one volume, the Bai Li King whole body suddenly burns to lift heavy objects heavy Black Fire. 七重防御被破后,火烟朝百黎王一卷,百黎王的周身骤然燃烧起重重黑火 When must die. The Bai Li King body falls toward the clouds, swings the body in a flash, changes to a ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) giant blood-color great tiger. 必死之际。百黎王身体朝云端一跌,摇身一晃,化作一个万丈巨大的血色巨虎。 Body of great tiger covered entirely nearly beautiful blood-color rune, at this moment, these blood-color rune were actually burnt by the fire of Void Ignition. 巨虎的身上本布满了近乎妖艳的血色符文,此刻,那些血色符文却被燃虚之火焚成一空。 Dissipates along with rune, the great tiger sends out pain howling, the tiger body large expanse of changes into the flying ash to dissipate. 伴随着符文消散,巨虎发出痛楚之极的吼叫,虎身成片的化为飞灰消逝。 The flying ash diverges, whole body burnt Bai Li King reappears in above the vast sky, is covering the chest, partly kneels in the dark green Heavenly Cloud end. The aura suffocates, missed one to perish in Void Burning Technique. 飞灰散去,浑身焦糊的百黎王重新出现在长空之上,捂着胸口,半跪于苍天云端。气息奄奄一息,就差一丝就要殒命于燃虚之术了。 Ice Bamboo and Bai Li King were struck serious injury by Ning Fan, two people of expressions gloomy like the water, heart are joyful. 凌竹子百黎王宁凡击成重伤,二人表情阴沉如水,心底却是欣喜的。 They were anticipating was cut to kill by Ning Fan, was anticipating dead to be separated from the body of this Living Puppet! 他们期待着被宁凡所斩杀,期待着以死脱离这生傀之身! Killed... killed me!” “杀...杀了我!” On the Bai Li King face shows painful facial expression. 百黎王脸上露出痛苦之极的神情。 He is Living Puppet. He longs for being extricated, he is not resigned to be operated by Wan Changkong, he rather dies! 他是生傀。他渴望得到解脱,他不甘心被万长空操纵,他宁可一死! Ning Fan without/has not talks too much, the body of black clothes breaks into pieces suddenly is innumerable ink trace. 宁凡没有多言,黑衣之身骤然碎散为无数墨影 In split second that the Void Ignition great butterfly dissipates, everywhere ink trace the volume approaches dying Bai Li King immediately! 燃虚巨蝶消散的一瞬间,漫天墨影立刻卷向了垂死的百黎王 Faints faintly, Bai Li King Mortal Body was twisted layer on layer/heavily broken by ink trace, the vitality diverges to pass, gaze actually reveals the color of extrication. 淡漠晕开,百黎王肉身被重重墨影绞碎,生机一分分流逝,目光却流露出解脱之色。 Many thanks!” “多谢!” Bang! 嘭! The next instance, Bai Li King was twisted the hashed meat by ink trace layer on layer/heavily, die in Ink Flow Separation Art... 下一个瞬间,百黎王被重重墨影绞成碎肉,陨落墨流分神术之中... Walks...” “走好...” ink trace recongeal, Ning Fan of black clothes appears in above the vast sky. 墨影重凝,一袭黑衣的宁凡浮现于长空之上 He at this moment, displays Void Burning Technique and Ink Flow Separation Art one after another, Magic Force remains the not many. 此刻的他,接连施展燃虚之术墨流分神术,法力所剩无多。 Beyond ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), Ice Bamboo grasps Golden Fu Chen, complexion is pale, injury is extremely heavy. 万丈之外,凌竹子手持金色拂尘,面色苍白,伤势极重。 Killed...... me...” “杀...了...我...” Ice Bamboo said these characters difficultly, the body actually changes to the escaping rainbow, towards Ning Fan to/clashes directly, Murderous Qi was steaming. 凌竹子艰难地说出这几个字,身体却化作遁虹,朝宁凡正面冲来,杀气腾腾。 He is Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer Old Monster, even by Void Burning Technique heavy injury, still has to let Void Refinement cultivator acts as lookout not and strength. 他是一名碎虚一重天老怪,即便被燃虚之术重创,仍有着让炼虚修士望风莫及的实力。 He flies to escape, offers a sacrifice to Fu Chen, the towards Ning Fan overhead overcomes, arouses everywhere golden red cloud. 他一面飞遁,一面祭起拂尘,朝宁凡当头打下,激起漫天金霞 This moment Ning Fan Magic Force not many, is hard to display too Magic Technique. 此刻宁凡法力无多,难以施展太法术 Pats storage pouch, offers a sacrifice to Rain Granting Pagoda, actually wants contends taking advantage of the strength and Ice Bamboo Magical Treasure! 一拍储物袋,祭起封雨之塔,却是想借法宝之力与凌竹子相争! The silver rain round reverberate in above the vast sky, form a giant silver ring. 一圈圈银色的雨轮在长空之上回荡,形成一个巨大的银色圆环。 In the ring, the innumerable rain arrows shoot up to the sky, with everywhere golden red cloud that overhead overcomes to rumbling. 圆环之中,无数雨箭冲天而起,与那当头打下的漫天金霞对轰一处。 Bang! 轰! The golden red cloud powder, the rain arrow extinguishes, this time to the bang, is actually the tie. 金霞散,雨箭灭,这一次对轰,却是平局。 Ice Bamboo receives the escaping light fiercely, opened mouth spits out together Golden Thunderbolt, immediately causes the everywhere startled thunder and lightning to fall. 凌竹子猛地收住遁光,张口喷出一道金色霹雳,立刻引得漫天惊雷闪落。 That Golden Thunderbolt has the irresistible point together, twinkling feasible million li, the prestige can be infinite. 那一道金色霹雳有着不可阻挡的锋芒,瞬息可行百万里,威能无穷。 The expansive sky together was been radiant Golden Thunder to break out by that this thunder Xi body is too quick, Ning Fan just took back Rain Granting Pagoda, still avoided without enough time, had been divided into within the body by Golden Thunder. 长空被那一道璀璨之极的金雷劈开,此雷袭身太快,宁凡刚收回封雨之塔,尚来不及躲避,已被金雷劈入体内。 That Golden Thunder flees in all directions in within the body recklessly, is destroying its dantian, internal organs, Immortal Veins and Sea of Consciousness. 金雷在其体内肆意流窜,破坏着其丹田、脏腑、仙脉识海 Only suddenly, Ning Fan then has been wounded heavily, above forehead, three blood stars start to glitter. 只瞬息间,宁凡便已负伤不轻,眉心之上,三颗血星开始闪烁。 His under foot presents huge blood-color Lei Tu (thunder chart) suddenly! 其脚下骤然出现一副巨大的血色雷图 Refining up!” “炼!” Lei Tu (thunder chart) activates, sneaks into Golden Thunderbolt of Ning Fan within the body to start to melt to disintegrate immediately, changes to faint trace Golden thunder force to flow out the Ning Fan body, by Lei Tu (thunder chart) Devour(ing). 雷图催动,窜入宁凡体内的金色霹雳立刻开始消融瓦解,化作一丝丝金色雷力流出宁凡身体,被雷图吞噬 Although Ning Fan was wounded by this thunder, but after Devour(ing) this thunder, Magic Force actually restored much. 虽说宁凡被此雷击伤,但吞噬此雷之后,法力却恢复了不少。 Sees Ning Fan to keep off Golden Thunderbolt. Ice Bamboo offers a sacrifice to Fu Chen again, the towards Ning Fan overhead overcomes. 宁凡挡下金色霹雳凌竹子再次祭起拂尘,朝宁凡当头打下。 this time, Ning Fan does not hide does not evade, the luck pulls out the strength of mountain suddenly, holding the palm to lift to the day. The palm has reappeared ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Fire Tablet. 这一次,宁凡不躲不避,猛然运气拔山之力,托掌向天一抬。掌心已浮现出一个万丈火碑 Several times after the confrontation, Ice Bamboo injury is extremely heavy, the aura started the dispirited. 数次交锋之后,凌竹子伤势已然极重,气息都开始萎靡。 Reviews Ning Fan, although also received injury, but these injury are actually recovering under the treatment of Black Star Technique rapidly. 反观宁凡,虽然亦受了伤势,但这些伤势却在黑星之术的治疗之下飞速痊愈着。 He throws Fire Tablet suddenly, Fire Tablet in the sky. Appears the light of Sun and Moon, crushes Ice Bamboo Fu Chen golden red cloud completely. 他猛然将火碑一掷,火碑当空而起。浮现日月之光,将凌竹子拂尘金霞全部击碎。 Ning Fan lifts refers, Sun and Moon Stele flashes to pass, vanishes without the shadow, the next moment, appears sky over the Ice Bamboo top of the head directly! 宁凡抬指一点,日月碑一闪而逝,消失无影,下一刻,却直接出现在凌竹子头顶上空! stele one point ten. Very hundred, will change to 50 giant burning suns and cold months shortly, as if the end is ordinary, all Sun and Moon crash, pounds to Ice Bamboo. 碑影一分十。十分百,顷刻化作五十个巨大的炎阳、寒月,仿佛末日一般,所有日月坠落而下,砸向凌竹子 First Spirit Stele Technique, Sinking Sun Falling Moon! 一灵碑术,日沉月落 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! The burning sun and cold moon/month blast open, raise destruction aura. 炎阳、寒月炸裂,掀起一股股毁灭气息。 Ice Bamboo is the spent force. Was pounded by Sun and Moon Stele, spits blood to fall the expansive sky, falls layer on layer/heavily the Sun and Moon's shadow attack range! 凌竹子已是强弩之末。被日月碑砸中,吐血坠下长空,跌出重重日月之影的攻击范围! Killed...... me!” “杀...了...我!” Ice Bamboo stands firm figure difficultly, one time sends out the entreaty again. At this moment, his body is difficult to transfer any Magic Force, is moves Half-Step to be hard to achieve, was extinguished the best time of killing. 凌竹子艰难地稳住身形,再一次发出哀求。这一刻,他的身体再难调动任何法力,便是移动半步都难以做到,是被灭杀的最好时机。 Does not need Ice Bamboo to remind, the Ning Fan escaping light flashes, has appeared in Ice Bamboo beyond ten thousand zhang (3.33 m). 不必凌竹子提醒,宁凡遁光一闪,已出现在凌竹子万丈之外。 He summons White Tiger gauntlet above right arm, the stride to step. Rumbles a fist from ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) beyond, the body follows after White Tiger fist glow, changes to together flowing light, hits toward Ice Bamboo. 他召出右臂之上的白虎臂甲,大步一迈。自万丈之外轰出一拳,身体跟在白虎拳芒之后,化作一道流光,直朝凌竹子撞来。 In fist glow before Ice Bamboo, Ning Fan makes 2nd fist glow again. Before post- strength , the strength unites, two fist glow melt for together, bang in the chest of Ice Bamboo. 拳芒临近凌竹子之前,宁凡再次打出第二道拳芒。后力前力合一,两道拳芒融为一道,轰在凌竹子的胸口。 Bang! 轰! fist glow hits above the body of Ice Bamboo, the strength of produced damage reflection shakes Ning Fan directly flies, fist bone blood directing current. 拳芒打在凌竹子的身体之上,产生的反震之力直接将宁凡震飞,拳骨鲜血直流。 But Ice Bamboo of spent force, was rumbled two fists by the Ning Fan Profound God Spirit Equipment even/including, the chest deeply is hollow, Immortal Veins entirely to break, Magic Force has dispersed. 而强弩之末的凌竹子,被宁凡神玄灵装连轰两拳,胸口深深凹陷,仙脉俱碎,法力已散。 His Mortal Body seems tree Mu Yi that withers, a little bit/bit by bit is withered and old. 他的肉身好似枯萎的树木一般,一点点干枯、苍老。 His skin became the bark withered, finally one flakes piece by piece. 他的皮肤干枯成了树皮,最终一片片剥落。 Many thanks...” “多谢...” Ice Bamboo sighed complex, before die, held the fist in the other hand a ritual to Ning Fan. 凌竹子复杂一叹,在陨落之前,向宁凡抱拳一礼。 His life rigid in Profound Sect Righteous Dao, most hates Demon Cultivator, never salutes to any Demon Cultivator. 他一生执着于玄门正道,最恨魔修,从不向任何魔修行礼。 Ning Fan is during his life only one to Demon Cultivator that it feels grateful... 宁凡是他一生之中唯一一个对之心存感激的魔修... Walks!” “走好!” Ning Fan takes back within the body Profound God gauntlet, holds the fist in the other hand to return salute to Ice Bamboo. 宁凡神玄臂甲收回体内,向凌竹子抱拳还礼。 the next moment, Ice Bamboo Mortal Body dies out, changes to the flying ash to dissipate in the expansive sky. 下一刻,凌竹子肉身寂灭,化作飞灰消散于长空。 One generation of Void Fragmentation, in light of this die in the hand of Ning Fan... 一代碎虚,就此陨落宁凡之手... From now on, Ning Fan by a person of strength, extinguishes Ice Bamboo, Bai Li King, Sun Yu and the others all kills! 自此,宁凡以一人之力,将凌竹子百黎王孙玉等人尽数灭杀! Ice Bamboo is Ning Fan completely depending on 1st Void Fragmentation that own strength cuts to kill! 凌竹子宁凡完全凭自身实力斩杀的第一碎虚 This with extinguishing kills Bone Sovereign to have the essence to be different, Bone Sovereign dies in the Ning Fan hand, all because injury is too heavy, cultivation base dropped Void Fragmentation Realm. 这与灭杀骨皇有着本质不同,骨皇之所以死在宁凡手中,皆因伤势太重,修为跌落了碎虚境界 Ning Fan take several Medicine Pill, gaze coldly sweeps to above the vast sky last person of —— Vine Palace chief Alchemist Zhu Hong! 宁凡服下几颗丹药,目光冷冷扫向长空之上的最后一人——藤殿首席炼丹师祝洪 This person is not the body of Living Puppet, he is Vine Sovereign Subordinate, may be counted the Ning Fan true enemy! 此人并非生傀之身,他是藤皇属下,可算作宁凡真正敌人! Was swept by Ning Fan gaze, Zhu Hong complexion is pale immediately. 宁凡目光扫中,祝洪面色立刻惨白起来。 He is only Void Inquire cultivator, witnesses Ning Fan to extinguish kills Ice Bamboo and Bai Li King, ponders the absolutely not Ning Fan opponent. 他只是一名问虚修士,亲眼目睹宁凡灭杀凌竹子百黎王的一幕,自忖绝非宁凡对手。 His gaze looks toward Ancestor Bamboo Tree Demon of distant place, looks like in Zhu Hong, now in this Golden World can rescue his only has Tree Demon one person. 目光朝远处的祖竹树魔望去,在祝洪看来,如今这金色世界中能救他的只有树魔一人了。 The Zhu Hong escaping light flashes, tries to run away in the Tree Demon direction, by Ning Fan one finger/refers, was actually decided conveniently in the expansive sky. 祝洪遁光一闪,试图朝树魔方向遁去,却被宁凡随手一指,定在长空。 You are not Living Puppet, therefore, I should be able to your Soul Scouring, to gain some information to be right from your memory.” “你并非生傀,所以,我应该能够对你搜魂,从你记忆中获取一些情报才对。” The Ning Fan escaping light flashes, appears before the Zhu Hong body faintly, disregards expression that Zhu Hong terrified wants, directly palm according to above Zhu Hong Heavenly Spirit. 宁凡遁光一闪,淡漠地出现在祝洪身前,无视祝洪惊骇欲死的表情,直接将手掌按在祝洪天灵之上。 Bold! Old Man is Vine Palace chief Alchemist, is Subordinate that Vine Sovereign most thinks highly, you dare to my Soul Scouring, Vine Sovereign not to let off you surely...!” “大胆!老夫乃是藤殿首席炼丹师,是藤皇最为器重的属下,你敢对我搜魂,藤皇必定不会放过你...啊!” The Zhu Hong aggressive statement has not put, then sends out a pitiful yell, faints. 祝洪狠话还没放完,便发出一声惨叫,昏死过去。 Meaning of Ning Fan to the Zhu Hong without/has not any being forgiving, direct Soul Scouring and Memory Extinguishing, lifts to direct together Void Space sword light after Soul Scouring, extinguishes Zhu Hong kills. 宁凡祝洪没有任何留情之意,直接搜魂灭忆,在搜魂之后抬指点出一道虚空剑光,将祝洪灭杀。 From Zhu Hong memory, Ning Fan understood that many Vine Palace secrets, learned the complete plan of Vine Sovereign destruction Bamboo Palace! 祝洪记忆之中,宁凡了解到不少藤殿秘闻,更获悉了藤皇覆灭竹殿的全部计划! He then knows, Wan Changkong and the others arrived at Eastern Tree Sea, has not been chases down his, but has the scheme to Bamboo Palace early. 他这才知晓,万长空等人降临东树海,并未是来追杀他的,而是对竹殿早有图谋。 gaze lifts, Ning Fan looks toward the battlefield of distant place, 3rd Fragment cultivation base Tree Demon is battling with Teng Xianrou and Heavenly Tribulation Puppet. 目光一抬,宁凡朝远处的战场望去,碎三修为树魔正与藤纤柔天劫傀儡交战一处。 This Ancestor Bamboo Tree Demon has degenerated into one of the Wan Changkong Living Puppet, does not have the possibility of restoration again. 祖竹树魔已沦为万长空生傀之一,再无复原的可能。 Although Bamboo Sovereign asked Ning Fan to treat Ancestor Bamboo, but was very obvious, Ancestor Bamboo already no medical treatment... 竹皇虽请宁凡医治祖竹,但很显然,祖竹已然无药可医了... Degenerates into Ancestor Bamboo of body of Living Puppet, similarly lives to might as well die. 沦为生傀之身的祖竹,同样生不如死。 Ning Fan gaze decides, this Ancestor Bamboo no medical treatment, has made it extricate the law only, only then cuts to kill it. 宁凡目光一决,这祖竹无药可医,唯一令它解脱之法,只有将其斩杀。 By Ning Fan cultivation base, even if displays Butterfly Fire Void Burning Technique, is not enough to extinguish kills 3rd Fragmentation Realm Ancestor Bamboo Tree Demon. 宁凡修为,纵然施展蝶火燃虚之术,也不足以灭杀碎三境界祖竹树魔 By Teng Xianrou and Heavenly Tribulation Puppet and the others cultivation base, divert Ancestor Bamboo Tree Demon but actually also to accomplish, but if wants to make them extinguish kills Tree Demon, was very then difficult. 藤纤柔天劫傀儡等人的修为,牵制祖竹树魔倒还可以办到,但若是想让他们灭杀树魔,便十分困难了。 If I with the aid of the Five Sword Spirits strength, use Summer Sovereign Sword, pours somewhat the assurance to extinguish kills Ancestor Bamboo..., but by my present cultivation base, after cutting Sword, meets Magic Force to consume surely spatially, when needs to be many restores... to have a plan for the present, only then extinguished depending on the prestige of Summer Sovereign Sword kills Ancestor Bamboo Tree Spirit.” “若我借助五剑灵的力量,使用夏皇剑,倒有几分把握灭杀祖竹...但以我如今修为,斩出一剑之后,必定会法力耗空,需要多时恢复...为今之计,也只有凭夏皇剑之威灭杀祖竹树灵了。” The Ning Fan palm according to above sword pouch, is wanting to summon Five Sword Spirits and Summer Sovereign Sword. 宁凡手掌按在剑袋之上,正欲召出五剑灵夏皇剑 Then in this time, a blood-thirsty neighing sound transmits from Bamboo Realm, spreads to this piece of Sealing Technique transformation Golden World. 便在此时,一声嗜血的嘶鸣声自竹界传来,生生传入这片封印术幻化金色世界内。 That neighed, filled with the joy of break free, was Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer cultivation base Nie Li sends out! 那一声嘶鸣,满怀脱困的喜悦,是一头碎虚三重天修为孽离所发出! In Bamboo Realm, Wan Changkong has successfully broken a gap Bamboo Realm Grand Formation, unseal has 1st Ferocious Beast Nie Li! 竹界之中,万长空已成功将竹界大阵破开一个缺口,解封第一凶兽孽离 This Nie Li as if induces to have Fu Li clansman exist(ence) to nearby, the neighing sound discloses the infinite hostility. 这一头孽离仿佛感应到附近扶离族人存在,嘶鸣声透露出无限敌意。 This is one with Fu Li for enemy Nie Li! 这是一头与扶离为敌孽离 This Nie Li cry, calls out in grief unlike that Ning Fan heard on the same day! 这一头孽离的叫声,与宁凡当日听到的那声悲鸣不同! The 1st Nie Li unseal neighing sound is exceptionally incisive, since Bamboo Realm spreads, the entire Muye Country billion li land can hear this neighing! 第一孽离解封的嘶鸣声异常尖锐,从竹界传出,整个牧野国十亿里土地都能听闻这声嘶鸣! When this neighing biography to the Ji Shui sky, Vine Sovereign and Vine Palace Expert is the color of overjoyed. 当这声嘶鸣传至姬水上空之时,藤皇藤殿高手俱是大喜之色。 But Willow Sovereign and Bamboo Sovereign two people complexion is pale immediately. 柳皇竹皇二人则立刻面色铁青。 Especially Bamboo Sovereign, had guessed that from this hoarseness whining noise Bamboo Realm had/left the giant accident, the gaze startled anger, Ferocious Beast Nie Li of suppression in Bamboo Realm, unexpectedly Seal Breaking, but!” 尤其是竹皇,已经从这一声嘶鸣声中猜测出竹界出了巨大变故,目光惊怒之极,“镇压于竹界之中的凶兽孽离,竟破封而出了!” Good! Good! Good! Old Man's Dividing Spirit success unseal has had 1st Nie Li! When four Nie Li completely unseal, is carving of your Bamboo and Willow Two Sovereigns life falling!” “好!好!好!老夫的分神已成功解封第一孽离了!待四头孽离全部解封之时,便是你竹柳二皇命陨之刻!” Wan Changkong only ten Dividing Spirit, have a good laugh completely, the facial expression is self-satisfied. 万长空仅余的十具分神,全部仰天大笑,神情得意之极。 The appearance of Liu Haoyue, stems from the expectation of Vine Sovereign and Wan Changkong. 柳皓月的出现,出乎藤皇万长空的预料。 But if has Nie Li to lead a cheer, is Liu Haoyue here, gives up any idea of Vine Palace for enemy! 但若有孽离助阵,便是柳皓月在此,也休想与藤殿为敌 Today Nie Li, nobody may rescue Bamboo Palace!” Vine Sovereign sneers. “今日孽离一出,无人可救竹殿!”藤皇冷笑不已。
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