GE :: Volume #6

#595: Changes!

This is pure Golden Magic Technique Space, in this piece of desolated Space, is drifting Golden Continent. 这是一处纯金色法术空间,在这片荒芜的空间之中,飘浮着一座座金色大陆 Ning Fan, Teng Xianrou and Heavenly Tribulation Puppet was all sealed into this world, Tree Demon and Bai Li King and the others were also affected by Sealing Technique, seals into this Space. 宁凡藤纤柔天劫傀儡皆被封入此界之中,树魔百黎王等人亦被封印术波及,封入此空间之中。 Ning Fan and the others set up the body to drift innumerably Continent one of them, this place everywhere is Golden ancient vines, is linked to each other densely and numerously. 宁凡等人立身于无数飘浮大陆其中之一,此地遍地都是金色古藤,密密麻麻连在一起。 When Ning Fan steps onto this piece of Golden Continent, that golden vines wriggles everywhere immediately strangely, ties up toward its both feet. 宁凡走上这片金色大陆之时,那遍地金藤立刻诡异地蠕动起来,朝其双足缚来。 Burns!” “焚!” Ning Fan one step treads, black Sea of Fire extends from the under foot, burns down turn to ash golden vines within ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) completely. 宁凡一步踏下,黑色火海自脚下延伸,将万丈之内的金藤全部焚烧成灰 His Divine Sense sweeps this Golden World, gaze sinks. 神念一扫这处金色世界,目光为之一沉。 Looks at Ancestor Bamboo Tree Demon that angrily roars to soar to the heavens again, gaze is even more dignified. 再一看怒吼冲天的祖竹树魔,目光愈加凝重。 Here pure gold World, is one by Magic Technique Space that Sealing Technique forms, may inhale Golden vortex cultivator Seal all in this world. 此处纯金世界,是一个借由封印术形成的法术空间,可将一切吸入金色漩涡修士封印此界之中。 This Sealing Technique has Void Fragmentation 6 Layers might, even ordinary Void Fragmentation is still very difficult to break open this Golden World to escape. 封印术有着碎虚六重威力,即便是普通碎虚也很难破开这金色世界逃生。 Ning Fan Smokewind Technique breaks open this world actually sufficiently, but least is also a double-hour may break open a gap from this world. 宁凡风烟之术倒是足以破开此界,但最少也要数个时辰才可从此界破开一个缺口。 During breaking open several double-hour of gap, Ning Fan must concentrate on to display Smokewind Technique, is unable Clone fighting method. 在破开缺口的数个时辰之中,宁凡必须全神贯注施展风烟之术,无法分身斗法 In this world, still had Tree Demon and other powerful enemies to lie in wait from all sides in the side, they not whatever Ning Fan breaks open this world to escape. 此界之中,尚有树魔等强敌环伺在侧,它们不会任由宁凡破开此界逃生的。 Roar! 吼! Ancestor Bamboo Tree Demon demonic roar soars to the heavens, bringing desolate solemn killing intent, towards Ning Fan and the others vigorously to raiding. 祖竹树魔魔吼冲天,带着萧肃的杀机,朝宁凡等人疾冲袭来。 Ning Fan gaze decides, said to Teng Xianrou and five puppet commands. Your six people block Tree Demon, other person of I cope!” 宁凡目光一决,对藤纤柔、五傀令道。“你们六人拦住树魔,其他人我来对付!” Although five Heavenly Tribulation Puppet are only 1st Fragment cultivation base, but belongs to Five Elements, various palm one line of Heavenly Tribulation, jointly attack take action, is also then surmountable to Void Fragmentation 2nd Heavenly Layer cultivator. 五具天劫傀儡虽然都只是碎一修为,但分属五行,各掌一行天劫,合击出手,便是对上碎虚二重天修士也可战胜。 Five Puppet add on Teng Xianrou, if six people prevent some Tree Demon time, by no means is difficult! 五具傀儡加上藤纤柔,六人若只是阻挡树魔一些时间,并不困难! Teng Xianrou silvers tooth bites, decides to comply with the order of Ning Fan, the escaping light flashes. Along with five Heavenly Tribulation Puppet blocks rampage Tree Demon jointly. 藤纤柔牙一咬,决定遵从宁凡的命令,遁光一闪。随五具天劫傀儡联手拦下暴走树魔 Ning Fan form in a flash. Vanishes in same place, when comes again, has appeared in Bai Li King, Zhu Hong and the others beyond ten thousand zhang (3.33 m)! 宁凡则身影一晃。消失于原地,再现身时,已出现在百黎王祝洪等人万丈之外! At this moment, the Ning Fan thoughts revolve rapidly. Has thought through many things. 这一刻,宁凡心思飞转。已将许多事情想通。 Bai Li King why again and again sends out unreasonable war declaration. Bai Li Clan person why completely without/has not Nascent Divinity. Why Sun Yu is respectful at first but arrogant later, why such many Five Revolutions and Six Revolutions Alchemist pledged allegiance to Wan Changkong in split second completely... 百黎王为何一次次送出不合情理的战帖百黎族人为何全部没有元神孙玉为何前恭后倨,如此之多的五转六转丹师为何全部在一瞬间归顺了万长空... Why when facing Wan Changkong, will feel the feeling of greatest crisis... 为何面对万长空之时,会感到莫大的危机之感... Because Wan Changkong is the Dao Wang Demon Veins owner. This person Bai Li King, Sun Yu and many Alchemist completely refined into Living Puppet! 因为万长空悼亡魔脉的拥有者。此人将百黎王孙玉及诸多炼丹师全部炼成生傀 Circumstances changing with the time, Ning Fan has not been in the past about the young youngster who the matter of cultivation knows nothing. 时过境迁,宁凡早已不是当年对修真之事一无所知的小小少年了。 He from the Luo You mouth, has heard Northern Heaven Ancestral Emperor and many secret of Dao Wang clan! 他从洛幽的口中,听说过北天祖帝悼亡族的诸多秘辛 When sees Wan Changkong activates silver wire Secret Technique with own eyes, Ning Fan somewhat has grasped the determination, silver wire indeed Dao Wang Clan the technique of Living Puppet Wan Changkong uses. 在亲眼见到万长空催动银线秘术之时,宁凡已有几分把握确定,万长空施展的银线正是悼亡一族生傀之术。 But Wan Changkong Demon Veins, without a doubt is Dao Wang Demon Veins! 万长空魔脉,毫无疑问是悼亡魔脉 That Wan Changkong absolutely is the Dao Wang Demon Veins owner, this person of Divine Ability is very dangerous, by your present Supreme Void cultivation base, if with this person of fighting method, whatever happens/10 million is careful! Absent-minded, possibly became Living Puppet by this person of refining directly... besides that Zhu Hong this, this place everyone including Tree Demon, had been built up by Wan Changkong is Living Puppet!” “那万长空绝对是悼亡魔脉的拥有者,此人神通十分危险,以你如今太虚修为,若与此人斗法,千万要小心!一个失神,都可能直接被此人炼制生傀...除了那祝洪这外,此地所有人连同树魔在内,都已被万长空炼为生傀!” Dao Wang clan the technique of Living Puppet is fearful, lies in if perfect refining has Living Puppet, was built up as Living Puppet cultivator and living person without/has not any difference, you are very difficult to analyze that person is the living person or Puppet, above the battlefield, cannot distinguish Living Puppet, cannot distinguish clearly the enemy and ourselves... Wan Changkong refining some Living Puppet flaws, he refining Living Puppet, within the body all does not have Nascent Divinity and Monster Soul. Currently speaking, Wan Changkong without/has not grasps the technique of Living Puppet inevitably perfectly...” 悼亡族的生傀之术之所以可怕,在于若完美炼制生傀,被炼为生傀修士与活人没有任何差别,你很难判断身边的人是活人还是傀儡,战场之上,根本辨不出生傀,分不清敌我...不过万长空炼制生傀有些缺陷,他所炼制生傀,体内皆无元神妖魂。从这一点来看,万长空必然没有完美掌握生傀之术...” The Luo You sound has the little concerns, reminded in Ning Fan mind. 洛幽的声音带着几许关切,在宁凡心神提醒道 so that's how it is.” 原来如此。” Ning Fan nods, Divine Sense sweeps to Ice Bamboo, Bai Li King and the others. 宁凡点点头,神念扫向凌竹子百黎王等人。 In this group of people, has Nascent Divinity except for Zhu Hong one person, in other human bodies all without/has not Nascent Divinity and Monster Soul. 这批人中,除了祝洪一人拥有元神,其他人体内全都没有元神妖魂 As Divine Transformation and Void Refinement cultivator, within the body actually without/has not Nascent Divinity and Monster Soul, do not need to ask, these people naturally are Wan Changkong refining Living Puppet. 身为化神炼虚修士,体内却没有元神妖魂,不必问,这些人自然都是万长空炼制生傀 If perfect busy Living Puppet, will not have this flaw. 若是完美无暇的生傀,不会有这一缺陷。 Wan Changkong technique of by no means Living Puppet was perfect, has this flaw, whether there is Ning Fan can act according to cultivator within the body Nascent Divinity Monster Soul, judged whether this person was Wan Changkong refining Living Puppet! 万长空生傀之术并不完美,有了这一缺陷,宁凡便可根据修士体内有无元神妖魂,判断此人是否是万长空炼制生傀 I once passed on the technique of your Life Imprisonment, this technique is my accident of sorts seeks, is Dao Wang lord —— Northern Heaven Ancestral Emperor most powerful Divine Ability! What a pity what I seek is only the incomplete technique, if the complete technique, copes with Living Puppet of Dao Wang clan, only needs look, can make all Living Puppet submit to... you not to learn the technique of complete Life Imprisonment, may subdue cultivate Dao 1st step Puppet depending on the technique of Life Imprisonment, actually could not subdue these Living Puppet...” “我曾传你命囚之术,此术是我机缘巧合寻来,乃是悼亡之主——北天祖帝最强神通!可惜我所寻来的只是残缺之术,若是完整之术,对付悼亡族的生傀,只需一个眼神,便可令所有生傀臣服...你未习得完整的命囚之术,可凭命囚之术收服修道第一步傀儡,却收服不了这些生傀...” These Living Puppet within the body still had live person's consciousness reserved, but the body actually does not receive itself to control. Once by refining becoming Living Puppet, will be lost forever reenters the qualifications of Samsara... they to live is being the crime, so long as received the command of puppet lord, is close must kill. If they die, will then vanished in a puff of smoke, but this to them, can be an extrication...” “这些生傀体内尚保留有活人的意识,但身体却不受自己操控。一旦被炼制成为生傀,更会永远失去再入轮回的资格...它们活着是罪,只要受了傀主之令,便是至亲也非杀不可。它们若死,则会灰飞烟灭,但这对它们而言,会是一种解脱...” Luo You said again. 洛幽再次言道。 Extrication...” “解脱么...” The Ning Fan remembers Bai Li King again and again strange action, sighed gently. 宁凡回忆起百黎王一次次怪异举动,轻轻一叹。 Bai Li King is Wan Changkong Living Puppet, his again and again sends people to assassinate Ning Fan, perhaps presented the order of Vine Palace. 百黎王万长空生傀,他一次次派人暗杀宁凡,恐怕是奉了藤殿的命令。 He is unable to revolt against Wan Changkong, has to send clansman to assassinate Ning Fan. 他无法反抗万长空,不得不派族人暗杀宁凡 Although he is unable to revolt against the order of Wan Changkong, actually sends out clansman that the strength is insufficient to bring death intentionally. 他虽无法反抗万长空的命令,却故意派出实力不足的族人送死。 This act to let degenerate into the clansman extrication of body of Living Puppet, is also reminding Ning Fan careful Vine Palace. 此举只是为了让沦为生傀之身的族人解脱,同时也是在提醒宁凡小心藤殿 Bai Li King sends out 4th war declaration, attempts and Ning Fan fights the life and death, he wants does not kill Ning Fan, but was killed by Ning Fan... 百黎王送出第四战帖,希图与宁凡一战决死,他想要的不是杀死宁凡,而是被宁凡杀死... He also reminded Ning Fan, today will have Great Tribulation... 他亦提醒了宁凡,今日会有大劫... Bai Li King reminded Ning Fan, not had any friendship with Ning Fan, because merely Ning Fan was the Vine Palace archenemy, but had several points of favorable impression and anticipation to Ning Fan. 百黎王提醒宁凡,并非与宁凡有任何交情,仅仅因为宁凡藤殿的大敌,而对宁凡有了几分好感与期待。 Bai Li King anticipated that can be killed by Ning Fan. Anticipating Ning Fan can give him an extrication... 百黎王期待能被宁凡所杀。期待宁凡能给他一个解脱... Even if Soul Destruction, Bai Li King is not willing to work as Living Puppet again, was organized! 纵然魂飞魄散,百黎王也不愿再当一个生傀,受人摆布! Death!” “死!” Ice Bamboo, Bai Li King and Sun Yu, as well as all Alchemist besides Zhu Hong, killing intent regard Ning Fan completely everywhere coldly. 凌竹子百黎王孙玉,以及除祝洪之外所有的炼丹师,全部满目杀机地冷视宁凡 Their expression Murderous Qi are steaming, only because of receiving the Wan Changkong order, must kill Ning Fan. 他们的表情杀气腾腾,只因受了万长空命令,非杀宁凡不可。 Their heart are actually full of the entreaty, entreating Ning Fan to kill them, making them extricate! 他们的心底却充满哀求,哀求宁凡杀了他们,让他们解脱! Near the ear of Ning Fan, as if can hear Bai Li King and the others the hope of heart most deep place! 宁凡的耳边,似乎能听到百黎王等人心底最深处的祈求! Killed me! Let me extricate! 杀了我!让我解脱! Killed Wan Changkong! And others revenged for me! 杀了万长空!替我等报仇! Ning Fan consistent indifferent heart. Touches in this moment! 宁凡一贯冷漠的心。在这一刻为之触动! He can realize that these degenerate into Living Puppet the sorrow. He can feel these people's boundless hates to the Wan Changkong! 他能体会这些沦为生傀者的悲哀。他能感受到这些人对万长空的无边怨恨! His heart most deep place, seems has anything in the change of influencing subtly. 他的心底最深处,好似有什么东西在潜移默化的改变。 His getting along with people principle has selfish much, but at this moment, in his heart had impulsive. Did not seek any price. To degenerate into the Living Puppet extrication for these! 他处世原则多有自私,但这一刻,他心中有了一种冲动。不求任何代价。只是想为这些沦为生傀者解脱! That is a feeling of like grieve for like. 那是一种兔死狐悲的感受。 Today and others degenerated into Living Puppet. Earnestly seeks a dead extrication, I then extricate for you, cremates the corpse for you...” “今日尔等沦为生傀。渴求一死解脱,我便为你们解脱,为你们火葬尸身...” His year, if my perishing foreign land and violent corpse wilderness. Hopes also had afterward person to bury the corpse for me, making me solve break free painstakingly...” “他年若我殒命异乡、暴尸荒野。希望也有后来之人替我埋葬尸身,令我解脱困苦...” I and others not the friendship, does not have the enmity, but today, I work as with my sword, Death for the Monarch...” “我等并无交情,亦无仇怨,但今日,我当以我之剑,送君一死...” Ning Fan one step takes, changes to the body of black clothes, lifts the hand to think that Golden Continent and expansive sky grasp, pull out completely the land and Soul of the Void to swallow. 宁凡一步迈出,化作黑衣之身,抬手想金色大陆、长空一抓,抽尽大地、虚空之魂吞下。 His whole body coils around Golden Dragon shadow, Sovereign Qi is adding the body! 他周身盘绕着金龙虚影,皇气加身! His imposing manner increases, achieves Primordial Peak Realm! 他气势一路攀升,达到归元无敌境界 Kills!” “杀!” In an instant that the Ning Fan imposing manner rises steep, Ice Bamboo, Bai Li King, Sun Yu wait/etc. all cultivator that degenerated into Living Puppet, complete towards Ning Fan besieges! 宁凡气势陡升的一瞬,凌竹子百黎王孙玉等所有沦为生傀修士,全部朝宁凡围攻而来! Only has Zhu Hong one person not to dare to go forward, this moment Ning Fan, to a Zhu Hong unattainable feeling! 唯有祝洪一人不敢上前,这一刻的宁凡,给祝洪一种高不可攀的感觉! This moment Ning Fan, in the eye does not look at the good and evil, does not look at the gratitude and grudges, look, is Samsara! 这一刻的宁凡,眼中不看善恶,不看恩怨,看的,是轮回 Today I for and other solving disaster, some of his year people for my solving disaster... this am the Death for the Monarch mood, containing Intent of Samsara! 今日我为尔等解厄,他年有人为我解厄...这是送君一死的心情,含有轮回之意 Decides!” “定!” Under a Ning Fan direction, displays Heaven Locking Art. 宁凡一指点下,施展出定天之术 By his Primordial Peak cultivation base, uses this technique full power, might is infinite! 以他归元无敌修为,全力施展此术,威力自是无穷! Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer Ice Bamboo has the moment time to be decided in the expansive sky! 就连碎虚一重天凌竹子都有片刻时间被定在长空! But Primordial Peak Bai Li King was assigned half breath time by Ning Fan! 归元无敌百黎王则被宁凡一指定了半息时间! As for Sun Yu and other Divine Transformation and Void Refinement cultivation base Alchemist, each and every single (person) cultivation base weak in Ning Fan too many, was all decided in above the vast sky, is hard the move slightest! 至于孙玉化神炼虚修为炼丹师,一个个修为弱于宁凡太多,俱被定在长空之上,难以动弹分毫! Sun Yu, your I only have friendship of one glass of inferior wine, but today, my Death for the Monarch, for Monarch solving disaster!” 孙玉,你我只有一杯水酒的交情,但今日,我送君一死,为君解厄!” Alchemist Fellow Daoist, I and others did not have the friendship, but today, I then present as a gift and other Dao Vanishing person to perish!” “诸位丹师同道,我与尔等从无交情,但今日,我便赠尔等一场道消人亡!” Scoff! Scoff! Scoff! 嗤!嗤!嗤! Ning Fan both hands gather suddenly, sets up a place from it, the 800,000 li Space all disintegration! 宁凡双手猛然一合,自其立身之处,八十万里空间俱都崩碎! In endless dark Void Space, the a path of Small Void Sword migratory locust punctures, and other Five Revolutions and Six Revolutions Alchemist cuts to kill Sun Yu completely! 无尽的幽暗虚空中,一道道小虚空剑似飞蝗般刺出,将孙玉等25名五转六转炼丹师全部斩杀! This is Ning Fan first time does not kill people for the enmity! 这是宁凡第一次不为仇怨而杀人! 25 Alchemist were all cut by countless Small Void Sword for the hashed meat, in an instant that the body of Puppet extinguishes broken, in everyone's eyes reveals the color of extrication, is looking at Ning Fan grateful. 25名炼丹师俱被数之不尽的小虚空剑斩为碎肉,在傀儡之身碎灭的一瞬,所有人的眼中都流露出解脱之色,感激地望着宁凡 The next instance, Sun Yu and the others Soul Destruction, the Dao Vanishing person perish... 下一个瞬间,孙玉等人魂飞魄散,道消人亡... The Ning Fan footsteps tread, above the vast sky reappearing billowing Black Fire, burns 25 Alchemist corpses for the flying ash suddenly. 宁凡脚步一踏,长空之上骤然浮现滚滚黑火,将25名丹师的尸身焚为飞灰。 His gaze sweeps to Ice Bamboo and Bai Li King two people, Heaven Locking Art in these two people of institutes were decoded exactly one after another. 目光扫向凌竹子百黎王二人,这二人所中的定天之术恰好被相继破解。 Kills!” “杀!” Ice Bamboo offers a sacrifice to Golden Fu Chen, that Fu Chen only sweeps, immediately then ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden red cloud sweep to Ning Fan. 凌竹子祭起金色拂尘,那拂尘只一扫,立刻便有万丈金霞扫向宁凡 Bai Li King offers a sacrifice to grinding pan Magical Treasure, that grinding pan sacrifice after the expansive sky, against the wind however is long, has half sky to be huge, under towards Ning Fan Heavenly Spirit town/subdues! 百黎王祭起磨盘法宝,那磨盘祭向长空之后,迎风而长,足足有半个天空巨大,朝宁凡天灵镇下! These two people kill to incur to Ning Fan completely leave, but their hearts think, actually hopes was killed by Ning Fan, but sought an extrication! 这二人对宁凡杀招尽出,但他们的心头所想,却是希望被宁凡所杀,但求一个解脱! Ice Bamboo! You bragged Profound Sect cultivator, once quite cherished the hostility about me. Reads you to degenerate into Living Puppet now, in the past matter I did not haggle over with you, today leaves a loophole , helping you extricate!” 凌竹子!你自诩玄门修士,曾对我颇怀敌意。念你如今沦为生傀,往昔之事我不与你计较,今日网开一面,助你解脱!” Bai Li King! Although you send people to kill me repeatedly, but the intention is not wicked, reminds my today's tribulation. Read this Karma, today I then help you complete the wish, Death for the Monarch!” 百黎王!你虽屡次派人杀我,但用心非恶,更提醒我今日之劫。念此因果,今日我便助你完成心愿,送君一死!” Void Ignition!” 燃虚!” Huge black Fire Chart, appears in above the vast sky suddenly, extends from the Ning Fan under foot, be continuous 800,000 li, Black Fire in the sky! 一个巨大的黑色火图,骤然出现在长空之上,自宁凡脚下延伸,一路绵延八十万里,黑火当空! The number by million Black Fire Butterfly, shoots up to the sky from Fire Chart , a condense pair of wings hangs the day huge Black Butterfly! 数以百万黑火蝴蝶,自火图之中冲天而起,凝成一个双翼垂天的巨大黑蝶 In split second that this Black Butterfly presents, Ice Bamboo and Bai Li King two people of heart most deep places reveal the mood of shocking. 在这黑蝶出现的一瞬间,凌竹子百黎王二人心底最深处纷纷流露出震撼的情绪。 But that hides in Zhu Hong at the same time, almost frightens the paralysis directly on the ground. 而那躲在一边的祝洪,几乎直接吓瘫在地上。 This person is Western Tree Sea Fire Tree Clan Second Elder, is quite skilled in Fire Element Magic Technique. 此人乃是西树海火树一族二长老,颇为精通火系法术 But he never sees Butterfly Fire to burn Void Technique power and influence heaven shaking Fire Technique Divine Ability! 但他从未见过似蝶火虚术般威势惊天火术神通 This type Fire Technique the prestige of Void Fire, the Flame prestige energy of implication, endures compared with entire Fire God's Spring in all Flame prestige can sum total! 这一式火术虚火之威,蕴含的火焰威能,堪比整个祝融之泉之中所有火焰威能的总和! Actually This...This is what Rank Fire Technique!” 这、这究竟是什么级别火术!” At this moment, Black Fire great butterfly first time stirs up Butterfly Wings! 这一刻,黑火巨蝶第一次煽动蝶翼 Hot smoke powder, all golden vines above entire Golden Continent change into the flying ash completely! 火烟一散,整个金色大陆之上的所有金藤全部化为飞灰! Ice Bamboo and Bai Li King Fu Chen and grinding pan two treasures all receive Butterfly Fire to strike, rewind to return, the prestige can damage greatly! 凌竹子百黎王拂尘、磨盘二宝俱都受到蝶火一击,倒卷而回,威能大损! As for Ice Bamboo and Bai Li King two people, received Butterfly Fire to strike, all drew back in above the vast sky continually, is injured heavily... 至于凌竹子百黎王二人,生生受了蝶火一击,俱都于长空之上连退,受伤不轻... ( 1 / 2 ) (To be continued...) (未完待续。。)
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