GE :: Volume #6

#594: Sleepy!

In entire Eastern Tree Sea, is starting an unprecedented catastrophe. 整个东树海之中,正掀起一场前所未有的浩劫。 In Bamboo Realm, Ning Fan also faces the crisis that Wan Changkong and Tree Spirit are bringing. 竹界之中,宁凡亦面临着万长空树灵带来的危机。 As Wan Changkong orders, Zhu Hong, Ice Bamboo, Bai Li King, Sun Yu and the others, as well as this place all Alchemist that degenerates into Living Puppet, all escape toward counting million li bamboo above the mountain outside Golden! 随着万长空一声令下,祝洪凌竹子百黎王孙玉等人,以及此地所有沦为生傀炼丹师,全部遁往数百万里外的一处金色的竹山之上 In Bamboo Realm, there are 70,000 black bamboo mountain, various spread all over Bamboo Realm places. 竹界之中,共有七万余座黑色的竹山,遍布竹界各处。 The Bamboo Realm bottom, is arranging Immortal Void High Grade Grand Formation, is suppressing four Ferocious Beast Nie Li! 竹界地底,布置着仙虚上品大阵,镇压着四头凶兽孽离 This 70,000 black bamboo mountain, all are Grand Formation formation eye! 七万余黑色竹山,皆是大阵阵眼 But that Golden bamboo mountain, is all formation eye Formation Power sources, above is arranging layer on layer/heavily Medicine Soul Seal. 而那金色竹山,便是所有阵眼阵力源泉,其上布置着重重药魂封印 Suppresses the person of Ferocious Beast Nie Li, is some Previous Generation Bamboo Sovereign. That Bamboo Sovereign is not only Immortal Void Level Formation Master, is Seven Revolutions Low Grade Alchemist. 镇压凶兽孽离之人,是前代某位竹皇。那位竹皇不仅是一名仙虚级阵法师,更是一名七转下品炼丹师 This person combines a pill technique, arrange Grand Formation in Bamboo Realm, suppresses four Nie Li Ferocious Beast. 此人将丹阵之术合二为一,在竹界之中布下大阵,镇压住四头孽离凶兽 Wants Nie Li under unseal formation, not only requests to break the formation to have good Formation Technique, needs massive Alchemist to provide the strength of Medicine Soul, breaks Golden bamboo mountain Seven Revolutions Medicine Soul Seal, making Formation Power dry up, was likely to break open Grand Formation. 想要解封阵法之下的孽离,不仅要求破阵者拥有不俗的阵术,更需要有大量炼丹师提供药魂之力,破去金色竹山七转药魂封印,令阵力枯竭,才有望破开大阵 Bai Li Clan was once responsible for guarding Grand Formation, to suppress Nie Li, all previous Patriarch is well-known four directions Formation Master, and is familiar with Bamboo Realm Grand Formation. 百黎一族曾一度负责看守大阵、镇压孽离,历代族长都是闻名四方阵法师,且对竹界大阵了如指掌。 This Bai Li King is responsible for decoding Bamboo Realm Grand Formation, Ice Bamboo is responsible for the Protector matters concerned, but Zhu Hong, Sun Yu and other Alchemist are responsible for breaking open Golden bamboo mountain Seven Revolutions Medicine Soul Seal. 此次百黎王负责破解竹界大阵,凌竹子负责护法事宜,而祝洪孙玉及其他炼丹师则负责破开金色竹山七转药魂封印 The layout of this slaughter bamboo plan is very thorough, Vine Palace before 10,000 years starts in the Eastern Tree Sea layout. 此次屠竹计划的布局十分周密,藤殿万年之前就开始在东树海布局。 All defer to Vine Sovereign and Wan Changkong script, only leaking calculates, is Ning Fan! 一切都按照藤皇万长空的剧本进行着,唯一的漏算,是宁凡 Wan Changkong gaze is sharp like the falcon, Ning Fan locking, licked the tongue stubbornly. 万长空目光如鹰隼般锐利,死死将宁凡锁定,舔了舔舌头。 Interesting, is really very interesting, only Supreme Void cultivator. Can unexpectedly the only accident of becoming this slaughter bamboo plan. 有意思,真是很有意思啊,区区一名太虚修士。竟然能成为此次屠竹计划的唯一变故。 How interesting ants, are so obviously small and weak, actually dares to enrage Vine Sovereign, kills Vine Sovereign to love the disciple. 多么有意思的蝼蚁,明明如此弱小,却敢于触怒藤皇,杀藤皇爱徒。 So is obviously small and weak, can actually escape from three Void Fragmentation killing tribulations, but also the counter-attack seizes Teng Xianrou. 明明如此弱小,却能逃脱三名碎虚的杀劫,还反击似地擒走藤纤柔 Under Void Fragmentation all the ants... this child obviously is only the Supreme Void ants, can actually block his Dividing Spirit to strike, by puppet, has not really been very interesting! ” 碎虚之下皆蝼蚁...此子明明只是太虚蝼蚁,却能挡住他分神一击,未被傀化,真是很有意思啊!” The so interesting junior, must a little bit/bit by bit play. Is more interesting, not? 如此有意思的小辈,必须一点点玩死。才更有意思,不是么? Has saying that the thought of Wan Changkong is very abnormal. He thinks has the instant kill Ning Fan strength, actually wants step by step to play dead Ning Fan. 不得不说,万长空的思维十分变态。他自认为有瞬杀宁凡的实力,却偏偏要一步步玩死宁凡 He controlled innumerable Living Puppet, can blood slaughter Muye, actually probably let Living Puppet obviously neatly and their relatives and friends each other slaughters... 他操控了无数生傀,明明可以干脆利落地血屠牧野,却偏偏要让生傀们与他们的亲朋好友彼此杀戮... Vine Palace is the monster, Willow Palace is the demon, Bamboo Palace for the god. 藤殿为妖,柳殿为魔,竹殿为神。 When is young some accidents, Wan Changkong was once betrayed closely. Character quite distortion. 因为年少之时的一些变故,万长空曾被至亲背叛。性格相当扭曲 He loathes so-called Righteous Dao, loathes affectedly virtuous Profound Cultivator, loathes the kinship friendship love, loathes these to think that the struggle can change the Fate ants! 他厌恶所谓的正道,厌恶道貌岸然的玄修,厌恶亲情友情爱情,厌恶那些以为奋斗可以改变命运的蝼蚁! The person who the homicide passes are not less than Ning Fan many. And the method of each time slaughtering is very cruel. 他杀过的人不比宁凡少多少。且每次杀戮的手段都十分残忍。 His without/has not Ning Fan such strong Dao Heart, the homicide person does not have obsession, is the murder seeks pleasure merely nothing more. 没有宁凡那样坚强的道心,他杀人并非心存执念,仅仅是杀人取乐而已 In his opinion, Ning Fan is the ants. The ants will die in his this kind of Expert hand surely, this is the fate of ants. 在他看来,宁凡是蝼蚁。蝼蚁必定会死在他这等强者手中,这是蝼蚁的宿命。 Butterfly flies the sea, the fly wasp shakes not but actually Great Tree. The praying mantis arm cannot block the wheel, the ants cannot stand off Expert! 蝴蝶飞不过沧海,蚍蜉撼不倒大树。螳臂挡不住车轮,蝼蚁敌不过强者 It looks like in Wan Changkong, Ning Fan knew perfectly well that does not beat must fight a decisive battle until death, is very stupid behavior. 万长空看来,宁凡明知不敌还要决战至死,是十分愚蠢的行为。 Therefore he decided that step by step oppressive dead Ning Fan, looked Ning Fan gradually gives up hoping, finally the desperate expression, that will make him feel joyful. 所以他决定一步步虐死宁凡,看宁凡渐渐放弃希望、最终绝望的表情,那会让他感到快乐。 Hehe, Ancestor Bamboo Tree Spirit, you killed him, but remembers that wants a little bit/bit by bit to kill him, whatever happens/10 million should not be too quick, did that not have the meaning.” 呵呵,祖竹树灵啊,你去杀了他吧,不过记得要一点点杀死他,千万不要太快,那样就没意思了。” Wan Changkong rouses refers to the silver wire, orders, has Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer Ancestor Bamboo Tree Demon fiercely the serious step, wields tens of thousands of demon arms. 万长空勾动指间银线,一声令下,有着碎虚三重天祖竹树魔猛地出沉重的步伐,挥动数以万计的魔臂。 split second, Ning Fan above the vast sky in all directions, disrupts to count the 100,000 giant Void Space crack suddenly. 一瞬间,宁凡四面八方的长空之上,骤然碎裂出数十万个巨大的虚空裂缝。 At the same time, in all Void Space cracks falls the giant meteorite that respectively the next azure fires soar! 同一时间,所有的虚空裂缝之中各自坠下一颗颗青火腾空的巨大陨石! Counts the 100,000 meteorite towards Ning Fan overhead to pound to fall, that terrifying power and influence, easily extinguishes sufficiently kills under Void Fragmentation all cultivator! 十万陨石朝宁凡当头砸落,那恐怖的威势,足以轻易灭杀碎虚之下一切修士 Your as if under stingy, this child must die under this technique...” “你似乎下手狠了些,此子必死于此术之下...” Wan Changkong sneers, the heart said that under Ning Fan must die of Tree Spirit strikes. 万长空冷笑一声,心道宁凡必死于树灵一击之下。 But his words just fell, suddenly gaze sinks, at once the expression is ugly. 但他话语刚落,忽然目光一沉,旋即表情难看之极。 Counts the 100,000 meteorite to crash one after another, will count the Bamboo Realm trees in million li to burn down, Sea of Fire day after day, the land was pounded each and every single (person) huge tunnel, is broken, sores all over the eye! 十万陨石相继坠落,将数百万里内的竹界树木焚烧一空,火海连天,大地被砸出一个个巨坑,山河破碎,满目疮痍! Attack center of Ning Fan at this technique, but has not actually died under this technique! 宁凡处在此术的攻击中心,但却并未死在此术之下! Everywhere meteorite bang falls, in Ning Fan eye cold light flickers! 漫天陨石轰落,宁凡眼中寒芒闪烁 He does not know that Wan Changkong and the others had what plan, but opposite party , to kill him, he is impossible to resign oneself to extinction! 他不知万长空等人有何谋划,只是对方若想杀他,他绝不可能束手待毙的! He does not need to know the enemy to have what scheme, he only need know that the opposite party is an enemy, this then foot! 他不需要知晓敌人有何图谋,他只需知道对方是敌人,这便足矣! Ning Fan shakes Cauldron Furnace Ring suddenly, the side pink light flashes, immediately goes out of a pink attire female. 宁凡猛然一抖鼎炉环,身旁粉光一闪,立刻走出一个粉衣女子。 But Ning Fan tells immediately, Rou'er, chops these meteorites!” 宁凡则立刻吩咐道,“柔儿,砍碎这些陨石!” The pink attire female just left Cauldron Furnace Ring, has not quarrelled with Ning Fan with enough time several mouths, then hears a Ning Fan order. 粉衣女子刚刚离开鼎炉环,还未来得及跟宁凡吵几句嘴,便听到宁凡一句命令。 Sees outside world to be at very in the terrifying Magic Technique offensive again unexpectedly, everywhere is the meteorite attack, the pink attire female only thinks scalp feeling numb. 再一见外界竟处在十分恐怖法术攻势之中,漫天都是陨石攻击,粉衣女子只觉头皮发麻 She without delay, raises Wisteria Sword instantly, cuts to fall ten everywhere meteorite 78! 她二话不说,即刻扬起紫藤剑,将漫天陨石斩落十之七八! She, indeed taught Teng Xianrou of the women health/guard in Dual Cauldron World! 她,正是鼎炉界教导诸女卫的藤纤柔 Sees Teng Xianrou to help Ning Fan contend with Tree Demon unexpectedly, Wan Changkong immediately a anger, 一见藤纤柔竟然助宁凡抗衡树魔,万长空登时一怒, Teng Xianrou! You are my Vine Palace Wisteria Palace Palace Master , helping other people contend with Old Man unexpectedly, tired of living! Depending on your trivial 1st Fragment cultivation base, dares with Old Man for enemy, courts death simply!” 藤纤柔!你乃我藤殿紫藤宫宫主,竟助外人抗衡老夫,活腻了吗!凭你区区碎一修为,竟敢与老夫为敌,简直是找死!” Teng Xianrou wants to cry but have no tears! 藤纤柔欲哭无泪! Her Divine Sense sweeps, then the discovery not only has 3rd Fragment Tree Demon to launch the meteorite attack at present, has Wan Changkong Murderous Qi to lie in wait from all sides steaming! 神念一扫,便发现眼前不仅有碎三树魔发动陨石攻击,更有万长空杀气腾腾地环伺! Lu Bei! Actually you made the big trouble! Wan Changkong 1st Fragment Dividing Spirit, Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer Tree Demon, the oh? distant place also 1st Fragment cultivator aura, the Primordial Peak aura... retreats together, enemy too many, even if you are fierce, in addition I help, is not the opponent of this group of people! The opposite party have Wan Changkong. Cannot annoy!” 陆北!你究竟惹了多大的麻烦!一具万长空碎一分神,一具碎虚三重天树魔,嗯?远处还有一道碎一修士的气息,一道归元无敌的气息...撤退吧,敌人太多,就算你再厉害,再加上我帮忙,也不是这群人的对手!对方有万长空在。不能惹!” Teng Xianrou said ill-humoredly. 藤纤柔没好气地言道。 Any woman, the previous moment still drinks tea in Dual Cauldron World leisurely and carefree, the moment was latter summoned to contend with the mighty force suddenly, will not have the good mood... 任何一个女人,前一刻还在鼎炉界悠闲喝茶,后一刻便被突然召出来抗衡千军万马,都不会有好心情的... Although she pledged allegiance to Ning Fan, although guessed in secret Ning Fan is Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer Old Monster, actually by no means thinks that Ning Fan can compete with the present many Powerful enemies Wan Changkong! 她虽然归顺了宁凡,虽然暗中猜测宁凡是一名碎虚三重天老怪,却并不认为宁凡能敌得过眼前的诸多强敌-万长空 The present many powerful enemies, most make the Teng Xianrou wariness person, not at present 3rd Fragmentation Realm Tree Demon, but is Wan Changkong... 眼前的诸多强敌,最令藤纤柔忌惮的人,并非眼前碎三境界树魔,而是万长空... She does not know where here is, does not know the slaughter bamboo plan of Vine Sovereign. Why does not know Ning Fan to be able with Wan Changkong and on the Tree Demon bar. 她不知道这里是哪里,不知道藤皇的屠竹计划。不知道宁凡为何会和万长空树魔杠上。 She does not know that was actually Wan Changkong to come many Dividing Spirit, this was her most issue of concern. 她更加不知道的,是万长空究竟来了多少分神,这才是她最最关心的问题。 She did not calculate in the Vine Palace dull time short, fully realized fierce of Wan Changkong. 她在藤殿呆的时间不算短了,深知万长空的厉害。 She had once personally seen Wan Changkong 12 Dividing Spirit simultaneously appear, can fight with Vine Sovereign does not drop the wind. 她曾亲眼见过万长空12具分神齐出,能和藤皇一战不落下风。 Sees in the enemy to have Wan Changkong, but oneself just entered the stage all carries off the hatred of Wan Changkong, in the Teng Xianrou heart the big feeling is not wonderful, only wants to flee the battlefield quickly, where has least bit War Intent... 一见敌人里面有万长空,而自己刚一出场就把万长空的仇恨全部拉走,藤纤柔心中大感不妙,只想赶快逃离战场,哪有半点战意... Escapes? Escaping is not the best plan...” Ning Fan brow tight wrinkle. At this moment, in the sound transmission sound jade tablet in its storage pouch, often spreads Fusang Clan the sound of praying for rescue. “逃?逃跑并非上策...”宁凡眉头紧皱。此刻,其储物袋中的传音音圭之内,不时传出扶桑一族的求救之声。 Fusang Clan in Jishui City, wrong non- Ji Shui had/left the big accident. Tang Xiong and the others are impossible to spread prays for rescue sound transmission... 扶桑一族姬水城,错非姬水出了大变故。汤雄等人不可能传出求救传音... sound transmission of Fusang Clan few words, is unable to describe clearly the entire matter. 扶桑一族只言片语的传音,无法将整个事情描摹清楚。 But before relates has Vine Sovereign, hastily leaves the Bamboo Realm action, Ning Fan can believe firmly, in Eastern Tree Sea had/left the huge accident inevitably! 但联想起藤皇之前匆匆离开竹界的举动,宁凡可以确信,东树海中必然出了天大变故! outside world. In Jishui City, the unprecedented catastrophe arrives! 外界姬水城中,正有一场前所未有的浩劫降临! Flees outside world, was still the hopeless situation. Might as well extinguishes completely the enemy invader in this place, does to haggle over again! 逃离外界,仍是绝境。还不如在此地灭尽敌寇,再作计较! Do not fear, you block 3rd Fragment Tree Demon then, I extinguish kill Wan Changkong Dividing Spirit! Although this person gives me very dangerous feeling, but its Dividing Spirit only then, not necessarily may not cut to kill!” Ning Fan fist bang broken several meteorites, is comforting Teng Xianrou. “不要怕,你去挡住碎三树魔即可,我去灭杀万长空分神!此人虽给我十分危险的感觉,但其分神只有一具,未必不可斩杀!”宁凡一面一拳轰碎几颗陨石,一面安慰着藤纤柔 Although to Teng Xianrou, words comfort of Ning Fan and that's the end. 虽然对藤纤柔而言,宁凡的话并未安慰就是了。 One hear of Ning Fan words, Teng Xianrou only thought that was bigger. 一听宁凡的话语,藤纤柔只觉得头更大了。 What? What nonsense is he speaking? Let the 1st Fragment girl who this lacks the strength to truss up a chicken hit 3rd Fragment Tree Demon? Was he insane? 什么?他在说什么胡话?让她这手无缚鸡之力的碎一小女子去打碎三树魔?他是不是疯了? She does not dare to hit with Wan Changkong Dividing Spirit, because she fears Wan Changkong ominous name. 她不敢跟万长空分神打,因为她惧怕万长空凶名 She does not certainly dare to hit with 3rd Fragment Tree Demon, 1st Fragment may be big with the 3rd Fragment disparity, she is not the heaven's chosen character who that type can exceed(ing) level kill the enemy... 她当然也不敢跟碎三树魔打,碎一碎三的差距可不小,她又不是那种能越级杀敌的天骄人物... Although she is Void Fragmentation Old Monster, but is only 1st Heavenly Layer cultivation base, places Wan Changkong and in front of 3rd Fragment Tree Demon this Rank Expert, insufficiently looks radically! 她虽然是个碎虚老怪,但只是一重天修为,放在万长空碎三树魔这种级别强者面前,根本不够看啊! He makes her do not fear how she can not fear! 他让她不要怕,她怎么能不怕! relax, I will make them help you, contends with Ancestor Bamboo Tree Demon together! Fire Executor, Purple Electricity, Hu Feng (calling wind), Qing Shuang (azure frost), Shan Beng (mountain collapse), presently!” 放心,我会让它们帮你,共同抗衡祖竹树魔执火,紫电,呼风,青霜,山崩,现!” Ning Fan pats storage pouch fiercely, offers a sacrifice to five clay figurine puppet. 宁凡猛地一拍储物袋,祭起五个泥人玩偶。 Five Clay Idol are against the wind long, changes to the scarlet, purple, green, azure, yellow five ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) giant in the wink of an eye! 五个泥偶迎风而长,瞬息之间化作赤、紫、绿、青、黄五个万丈巨人! These five ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) giants, all are 1st Fragment cultivation base Heavenly Tribulation Puppet. Teng Xianrou helps Ning Fan seize these Puppet personally, has seen one time, see again/goodbye these five Puppet, pouring without/has not many are surprised. 这五个万丈巨人,皆是碎一修为天劫傀儡藤纤柔亲手帮宁凡擒下这些傀儡,已经见过一次,再见这五具傀儡,倒没有多少惊讶。 But in the eye of Wan Changkong actually flashes through color of the shock. 万长空的眼中却闪过一丝震惊之色。 Heavenly Tribulation Puppet... unexpectedly is 1st Fragmentation Realm Heavenly Tribulation Puppet!!!” 天劫傀儡...竟然是碎一境界天劫傀儡!!!” The color of that shock changes instantaneously greedily, although he also has Void Fragmentation cultivation base Living Puppet, but in dead puppet actually not Void Fragmentation Puppet. 那震惊之色瞬间化作贪婪,他虽也有碎虚修为生傀,但死傀之中却并无碎虚傀儡 He can depend on Dao Wang Secret Technique refining Void Fragmentation Living Puppet, Puppet Technique actually was still insufficient refining true Void Fragmentation dead puppet. 他可以凭悼亡秘术炼制碎虚生傀,本身的傀儡术却仍不足以炼制真正的碎虚死傀。 Wan Changkong without/has not pondered how Ning Fan obtains these Heavenly Tribulation Puppet, he at this moment only then a plan, killed Ning Fan, seizes Puppet! 万长空没有细想宁凡如何得到这些天劫傀儡,他此刻只有一个打算,杀了宁凡,夺走傀儡 Mourns the technique, Living Puppet!” “悼术,生傀!” His big hand wields, the innumerable silver wires appear baseless, curls toward five Heavenly Tribulation Puppet. 他大手一挥,无数银线凭空浮现,朝五具天劫傀儡卷去。 The technique of his Living Puppet not only may refine the living person and deceased person is Living Puppet, may easily win others 's Puppet! 他的生傀之术不但可将活人、死人炼为生傀,更可轻易夺走他人的傀儡 This technique goes smoothly everywhere, Wan Changkong the Dividing Spirit has 1st Fragmentation Realm cultivation base, has complete assurance direct subdue/uniform five Puppet self-confidently. 此术无往不利,万长空的这具分神拥有碎一境界修为,自信有十成把握直接制服五具傀儡 But the silver wire pricks these Puppet split second, five Puppet Black Crescent Moon simultaneously glitter. 但银线刺入这些傀儡一瞬间,五具傀儡身上的黑色月牙齐齐闪烁起来。 split second, as long as pricks five puppet the silver wires, was burnt flying ash dissipate! by the Black Moon mark completely 一瞬间,但凡刺入五傀的银线,全部被黑月印记焚成飞灰消散! That is! That is!” When seeing Black Moon marks of these twinkles, Wan Changkong always first time has the frightened and scared feeling from heart! “那是!那是!”在看到那些闪烁的黑月印记之时,万长空平生第一次发自心底地生出恐惧、胆寒的感觉! When his youngster, once was natural talent mediocre Puppet Master. Because if not swallows a treasure by mistake, accidentally awakens Dao Wang Demon Veins, and obtains several Secret Technique Inheritance of Dao Wang clans, he meets first to get down surely mediocrely. Is impossible to have now the name of Puppet Sovereign! 他少年之时,曾是一个资质平庸的傀儡师。若非因为误吞一宝,偶然觉醒出悼亡魔脉,并获得几种悼亡族的秘术传承,他定会一世平庸下去。绝不可能有如今傀皇之名! In Dao Wang Inheritance that he obtains, once had raised the fearfulness of this Black Moon! 他获得的悼亡传承中,曾提过这黑月的可怕! This Black Moon Divine Ability, is Dao Wang Clan highest Secret Technique, only has Secret Technique that a Northern Heaven Ancestral Emperor talent can use! 黑月神通,是悼亡一族的最高秘术,是唯有北天祖帝一人才会使用的秘术 The Dao Wang clan is fierce, lies in technique of Living Puppet and other Secret Technique the great strength, may enemy puppet, receive for oneself uses. 悼亡族之所以厉害,在于生傀之术等秘术的强大,可将敌人傀化,收为己用。 But regardless of Dao Wang clansman Puppet Technique is fierce, must be suppressed by Northern Heaven Ancestral Emperor! 但无论悼亡族人傀儡术有多么厉害,都要受到北天祖帝的压制! Northern Heaven Ancestral Emperor has type Divine Ability, takes Black Moon as seal, may make hundred million Puppet submit to! 北天祖帝有一式神通,以黑月为印,可令亿界傀儡臣服! Fierce Puppet Master. To Northern Heaven Ancestral Emperor, only then suffers a defeat and flees a way! 再厉害的傀儡师。对上北天祖帝,都只有败亡一途! In Inheritance that Wan Changkong obtains, is spreading a few words! 万长空获得的传承之中,流传着一句话! Dao Wang puppet technique, the world does not have unseal!, if meets Black Moon, counter then Extinguish! 悼亡傀术,天下无解!若逢黑月,逆之则灭! Wan Changkong does not know that Black Moon Divine Ability specifically refers to what Divine Ability. 万长空不知黑月神通具体指的是什么神通 But at this moment, he saw Black Moon above five Puppet, cannot live unexpectedly with the courage that Ning Fan fights! 但这一刻,他看到了五具傀儡之上的黑月,竟根本生不起与宁凡一战的勇气! He only felt Puppet Great Dao that own life cultivates, must collapse in that black moonlight! 他只觉得自己一生所修的傀儡大道,都要崩溃在那黑色的月光中! His Dao Wang Demon Veins, the blood of his Puppet. His all, as if let ruin under that Black Crescent Moon! 他的悼亡魔脉,他的傀儡之血。他一切的一切,仿佛都让葬送在那黑色月牙之下! His Dividing Spirit also comes according to Dao Wang clan Secret Technique sacrificial refining, this Dividing Spirit, nearly collapses in the Black Moon light directly! 他的分神也是按照悼亡秘术祭炼而来,这具分神,险些在黑色月光中直接崩溃! Too dangerous! This Black Crescent Moon is extremely dangerous! To Wan Changkong. Simply is difficult adversary general exist(ence)! 太危险!这黑色月牙太过危险!对万长空而言。简直是克星一般的存在 At this moment, Wan Changkong does not dare to encounter with five Puppet rashly! 这一刻,万长空不敢轻率地与五具傀儡交锋! At this moment, even Ning Fan is only Supreme Void cultivator, Wan Changkong thought that Ning Fan is more dangerous than 3rd Fragmentation Realm Tree Demon! 这一刻,即便宁凡只是一名太虚修士,万长空却觉得宁凡碎三境界树魔都危险! All only because of he biggest taking advantage are Puppet Technique. But its Puppet Technique in front of that Black Moon, seems is not worth a red cent general! 一切只因他平生最大的依仗便是傀儡术。而其傀儡术在那黑月面前,好似一文不值一般! Wan Changkong pats storage pouch fiercely, offers a sacrifice to Golden jade slip. 万长空猛地一拍储物袋,祭出一个金色玉简 In that jade slip recorded type Void Fragmentation 6th Heavenly Layer the technique of Seal. Is Vine Sovereign to win over him, bestows to the thing of his life saving! 玉简之中记录了一式碎虚六重天封印之术。是藤皇为了拉拢他,赠送给他的保命之物! So Rank the technique of Seal, is Seal Bamboo Sovereign Rank Expert, can Seal many date and time! 如此级别封印之术,便是封印竹皇级别强者,都能封印不少时日了! At this moment, Wan Changkong without/has not any hesitant, directly used the thing of this life saving, one according to broken Golden jade slip! 这一刻,万长空没有任何犹豫,直接使用了这个保命之物,一把按碎金色玉简 Sleepy!” “困!” Golden jade slip shatter split second, above the land presents huge Golden vortex suddenly, the golden light shining world, affects the Bamboo Realm land 10 million li range!! 金色玉简破碎的一瞬间,大地之上忽然出现一个巨大的金色漩涡,金光耀世,波及竹界大地千万里范围!! That vortex has a greatest suction, inhales in Ning Fan, five puppet and Teng Xianrou vortex completely! 漩涡生出一股莫大的吸力,将宁凡、五傀、藤纤柔全部吸入漩涡之中! All cultivator in that suction Seal Bamboo Realm, 3rd Fragment Tree Demon was even inhaled in vortex without distinction. 那吸力无差别地封印竹界之内的一切修士,连碎三树魔都被吸入漩涡之中。 Bai Li King, Zhu Hong and other cultivator Living Puppet, were also inhaled in vortex completely! 百黎王祝洪等诸多修士生傀,亦全部被吸入漩涡之中! In entire Bamboo Realm, will then only remain Wan Changkong person of An Ran (safely) to be well shortly. 整个竹界之中,顷刻间便只剩万长空一人安然无恙。 He is use technique, cannot by vortex Seal. 他乃施术者,不会被漩涡封印 But all was inhaled the person of Golden vortex, entered in Magic Technique Space by Seal temporarily. 而所有被吸入金色漩涡之人,都被暂时封印法术空间之内了。 After Seal Ning Fan, Wan Changkong detected, oneself whole body had dripped wet by the cold sweat. 封印宁凡之后,万长空才发觉,自己全身都已被冷汗淋湿。 He does not fear Ning Fan, his most wariness merely is that Black Crescent Moon Divine Ability... 他并非惧怕宁凡,他最忌惮的仅仅是那个黑色月牙神通... Ning Fan and the others Seal, Wan Changkong is looking at Bamboo Realm of nobody left all, gradually calm mind. 宁凡等人尽数封印,万长空望着空无一人的竹界,渐渐镇定心神 That Black Moon Divine Ability gives my feeling to be extremely dangerous, therefore Old Man can only offer this bad plan, Lu Bei and the others for the time being Seal... the upfront and this child to, will perhaps have the danger!” “那黑月神通给我的感觉太过危险,故而老夫只能出此下策,将陆北等人姑且封印...正面与此子对上,恐怕会有危险啊!” Seal Lu Bei, definitely has this necessity! If meets Black Moon, counter extinguishes, Old Man has Dao Wang Demon Veins, what perhaps inborn by that Black Moon restraint... trouble is, Bai Li King, Zhu Hong and the others similarly by Old Man Seal... they, but this unseal Nie Li Ferocious Beast key man, was short of them, decoding Grand Formation is more difficult...” 封印陆北,绝对有这个必要!‘若逢黑月,逆之则灭’,老夫身怀悼亡魔脉,恐怕天生就被那黑月克制...不过麻烦的是,百黎王祝洪等人同样被老夫封印...他们可是此次解封孽离凶兽的关键人物,少了他们,破解大阵就要困难许多...” forget it/that's all, fortunately on Old Man also many Living Puppet , some High Level Formation Master and Alchemist, hope to depend on their strengths, unseal Ferocious Beast Nie Li...” 罢了,幸而老夫手上还有不少生傀,其中也有一些高阶阵法师炼丹师,但愿能凭他们的力量,解封凶兽孽离...” While Lu Bei by Seal, Old Man then in Bamboo Realm unseal Nie Li. In this place Seal four Nie Li, lowest cultivation base is Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer Ferocious Beast, highest cultivation base is Void Fragmentation 5th Heavenly Layer Ferocious Beast..., if unseal four Nie Li, Lu Bei Black Moon Divine Ability is even if fearful, Old Man does not fear! At the appointed time, Old Man may borrow the strength of four Ferocious Beast, extinguishes kills Lu Bei, evades the confrontation with this child!” “趁陆北封印,老夫便在竹界解封孽离。此地封印的四头孽离之中,最低修为者是碎虚三重天凶兽,最高修为者是碎虚五重天凶兽...若解封四头孽离,纵然陆北黑月神通再可怕,老夫也不惧!届时,老夫可借四头凶兽之力,灭杀陆北,避过与此子的交锋!” „The technique of except strange Black Moon, trivial Lu Bei is not worth mentioning!” 除却诡异的黑月之术,区区陆北根本不值一提!” The Wan Changkong escaping light flashes continually, escapes to Golden bamboo mountain, pats the Puppet bag, emits more than 50 Divine Transformation and Void Refinement cultivation base Living Puppet. 万长空遁光连闪,遁至金色竹山,一拍傀儡袋,放出五十多化神炼虚修为生傀 In these Living Puppet, the part is formation Grandmaster, other has 2 Six Revolutions Alchemist, 18 Five Revolutions Alchemist. 这些生傀之中,有一部分是阵法宗师,余下的则有二名六转丹师,18名五转丹师 Old Man made you spare nothing, broke open here Grand Formation, if could not accomplish, Old Man some were the means makes you be in deep sorrow!” 老夫令你们不惜一切代价,破开此处大阵,若办不到,老夫有的是办法让你们痛不欲生!” Wan Changkong threatens to say to this batch of Living Puppet ruthlessly. 万长空对这批生傀狠狠威胁道。 ... ... In Golden World, Ning Fan gaze sinks. 金色世界之中,宁凡目光一沉。 He was stranded in this Golden World unexpectedly... 他竟被困在这处金色世界之内了... Then side, also Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer Ancestor Bamboo Tree Demon lies in wait from all sides. 身旁,则还有碎虚三重天祖竹树魔环伺。 Roar! 吼! After demonic roar, Tree Demon seems goes crazy general, towards Ning Fan and the others raided... (To be continued...) 一声魔吼之后,树魔好似发狂一般,朝宁凡等人袭来...(未完待续。。)
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