GE :: Volume #6

#593: Dao Wang Demon Veins!

Vine Sovereign this time troops who leads into Eastern Tree Sea, is elite. 藤皇此次带入东树海的人马,皆是精锐。 In his hand Void Glimpse cultivation base Puppet altogether has thousand, is Wan Changkong refining. 其手中窥虚修为傀儡共有千具之多,皆是万长空炼制 About 50 Vine Palace Void Refinement Puppet Master are controlling thousand Puppet, at this moment is coordinating Muye Country whatever happens/10 million Living Puppet cultivator, conquers by killing Muye! 近50名藤殿炼虚傀儡师驾驭着千具傀儡,此刻正配合着牧野国千万生傀修士,血洗牧野 This is a catastrophe, one subverts the entire Eastern Tree Sea catastrophe sufficiently! 这是一场浩劫,一场足以颠覆整个东树海的浩劫! But his oneself brings six Void Fragmentation Subordinate, and Wan Changkong 11 Void Fragmentation Dividing Spirit, rush to Ji Shui personally, takes the Bamboo Sovereign life! 而他本人则带着六名碎虚属下,及万长空的11个碎虚分神,亲自奔赴姬水,来取竹皇性命! The Muye Country chaos, Bamboo Palace cultivator does not die a violent death, has changed to Living Puppet, the becoming Vine Palace accomplice. 牧野国大乱,竹殿修士不是死于非命,就是已化作生傀,成为藤殿的帮凶。 At this moment, Void Fragmentation Expert that Bamboo Sovereign can transfer, only remains three people: Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer Great Elder, Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer Fifth Elder and Seventh Elder. 此刻,竹皇能够调动的碎虚强者,只剩三人:碎虚三重天大长老,碎虚一重天五长老七长老 This is cuts to kill Bamboo Sovereign and destruction Bamboo Palace best time, for this time, the Vine Sovereign pains planned of 10,000 years! 此乃斩杀竹皇、覆灭竹殿的最好时机,为了这一时机,藤皇苦心谋划了万年之久! Kills!” “杀!” As Vine Sovereign orders, its behind six Void Fragmentation Old Monster all are killing intent appears, the escaping light flashes, divides to make two groups, starts toward Bamboo Palace Fifth Elder besieges! 随着藤皇一声令下,其身后六名碎虚老怪皆是杀机浮现,遁光一闪,分作两路,朝竹殿五长老发动围攻! In these six Vine Palace Void Fragmentation Old Monster, Bao Kuo (including) once chased down Ning Fan Big Head Void Fragmentation and Tree Monster Void Fragmentation. 这六名藤殿碎虚老怪之中,包括了曾追杀宁凡大头碎虚树妖碎虚 In six Vine Palace Void Fragmentation, Void Fragmentation 2nd Heavenly Layer Expert, other all are Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer! 六名藤殿碎虚之中,有一名碎虚二重天强者,其他则俱是碎虚一重天 Six Void Fragmentation 1st-2nd Heavenly Layer Old Monster, besieges trivial 1st Heavenly Layer Fifth Elder, its fate needless saying that cannot be too long, must be possible to cut to kill Fifth Elder, breaks Bamboo Sovereign one to help! 六名碎虚一、二重天老怪,围攻区区一重天五长老,其下场自不必说,不需太久,必可将五长老斩杀,断竹皇一个臂助! Fifth Elder is careful!” 五长老小心!” Great Elder and Seventh Elder see Fifth Elder to be besieged, is over the face startled anger, is take action to rescue. 大长老七长老五长老被围攻,皆是满面惊怒,意欲出手援救。 Then at this time, Wan Changkong 11 Void Fragmentation Dividing Spirit sneered densely, surrounded Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer Great Elder. 便在这时,万长空的11具碎虚分神森森冷笑一声,将碎虚三重天大长老围住。 At the same time. Has degenerated into Living Puppet Second Elder, Third Elder and Fourth Elder simultaneously take action, surrounded Seventh Elder. 同一时间。已沦为生傀二长老三长老四长老齐齐出手,围住了七长老 Why your three people must revolt Bamboo Palace! To a Old Man reason!” “你三人为何要叛竹殿!给老夫一个理由!” Seventh Elder is filled with righteous indignation, looks angrily at three Void Fragmentation Elder that betrays Bamboo Palace. 七长老义愤填膺,怒视三名背叛竹殿碎虚长老 His by no means knowledge, these three Elder have degenerated into Wan Changkong Living Puppet, wields a sword to the person on one's own side. Involuntary nothing more. 并不知,这三名长老早已沦为万长空生傀,对自己人挥剑。只是身不由己而已 Three Living Puppet Void Fragmentation will not pay attention to the Seventh Elder anger, type Magic Technique brutally hits indifferently toward Seventh Elder. 三名生傀碎虚自不会理会七长老的愤怒,一式式法术冷漠无情地朝七长老打去。 In three Living Puppet Elder, Third Elder and Fourth Elder are 1st Fragmentation Realm, Second Elder are 2nd Fragment cultivator. 三名生傀长老之中,三长老四长老碎一境界,二长老则是一名碎二修士 Three people with joint forces, extinguishing kill Seventh Elder are only the time issue... 三人合力,灭杀七长老只是时间问题... Hateful! Three Void Fragmentation Elder revolting palaces, innumerable Eastern Tree Sea cultivator go crazy... Wan Changkong! Old Man asked you! all of these is you are creating difficulties! Before 10,000 years . You enter my Eastern Tree Sea to slaughter innumerably, after 10,000 years, you also dare to conspire to my Bamboo Palace! If Old Man does not kill you, vowing is not the person!” “可恨!三位碎虚长老叛殿,无数东树海修士发狂...万长空老夫问你!这一切可是你在从中作梗!万年之前。你入我东树海杀戮无数,万年之后,你还敢对我竹殿图谋不轨!老夫若不杀你,誓不为人!” Great Elder angrily roars, the big hand grasps, the innumerable strong winds between Heaven and Earth change to 11 deep azure Giant Dragon of wind suddenly. towards Wan Changkong 11 Dividing Spirit hit. 大长老怒吼一声,大手一抓,天地间的无数狂风骤然化作11头深青色的风之巨龙。朝万长空11具分神撞去。 11 silver-haired old man all disdain looks at Wind Dragon, above ten fingers every people are twining innumerably thin , if no silver wire of thing. 11名银发老者皆是不屑地看着风龙,每一人的十指之上都缠绕着无数细若无物的银线。 All silver-haired old men the activates silver wire, these silver wires seem are as fast as lightning simultaneously will pass through the expansive sky generally shortly, pricks all Wind Dragon within the body. 所有银发老者同时催动银线,那些银线好似掣电一般顷刻贯穿长空,刺入所有风龙体内。 11 Wind Dragon all exude the sound of miserable shouting, the next instance, gaze blood-red, had all been controlled by Wan Changkong. 11头风龙俱都发出惨呼之声,下一个瞬间,全都目光血红,已被万长空操控。 As the silver wire urges. All Wind Dragon rewind to return, raids toward the Great Elder treachery! 随着银线一催。所有风龙倒卷而回,朝大长老倒戈袭来! Leader Giant Dragon blasts open dragon body, changes the azure storm that shoots up to the sky, mixes with trillion wind blade to attack, submerges Great Elder in the strong winds! 一头头巨龙炸裂龙身,化作冲天而起的青色风暴,夹杂着亿万道风刃攻击,将大长老淹没在狂风之中! Scoff! Scoff! Scoff! 嗤!嗤!嗤! Magic Technique backlash, wind blade shears the body, only shortly, Great Elder cut and bruised. 法术反噬,风刃割体,只顷刻之间,大长老已遍体鳞伤。 He stands in the strong winds, takes out a valuable streamer, swings fiercely. Valuable streamer azure light presently, everywhere wind blade diverges greatly instantly. 他立在狂风之中,取出一个宝幡,猛地一摇。宝幡青光大现,漫天风刃即刻散去。 Then, the Great Elder startled anger is looking at 11 silver-haired old men, brings extremely deep wariness... 而后,大长老惊怒之极地望着11名银发老者,带着极深的忌惮... Wan Changkong not only made its Magic Technique backlash one's body, hid the innumerable silver wires in backlash Wind Dragon. 万长空不但令其法术反噬己身,更在反噬风龙中藏了无数银线。 These silver wires prick in the Great Elder dantian along with wind blade. The direct bang breaks to pieces him to protect Nascent Divinity Profound God Treasure Armor, making his dantian strength of Nascent Divinity lose 10% shortly... 那些银线随风刃刺入大长老丹田之内。直接轰碎他守护元神神玄宝甲,令他丹田内的元神之力顷刻损失了10%之多... That instance, heart of Great Elder within grows the feeling of unprecedented Life and Death crisis, used damaged Secret Technique, extinguished completely the silver wire in within the body... 那一个瞬间,大长老的心中生起前所未有的生死危机之感,动用了自损秘术,才将体内的银线全部灭去... If his take action is slower, perhaps entire Nascent Divinity had been extinguished... that was close by Wan Changkong! 若他出手慢一些,恐怕整个元神都已被万长空灭去...好险 Troubling... this Wan Changkong Divine Ability was extremely astonishing, but Old Man Nascent Divinity has injured, perhaps is not his opponent ah... “麻烦了...这万长空神通太过惊人,而老夫元神已伤,恐怕不是他的对手啊... Great Elder, Fifth Elder and Seventh Elder all fall into the crisis, if nobody rescues, is difficult to guarantee Undying/not dead. 大长老五长老七长老全部陷入危局之中,若无人救,难保不死 The Bamboo Sovereign fist grips tightly, wishes one could to leave to rescue three Elder, does not have manifestation to rescue. 竹皇拳头紧握,恨不能抽身去救三名长老,却无法相救。 Before his body not far away, coldly is setting up Vine Sovereign, is confronting with him. 他身前不远处,冷冷立着藤皇,正与他对峙。 If his Clone rescues three Elder, Vine Sovereign will hold opportunity immediately, sneak attacks from side in him... 若他分身去救三名长老,藤皇立刻会抓住机会,从旁偷袭于他... To rescue three Elder, only one means that in extinguishes to watch for nearby Vine Sovereign extremely in a short time, but this idea is not extremely realistic. 想要救三名长老,唯一一个办法,就是在极短时间内灭去窥伺一旁的藤皇,但这个想法太过不现实。 But when even most flourishing Bamboo Sovereign, the strength still can only with Vine Sovereign impartial nothing more, who unable to exceed anyone. 但就算是全盛之时的竹皇,实力也只能和藤皇持平而已,谁也无法胜过谁。 And now Bamboo Sovereign by three Living Puppet Elder sneak attacks, the body had been lost heavy injury, if battles with Vine Sovereign, the odds of success is extremely low, is not only not possible to cut to kill Vine Sovereign, will drop the wind on the contrary, has by the possibility that Vine Sovereign instead kills... 且如今竹皇已被三名生傀长老偷袭,身上负了不轻的伤势,若与藤皇交战,胜算极低,非但不可能斩杀藤皇,反倒会落下风,有被藤皇反杀的可能... Vine Sovereign! Destruction my Bamboo Palace, but is weakening the Tree World strength, has what advantage in your Vine Palace! can it be you think such as Rain World like that this solitary one sovereign Tyrant boundary/world, a strength actually weak pitiful! If you evacuate Eastern Tree Sea, gives my Bamboo Palace way out, this Sovereign may accept your any condition! Put this Sovereign three Elder, they are loyal to this Sovereign wholeheartedly, damn here!” 藤皇!覆灭我竹殿,只是在削弱树界实力,于你藤殿有何好处!难道你想如雨界那般,孤皇霸界,一界实力却弱的可怜么!若你就此撤离东树海,放我竹殿一条生路,本皇可答应你任何条件!放了本皇三名长老,他们一心忠于本皇,不该死在这里!” „...” “...” Listened to the Bamboo Sovereign expression, Vine Sovereign to hear any laughable matter, but belittled to smile, actually did not talk too much. 听了竹皇的言辞,藤皇似听到什么可笑的事情,只是蔑笑不已,却不多言。 He did not negotiate with Bamboo Sovereign , not initiative take action cut to kill Bamboo Sovereign. 他不与竹皇交涉,亦不主动出手斩杀竹皇 Although present Bamboo Sovereign is injured, but was still a Fierce Tiger head, Yu Wei, at this moment, still has not cut to kill the Bamboo Sovereign best time! 现在的竹皇虽然受伤,但仍是猛虎一头,余威犹在,此时此刻,还不是斩杀竹皇的最佳时机! Vine Sovereign, waited for Wan Changkong and the others one by one to cut to kill Bamboo Palace final three Void Fragmentation Elder, mental state of chaotic Bamboo Sovereign! 藤皇在等,等万长空等人一一斩杀竹殿最后三名碎虚长老,乱竹皇心境 Vine Sovereign, waited for Wan Changkong 12 th Dividing Spirit unseal four Ferocious Beast Nie Li, cuts to kill Bamboo Sovereign with Tree Spirit and Nie Li together! 藤皇在等,等万长空第12具分神解封四头凶兽孽离,携树灵孽离共同斩杀竹皇 His anything does not do, merely is a waiting. At the same time observes closely Bamboo Sovereign. As long as Bamboo Sovereign any action, he can the take action attack! 他什么也不做,仅仅是一面等待。一面盯住竹皇。但凡竹皇又任何举动,他都会出手攻击! Time a little bit/bit by bit in the past, in Muye Country the disorder happened repeatedly, in Jishui City die cultivator were getting more and more, even city below Ji Shui was been incarnadine by the corpse blood. 时间一点点过去,牧野国中乱象迭起,姬水城陨落修士越来越多,连城池下方的姬水都被尸血染红。 Great Elder and Wan Changkong fighting method. Falls more and more leeward, injury already very serious. 大长老万长空斗法。越来越落入下风,伤势已十分严重。 Seventh Elder was besieged by three Living Puppet Void Fragmentation, has broken a leg arm, is at the point of death, to refusing stubbornly far. 七长老被三名生傀碎虚围攻,已然断去一腿一臂,气息奄奄,离死不远。 Fifth Elder was besieged by six Void Fragmentation, he first exudes the die pitiful yell sound! 五长老被六名碎虚围攻,他最先发出陨落的惨叫声! ! 啊! After a sad and shrill pitiful yell . Fifth Elder was cut to kill by six Vine Palace Void Fragmentation, the corpse falls from the expansive sky! 一声凄厉的惨叫之后。五长老被六名藤殿碎虚斩杀,尸身从长空坠下! Fifth Elder!” 五长老!” Bamboo Sovereign tiger is furious, is unable to endure patiently again, whole body Sovereign Qi soars, takes with stride, contains ones anger to fight with the fists to that slaughters Fifth Elder six Vine Palace Void Fragmentation. 竹皇虎目震怒,再也无法忍耐,周身皇气飞腾,大步迈出,含怒一拳打向那杀戮五长老的六名藤殿碎虚 This fist integrates its Magic Force and Sovereign Qi. Concentrates a ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) giant Golden fist seal, is the Void Fragmentation 5 Layers Sovereign anger strikes! 这一拳融入其一身法力皇气。凝出一个万丈巨大的金色拳印,乃是碎虚五重皇者的愤怒一击! That fist seal rumbles, counts million li flowing cloud Quanbu by the color of mapping a set pure gold 那拳印轰出,数百万里的流云全部被映成纯金之色 In that fist seal, Bamboo Sovereign containing the anger that is unable to divulge, the point is hard to prevent! 那拳印之中,含有竹皇无法宣泄的愤怒,锋芒难以阻挡! But Bamboo Sovereign behind, then appears suddenly ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) huge Golden shadow, indeed its Sovereign Shadow! 竹皇身后,则骤然浮现一个万丈巨大的金色虚影,正是皇影 In moment of Sovereign Shadow present world. Long Spatial Crack opens the innumerable cracks, in these cracks all scatters golden light. 皇影现世的一刻。长空裂开无数裂缝,那些裂缝之中俱都流散出金光 Six Vine Palace Void Fragmentation just cut to kill Fifth Elder, suddenly fought with the fists by Bamboo Sovereign, complexion is all panic-stricken, the respective sacrifice protects oneself Magical Treasure, leaves then to draw back! 六名藤殿碎虚刚刚斩杀五长老,忽的被竹皇一拳打来,俱都面色惊恐,各自祭起护身法宝,抽身便退! They do not dare not to draw back, they are only Void Fragmentation 1st-2nd Heavenly Layer cultivator, how dares to shake anger of the Sovereign hardly! 他们不敢不退,他们只是碎虚一、二重天修士,如何敢硬撼一名皇者之怒! They draw back extremely quickly, but that fist seal oncoming force is quicker, only an instant then spans the innumerable rejections. Rumbles completely fine powder defense Magical Treasure that six Void Fragmentation offer a sacrifice to! 他们退得极快,但那拳印来势更快,只一瞬便跨越无数拒绝。将六名碎虚祭起的防御法宝全部轰成齑粉 Fist seal overcomes, immediately then has two Void Fragmentation die, other four people of serious injury! 拳印一路打下,立刻便有两名碎虚陨落,其他四人重伤 In that die two Void Fragmentation, even including that Void Fragmentation 2nd Heavenly Layer Vine Palace Void Fragmentation! 陨落的两名碎虚之中,甚至包括碎虚二重天藤殿碎虚 You are took action, Hehe...” “你还是出手了,呵呵...” The Vine Sovereign sound conveys from Bamboo Sovereign behind suddenly. without/has not Subordinate killed anger, is joyful. 藤皇的声音骤然从竹皇身后传来。没有属下被杀的愤怒,只有喜悦。 That joyful, only extinguishes the enemy because of Bamboo Sovereign take action, exposes weaknesses. 那喜悦,只因竹皇出手灭敌,露出了破绽。 Vine Sovereign appears in Bamboo Sovereign behind suddenly, grasps a Purple Golden short dagger-axe, Ge Zhan to Bamboo Sovereign Heavenly Spirit. 藤皇骤然出现在竹皇身后,手持一柄紫金色的短戈,一戈斩向竹皇天灵 This dagger-axe overcomes in the Bamboo Sovereign take action crevice, Bamboo Sovereign avoids radically without enough time! 这一戈是在竹皇出手的空隙打下,竹皇根本来不及躲避! Bamboo Sovereign is only sideways with enough time slightly, that short dagger-axe has divided into flesh and blood! 竹皇只来得及微微侧身,那短戈已劈入血肉之中! Scoff! 嗤! A dagger-axe cuts, a Bamboo Sovereign right arm was cut, arm break place purple poisonous permeating within the body. 一戈斩下,竹皇一条右臂被生生斩下,臂膀断裂处更有一丝紫毒渗入体内。 Bamboo Sovereign endures the severe pain, looks angrily at Vine Sovereign, after drawing back several continually steps, stands firm figure, subsequently the stride one side, the left fist rumbles forward, with Vine Sovereign games to one! 竹皇忍下剧痛,怒视藤皇,连退数步之后稳住身形,继而大步向前一面,左拳轰出,与藤皇至一处! Vine this solitary one south! this Sovereign and your irreconcilable until death!” The Bamboo Sovereign anger exclaimed. “藤孤南!本皇与你不死不休!”竹皇怒吼道。 Hehe, you went to an arm by this Sovereign waste, this broken Yuan dagger-axe toxin, not only Origin Energy damages severely, within the body Sovereign Qi is gave up any idea of that raised the half a point! Present you, are not the this Sovereign opponent, today you must die in the this Sovereign hand!” 呵呵,你被本皇废去一臂,更中了这‘破元戈’的毒素,不仅元气大伤,体内皇气更是休想提起半分!如今的你,已非本皇对手,今日你必死于本皇手中!” Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Bamboo Sovereign and Vine Sovereign to the bang, starts the destruction fluctuation in the expansive sky. 竹皇藤皇的对轰,在长空中掀起毁灭般的波动。 Each one time to the bang, Bamboo Sovereign can injury aggravate, actually does not hesitate all also to with Vine Sovereign put together life and death. 一次对轰,竹皇都会伤势加重,却不惜一切也要与藤皇拼个你死我活。 In two people of moments to bang, three Living Puppet Elder has gone well, cuts to kill Seventh Elder, seizes the Seventh Elder corpse. 在二人对轰的关头,三名生傀长老已然得手,将七长老斩杀,擒下七长老的尸体。 Bamboo Sovereign both eyes blood-red, he is unable to understand why these three Living Puppet Elder must betray Bamboo Palace, killing this palace colleague... 竹皇双目血红,他始终无法明白,这三名生傀长老为何要背叛竹殿,击杀本殿同僚... Why is what! you must betray this Sovereign!” “为什么!你们为何要背叛本皇!” They and without/has not betrayed you... their hearts were still loyal to Bamboo Palace, but the body actually has to obey the Old Man's order conduct. Because they are Old Man's Living Puppet! Refining up!” “他们并没有背叛你...他们的心仍是忠于竹殿的,但身体却不得不听从老夫的命令行事。因为他们是老夫的生傀!炼!” Is sneering with 11 silver-haired old man simultaneously that Great Elder battles. 正与大长老交战的十一名银发老者齐齐冷笑。 Then, two silver-haired old men draw back temporarily go to battle with the circle, the respective activates silver wire, is in front of Bamboo Sovereign, die Fifth Elder and Seventh Elder reviving... 而后,两名银发老者暂时退出战圈,各自催动银线,当着竹皇的面,将陨落五长老七长老‘救活’... These two people, became Wan Changkong Living Puppet, to the end worships on bended knees to 11 silver-haired old men in above the vast sky! 这二人,亦成了万长空生傀,在长空之上向11名银发老者倒头跪拜! Witnessed that this Bamboo Sovereign and Great Elder all stare, then resembled to understand anything, bristled with anger! 目睹这一幕的竹皇大长老俱是一愣,而后似明白了什么,怒发冲冠! so that's how it is, no wonder the generation serves Bamboo Palace Void Fragmentation Elder to betray Bamboo Palace, no wonder so many Eastern Tree Sea cultivator will go crazy strangely... 原来如此,难怪世代侍奉竹殿碎虚长老会背叛竹殿,难怪那么多东树海修士会离奇发狂... Originally Wan Changkong has such method unexpectedly, can refining Living Puppet! 原来万长空竟有如此手段,能炼制生傀 Living Puppet... living Puppet! 生傀...活着的傀儡 You is a living person, I retain your consciousness, made you for puppet, do not discuss you to be willing, will receive me to control! 你是活人,我保留你的意识,令你为傀,勿论你甘不甘愿,都将受我掌控! You is a deceased person, I recover your memory, making you resurrect is puppet, eliminated the qualifications of your Samsara, became my slave! 你是死人,我复苏你的记忆,令你复活为傀,剥夺你轮回的资格,成我之奴! World all Puppet, even Spiritual Wisdom Puppet, is still dead puppet. Profound Puppet Technique, is impossible to make deceased person resurrecting be puppet, is also impossible to make Puppet retain live person's consciousness... 世间所有的傀儡,就算是灵智傀儡,也都是死傀。再高深的傀儡术,也不可能令死人复活为傀,亦不可能令傀儡保留活人的意识... But when Ancient, Demon Clan, created the technique of Living Puppet, the the name Dao Wang clan! 但在上古之时,有一个魔族,创出了生傀之术,其名悼亡族! The lord of Dao Wang clan, is the ancestor of Northern Heaven Immortal World... Northern Heaven Ancestral Emperor! 悼亡族之主,是北天仙界之祖...北天祖帝 In Dao Wang clan most Secret Technique, the technique of Bao Kuo (including) this Living Puppet, all only then these cultivation have the Dao Wang Demon Veins talent to display. 悼亡族内大多数秘术,包括生傀之术,皆只有那些修炼悼亡魔脉的人才可施展。 Dao Wang clan clansman combustion Bloodlines, then has opportunity cultivation to have Dao Wang Demon Veins, the probability is 1/10000. 悼亡族人燃烧血脉,便有机会修炼悼亡魔脉,几率是万分之一。 In ten thousand people only the person can successfully cultivate/repair Dao Wang Demon Veins, will all be defeated dead. 万人之中唯有一人能成功修出悼亡魔脉,余者全都会失败而死。 The Dao Wang clan is extremely dangerous, after Northern Heaven Ancestral Emperor died during meditation, this clan was then extinguished with joint forces by several Four Heavens great expert/power, it is said that a war, without/has not left behind any Dao Wang clansman in the past... 悼亡族太过危险,在北天祖帝坐化之后,此族便被几名四天大能合力灭去,据说,当年一战,没有留下任何一名悼亡族人... Cannot think, Wan Changkong can use the technique of Living Puppet unexpectedly, then his status vivid... 想不到,万长空竟能施展生傀之术,那么他的身份呼之欲出... Wan Changkong! Cannot think that you unexpectedly are surviving member of Dao Wang clan! If in Four Heavens some people knew that your status, must kill you to be then quick!” Bamboo Sovereign is furious to say. 万长空!想不到你竟然是悼亡族的余孽!若四天之中有人得知你的身份,必杀你而后快!”竹皇震怒道。 Hehe... Bamboo Sovereign your majesty, you were really think highly of Old Man, Old Man may not be Dao Wang clansman, but swallowed a treasure accidentally, Dao Wang Demon Veins that accident/surprise cultivated/repaired, resulted in some Fragmentary Technique method Inheritance nothing more. However a little you reminded Old Man, regardless of Old Man is Dao Wang clansman, has the Dao Wang Demon Veins fact unable to divulge, perhaps will otherwise bring in the Four Heavens great expert/power killing tribulation...” 呵呵...竹皇陛下,你真是太看得起老夫了,老夫可并非悼亡族人,只是偶然吞了件宝物,意外修出的悼亡魔脉,得了些零星术传承而已。不过有一点你提醒了老夫,无论老夫是不是悼亡族人,身怀悼亡魔脉的事实都不能泄露,否则说不定会引来四天大能的杀劫...” Old Man, since informs the matter of Living Puppet in you, will not keep your living witness, the deceased person will keep all secrets for Old Man!” 老夫既然将生傀之事告知于你,就不会留你活口,死人会替老夫保守所有秘密!” Scoff! 嗤! The Wan Changkong eye Middle Curse light one presently, 11 Dividing Spirit one of them blast out suddenly, breaks into pieces the innumerable silver wires, pierces the Great Elder whole body of aura dispirited! 万长空中凶光一现,11具分神其中之一忽然炸开,碎散成无数银线,将气息萎靡的大长老全身刺穿! Dividing Spirit recongeal that next instant, breaks into pieces, but by Great Elder that the silver wire pierces, gradually both eyes was empty, changed to one of the Wan Changkong Living Puppet... 下一瞬,碎散的分神重凝,而被银线刺穿的大长老,渐渐双目空洞,化作了万长空生傀之一... Vine Sovereign your majesty, does not need to wait, your my two people collaborate, kill dying Bamboo Sovereign is not difficult!” Wan Changkong said with a sneer. 藤皇陛下,不必等了,你我二人联手,杀一个垂死的竹皇不难!”万长空冷笑道 Good! Can collaborate with Dao Wang Demon Veins, is really a this Sovereign big good fortune!” “好!能和悼亡魔脉联手,实在是本皇一大幸事!” Bang! 轰! When two people are to cut to kill Bamboo Sovereign jointly, above the vast sky, suddenly treads the next great Army boots! 在二人意欲联手斩杀竹皇之时,长空之上,忽然踏下一个巨大军靴! Hehe, the war of this slaughter bamboo, did not mind that makes Liu insert a foot?” 呵呵,这场屠竹之战,不介意让柳某人插上一脚吧?” Bang! 轰! Under foot treads, extinguishes Wan Changkong Dividing Spirit directly! 一脚踏下,直接灭去万长空一具分神 Liu Haoyue!!! You dare to kill Old Man Dividing Spirit!!!!” The other 10 silver-haired old men, complete gaze blood-red gets up. 柳皓月!!!你敢杀老夫分神!!!!”剩余的十名银发老者,全部目光血红起来。
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