GE :: Volume #6

#592: Vine Sovereign arrives!

The Bamboo Sovereign escaping light flashes, descends from the summit of Vault of Heaven, appears sky over Jishui City. 竹皇遁光一闪,自苍穹之巅降落,出现在姬水城上空。 When he witnesses Jishui City frigid behind the scenes, reveals expression that startled cannot be restrained. 当他亲眼目睹姬水城的惨烈一幕后,露出惊不可抑的表情。 How this is a matter!” “这是怎么一回事!” Bamboo Sovereign receives Bamboo Palace cultivator sound transmission, claimed that in Jishui City has large quantities of cultivator fighting. 竹皇接到竹殿修士传音,声称姬水城内有大批修士械斗。 He rushes back Ji Shui, was seeing that in Jishui City large quantities of cultivator slaughter crazily! 他匆匆赶回姬水,正看到姬水城中大批修士彼此间疯狂地杀戮! Several hundred Divine Transformation from Western, Southern, and Northern Tree Seas and Void Refinement, is slaughtering above the Ji Shui long street recklessly! 数百名来自西、南、北树海化神炼虚,正在姬水长街之上肆意杀戮! These person of each both eyes blood-red, then kill whoever, meets Low-Rank cultivator, lifts the hand to extinguish. Meets same step cultivator, then reckless self-detonation, perishes together with the opposite party! 这些人各个双目血红,逢人便杀,遇见低阶修士,抬手即灭。遇见同阶修士,则不顾一切自爆,与对方同归于尽! If only other Tree Sea cultivator kills people in Ji Shui, Bamboo Sovereign has not been the extent that the shock. 若只是其他树海修士姬水杀人,竹皇还不至于如此震惊。 Most makes Bamboo Sovereign shocking, is many Eastern Tree Sea Tree Clan that subordinates Bamboo Palace much, have clansman to slaughter in Jishui City unexpectedly recklessly, even kills one another with the person of same clan! 最让竹皇震惊的,是不少隶属竹殿的许多东树海树族,竟也有族人姬水城内肆意杀戮,甚至与同族之人自相残杀! Many Bamboo Palace God Envoy, Venerable Elder and Palace Lord, just like go crazy general, is killing this palace cultivator crazily! 就连许多竹殿神使尊老殿主,都犹如发狂一般,疯狂袭杀着本殿修士 Bamboo Sovereign brings one line of Alchemist to go to the Bamboo Realm restricted area, only has two double-hour nothing more! 竹皇带一行丹师前往竹界禁地,前后只有两个时辰而已 Then in he leaves in the Ji Shui two double-hour, Ji Shui had/left the greatest accident! 便在他离开姬水的两个时辰中,姬水出了莫大变故! ... ... Bamboo Palace 8th divides the palace, in Ghost Bamboo Palace! 竹殿第八分殿,煞竹殿之内! Ghost Bamboo Palace Lord this moment both eyes blood-red, is wielding the butcher knife to cut to kill in the palace Venerable Elder and God Envoy. 煞竹殿主此刻双目血红,正挥动屠刀斩杀着殿中尊老神使 He once was an affection elder, had Void Pierce cultivation base, once in the subordinate by the palace was trusted and respected. 他曾是一名慈爱的长者,拥有冲虚修为,曾备受殿中下属信任、敬重。 But at this moment, he is wielding the butcher knife, becomes the muddy flesh each and every single (person) subordinate easy cutting of! 但此刻,他正挥动屠刀,将一个个下属轻而易举的斩成肉泥! His look does not have the least bit to be usually gentle again, only has crazy of blood-thirsty! 他的眼神再无平日半点慈祥,只有嗜血的疯狂! In his eye has the deep pain, not to endure, he is not cruel enough to cut to kill oneself Subordinate, actually could not control the body. Only can looks at past Subordinate die in own hand helplessly. 他的眼中有深沉的痛苦、不忍,他不忍心斩杀自己的属下,却根本控制不了身体。只能眼睁睁看着往日的属下死于自己的手中。 This moment he, is Living Puppet, has the consciousness, was actually operated by others! 这一刻的他,是一个生傀,拥有意识,却被他人所操纵! Is Wan Changkong! Is Wan Changkong is controlling Old Man, lets subordinate who Old Man kills itself to be constantly together! Stops quickly. Stops quickly!” “是万长空!是万长空在操控老夫,让老夫杀害自己朝夕相处的下属!快住手。快住手!” Killed me, who killed me!” “杀了我,谁来杀了我!” In his heart issues the summon of profound heart, but nobody can hear. 心底里发出痛彻心扉的呼唤,但无人可以听见。 He, depending on a person of strength, divides Venerable Elder and God Envoy of slaughter palace entire Ghost Bamboo Palace finally completely... 他,最终凭一人之力,将整个煞竹殿分殿的尊老神使屠尽... blue clothes beautiful woman escapes into Ghost Bamboo Palace, cannot believe the looks at Ghost Bamboo Palace lord. The looks at remnant corpse, the beautiful pupil brings the startled anger and disappointment everywhere. 一位蓝衣美妇遁入煞竹殿,不可置信地看着煞竹殿主。看着满地残尸,美眸带着惊怒与失望。 husband, why you must do that why... present Jishui City has the turmoil suddenly, this one this was also worried that you have the danger, cannot think. You make the so crazed matter unexpectedly, why kills... you to palace cultivator do that completely certainly...” 夫君,你为什么要这么做,为何...如今姬水城忽然出现动乱,妾身本还担心你有危险,想不到。你竟做出如此丧心病狂之事,将一殿修士全部杀绝...你为何要这么做...” This female, is Ghost Bamboo Palace Lord Dao companion, is his life love. 这个女子,是煞竹殿主的道侣,是他的一生挚爱。 She does not understand why oneself husband goes crazy suddenly, extinguishes palace cultivator unexpectedly completely kills... 她不明白自己的夫君为何突然发狂,竟将一殿修士全部灭杀... Lian'er, escapes! Escapes quickly!” 莲儿,逃!快逃!” The Ghost Bamboo Palace lord wants to remind beautiful woman to escape, is actually not able to shout makes noise. 煞竹殿主想要提醒美妇逃跑,却无法喊出声。 His heart deep place filled anxiously. On the face has numb and blood-thirsty expression. 他的心底深处充满了焦急。脸上却带着麻木与嗜血的表情。 Scoff! 嗤! The butcher knife chops, beautiful woman was deducted two by his blade, Monster Soul has not escaped... 屠刀劈下,美妇被他一刀劈成两段,妖魂都未逃出... Aaaaaaah ahhhhhh! 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 The Ghost Bamboo Palace Lord heart in the drop blood, the grief and indignation wants certainly! He is unable to control oneself body, can only looks at, cut to kill the beloved wife helplessly personally... 煞竹殿主的心在滴血,悲愤欲绝!他无法控制自己的身体,只能眼睁睁看着自己,亲手将爱妻斩杀... Wan Changkong! Old Man must tear to shreds you! Tears to shreds!!! Lian'er, sorry, is unfair to... Aaaaaaah!!!” 万长空老夫要将你碎尸万段!碎尸万段!!!莲儿,对不起,对不起...啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!” The Ghost Bamboo Palace lord wants to send out shouting of profound heart, actually cannot make any sound. 煞竹殿主想要发出痛彻心扉的呼喊,却发不出任何声音。 As long as violates the Wan Changkong Will words, he is not all able to say... 但凡违背万长空意志的话语,他皆无法说出... ... ... Outside palace that Star Cypress Clan is stationed. Opened heavy layers formation light, that formation light is Star Cypress Ancestor personally arranges, sufficiently attack of defense ordinary Supreme Void. 星柏一族所驻扎的宫殿之外。张开了重重阵光,那阵光星柏老祖亲自布置,足以防御普通太虚的攻击。 In the palace, a azure pupil youth is organizing the Star Cypress Clan person to resist the rebellion in Jishui City. 宫殿内,一名青瞳青年正组织星柏族人抵御姬水城中的暴动。 This youth was Star Cypress Clan Young Patriarch, indeed received orders to invite the post to give the person of Ning Fan on the same day. 这青年是星柏族少族长,正是当日奉令将邀贴交给宁凡之人。 Young Lord! Ji Shui chaos reason. Subordinate has verified! Now in Jishui City, a total of 3749 cultivator go crazy suddenly, is slaughtering in the city recklessly. The person of going crazy, there are other Tree Sea cultivator, there is my Eastern Tree Sea Tree Clan clansman, even also Bamboo Palace cultivator. And, reason that rebelling above Void Refinement, 69 people... these people goes crazy, unclear! This matter must report know to Ancestor immediately!” 少主姬水大乱的原因。属下已经查明!如今姬水城内,共有3749名修士忽然发狂,正在城中肆意杀戮。发狂之人,有其他树海修士,也有我东树海树族族人,甚至还有竹殿修士。其中,炼虚之上的作乱者,共有69人...这些人发狂的原因,不明!此事要不要立刻禀报老祖知晓!” Several Void Glimpse Old Monster kneel before the azure pupil youth body, the facial expression is exceptionally respectful. 几名窥虚老怪跪在青瞳青年身前,神情异常恭敬。 Star Cypress Ancestor that they said that indeed Bamboo Palace Third Elder, solemn Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer cultivator. 他们所言的星柏老祖,正是竹殿三长老,堂堂碎虚一重天修士 Ancestor is Bamboo Palace Third Elder, now Ji Shui had/left the chaos, Ancestor thinks that is leading the person to process in the city the turmoil... this, information sound transmission that you will check informed Ancestor entirely, perhaps subsided Ji Shui to help to Ancestor randomly...” 老祖乃是竹殿三长老,如今姬水出了大乱,老祖想必正带人处理着城中动乱...这样吧,你们将查得的情报通通传音告知老祖,或许对老祖平息姬水之乱有所帮助...” The azure pupil youth finishes speaking, suddenly the guard enters the main hall, clear and resonant voice report, reporting to Young Lord, outside the palace the have several hundred Bai Li Clan people come, threatened that must see Young Lord, asking Young Lord to withdraw palace formation light, had/left the palace to meet!” 青瞳青年话音刚落,忽然有一名守卫进入大殿,朗声禀报,“启禀少主,殿外有数百名百黎族人前来,扬言要见少主,请少主撤去宫殿阵光,出殿相见!” „The Bai Li Clan person... can they mention see this Young Lord, what matter behavior?” 百黎族人么...他们可说来见本少主,所为何事?” They have not spoken!” The guards shake the head to say. “他们未曾明言!”守卫摇头道。 Has not spoken, Hehe, this Young Lord obtains the information, some people witnessed that some Bai Li Clan people participated in chaotic of Ji Shui, slaughtered several thousand cultivator above the long street... in present Jishui City the enemy and ourselves difficult minute/share, what people may go crazy suddenly, the becoming enemy... Bai Li Clan person I should like to see I, by no means stated clearly the purpose in coming, this act was very suspicious... passes on the command of this Young Lord, fast reinforcement palace formation light, cannot put the Bai Li Clan person to enter the palace! This Young Lord suspected that these Bai Li Clan people have gone crazy completely, the purpose in coming is bad!” “未曾明言么,呵呵,本少主得到情报,有人目睹部分百黎族人参与了姬水之乱,在长街之上杀戮了数千名修士...如今姬水城内敌我难分,什么人都有可能突然发狂,成为敌人...百黎族人欲见我,却并不言明来意,此举十分可疑...传本少主之令,速速加固宫殿阵光,不许放百黎族人入殿!本少主怀疑这些百黎族人已全部发狂,来意不善!” Yes! Subordinate this then transmitted orders reinforcement palace formation light!” “是!属下这便传令加固宫殿阵光!” Guarded is wanting to go to transmit orders to reinforce formation light, suddenly, in the main hall azure light fluctuated, comes to a azure pupil old man, indeed Bamboo Palace Third Elder. 守卫正欲前去传令加固阵光,忽然间,大殿之中青光浮动,现身出一名青瞳老者,正是竹殿三长老 Third Elder as if heard the spoken language of azure pupil youth, nods to the latter satisfied, said approvingly. 三长老似乎听到了青瞳青年的言语,对后者满意地点点头,赞许道 Xing'er, you worthily are my Star Cypress Clan younger generation most outstanding clansman, then saw that Bai Li Clan newcomer is bad. Good that you suspect, Bai Li Clan all clansman, are completely the enemies, cannot put in the palace at will... you may know. The Bai Li Clan person does not go crazy, all rebelling in Jishui City, does not go crazy... in the city all rebelling, was operated by others, became Puppet refining. Is ordered to rebel in Ji Shui. Their goals, are destruction Bamboo Palace, this is a deliberate action...” 星儿,你不愧是我星柏族年轻一代最优秀的族人,一眼便看出百黎一族来者不善。你猜想的不错,百黎族所有族人,全部都是敌人,不可随意放入殿内的...你可知。百黎族人并非发狂,姬水城中的所有作乱者,也都并非发狂...城中所有的作乱者,都是受到他人操纵,被人炼制傀儡。奉命在姬水作乱。他们的目的,是要覆灭竹殿,这是一场有预谋的行动...” what! they non- go crazy unexpectedly, but by person refined into Puppet?!” The azure pupil youth and Star Cypress Clan person on the scene listened to the Third Elder words, all reveals the color of shock, actually depresses startled intent in abundance. Salutes to say to Third Elder respectfully, sees Ancestor!” 什么!他们竟非发狂,而是被人炼成傀儡?!”青瞳青年及在场星柏族人听了三长老的话,皆露出震惊之色,却纷纷压下惊意。向三长老恭敬行礼道,“参见老祖!” Then, the azure pupil youth decided mind, inquired, Ancestor said that today the chaos in Jishui City. Some person of careful arrange bureaus? These rebelling do not fall into demented, but was controlled, became Puppet, gets together in Ji Shui deliberately, for at one fell swoop destruction Bamboo Palace? But how this is possible... this rebelling, each is the live people, this matter is absolutely true. How they can be Puppet...” 而后,青瞳青年定了定心神,询问道,“老祖是说,今日姬水城内的大乱。是有人精心布下的局?这些作乱者并非陷入癫狂,而是受人控制,成了傀儡,处心积虑地齐聚姬水,是为了一举覆灭竹殿?但这怎么可能...此次作乱者,各个都是活人,此事千真万确。他们怎么会是傀儡呢...” General Puppet is the dying thing. Some Puppet with corpse sacrificial refining to become Kui of deceased person and dead beast. Some Puppet made by metal, lumber and other materials. 一般的傀儡都是死物。有些傀儡是用死人、死兽的尸体祭炼成傀。有些傀儡是以金属、木料等材料制成。 Puppet of which method manufacture regardless of, has a common ground... any Puppet without/has not life, is dead puppet! 无论用哪种方法制作的傀儡,都有一个共同点...任何傀儡没有生命,都是死傀! The aura of aura and living person of dead puppet is different, cultivation base to Divine Transformation, Void Refinement and other Realm, was impossible unable to distinguish the difference of dead puppet and living person. 死傀的气息与活人的气息迥异,修为到了化神炼虚境界,不可能分辨不出死傀与活人的差别。 Azure pupil youth cultivation base is not high, actually can also see, in the city rebelling is a living person, possibly is not dead puppet. 青瞳青年修为不高,却也能看出,城中作乱者皆是活人,不可能是死傀。 to say again, if these people are the bodies of dead puppet, how can hide the truth from the inspection of Bamboo Palace Expert. Enters Jishui City? 再说,若这些人是死傀之身,怎能瞒过竹殿强者的检查。进入姬水城 You have not to know, these people are not dead puppet, but is Living Puppet. So-called Living Puppet, refers to by living person refined into Puppet. The technique of Living Puppet is being lost Puppet Technique, this rebelling is Living Puppet. Aura and living person not different, therefore sneaks Ji Shui, unexpectedly by Bamboo Palace had not been detected... even Bamboo Sovereign, has not personally seen Living Puppet, who would have thought enters in cultivator of city, is hiding such many Puppet unexpectedly...” “你有所不知,这些人不是死傀,而是生傀。所谓的生傀,指的是以活人炼成傀儡生傀之术是一种失传的傀儡术,此次作乱者皆是生傀。气息与活人无异,故而潜入姬水,竟然未被竹殿发觉...即便是竹皇,也未亲眼见过生傀啊,又岂知入城的修士之中,竟藏着如此之多的傀儡...” True Living Puppet, even if stands before you, you are still very difficult to detect. Naturally, this batch of Living Puppet by Secret Technique refining, do not pass regular way refining forcefully, all Living Puppet within the body without/has not Nascent Divinity and Monster Soul. To distinguish cultivator in city is the person or Puppet, the method is very simple, only need have a look at its within the body whether has Nascent Divinity and Monster Soul then...” “真正的生傀,就算站在你面前,你也很难察觉的。当然,这批生傀是以秘术强行炼制,并非通过正规途径炼制,所有生傀体内都没有元神妖魂。想要辨别城中的修士是人还是傀儡,方法十分简单,只需看看其体内是否有元神妖魂即可...” Raises while convenient, Old Man's within the body, without/has not Nascent Divinity, without/has not Monster Soul...” “顺带一提,老夫的体内,没有元神,也没有妖魂...” Scoff! Scoff! Scoff! 嗤!嗤!嗤! Third Elder both eyes blood-red, sticks out suddenly take action suddenly, raises in the Star Cypress Clan palace slaughters! 三长老忽然双目血红,暴起出手,在星柏一族的宫殿内掀起杀戮! His gaze indifferent unfeeling, but the heart deep place, is actually hiding deeply sorrow Jue. 目光冷漠绝情,但内心深处,却藏着深深地哀绝。 He, is Wan Changkong refining Living Puppet! 他,亦是万长空炼制生傀 Was being extinguished an instant that kills, the azure pupil youth still cannot believe that oneself Ancestor will stick out suddenly take action, extinguishes kills the Star Cypress Clan person... 在被灭杀的一瞬,青瞳青年犹不能置信,自家老祖会暴起出手,灭杀星柏族人... All the Star Cypress Clan people of dying, before, each and every single (person) may not believe at the point of death are looking at Third Elder, they do not believe, oneself and the others respected the admiration Ancestor, will wield the butcher knife to them unexpectedly! 所有死去的星柏族人,在临死之前,一个个不可置信地望着三长老,他们不相信,自己等人敬仰钦服的老祖,竟会对他们挥动屠刀! The heart of Third Elder in the drop blood, he slaughtered own clansman unexpectedly personally! 三长老的心在滴血,他竟然亲手屠杀了自己的族人 This generation of Star Cypress Young Lord, are one of younger generation he most likes, but at this moment, he actually could not control oneself body, rumbled fine powder Star Cypress Young Lord! 此代星柏少主,是他最喜爱的后辈之一,但这一刻,他却控制不了自己的身体,生生将星柏少主轰成齑粉 In here Star Cypress Clan person, the have several people are his direct descendant younger generation, Bloodlines connected... these people, dies in his hand entirely! 此处的星柏族人中,有数人都是他的嫡系后辈,血脉相连...这些人,通通死在他的手上! In these clansman, even one person, is his benefactor's grandson, was actually extinguished by him similarly kills! 在这些族人中,甚至有一人,是他恩人之孙,却同样被他灭杀! Kills, kills, kills! 杀,杀,杀! All clansman, die entirely in his hands! 所有的族人,通通死在他的手中! Wan Changkong!” 万长空!” Wan Changkong!” 万长空!” Wan Changkong!!!” 万长空!!!” Third Elder wishes one could to control his thief to tear to shreds, but he is actually not able to control oneself body. 三长老恨不能将操控他的贼人碎尸万段,但他却根本无法控制自己的身体。 He lifts the hand to destroy formation light of entire palace, in the heart has boundless resenting, as the Bai Li Clan person outside palace launches to slaughter in Ji Shui! 他抬手毁灭整座宫殿的阵光,心中带着无边愤恨,随着殿外的百黎族人在姬水之内展开杀戮! ... ... Bamboo Palace 1st divides the palace, Judging Bamboo Palace! 竹殿第一分殿,衡竹殿 Weighs bamboo Vice Palace Lord with joint forces take action, blood slaughter entire Judging Bamboo Palace... they are Wan Changkong Living Puppet! 衡竹正副殿主合力出手,血屠了整个衡竹殿...他们都是万长空生傀 Bamboo Palace 2nd divides the palace, Scarlet Bamboo Palace! 竹殿第二分殿,赤竹殿 This palace was broken through by Void Refinement Tree Clan of 13 riot with joint forces, rivers of blood! 此殿被十三个暴乱的炼虚树族合力攻破,血流成河! also 3rd, 4th and 5th divide the palace... 还有第三第四第五分殿... When Bamboo Sovereign treads is situated in the Ji Shui sky, Divine Sense covers entire Ji Shui, deeply is shocked by one at present, does not know unexpectedly such as what meaning decides this turmoil. 竹皇踏立于姬水上空之时,神念覆盖整个姬水,被眼前一幕深深震撼,竟不知如何解决这场动乱。 Who is an enemy, who is a friend? Does not know! 谁是敌人,谁是朋友?不知! Whose conspiracy this turmoil is, does not know! 此次动乱是谁的阴谋,不知! Bamboo Palace divides palace rivers of blood everywhere, each and every single (person) Ji Shui influence each other bloody battle. The increasing number of people go crazy suddenly, the treachery kills to approach own clansman... 一处处竹殿分殿血流成河,一个个姬水势力彼此血战。越来越多的人忽然发狂,倒戈杀向自己的族人... This turmoil from Jishui City, spreads to entire Muye Country! 这场动乱从姬水城出发,更向整个牧野国扩散开来! The Bamboo Sovereign sound transmission sound jade tablet non-stop making noise, is praying for rescue warning that Muye Country Cultivator City and each and every single (person) Tree Clan influence transmits everywhere! 竹皇传音音圭不停作响,是牧野国一处处修城一个个树族势力传来的求救警报! Muye Country Northern Territory, in Heavenly Tree City. In a restaurant, this city Void Inquire cultivation base Heavenly Tree City Lord originally just and several Fellow Daoist good friends drink wine to chat. 牧野国北域,天树城之中。一间酒楼之内,此城问虚修为天树城主本来正和几名同道好友饮酒谈笑。 Suddenly, his both eyes gets makes blood-red, offers a sacrifice to Magical Treasure fiercely, hits Magical Treasure directly above Heavenly Spirit of good friend, killing! 忽然之间,他双目变作血红,猛地祭起法宝,直接将法宝打在一名好友的天灵之上,将之击杀 Then. This Heavenly Tree City lord seemed insane generally, launched slaughtering in Heavenly Tree City! 而后。这天树城主好似疯了一般,在天树城之中展开了杀戮! At the same time, in Heavenly Tree City have several ten thousand cultivator are also demented, refuses to acknowledge family kills people everywhere... 同一时间,天树城有数修士同时癫狂,六亲不认地四处杀人... When nobody knows, that Heavenly Tree City lord cuts kills the friend, although the expression the cold blood is brutal. In heart actually the grief and indignation wants certainly. 无人知,那天树城主斩杀友人之时,表情虽说冷血无情。心底里却悲愤欲绝。 Wan Changkong! esteemed me is unable to co-exist with you, irreconcilable until death! Aaaaaaah!” 万长空本座与你势不两立,不死不休啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!” ... ... The Muye Country western region, in Creating Wood Clan, has Void Pierce cultivation base Creating Wood old man to teach the technique of disciples treasure refinement, the tone is kind and gentle. 牧野国西域,造木族之中,有着冲虚修为造木老人正在教授弟子们炼器之术,语气和蔼而慈祥。 He is Eastern Tree Sea famous treasure refinement Grandmaster, always waits for the person to be famous respectfully in the world. 他是东树海名闻遐迩的炼器大师,一向以待人恭谦著称于世 But some instance, Creating Wood old man both eyes becomes blood-red suddenly. Loses all reason, wielded the butcher knife, one by one cuts to kill all disciples! 但某一个瞬间,造木老人双目忽然变得血红。失去所有理智,挥动屠刀,一一斩杀了其所有弟子! Then, in Creating Wood Clan have several ten thousand clansman also go crazy, along with Creating Wood old man launched slaughtering in the clan, and wields the butcher knife to other Tree Clan... 而后,造木族有数族人同时发疯,随造木老人在族中展开了杀戮,并将屠刀挥动到其他树族... nobody knows, when Creating Wood old man cuts the moment of killing his love disciple, his heart seems is cut to pieces the severe pain. 无人知,当造木老人斩杀其爱徒的一刻,他的心好似被千刀万剐般剧痛。 Wan Changkong! Old Man must kill you, killed you!” 万长空老夫要杀了你,杀了你!” ... ... The Muye Country eastern territory, Bamboo Palace divides Palace Lord of palace to lead the subordinate to make an inspection tour the eastern territory. Receives Seven Great Tree Clan Patriarch. 牧野国东域,一名竹殿分殿的殿主正带领下属巡守东域。接见七大树族族长 He has Supreme Void cultivation base, is always loyal to Bamboo Palace, adheres faithfully. He is Righteous Dao Profound Cultivator, never slaughters innocents. 他有着太虚修为,一向忠于竹殿,恪尽职守。他是一名正道玄修,从不滥杀无辜。 But suddenly, his both eyes changes to blood-red. Loses all reason, to behind Bamboo Palace God Envoy and Venerable Elder launched slaughtering! 但忽然之间,他双目化作血红。失去所有理智,对身后竹殿神使尊老展开了杀戮! His even self-detonation Mortal Body, extinguishes Seven Great Tree Clan Patriarch completely kills, perishes together! 他甚至自爆肉身,将七大树族族长全部灭杀,同归于尽! In that Seven Great Tree Clan Patriarch, even one, is his kind teacher... 七大树族族长之中,甚至有一名,是他的恩师... Greatest Heaven City, Extreme Wood City, Wind Leaf Clan... 太天城,极木城,风叶族... each and every single (person) Cultivator City, each and every single (person) Tree Clan, transmits in abundance heard that alarmed sound transmission, made in the Bamboo Sovereign heart in great surprise. 一个个修城,一个个树族,纷纷传来闻之惊心的传音,令竹皇心中大惊。 Not is only Jishui City, entire Muye Country is in the turbulence! 不仅仅是姬水城,整个牧野国都处在动荡之中! In this moment Muye Country, near whatever happens/10 million cultivator also go crazy, slaughters crazily! 此刻牧野国中,共有近千万修士同时发狂,疯狂杀戮! Elder where! Comes at once to see me, along with this Sovereign subsides chaotic of Muye!” “诸位长老何在!速来见我,随本皇平息牧野之乱!” Bamboo Sovereign loudly shouts sky over Ji Shui, the sound like the sudden and violent thunder, has the anger of heaven shaking! 竹皇姬水上空大喝一声,声如暴雷,含着惊天之怒! Today chaotic of Muye, does not know many Bamboo Palace cultivator die... 今日牧野之乱,不知有多少竹殿修士陨落... Bamboo Sovereign pledged, who if makes him find out the matter of today is plans, he tears to shreds this person surely! 竹皇发誓,若让他查出今日之事是何人所谋划,他必定将此人碎尸万段! Sixth Elder and Eighth Elder still at Bamboo Realm, in Jishui City only remain six Void Fragmentation Elder to trust now. 六长老八长老尚在竹界,如今姬水城中只剩六名碎虚长老可以信任。 A Bamboo Sovereign order, the sound passes on entire Jishui City. 竹皇一声命令,声传整个姬水城 6 Dao flowing light rushes to the expansive sky simultaneously, changes to figure of six Void Fragmentation old men, stands in abundance before Bamboo Sovereign. 六道流光同时冲上长空,化作六个碎虚老者的身形,纷纷侍立在竹皇之前。 These six Void Fragmentation Elder, nature Bao Kuo (including) degenerates into Third Elder of body of Living Puppet. 这六名碎虚长老,自然包括沦为生傀之身的三长老 Six Elder, along with this Sovereign subside chaotically this! this Sovereign must discover this turmoil behind the scenes to instigate, and tears to shreds this person!” “六位长老,随本皇平息此乱!本皇要找出此次动乱的幕后主使,并将此人碎尸万段!” A Bamboo Sovereign order, Great Elder, Fifth Elder and Seventh Elder make noise to second the motion immediately, three people are gaze are all furious, wish one could to discover this turmoil behind the scenes to instigate. 竹皇一声命令,大长老五长老七长老立刻出声附议,三人皆是目光震怒,恨不能找出此次动乱的幕后主使。 But other three Void Fragmentation Elder, each expression is wooden, is not the order of Bamboo Sovereign. 但其他三名碎虚长老,却各个表情木然,不为竹皇的命令所动。 Always to Second Elder and Third Elder that Bamboo Sovereign always does as one is told, sneers not Danger Zone looks at Bamboo Sovereign, has the color of several points of despising, said that 就连一向对竹皇唯命是从的二长老三长老,都冷笑不绝地看着竹皇,带着几分轻蔑之色,言道, Bamboo Sovereign your majesty, matter arrived at this one step, you do not know who unexpectedly this matter's behind the scenes does instigate is?” 竹皇陛下,事情都到了这一步,你竟仍不知此事的幕后主使是谁么?” Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! 11 silver aurora emerge out of thin air suddenly, hits toward the Bamboo Sovereign vest. 十一道银色极光忽然凭空出现,朝竹皇背心打来。 That attack appears does not have the indication, that 11 silver pillar of light once appeared, immediately disperses everywhere silver thread, sprinkles the expansive sky! 那攻击出现得毫无征兆,那十一道银色光柱一经出现,立刻分散成漫天银丝,洒落长空! A dangerous feeling rises the Bamboo Sovereign heart suddenly! 一股危险之极的感觉骤然升上竹皇心头! Bamboo Sovereign turns around suddenly, fingers connected points, everywhere gives birth to the innumerable Golden bamboo leaves, condense Golden giant palm, pats toward that everywhere silver thread. 竹皇猛然转身,屈指连点,漫天生出无数金色竹叶,凝成一个金色巨掌,朝那漫天银丝拍去。 A palm, the racket dispersed everywhere silver thread! 一掌,拍散了漫天银丝! But at this moment, Second Elder, Third Elder, Fourth Elder and other Void Fragmentation Old Monster take action, offers a sacrifice to Magical Treasure to overcome toward the Bamboo Sovereign vest suddenly simultaneously, killing intent lives steep! 但就在这时,二长老三长老四长老等三名碎虚老怪忽然同时出手,朝竹皇背心祭出法宝打下,杀意陡生! Purple axe, silver bell, valuable tree... 紫斧,银钟,宝树... When three Magical Treasure in the Bamboo Sovereign strength uses up sneak attacks, at this moment, Bamboo Sovereign is busy with resisting everywhere silver thread, how to expect to obtain is sneak attacked by Second Elder and the others jointly! 三件法宝是在竹皇力竭之时偷袭,这一刻,竹皇正忙于抵挡漫天银丝,如何料得到会被二长老等人联手偷袭! Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Three attacks hit simultaneously in the Bamboo Sovereign vest, made Bamboo Sovereign front and back heavy injury, put out a blood fiercely. 三道攻击同时打在竹皇的背心,令竹皇腹背重创,猛地吐出一口鲜血。 Bamboo Sovereign holds startled angry gaze, turns around fiercely, a finger/refers gives birth to innumerable golden light, crushes three Magical Treasure completely, anger steaming looks at Second Elder and others! 竹皇含着惊怒之极的目光,猛地转身,一指生出无数金光,将三件法宝全部击碎,怒气腾腾地看着二长老等三人! Bamboo Sovereign within the body refining has Profound God Treasure Armor body protection, is in itself Nirvana 1st Heavenly Layer Body Cultivation, even if hasty under were sneak attacked, not possible to be extinguished by three Void Fragmentation 1st-2nd Heavenly Layer cultivator kills. 竹皇体内炼化神玄宝甲护体,本身更是涅槃一重天体修,纵然仓促之下被偷袭,也不可能被三名碎虚一、二重天修士灭杀的。 He is injured heavily, in range that but this wound still in may suppress. 他受伤不轻,但这伤还在可压制的范围之内。 In his eye holds is furious boundlessly, this is furious because of not being injured, because most trusted Subordinate betrayal! 他眼中含着无边震怒,这震怒非因受伤,而是因为被最为信任的属下背叛! You dare to revolt I! Why, to a this Sovereign reason!” “你们竟敢叛我!为何,给本皇一个理由!” Reason? The reason only then one, I and others are Wan Changkong Sir Living Puppet, only needs Sir to order, I and others may at any time take action, destruction Bamboo Palace!” “理由?理由只有一个,我等是万长空大人生傀,只需大人一声令下,我等可随时出手,覆灭竹殿!” Second Elder and other Void Fragmentation Old Monster answered wooden. 二长老等三名碎虚老怪木然地回话。 While three people of making noise, above the vast sky, presents the illusory forms of 11 silver-haired old men one after another, each treads the heaven stands, lords over the expansive sky! 在三人出声的同时,长空之上,相继出现十一个银发老者的虚幻身影,各个踏天而立,高踞长空! These 11 people have Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer cultivation base one by one, imposing manner heaven shaking! 这十一人各个有着碎虚一重天修为,气势惊天 11 people tread the vertical expansive sky, the aura coincide, even not compared with Bamboo Sovereign imposing manner weak many! 十一人踏立长空,气息相合,甚至不比竹皇气势弱多少! Bamboo Sovereign your majesty, your I have 10,000 years not to see, can still remember Old Man?” 11 silver-haired old man simultaneously coldly asked. 竹皇陛下,你我已有万年未见了吧,可还记得老夫吗?”十一个银发老者齐齐冷冷问道 Is you! Wan Changkong! Today chaotic of Muye, you may the is Master stratagem!” The Bamboo Sovereign anger exclaimed. “是你!万长空!今日牧野之乱,你可是主谋!”竹皇怒吼道。 „The person of this chief instigator, is not Wan Changkong, is I! Vine and Bamboo Two Palaces is a bitter enemy, today destruction Bamboo Palace, is the this Sovereign plan for a long time important matter!” “此次主谋之人,不是万长空,是我!藤、竹二殿本是世仇,今日覆灭竹殿,是本皇计划已久的大计!” above the vast sky, appears suddenly again one after another 7 Void Fragmentation Expert forms! 长空之上,忽然再次相继浮现七道碎虚强者的身影! In these 7 people, the leader wears vine armor, the whole body is flowing the Void Fragmentation 5th Heavenly Layer imposing manner, is a look dignified middle age, both eyes is glittering strange Purple Light, indeed Vine Sovereign! 在这七人之中,为首者身披藤甲,周身流动着碎虚五重天的气势,是一个相貌威严的中年,双目闪烁着诡异的紫光,正是藤皇 Vine Sovereign! Is you!” Bamboo Sovereign gaze narrows the eyes, angry look gradually hidden goes, then reveals the dignified color. 藤皇!是你!”竹皇目光一眯,怒色渐渐隐去,转而露出凝重之色。 If the matter of today, only then the Wan Changkong involvement, his also means subside chaotically this. 若今日之事只有万长空介入,他还有办法平息此乱。 But if the matter of today is Vine Sovereign take action, the Bamboo Palace turmoil happened repeatedly and is deserted by friends and allies, perhaps is incapable of contending with Vine Palace, today Bamboo Palace feared that was Great Tribulation is in front of the goal... 但若今日之事是藤皇出手,竹殿动乱迭起、众叛亲离,恐怕无力抗衡藤殿,今日竹殿怕是大劫临门了... Vine Sovereign, your I all am Tree World cultivator, even if two palaces have the bitter enemy, does not need to achieve to destroy sect Miedian the situation!” Bamboo Sovereign clenches teeth to say. 藤皇,你我皆为树界修士,纵然两殿有着世仇,也无需做到毁宗灭殿的地步吧!”竹皇咬牙道。 Idle talk little said! this Sovereign comes this, only to tread East Sea, puts down Bamboo Palace! After today, in Tree World, does not have Bamboo Palace again, does not have Bamboo Sovereign again! Kills!” “废话少说!本皇来此,只为踏东海,平竹殿!今日之后,树界之中,再无竹殿,再无竹皇!杀!” In the Vine Sovereign eye killing intent lives steep! 藤皇眼中杀机陡生! Today his plan may be called perfect, Bamboo Sovereign one person alone cannot save the situation, must die without doubt! Bamboo Palace must Extinguish! 今日他的计划堪称完美,竹皇独木难支,必死无疑!竹殿灭!
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