GE :: Volume #6

#591: ‚Puppet Sovereign’ Wan Changkong!

A night passes by, the Ning Fan form in a flash, appears beside Bamboo Imperial Palace, walks into the palace slowly, walks toward the main hall directly. 一夜过去,宁凡身影一晃,出现在竹皇宫之外,徐徐步入宫中,直接朝正殿走去。 Today, Bao Kuo (including) him 11 Six Revolutions Alchemist and 16 Five Revolutions Alchemist, will enter the small thousand restricted areas that Ancestor Bamboo is, is Ancestor Bamboo diagnoses an illness. 今日,包括他在内的11名六转炼丹师及16名五转炼丹师,将进入祖竹所在的小千禁地,为祖竹诊病。 Under the step is setting up 4 Six Revolutions Alchemist, as well as 3 Five Revolutions Alchemist, Ning Fan is 8 th arrival Alchemist. 阶下立着四名六转炼丹师,以及三名五转炼丹师,宁凡是第八个到来的炼丹师 Shortly after Ning Fan arrives, other Alchemist arrive in full one after another. 宁凡到来后不久,其他炼丹师陆陆续续地到齐。 After 27 Alchemist all arrive, in the main hall, flashes through several wisps of light azure light suddenly. 当27名炼丹师全部到来之后,正殿之中,忽然闪过几缕淡淡青光 azure light diverges, appears the Bamboo Sovereign form, in its behind about, is standing respectively Sixth Elder and Eighth Elder. 青光散去,浮现出竹皇的身影,在其身后左右,则分别侍立着六长老八长老 Sixth Elder Dao name Ice Bamboo, is old-fashioned Profound Sect cultivator, has Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer cultivation base, cultivates the say/way of Tree God, most loathes killing people like scything flax Demon Cultivator, therefore was once unhappy about Ning Fan. 六长老道号为凌竹子,是一名古板的玄门修士,有着碎虚一重天修为,修树神之道,平生最厌恶杀人如麻魔修,曾因此对宁凡不喜。 Eighth Elder is Bai Li King, cultivation base is Primordial Peak Realm. 八长老即是百黎王,修为已是归元无敌境界 Today's Bai Li King, expression not past that Death Qi heavy, in the eye full is the overbearing insolent color. 今日的百黎王,表情不似往日那么死气沉沉,眼中满是霸道张狂之色。 He after appearing, only looked at Ning Fan one, after that towards Ning Fan did not throw least bit gaze. 他从出现之后,只看了宁凡一眼,此后再未朝宁凡投去半点目光 Ning Fan cast a sidelong glance slantingly Bai Li King, a brow slightly wrinkle. 宁凡斜睨了百黎王一眼,眉头微微一皱。 He and Bai Li King has met one time face to face, then in secret has spied on Bai Li King several times. 他与百黎王当面相见过一次,暗中则窥探过百黎王数次。 Each one time spies on Bai Li King, Bai Li King look is the empty numb shape, but today, Bai Li King look such as the normal person is common, no matter what without/has not what difference type... 一次窥探百黎王,百黎王眼神都是空洞麻木状,但今日,百黎王眼神却如正常人一般,没有何异样... Bai Li King of this condition, can give a dangerous feeling of Ning Fan extremely light on the contrary... 这种状态的百黎王,反倒可以给宁凡丝极淡的危险感觉... „The various sirs master has no fear of great distances to come to help this Sovereign treat Ancestor Bamboo, this Sovereign is deeply grateful! Today this Sovereign promised in this, so long as can cure Ancestor Bamboo sickness, this Sovereign will give not poor reward surely!” 诸位大师不远万里前来助本皇治疗祖竹,本皇感激不尽!今日本皇在此许诺,只要诸位可以治好祖竹之症,本皇必定会给予诸位不菲的报酬!” Ancestor Bamboo by this Sovereign Seal in Bamboo Realm, that is Lesser Universe, exists forever sky over Jishui City , and goes to Bamboo Realm along with this Sovereign, personally sees Ancestor Bamboo. Looks whether to cure Ancestor Bamboo sickness!” 祖竹本皇封印竹界之中,那是一处小千世界,长存于姬水城上空,诸位且随本皇前往竹界,亲眼见一见祖竹。看能否治好祖竹之症!” The Bamboo Sovereign word, sleeve robe one volume, azure light greatly presently. 竹皇言罢,袖袍一卷,青光大现。 azure light will present all people one volume, changes to flowing light to soar together, flies toward Jishui City sky over. 青光将在场诸人一卷,化作一道流光腾飞而起,朝姬水城上空飞去。 Bamboo Sovereign escape speed is extremely quick, is far from Ning Fan may compare. 竹皇遁速极快,远非宁凡可比。 The escaping light speeds away toward the sky, more flies upward spatially, the spatial culmination wind are more, the day windage resistance that receives is then bigger. 遁光一路朝天空疾驰,越往上空飞行,空中天风越多,所受到的天风阻力便越大。 Above million zhang (3.33 m), day wind like blade. May easily extinguish kills Gold Core and Nascent Soul cultivator. 百万丈之上,天风如刀。可轻易灭杀金丹元婴修士 So highly, at all is not common cultivator can fly. 如此高度,根本不是寻常修士可以飞上来的。 The Bamboo Sovereign escaping light passes through a day of wind stratum, flew to count a whatever happens/10 million zhang (3.33 m) distance toward on, entered the astral wind level above Vault of Heaven. 竹皇的遁光穿越天风层,又朝上飞了数千万丈距离,进入苍穹之上的罡风层。 Astral wind might is very fearful, easily tears the body of Divine Transformation cultivator sufficiently. 罡风威力十分可怕,足以轻易撕裂化神修士的身体。 In this altitude, some, only then God Cultivator is Five Revolutions Alchemist could not have received the wind pressure of this place. 在这个高度,一些只有化神修为的五转炼丹师已受不住此地的风压。 If not there is Bamboo Sovereign arrange azure light body protection, these melt the Divine Pill master to meet die surely in the astral wind. 若非有竹皇布下青光护体,这些化神丹师必定会陨落于罡风之中。 The Bamboo Sovereign escaping light flies toward the summit of Vault of Heaven, flew a double-hour. 竹皇遁光一路朝苍穹之巅飞去,足足飞了一个时辰。 The astral wind of this place has vanished completely, changes to the wind of black Void Space... Void Wind! 此地的罡风已全部消失,化作黑色的虚空之风...虚风 The prestige of Void Wind. Sufficiently easily body of tearing ordinary Void Glimpse cultivator. 虚风之威。足以轻易撕裂普通窥虚修士的身体。 If Void Wind forms enough scale the storm, is Void Pierce and Supreme Void cultivator is also not necessarily able to move out in the storm. 虚风形成足够规模的风暴,便是冲虚太虚修士也未必能在风暴之中全身而退。 Six Revolutions Alchemist on the scene is Void Refinement cultivator, does not fear a day of wind and astral wind, actually has no alternative but wariness Void Wind. 在场的六转炼丹师皆是炼虚修士,不惧天风、罡风,却不能不忌惮虚风 Even if the sea tree lord, Zhu Hong wait/etc. had seen Six Revolutions high-ranked Alchemist of magnificent scene. gaze is dignified. 纵然是沧海树主、祝洪等见过大场面的六转上级丹师。都目光凝重起来。 Sun Yu complexion especially is actually calm, no, is calm, rather. Sun Yu today's expression is somewhat numb, the without/has not smile, without/has not dreads. 倒是孙玉面色格外镇定,不,与其说是镇定,不如说。孙玉今日的表情有些麻木,没有笑容,没有畏惧。 Ning Fan gaze casts a sidelong glance slantingly Sun Yu. Slightly feels strangely. 宁凡目光斜睨孙玉一眼。略感古怪。 Last night when palace feast, Sun Yu also discussed with him really happy, was very intimate. 昨晚宫宴之时,孙玉还和他相谈甚欢,十分亲近。 But after today meets, Sun Yu has not said with him the hello, the attitude is very indifferent. 但今日见面之后,孙玉连招呼都没和他打一声,态度十分冷漠。 Over the past one night, Sun Yu had the so huge change to his attitude unexpectedly, was really very strange ah... 才过去一夜,孙玉对他的态度竟发生如此巨大的变化,真是十分奇怪啊... Ning Fan is thinking, the Bamboo Sovereign sound spread to the people ear at this time. 宁凡尚在思索,竹皇的声音在这时传入众人耳中。 Realm Gate to Bamboo Realm, in the summit of Ji Shui above Vault of Heaven, in Void Wind Eye in!” Bamboo Sovereign indifferently said. “通往竹界界门,就在姬水上空的苍穹之巅,在‘虚空风眼’之中!”竹皇淡淡道 what! Void Wind Eye!” 什么!虚空风眼!” Heard Realm Gate to Bamboo Realm is located in Void Wind Eye unexpectedly, except Ning Fan, Sun Yu and two Bamboo Palace Elder, all Alchemist completely complexion big change. 一听说通往竹界界门竟位于虚空风眼中,除却宁凡孙玉及两位竹殿长老,所有丹师全部面色大变 Void Wind Eye in vortex of wind the place of Void Wind most powerful hold forms naturally, the Void Wind scale far exceed average man in eye of wind imagines, is common Void Fragmentation cultivator, easily does not dare to enter in Smokewind! 虚空风眼是在虚风最强盛之处天然形成的风之漩涡,风眼中的虚风规模远超常人想象,便是寻常碎虚修士,轻易也不敢进入风烟之中! Bamboo Palace the Ancestor Bamboo conceals in Bamboo Realm, but Realm Gate to Bamboo Realm hides in summit of Vault of Heaven Void Wind Eye. 竹殿祖竹藏于竹界之中,而通往竹界界门则藏在苍穹之巅的虚空风眼内。 If the average people want to submerge Bamboo Realm, facing two difficult problems. 普通人若想潜入竹界,面对两个难题。 First, must pass through Void Wind Eye assurance ; its two, must turn on the Realm Gate token. 其一,必须有穿越虚空风眼的把握其二,必须拥有打开界门的令牌。 Had these two premises, outside newcomer may enter Bamboo Realm. 有了这两个前提,外来者才可进入竹界 But after Bamboo Realm, but also lives Ancestor Bamboo, in Ancestor Bamboo has Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer cultivation base Tree Spirit. 竹界之后,还生有祖竹,祖竹之内更有碎虚三重天修为树灵 Even if the average people submerged Bamboo Realm, but concerned about Tree Spirit exist(ence), is unable to have the idea of Ancestor Bamboo. 一般人就算潜入了竹界,但碍于树灵存在,也无法打祖竹的主意。 Bamboo Palace the Ancestor Bamboo conceals in this place, is very safe. 竹殿祖竹藏于此地,十分安全。 The Tree Sovereign escaping light day, has flown the summit of Vault of Heaven all the way! 树皇遁光一路上天,一直飞到苍穹之巅! This place is Lower Realm cultivator can fly to the highest place, the high sky, was prevented by countless separating territories light. 此地是下界修士能够飞至的最高处,再高的天空,则被数之不尽的破界之光阻挡。 If breaks through this separating territories light, can leave Tree World, Ascending enters higher plane Four Heaven Immortal Worlds. 若突破这层破界之光,便可离开树界,飞升进入更高位面的四天仙界 Only pitifully, separating territories light might exceptionally terrifying, even if preparation complete Loose Immortal is also hard to pass through separating territories light. 只可惜,破界之光威力异常恐怖,纵然是准备周全的散仙也难以穿越破界之光 Ning Fan Smokewind Finger is no doubt fierce, but because his insights to Samsara halts, cultivation base also has not achieved Loose Immortal by far, even if displays Smokewind Finger, is still very difficult to break open separating territories light... 宁凡风烟一指固然厉害,但由于他对轮回感悟止步不前,修为亦远远未达到散仙,即便是施展风烟一指,也很难破开破界之光... Ning Fan takes back gaze, no longer looks at that separating territories light, this is extremely only dazzling, if looked for a long time, will make the Ning Fan Sea of Consciousness severe pain. 宁凡收回目光,不再看那破界之光,此光太过刺眼,若看得久了,甚至会令宁凡识海剧痛。 He lowers the head, looks at under foot sea giant black eye of wind. 他低下头,看着脚下一处海洋般巨大的黑色风眼。 In the eye of wind Hei Feng (black wind) twists, Void Refinement giant bird of a growth above heaven, was attracted extremely by the eye of wind from the distant place, inhales in the eye of wind. 风眼中黑风绞动,一头生长在苍天之上的炼虚巨鸟,自极远处被风眼吸来,吸入风眼之中。 That giant bird does not know that is what monster class, the aura endures Void Pierce cultivator is more powerful, opens the pair of wings, 6000 zhang (20,000 meters) is huge. 那巨鸟不知是什么妖类,气息堪比冲虚修士强大,撑开双翼,足足六千丈巨大。 But it one was involved in the eye of wind, immediately calls out pitifully, the tyrannical monster body was torn into shreds the innumerable fragments by Void Wind... 但它方一被卷入风眼之内,立刻惨叫一声,强横之极的妖身被虚风撕碎成无数碎片... Enters the fate that the eye of wind must die to other Void Level Ferocious Beast continually...” each and every single (person) Alchemist continuously to swallow the saliva. “连冲虚级别的凶兽进入风眼都是必死的下场...”一个个炼丹师不住吞咽口水。 various sirs master. Follows in this Sovereign behind, the tiny step should not be far away carefully! Has the this Sovereign Divine Ability protection, will enter Void Wind Eye not to have any danger! If some people leave the this Sovereign body side arbitrarily, died in Void Wind Eye, this Sovereign then wants to go to rescue, perhaps also rescued it less...” 诸位大师。小心跟在本皇身后,寸步也不要远离!有本皇神通保护,诸位进入虚空风眼不会有任何危险!若有人擅自离开本皇身侧,死在了虚空风眼之中,本皇便是想去相救,恐怕也救之不及的...” The Bamboo Sovereign word, one volume of sleeve robes, curl up innumerable azure light again, carries the people to fly into Void Wind Eye. 竹皇言罢,再次一卷袖袍,卷起无数青光,载着众人飞入虚空风眼之中。 In that eye of wind formed a long tunnel, goes nonstop to Void Space another end. 那风眼之内形成了一个冗长的隧道,直通虚空另一端。 In the end of Void Space tunnel. Is setting up a giant Void Space light gate, this light gate makes by separating territories light unexpectedly, if no token, is unable to enter in the light gate. 虚空隧道的尽头。立着一个巨大的虚空光门,这光门竟然是以破界之光制成,若无令牌,是无法进入光门之中的。 Bamboo Sovereign takes out the a piece azure bamboo sign, under toward Giant Gate one move, Giant Gate trembles, radiance greatly presently. 竹皇取出一块青色竹牌,朝巨门一招,巨门一颤之下,光华大现。 Innumerable ray of light project, toward all people one volume on the scene, the next moment. all people fully enters in World to light gate. 无数光芒射出,朝在场诸人一卷,下一刻诸人全部进入到光门之内的世界 This is vast bamboo sea World, in the World center, is setting up towering high huge Ancestor Bamboo. 这是一处一望无际的竹海世界,在世界的中心处,立着一株参天之高的巨大祖竹 Above Ancestor Bamboo was supposed innumerable heavy Seal, even if so. In Ancestor Bamboo still the air/Qi of legend very heavy evil spirit. 祖竹之上被设下无数重封印,饶是如此祖竹之中仍传说十分沉重的凶煞之气。 In the sky is scattering emerald green such as the Jadeite bamboo leaves, then the convection cloud is azure, bringing the bamboo to be fragrant. 天空中散落着翠绿如翡翠的竹叶,便连流云都是青色,带着竹香。 Ning Fan Divine Sense dispersing, this world wooden Spiritual Qi is extremely thick. Is the cultivation Wood Attribute Cultivation Method best place. 宁凡神念散开,此界灵气极浓。是修炼木属性功法的最佳之地。 After entering this world, in his body and Bloodlines all transmit a comfortable feeling. 在进入此界之后,他身体、血脉之中皆传来一股舒适之感。 The body is comfortable , because this place is growing Ancestor Bamboo! 身体之所以舒适,是因为此地生长着一株祖竹 Ning Fan is Lesser Five Elements Physique Physique. After last time Devour(ing) Fierce Dragon Tree, Wood Element Physique then promoting. 宁凡小五行体体质上一次吞噬蛮龙树之后,木行体质便提升了许多。 Ancestor Bamboo of this place growth, implication wooden Spiritual Qi is Fierce Dragon Tree innumerable times. 此地生长的祖竹,蕴含的木灵气蛮龙树的无数倍。 If not Bamboo Sovereign monitors in this, Ning Fan almost wants to win Ancestor Bamboo, Devour(ing), will urge Lesser Five Elements Physique Wood Element Physique large promoting. 若非竹皇在此监视,宁凡几乎想要夺走祖竹,将之吞噬,促使小五行体木行体质大幅提升了。 Meanwhile, can make Rain Intent promoting to extremely terrifying Realm. First Grade, not difficult... 同时,更可以令雨意提升至极其恐怖境界一品,不难... Must win Ancestor Bamboo...” In the Ning Fan heart raises reading of robbing, but the next moment, actually eliminates this to read. “要夺走祖竹么...”宁凡心中升起抢夺之念,但下一刻,却又打消此念。 Has Bamboo Sovereign to watch for in this, and Ancestor Bamboo within the body also Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer crazy Tree Spirit. If Ning Fan wants to rob Ancestor Bamboo, first then and Bamboo Sovereign and a Tree Spirit war, odds of success uncertain... 竹皇窥伺于此,且祖竹体内还有一个碎虚三重天的疯癫树灵宁凡若想抢夺祖竹,首先便得与竹皇树灵一战,胜算渺茫... Ning Fan has obtained the You Huang kindness, but the You Huang status, is first generation of Bamboo Sovereign. 况且,宁凡得到过幽篁的恩惠,而幽篁的身份,是先代竹皇 Had this relationship, Ning Fan could not make to Bamboo Palace seizes the valuable the matter. 有了这层关系,宁凡做不出对竹殿夺宝的事情。 Bloodlines is comfortable , because Ning Fan has Fu Li Monster Blood. 血脉之所以舒适,是因为宁凡身怀扶离妖血 According to Ning Fan knows, this Ancestor Bamboo is some generation of Bamboo Sovereign the type, its under is suppressing Ferocious Beast Nie Li. 宁凡所知,这祖竹是某代竹皇所种,其下镇压着凶兽孽离 Nie Li once was Fu Li, actually no longer was Fu Li, lost all Fu Li Bloodlines. 孽离曾是扶离,却不再是扶离,失去了所有扶离血脉 Nie Li Clan, is the servant of Fu Li generation after generations, only if eradicates Evil Seal, otherwise the servant status is always needless! 孽离一族,是扶离生生世世的奴仆,除非破除孽印,否则奴仆身份永世不消! Ning Fan sets up in Bamboo Realm, as if can hear Nie Li that under this stretch of land suppresses to summon him... 宁凡立身于竹界之中,仿佛能听到这片大地之下镇压的孽离在呼唤他... This place is Bamboo Realm, that towering high great tree, is Ancestor Bamboo. Ancestor Bamboo was supposed innumerable Seal by this Sovereign, Tree Spirit is unable to escape, will not harm the various sirs master. various sirs master can/but approaches Ancestor Bamboo, is Ancestor Bamboo diagnoses an illness depending on Divine Sense and Medicine Soul carefully... oh? “此地便是竹界,那一株参天之高的巨树,便是祖竹祖竹本皇设下无数封印,其中树灵无法逃出,不会伤害诸位大师。诸位大师可靠近祖竹,凭神念药魂祖竹细细诊病...嗯? The Bamboo Sovereign words saying half, suddenly. 竹皇话说一半,忽然一顿。 His words, are all broken by the sound transmission sound jade tablet that in storage pouch makes noise urgently. 他的话语,全被储物袋中紧急作响的传音音圭打断。 Bamboo Sovereign takes to pronounce the jade tablet, one hear of sound transmission, complexion does not reveal the half a point, in the eye actually floats off meaning of the shock. 竹皇取出音圭,一听其中传音,面色不露半分,眼中却浮起一丝震惊之意。 He has turned the head, exhorted several to Sixth Elder and Bai Li King, then all Alchemist apologetic say/way to Ning Fan, 他转过头,对六长老百黎王嘱咐了几句,而后对宁凡在内的所有炼丹师歉然道, Excuse me, in Jishui City some accidents, how Palace Lord Elder did not know processes, making this Sovereign return to processing.” “不好意思,姬水城中出了些变故,殿主长老不知如何处理,令本皇返回处理。” this Sovereign leaves Bamboo Realm for the time being, this place leaves leeway two Elder, will be responsible for protecting the various sirs master. When this Sovereign processes in the city the trivial matters, will return to this place to take the various sirs master to return to Bamboo Palace. These days within, but also asked the various sirs master to work as one, diagnosed the Ancestor Bamboo sick reason, discussed that means that was Ancestor Bamboo treats an illness...” 本皇暂且离开竹界,此地留有二位长老,会负责保护诸位大师。待本皇处理完城中俗务,会回此地接诸位大师返回竹殿。这段时间之内,还请诸位大师同心协力,诊治出祖竹的患病原因,商议出一个办法,为祖竹治病...” The Bamboo Sovereign word, does not talk too much with the people, the direct escaping light flashes, the old route returns, shortly will vanish without the shadow. 竹皇言罢,也不与众人多言,直接遁光一闪,原路返回,顷刻消失无影了。 His by no means was worried that this batch of Alchemist conspire to Ancestor Bamboo, was not worried that Ancestor Bamboo injures these Alchemist. 并不担心这批炼丹师祖竹图谋不轨,也不担心祖竹伤害这些炼丹师 Innumerable Seal that he plants personally, seal up Ancestor Bamboo Tree Spirit sufficiently, will not make Tree Spirit injure this place Alchemist. 他亲手种下的无数封印,足以封住祖竹树灵,不会让树灵伤害此地丹师 He leaves behind Sixth Elder and Bai Li King to monitor Alchemist, although in these Alchemist has other Tree Sea people, actually is Void Refinement and Divine Transformation cultivator, is unable under the eyes of two Elder hide play tricks. 他留下六长老百黎王监视诸位炼丹师,这些炼丹师之中虽然有其他树海的人,却皆是炼虚化神修士,无法在两名长老的眼皮子底下捣鬼。 Bamboo Sovereign... departed! 竹皇...离去了! In split second that Bamboo Sovereign departs, the anxiety that in the Ning Fan heart until now lingers, in apex that this moment achieves! 竹皇离去的一瞬间,宁凡心中一直以来萦绕的不安,在这一刻达到的顶点! At this moment. In Jishui City is having the unprecedented strange turmoil. 这一刻。姬水城中正出现前所未有的诡异动乱。 At this moment, giant accident that in Bamboo Realm, presents! 这一刻,竹界之中,同样出现的巨大变故! Death!” “死!” Bai Li King both eyes blood-red, the right palm raises suddenly, gets makes the blood-color tiger claw, a claw surprise attack, according to approaching the Sixth Elder vest! 百黎王忽然双目血红,右掌一扬,变作血色虎爪,一爪奇袭,按向六长老的背心! The strength of this claw, endures compared with Void Fragmentation strikes! 这一爪之力,堪比碎虚一击! Under the sneak attack, Sixth Elder Ice Bamboo does not have the protection, was struck serious injury by a Bai Li King claw directly. If the kite crash expansive sky of broken line. 偷袭之下,六长老凌竹子毫无防备,直接被百黎王一爪击成重伤。如断线的风筝般坠落长空。 Stands firm figure with great difficulty, Ice Bamboo swallows in the throats the sweet blood, the startled anger looks angrily at Bai Li King. 好容易稳住身形,凌竹子咽下喉间甜血,惊怒之极地怒视百黎王 Eighth Elder, what do you mean!” 八长老,你这是什么意思!” Shortly after Bamboo Sovereign just departed, Bai Li King then sticks out suddenly take action, heavy injury Sixth Elder. The take action is prepared early, will be similar he to know Bamboo Sovereign to depart because of events, leaves his crevice to sneak attack Sixth Elder... 竹皇刚离去不久,百黎王便暴起出手,重创六长老。其出手似早有准备,就仿佛他早已知晓竹皇会因事离去,留给他空隙偷袭六长老... Ning Fan look became startled, until now. He always thinks that Bai Li King has schemed to him merely, makes all sorts of strange actions. 宁凡目光一惊,一直以来。他始终以为百黎王仅仅是对他一人有所图谋,才做出种种诡异举动。 He in the moment that Bamboo Sovereign departs, is guarding against Bai Li King, for fear that Bai Li King unites Sixth Elder to his take action. 他在竹皇离去的一刻,便提防着百黎王,生怕百黎王联合六长老对他出手 But Ning Fan has not thought. Bai Li King 1st sneak attack is not he, instead is with is Elder Ice Bamboo! 宁凡怎么也没想到。百黎王第一个偷袭的不是他,反而是同为长老凌竹子 Not only Ning Fan cannot think through the Bai Li King motive, then sneak attacked Ice Bamboo felt that shocks stunned with. 非但宁凡想不通百黎王的动机,便是被偷袭的凌竹子都感到震撼与错愕。 Ice Bamboo cannot think through, why Bai Li King must to his take action. He and Bai Li King without/has not any gratitude and grudges! 凌竹子想不通,百黎王为何要对他出手。他与百黎王没有任何恩怨! And Bai Li King, if begins to Ning Fan, is only personal grudge nothing more. Even if killed Ning Fan, Bamboo Sovereign will also only blame Bai Li several. Will not govern the Bai Li King crime. 百黎王若对宁凡动手,只算是私仇而已。纵然杀了宁凡,竹皇也只会责备百黎几句。不会治百黎王的罪。 But if Bai Li King to as Eighth Elder his take action, the nature was different. 但若是百黎王对身为八长老的他出手,性质就不同了。 Harmed the Bamboo Palace colleague, in any event, Bamboo Sovereign will not forgive Bai Li King lightly! 伤害了竹殿同僚,无论如何,竹皇不会轻饶百黎王 Why you sneak attack Old Man, to a Old Man reason!” Ice Bamboo being angry asked. “你为何偷袭老夫,给老夫一个理由!”凌竹子大怒质问道。 While speaking opportunity, the Ice Bamboo dragging time, swallows therapy in secret Medicine Pill, is restoring within the body injury, is guarding against under Bai Li King one time take action. 趁说话的机会,凌竹子拖延时间,暗中吞服疗伤丹药,恢复着体内伤势,提防着百黎王一次出手 Reason... this King presents the command of Master, must kill off cultivating of this world, the spirit of unseal Ancestor Bamboo, emits Nie Li Ferocious Beast, turns round the eastern bamboo, extinguishes Bamboo Palace! This, is the reason of this King take action, you can die!” “理由么...本王主人之令,须杀尽此界之修,解封祖竹之灵,放出孽离凶兽,覆东竹,灭竹殿!这,就是本王出手的理由,你可以死了!” In the Bai Li King eye raising dense killing intent, sneers unceasingly, seems unfeeling killer. 百黎王眼中升起森然杀机,冷笑不绝,好似一个冷酷无情的杀手 But his look most deep place, actually hides one to struggle, pain... he not to harm Bamboo Palace anybody, he does not want to betray Bamboo Palace, he does not want to make Bai Li be shamed, but his without/has not means control body! 但他的眼神最深处,却藏着一丝挣扎、痛苦...他不想伤害竹殿任何人,他不想背叛竹殿,他不想令百黎蒙羞,但他没有办法控制身体! His body complies with its Lord order, must kill off this place everyone, his heart, is unable to revolt! 他的身体遵从其主的命令,要杀尽此地所有人,他的心,无法反抗! He was operated like Puppet generally, all words and deeds during its Lord surveillance... 他就像一个傀儡一般被人操纵,一切言行都在其主的监视之中... His situation was even inferior that Puppet... Puppet without/has not memory, will not be sad. 他的处境甚至不如傀儡...傀儡没有记忆,不会哀伤。 He has memory, has the consciousness! 他有记忆,有意识! He was once treated as the Puppet control, killed oneself all clansman, implicates oneself all clansman becoming Living Puppet, at that moment, he is in deep sorrow! 他曾被人当做傀儡操控,杀害了自己所有族人,连累自己所有族人成为生傀,那一刻,他痛不欲生! He presented the command of his lord, sends people to assassinate Ning Fan. 他奉了其主之令,派人暗杀宁凡 But he still left leeway some consciousness, without/has not implements the Master order thoroughly, sent killer all without/has not cuts to kill the Ning Fan strength. 但他仍留有一些意识,没有彻底贯彻主人命令,派去的杀手没有斩杀宁凡的实力。 He sends these killer, is only the person of bringing death. 他派去那些杀手,只是送死之人。 These killer, are Living Puppet, is his clansman, such as his general Undying/not dead not live was being operated! 那些杀手,都是生傀,都是他的族人,如他一般不死不活的被人操纵着! He delivers clansman dead, the motive only then... lets degenerate into Living Puppet clansman, obtained the extrication after the death! 他送族人们去死,动机只有一个...让沦为生傀族人们,在死亡之后获得解脱! Bai Li King one time looks again to Ning Fan, in his eye reveals to beg the meaning. 百黎王一次望向宁凡,他的眼中流露出一丝乞求之意。 He wants to ask Ning Fan to kill him, extricated him, is only these words, lord Will to violate with it, is unable to say. 他想求宁凡杀了他,解脱了他,只是这句话,与其主意志违背,无法言出。 He had sent out war declaration several times, suggested that Ning Fan slaughters its clansman, slaughters he himself... 他已数次送出战帖,暗示宁凡杀戮其族人,杀戮他自己... At this moment, in the Bai Li King heart thinks dies of the hand of Ning Fan obviously, flees this Living Puppet Fate. 这一刻,百黎王心中所想的明明是死于宁凡之手,逃离这生傀命运 But his body, actually does not run errands to flush away toward Ice Bamboo, lifts the hand to offer a sacrifice to huge grinding pan Magical Treasure, the oath must cut to kill Ice Bamboo in this! 但他的身体,却不听使唤地朝凌竹子冲去,抬手祭起一个巨大的磨盘法宝,誓要将凌竹子斩杀于此! Courts death! Bai Li! Although you are Primordial Peak cultivation base, but wants to cut to kill Old Man this kind of Void Fragmentation cultivator, is actually the wishful thinking!” “找死!百黎!你虽是归元无敌修为,但想斩杀老夫这等碎虚修士,却是痴心妄想!” Ice Bamboo broke out into laughter caused by anger, raises hand to offer a sacrifice to Golden Fu Chen, prepares to counter-attack Bai Li King. 凌竹子怒极反笑,扬手祭起一个金色拂尘,准备反击百黎王 The each and every single (person) Alchemist atmosphere does not dare to leave, in abundance in above the vast sky backing up thousand li (500 km) ten thousand li (0.5 km), for fear that was affected by two people of fighting method. 一个个炼丹师大气也不敢出,纷纷在长空之上倒退千里万里,唯恐被二人斗法波及。 In the Ning Fan heart the feeling of unease is getting more and more thick. 宁凡心中不安的感觉越来越浓。 Offers a sacrifice to Golden Fu Chen split second in Ice Bamboo, quiet motionless Sun Yu has flushed away toward Ice Bamboo behind suddenly. 凌竹子祭起金色拂尘一瞬间,一直安静不动的孙玉忽然朝凌竹子身后冲去。 He grasps silver jade slip, suddenly according to broken. 他手持一个银色玉简,猛然按碎。 the next moment. In silver jade slip, departs an illusory form of silver-haired old man. 下一刻银色玉简之中,飞出一个银发老者的虚幻身影。 split second that silver-haired old man presents, warning sign in Ning Fan heart achieves Peak! 那银发老者出现的一瞬间,宁凡心中的警兆达到巅峰 That silver-haired old man looked that has not looked at Ning Fan one, perhaps in his opinion, this place most must extinguish is not Ning Fan that immediately kills, but is Ice Bamboo. 那银发老者看也没看宁凡一眼,或许在他看来,此地最需立刻灭杀的不是宁凡,而是凌竹子 Mourns the technique, Living Puppet!” “悼术,生傀!” A silver-haired old man direction to the Ice Bamboo vest, his appearance comes as a surprise to Ice Bamboo greatly! 银发老者一指点向凌竹子背心,他的出现大大出乎凌竹子的预料! The strength of silver-haired old man referring, changes to the countless silver fine lace, pricks in Ice Bamboo vest flesh and blood! 银发老者一指之力,化作数之不尽的银色细线,刺入凌竹子背心血肉之中! Is pricking an instant of Ice Bamboo vest. The leech that these fine laces as if change to the blood sucking completely, attracts in Ice Bamboo within the body fiercely, suction half the strength of its Nascent Divinity! 在刺入凌竹子背心的一瞬。那些细线仿佛全部化作吸血的水蛭,在凌竹子体内猛地一吸,将其元神之力生生吸走一半! Ice Bamboo serious injury, had lost the strength of half Nascent Divinity suddenly, the aura the dispirited gets down immediately. 凌竹子本已重伤,骤然失去一半元神之力,气息立刻萎靡下来。 His activates Fu Chen Magical Treasure, repels the Bai Li King grinding pan painfully, has turned around, looks angrily at the silver-haired old man! 他痛苦地催动拂尘法宝,击退百黎王的磨盘,转过身,怒视银发老者! Wan Changkong... is you... today comes, does not know that is several Dividing Spirit of your 120% god...” 万长空...是你...今日来的,不知是你十二分神的第几分神...” You. Does not need to know!” “你。无需知道!” The silver-haired old man pulls the silver wire fiercely, attracts thoroughly spatially the strength of Ice Bamboo Nascent Divinity. 银发老者猛地一扯银线,将凌竹子元神之力彻底吸空。 next instant, Ice Bamboo both eyes becomes empty, changes to good-for-nothing Living Puppet. Kneels down to the silver-haired old man in above the vast sky unexpectedly. 下一瞬,凌竹子双目变得空洞,化作一个行尸走肉般的生傀。竟在长空之上向银发老者跪倒。 Ice Bamboo is unwilling, his innermost soul, thick being unwilling, his being unwilling tendency Wan Changkong worships on bended knees! 凌竹子不甘,他灵魂深处,有一股浓浓的不甘,他不甘心向万长空跪拜! But his Will is unable to transmit to the body. In the becoming Living Puppet moment, he has degenerated into Wan Changkong Puppet, does not have the possibility of resistance again... 但他的意志无法传达至身体。在成为生傀的一刻,他已沦为万长空傀儡,再无反抗的可能... He... he is Wan Changkong! Is Western Tree Sea Puppet Sovereign Wan Changkong! He has 12 Void Fragmentation Dividing Spirit!” Blue Life Tree Lord in great surprise. “他...他是万长空!是西树海的‘傀皇万长空!他拥有十二碎虚分神!”沧生树主大惊。 Puppet Sovereign... such remote name. Cannot think that in Tree World the also person remembers.” 傀皇...这么久远的称呼。想不到树界之中还有人记得。” Silver-haired old man coldly smiles, activates is referring to the innumerable say/way being thin , if no thing Puppet Strings. 银发老者冷冷一笑,催动着指间无数道细若无物的傀线 In his body side, is setting up Bai Li King, Sun Yu and Ice Bamboo three Living Puppet! 在他的身侧,立着百黎王孙玉凌竹子三具生傀 But originally stands with many Alchemist in Zhu Hong, laughs, flies to silver-haired old man behind. 原本与诸多炼丹师站在一处的祝洪,大笑一声,飞至银发老者身后 Elder Wan, later you must taking advantage of strength of unseal Ferocious Beast Nie Li my Medicine Soul, you probably protect me at this moment well are. Doesn't the killing this place Alchemist matter, need my took action?” Zhu Hong asked with a smile. 万长老,之后你还需借我药魂之力解封凶兽孽离,此刻你需好好保护我才是。击杀此地炼丹师的事情,就无须我出手了吧?”祝洪笑问道 You do not need take action, this place to have Old Man 1st Fragment Dividing Spirit oversee, sweeps away sufficiently!” “你无须出手,此地有老夫一具碎一分神坐镇,足以横扫!” gaze of silver-haired old man sweeps suddenly to Ning Fan, said with a sneer, 银发老者的目光忽然扫向宁凡,冷笑道, „Are you, Lu Bei? Was Teng Xianrou seized by you? Old Man is very curious, depending on your trivial Void Refinement Realm cultivation base, how to seize Void Fragmentation Realm Teng Xianrou. Your strength, should not be weak... Hehe...” “你,就是陆北藤纤柔就是被你擒下的?老夫很好奇,凭你区区炼虚境界修为,何以擒下碎虚境界藤纤柔。你的实力,应该不弱吧...呵呵...” Scoff! Scoff! Scoff! 嗤!嗤!嗤! In split second that Wan Changkong sneers, the innumerable silver fine laces appear in the under feet of all Alchemist suddenly. 万长空冷笑的一瞬间,无数银色细线忽然出现在所有炼丹师的脚下。 each and every single (person) Five Revolutions and Six Revolutions Alchemist, opportunity of basic without/has not resistance, was all pricked within the body by the fine lace. 一个个五转六转炼丹师,根本没有反抗的机会,俱被细线刺入体内。 Only one instance, all Alchemist excluding Ning Fan was extinguished Nascent Divinity and Monster Soul by Wan Changkong, degenerates into Undying/not dead not live Living Puppet! 只一个瞬间,除宁凡外的所有炼丹师都被万长空灭去元神妖魂,沦为不死不活的生傀 Only has Ning Fan one person, in an instant that the fine lace presents, then resembles a sleep/felt, leaves to fly to draw back fiercely. 唯有宁凡一人,在细线出现的一瞬,便似有所觉,猛地抽身飞退。 Simultaneously the whole body twines Black Demon Fire, all fine laces of near body burn down turn to ash, avoided by the Wan Changkong Puppet possibility. 同时周身缠绕起黑色魔火,将近身的所有细线焚烧成灰,避免了被万长空傀儡化的可能。 Although escapes strikes, but in the Ning Fan heart shocks heavily actually absolutely. 虽逃过一击,但宁凡心中震撼却绝对不轻。 If he retroceded a moment ago the slightly slow half a point, then meets such as other Alchemist to be the same, by Wan Changkong split second refined into Living Puppet! 若他刚才后退地稍慢半分,便会如其他丹师一般,被万长空一瞬间炼成生傀 His coldly is gazing at the silver-haired old man, gaze is phenomenally dignified. 冷冷注视着银发老者,目光空前凝重。 This person is Wan Changkong, before is 10,000 years, blood slaughter Ming Luo Clan Wild Demon... 此人就是万长空,是万年血屠冥罗族狂魔... From the beforehand sea tree Lord few words, Ning Fan finds, Wan Changkong has 12 Void Fragmentation Dividing Spirit, but present, is 120% god one of them... 从之前沧海树主的只言片语中,宁凡了解到,万长空拥有十二碎虚分神,而眼前的这具,便是十二分神其中之一... This Wan Changkong Divine Ability is quite fearful, actually this is what Divine Ability! 万长空神通好生可怕,这究竟是何神通 Oh? Did you keep off Old Man to strike unexpectedly? interesting. However does not know whether you block its strike...” ?你竟挡下了老夫一击?有点意思。不过不知你可否挡住它的一击呢...” Wan Changkong sneers, rouses refers to the fine lace, and takes out net bottle Magical Treasure to offer a sacrifice to the sky. 万长空冷笑一声,勾动指间细线,并取出一个净瓶法宝当空祭起。 the next moment, in Ancestor Bamboo of distant place, spreads together howling of savage blood-thirsty suddenly. 下一刻,远方的祖竹之中,忽然传出一道凶残嗜血的吼叫。 In net bottle Magical Treasure put drop of fiery red liquid. 净瓶法宝中盛放了一滴火红的液体。 As the net bottle leans, the fiery red liquid drop above huge Ancestor Bamboo, Seal above entire Ancestor Bamboo burns suddenly, subsequently burns down completely! 随着净瓶一倾,火红的液体滴在巨大的祖竹之上,整个祖竹之上的封印忽然燃烧起来,继而全部焚毁! At this moment, break free of Seal crazy Tree Spirit... in Ancestor Bamboo! 这一刻,封印祖竹之内的疯癫树灵...脱困 Above entire Ancestor Bamboo, the innumerable twigs change to demon, above the innumerable bamboo leaves grows the demon pupil. 整个祖竹之上,无数的枝杈化作魔手,无数的竹叶之上长出魔瞳。 Ancestor Bamboo rises straight from the ground, changes to huge Tree Demon, has Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer cultivation base! 祖竹拔地而起,化作一个巨大的树魔,拥有碎虚三重天修为 Pulls out Demon Transformation split second in it, kneels in the Wan Changkong direction unexpectedly fiercely! 在其拔地化魔一瞬间,竟朝着万长空方向猛地一跪! He, is Wan Changkong Living Puppet! 他,亦是万长空生傀 Before 10,000 years, the Ancestor Bamboo Tree Spirit crazy, that is not the crazy, merely by the process of Wan Changkong puppet! 万年之前,祖竹树灵疯癫,那并非是疯癫,仅仅是被万长空傀化的过程! Zhu Hong, Ice Bamboo, Bai Li and Sun Yu, you went unseal Bamboo Realm bottom Seal four Ferocious Beast Nie Li! Old Man must bring this 3rd Fragmentation Realm Tree Demon, crosses several moves with Lu Bei little friend well! Slowly, kills him!” 祝洪凌竹子百黎孙玉,尔等前去解封竹界地底封印的四头凶兽孽离老夫要带着这碎三境界树魔,与陆北小友好好过几招!慢慢地,杀死他!” ... ... At this moment, in Jishui City, piece of chaos! 此时此刻,姬水城中,一片大乱! Innumerable cultivator kill one another, rivers of blood! 无数修士自相残杀,血流成河! 11 appearance same silver hair old men, hide in various Muye Country places, is watching critically this killing one another plays.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 11个模样相同的银发老者,藏身于牧野国各处,冷眼旁观着这场自相残杀的剧目。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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