GE :: Volume #6

#590: Slaughter bamboo plan

Time day by day in the past, after the Eighth Elder successor underwent several rounds of inspections, finally settled down. 时间一日日过去,八长老的继任者经过数轮考核之后,终于尘埃落定。 Did not have accident/surprise, Bai Li King obtains becoming new Eighth Elder. 不出意外,百黎王获得成为了新任八长老 Tree World concocting pills Grandmaster arrives at Jishui City one after another, Bao Kuo (including) Ning Fan, this time altogether has 11 Six Revolutions Alchemist to come Ji Shui. 树界炼丹宗师陆续来到姬水城,包括宁凡在内,此次共有11名六转炼丹师前来姬水 Ning Fan is confined at home, is busy with refining governing insane Medicine Pill, in the surface to all things of outside world is indifferent. 宁凡足不出户,忙于炼制治癫丹药,表面上对外界发生的一切事情漠不关心。 Secretly, actually displayed Heaven Spying Rain Technique several times, peeps at the entire Muye Country trend in secret. 暗地里,却又数次施展窥天雨术,暗中窥视整个牧野国的动向。 Muye Country, Jishui City... all are the uneventful appearances. 牧野国,姬水城...一切都是风平浪静的模样。 After three Tree World Six Revolutions High Grade Alchemist all arrive in Jishui City, Ning Fan received the Bamboo Palace invitation placard. 当三名树界六转上品丹师全部抵达姬水城之后,宁凡收到了竹殿的邀帖。 Delivers to invite the post, is a Divine Transformation Middle Stage azure pupil youth, is Star Cypress Clan Young Lord. 来送邀贴的,是一名化神中期的青瞳青年,是星柏一族少主 He is looking at Ning Fan gaze, has the 30% (slightly) worship, and 70% awe... he is also Alchemist. 他望着宁凡目光,带着三分崇拜,以及七分敬畏...他亦是一名炼丹师 Younger generation presents the command of Third Elder, coming this to invite Senior Lu to attend the feast of tonight's Bamboo Palace. The concrete details, Senior looks to invite to paste apparent.” “晚辈奉三长老之令,来此邀请陆前辈参加今晚的竹殿之宴。具体详情,前辈一看邀贴便知。” Ning Fan takes has invited the post, gaze to sweep. 宁凡取过邀贴,目光一扫。 Tonight, Bamboo Palace will give a banquet in Bamboo Imperial Palace, receives cordially to visit Jishui City 11 Six Revolutions Alchemist. 今晚,竹殿将在竹皇宫设宴,款待莅临姬水城的11名六转丹师 Tomorrow, Bamboo Sovereign can bring 11 Six Revolutions Alchemist and some Five Revolutions Alchemist, goes to Ancestor Bamboo location, is Ancestor Bamboo diagnoses an illness officially. 明日,竹皇会带着11名六转丹师及部分五转丹师,前往祖竹所在之地,正式为祖竹诊病。 „Will this palace feast besides me and other Six Revolutions Alchemist, which people have to come?” Ning Fan inquired. “此次宫宴除了我等11名六转丹师之外,都会有哪些人前来?”宁凡询问道。 Returns to the Senior words, this palace feast personally is presided over by Bamboo Sovereign, seven Void Fragmentation Elder will all attend, new Eighth Elder will also attend. Besides Senior and other Six Revolutions Alchemist, Bamboo Sovereign also invited some Void Refinement influence attendance palace feast, such as Fusang Clan, Southern Wood Clan...” “回前辈的话,此次宫宴由竹皇亲自主持,七名碎虚长老皆会出席,就连新任八长老也会出席。除了前辈六转炼丹师,竹皇还邀请了一些炼虚势力出席宫宴,诸如扶桑一族,南木一族...” Ok, I knew, you draw back.” The Ning Fan nod said. “好了,我知道了,你退下吧。”宁凡点头道。 Yes, younger generation this then asks to be excused.” The youth respectful bends body ritual. Changes to the escaping photodissociation to go. “是,晚辈这便告退。”青年恭敬的屈身一礼。化作遁光离去。 The twilight sinks gradually, the dim light of night very soon arrives. 暮色渐沉,夜色俄而降临。 Ning Fan leaves Golden Palace, walks above the Ji Shui long street, walks toward Bamboo Imperial Palace slowly. 宁凡离开金宫,行走在姬水长街之上,朝竹皇宫徐徐走去。 In this period of time, in his heart will feel some disturbed from time to time, as if has what danger to approach in gradually. 这段时日中,他的心中时而会感到一些不安,仿佛有什么危险在渐渐逼近。 He does not like mixing in the immaterial danger, but to obtain Tree Ancestor Fruit, actually has to keep Eastern Tree Sea... 他不喜欢掺和到无关紧要的危险之中,但为了获得树祖果,却不得不留在东树海... When Ning Fan thinks, its behind direction hears a path of blood-thirsty the sound of tiger roar suddenly. 宁凡思索之时,其身后方向忽然传来一道道嗜血的虎吼之声。 Actually sees a tree car(riage) that is exaggerated by four Desolate Beast draws, is spreading from far to near. 却见一辆由四头荒兽血虎拉动的树车,正自远而近驰来。 Above this tree car(riage) diagrams the Bai Li Clan clan emblem. The driver is four Bai Li Void Glimpse , indeed that in the car(riage) sits was just promoted with all attendant honor is Bamboo Palace Eighth Elder Bai Li King! 此树车之上绘有百黎一族的族徽。驾车者是四名百黎窥虚,车中所坐的,正是刚刚荣升为竹殿八长老百黎王 Sees this to exaggerate the tree car(riage), cultivator above long street withdraws in abundance. 一见这血虎树车,长街之上的修士纷纷退避开来。 That tree car(riage) speeds away, when line to Ning Fan body side, suddenly lives suddenly. 那树车一路疾驰,待行至宁凡身侧之时,忽然猛然顿住。 Bai Li King goes out of the tree car(riage), both eyes is indifferent, without/has not talks too much, the big sleeve wields fiercely. In the sleeve flies to project innumerable bloody glow, the condense one sheet jade placard, throws to Ning Fan conveniently. 百黎王走出树车,双目冷漠,没有多言,大袖猛地一挥。袖中飞射出无数血光,凝成一张玉帖,随手抛给宁凡 Ning Fan received the jade placard, gaze sweeps. 宁凡接过玉帖,目光一扫。 This is Bai Li King gives his 4th war declaration! 这是百黎王给他的第四战帖 this time war declaration. Is sent by Bai Li King personally. 这一次战帖。由百黎王亲自送来。 this time war declaration, writes no longer is independent one dying character, but is three characters. 这一次战帖,所写的不再是单独的一个‘死’字,而是三个字。 Tomorrow, death!’ ‘明日,死!’ In Bai Li King gaze. Contains boundless killing intent, does not seem to kill Ning Fan not to give up! 百黎王目光之中。蕴含着无边杀机,似乎不杀宁凡决不罢休! But its gaze most deep place, is actually hiding a pain. Entreated, reminded the meaning... that is his true expression. 但其目光的最深处,却藏着一丝痛苦。一丝哀求,一丝提醒之意...那才是他真正的表情。 From beginning to end, Bai Li King without/has not talks too much one, after sending out 4th war declaration, rides the tree car(riage), skices to go toward Bamboo Imperial Palace. 从始至终,百黎王没有多言一句,在送出第四战帖之后,坐回树车,朝竹皇宫疾行而去。 cultivator that nearby does not understand the true situation, notices Bai Li King to Ning Fan Murderous Qi steaming gaze, all guessed that secretly Bai Li King and Ning Fan have what enmity. 附近不明真相的修士,注意到百黎王宁凡杀气腾腾的目光,皆暗暗猜测百黎王宁凡有什么过节 Ning Fan stands above the long street, grasps 4th war declaration, reveals the color of hesitation. 宁凡站在长街之上,手持第四战帖,露出沉吟之色。 This war declaration only then few three characters, but contained an important news. 战帖只有寥寥三个字,但其中包含了一个重要讯息。 Tomorrow! 明日! The Ning Fan thoughts revolve rapidly, tomorrow, Bai Li Clan must under the extreme methods to him... 宁凡心思飞转,明日,百黎族要对他下死手么... But if Bai Li Clan really wants under the extreme methods to him, why to point out the date specially, making him prepare ahead of time? 但若百黎族真想对他下死手,为何又特意点明日期,让他提前有所准备呢? Tomorrow, will Bai Li Clan have killer to kill me... Bai Li King to make me prepare, destroys completely all Bai Li killer?” “明日,百黎族会有更多杀手来杀我...百黎王想让我有所准备,灭掉所有百黎杀手么?” „His war declaration, revealed killing intent, but is, rather is reminds me to use... him to do this, actually to have what scheme...” “他这张战帖,与其说是表露杀意而为,不如说是提醒我所用...他这样做,究竟有何图谋...” Tomorrow, Bamboo Sovereign can lead me and other Six Revolutions Alchemist to enter the small thousand restricted areas that Ancestor Bamboo is, is Ancestor Bamboo diagnoses an illness. can it be said, Bai Li Clan will begin to me there...” “明日,竹皇会带我等六转丹师进入祖竹所在的小千禁地,为祖竹诊病。难道说,百黎族会在那里对我动手么...” In any event, must be more careful tomorrow!” “无论如何,明日都须小心一些!” Ning Fan good to Bamboo Imperial Palace, this is a palace that is built by Golden Bamboo. 宁凡一路行至竹皇宫,这是一座由金竹搭建的宫殿。 Outside the palace, guards sees Ning Fan to hold to invite to paste to come, immediately welcoming will enter in the palace to take a seat. 宫殿外,守卫一见宁凡持邀贴而来,立刻将之迎入殿中入席。 In palace, rows of Palace Maiden that wears light muslin are dancing lightly, dark fragrant full person. 宫殿内,一列列身着轻纱宫女正翩翩起舞,暗香盈人。 In main hall, Bamboo Sovereign high according to chief, its under is 11 Six Revolutions Alchemist seats, again its under is the Bamboo Palace Void Fragmentation Elder seat, later is other Void Refinement influence and Five Revolutions Alchemist seat. 正殿之中,竹皇高据首席,其下则是11名六转炼丹师的席位,再其下才是竹殿碎虚长老的席位,之后才是其他炼虚势力、五转丹师的席位。 So the arrangement, naturally may see that Bamboo Sovereign to treating the Ancestor Bamboo incident has regards as important. 如此安排,自然可看出竹皇对医治祖竹一事有多么看重。 Ning Fan is not 1st arrival Six Revolutions Alchemist, non- last person. 宁凡并非第一个到来的六转丹师,也非最后一人。 Before him, 7 Six Revolutions Alchemist have taken a seat, in Bao Kuo (including) 3 Six Revolutions high-ranked Alchemist, 4 Six Revolutions, low-ranked Alchemist. 在他之前,已有七名六转丹师入席,包括三名六转上级丹师、四名六转中、下级丹师 In 4 Six Revolutions, low-ranked Alchemist is actually very polite to Ning Fan, each and every single (person) sees Ning Fan to take a seat, immediately sets out to hold the fist in the other hand to salute. 四名六转中、下级丹师宁凡倒是十分客气,一个个宁凡入席,立刻起身抱拳行礼。 That 3 Six Revolutions high-ranked Alchemist, then complexion varies is sizing up Ning Fan. 那三名六转上级丹师,则面色各异地打量着宁凡 In three people, the person came from Northern Tree Sea, is the Blue Life Tree Sea tree lord, he looks at Ning Fan gaze to have several points arrogant and disdains. 三人中,有一人来自北树海,是沧生树海的树主,他望着宁凡目光带着几分傲慢和不屑。 This person considers oneself as high, as Northern Tree Sea 1st Alchemist, usually has keen eyesight to the top, Primordial Supreme Void will not put in the eye, is same level Alchemist, looks down upon anybody. 此人自视极高,身为北树海第一炼丹师,平日眼高于顶,连归元太虚都不会放入眼中,便是同级丹师,也瞧不起任何人。 He looks down upon Ning Fan, does not hope with Ning Fan discussion half a word, sized up Ning Fan one after slightly, disdains to smile, the empty ni focuses, takes a nap. 他瞧不起宁凡,自不愿与宁凡谈论半句,微微打量了宁凡一眼之后,不屑一笑,虚咪着眼,假寐起来。 Another Six Revolutions high-ranked Alchemist from Eastern Tree Sea, is Vine Palace chief Alchemist, named Zhu Hong. 另一名六转上级丹师来自东树海,是藤殿的首席炼丹师,名为祝洪 This person looks to Ning Fan gaze, having the 30% (slightly) hostility, the reason is not no need saying that naturally was because Ning Fan offended the matter of Vine Sovereign. 此人望向宁凡目光,带着三分敌意,原因不必说,自然是因为宁凡得罪藤皇之事。 Last person came from Southern Tree Sea, named Sun Yu, is Snow Willow Demon Palace chief Alchemist. This person of complexion is actually genial. Sizes up Ning Fan gaze also to have the 30% (slightly) happy expression. 最后一人来自南树海,名为孙玉,是雪柳魔殿的首席炼丹师。此人面色倒是和善。打量宁凡目光也带着三分笑意。 After detecting Ning Fan Medicine Soul wins for one point compared with him, Sun Yu slightly one holds the fist in the other hand immediately, polite say/way, 在察觉到宁凡药魂比他更胜一分之后,孙玉立刻微一抱拳,客气道, „The Fellow Daoist Lu very powerful big medicine Soul Force quantity, can shake the 6th Fragment color Ancient Tablet person by the strength of Medicine Soul worthily.” 陆道友好强大的药魂力量,不愧是能以药魂之力震碎六古碑的人。” Fellow Daoist Sun chatted.” 孙道友说笑了。” Ning Fan sits side Sun Yu, polite smiles to the latter, holds the fist in the other hand to return salute. 宁凡就坐在孙玉身边,对后者客气一笑,抱拳还礼。 He before coming to feast then clarified the Tree World Six Revolutions Alchemist details, Blue Life Tree Lord and Zhu Hong disliked he, he will not naturally pay attention to these two people. 他早在前来赴宴之前便弄清了树界六转丹师的底细,沧生树主祝洪不待见他,他自然也不会理会这二人。 Sun Yu waits him to be polite, he then also by polite. 孙玉待他客气,他便也还以客气。 Two people exchange toasts. Exchanges respective Pill Technique. 二人推杯换盏。交流起各自的丹术 The Ning Fan Pill Technique characteristics, are collection hundred excelling in one's body, browses very widely. 宁凡丹术的特点,是集百家之长于己身,涉猎十分广泛。 Pill Technique that Sun Yu studies is Tree World legitimate Wood Burning Dao Pill Technique, although does not browse broadly, but is extremely deep to the Wood Burning Dao Pill Technique research. 孙玉所学的丹术则是树界正统的‘木焚道’的丹术,虽涉猎不广,但对木焚道丹术研究极深。 Two people one chitchatted, quite had the common language, gradually also on the talk intimately with relative acquaintance. 二人一番攀谈,颇有共同语言,渐渐也就交浅言深了。 Sun Yu read and incident, started to speak but hesitated, finally decided to remind Ning Fan. sound transmission asked. 孙玉念及一事,欲言又止,最终还是决定提醒宁凡传音问道。 May I ask Fellow Daoist Lu, has offended Willow Sovereign...” “敢问陆道友,是否得罪过柳皇...” Willow Sovereign?” Ning Fan recalled that with process that Liu Haoyue meets by chance, laughs in spite of trying not to shake the head, replied through sound transmission. Has not offended.” 柳皇?”宁凡回想起与柳皓月相逢的经过,失笑摇头,亦传音回道。“并未得罪过。” This blamed... Fellow Daoist not to offend Willow Sovereign, why Willow Sovereign has been able under that order...” Sun Yu shakes the head puzzled, subsequently to Ning Fan sound transmission reminded, “这就怪了...道友没得罪过柳皇,柳皇为何会下那种命令...”孙玉不解地摇摇头,继而又对宁凡传音提醒道, Fellow Daoist in the near future within. Came Southern Tree Sea... Fellow Daoist once to enrage Vine Sovereign not by any means that a Vine Sovereign anger issued the warrant for arrest to issue a warrant for arrest Fellow Daoist. This warrant for arrest passes to the Willow Sovereign hand, Willow Sovereign saw the warrant for arrest. After laughing three, issued an order... Willow Sovereign to make the Willow Palace cultivator strict idea Realm Gate nearby trend, once distributed Fellow Daoist to arrive at Southern Tree Sea, then invited Willow Palace to live Fellow Daoist slightly...” 道友近期之内。切莫来南树海...道友曾触怒藤皇,藤皇一怒下达通缉令通缉道友。这通缉令传到柳皇手中,柳皇见了通缉令。大笑三声之后,下了一个命令...柳皇柳殿修士严密主意界门附近的动向,一旦发下道友来到南树海,便将道友‘请来柳殿稍住’...” wait/etc. the non- insiders look like in Sun Yu, Willow Sovereign asked Ning Fan to live in Willow Palace slightly is false, capturing, imprisoned Ning Fan in Willow Palace is real. 孙玉等不知情者看来,柳皇宁凡稍住柳殿是假,擒拿、囚禁宁凡柳殿是真。 Sun Yu naturally does not know, Willow Sovereign had once had casual acquaintance with Ning Fan, very appreciates Ning Fan profound Dao Enlightenment. 孙玉自然不知,柳皇曾与宁凡有过一面之缘,十分欣赏宁凡的深刻道悟 After seeing the Ning Fan warrant for arrest, Willow Sovereign understands immediately, Ning Fan submerged Tree World from Rain World. 在见到宁凡通缉令之后,柳皇立刻明白,宁凡雨界潜入了树界 The order of Willow Sovereign, really wants to ask Ning Fan to enter a Willow Palace to chat, pours without/has not any evil intention. 柳皇的命令,真的只是想请宁凡柳殿一叙,倒没有任何恶意。 so that's how it is, many thanks Fellow Daoist reminded, this Lu within, will not go to Southern Tree Sea in the near future. However if Fellow Daoist returns to Willow Palace, but also please give regards to Willow Sovereign for me, said that the this Lu trivial matters are encumbered, this time feared that has opportunity to go to Southern Tree Sea, raise one's wine cup to ask with him rarely.” 原来如此,多谢道友提醒,陆某近期之内,不会前往南树海的。不过若道友回到柳殿,还请替我向柳皇问个好,就说陆某俗务缠身,此次怕是难得有机会南树海、与他把酒问道了。” Sun Yu reminded Ning Fan, saved several points of good intentions, the Ning Fan natural intention was grateful. 孙玉提醒宁凡,存了几分善意,宁凡自然心怀感激。 He also pointed out to Sun Yu, oneself and Willow Sovereign has some friendship, the order of Willow Sovereign is harmless, is only ordinary well-meaning nothing more. 他亦向孙玉点明,自己与柳皇有些许交情,柳皇的命令并无恶意,只是普通的善意而已 Sun Yu somewhat surprised, has not expected Ning Fan and Willow Sovereign slightly has some friendship. 孙玉微微有些诧异,并未料到宁凡柳皇有些许交情。 After understanding this point, Sun Yu was not naturally worried that Ning Fan coped with by Southern Tree Sea, when Extremity Force invited the Ning Fan leisure went to a Southern Tree Sea to chat, exchanged Pill Technique. 明白了这一点之后,孙玉自然也就不担心宁凡南树海对付了,极力邀请宁凡闲暇之时前往南树海一叙,交流丹术 After the liquor over three patrol, the sound transmission sound jade tablet in Sun Yu storage pouch resounds suddenly. 酒过三巡之后,孙玉储物袋中的传音音圭忽然叮铃铃响起。 sound transmission in sound jade tablet, is Sun Yu Sect disciple(s) sound transmission, as if had/left some minor matters, needs Sun Yu to hurry back to dwelling processing of Jishui City. 音圭之中的传音,是孙玉门人弟子传音,似乎出了些小事,需要孙玉赶回姬水城的住处处理。 A Sun Yu brow wrinkle, said to Ning Fan slightly, Disciple concocting pills had/left some small problems, Yang Old Man goes back to process... yeah, Old Man first walks one step, tomorrow see again/goodbye.” 孙玉眉头微微一皱,向宁凡道,“徒儿炼丹出了些小问题,央老夫回去处理...哎,老夫先走一步,明日再见。” Sun Yu after Bamboo Sovereign said goodbye, in advance leaves the palace feast. 孙玉竹皇告辞之后,先行离开宫宴。 nobody detects, when Sun Yu leaves, Zhu Hong Grandmaster from Western Tree Sea, is looking at the Sun Yu back, reveals wipes to sneer. 无人察觉到,在孙玉离开之时,来自西树海祝洪大师,望着孙玉的背影,露出一抹冷笑。 Plan, must start...” “计划,就要开始了...” Shortly after Sun Yu departs, the palace feast also almost conducts to the last act. 孙玉离去后不久,宫宴也差不多进行至尾声。 The feast of tonight, only to invite 11 Six Revolutions Alchemist. 今夜之宴,只为宴请11名六转丹师 Tomorrow when Tianming (daybreak), is diagnoses the Ancestor Bamboo weird disease! 明日天明,便是诊治祖竹怪病之时! Alchemist also does not stay for a long time, said goodbye to depart. 诸位炼丹师亦不久留,纷纷告辞离去。 Ning Fan also said goodbye to depart, but after he left the table, on the Fusang Clan seat, Tang Xiong led his female also to leave the banquet, walking quickly catches up with Ning Fan, one and departed with him. 宁凡亦告辞离去,但在他离席之后,扶桑一族的座位上,汤雄带着其女亦离开宴席,快步追上宁凡,同他一并离去。 Fellow Daoist invited stay!” 道友留步!” In Tang Xiong behind, with dejected Tang Yuan Eldest Young Lady, Heaven Locking Art in institute had been solved to go, but after having suffered the Heaven Locking Art hardship, Tang Yuan obviously law-abiding many, do not dare to seek Ning Fan to be troublesome again. 汤雄身后,跟着垂头丧气的汤鸢大小姐,所中的定天之术已被解去,只是吃过定天之术的苦头之后,汤鸢明显安分的许多,不敢再寻宁凡麻烦。 What matter?” “何事?” Ning Fan in step, faint smile looks at Tang Xiong. 宁凡驻步,似笑非笑看着汤雄 Old Man stopped by calling out Fellow Daoist, only to apologize to Fellow Daoist. The daughter spoils willfully, handles affairs does not know the weight, before offended Fellow Daoist repeatedly, but also asked Fellow Daoist Sir to have massive. don't and only little girl lower oneself to the same level.” Tang Xiong holds the fist in the other hand to compensate to smile, as if affected injury, coughed several. 老夫叫住道友,只为向道友致歉。小女娇惯任性,行事不知轻重,之前多次得罪道友,还请道友大人有大量。莫与区区一个小女孩一般见识。”汤雄抱拳赔笑,似乎牵动了伤势,咳了数声。 I am not the little girl...” Tang Yuan raised the head, refuted one weakly, immediately is stared one by Tang Xiong ruthlessly, does not dare to speak again. “我不是小女孩...”汤鸢弱弱地抬起头,反驳了一句,立刻被汤雄狠狠瞪了一眼,不敢再多说话。 She also does not dare raised the head to look at Ning Fan one, for fear that angered Ning Fan, was thrown Monster Beast Lair to run its own course by Ning Fan... 她亦不敢抬头宁凡一眼,生怕惹怒了宁凡,被宁凡扔到妖兽巢穴自生自灭... Ning Fan feels somewhat funnily, although this Tang Yuan conduct cunning and unreasonable willful, but is actually only a paper tiger. 宁凡不禁觉得有些好笑,这汤鸢行事虽刁蛮任性,但实则只是一个纸老虎。 Indulges her then to tread the nose to her to accept this invite. Real thing she then to admit defeat the fear to her. 对她放纵她便会蹬鼻子赏脸。对她动真格她便会服软害怕。 Fellow Daoist relax, your daughter with my some small corners of the mouth/quarrel forget it/that's all, this Lu is also insufficient to lower oneself to the same level with little girl. If Fellow Daoist the safe/without matter, this Lu then first walked one step.” 道友放心,令爱只是与我有些小口角罢了,陆某还不至于和一个小姑娘一般见识。道友若无事,陆某便先走一步了。” Holds on a minute! The Old Man also incident, wants to ask Fellow Daoist...” Tang Xiong clenches teeth, stopped by calling out Ning Fan again. “且慢!老夫还有一事,想求道友...”汤雄咬咬牙,再次叫住了宁凡 also what matter?” Ning Fan is surprised. 还有何事?”宁凡一诧。 Old Man wants to request Fellow Daoist, receiving the daughter is concubine...” When Tang Xiong said this words, the whole face has no alternative the color. 老夫想请求道友,收小女为一房妾侍...”汤雄说出此话之时,满脸都是无可奈何之色。 Wha, the what! father you talked nonsense anything, why I must give Lu Bei this bastard, when concubine!” Tang Yuan split second had a fit of bad temper. Blushed the persimmon. “什、什么!爹爹你胡说什么,我凭什么要给陆北这混蛋当侍妾!”汤鸢一瞬间炸毛了。脸红成了柿子。 „Is Fellow Daoist Tang cracking a joke with this Lu?” Ning Fan is also asked with a frown. 汤道友是在和陆某开玩笑么?”宁凡亦是皱眉问道 Tang Yuan is Fusang Clan small Princess, appearance natural talent, although not first-class, does not have badly. 汤鸢扶桑一族的小公主,模样资质虽非一流,却有不差。 Although Fusang Clan has declined, but depending on Fusang Clan background. Seeks a Dao companion not difficult matter for Tang Yuan, why will give Ning Fan this female, only makes concubine... 虽说扶桑一族已然没落,但凭扶桑一族底蕴。为汤鸢寻一个道侣并未难事,为何会将此女送给宁凡,只作侍妾... If some small influences deliver the female to flatter Ning Fan, pours also passably. 若是一些小势力送女讨好宁凡,倒也说得过去。 Fusang Clan this colossus. How to decline again, is impossible to make to deliver the matter of female seeking personal glory... 扶桑一族这种庞然大物。再怎么没落,也不可能做出送女求荣之事... Ning Fan is very puzzled... Tang Xiong this act what meaning. 宁凡十分不解...汤雄此举何意 He to Tang Yuan, although the non- dislike, actually also without/has not many feels well. Is wanting to open the mouth to reject, Tang Xiong actually clenches teeth suddenly, takes out jade slip to give Ning Fan, said. 他对汤鸢虽非厌恶,却也没有多好好感。正欲开口拒绝,汤雄却忽然一咬牙,取出一个玉简交给宁凡,言道。 „After Fusang does not have the road... Fellow Daoist has looked at this jade slip, apparent Old Man's intention.” 扶桑已是没路...道友看过此玉简之后,便知老夫的心意。” Ning Fan received jade slip, Divine Sense sweeps, sees the content, is startled suddenly. 宁凡接过玉简,神念一扫,一见其中内容,骤然一惊。 This is the information that Northern Tree Sea Jumang Country transmits: guardian in Jumang Country Fusang Old Monster, die! 这是北树海句芒国传来的情报:镇守句芒国扶桑老妖,陨落了! Fusang Old Monster this also 10 years age, but some first date and time, Void Fragmentation Expert sneaks an glow suddenly, with a Fusang Old Monster in secret war. 扶桑老妖还有十年寿数,但前些时日,忽有一名碎虚强者潜入句芒,与扶桑老妖暗中一战。 This battle loss the Fusang Old Monster foundation, injured the life, originally also remains the 10 years age, actually therefore fights the vitality to exhaust... 此战损了扶桑老妖的根基,伤了寿元,原本还剩十年寿数,却因此战生机耗尽... Fusang Old Monster die before several days, and after die, his corpse was also abducted... 扶桑老妖就在数日之前陨落了,且陨落之后,其尸身还被人掳走... This news, Fusang Clan besides telling Bamboo Sovereign, blocks off the flow of news to outside world completely, keeps secret. 这个消息,扶桑一族除了告诉竹皇外,对外界全部封锁消息,秘而不宣。 Fusang Old Monster was rubbed completely life die by Void Fragmentation Expert, that Void Fragmentation Expert must be the Fusang Clan archenemy. 扶桑老妖碎虚强者磨尽寿元陨落,那碎虚强者必是扶桑一族的大敌。 Tang Xiong only thinks Fusang Clan Great Tribulation, therefore offers this bad plan, wants to give to Ning Fan the daughter. 汤雄只觉扶桑一族大劫将至,故而才出此下策,想将女儿送给宁凡 In the Tang Xiong impression, Ning Fan has terrifying Evil Qi, extremely possibly cuts to kill Void Fragmentation cultivator, has to protect the Tang Yuan ability. 汤雄印象之中,宁凡拥有恐怖之极的煞气,极可能斩杀过碎虚修士,拥有保护汤鸢的能力。 And is together through Jumang Country one, Tang Xiong thinks that Ning Fan is trustworthy, gives the Ning Fan care the daughter, will not have what mistake. 且通过句芒国的一番相处,汤雄认为宁凡值得信任,将女儿送给宁凡照料,想必不会有什么差池。 Tang Xiong this was must hold this solitary one, he had a premonition, Fusang Clan from perishing already not far... 汤雄这是要托孤了,他预感到,扶桑一族距离灭亡已经不远... Fusang extinguishes , then extinguishes, hold Jibi fades, is the number of days, is not exactable. 扶桑灭则灭矣,盛极必衰,皆是天数,不可强求。 But Tang Xiong only relax not, only then oneself daughter, is not willing his female to wither away along with Fusang together. 汤雄唯一放心不下的,只有自己的女儿,不愿其女随扶桑一起消亡。 If Tang Yuan can go on living, the good and evil also calculates that preserved Fusang Clan Bloodlines... 汤鸢能活下去,好歹也算保住了扶桑一族的一点血脉... Under Fellow Daoist intent how, but is willing to comply with Old Man's to request!” The Tang Xiong deep sigh, closes old eyes. 道友意下如何,可愿答应老夫的请求!”汤雄长叹,闭上老眼 Not just Ning Fan can have a premonition that the catastrophe approaches, as long as the person in the tribulation, all can have a premonition in the heart anxious. 并非只有宁凡能预感到浩劫来临,但凡处在劫中之人,皆能预感到心中不安。 Bamboo Sovereign in anxious, Bamboo Palace in anxious, but their anxieties, only the say/way is Ancestral Tree goes crazy to bring. 竹皇在不安,竹殿在不安,但他们的不安,只道是祖树发狂带来的。 Tang Xiong can actually know in advance, oneself leaves refuses stubbornly far, when life or death, he will not ask Ning Fan to accept the favored daughter. 汤雄却能预知,自己离死不远,若非存亡之时,他也不会求宁凡收容爱女。 Bang! 嘭! Tang Xiong previous kneels in the Ning Fan body suddenly, face suppresses blood-red. 汤雄忽然在宁凡身前一跪,老脸憋得血红 He never bows his entire life, but for the favored daughter, is actually willing to discard the dignity to kneel... 他一生从不屈膝,但为了爱女,却甘愿舍弃尊严一跪... Father!” Tang Yuan was shocked, she has not seen the appearance that the father has knelt down to ask others for help. “爹!”汤鸢愣住了,她从没见过父亲跪下求人的样子。 She does not know when Fusang Clan has been at tilts, she does not know feeling sad that his father this kneels. 她不知扶桑一族已处在倾覆之际,她不知其父这一跪的心酸。 She is everywhere fearful, helpless, wants to help up Tang Xiong, actually cannot help up. 她满目惶惶,不知所措,想要扶起汤雄,却扶不起。 In the Ning Fan heart shakes, is the Tang Xiong favored daughter's heart changes countenance. 宁凡心中一震,亦为汤雄爱女之心动容。 Cultivation World is indifferent, not heavy kinship. Only heavy cultivation. Tang Xiong as a side fierce and ambitious, refuses to accept the day, refuses to accept, is actually willing to humiliate itself for the favored daughter. 修界冷漠,不重亲情。只重修炼汤雄身为一方枭雄,不服天,不服地,却甘愿为爱女折辱自身。 Ning Fan recalled mother who have not met, recalled that the weeping blood forest sees, the indifferent heart also touches. 宁凡回想起自己未曾谋面的娘亲,回想起泣血林所看到的一幕幕,冷漠的心亦为之触动。 If oneself have difficult, mother is also willing to bow to kneel down surely... 若自己有难,娘亲亦必定愿意向人屈膝下跪... The sentiment of father, mother read... many cultivator to go out of the mountain village, cut off this world rashly, abandoned actually the parents. Only is the pursue indistinct such as smoke Eternal Life. 父之情,母之念...多少修士走出山村,轻率地斩断凡尘,抛却父母。只为追求飘渺如烟的长生 These bragged that Dao Heart such as the stone and shrewdness such as sea Old Monster, sought the immortal wholeheartedly, was actually hard to obtain. 那些自诩道心如石、城府如海的老怪,一心求仙,却难以求得。 If the person cannot even achieve, how to make the immortal! 若连人都做不到,如何做仙! Fellow Daoist please get up, this matter I should. When I complete the commission of Bamboo Sovereign, cures Ancestral Tree, can bring Tang Yuan Young Lady one and leaves Eastern Tree Sea, the lifetime sheltered her to be well, pouring was not the difficult matter... before then. Tang Yuan Young Lady also keeps the Fellow Daoist body side temporarily.” 道友请起,此事我应下了。待我完成竹皇的嘱托,治好祖树,会带汤鸢小姐一并离开东树海,有生之年庇护她无恙,倒也并非难事...在此之前。汤鸢小姐暂时还留在道友身侧吧。” Ning Fan helps up Tang Xiong, casts a sidelong glance slantingly Tang Yuan. 宁凡扶起汤雄,斜睨汤鸢一眼。 This female heart is looking at him disorderly, the pupil color is extremely complex. 此女正芳心凌乱地望着他,眸色极其复杂。 Tang Yuan wants to cry but have no tears, she does not understand that had anything. The father gave Ning Fan to become the concubine her. 汤鸢欲哭无泪,她根本不明白发生了什么。爹爹就把她送给宁凡当妾了。 By it! Thinks in the future will marry Ning Fan for the concubine, that she hates kills on the tofu. 靠之!一想到日后会嫁给宁凡为妾,她就恨得的一头撞死在豆腐上。 To clamor two with Ning Fan, actually remembers the Ning Fan fearful Divine Ability method immediately, some air/Qi instigated. 想跟宁凡叫嚣两句,却立马想起宁凡可怕的神通手段,又有些气怂了。 Thinks of the firm father again. Unexpectedly for she kneels down, in her heart is very bitter, wants to cry actually unable to cry. 再想到性格刚硬的父亲。竟为了她给人下跪,她心中十分酸涩,想哭却哭不出来。 Thinks again. Father for no reason gives Ning Fan her for no reason, what badness should not be Ning Fan will cause, compelling the father to offer this bad plan? 再一想。父亲平白无故把她送给宁凡,该不会是宁凡使了什么坏,逼得父亲不得不出此下策吧? Has the possibility, very has the possibility! Has the possibility! 有可能,十分有可能!非常有可能! Ning Fan is Six Revolutions high-ranked Alchemist, results in Bamboo Sovereign to receive favor, the position is aloof, if he threatens Fusang Clan, decline Fusang Clan also has to compromise for the general interest mostly... 宁凡可是一名六转上级炼丹师,得竹皇荣宠,地位超然,他如果威胁扶桑族,没落的扶桑族多半也不得不委曲求全... Master, you are mean! You suppose the schemes and tricks to marry me, even if obtains my person, cannot obtain my heart!” Tang Yuan with clenched jaws to Ning Fan said with sound transmission. “爷,你卑鄙!你设下阴谋诡计强娶我,就算得到我的人,也得不到我的心!”汤鸢咬牙切齿地对宁凡传音道 Ning Fan shakes the head, without/has not and Tang Yuan explained anything, was only to Tang Xiong reminded, recently feared the important matter to happen, if not the necessity, do not leave Jishui City... if possible , when leaving Eastern Tree Sea, I will carry off Fusang Clan completely, help and others evade the inexorable fate...” 宁凡摇摇头,没有汤鸢解释什么,只是对汤雄提醒道,“最近恐有大事发生,若非必要,不要离开姬水城...若有可能,在离开东树海之时,我会将扶桑一族全部带走,助尔等躲过劫数...” ... ... Elder Pill Palace, is Southern Tree Sea Sun Yu Grandmaster in the Jishui City dwelling. 长丹宫,是南树海孙玉大师姬水城的住处。 Sun Yu receives Disciple sound transmission, rushes back in the palace. 孙玉接到徒儿们的传音,匆匆赶回宫中。 The side enters the palace, actually sees more than ten Disciple gaze to stand in the concocting pills room completely emptily, seeming good-for-nothing both eyes is atheistic. 方一入宫,却见十几个徒儿全部目光空洞地站在炼丹房内,好似行尸走肉般双目无神。 Feeling of the crisis transmits from the back suddenly, Sun Yu turns head fiercely, actually after the death, sets up a silver-haired old man, both eyes blood-red, the whole body is coiling around the Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer imposing manner, hidden does not send. 一股危机之感忽然自背后传来,孙玉猛地回头,却见背后立着一个银发老者,双目血红,周身盘绕着碎虚一重天的气势,隐而不发。 You are...” The color of Sun Yu eye reveal alert, the words have not said, actually sees that silver-haired old man to lift suddenly refers, Magic Force urges, disperses innumerably from its fingers compared with the line of silk thinner Magic Force, tens of thousands of fine laces prick Sun Yu within the body. “你是...”孙玉眼露戒备之色,话未说完,却见那银发老者骤然抬指,法力一催,无数比蚕丝更细的法力之线从其指间散出,成千上万的细线刺入孙玉体内。 The Sun Yu good and evil is also Void Inquire cultivator, but was pricked split second of body by this line, Nascent Divinity in dantian immediately dissipate! 孙玉好歹也是一名问虚修士,但被此线刺入身体的一瞬间,丹田之内的元神立刻消散! Nascent Divinity dissipates, means Sun Yu die, but Sun Yu had not actually died, but is surviving by a strange condition! 元神消散,意味着孙玉陨落,但孙玉却并未死亡,而是以一个诡异的状态存活着! His gaze becomes empty vacant, looks at the silver-haired old man, the body is kneeing down suddenly stiffly. 目光变得空洞茫然,望着银发老者,身体忽然生硬地跪倒在地。 Grandson... the jade... the ginseng/partake... sees... Lord... the person...” “孙...玉...参...见...主...人...” After Sun Yu kneels down and submits to strangely, behind of silver-haired old man, suddenly goes out of another old man, is Western Tree Sea chief Alchemist —— Zhu Hong. 孙玉诡异地跪倒、臣服之后,银发老者的身后,忽然走出另一个老者,是西树海的首席炼丹师——祝洪 Cannot think that Old Man fought for a lifetime Pill Technique with this Sun Yu, in the end, this Sun Yu actually degenerates into Elder Wan Living Puppet... Hehe, ten thousand wife's father Divine Ability, makes Old Man admire really!” Zhu Hong to silver-haired old man respectful say/way. “想不到啊,老夫与这孙玉斗了一辈子丹术,到头来,这孙玉却沦为万长老的‘生傀’...呵呵,万丈老神通之强,着实让老夫佩服不已!”祝洪对银发老者恭敬道。 He does not dare to disrespect to the silver-haired old man slightly, although this silver-haired old man is only Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer Old Monster, but this person actually compares ordinary Void Fragmentation 2 Layers and 3 Layers Old Monster to be dangerous! 他不敢对银发老者丝毫不敬,虽说这银发老者只是一名碎虚一重天老怪,但此人却比普通的碎虚二重三重老怪都要危险! He is Wan Changkong, before is 10,000 years, conquers by killing other Tree Sea Wild Demon! 他是万长空,是万年之前独自一人血洗其他树海狂魔 Then is Bamboo Sovereign and Willow Sovereign personally take action, without/has not seizes him! 便是竹皇柳皇亲自出手,也没有捉住他! He is Vine Sovereign destruction Bamboo Palace plan most important first cycle, his Demon Veins has the terrifying very ability, may make the enemy change to own Puppet directly! 他是藤皇覆灭竹殿计划的最重要一环,他的魔脉有着十分恐怖的能力,可令敌人直接化作自己的傀儡 As long as cultivation base is lower than him, all cannot escape the control of his Demon Veins Divine Ability! 但凡修为低于他,皆逃不过他魔脉神通的操控! Even if cultivation base is higher than his 2 Layers, so long as he discards certain price, can control it! 纵然修为高于他一二重,只要他舍弃一定代价,也能将之操控! Hehe, before 10,000 years, Old Man enters Eastern Tree Sea, has laid down enough many chess piece. Tomorrow Old Man controls whatever happens/10 million Living Puppet, collaborates from outside with the inside with Vine Sovereign, Bamboo Palace must Extinguish! dare to offend Vine Sovereign lunatic Lu Bei as for that then one and cut to kill while this opportunity!” 呵呵,万年之前,老夫杀入东树海,已埋下足够多的棋子。明日老夫操控千万生傀,与藤皇里应外合,竹殿灭!至于那胆敢得罪藤皇狂徒陆北么,便趁此机会一并斩杀了吧!” After tomorrow, Bamboo Sovereign thinks will be startled, in his trusted aides, does not know that many people are Old Man's Living Puppet! Hehe, Old Man anticipated very this killing one another good play ah...( please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! “明日之后,竹皇想必会大吃一惊,他那些心腹之中,不知有多少人是老夫的生傀呵呵,老夫可是十分期待这场自相残杀的好戏啊...”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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