GE :: Volume #6

#589: Nie Li

Ning Fan changes to together the escaping light, vanishes in the blurred dim light of night. 宁凡化作一道遁光,消失在微茫的夜色中。 When appears again, has appeared beside Jishui City Golden Palace, this supplies the palace that into city cultivator has a rest. 再出现时,已出现在姬水城一家金宫之外,这是供入城修士歇脚的宫殿。 Ning Fan paid Immortal Jade, selected a room to rest. 宁凡付了仙玉,择了一间房间歇息。 He has reminded Fusang Clan careful Bai Li, performed a intention, is actually not willing to involve Fusang and gratitude and grudges of Bai Li two clans. 他已提醒扶桑族小心百黎,尽了一份心意,却不愿介入扶桑百黎二族的恩怨。 He raises the heart of big wariness to Bai Li Clan, that wariness, that omen of Great Misfortune that all because Divine Prediction has... 他对百黎一族升起不小的忌惮之心,那忌惮,皆因卜算出的那个大凶之兆... In the Ning Fan sitting alone room, hesitates does not speak, for a long time later ten fingers pinch finger joints with the thumb suddenly, the whole body is twining sky blue Third Grade Rain Intent. 宁凡独坐房内,沉吟不语,许久之后忽而十指掐诀,周身缠绕着天青色三品雨意 Out of the window is whinny bamboo forest, is stroking the Weiliang night wind, along with Ning Fan Rain Intent dispersing, Ye Kong (night sky) of out of the window in this moment, has the continuous drizzle suddenly. 窗外是萧萧竹林,拂着微凉的夜风,伴随着宁凡雨意散开,窗外的夜空在这一刻,忽而降下绵绵不绝的细雨。 This is Ning Fan is displaying Heaven Spying Rain Technique to spy on outside world... 这是宁凡在施展窥天雨术窥探外界... He tries to fuse three days/three Heavens Rain Technique, making Divine Sense cover entire Muye Country, peeped at Bai Li Clan in secret, searched the details of this clan. 他试图融合三天雨术,令神念覆盖整个牧野国,暗中窥视一下百黎族,探探此族的底细。 If not clarify that ill omen the root, Ning Fan is unable to feel at ease. 若不弄清楚那凶兆的根源,宁凡无法安心。 Curtain of rain gradually spreads, drops down completely entire Jishui City, subsequently is centered on Jishui City, has the drizzle to the distant place extremely. 雨幕渐渐扩散,一直落满整个姬水城,继而以姬水城为中心,向极远处降下细雨。 gradually, in 70 million li, is the drizzle like Su. 渐渐的,七千万里之内,皆是细雨如苏。 Many Jishui City cultivator, the big feeling is all strange. Jishui City has formation light to prevent the wind and rain, why in the city can for no reason lower Rainwater for no reason... 不少姬水城修士,皆大感奇怪。姬水城阵光阻挡风雨,城中为何会平白无故降下雨水... nobody knows, this is Ning Fan is displaying Heaven Spying Rain Technique, this rain sleek/moist silent, this technique shows no trace. 无人知,这是宁凡在施展窥天雨术,此雨润物无声,此术不露痕迹。 At this moment, dark cloud that Ye Kong (night sky) is intertwined, is his eye! 这一刻,夜空交缠的乌云,便是他的眼! At this moment, drizzle that continuous such as weaves, is his reading! 这一刻,绵绵如织的细雨,便是他的念! Ning Fan Divine Sense delays in the dim light of night, as long as the place of Rainwater landing, is the place of Divine Sense taking root! 宁凡神念在夜色中延展开来,但凡雨水降落之处,便是神念生根之地! million li, 2 million li... 10 million li, 20 million li... 70 million li! 百万里,两百万里...千万里,两千万里...七千万里 gradually, in surrounding area 70 million li. From the Biaolishan River, to the vegetation insects, all Divine Sense at Ning Fan peeps at! 渐渐的,方圆七千万里之内。上至表里山河,下至草木虫蚁,皆处在宁凡神念窥视之中! Even if Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer cultivator , can only make Divine Sense cover the million li range. 纵然是碎虚一重天修士,也只能令神念覆盖百万里范围。 But at this moment, Ning Fan Divine Sense covered the entire 70 million li land! 但这一刻,宁凡神念覆盖了整整七千万里的土地! Twin Heavens Rain... Rain of the Yang Heaven!” “第二天之雨...阳天之雨!” Ning Fan Finger Secret Art changes, subsequently pinched Rain of the Yang Heaven Finger Secret Art, and made Yang Heaven and Rain of the Vast Heaven fuse mutually. 宁凡指诀一变,继而掐动了阳天之雨指诀,并令阳天昊天之雨相互融合。 With two fusions of Rain Technique, the dark cloud flutters to the distant place extremely, the drizzle extends to the distant place extremely, has extended to 300 million li beside! 伴随着两种雨术的融合,乌云向极远处飘动,细雨向极远处延伸,一直延伸至三亿里之外! Lonely Heaven Rain. May make Divine Sense cover the 70 million li boundary. 孤天之雨。可令神念覆盖七千万里的地界。 Twin Heavens Rain, may make Divine Sense cover the 300 million li boundary. 双天之雨,可令神念覆盖三亿里的地界。 Three Heavens Rain, may make Divine Sense cover the billion li boundary! 三天之雨,可令神念覆盖十亿里的地界! By Ning Fan Third Grade Rain Intent might, fusing Twin Heavens Rain is not a difficult matter, but he most may make Three Heavens Rain fuse! 宁凡三品雨意威力,融合第二天之雨并非难事,而他最多可令三天之雨融合! Three Heavens Rain!” 三天之雨!” Ning Fan Finger Secret Art again changes, pinches Rain of the Scarlet Heaven Finger Secret Art, and made the 3 Types Rain Technique thorough fusion. 宁凡指诀再变,掐出赤天之雨指诀,并令所三种雨术彻底融合。 The Three Heavens Rain fusion, consumed to empty Ning Fan all Magic Force directly! 三天之雨融合,直接耗空了宁凡所有法力 At this moment, the curtain of rain extends to billion li beside. Made entire Muye Country be in the favor of Rainwater. 这一刻,雨幕延伸至十亿里之外。令整个牧野国都处在雨水的润泽之中。 At this moment, Rainwater infiltrated entire Muye Country, is spying on tens of thousands of size Tree Clan... Bai Li Clan, surveillance during Ning Fan! 这一刻,雨水渗透了整个牧野国,窥探着成千上万的大小树族...就连百黎族,都处在宁凡的监视之中! Southern Territory of Bai Li Clan situated in Muye Country. Situated in Kui Li City. 百黎族位于牧野国南域。位于奎黎城 In Kui Li City has the continuous drizzle, that a little bit Rainwater, all imitates, if Ning Fan continuously Divine Sense... 奎黎城中下起绵绵细雨,那一滴滴雨水,皆仿若是宁凡一缕缕神念... Drizzle sleek/moist silent, plunges Kui Li City. Takes in everything at a glance the entire Kui Li City scenery. 细雨润物无声,浸入奎黎城。将整个奎黎城的景色一览无余。 Dim light of night blurred, the Kui Li City atmosphere is very strange. 夜色微茫中,奎黎城的气氛十分诡异。 The each and every single (person) Bai Li Clan person just like the good-for-nothing to be the same, various is gaze is empty. Guards in Kui Li City, in without/has not any human body has Nascent Divinity and Monster Soul! 一个个百黎族人犹如行尸走肉一般,各是目光空洞茫然。守卫在奎黎城之内,没有任何一人体内拥有元神妖魂 In the Kui Li City center, there is a giant palace. 奎黎城中心,有一座巨大的宫殿。 In the palace, as Bai Li Patriarch Bai Li King, is sitting in the empty palace alone, just like a sculpture, gaze empty is opening the eyes, keeps silent, on face without/has not any expression... 宫殿之中,身为百黎族长百黎王,正独自坐在空荡的宫殿内,宛如一尊雕塑,目光空洞的睁着,不言不语,脸上没有任何表情... If not the Bai Li King whole body is revealing the Primordial Peak aura, Ning Fan almost must think that Bai Li King was a sculpture. 若非百黎王周身流露着归元无敌的气息,宁凡几乎要以为百黎王是一尊雕塑了。 He is Bai Li King...” Ning Fan hesitates slightly. “他就是百黎王么...”宁凡微微沉吟起来。 This time displays Heaven Spying Rain Technique to spy on Bai Li Clan in secret, Ning Fan discovered, although Bai Li King is strong, is actually not enough to give him any dangerous feeling. 此次施展窥天雨术暗中窥探百黎族,宁凡发现,百黎王虽强,却不足以给他任何危险感觉。 Bai Li Clan back, hidden not Great Misfortune danger, but this dangerous, is not Bai Li King or the Bai Li Clan person... 百黎一族的背后,暗藏莫大凶险,但这凶险,并非百黎王或者百黎族人本身... Ning Fan dispersed Rain Intent, takes back from entire Muye Country Divine Sense. 宁凡散了雨意,将神念从整个牧野国收回。 His without/has not from Bai Li Clan discovered that any dangerous character, cannot find out the origin of that omen of Great Misfortune. 没有百黎族之中发现任何危险人物,查不出那大凶之兆的来源。 But in taking back Divine Sense split second, Ning Fan actually from Jishui City, hears the sound of sleep talking sad birds sobbing vaguely... 但在收回神念一瞬间,宁凡却从姬水城之中,依稀听到一声梦呓般悲伤的禽鸟呜咽之声... That called out in grief only called one gently lowly, seeming distance place was very very far, very nearly seemed near, such as near the ear sued lowly. 那悲鸣只轻轻低鸣了一声,好似距离此地很远很远,又似乎很近很近,如耳边低诉。 That called out in grief as if withstood the whatever happens/10 million pain, resembled containing a whatever happens/10 million wisp of lamentation. 那悲鸣似乎承受了千万苦痛,似含有千万缕悔恨。 That calls out in grief as to remind Ning Fan anything . That calling out in grief as if induces to Ning Fan fearful Fu Li Ancestral Blood, therefore spoke to remind anything... 那悲鸣似乎想提醒宁凡什么,..那悲鸣者似乎感应到宁凡可怕的扶离祖血,故而出言提醒着什么... Only one calls out in grief, made Ning Fan quiet for a long time Fu Li Monster Blood suddenly boiling hot, aroused the Monster Blood weak resonance! 只一声悲鸣,却令宁凡沉寂已久的扶离妖血忽然滚热起来,引起了妖血微弱的共鸣! „Is that the Fu Li cry?! No, like, does not have some differences from Fu Li... that is, Nie Li cry!” “那是扶离的叫声?!不,不像,与扶离有些许差别...那是,‘孽离’的叫声!” Fu Li, holds the day to lean in the world of disorder! When Fu Li is Ancient Heavenly Dao supervisor! 扶离,扶天倾于离乱之世!扶离上古之时天道的监察者! Nie Li, is the Fu Li Clan criminal, as long as Fu Li of revolting clan, will be eliminated Bloodlines, plants Fu Li Evil Seal, reduces to Nie Li, forever will be the slave of Fu Li... 孽离,是扶离一族的罪人,但凡叛族的扶离,都会被剥夺血脉,种下扶离孽印,贬为孽离,永为扶离之奴... In the Ning Fan eye reveals an astonished color... in this Jishui City, has Nie Li exist(ence) unexpectedly... 宁凡眼中流露出一丝惊异之色...这姬水城之中,竟有孽离存在么... His take Medicine Pill, controls one's breathing Magic Force, for a long time later, one time displays Heaven Spying Rain Technique again, making Three Heavens Rain fuse. 服下丹药,调息法力,许久之后,再一次施展出窥天雨术,令三天之雨融合。 He wants to listen to Jishui City carefully whether also Nie Li cry, but this time, cannot hear any sound again... 他想仔细听听姬水城中是否还有孽离的鸣叫声,但这一次,再听不见任何声音... „Does Nie Li... in Jishui City, have Nie Li?” 孽离...姬水城中,藏有孽离么?” The Ning Fan brow tight wrinkle, he is unable to hear the 2nd sentence Nie Li calling out in grief sound again. 宁凡眉头紧皱,他再无法听到第二孽离的悲鸣声。 In the mind reverberates Nie Li to call out in grief, this sound of calling out in grief, making in the Ning Fan heart faintly somewhat anxious, why was unclear... 脑海之中回荡着孽离的一句悲鸣,这悲鸣之声,令宁凡心中隐隐有些不安,却不明为何... Sweeps off in the heart the distracting thoughts, Ning Fan quick makes under the one step plan in the heart. 扫去心中杂念,宁凡很快在心中制定出下一步计划。 Also must in a month, Bamboo Sovereign order to treat Ancestor Bamboo Tree. 还要再过一个月,竹皇才会下令医治祖竹之树 If can cure Ancestor Bamboo, Ning Fan can obtain the reward of Tree Ancestor Fruit, made Rain Intent promoting to Second Grade. 若能治好祖竹,宁凡便可获得树祖果的奖励,令雨意提升二品 He turns out 9 Types Six Revolutions Pill Recipe from storage pouch. Has Low Grade Pill Recipe, has Mid Grade, there is High Grade. 他自储物袋中翻出九种六转丹方。有下品丹方,有中品,也有上品 Medicine Pill that these Pill Recipe record, is the implication to wooden Spiritual Qi Medicine Pill, may cure Tree Monster Tree Demon various wounds, sickness and poisonous. 这些丹方所记载的丹药,皆是蕴含至木灵气丹药,可治愈树妖树魔的各种伤、病、毒。 Ning Fan does not know that the Dao Ancestor bamboo had what disease specifically, is not naturally able to act appropriately to the situation. 宁凡不知道祖竹具体得了什么疾病,自然无法对症下药。 He decides therapy and treat an illness, detoxification Medicine Pill refining some various types, to prepare emergency requirement. 他决定将各种疗伤、治病、解毒的丹药炼制一些,以备不时之需。 The Ning Fan first even/including closes up 7 days, refining in Profound Yin World has 4 different types Six Revolutions therapy pill, Detoxifying Pill. 宁凡一连闭关七日,在玄阴界炼制出四种不同种类的六转疗伤丹、解毒丹 Spirit Herb that also 5 Pill Recipe, needs has not gotten ready. 还有五种丹方,所需要的灵药并未备齐。 Ning Fan leaves Golden Palace that lives in a strange or foreign place temporarily, the intention in the Jishui City store purchases to need Spirit Herb. For concocting pills. 宁凡离开暂时客居的金宫,意图在姬水城商铺中购买所需灵药。用于炼丹 Meets cultivator, looks to his gaze, all reveals the color of deep awe. 一路所遇修士,望向他的目光,皆露出深深的敬畏之色。 His awes to these cultivator turns a blind eye, in biggest the store toward the city walks directly. 他对这些修士的敬畏视若无睹,直接朝城中最大的商铺走去。 Jishui City biggest store named Star Plucking House, is Muye Country Star Cypress Clan shop. 姬水城最大的商铺名为摘星楼,是牧野国星柏一族所开的店铺。 Star Cypress Clan Ancestor, indeed Bamboo Palace Third Elder, is Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer cultivator. 星柏一族老祖,正是竹殿三长老,是一名碎虚一重天修士 The Star Plucking House ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the have several ten floors, outside the building are guarding four Divine Transformation Initial Stage Tree Demon guys high. Each facial expression is arrogant. 摘星楼高愈万丈,共有数十个楼层,楼外守卫着四名化神初期树魔大汉。各个神情傲慢之极。 If not has the Void Refinement influence on make the background, or it is Void Refinement cultivator, does not allow to enter Star Plucking House, will all be stopped by the Tree Demon guy outside. 若非拥有炼虚势力作背景,或者本身是一名炼虚修士,是不允许进入摘星楼的,皆会被树魔大汉阻拦在外。 Ning Fan will not be stopped outside. Four Divine Transformation guard sees Ning Fan, immediately sweeps off the arrogant color, shows the respectful expression. 宁凡自不会被阻拦在外。四名化神守卫一见宁凡,立刻扫去傲慢之色,露出恭敬之极的表情。 Grandmaster Lu wants to purchase Spirit Herb concocting pills, purchases Pill Recipe. Purchases end product Medicine Pill? My Star Plucking House is the Ji Shui 1st firm, Pill Recipe, Spirit Herb and Medicine Pill has everything expected to find, what regardless of Grandmaster needs. Can make Grandmaster satisfy to turn over to!” “请问陆大师是想购买灵药炼丹呢,还是购买丹方呢。抑或是购买成品丹药呢?我摘星楼姬水第一商行,丹方灵药丹药应有尽有,无论大师所需何物。想必都能令大师满意而归!” Oh? Regardless what I need, Star Plucking House does have? Does not know that in Star Plucking House can have Seven Revolutions High Grade the pill of therapy?” Ning Fan gaze has several points of happy expression, looks toward Star Plucking House top level. ?无论我需要何物,摘星楼都有么?不知摘星楼中可有七转上品的疗伤之丹?”宁凡目光带着几分笑意,朝摘星楼顶层望去。 His these words are purely the joke, by no means thinks that in Star Plucking House can have Seven Revolutions High Grade therapy Medicine Pill. 他这句话纯属玩笑话,并不认为摘星楼中能有七转上品的疗伤丹药 His joke is not guards to four Divine Transformation, but top level of some Old Monster to Star Plucking House. 他这玩笑话不是对四名化神守卫开的,而是对摘星楼顶层的某个老怪所开。 He mentioned Seven Revolutions High Grade Medicine Pill, because has not only forgotten to help Little Sable seek for the matter that Medicine Pill therapy. 他之所以提及七转上品丹药,只因并未遗忘帮小貂寻找丹药疗伤的事情。 One hear of Ning Fan open the mouth then to buy Seven Revolutions High Grade Medicine Pill, four Divine Transformation guard reveals the color of forced smile immediately. 一听宁凡开口便求购七转上品丹药,四名化神守卫立刻露出苦笑之色。 Although their Star Plucking House Medicine Pill and Spirit Herb have everything expected to find, that is also has everything expected to find to Void Refinement cultivator merely. 他们摘星楼虽说丹药灵药应有尽有,那也仅仅是对炼虚修士而言应有尽有。 Seven Revolutions High Grade therapy Medicine Pill, do not say Star Plucking House without/has not, has even, this Rank therapy Medicine Pill to Void Fragmentation cultivator is the thing of life saving, who will be willing to sell? 七转上品的疗伤丹药,莫说摘星楼没有,就算是有,这种级别的疗伤丹药碎虚修士而言乃是保命之物,谁会舍得出售呢? Grandmaster Lu chatted, Seven Revolutions High Grade therapy Medicine Pill, my Star Plucking House without/has not, entire Tree World will not have. However Seven Revolutions Low Grade therapy Medicine Pill, on Old Man still one, was always the thing of Old Man life saving. If Fellow Daoist needs this thing, Old Man then gives up what one treasures to give Fellow Daoist, there is why not!” 陆大师说笑了,七转上品的疗伤丹药,我摘星楼没有,整个树界也不会有。不过七转下品的疗伤丹药,老夫手上尚有一颗,一向是老夫保命之物。道友若着实需要此物,老夫便割爱让给道友,又有何妨!” After Ning Fan happily chatted, top level of Star Plucking House hands down immediately frank together old actually on sound of reply. 宁凡言笑之后,摘星楼顶层立刻传下一道苍老却爽朗的应答声。 Making noise, indeed Bamboo Palace Third Elder. 出声者,正是竹殿三长老 Ning Fan shakes the head smiles, he spoke thoughtlessly saying forget it/that's all, knew in the heart that in Star Plucking House will not have this Grade therapy Medicine Pill. 宁凡摇头一笑,他只是随口一说罢了,心知摘星楼中不会有这种等级的疗伤丹药 He has not planned to buy Third Elder life saving Medicine Pill, Seven Revolutions Low Grade therapy Medicine Pill, to the injury help of Little Sable not big... 他并未打算购走三长老保命丹药,七转下品的疗伤丹药,对小貂伤势帮助不大... azure light from the Star Plucking House bottom level lasing, changes to a azure pupil old man together, indeed Bamboo Palace Third Elder. 一道青光摘星楼底层激射而下,化作一个青瞳老者,正是竹殿三长老 The azure pupil old man holds the fist in the other hand to Ning Fan, the whole body is revealing the Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer imposing manner, said with a smile, does not know that Grandmaster Lu Star Plucking House, what does want to purchase today?” 青瞳老者对宁凡一抱拳,周身流露着碎虚一重天的气势,笑道,“不知陆大师今日来摘星楼,想要购买何物?” „To buy some Spirit Herb concocting pills, does not know that the expensive/noble firm can have these Spirit Herb that this Lu needs?” Ning Fan holds the fist in the other hand to return salute, pats storage pouch, takes out jade slip to give the azure pupil old man. “想买些许灵药炼丹,不知贵商行可有陆某所需的这些灵药?”宁凡抱拳还礼,一拍储物袋,取出一个玉简递给青瞳老者。 In jade slip, the record has various 50,000 year Spirit Herb that concocting pills needs. 玉简之内,记载有炼丹所需的各种五万灵药 Azure pupil old man Divine Sense sweeps jade slip, the nod said that all Spirit Herb that Grandmaster needs, this firm all has the inventory. Grandmaster might as well enters in the building along with Old Man taking herbs. However before then, Old Man has an issue to ask Grandmaster Lu, does not know that Grandmaster purchases these Spirit Herb, but thinks that refining is Medicine Pill that Ancestor Bamboo treats an illness?” 青瞳老者神念一扫玉简,点头道,“大师所需的所有灵药,本商行皆有存货。大师不妨随老夫进入楼中取药。不过在此之前,老夫有个问题想问陆大师,不知大师购买这些灵药,可是想炼制祖竹治病的丹药?” Good.” “不错。” Perhaps if that is right, Grandmaster bought wrong Spirit Herb... Old Man, although did not excel at Pill Technique, actually because of setting up the firm, had the understanding of various Spirit Herb properties. Spirit Herb that Grandmaster needs, all can therapy the effect of detoxification for Tree Monster Tree Demon. refining Medicine Pill, mostly is also therapy and detoxifies pill... these Medicine Pill, not the means cure the Ancestor Bamboo illness.” “若是如此,大师恐怕买错灵药了...老夫虽然不擅长丹术,却因开办商行,对各种灵药的药性多有了解。大师所需的灵药,皆能为树妖树魔疗伤解毒之效。所炼制丹药,多半也是疗伤、解毒之丹...这些丹药,并无办法治愈祖竹的病症。” Remembers the Ancestor Bamboo obtained weird disease, the azure pupil old man reveals to worry about the color. 一想起祖竹所得的怪病,青瞳老者露出担忧之色。 Ancestor Bamboo is Bamboo Palace the treasure of town/subdues palace. Not only may have Tree Ancestor Fruit, Tree Body breeds Tree Spirit. 祖竹竹殿的镇殿之宝。不但可结出树祖果,树体本身更蕴育出树灵 Tree Spirit has Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer cultivation base, when the necessity, Tree Spirit may leave Ancestor Bamboo Tree Body, to protect Bamboo Palace fights. 树灵拥有碎虚三重天修为,在必要之时,树灵可离开祖竹树体,为守护竹殿而战。 But before 10,000 years starts, Ancestor Bamboo does not know that what accident, Tree Spirit without/has not had also left Tree Body again. 但自万年前开始,祖竹不知出了什么变故,树灵再也没有离开过树体 But before 10,000 years starts, the Ancestor Bamboo bamboo leaves then start to wither day-by-day. 而自万年前开始,祖竹的竹叶便开始一天天枯萎。 Arrived recently, this withered to start to intensify, as if entire Ancestor Bamboo must wither dead completely. 到了最近,这枯萎开始加剧,仿佛整株祖竹全部都要枯萎死去。 But this moment. Tree Spirit in Ancestor Bamboo leaves Tree Body suddenly, appears in Bamboo Palace, seems is fascinated is startled general, slaughters... 而这个关头。祖竹之中的树灵突然离开树体,出现在竹殿之内,好似入了魔怔一般,大开杀戒... Only several breath, Tree Spirit then depends Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer cultivation base, killed 7 Bamboo Palace Void Refinement... 仅数个呼吸,树灵便仗着碎虚三重天修为,杀害了七名竹殿炼虚... If not Bamboo Sovereign prompt take action, blows rampage Ancestor Bamboo Tree Spirit, perhaps that Tree Spirit will also slaughter Bamboo Palace Expert. 若非竹皇及时出手,镇住暴走祖竹树灵,恐怕那树灵还会杀戮更多竹殿强者 Bamboo Sovereign Tree Spirit and Ancestral Tree Seal in the restricted area, does not allow any Bamboo Palace cultivator to approach. Avoids being killed by crazy Tree Spirit. 竹皇树灵祖树封印在禁地之中,不允许任何竹殿修士靠近。避免被疯狂的树灵杀害。 Bamboo Sovereign to outside world declared that Ancestor Bamboo had the weird disease, has not actually talked about the Tree Spirit demented matter... 竹皇外界宣称祖竹得了怪病,却并未谈及树灵癫狂之事... Bamboo Sovereign convenes world Alchemist, not only wants to cure the Ancestor Bamboo withered illness, making Ancestor Bamboo give full play to the vitality. 竹皇之所以召集天下丹师,不仅仅是想治愈祖竹的枯萎病症,令祖竹重新焕发生机。 What is more important is. Bamboo Sovereign wants to cure Tree Spirit demented sickness. 更重要的是。竹皇想治好树灵的癫狂之症。 That not injured, does not get sick, non- poison... 那并非受伤,亦非得病,更非中毒... That was Bamboo Sovereign has never seen the weird disease, Tree Spirit had this weird disease. Has forgotten to protect the Bamboo Palace mission thoroughly, becomes refuses to acknowledge family, sees the person to kill... 那是竹皇从未见过的怪病,树灵得了这种怪病。已彻底遗忘守护竹殿的使命,变得六亲不认,见人即杀... The azure pupil old man knows. Ning Fan wants refining Medicine Pill, by no means is just right, is unable to cure Ancestor Bamboo Tree Spirit demented sickness. 青瞳老者知晓。宁凡想要炼制丹药,并不对症,无法治愈祖竹树灵的癫狂之症。 this Lu has not seen Ancestor Bamboo, what weird disease by no means has known it to have specifically, just right is not naturally able to apply drugs... may I ask Third Elder, actually Ancestor Bamboo to have what weird disease?” 陆某并未见过祖竹,并不知它具体得了什么怪病,自然无法对症用药的...敢问三长老,祖竹究竟得了什么怪病?” Bamboo Sovereign has the command, is the Bamboo Palace highest secret with the Ancestor Bamboo related news, can not leak... Fellow Daoist is not other people, is specially is Alchemist that Ancestor Bamboo treats an illness, wants to come, even if Old Man will know the secret to inform Fellow Daoist, without/has not what improper... Fellow Daoist looks at this jade slip, recorded all news about Ancestor Bamboo.” 竹皇有令,与祖竹有关的消息皆属于竹殿最高隐秘,不得外泄...不过道友并非外人,乃是专程为祖竹治病的炼丹师,想来纵然老夫将所知秘闻告知道友,也没有什么不妥的...道友且看此玉简,其中记载了关于祖竹的所有讯息。” The azure pupil old man takes out jade slip, gives Ning Fan. 青瞳老者取出一个玉简,递给宁凡 Ning Fan received jade slip, sweeps the content, gaze is surprised slightly. 宁凡接过玉简,一扫其中内容,目光微微一诧。 Originally the Ancestor Bamboo weird disease, refers to Tree Spirit demented sickness... 原来祖竹的怪病,指的是树灵的癫狂之症... If wants to cure Tree Spirit demented sickness, must first get to the root of its demented reason... 若想治好树灵的癫狂之症,首先要找出它癫狂的原因... Ning Fan Divine Sense is taking a fast look around the news in jade slip, suddenly the intention moves. 宁凡神念扫视着玉简之中的讯息,忽然心念一动。 In jade slip recorded Ancestor Bamboo all news, but two news, making Ning Fan somewhat care. 玉简之中记载了祖竹的所有讯息,而其中两个讯息,让宁凡有些在意。 First, Ancestor Bamboo grows in the Bamboo Palace small thousand restricted areas, is a god bamboo that some generation of Bamboo Sovereign plant. All said that Bamboo Sovereign once relied on the Ancestor Bamboo strength, in the restricted area suppressed named Nie Li Ferocious Beast... 其一,祖竹生长在竹殿的小千禁地之中,是某代竹皇所栽种的一株神竹。俱说那位竹皇曾借助祖竹的力量,在禁地中镇压了一种名为‘孽离’的凶兽... This news is related with Nie Li, making Ning Fan care. 这个消息与孽离有关,让宁凡十分在意。 That Nie Li that on the same day he heard called out in grief, perhaps then spread from the Ancestor Bamboo restricted area. 当日他所听到的那一声孽离悲鸣,或许便是从祖竹禁地之中传出的。 Second, before 10,000 years, in Bamboo Palace is responsible for guarding Ancestor Bamboo Tree Clan, is Muye Country Bai Li Clan... 其二,万年之前,竹殿中负责看守祖竹树族,是牧野国百黎一族... Ning Fan pays close attention to Bai Li Clan, for the first time sees this news, immediately gaze turned cold. 如此宁凡高度关注百黎族,乍一见此讯息,立刻目光一凛 Also is Bai Li... 又是百黎... Ancestor Bamboo has the illness before 10,000 years, but before 10,000 years, protects Ancestor Bamboo, is Bai Li Clan... 祖竹是在万年前出现病症,而万年之前守护祖竹的,是百黎一族... Bai Li, Bai Li... 百黎,百黎... This Bai Li Clan, absolutely not good kind... 百黎一族,绝非善类... „The can it be Ancestor Bamboo illness, demented of Tree Spirit, is all related with Bai Li Clan...” 难道祖竹的病症,树灵的癫狂,皆与百黎一族有关么...” „After Bai Li Clan , the hidden giant crisis, with the Ancestor Bamboo weird disease, has what connection!” 百黎一族之后暗藏的巨大危机,与祖竹的怪病,是否有何关联!” „... That omen of Great Misfortune, whether with Ancestor Bamboo suppression Nie Li related...” “...那大凶之兆,是否与祖竹镇压的孽离有关...” Ning Fan receives to think mixed, has not purchased beforehand these Spirit Herb, but turned out several Pill Recipe that monopolizes the demented sickness, in Star Plucking House purchased these Pill Recipe needs Spirit Herb. 宁凡收起所有杂思,并未购买之前的那些灵药,而是翻出了几种专治癫狂症的丹方,在摘星楼中购买了这些丹方的所需灵药 Does not know these Medicine Pill, can cure Ancestor Bamboo demented sickness... 不知这几种丹药,能否治好祖竹的癫狂之症... He said good-bye Third Elder, left Star Plucking House. 他辞别三长老,离开摘星楼 On returning to the Golden Palace road, suddenly was blocked by Hong Yi (red-clothed) young female(s) panting in indignation. 在返回金宫的路上,忽然被一个红衣少女气呼呼地拦住。 Lu Bei, blames you, blames you! Today in Bamboo Palace, held the First Round/Wheel competition of Eighth Elder successor, my father Tang Xiong was struck serious injury by a Bai Li King palm, lost the selection qualifications... you to know!” 陆北,都怪你,都怪你!今日竹殿之内,举行了八长老继任人的第一轮比试,我父汤雄百黎王一掌击成重伤,失去了选拔资格...你可知道!” If you complied with the request of Ancestor Grandfather on the same day , helping my Fusang Clan campaign for Bamboo Palace Eighth Elder, father not participant, will not make into serious injury by Bai Li King! This is your mistake, is you harms the father injured! How you must be responsible for me!” “若你当日答应祖爷爷的请求,助我扶桑族竞选竹殿八长老,爹爹就不会参比,就不会被百黎王打成重伤!这都是你的错,是你害爹爹受伤的!你要如何对我负责!” Blocks in the Ning Fan front, indeed Fusang Clan small Princess —— Tang Yuan. 拦在宁凡前方的,正是扶桑族的小公主——汤鸢 At this moment, this female cries the pear flower belt/bring rain, must manage the unforgiving tone, blocks in the Ning Fan front, blocks the Ning Fan way, is staring Ning Fan panting in indignation. 此刻,此女哭得梨花带雨,一副得理不饶人的语气,拦在宁凡前方,挡住宁凡去路,气呼呼地瞪着宁凡 Ning Fan gaze reveals several points of not anti- color, this Fusang Clan small Princess entangles the person quite, today walks to create a scene unexpectedly. 宁凡目光露出几分不耐之色,这扶桑族的小公主好生缠人,今日竟又找上门来无理取闹了。 Ning Fan by no means knows the First Round/Wheel selection of Eighth Elder to start, does not know that Tang Xiong loses the qualifications and by Bai Li King wounding matter. 宁凡并不八长老第一轮选拔已经开始,亦不知汤雄失去资格、被百黎王击伤之事。 This matter does not have relationship with him, he and Fusang Clan are also hand over shallowly like the water. 此事跟他根本毫无关系,他与扶桑一族亦是交浅如水。 Tang Xiong was injured by Bai Li King, with his what business? 汤雄百黎王打伤,与他何干 The Tang Yuan summit walks to condemn, is really bewildered! 汤鸢屁颠颠找上门问罪,实在是莫名其妙! Does not have the woman of brain, Ning Fan or first time sees. 这么无脑的女人,宁凡还是第一次见到。 The Ning Fan without/has not mood coaxes this making a tearful scene woman, without/has not mood to this woman being responsible for. 宁凡没有心情去哄这个哭闹的女人,也没有心情对这个女人‘负责’。 She is not his Dual Cauldron, why is he responsible for her? 她又不是他的鼎炉,他凭什么对她负责? Ning Fan as if without/has not sees Tang Yuan, circles directly from her side, dries in the sun her there. 宁凡仿佛没有看到汤鸢,直接从她身边绕过去,把她晾在那里。 Tang Yuan sees Ning Fan to disregard her, walking quickly pursued, catches the Ning Fan sleeves, is unforgiving saying that you have not been responsible for me, cannot walk!” 汤鸢宁凡无视她,快步追了上去,一把拽住宁凡衣袖,不依不饶道,“你还没对我负责,不能走!” Decides!” “定!” Under a Ning Fan direction, displays Heaven Locking Art, decides Tang Yuan in same place. 宁凡一指点下,施展定天之术,将汤鸢生生定在原地 He is Supreme Void cultivation base, Tang Yuan is Nascent Soul cultivation base, displays Heaven Locking Art, it is estimated that can decide Tang Yuan for a lifetime. 他是太虚修为,汤鸢元婴修为,施展定天之术,估计能定汤鸢一辈子。 Naturally, if Fusang Clan Void Refinement Expert acts, mostly after big waste effort, can decode this technique. 当然,若扶桑一族炼虚高手出面,多半大费周章之后,也能破解此术。 How I, I cannot move! You made what! to let loose me to me!” Tang Yuan somewhat scared. 我、我怎么不能动了!你对我做了什么!放开我!”汤鸢有些害怕了。 Ning Fan pulls the sleeves, pats above the racket dust, to the Tang Yuan faint say/way, last time you comes to look for a job, I forgive your one time. this time you come to seek a quarrel, I am only freeze you, is slightly punishing slightly. If there is again next time, I then throw into Void Refinement Ferocious Beast Lair you directly, making you run its own course.” 宁凡将衣袖扯出,拍拍其上的灰尘,对汤鸢淡漠道,“上一次你上门找事,我饶你一次这一次你上门寻事,我只是定住你,算是略施小惩。若再有下次,我便直接将你丢入炼虚凶兽巢穴,让你自生自灭。” The Ning Fan word, turns around to depart, the disciple kept in Tang Yuan Heaven Locking Art, was decided above the long street cannot move. 宁凡言罢,转身离去,徒留汤鸢中了定天之术,被定在长街之上动弹不得。 Tang Yuan almost must put in great inconvenience cried, she had never been bullied by anybody, today is actually bullied by Ning Fan ruthlessly... 汤鸢几乎要委屈哭了,她从未被任何人欺负过,今天却被宁凡狠狠欺负了... She wants break free Heaven Locking Art, actually discovery this technique is not she can break free open. 她想要挣脱定天之术,却发现此术根本不是她能挣脱开的。 She is looking at the Ning Fan back, wants to scold two obviously ruthlessly, but has words on the tip of the tongue, actually became begging for mercy, she really did not have the moral integrity... 她望着宁凡的背影,明明想狠狠骂两句,但话到嘴边,却又成了求饶,她真是太没节操了... Grandmaster Lu, Uncle land, lets loose me quickly, asked you!” 陆大师,陆大爷,快放开我,求你了!” Master, asking you to put me, I did not provoke you!” “爷,求求你放了我吧,我再也不招惹你了!” Master, how you more walked was farther, the master, do not walk!” “爷,你怎么越走越远了,爷,不要走!” Master... you, if put me, I pledge yourself, I guaranteed!” “爷...你如果放了我,我以身相许,我保证!” Begging for mercy of Tang Yuan cannot move Ning Fan completely, Ning Fan walked not to have the shadow quickly. 汤鸢的求饶完全打动不了宁凡,宁凡很快就走没影了。 She seems a sculpture general, stands above the long street distressedly, four female guard that until catches up with slowly shoulder her. 她好似一尊雕塑一般,狼狈地站在长街之上,直到迟迟赶来的四名女卫将她扛回去。 After Tang Yuan departs distressedly, the Ning Fan form in a flash, reappears in same place suddenly, talked to oneself, 汤鸢狼狈离去之后,宁凡身影一晃,忽然重现于原地,自语道, „The selection of Eighth Elder has started... , if no accident/surprise, Bai Li King should succeed Eighth Elder. Bai Li...”( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 八长老的选拔已经开始了么...若无意外,百黎王应会继任八长老吧。百黎...”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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