GE :: Volume #6

#588: 3rd war declaration...

Ning Fan sits above Agarwood Tree Carriage, with the Third Elder joke. 宁凡坐在沉香辇之上,一路与三长老笑谈。 Third Elder is solemn Void Fragmentation, usually in by no means from falling status and with the Void Refinement cultivator joke. 三长老是堂堂碎虚,平日里并不会自降身份、与炼虚修士笑谈。 But Ning Fan is Six Revolutions high-ranked Alchemist, he naturally cannot neglect, the spoken language is very polite. 宁凡乃是一名六转上级炼丹师,他自然不会怠慢,言语十分客气。 Under Agarwood Tree Carriage in entire city cultivator focuses attention on, good to the Ji Shui royal palace. 沉香辇满城修士瞩目之下,一路行至姬水王宫。 this day, in the city all cultivator knew the Ning Fan high-sounding talk enters the matter of city... 这一日,城中所有修士都得知了宁凡高调入城之事... The person of having a mind recognizes Ning Fan is the person of Vine Sovereign issuing a warrant for arrest, in abundance in great surprise. 有心之人认出宁凡藤皇通缉之人,纷纷大惊。 no one believes, runs up to Eastern Tree Sea by Ning Fan that Vine Sovereign issues a warrant for arrest unexpectedly, openly arrives at Bamboo Palace. 无人想得到,被藤皇通缉的宁凡竟跑到东树海,堂而皇之地来到竹殿 no one believes, by Ning Fan that Vine Sovereign issues a warrant for arrest, unexpectedly is Six Revolutions high-ranked Alchemist! 无人想得到,被藤皇通缉的宁凡,竟是一名六转上级炼丹师 From the western and Northern Tree Sea Void Pierce and Supreme Void Old Monster, recognizes the Ning Fan identity secretly, this also wants to kill Ning Fan to receive an award to Vine Sovereign. 一些来自西、北树海冲虚太虚老怪,暗暗认出宁凡的身份,本还想杀了宁凡藤皇领赏。 But knows the Ning Fan Six Revolutions high-ranked Alchemist status, sees Ning Fan to reveal the Supreme Void aura, nobody dares on to begin unexpectedly outwardly. 但一知宁凡六转上级丹师的身份,更见宁凡流露出太虚气息,竟无人敢在明面上动手了。 cultivator from Eastern Tree Sea Hancang Country, recognized Ning Fan to extinguish Hancang Four Families super Expert alone. 一些来自东树海寒苍国修士,认出了宁凡是独灭寒苍四族的超级强者 Therefore Ning Fan extinguishes the Cedarwood Four Families deeds alone, similarly spreads in Jishui City. Many hearsay guesses, the Ning Fan real strength endures to compare Primordial Supreme Void... 于是宁凡独灭雪松四族的事迹,同样在姬水城中传开。不少传闻揣测,宁凡真实实力堪比归元太虚... These want to kill to assassinate Old Monster that Ning Fan receives an award, one hear of Ning Fan strength terrifying to this degree, eliminated plan that assassinates Ning Fan. 那些想杀暗杀宁凡领赏的老怪,一听宁凡实力恐怖到这种程度,纷纷打消了暗杀宁凡的打算。 bonus reward that Vine Sovereign supposes is no doubt attractive, but the life is more valuable, does not need to offend Pill Technique to excel by far Tree World and strength to endure for trivial bonus reward to compare Primordial Expert... 藤皇设下的赏红固然诱人,但性命却更加可贵,没必要为了区区赏红得罪一名丹术冠绝树界、战力堪比归元强者... In the Ji Shui royal palace, Bamboo Sovereign changed on the same day the indifferent expression, showed several points of happy expression rarely, hosted a banquet to welcome Ning Fan. 姬水王宫之中,竹皇一改当日冷漠的表情,罕有地露出几分笑意,设宴款待宁凡 Above this banquet, besides is not at Jishui City Fusang Old Monster, Bamboo Palace seven Void Fragmentation Elder all attend the banquet. 此次宴席之上,除了不在姬水城扶桑老妖外,竹殿七名碎虚长老全部出席宴席。 If Ning Fan is only Six Revolutions Low Grade Alchemist, although Bamboo Sovereign will regard as important in him, will not actually attach great importance. 宁凡只是一名六转下品炼丹师,竹皇虽会看重于他,却也不会如此重视。 But Ning Fan Pill Technique achieved Six Revolutions high-ranked. Excels by far Tree World sufficiently, is Bamboo Sovereign does not dare to belittle in him. 宁凡丹术达到了六转上级。足以冠绝树界,便是竹皇也不敢小觑于他。 In Bamboo Palace seven Void Fragmentation Elder, four people revealed to Ning Fan the meaning of becoming friends with, having three Void Fragmentation Elder facial expressions is bad. 竹殿七名碎虚长老之中,四人都对宁凡表露了结交之意,只有三名碎虚长老神情不善。 Sixth Elder is old-fashioned Profound Sect cultivator, cultivates the say/way of Tree God, always rarely battle, most unhappy killing people like scything flax Demon Cultivator, therefore unhappy Ning Fan. 六长老是一名古板的玄门修士,修树神之道,平生很少争斗,最不喜杀人如麻魔修,故而不喜宁凡 Fourth Elder is Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer cultivator, has the origin with Bai Li Clan. Nowadays, Bamboo Palace eight Void Fragmentation Elder all have three quotas. May recommend Void Refinement cultivator to participate in the campaign of Eighth Elder successor. In three people of Fourth Elder recommendation, one of them is Bai Li Patriarch... 四长老是一名碎虚一重天修士,与百黎一族颇有渊源。现如今,竹殿八名碎虚长老皆持有三个名额。可推荐炼虚修士参与八长老继任人的竞选。四长老推荐的三人之中,其中之一便是百黎族长... Fourth Elder is looking at Ning Fan gaze, has the 30% (slightly) hostility faintly. 四长老望着宁凡目光,隐隐带着三分敌意。 Concerned about the Ning Fan Six Revolutions high-ranked Alchemist status, without/has not feels embarrassed Ning Fan at the scene, naturally not possible to be actually on good terms with Ning Fan. 只是碍于宁凡六转上级丹师的身份,才没有当场为难宁凡,却自然不可能与宁凡交好的。 Great Elder is Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer cultivator, similarly is bad to Ning Fan gaze. 大长老是一名碎虚三重天修士,同样对宁凡目光不善。 When he is young, once had resulted in Stone Tree Clan first some generation of Patriarch kindness. 他年轻之时,曾得过石树族先代族长一些恩惠。 Stone Tree Clan is one of the Hancang 12 Clans, was actually extinguished by Ning Fan..., therefore Great Elder will be bad to Ning Fan gaze. 石树族本是寒苍十二族之一,却被宁凡所灭...故而大长老才会对宁凡目光不善。 The banquet ended, Bamboo Sovereign summoned Ning Fan. Promised again, if Ning Fan can cure Ancestor Bamboo, he grants Ning Fan enough Tree Ancestor Fruit surely, for breaking through Second Grade Rain Intent. 宴席结束,竹皇召见宁凡。再次许诺,若宁凡能治好祖竹,他必定赐予宁凡足够的树祖果,用于突破二品雨意 When Ning Fan leaves the royal palace main hall. Is three days, the dim light of night is deep. 宁凡离开王宫大殿之时。已是三更天,夜色已深。 Now in Jishui City, beside except Ning Fan, other not Six Revolutions high-ranked Alchemist come. 如今姬水城之内,除却宁凡之外,并无其他六转上级炼丹师前来。 Bamboo Sovereign decides to wait again for a month. After waiting brings other concocting pills Grandmaster to come, again makes everyone together for Ancestor Bamboo treat an illness. 竹皇决定再等一个月。等带其他炼丹宗师前来之后,再令所有人一起替祖竹治病。 In the Ning Fan heart thinks, it seems like only had on Jishui City dull one month. When one month later. Cures the disease for Ancestor Bamboo, obtains rewarding of Tree Ancestor Fruit, he can leave Eastern Tree Sea... 宁凡心中思索,看来唯有在姬水城呆上一个月了。待一个月后。为祖竹治好疾病,获得树祖果的赏赐,他便可离开东树海了... But later, which should go? 但之后,该去哪儿呢? Must comply with the order of Rain Sovereign, goes to Western Tree Sea Fire Tree Clan? 要不要遵从雨皇的命令,前往西树海火树一族 Ning Fan shakes the head slightly, he has offended Vine Sovereign thoroughly, at this moment goes to Western Tree Sea again, is very dangerous. 宁凡微微摇头,他已彻底得罪藤皇,此刻再前往西树海,十分危险。 Perhaps Fire Tree Clan God of Fire spring water is a big chance, but this chance situated in the strategic place, might as well does not want. 或许火树族祝融泉水是一个不小机缘,但这份机缘位于险地,还不如不要。 Must go to Southern Tree Sea, sees with Snow Willow Demon Sovereign? 要不要前往南树海,与雪柳魔皇一见? After Ning Fan hesitates, still shook the head. He and Liu Haoyue are the junction of duckweed water, casual acquaintance, goes to Southern Tree Sea to be unnecessary. 宁凡沉吟之后,仍是摇头。他与柳皓月不过是萍水之交,一面之缘,前往南树海并无必要。 Then, in the Tree World again stay 1st Stage time, after obtaining Tree Ancestor Fruit, returns to Rain World directly? 那么,是在树界再逗留一段时间呢,还是在获得树祖果之后,直接返回雨界呢? Ning Fan sighed gently, he just entered Jishui City, was actually hostile by three Bamboo Palace Void Fragmentation, Eastern Tree Sea also not long-term place... 宁凡轻轻一叹,他才刚刚进入姬水城,却被三名竹殿碎虚敌视,东树海亦非久留之地... Keeps Tree World, returns to Rain World, the urgent matter is looks for the Rain Intent First Grade method... not to know that my Rain Intent, what day can break through First Grade.” “无论是留在树界,还是返回雨界,当务之急都是寻找雨意一品的方法...不知我的雨意,何日才能突破一品。” Ning Fan walks alone in the dim light of night of long street, for quite some time, side already without/has not cultivator exist(ence). 宁凡独自行走在长街的夜色中,不知从何时开始,身旁已经没有一个修士存在 He receives the footsteps suddenly, gaze sinks, flicks the sleeve fiercely, sleeve within grows strong winds, blows toward four sides, the present long street changes to Phantom broken Scatter! in abundance 他忽然收住脚步,目光一沉,猛一拂袖,袖中生起狂风,朝四面吹开,眼前的长街纷纷化作幻影散! Here is... heavenly dwelling Space!” Ning Fan said with a frown. “这里是...洞天空间!”宁凡皱眉道 the previous moment, he still walks above the Jishui City long street, the moment, he had latter been received in this heavenly dwelling Space. 前一刻,他还在姬水城长街之上行走,后一刻,他已被人收入这处洞天空间之内。 Without a doubt, in Jishui City some people plot against him, even if knew perfectly well that his Pill Technique excels by far Tree World, still dared to plot against him! 毫无疑问,姬水城中有人暗算他,即便明知他丹术冠绝树界,仍胆敢暗算他! In heavenly dwelling Space, bloody glow presently, appears suddenly greatly two form that rides the tiger old man, is Supreme Void cultivator. 洞天空间之中,忽然血光大现,浮现出两名骑虎老者的身影,皆是太虚修士 Two old men look to Ning Fan gaze, empty wooden, actually holds swift and fierce killing intent! 两名老者望向宁凡目光,空洞木然,却含着凌厉的杀机 They are killer that Bai Li Clan sends! Intends in Ning Fan leaves on the road in Ji Shui royal palace, assassination Ning Fan! 他们是百黎一族派来的杀手!意欲在宁凡离开姬水王宫的路上,暗杀宁凡 In two old man behind, also 7 Void Inquire and Void Pierce killer, all the body rides to exaggerate, gaze gloomy and cold. 在两名老者身后,还有七名问虚冲虚杀手,皆身骑血虎,目光阴冷 7 Void Inquire and Void Pierce killer simultaneously takes the bleeding streamer, fierce shaking, immediately bloody glow in the sky. 七名问虚冲虚杀手齐齐出血幡,猛一摇动,立刻血光当空。 If on the same day the assassination of Bai Li Clan were ordinary, 7 killer complete vitalities scattered, start rapidly old. 如当日百黎一族的刺杀一般,七名杀手全部生机流散,开始飞速苍老。 But two Supreme Void Realm old men, each and every single (person) display Secret Technique, to absorb bloody glow, within short time, aura completely promoting to Primordial Supreme Void Realm! 而两名太虚境界的老者,一个个施展秘术、吸收血光,短时间之内,气息全部提升归元太虚境界 Kills!” “杀!” All killer harness exaggeration completely, around towards Ning Fan is killing. 所有杀手全部驾着血虎,朝宁凡四面杀来。 Ning Fan determined very, newcomer is Bai Li Clan killer without doubt, naturally does not need to show mercy. 宁凡十分确定,来者百黎族杀手无疑,自然无须手下留情。 one step changes into the black clothes, lifts hand Drawing Out Soul, Ning Fan whole body Sovereign Qi flies upwards, golden light presently, opens the Void Fragmentation 3 Layers technique greatly simultaneously. Launches to slaughter in heavenly dwelling... 一步化为黑衣,抬手抽魂,宁凡周身皇气飞扬,金光大现,同时开启碎虚三重术。在洞天之内展开杀戮... After ten breaths, in heavenly dwelling besides Ning Fan, has no one person again, in the air is filling the thick smell of blood. 十息之后,洞天之内除了宁凡之外,再无任何一人,空气中则弥漫着浓浓的血腥味。 In nine Bai Li killer, Ning Fan cut to kill eight people directly. What is strange, in eight human bodies not Nascent Divinity and Monster Soul, Ning Fan without/has not seizes any killer Nascent Divinity and Monster Soul, is unable Soul Scouring and Memory Extinguishing... 九名百黎杀手之中,宁凡直接斩杀了八人。诡异的是,八人体内并无元神妖魂,宁凡没有捉住任何一名杀手元神妖魂,无法搜魂灭忆... Is good leaves behind Void Inquire killer not to kill because of him specially, capturing alive. 好在他特意留下一名问虚杀手未杀,将之生擒。 He tries to display to search for Technique of Soul to this person, why having a look at Bai Li Clan, to have what scheme to him hostile. 他试图对此人施展搜魂之术,看看百黎族为何对他怀有敌意、有何图谋。 But side Soul Scouring. This killer Sea of Consciousness suddenly self-detonation, entire body self-detonation... 但方一搜魂。此杀手识海骤然自爆,连带整个身躯都自爆... „It is not able Soul Scouring...” “无法搜魂么...” Ning Fan hesitates does not speak, Bai Li Clan cultivator without/has not Nascent Divinity and Monster Soul, this matter somewhat strange... 宁凡沉吟不语,百黎族修士没有元神妖魂,此事有些诡异... With 9th killer self-detonation, nine killer died completely, in the silent expansive sky, presents nine bloody glow suddenly, condense one sheet war declaration. 随着第九杀手自爆,九名杀手全部死去,寂静的长空上,忽然出现九道血光,凝成一张战帖 In war declaration only then a character... dying! 战帖中只有一个字...‘死’! This is 3rd war declaration that Bai Li Patriarch sends! 这是百黎族长送来的第三战帖 Ning Fan gaze reveals a strange color, this Bai Li Patriarch gave him to get down 3rd war declaration unexpectedly... 宁凡目光露出一丝古怪之色,这百黎族长竟给他下了第三战贴... Bai Li Patriarch in this sending out nine killer within the body. Supposed nine bloody glow, once nine people of die, bloody glow will then congeal is war declaration. 百黎族长在此次派出的九名杀手体内。设下了九道血光,一旦九人陨落,血光便会凝为战帖 can it be does Bai Li Patriarch expect this assassination to be defeated? Therefore did he through nine killer deaths, get down 3rd war declaration to Ning Fan? 难道百黎族长又料到此次刺杀会失败么?所以他才通过九名杀手的死,给宁凡下了第三战帖 Since knew perfectly well that the assassination can be defeated. Why can also send these killer to come to bring death? 既然明知刺杀会失败。为何还要派这些杀手们前来送死呢? wait a minute/etc., brings death! 等等,送死! Ning Fan thought of anything, pats storage pouch, before taking out, two sheets war declaration. Is looking at dead characters above three war declaration, looking pensive. 宁凡似想到了什么,一拍储物袋,取出前两张战帖。望着三张战帖之上的死字,若有所思。 These three war declaration, each one sheet is unreasonable. 这三张战帖,每一张都不合情理。 At first Ning Fan is puzzled. Why Bai Li Patriarch sends people to assassinate him each time, after assassination failure, will send out war declaration. 起初宁凡不解。百黎族长为何每次派人刺杀他,刺杀失败后都会送出一份战帖 At this moment he somewhat guesses correctly the intention of Bai Li Patriarch faintly. 此刻他才隐隐有些猜到百黎族长的用意。 In these three war declaration, is full of Bai Li Patriarch deeply such as the sea and irreconcilable until death killing intent! 这三张战帖之中,皆饱含着百黎族长深沉如海、不死不休杀意 At first Ning Fan inertia thought that Bai Li Patriarch next three war declaration, want to kill him continually, will therefore be puzzled about the Bai Li Patriarch self-contradictory behavior. 起初宁凡惯性思维,百黎族长连下三张战帖,是想杀他,故而才会对百黎族长自相矛盾的行为感到困惑。 Bai Li Patriarch knows killer that obviously sends out kills Undying/not dead Ning Fan, actually still sent people to kill him. 百黎族长明明知道派出的杀手不死宁凡,却仍派人杀他。 Bai Li Patriarch knew perfectly well that issues the war declaration behavior not to have the brain very rampantly, actually again and again got down war declaration. 百黎族长明知下达战帖的行为十分嚣张无脑,却还是一次次下了战帖 Now, he understood! 现在,他懂了! In this war declaration irreconcilable until death killing intent, does not aim at Ning Fan, but aims at... the Bai Li Clan person! 战帖之中不死不休杀意,并非针对宁凡,而是针对...百黎族人! This dead characters, do not want to make Ning Fan die, but wants Bai Li Clan dead! 这个死字,不是想让宁凡死,而是想让百黎族人死! Let each Bai Li Clan person who comes to assassinate Ning Fan, all dies of the hand of Ning Fan! 让每一个前来刺杀宁凡百黎族人,皆死于宁凡之手! Bai Li Patriarch delivers Ning Fan three war declaration continually, wants to ask Ning Fan to kill off all Bai Li Clan people! 百黎族长之所以连送宁凡三张战帖,是想请宁凡杀尽所有百黎族人! According to this mentality thinks, Bai Li Patriarch sent out the war declaration strange action then to talk clearly. 按照这个思路去想,百黎族长送出战帖的离奇举动便说得清了。 What is the Bai Li Patriarch goal? As Patriarch, why sends out clansman to bring death intentionally, this act what meaning... 百黎族长的目的是什么?身为一族之长,为何故意派出族人送死,此举何意... A Ning Fan brow wrinkle, he always felt, in the Bai Li Patriarch behavior, disclosed the thick strange aura... 宁凡眉头一皱,他总觉得,百黎族长的行为之中,透露出浓浓的诡异气息... His head miraculous glow flashes, suddenly recalls the matter of Bai Li killer within the body not Nascent Divinity Monster Soul. 他脑袋灵光一闪,忽然回想起百黎杀手体内并无元神妖魂之事。 These two matters are also strange, as if also has anything to relate. 这两件事同样诡异,似乎又有着什么联系。 Ning Fan thinks repeatedly, actually only thinks that mentality gradually is crisscrossed, thinks does not understand why Bai Li Patriarch must make clansman bring death. 宁凡反复思索,却只觉思路渐渐错综,想不明白百黎族长为何要让族人送死。 Bai Li Patriarch, actually has what scheme... to send clansman to bring death, has what advantage to him...” 百黎族长,究竟有何图谋...派族人送死,对他有何好处...” can it be this person, although as Bai Li Patriarch, has the bitter hatred with Bai Li Clan?” 难道此人虽然身为百黎族长,却与百黎族有深仇大恨么?” Ning Fan lifts the palm according to smash into pieces here heavenly dwelling, returns to the outside world Jishui City long street above. 宁凡抬掌按碎了此处洞天,返回到外界姬水城的长街之上。 Above long street, cultivator passing, and nobody detected that Ning Fan was received in heavenly dwelling, and launched one to slaughter in heavenly dwelling. 长街之上,修士过往,并无人察觉宁凡被收入洞天中,并于洞天内展开了一番杀戮。 He walks above the long street, after entering Tree World, in the heart first time raises a anxiety. 他行走在长街之上,在进入树界之后,心中第一次升起一丝不安。 He receives the footsteps, takes out the carapace, borrows three war declaration Divination, thinks that Divine Prediction has Heaven's Fate. 他收住脚步,取出龟甲,借用三张战帖占卜,想卜算出一丝天机 By Ning Fan the technique of Divine Prediction, is impossible to figure out the Bai Li Patriarch true motive. 宁凡卜算之术,不可能算出百黎族长的真正动机。 He Divine Prediction, merely is the good and bad fortune two characters. 他所卜算的,仅仅是吉凶二字。 He wants to know, the confrontation with Bai Li Clan, the back is lucky is ominous. 他想知道,与百黎族的交锋,背后是吉是凶。 After Divine Prediction, the carapace disrupts suddenly... this is omen of Great Misfortune! 一番卜算之后,龟甲骤然碎裂...此为大凶之兆 Ning Fan gaze suddenly one cold. 宁凡目光骤然一凛。 Bai Li Clan divulged the day is also only the Void Refinement influence, but on Ning Fan had Void Fragmentation Puppet and goon, why encountered with Bai Li Clan, will present omen of Great Misfortune unexpectedly! 百黎一族说破天也只是炼虚势力,而宁凡身上可是有碎虚傀儡、打手的,为何与百黎一族交锋,竟会出现大凶之兆 Ning Fan self-examines, even if he to Bamboo Sovereign, although does not beat, can escape mostly, is insufficient Great Misfortune. 宁凡自问,纵然他对上竹皇,虽然不敌,也多半可以逃生,不至于大凶的。 can it be said. The back of Bai Li Patriarch strange behavior, is hiding the dreadful danger, that danger, even is more fearful than Bamboo Sovereign... 难道说。百黎族长诡异行为的背后,藏着滔天的危险,那危险,甚至比竹皇更加可怕么... Ning Fan from the ponder, above the long street, in the dim light of night, is broadcasting together the overbearing young female(s) sound suddenly. 宁凡正自沉思,长街之上,夜色之中,忽然传来一道骄横的少女声音。 This overbearing sound, making Ning Fan gaze slightly one cold. 这骄横之声,令宁凡目光微微一寒。 Snort, you are Ming Luo Clan Lu Bei! Supreme Void cultivation base, Six Revolutions high-ranked Pill Technique. Quite is really great, even my Ancestor Grandfather from falling the status, asked you to help my Fusang Clan personally, you dare to reject directly. Actually you look down upon my Fusang Clan, knows the strength to be mean, cannot choose Bamboo Palace Eighth Elder! Also or said, you are dreading Bai Li Clan, does not dare to encounter with Bai Li King, is really a coward!” “哼,你就是冥罗族陆北么!太虚修为,六转上级丹术。真是好了不起呢,连我祖爷爷自降身份、亲自请你助我扶桑族,你都敢直接拒绝。你究竟是看不起我扶桑一族呢,还是自知实力低微,选不上竹殿八长老呢!亦或是说,你在畏惧百黎一族,不敢与百黎王交锋么,真是一个懦夫!” Ning Fan gaze casts a sidelong glance slantingly. 宁凡目光斜睨一眼。 Speaking is Hong Yi (red-clothed) young female(s), the appearance, if 15-16 years old young female(s). The appearance is beautiful, arrogant and willful color that but among the features actually somewhat not minces. 出言者是一名红衣少女,貌若十五六岁少女。容貌姣好,但眉目间却有几分毫不掩饰的骄纵之色。 Hong Yi (red-clothed) young female(s) is only Nascent Soul cultivator, but in her behind is following four female guards, actually is turns God Cultivator into. 红衣少女仅是一名元婴修士,但在她身后跟随着的四名女子护卫,却皆是化神修为。 Sees Young Lady to dare to Ning Fan to make impertinent remarks unexpectedly. Four female guard charming face change colors completely, protects before the Hong Yi (red-clothed) young female(s) body, apologized to Ning Fan. 一见自家小姐竟然敢对宁凡出言不逊。四名女卫全部俏脸失色,护在红衣少女身前,对宁凡赔罪道。 Grandmaster Lu excuses me! My family Young Lady is young, speaks rashly. Certainly is harmless! Asked Grandmaster to with me and other juniors lower oneself to the same level not!” 陆大师见谅!我家小姐年少无知,出言莽撞。却绝无恶意!请大师莫要与我等小辈一般见识!” My family Young Lady is the female of Fusang Patriarch Tang Xiong, Tang Yuan. Heard that Grandmaster Lu all has the friendship with my clan Ancestor and Patriarch, but also please look in my clan Ancestor and Patriarch face. don't must blame the crime of my family Young Lady making an indiscreet remark!” “我家小姐乃是扶桑族长汤雄之女,汤鸢。听说陆大师与我族老祖族长皆有交情,还请看在我族老祖族长的面子上。莫要责怪我家小姐失言之罪!” This Hong Yi (red-clothed) young female(s), impressively is Fusang Clan small Princess. 红衣少女,赫然就是扶桑一族的小公主 Now the selection of Eighth Elder successor will soon start, Tang Xiong as Fusang Old Monster recommendation the people of three candidate, has caught up with Eastern Tree Sea from Northern Tree Sea Jumang Country. 如今八长老继任者的选拔即将开始,汤雄身为扶桑老妖推荐的三位候选人之人,已自北树海句芒国一路赶来东树海 This Hong Yi (red-clothed) young female(s) named Tang Yuan, the female of indeed Tang Xiong, with his father arrives at Jishui City, already have several day. 红衣少女名为汤鸢,正是汤雄之女,随其父来到姬水城,已有数日。 She listens to the father to tell Ning Fan refuses to help the matter of Fusang Clan, in the heart is very discontented. 她听父亲讲述过宁凡拒绝帮助扶桑族之事,心中十分不满。 She has Void Fragmentation Old Monster Ancestor Grandfather to cover, was always used to arrogant and willful, although is Nascent Soul cultivation base, but usually in meets Void Refinement Old Monster, dares to speak frankly contradicts, does not fear. 她有一位碎虚老怪祖爷爷罩着,一向骄纵惯了,虽然是元婴修为,但平日里遇见炼虚老怪,都敢直言顶撞,丝毫不惧。 She does not fear Ning Fan, dares to make impertinent remarks, her behind female guard can actually detect Ning Fan fearful... 她不怕宁凡,敢出言不逊,她身后女卫们却能察觉到宁凡的可怕... As if only needs Ning Fan look, can make their everyone state of mind smashing, dies a violent death! 仿佛只需要宁凡一个眼神,都能令她们所有人神魂粉碎,死于非命! Four female guard facing Ning Fan, feel the serious pressure from Ning Fan, that pressure, is not inferior in old gradually Fusang Old Monster... 四名女卫面对宁凡,从宁凡身上感受到沉重的压力,那压力,丝毫不逊色于垂垂老矣的扶桑老妖... Let alone, four female guard also know that Ning Fan is Six Revolutions high-ranked Alchemist. 更何况,四名女卫还知道宁凡是一个六转上级炼丹师 Four female guard are not arrogant and willful Tang Yuan, they know, the character who Ning Fan is not the present declines Fusang Clan that can stir up! 四名女卫不是骄纵的汤鸢,她们知道,宁凡不是如今没落的扶桑族能够惹得起的人物! Therefore shames the Ning Fan instance in Tang Yuan making noise, four female guard then simultaneously are Tang Yuan asks favor. 故而在汤鸢出声羞辱宁凡的瞬间,四名女卫便齐齐汤鸢求情。 Ning Fan gaze flashes, receives the chill in the air. 宁凡目光一闪,收起寒意。 If this female is cultivator that other do not keep eyes open, comes to look for a job, he did not mind that teaches. 若此女是其他不长眼的修士,上门找事,他不介意教训一番。 But this female is Fusang Clan small Princess, but Ning Fan more or less owes a Fusang Clan favor not, does not hope to Tang Yuan take action. 但此女乃是扶桑一族的小公主,而宁凡或多或少欠扶桑族一个人情未还,不愿对汤鸢出手 His corners of the mouth gently check, having some ridicules to say with a smile, your name is very delicious. The sweet dumplings, without/has not has eaten for a long time...” 他嘴角轻轻一勾,带着些许嘲弄笑道,“你的名字很好吃。汤圆么,许久没有吃过了...” It is not of pleasant to hear, but is delicious... 不是好听,而是好吃... His without/has not female take action, is in the spoken language teases one merely, as counterattacking, only this nothing more. 没有对此女出手,仅仅是言语上调笑一句,作为还击,仅此而已 Then, before Ning Fan more passes away without consulting anybody five females, walk toward the long street end. 而后,宁凡径自越过身前的五名女子,向长街尽头走去。 Tang Yuan charming face blooms like the peach young, shames the anger! 汤鸢俏脸如同桃夭绽放,羞怒之极! She calls Tang Yuan obviously, did not call the sweet dumplings, the Ning Fan big courage, dares to tease her name unexpectedly! 她明明是叫汤鸢,不是叫汤圆,宁凡好大的胆子,竟然敢取笑她的名字! Lu Bei, your coward! You do not dare to accept the request of my Ancestor Grandfather, does not dare to struggle the position of this Eighth Elder, does not dare with a Bai Li Patriarch war, I to look down upon you!” 陆北,你这个懦夫!你不敢接受我祖爷爷的请求,不敢争这八长老之位,不敢与百黎族长一战,我瞧不起你!” Ning Fan receives the footsteps suddenly, turning head of gaze slightly cold. 宁凡忽然收住脚步,目光微冷的回过头。 split second, four female guard want to cry but have no tears, in the heart blamed Eldest Young Lady to be rash secretly. 一瞬间,四名女卫欲哭无泪,心中暗暗责怪自家大小姐莽撞。 Others do not haggle over with you, let off your one time, you also paste to come to collect unexpectedly to look for a job... you are do! 人家不与你计较,放过你一次,你竟然还贴上门凑上去找事...你这是作死啊! Now your father Tang Xiong has matter processing, is not in Jishui City. 如今你爹汤雄有事处理,不在姬水城中。 Although your Ancestor Grandfather Fusang Old Monster is Void Fragmentation Old Monster, actually in Northern Tree Sea, more impossible to protect you. 祖爷爷扶桑老妖虽然是一名碎虚老怪,却远在北树海,更不可能来保护你。 You provoke others eagerly, if provoked others, who can protect your poor life? 你眼巴巴招惹人家,万一把人家惹恼了,谁能保护你的小命? Grandmaster Lu appeases anger...” Four female guard also want to ask favor, Ning Fan actually shakes the head, hints not the meaning of blame. 陆大师息怒...”四名女卫还欲求情,宁凡却摇摇头,示意并无责怪之意。 The tone does not have the meaning of teasing, started somewhat ice-cold. 只是语气已无调笑之意,开始有些冰冷了。 That ice-cold words, under the Cold Ice blade of like Jiu You (Nine Nether), spread to the Tang Yuan ear, made her tender body one cold, somewhat scared is looking at Ning Fan. 那冰冷的话语,如同九幽之下的寒冰之刃,传入汤鸢耳中,令她娇躯一寒,有些害怕地望着宁凡 I... I said your several, how you want to me! You should not want to lower oneself to the same level with my girl, you are not big hero... you, if to my took action, entire Tree World cultivator must scoff your...” “我...我不过说了你几句,你想对我如何!你该不会想和我这个小女子一般见识吧,你不是大英雄吗...你要是对我出手了,全树界修士都要耻笑你的...” Tang Yuan the previous moment also declared Ning Fan for the coward completely, at this time saw that Ning Fan is not affable, changed a statement to call Ning Fan big hero. 汤鸢前一刻还满口称宁凡为懦夫,这时候看到宁凡不好惹了,就改口叫宁凡英雄 This female does not have the moral integrity simply, smelled there is something wrong admits defeat immediately. 此女简直毫无节操可言,一见势不妙就立刻服软了。 Told Fusang Senior, careful Bai Li!” “告诉扶桑前辈,小心百黎!” Ning Fan gives Tang Yuan and other female last advice, figure in a flash, does not know the trace, 宁凡给出汤鸢等女最后一句忠告,身形一晃,不知所踪, Even if looks in the Fusang Clan face, Ning Fan will not haggle over with a silly girl generally. 就算是看在扶桑一族的面子上,宁凡也不会和一个黄毛丫头一般计较。 He owes a Fusang Clan favor, therefore gives a Fusang Clan advice. 他欠扶桑族一个人情,故而给予扶桑族一个忠告。 Behind Bai Li Clan concealed a great Great Misfortune danger, this dangerous, is Ning Fan very wariness, is not willing easily to touch... 百黎族背后暗藏了一个巨大凶险,这个凶险,便是宁凡都十分忌惮,不愿轻易触碰... Perhaps is the misconception, Ning Fan felt like, in the Eastern Tree Sea air, is filling a Mountain Rain Wish to Come tranquil feeling. 兴许是错觉,宁凡隐隐觉得,东树海的空气之中,弥漫着一股山雨欲来的宁静之感。 Perhaps after Bai Li Clan, has any enormous crisis... 也许百黎一族之后,藏有什么重大危机... But perhaps this crisis, possibly in entire Eastern Tree Sea, starts a catastrophe... 而这危机,或许可能在整个东树海之中,掀起一股浩劫... Perhaps all of these, is only the misconception. 也许这一切,只是错觉。 Hopes Bai Li Clan... to be only to his sense of crisis the misconception...( please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 但愿百黎一族给他的危机感...只是错觉...(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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