GE :: Volume #6

#587: Jishui City building, Six Colors in the sky

In Muye Country, the bamboo sea is continuous, Ning Fan changes to together the escaping rainbow, flies to escape above the bamboo sea. 牧野国之中,竹海连绵,宁凡化作一道遁虹,在竹海之上飞遁。 He has detected, enters the Muye Country boundary, behind then has the cultivator track. 他早已察觉到,一入牧野国境,身后便有修士跟踪。 Although these cultivator concealment figure, is actually not able to hide the truth from Ning Fan Divine Sense, the clan emblem on clothing, is demonstrating this batch of cultivator status... 那些修士虽然隐匿身形,却根本无法瞒过宁凡神念,服饰上的族徽,显示着这批修士的身份... These people, all are Bai Li Clan cultivator! 这些人,皆是百黎一族修士 newcomer altogether has three people, in three people, there are two Void Glimpse, Void Inquire! 来者共有三人,三人之中,有两名窥虚,一名问虚 These three people of cultivation base are not perhaps high, but each and every single (person) within the body was disclosing Evil Qi, all has the same level without rival strength extremely! 这三人修为或许不高,但一个个体内都透露着极煞气,皆有着同级无敌的实力! These three people, are Bai Li Clan careful training killer! 这三人,是百黎一族精心培养的杀手 After Ning Fan enters Muye Country million li, immediately receives the escaping light, treads the sky is situated in sky over the bamboo sea. 宁凡进入牧野国百万里之后,立刻收住遁光,踏空而立于竹海上空。 He has turned around, gaze flashed with a cold light, said to behind several class/flow clouds, follows in this Lu behind, what matter behavior!” 他转过身,目光寒芒一闪,对身后几朵流云言道,“诸位跟在陆某身后,所为何事!” The Ning Fan word, the behind class/flow cloud actually without/has not sound, it seems like killer of three hideaways not expose the meaning of whereabouts slightly. 宁凡言罢,身后流云却没有丝毫动静,看来三名隐藏的杀手并无暴露行迹的意思。 Ning Fan no longer said a word, one step took, the great strength trod in above the vast sky! 宁凡不再言语,一步迈出,巨力一踏在长空之上 After this one step treads next, the expansive sky in 500,000 li all shakes suddenly, but after that class/flow cloud, immediately drops figure of three guys distressedly. 一步踏下后,五十万里内的长空俱是猛然一震,而那流云之后,立刻狼狈跌落出三名大汉的身形 These three people all wear blood-color Battle Armor, the crotch ride one to exaggerate respectively illusory. 这三人皆身披血色战甲,胯下各骑一头虚幻血虎。 That exaggerates is Bai Li Clan unique Mount Divine Ability, fluctuates bleeding tiger Mount by Magic Technique, but enormous promoting clansman flies to escape fast. 那血虎是百黎一族特有的坐骑神通,以法术变幻出血坐骑,可极大提升族人飞遁之速。 Was discovered, killed him!” “被发现了,杀了他!” Three people were seen through the whereabouts by Ning Fan, without/has not slightly is surprised, throughout the expression is indifferent. 三人被宁凡识破行迹,却没有丝毫惊讶,始终表情冷漠之极。 Two Void Glimpse killer urge the crotch to exaggerate, holds a blood streamer respectively, swings suddenly, above the vast sky fills fishy smell extremely heavy bloody glow immediately. 两名窥虚杀手一催胯下血虎,各自持着一柄血幡,猛然一摇,长空之上立刻弥漫开腥气极重的血光 After releasing bloody glow. Two Void Glimpse killer vitalities pass rapidly, the appearance is hurriedly old. 在释放出血光之后。两名窥虚杀手生机飞速流逝,面目急遽苍老起来。 Void Inquire killer leapt exaggeration, leapt forward in bloody glow. His ten fingers pinch finger joints with the thumb, spits out Blood Essence, then attracts sky bloody glow suddenly fiercely. 问虚杀手一跃下了血虎,跃入血光之中。他十指掐诀,骤然喷出一口精血,而后猛吸天空血光 Unlike two Void Glimpse killer. This Void Inquire killer swallows in bloody glow, the imposing manner rises steep, the originally Void Inquiring Peak aura achieves in this moment to Void Level leaves! 与两名窥虚杀手不同。这名问虚杀手吞服血光之中,气势陡升,原本问虚无敌的气息在这一刻达到冲虚级别! Kills!” “杀!” Void Inquire killer drinks one coldly, one step takes, the whole body separates four Void Inquire cultivation base blood shadow Clone suddenly, holds Magical Treasure respectively. Same current events flowing light charges into Ning Fan! 问虚杀手冷喝一声,一步迈出,周身忽然分离出四个问虚修为的血影分身,各持法宝。同时化流光冲向宁凡 Ning Fan gaze slightly cold, this Void Inquire killer Divine Ability is actually not weak, depending on this promoting cultivation base secret skill, in addition four Void Inquire Clone, is the ordinary Void Pierce also non- his opponent! 宁凡目光微微一凛,这名问虚杀手神通倒是不弱,凭这提升修为秘法,加上四具问虚分身,便是普通冲虚也非其对手! Only pitifully, this Void Inquire killer was still not the Ning Fan opponent! 只可惜,这问虚杀手仍旧不是宁凡对手! Ning Fan lifts the foot to tread. The under foot appears immediately the sea of Void Space! 宁凡抬脚一踏。脚下立刻浮现虚空之海! He lifts refers, million Small Void Sword sweeps across the expansive sky, only one type then cuts to kill Void Inquire killer four blood shadow Clone completely! 他抬指一点,百万小虚空剑席卷长空,只一式便将问虚杀手的四具血影分身全部斩杀! Void Inquire killer look became startled, he then discovered, gaze that this time assassinates, cultivation base and in information eye incompatible! 问虚杀手目光一惊,他这才发现,此次所暗杀的目光,修为与情报眼中不符! In the information, Ning Fan is only Void Inquire cultivator! 情报中,宁凡只是一名问虚修士 But present Ning Fan. Treadons Void Space Qi Sea, the Supreme Void imposing manner flies upwards, clearly is Supreme Void Old Monster! 而眼前的宁凡。脚踏虚空气海,太虚气势飞扬,分明是一名太虚老怪 He wants to run away, without enough time, million Small Void Sword has cut, he called out pitifully, fell from the sky in Void Space Sword Rain. 他想要逃遁,已来不及,百万小虚空剑斩下,他惨叫一声,生生陨灭在虚空剑雨之中。 But Void Glimpse killer that another two appearances age, similarly die under Small Void Sword... 而另两名容貌变老的窥虚杀手,同样陨落小虚空剑之下... By Ning Fan cultivation base, lifts the hand to be able now instant kill Void Pierce! 宁凡如今修为,抬手便可瞬杀冲虚 Everywhere bloody glow and Sword Shadow diverge, gradually is silent. 漫天血光剑影散去,渐渐寂静。 Ning Fan is looking at the expansive sky of being empty. A brow slightly wrinkle. 宁凡望着空无一物的长空。眉头微微一皱。 He starts to have the discretion extremely, when displays Small Void Sword, avoided three killer dantian strategic points, is to leave behind three people of Nascent Divinity and Monster Soul Soul Scouring and Memory Extinguishing. 他下手极有分寸,施展小虚空剑之时,避开了三名杀手的丹田要害,意欲留下三人的元神妖魂搜魂灭忆 However after three killer die, not Nascent Divinity and Monster Soul stay behind. Even not storage pouch stays behind, really strangely... 然而三名杀手陨落之后,并无元神妖魂留下。甚至并无储物袋留下,着实古怪之极... Is my take action is excessive, these three people of Nascent Divinity mistakenly killed under Sword Rain...” “是我出手过重,将这三人的元神误杀剑雨之下了么...” The Ning Fan hesitation moment, turns around to want, then at this time, the places of three killer die, gave birth to three drifting bloody glow suddenly. 宁凡沉吟片刻,转身欲走,便在这时,三名杀手陨落之处,忽然生出三道飘浮的血光 Three bloody glow condense is one, changes to blood-color war declaration... 三道血光凝聚为一,化作一个血色战帖... A Ning Fan bend the palm move, starts the war declaration move. 宁凡屈掌一招,将战帖招入手中。 In war declaration only then a blood black ink large character... dying! 战帖之中只有一个血墨大字...‘死’! This is Bai Li Patriarch gives Ning Fan below 2nd war declaration! 这是百黎族长宁凡所下的第二战帖 Ning Fan eyes reveal pondering look, this jade slip by three bloody glow, but three bloody glow plant respectively in three killer within the body, three people of complete die, bloody glow will only condense 2nd war declaration... 宁凡目露思索之色,这枚玉简是以三道血光所化,而三道血光分别种在三名杀手体内,唯有三人全部陨落,血光才会凝聚成第二战帖... can it be does Bai Li Patriarch know Ning Fan to cut early to kill three killer strengths? 难道百黎族长早知宁凡拥有斩杀三名杀手的实力? Therefore Bai Li Patriarch will plant three bloody glow in three killer within the body, leaves behind 2nd to post? 所以百黎族长才会在三名杀手体内种下三道血光,留下第二张张贴? But some some places are also unreasonable. 但这又有一些地方不合情理。 Since Bai Li Clan sends out three killer to assassinate Ning Fan, naturally was saves to Ning Fan must kill the heart. 百黎族既然派出三名杀手刺杀宁凡,自然是对宁凡存了必杀之心。 If Bai Li Patriarch knows Ning Fan early not by three killer killing, why to send three people to bring death. The wise action, is sends out more powerful cultivator to cut to kill Ning Fan, rather than moves unnecessarily leaves behind 2nd war declaration... 百黎族长早知宁凡不会被三名杀手击杀,何必派三人来送死。明智之举,是派出更强大的修士来斩杀宁凡,而不是多此一举的留下第二战帖... What significance this 2nd does war declaration have? could it be one time demonstrates to Ning Fan again, tells Ning Fan, my Bai Li Clan must kill you, do you wash the clean neck to wait for death? 第二战贴有什么意义呢?难道是一次宁凡示威,告诉宁凡,我百黎一族要杀你,你洗干净脖子等死吧? As Patriarch, will Bai Li Patriarch make this type not to have the matter of brain? 身为一族之长,百黎族长会做出这种无脑之事么? Bai Li Patriarch action, very unreasonable ah... 百黎族长的举动,十分不合情理啊... Ning Fan receives 2nd war declaration, gaze narrows the eyes slightly. This Bai Li Clan, has strangely... 宁凡收起第二战帖,目光微微一眯。这百黎一族,有古怪... Bai Li Clan to him, seems not simple killing intent, but has the scheme... 百黎一族对他,似乎并非简简单单的杀意,而是另有图谋... Bai Li Patriarch sent out unreasonable war declaration two times, seems like wants to cause the suspicion of Ning Fan intentionally... threatens Ning Fan, is rather suggesting anything... 百黎族长先后两次送出不合情理的战帖,似乎是想故意引起宁凡的疑心...与其说是威胁宁凡,不如说是在暗示什么... Interesting, I must have a look but actually, actually Bai Li Clan has what scheme to me!” “有意思,我倒要看看,百黎一族究竟对我有何图谋!” A Ning Fan corners of the mouth check, does not fear Bai Li Clan. 宁凡嘴角一勾,丝毫不惧百黎一族 Has Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation Puppet, has Luo You and Teng Xianrou to assist, may use Summer Sovereign Sword... in Tree World, except for three Tree Sovereign, Ning Fan does not fear any cultivator! 身怀五行天劫傀儡,拥有洛幽藤纤柔相助,更可使用夏皇剑...树界之中,除了三名树皇,宁凡不惧任何修士 Scoff! 嗤! The Ning Fan form in a flash, changes to together the escaping rainbow, runs away toward the Muye Country national capital. 宁凡身影一晃,化作一道遁虹,朝牧野国的国都遁去。 Muye Country has big of ordinary Void Level Cultivation Country several times, country altogether has more than 400 Cultivator City, more than 300 Tree Clan set up the clan in Muye Country. 牧野国足足有普通虚级修国数倍之大,国中共有400余座修城,有300多个树族牧野国立族。 And, has Void Refinement oversee Tree Clan, there are 23. But has Supreme Void oversee Tree Clan. Altogether has 7. 其中,拥有炼虚坐镇树族,共有23个。而拥有太虚坐镇树族。共有七个。 Bai Li Clan, is Muye Country most powerful Tree Clan, naturally, compared with a Bai Li Clan stronger influence, is Bamboo Palace! 百黎一族,是牧野国最强树族,当然,比百黎族更强大的势力,是竹殿 In Bamboo Palace. Beside except Bamboo Sovereign, also bamboo forest eight old oversee, eight old all are Void Fragmentation Old Monster, Fusang Old Monster is eight old one! 竹殿之中。除却竹皇之外,还有竹林八老坐镇,八老皆是碎虚老怪,扶桑老妖便是八老之一! Bamboo Palace headquarters, Jishui City situated in Muye Country! 竹殿总殿,位于牧野国姬水城 Ning Fan flies to escape, spans innumerable Cultivator City. Finally receives the escaping light outside Jishui City. 宁凡一路飞遁,跨越无数修城。最终在姬水城外收住遁光。 This is in Tree World in the rare water the city, surrounding area million li is the azure waters, named Ji Shui! 这是树界之中罕有的水中城池,方圆百万里皆是青色水域,名为姬水 In the waters is towering the innumerable towering high giant mottled bamboos, handing down this Ji Shui is bamboo ancestor's the place of died during meditation, but mottled bamboo of these growth in waters, all are the bamboo ancestor spirit. 水域中耸立着无数参天之高的巨大湘妃竹,相传这姬水是竹祖的坐化之地,而这些生长在水域中的湘妃竹,皆是竹祖精魂所化。 Sky over waters. Drifts in the air city that Azure Qi is winding around, indeed Jishui City! 在水域上空。飘浮着一座青气缭绕的空中城池,正是姬水城 At this moment, Bamboo Sovereign in the entire Tree World issue imperial order, has recruited world Alchemist to come Muye Country to treat the Ancestor Bamboo tree. 此刻,竹皇早已在整个树界发布诏令,征召天下炼丹师牧野国治疗祖竹树。 The above the vast sky escaping light flies momentarily obviously to Jishui City, mostly is Tree World well-known concocting pills Grandmaster, receives orders from the emperor to treat Ancestor Bamboo. 长空之上随时可见遁光飞向姬水城,大都是树界闻名的炼丹大师,来应诏治疗祖竹 These Alchemist mostly subordinate in Eastern Tree Sea, naturally also has northern , south and other Three Great Tree Sea Alchemist to come. 这些炼丹师大多隶属于东树海,当然也有北、西、南等三大树海炼丹师前来。 As of late. The entering city inspection of Jishui City is quite strict, has directly except for Five Revolutions above Alchemist enters the qualifications of Jishui City, even Supreme Void cultivator must after the strict inspection, be possible to be allowed to pass to enter Jishui City. 最近这段时间。姬水城的入城检查极为严格,除了五转以上炼丹师拥有直接进入姬水城的资格,即便是太虚修士也需经过严格检查,才可被放行进入姬水城 In Ning Fan heart secret thinking, so Eastern Tree Sea recruited world Alchemist to enter a country, there are many other Tree Sea cultivator to enter Eastern Tree Sea. 宁凡心中暗暗思索,如此东树海征召天下炼丹师入境,有不少其他树海修士进入了东树海 Does not know the Vine Sovereign subordinate whether already, as the tide of people, pursued into Eastern Tree Sea, came to assassinate him. 不知藤皇的手下是否已随着人潮,追入了东树海,前来暗杀他。 Even perhaps, the Vine Sovereign subordinate has submerged in Jishui City, waits for killing he. 甚至说不定,藤皇的手下早已潜入姬水城中,等待击杀他。 So. The tour of this Ji Shui, takes many several points cautious about be possible. 如此。此次姬水之行,需要多几分谨慎才可。 Ning Fan foot treads the escaping light, flies toward the in the air city. 宁凡脚踏遁光,朝空中之城飞去。 The side flies to the city gate outside, the guard horizontal dagger-axe that immediately one team wears bamboo armor blocks the way. 方一飞至城门之外,立刻有一队身披竹甲的守卫横戈拦路。 newcomer halts! Above except Five Revolutions Alchemist may connect the city, any enters city cultivator to accept my Bamboo Palace inspection. Checkup status!” 来者止步!除却五转之上炼丹师可直接入城,任何入城修士都需接受我竹殿检查。核对身份!” This team wears armor the guard to be lowest is turns God Cultivator into, Commander is Supreme Void Old Monster. 这一队披甲卫士最低都是化神修为,统领则是一名太虚老怪 This person of gaze is arrogant, the status in Bamboo Palace is not low, is Bamboo Palace Third Elder younger generation clansman. 此人目光傲慢之极,在竹殿之中身份不低,乃是竹殿三长老后辈族人 He lords over above the Jishui City building, even is not willing under the city to receive Ning Fan personally, arrogant hence! 他高踞姬水城楼之上,甚至不愿亲自下城接待宁凡,傲慢至此! Although he felt the Supreme Void aura that Ning Fan hidden does not send, actually not the meaning of stretching the rules, without/has not puts Ning Fan to enter the meaning of straight access city. 他虽感觉到宁凡隐而不发的太虚气息,却并无通融之意,没有宁凡进入直接入城的意思。 This Bamboo Sovereign recruits world Alchemist, many Supreme Void Old Monster run up to Jishui City to join in the fun, every day has Supreme Void Old Monster to come Ji Shui. 此次竹皇征召天下丹师,不少太虚老怪都跑到姬水城凑热闹,每天都太虚老怪前来姬水 Is cultivation base profound Old Monster, more must strictly examine the status, in order to avoid these people sneak Jishui City to cause trouble... this are the meanings of Bamboo Palace Third Elder! 越是修为高深的老怪,越是要严格审查身份,以免这些人潜入姬水城生事...这可是竹殿三长老的意思! Your excellency cultivation base is not weak, so long as is not Alchemist, then must accept Old Man and the others to investigate the status!” Supreme Void Commander indifferent say/way. “阁下修为不弱,但只要并非炼丹师,便必须接受老夫等人核查身份!”太虚统领冷漠道。 this Lu is Alchemist, this time comes Ji Shui, to treat Ancestor Bamboo comes.” Ning Fan also returns lightly said. 陆某是一名炼丹师,此次前来姬水,是为治疗祖竹而来。”宁凡亦是淡淡回道。 Oh? Is your excellency Alchemist? So, then measures Pill Technique Rank above this soul tablet. If your excellency Pill Technique achieves Five Revolutions, can directly enter Jishui City, Old Man will not stop.” ?阁下是一名炼丹师?如此,便在此魂碑之上测一测丹术级别吧。若阁下丹术达到五转,便可直接进入姬水城,老夫自不会阻拦。” Supreme Void Commander hears Ning Fan is Alchemist, stands above the tower over a city gate, referred to outside the city gate toward under a piece huge Six Colors Ancient Tablet. 太虚统领听闻宁凡是一名炼丹师,站在城楼之上,朝下方指了指城门外一块巨大的六彩古碑 This Six Colors Ancient Tablet may determine one to Six Revolutions pill concocting technique, may determine Six Revolutions mid-ranked Pill Technique high. 六彩古碑可测定一至六转炼丹术,最高可测定六转中级丹术 Ning Fan without/has not talks too much, approaches Six Colors Ancient Tablet slowly, the palm according to above Ancient Tablet, immediately feels Medicine Soul to melt the mysterious feeling of tablet. 宁凡没有多言,徐徐走近六彩古碑,掌心按在古碑之上,立刻感受到一股药魂融碑的玄妙感觉。 This time enters Jishui City, his by no means prepares to conceal Six Revolutions high-ranked Pill Technique. 此次进入姬水城,他并不准备掩饰六转上级丹术 Although he is Supreme Void cultivator, but in Bamboo Sovereign and other Void Fragmentation Old Monster in the eyes, Supreme Void cultivator was still only ants forget it/that's all. 他虽然是一名太虚修士,但在竹皇碎虚老怪的眼中,太虚修士仍只是蝼蚁罢了 But if Void Fragmentation Old Monster in Bamboo Palace knew that his Pill Technique achieves Six Revolutions, and Six Revolutions high-ranked, then nobody dares to belittle in him! 但若竹殿之中的碎虚老怪得知他丹术达到六转,且还是六转上级,则无人敢小觑于他! Six Revolutions low-ranked Alchemist, then has to make Void Fragmentation cultivator bow and scrape the position of intersection! 六转下级炼丹师,便拥有令碎虚修士折节相交的地位! If Six Revolutions high-ranked Alchemist, then Bamboo Sovereign, does not dare to belittle the slightest even! 而若是六转上级炼丹师,则即便是竹皇,也不敢小觑分毫! On the same day when Si Luo Sea of Bamboo, Bamboo Sovereign to Ning Fan fairly polite, was because he saw Ning Fan to have Six Revolutions Pill Technique indistinctly. 当日在思罗竹海之时,竹皇之所以对宁凡客气三分,便是因为他隐约看出宁凡身怀六转丹术 However in the Bamboo Sovereign eye, Ning Fan withstand/top the broken day is also only Six Revolutions low-ranked Alchemist, therefore he, although to Ning Fan fairly polite, the spoken language still was very faint... 不过在竹皇眼中,宁凡顶破天也只是一名六转下级炼丹师,故而他虽对宁凡客气三分,言语却仍然十分淡漠... Even promised that to Ning Fan Tree Ancestor Fruit, what uses is the careless tone. 甚至于许诺给宁凡树祖果,都用的是漫不经心的口气。 Although in Bamboo Palace not enough Tree Ancestor Fruit, breaks through First Grade Rain Intent for me. But can obtain many Tree Ancestor Fruit, are then less from the First Grade Rain Intent distance... wants to obtain many Tree Ancestor Fruit from the Bamboo Sovereign hand, must first do, then gains Bamboo Sovereign enough many attaching great importance to!” “虽说竹殿之中并无足够树祖果,供我突破一品雨意。但能获得越多的树祖果,距离一品雨意的距离便越少...想要从竹皇手中获得更多的树祖果,首先要做的,便是得到竹皇足够多的重视!” If Bamboo Sovereign knows my Pill Technique to achieve Six Revolutions high-ranked, will not belittle in me again! If I the opens the mouth demanded Tree Ancestor Fruit to Bamboo Sovereign. Bamboo Sovereign will not reject mostly!” “若竹皇知我丹术达到六转上级,自不会再小觑于我!我若开口向竹皇索要更多树祖果竹皇多半不会拒绝!” ! 呼! The Ning Fan whole body flies upwards suddenly extremely strong Medicine Soul imposing manner! 宁凡周身忽然飞扬起极强的药魂气势! In the expansive sky outside Jishui City, appears suddenly countless Black Butterfly! 姬水城之外的长空上,忽然浮现数之不尽的黑色蝴蝶 Just arrived in Tree World Alchemist outside Jishui City much, sees Black Butterfly that the Ning Fan whole body coils around, reveals the color of shock. 不少刚刚抵达姬水城外的树界炼丹师,一见宁凡周身盘绕的黑色蝴蝶,纷纷露出震撼之色。 That beforehand attitude arrogant Supreme Void Commander, sees everywhere Black Butterfly, shows the shocking expression. 那之前态度傲慢的太虚统领,一见漫天的黑色蝴蝶,亦是露出震惊的表情。 This Black Butterfly is the strength of Medicine Soul melts... this person of can it be is Six Revolutions Alchemist is unexpectedly inadequate!” “这黑色蝴蝶药魂之力所化...此人难道竟是一名六转炼丹师不成!” As if verified people's speculation. Above Six Colors Ancient Tablet, the 1 Layer heavy color shines ray of light in abundance. 仿佛印证了众人的猜测。六彩古碑之上,一重重色彩纷纷亮起光芒 One Color, Two Colors, Three Colors, Four Colors, Five Colors. Six Colors! 一彩,二彩,三彩,四彩,五彩六彩 Shines the 6 Types color, then explained that newcomer is Six Revolutions Alchemist! 亮起六种色彩,便说明来者是一名六转炼丹师 „Before Old Man , the tone is bad, asking Grandmaster to excuse me! Grandmaster is Six Revolutions Alchemist, may directly enter Jishui City...” 老夫之前语气不善,请大师见谅!大师是一名六转炼丹师,可直接进入姬水城...” Supreme Void Commander goes down the tower over a city gate immediately, not arrogant color, holds the fist in the other hand to the Ning Fan direction again a ritual, shows the polite expression rarely. 太虚统领立刻走下城楼,再无倨傲之色,向宁凡方向抱拳一礼,罕见地露出客气的表情。 He may be arrogant to same level Supreme Void. But actually does not dare to be arrogant to Six Revolutions Alchemist! 他可对同级太虚傲慢。但却不敢对一名六转炼丹师傲慢! Each Six Revolutions Alchemist, sufficiently becoming Void Fragmentation Old Monster guest! 每一名六转炼丹师,都足以成为碎虚老怪的座上宾! He is wanting to guide personally, directing Ning Fan to enter the city to rest, is broadminded, Six Colors Ancient Tablet has the accident steep! 他正欲亲自带路,引宁凡入城歇息,豁然间,六彩古碑陡生变故! Actually sees Sixth Color above that Ancient Tablet to be getting more and more sparking, and finally, entire Ancient Tablet seemed six color rainbows to be the same, sends out dazzling ray of light that shot up to the sky. 却见那古碑之上的第六彩越来越闪亮,到了最后,整个古碑好似六色彩虹一般,发出冲天而起的耀眼光芒 This phenomenon only has when Six Revolutions mid-ranked Alchemist tests Pill Technique, will appear! 这种异象唯有在六转中级炼丹师测试丹术之时,才会出现! What, this Grandmaster is not only Six Revolutions Alchemist. Is Six Revolutions mid-ranked Alchemist!” “什么,这位大师不仅是一名六转丹师。更是一名六转中级丹师!” Supreme Void Commander gaze shocked. 太虚统领目光更加震撼了。 In Four Great Tree Seas, Six Revolutions Alchemist altogether has 15 people , 7 people are Six Revolutions low-ranked Pill Technique, 5 people are Six Revolutions mid-ranked Pill Technique. 3 people are Six Revolutions High Grade Pill Technique... 四大树海之中,六转炼丹师共有15人,其中,有七人是六转下级丹术,五人是六转中级丹术。三人是六转上品丹术... This Supreme Void Commander secret guess, can it be is Ning Fan Tree World five Six Revolutions mid-ranked Alchemist one of them? 这名太虚统领暗暗猜测,难道宁凡树界五名六转中级丹师其中之一? He has not seen all Six Revolutions Alchemist, by no means knows Ning Fan is which people in five people. 他也没见过所有的六转炼丹师,并不宁凡是五人之中的哪一人。 When he is thinking, Six Colors Ancient Tablet regeneration accident! 他正在思索之时,六彩古碑再生变故! Actually sees above Ancient Tablet, suddenly presents the a path of giant crack, until finally, entire Ancient Tablet blasts out suddenly, the smashing is the innumerable crushed stones! 却见古碑之上,忽然出现一道道巨大裂纹,及至最后,整个古碑忽然炸开,粉碎为无数碎石! Six Colors Ancient Tablet smash into pieces! 六彩古碑碎了 But sky over entire Jishui City, Six Colors red cloud appears suddenly, entire city cultivator all sees that everywhere pink clouds! 而整个姬水城上空,六彩云霞骤然浮现,满城修士皆看到那漫天彩云! This only then an explanation... Ning Fan pill concocting technique, surpasses highest Realm that Ancient Tablet can test! 这只有一个解释...宁凡炼丹术,超出了古碑可以测试的最高界限 This Grandmaster, unexpectedly is Six Revolutions high-ranked Alchemist!” “这名大师,竟然是一名六转上级炼丹师!” This Rank Alchemist, Tree World only has three people! 这种级别炼丹师,树界只有三人! This Rank Alchemist, even if Bamboo Sovereign does not dare to neglect! 这种级别炼丹师,即便是竹皇都不敢怠慢! Outside Jishui City gate, all cultivator that witnesses the Ancient Tablet smashing, all shows the shocking expression. 姬水城门之外,所有目睹到古碑粉碎的修士,俱是露出震惊表情。 Everyone looks to Ning Fan gaze, all has the deep awe, just like to awe Void Fragmentation Old Monster to be the same! 所有人望向宁凡目光,皆带有深深的敬畏,犹如敬畏一名碎虚老怪一般! Now, does this Lu possibly enter Jishui City?” “现在,陆某可能进入姬水城?” Ning Fan had the profound meaning to look at Supreme Void Commander one greatly, Supreme Void Commander piled to smile, the polite say/way, Grandmaster Pill Technique was outstanding, naturally can come and go out Jishui City casually... is only Old Man asked with great courage, did not know the Grandmaster name, was which person in Tree World three Six Revolutions High Grade Alchemist?” 宁凡大有深意地看了太虚统领一眼,太虚统领堆出满脸笑容,客气道,“大师丹术超群,自然能随便出入姬水城...只是老夫斗胆一问,不知大师姓甚名谁,是树界三名六转上品丹师中的哪一人?” Ning Fan always said by Lu, this is the only one place command Supreme Void Commander puzzled place. 宁凡始终以陆姓自称,这是唯一一处令太虚统领不解的地方。 Tree World Six Revolutions Low Grade and in Mid Grade Alchemist, some actually person of surnamed Lu, are pair of full brothers. 树界六转下品中品丹师之中,倒是有人姓陆,是一对同胞兄弟。 But three Six Revolutions High Grade Alchemist, but not the person of Lu... 但三名六转上品炼丹师,可并无陆姓之人... I come Ming Luo Clan, named Lu Bei.” “我出身冥罗一族,名为陆北。” The Ning Fan word, walks into Jishui City without consulting anybody, leaves behind outside the city each and every single (person) over the face stunned cultivator. 宁凡言罢,径自走入姬水城中,留下城外一个个满面错愕的修士 Lu Bei..., and came from decline Ming Luo Clan... this Grandmaster unexpectedly is not anyone in three Six Revolutions High Grade Alchemist! He is Tree World 4th Alchemist that has Six Revolutions High Grade Pill Technique!” 陆北...且还出身于没落的冥罗一族...这名大师竟然不是三名六转上品丹师中的任何一人!他是树界第四名拥有六转上品丹术炼丹师!” This Grandmaster some name familiar-sounding ah... Lu Bei, Lu Bei, wait a minute/etc., Old Man thought! The name and appearance of this person, clearly are that Demon Cultivator that Vine Sovereign chases down! I come from Northern Tree Sea, personally has seen this person of warrant for arrest!” “这大师的名字有些耳熟啊...陆北,陆北,等等,老夫想起来了!此人的姓名及容貌,分明就是藤皇追杀的那名魔修!我自北树海来,亲眼见过此人通缉令!” what! this is Grandmaster unexpectedly that by Demon Cultivator that Vine Sovereign chases down?!” 什么!这位大师竟然就是那名被藤皇追杀的魔修?!” Ning Fan without/has not pays attention to people's discussion, marches into Jishui City alone. 宁凡没有理会众人的议论,独自步入姬水城 In marching into the Jishui City moment, feels in the city innumerable vague Divine Sense to sweep immediately, obviously, he tested the fluctuation of Pill Technique to be startled very much in the city many Old Monster. 在步入姬水城的一刻,立刻感受到城中无数隐晦的神念扫来,很显然,他测试丹术的波动惊到了城中不少老怪 above the vast sky, drives Agarwood Tree Carriage from far to near, is drawn by two azure god cows, on the carriage vehicle stands 12 Boy, the center is sitting a azure pupil old man. 长空之上,自远及近驶来一架沉香辇,由两头青色神牛拉动,辇车上侍立着十二童子,中心坐着一个青瞳老者。 The old man imposing manner is very reserved, has the Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer imposing manner indistinctly. 那老者气势十分内敛,隐约有着碎虚一重天的气势。 The carriage car(riage) descends before the Ning Fan body, but the old man smiles to go down the car(riage), to Ning Fan polite cupped their fists and said, 辇车降落在宁凡身前,而老者则微笑走下车,对宁凡客气抱拳道, Old Man is Bamboo Palace Third Elder, presents the command of Bamboo Sovereign, comes this to greet Fellow Daoist especially, goes to Bamboo Palace and Bamboo Sovereign sees!” 老夫竹殿三长老,奉竹皇之令,特来此迎接道友,前往竹殿竹皇一见!” this time, Bamboo Sovereign experienced Ning Fan Pill Technique, before the attitude again non-, like that indifferent. 这一次,竹皇见识到了宁凡丹术,态度再非之前那般冷漠。 Bamboo Sovereign even sends out Void Fragmentation cultivation base Third Elder, greets Ning Fan to enter Bamboo Palace personally! 竹皇甚至派出碎虚修为三长老,亲自迎接宁凡进入竹殿 It the respect to Ning Fan, may get just a glimpse! 其对宁凡的尊重,可略见一斑! This is the Six Revolutions High Grade Alchemist position, is Bamboo Sovereign must treat as the guest to treat! 这就是六转上品炼丹师的地位,便是竹皇也要当作座上宾对待!
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