GE :: Volume #6

#597: Three Worlds Sect!

Vine Sovereign smiles, gave a Vine Palace Void Fragmentation meaningful glance. 藤皇笑罢,给了身旁诸位藤殿碎虚一个眼色。 4 Vine Palace Void Refinement that still survived with degenerating into Living Puppet Bamboo Palace 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Elder simultaneously one step took, with Wan Changkong 10 Dividing Spirit together, sphering serious injury to break Bamboo Sovereign of arm. 尚存活的四名藤殿炼虚与沦为生傀竹殿二、三、四长老齐齐一步迈出,与万长空十具分神一道,围住了重伤断臂的竹皇 Wan Changkong and the others added that the sum total has 17 Void Fragmentation! Although Bamboo Sovereign is strong, but serious injury breaks the arm, he at this moment and other Void Fragmentation to Wan Changkong, must drop the wind . 万长空等人加起来,合计有17名碎虚竹皇虽强,但重伤断臂,此刻的他对上万长空等17名碎虚,必落下风.. Vine Sovereign are not many looks at Bamboo Sovereign one, in his eyes, by Bamboo Sovereign that 17 Void Fragmentation sphere, is deceased person one. 藤皇再不多看竹皇一眼,在他眼中,被17名碎虚围住的竹皇,已是死人一个。 He approaches Liu Haoyue step by step, gaze only looks at Liu Haoyue, at this moment, only has most flourishing Willow Sovereign to list as the trusted aide archenemy! 他步步逼近柳皓月,目光只看柳皓月,此时此刻,唯有全盛的柳皇可列为心腹大敌! His whole body Sovereign Qi soars, each one step treads in the expansive sky, may make the expansive sky that is empty grow the giant vine. 他周身皇气飞腾,每一步踏在长空,都可令空无一物的长空生长出巨大藤蔓。 These vines once appeared, immediately changes to the each and every single (person) Gold Core Realm vine soldier. 那些藤蔓一经出现,立刻化作一个个金丹境界的藤兵。 Everywhere vine completely vine soldier, near 100,000 Gold Core appear! 漫天藤蔓化尽藤兵,共有近十万金丹出现! This technique is Vine Palace the technique of all previous Vine Sovereign compulsory Sovereign Qi. 此术乃是藤殿的历代藤皇必修的皇气之术。 Sovereign Technique, soldiers descending under the vines! 皇术,兵临藤下 „The technique of soldiers descending under the vines... the trivial 100,000 Gold Core vine soldier, nothing to be afraid!” 兵临藤下之术么...区区十万金丹藤兵,不足为惧!” Liu Haoyue gaze sinks, casts a sidelong glance slantingly Bamboo Sovereign, the palm caresses the dry demon bag of waist. 柳皓月目光一沉,斜睨竹皇一眼,手掌一抚腰间的乾魔袋。 That does the demon bag is a small thousand remnant treasure, under caresses, ray of light flashes, its behind emerges out of thin air immediately 6 Void Fragmentation Old Monster. 那乾魔袋乃是一件小千残宝,一抚之下,光芒一闪,其身后顿时凭空出现六名碎虚老怪 These 6 people all are Willow Palace Elder! Obviously, Liu Haoyue this time arrives at Eastern Tree Sea to come prepared, is not the one person alone comes. 这六人俱都是柳殿长老!很显然,柳皓月此次来到东树海是有备而来,并非孤身前来。 You helped Bamboo Sovereign helping hand! Liu's father owes a Previous Generation Bamboo Sovereign favor, Liu cannot let Bamboo Sovereign die today!” “尔等去助竹皇一臂之力!柳某之父欠前代竹皇一个人情,柳某今日决不能让竹皇陨落!” „!” “诺!” Six people of escaping light dodge, fly to Bamboo Sovereign games circle , helping Bamboo Sovereign keep off next Void Fragmentation respectively, making the Bamboo Sovereign situation slightly relaxed. 六人遁光一闪,飞至竹皇圈,各自帮竹皇挡下一名碎虚,令竹皇处境稍稍轻松了些。 Bamboo Sovereign reveals the complex color. In fact, he and Liu Haoyue not friendship, instead some enmity. 竹皇露出复杂之色。实际上,他与柳皓月并无交情,反而有些过节 He cannot think absolutely, Liu Haoyue unexpectedly is so the person of upholding justice, relinquishes difference. Only because of worrying about the Previous Generation Bamboo Sovereign benevolence, then exerts the aid when Bamboo Palace Great Tribulation... 他万万想不到,柳皓月竟是如此仗义之人,不计前嫌。只因顾念前代竹皇的恩情,便在竹殿大劫之时施加援手... Liu Haoyue! If my today's Undying/not dead, owes the benevolence to return in you surely today!” Bamboo Sovereign clenches teeth to say. 柳皓月!若我今日不死,定将今日所欠恩情如数归还于你!”竹皇咬牙道。 No need! Liu handles affairs, but sought one quickly, did you owe me the benevolence, what does that have to do with me!” “不必!柳某行事,但求一快,你欠不欠我恩情,与我何干!” Liu Haoyue laughs loudly. In the eye shows bullying expression. 柳皓月放声大笑。眼中露出霸凌之极的表情。 A today's Liu Haoyue military garb, wears Golden Leaf armor, wears the willow tree blade-tip, solemn impressive and dignified manner, like Emperor. 今日的柳皓月一身戎装,身披金叶甲,头戴柳叶冠,堂堂威仪,有如帝王 His bend the palm move, pure gold willow whip appears in the hand. Lifting the hand is a whip, overcomes toward the 100,000 vine soldier. 屈掌一招,一柄纯金柳鞭出现于手中。抬手便是一鞭,朝十万藤兵打下。 The Everthunder Whip appearance that whip and Ning Fan hold is extremely similar, but merely is Magical Treasure that Magic Technique transformation has, is not a material object. 那鞭与宁凡所持的素雷鞭样子极其相似,但仅仅是法术幻化出的法宝,并非实物。 That whip not length, the gaze institute , is the attack range of long whip! 那鞭并无长度,目光所及,便是长鞭的攻击范围! A whip pulls out, has the Golden whip shadow that the destruction is fluctuating to be ejected together. Changes to Golden Dragon to soar! 一鞭抽下,一道带着毁灭波动的金色鞭影被击出。化作一条金龙腾空! Golden Dragon blasting open, breaks into pieces the 100,000 whip shadow, the long whip falling place, the each and every single (person) Gold Core vine soldier dies immediately certainly! 金龙炸裂,碎散成十万鞭影,长鞭落处,一个个金丹藤兵立刻死绝! 2nd whip!” 第二鞭!” A whip pulls out the dead 100,000 vine soldier, Liu Haoyue laughs wildly like the demon, lifts the whip overbearingly suddenly, separates then to pull out spatially toward Vine Sovereign. 一鞭抽死十万藤兵,柳皓月狂笑如魔,霸道之极地猛然抬鞭,隔空便朝藤皇抽下。 Two people are separated by ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), but this whip actually pulls out directly above Vine Sovereign Mortal Body. 二人相隔万丈,但这一鞭却直接抽在藤皇肉身之上。 Vine Sovereign Mortal Body is not extremely weak, is the Nirvana 1st Heavenly Layer Mortal Body intensity, has Profound God Mid Grade Treasure Armor body protection! 藤皇肉身极其不弱,乃是涅槃一重天肉身强度,更有神玄中品宝甲护体 Was selected by a Liu Haoyue whip. That Profound God Mid Grade Treasure Armor disrupts immediately together the fissure, had received some damages! 柳皓月一鞭抽中。那神玄中品宝甲立刻碎裂一道裂痕,已受了些许损伤! And was selected by this whip, in the Vine Sovereign dantian appears immediately baseless together Golden Thunderbolt, toward its Monster Soul suddenly one volume! 且被此鞭抽中之时,藤皇丹田之中立刻凭空浮现一道金色雷霆,朝其妖魂猛然一卷! split second, Monster Soul of Vine Sovereign palm of the hand size spits blood fiercely. The chest armor smashing, had been wounded by Thunderbolt directly! 一瞬间,藤皇巴掌大小的妖魂猛地吐血。胸甲粉碎,已被雷霆直接击伤! In the eye of Vine Sovereign reveals the color of shock immediately. 藤皇的眼中立刻露出震惊之色。 This is... Rain World Thunder Sovereign Bu Zhou the technique, may pull out person Nascent Divinity Monster Soul directly!” “这是...雨界不周雷皇的之术,可直接抽人元神妖魂!” „Before 10,000 years, Rain World Thunder Sovereign Bu Zhou die, could not have thought that you learn his Essence Thunder Spirit Pulling Technique unexpectedly ‚’!” 万年之前,雨界不周雷皇已然陨落,想不到你竟习得他的‘素雷抽神术’!” Vine Sovereign remembers the Thunder Sovereign Bu Zhou illustrious prestige, in the eye appears deep wariness. 藤皇一想起不周雷皇的赫赫威名,眼中浮现出深深的忌惮 Liu Haoyue laughs, raises hand to extract the 3rd whip, the 4th whip, the 5th whip! 柳皓月大笑一声,扬手抽出第三鞭,第四鞭,第五鞭! In the mind, actually slightly flashes learns Essence Thunder Spirit Pulling Technique awkward memories presently... 脑海中,却微微闪现习得素雷抽神术的尴尬回忆... He once submerged the Rain World amusement before 20,000 years, meets by chance Thunder Sovereign, asked to Thunder Sovereign, then he, was only Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer cultivation base. 他曾于两万年前潜入雨界玩乐,偶遇雷皇,向雷皇问道,当时的他,仅是碎虚三重天修为 He and a Thunder Sovereign conversation, to admire this person of Dao Enlightenment Extraordinary deeply, once proposed that becomes sworn brothers with Thunder Sovereign for the brothers, conspires Great Dao! 他与雷皇一番交谈,深为钦佩此人道悟不凡,曾提出与雷皇结义为兄弟,共谋大道 At that time, the Thunder Sovereign whole body hid under the cape, only revealed a pair of female blood pupil, looked at Liu Haoyue one strangely, with sound of said with a sneer men's, brothers? this Sovereign will not become the brothers with anybody.” 当时,雷皇周身隐藏在斗篷之下,只露出一双女子般的血瞳,古怪之极地看了柳皓月一眼,用男子之声冷笑道,“兄弟?本皇不会与任何人结为兄弟。” Thunder Sovereign is not a man, how can be on intimate terms with the man. 雷皇不是男子,岂会与男子称兄道弟。 Thunder Sovereign insists on not swearing brotherhood with Liu Haoyue, Liu Haoyue only said that she looks down upon herself, a anger initiates the challenge to her. 雷皇执意不与柳皓月结拜,柳皓月只道她瞧不起自己,一怒向她发起挑战。 After one struggles hard, Liu Haoyue by inadequate human form that Thunder Sovereign hits, but Thunder Sovereign returns safe and sound... 一番苦战后,柳皓月雷皇打的不成人形,而雷皇毫发未损... But Liu Haoyue not only without/has not least bit angry, laughs on the contrary, called continually is not as skillful as others, actually open-minded man. 柳皓月非但没有半点着恼,反倒哈哈大笑,连称技不如人,倒是个豁达男子。 To the Liu Haoyue heart, Thunder Sovereign slightly feels admiringly, the intention moves, teaches Thunder Jade Token and Essence Thunder Spirit Pulling Technique to Liu Haoyue, is becomes apologizing of serious injury striking. 柳皓月的心胸,雷皇略感钦佩,心念一动,将雷玉令素雷抽神术传授给柳皓月,算是将之击成重伤的赔罪。 Then, Thunder Sovereign swaggers away, had not seen Liu Haoyue again. To her, Liu Haoyue is a good man, but also only this nothing more, all of this person have nothing to do with her. 而后,雷皇扬长而去,再未见过柳皓月。对她而言,柳皓月是个不错的男子,但也仅此而已,此人的一切与她无关。 After Liu Haoyue obtains Essence Thunder Spirit Pulling Technique, self-torture ten thousand years, refine high Realm this technique, cultivation base also arrived at Void Fragmentation 4th Heavenly Layer, wants to rush to Rain World, challenged Thunder Sovereign. 柳皓月获得素雷抽神术之后,苦修万载,将此术炼至极高境界,修为也到了碎虚四重天,想重新奔赴雨界,向雷皇挑战。 But pitifully, Thunder Sovereign strange die, Remnant Soul was actually sealed into the grave of Thunder Sovereign at that time suddenly... 但可惜,那时候雷皇却忽然离奇陨落,残魂被封入雷皇之墓中... Liu Haoyue is in a rage to Rain Palace, interrogated the Thunder Sovereign cause of death to Rain Sovereign. 柳皓月一怒之下冲至雨殿,向雨皇质问雷皇死因。 It looks like in Liu Haoyue, Thunder Sovereign dies of Rain World, must have the responsibility with Rain Palace absolutely! 柳皓月看来,雷皇死于雨界,与雨殿绝对少不了干系! Then Rain Sovereign was Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer cultivator, close to breaking through 4th Heavenly Layer, the enemy of non- Liu Haoyue. 当时的雨皇碎虚三重天修士,接近突破四重天,非柳皓月之敌。 A Liu Haoyue person defeats completely Rain Palace Void Fragmentation, heaved a deep sigh. 柳皓月一人败尽雨殿碎虚,长叹一声。 Rain Palace is so small and weak, even his Liu Haoyue cannot do, how also to have the ability to Thunder Sovereign take action... 雨殿如此弱小,连他柳皓月都奈何不得,又岂会有能力对雷皇出手... Perhaps Thunder Sovereign die, had/left what accident/surprise... 雷皇陨落,或许是出了什么意外吧... Liu Haoyue wants to enter Sovereign Grave to seek Thunder Sovereign Remnant Soul, obtains jade slip from the Endless Sea Zhou Family hand , before is Thunder Sovereign die, remains, making him do not meddle the matter of Rain World. She will independently find the way to resurrect, takes revenge to the personal enemies! 柳皓月想要进入皇墓雷皇残魂,却自无尽海周家手中得到一封玉简,是雷皇陨落前所留,令他不要插手雨界之事。她会自行想办法复活,向仇人们复仇! Liu Haoyue looks at jade slip, returns to Tree World silent, without/has not enters Sovereign Grave. He knows that the Thunder Sovereign arrogance, must take revenge personally may. 柳皓月看罢玉简,沉默返回树界,没有进入皇墓。他知道雷皇的傲气,必须亲自复仇才可。 He sighed to lose a friend at the same time. Night and day self-torture Essence Thunder Spirit Pulling Technique, the strength was still more powerful. 他一面叹息痛失一友。仍旧日以继夜地苦修素雷抽神术,实力越加强大。 After he breaks through Void Fragmentation 5th Heavenly Layer, once submerged Sword World in secret, such as Thunder Sovereign was ordinary in the past, selects War Sword Three Sovereigns. 在他突破碎虚五重天之后,曾暗中潜入剑界,如雷皇当年一般,挑战剑三皇 Very pitifully, he is not Thunder Sovereign. without/has not alone War Sword Three Sovereigns strength, after struggling hard 3 days for three nights, then defeats in three Sword Sovereign hands. 很可惜,他不是雷皇没有战剑三皇的实力,在苦战三日三夜之后,便败在三名剑皇手中。 However its strength may get just a glimpse, ordinary Void Fragmentation 5 Layers basic non- his rival! 不过其战力之强可略见一斑,普通碎虚五重根本非其敌手! If to independent Void Fragmentation Sovereign, Liu Haoyue definitely has the strength of steady victory! 若对上单独一名碎虚皇者,柳皓月绝对有稳胜的实力! But Liu Haoyue recalled that the deceased friend, sneaks the grave of Thunder Sovereign, and meets in Sovereign Grave and Ning Fan. All is the things to do after death. 柳皓月追思亡友、潜入雷皇之墓,并在皇墓中与宁凡相遇。皆是后事。 At that time, although he entered Sovereign Grave, actually complied with the Thunder Sovereign last wish, has not tried to rescue Thunder Sovereign to be stranded in Sovereign Grave Remnant Soul. 那时候,他虽进入皇墓,却遵从雷皇遗愿,并未试图救出雷皇困于皇墓残魂 At that time, he met by chance Ning Fan, and indistinct the sensation from Ning Fan to wiped extremely pale Everthunder Whip aura... 那时候,他偶遇宁凡,并隐约从宁凡身上感知到一抹极淡的素雷鞭气息... That is Thunder Sovereign refining up the special aura that Thunder Whip supplements, only cultivation Essence Thunder Spirit Pulling Technique cultivator can catch this aura keenly! 那是雷皇所炼雷鞭所附带的特殊气息,唯修炼素雷抽神术修士能敏锐捕捉到这一气息! Liu Haoyue felt several points of interest in Ning Fan. In his opinion, Ning Fan resurrects with Thunder Sovereign surely has the connection greatly, otherwise is impossible Thunder Sovereign to present as a gift the treasure. 柳皓月不由对宁凡感了几分兴趣。在他看来,宁凡必定与雷皇复活大有关联,否则不可能得雷皇赠宝。 From presenting as a gift treasure, the aura on Everthunder Whip is very new, was Thunder Sovereign recently arrange. 从赠宝来看,素雷鞭上的气息还很新,想必是雷皇最近布下 Liu Haoyue guessed faintly, Thunder Sovereign must come back, must depend on own strength to take revenge to the personal enemy... 柳皓月隐隐猜测,雷皇要回来了,要靠自己的力量向仇人复仇了... His without/has not in Ning Fan surface premise half Thunder [雷] Character, does not want to talk too much with Ning Fan. 没有宁凡面前提半个雷字,亦不欲与宁凡多言的。 He was about to leave Sovereign Grave directly, but sees Ning Fan to become aware the empty shape, felt several points of interest in Ning Fan again. 他本来准备直接离开皇墓,但看到宁凡悟虚之状,再次对宁凡感了几分兴趣。 this time. Is interested in Ning Fan oneself. 这一次。是对宁凡本人感了兴趣。 He pretends to meet the Ning Fan appearance initially, proposed the number to ask to Ning Fan, the acquired answer made him feel to shock. 他装作初遇宁凡的模样,向宁凡提了数问,获得的答案让他感到震撼。 Suddenly, he almost regards as the friend Ning Fan, wishes one could to swear brotherhood with Ning Fan for the brothers. But remembers by the matter of Thunder Sovereign rejection. He smiles bitterly... 一时间,他几乎将宁凡视为知己,恨不得与宁凡结拜为兄弟。但一想起被雷皇拒绝之事。他苦笑一声... Friendship like the water, this is pale enough, why can each other swear brotherhood surely? 君子之交淡如水,这便足够,何必定要彼此结拜呢? He gives the command of Ning Fan Divine Sense, made another day Willow Palace to see afterward, then departed... 他只是送给宁凡一个神念之令,约他日后来柳殿一见,便离去了... memories flash in the mind, Liu Haoyue showed a faint smile, remembered Ning Fan. 一幕幕回忆在脑海闪现,柳皓月微微一笑,想起了宁凡 He obtains the news, Ning Fan in Eastern Tree Sea. 他得到消息,宁凡就在东树海 this time he knew in secret Bamboo Palace has difficult, reason that comes Eastern Tree Sea to rescue Bamboo Palace ; first, wants also to fall for the father owes the Bamboo Palace benevolence. 这一次他暗中得知竹殿有难,之所以前来东树海救援竹殿,一是想替父亲还掉欠竹殿的恩情。 Second, wants to come Eastern Tree Sea to have a look at Ning Fan, raises one's wine cup well Dao discussion. 二是想来东树海看看宁凡,好好地把酒论道 Does not know Brother Ning at this moment where... his Dao Enlightenment, although is deep, eventually is only not yet Void Glimpse cultivator... not, is not right, many years have not seen, he seems Supreme Void Realm, the cultivation speed made me be able not hold a candle actually... was only a pity, Supreme Void cultivation base was still extremely weak, in this east bamboo Great Tribulation, self-preservation difficult...” “不知宁兄此刻所在何处...他道悟虽深,终究只是一名尚未窥虚修士...不,不对,多年未见,他似乎已是太虚境界了,修炼速度倒是令我望尘莫及...只可惜,太虚修为仍是极弱,在这次东竹大劫之中,自保都难...” 1st Nie Li unseal, I must take action, repel Vine Sovereign as soon as possible, rescues Bamboo Sovereign, then altogether goes to day of summit Bamboo Realm, preventing the person of Vine Palace from continuing unseal Nie Li...” 第一孽离已然解封,我须尽快出手,击退藤皇,救下竹皇,而后共赴天巅竹界,阻止藤殿之人继续解封孽离...” By Seal four Nie Li , but Void Fragmentation 5th Heavenly Layer cultivation base, if this beast unseal , helping Vine Sovereign helping hand, at the appointed time, I perhaps am suspicious one's effort to resist with all one's strength Vine Sovereign...” “被封印的四头孽离,有一头可是碎虚五重天修为,若此兽解封,助藤皇一臂之力,届时,我恐怕难凭一己之力力敌藤皇...” Liu Haoyue such as thinks, the 6th whip, the 7th whip has also extracted! 柳皓月如是一想,第六鞭,第七鞭亦已抽出! Essence Thunder Spirit Pulling Technique, always pulls out Thunder Whip, pulling out the prestige of god will be then stronger!, 素雷抽神术,每多抽一下雷鞭,抽神之威便会越强!、 Seven whips unite, is Liu Haoyue can the limit that this technique displays. 七鞭合一,是柳皓月能够将此术施展的极限。 Seven Golden Dragon whip shades unite, change to seven Thunder Dragon, figure in a flash, span the innumerable distances together directly, hits in the Vine Sovereign chest! 七道金龙鞭影合一,化作一道七头雷龙,身形一晃,直接跨越无数距离,撞击在藤皇胸口! split second, Vine Sovereign Profound God Treasure Armor direct smashing, but innumerable Golden Thunder appear in his dantian directly, strikes heavy injury its Monster Soul! 一瞬间,藤皇神玄宝甲直接粉碎,而无数金雷直接出现在他的丹田之中,将其妖魂一击重创 ! 噗! Vine Sovereign draws back hundred li (0.5 km) in the expansive sky continually palely, complexion like the spirit money, activates Secret Technique, just now extinguishes again and again forcefully goes to within the body Golden Thunder. 藤皇于长空连退百里,面色苍白如金纸,连连催动秘术,方才强行灭去体内金雷 At this moment, Vine Sovereign looks to Liu Haoyue gaze, reveals deep fear. 此刻,藤皇望向柳皓月目光中,流露出深深的畏惧。 Strong, Liu Haoyue is strong! 强,柳皓月非常强! He and Liu Haoyue, although is Void Fragmentation 5th Heavenly Layer cultivation base, but Liu Haoyue strength far far exceed has his big truncation! 他与柳皓月虽然同是碎虚五重天修为,但柳皓月的实力远远超出他一大截! Taking a rash step! Cannot think of this Sovereign unexpectedly not this Willow Ghost opponent! Cannot think that all along about Willow Ghost that the Tree World dispute is indifferent, unexpectedly as powerful as this one step!” “失策!想不到本皇竟远非这柳孽对手!想不到一贯对树界纷争漠不关心的柳孽,竟强大到了这一步!” Good this Sovereign still had the backing, nobody knows, the master of this Sovereign is Three Worlds Sect Sect Master! this Sovereign does not fear Wan Changkong, reason that dares to murder to kill Tree World God Sovereign blatantly, probably because this Sovereign behind has the support of Three Worlds Sect!” “还好本皇仍有后援,无人知,本皇之师乃是‘三界宗’的宗主本皇之所以不惧万长空,之所以敢公然弑杀树界神皇,盖因本皇身后三界宗的支持!” Remembers Master. Vine Sovereign then feels a worriedness. 一想起师父藤皇便感到一阵烦闷。 Thinks the aid that in again Three Worlds Sect does not come, Vine Sovereign thinks resentfully. 再一想到三界宗内迟迟不来的援手,藤皇更觉愤懑。 Vine Sovereign never accepts the disciple, reason that accepts Du Yu, only because of this matter is the order of his Master Three Worlds Sect Master! 藤皇从不收徒,之所以收下杜宇,只因此事乃是他师父三界宗主的命令! Du Yu is Scarlet Yang Body, once trains enough cultivation base. Has the greatest profit to Three Worlds Sect Master Physique cultivation. 杜宇乃是赤阳之体,一旦培养到足够修为。对三界宗主体质修炼有莫大益处。 That Du Yu is Three Worlds Sect Master orders to protect the person in secret, actually accident/surprise dies of the hand of Ning Fan... 杜宇三界宗主暗中下令要保护之人,却意外死于宁凡之手... Three Worlds Sect Master choke-out closes for many years, has not gone out, the Du Yu die matter has not spread to his ear. 三界宗主闭死关多年,尚未出关,杜宇陨落的事情尚未传入他的耳中。 This Vine Sovereign wants to extinguish Bamboo Palace, requested the aid to Three Worlds Sect. 此次藤皇欲灭竹殿,向三界宗请求援手。 Looks in Vine Sovereign is in the face of disciple of Sect Master, within sect has Void Fragmentation 5th Heavenly Layer Elder to comply to aid. As if was actually constrained by something, without/has not catches up with Tree World slowly... 看在藤皇乃是宗主之徒的面子上,宗内有一名碎虚五重天长老答应援手。却似乎被一些事情拖住,迟迟没有赶来树界... Four Nie Li unseal, Tian Qin Ancestor also has not caught up completely..., if not, this Sovereign how to go so far as to were so suppressed by trivial Liu Haoyue!” “四头孽离尚未全部解封,天禽老祖亦未赶来...若非如此,本皇何至于被区区柳皓月压制住!” Vine Sovereign waves to offer a sacrifice to a detonation Yuan dagger-axe, overcomes toward Liu Haoyue in the sky. 藤皇挥手祭起破元戈,朝柳皓月当空打下。 Liu Haoyue disdains to smile, strong drive gold/metal whip. Pulls out seven whips continually, will break the Yuan dagger-axe to pull out is two sections! 柳皓月不屑一笑,猛抽金鞭。连抽七鞭,将破元戈生生抽为两截! This dagger-axe strikes heavy injury Bamboo Sovereign sufficiently, but in Liu Haoyue nearby actually cannot turn any rough seas! 此戈足以一击重创竹皇,但在柳皓月的跟前却翻不起任何大浪! Extinguish! 灭! Liu Haoyue whole body Sovereign Qi like the dragon, the prestige of gold/metal whip rises 30% again, pulls out seven whips toward Bamboo Sovereign distantly continually! 柳皓月周身皇气如龙,金鞭之威再升30%,朝竹皇遥遥连抽七鞭! Seven whips extract, about seven Thunder Dragon! 七鞭抽出,合出一条七首雷龙 During Vine Sovereign gaze in great surprise, he strikes from the Liu Haoyue this time whip. Detects the greatest crisis, if this whip, is either dead or wounded! 藤皇目光大惊,他从柳皓月这一次鞭击之中。察觉到莫大的危机,若中此鞭,非死即伤! He is wanting to spell to keep off the Liu Haoyue whip to strike, then at this time, the expansive sky scarlet light flashed, appears scarlet clothes Old Monster, the back is growing a pair of gigantic blood feather! 他正欲拼下挡下柳皓月鞭击,便在这时,长空赤光一闪,浮现出一个赤衣老妖,背后生长着一对硕大血羽! Old man slightly one silent, a palm presses down, directly according to 7th Fragment first Thunder Dragon. 那老者微一沉默,一掌按下,直接按碎七雷龙 Although Thunder Dragon broken, but the old man actually draws back distressedly continually several steps. Obviously was arrived by prestige of damage reflection Thunder Dragon, received some injury slightly. 雷龙虽破,但老者却狼狈地连退数步。显然被雷龙之威反震到了,略微受了些许伤势 Snort! Cannot think that Tree World Willow Sovereign is so fierce, Old Man is not as good in the Willow Sovereign half a point!” “哼!想不到树界柳皇如此厉害,就连老夫都略逊于柳皇半分啊!” Your excellency is not Three Worlds Sect Fourth Elder! The Upper Three Worlds person, why must intervene my Lower Three Worlds dispute!” “阁下不是三界宗四长老吗!上三界的人,为何要干预我下三界的纷争!” Liu Haoyue coldly stares at Old Monster of scarlet clothes blood feather, in the heart secret is sinking. 柳皓月冷冷凝视着赤衣血羽的老妖,心中暗暗一沉。 Isn't Three Worlds Sect Upper Three Worlds rogue cultivator jointly establish Sect? 三界宗不是上三界散修联合成立的宗门么? Why Upper Three Worlds can cultivator meddle Lower Three Worlds the struggle of Three Sovereigns?! 为何上三界修士会来插手下三界三皇之争?! I am occupied by you to kill Liu Haoyue. The qiongzhuea willow tree two palaces, you must according to the agreement, deliver me Nie Li Devour(ing)!” Scarlet clothes Old Monster licked the tongue greedily. “我住你杀柳皓月。平竹柳二殿,你须按照约定,送我一头孽离吞噬!”赤衣老妖贪婪地舔了舔舌头。 Good!” Vine Sovereign slightly one struggles, should, without/has not too many hesitate directly. “好!”藤皇微一挣扎,直接应下,没有太多犹豫。 He prepares to deliver 3rd Fragmentation Realm Nie Li to this scarlet clothes Old Monster Devour(ing), takes this to win over this person for own take action! 他准备送一头碎三境界孽离给这赤衣老妖吞噬,以此拉拢此人为自己出手 Cry —— —— 2nd sound Ferocious Beast Nie Li roar, suddenly hands down from the summit of heaven! 第二凶兽孽离的吼声,忽的从苍天之巅传下! This Nie Li roar imposing manner, is Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer Rank! 孽离吼声气势,亦是碎虚三重天级别 Vine Sovereign gaze one happy, is not no need saying that deciding was in Bamboo Realm 2nd Nie Li unseal! 藤皇目光一喜,不必说,定是竹界之中第二孽离解封了! Nie Li! This is Ferocious Beast Nie Li in legend!” Scarlet clothes Old Monster reveals phenomenally fiery gaze. 孽离!这就是传说中的凶兽孽离吗!”赤衣老妖露出空前火热的目光 Only for Devour(ing) Nie Li, he can help Vine Sovereign handle anything, even if cuts to kill Tree World Bamboo Sovereign and Willow Sovereign for no reason, still and may all! 只为了吞噬一头孽离,他可以助藤皇办任何事情,即便是无故斩杀树界竹皇柳皇,也并无不可! He is Three Worlds Sect Fourth Elder, rides roughshod in Lower Three Worlds, why must reason! 他是三界宗四长老,在下三界横行无忌,何须理由! ... ... In Bamboo Realm, Ning Fan is helping Teng Xianrou and Heavenly Tribulation Puppet fight vigorously 3rd Fragment Tree Demon. 竹界之中,宁凡正助藤纤柔天劫傀儡力战碎三树魔 When hears the sound of 2nd Nie Li unseal, Ning Fan gaze sinks! 当听闻第二孽离解封之声,宁凡目光为之一沉! In this 2nd Nie Li roar, holds to the boundless hate of Fu Li Clan! 第二孽离的吼声之中,同样含着对扶离一族的无边怨恨! The 2nd Nie Li roar, roars to Ning Fan, it induces to Ning Fan Fu Li Bloodlines vaguely, in the beast pupil full is killing intent! 第二孽离的吼声,是冲着宁凡吼出的,它依稀感应到宁凡扶离血脉,兽瞳之中满是杀机 Trivial Nie Li, was censured to degenerate into Nie Li because of the crime of revolting clan, not only does not think to repent, on the contrary in hate Fu Li Clan!” “区区孽离,因叛族之罪受贬沦为孽离,不但不思悔改,反倒怨恨上扶离一族了么!” The Ning Fan thoughts revolve rapidly, in eye cold light flickers. 宁凡心思飞转,眼中寒芒闪烁 He can estimate, even if oneself are separated from this Golden World, will still be besieged by outside world unseal Nie Li. 他能预想到,自己即便脱离这处金色世界,也会被外界解封孽离围攻。 So, only has before Wan Changkong unseal many Nie Li, was separated from this world as soon as possible. 如此,唯有在万长空解封更多孽离之前,尽快脱离此界了。 Roar! 吼! Breaks into pieces Tree Demon innumerable bamboo to change to the advantage thorn, toward Teng Xianrou and the others fierce thorn, drives back the people. 碎散树魔无数竹手皆化作利刺,朝藤纤柔等人猛刺,将众人逼退。 Ning Fan unties sword pouch, golden light flashes, Summer Sovereign Sword in the hand, he has known, oneself must spare nothing to extinguish Tree Demon, is separated from this world as soon as possible! 宁凡解开剑袋,金光一闪,夏皇剑已在手,他知道,自己必须不惜一切代价灭去树魔,尽快脱离此界 Little Fanfan, do not fear! Big Sister helps you hack to death this old tree essence!” 小凡凡,不要怕!大姐姐帮你砍死这老树精!” Second Sister helps you chop it!” 二姐姐帮你劈死它!” Third Sister helps you truncate it!” 三姐姐帮你削死它!” Fourth Sister helps you assassinate it!” 四姐姐帮你刺死它!” Five... five...” “五...五...” Tongtong your Little Stutter, do not speak, too the waste time, our take action, helped Little Fanfan control the golden sword sword quickly together thoroughly!” 彤彤你个小结巴,不要说话了,太浪费时间了,我们快一起出手,助小凡凡彻底掌控金剑剑!” Un...” “嗯...” Tongtong un, the next moment, Five Sword Spirits urging caused the skills gently. 彤彤轻轻嗯了一声,下一刻,五剑灵催使浑身解数。 Ning Fan grasps Summer Sovereign Sword, Magic Force flows in this sword voluminous! 宁凡手握夏皇剑,一身法力浩如烟海地流入此剑之中! Makes opportunity to me, I wanted Sword to execute this demon!” Ning Fan the sinking sound command said to Teng Xianrou and the others! “给我制造机会,我要一剑诛了此魔!”宁凡藤纤柔等人沉声令道!
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