GE :: Volume #6

#584: Is promoted, Supreme Void Realm!

youth in black clothes sees Ning Fan to nod, is dares to try Cutting Heart Technique unexpectedly, nods satisfied. 黑衣青年宁凡点头,竟是敢于尝试斩心之术,满意地点点头。 Good.” “不错。” He approved Ning Fan one finally, goes out of the wineshop quietly, outside the alley along wineshop, is washing the fine drizzle, more walks is farther. 他最后赞了宁凡一句,寂寂走出酒肆,沿着酒肆外的小路,沐着濛濛细雨,越走越远。 He is Rain Ancestor, actually eventually already dead. He can only grant the descendant chance, is becomes as for descendant is the defeat, is lives dies, all has the fate, is not exactable, he is not naturally able to intervene. 他是雨祖,却终究已死。他只能赐予后人机缘,至于后人是成是败,是生是死,皆有命数,不可强求,他自然无法干预。 He comes in the wind and rain, goes in the rain, from where, from where. 他来于风雨,去于雨中,从何处来,自何处去。 Actually one generation of Rain Ancestor once had how the prominent score, actually how to rise from negligible step by step, is unable to be known by descendant eventually. 一代雨祖究竟曾有怎么显赫的战绩,究竟如何从微末一步步崛起,终究无法被后人知晓。 Ning Fan receives jade slip, holds the fist in the other hand to stand to the direction that Rain Ancestor departs, for a very long time stands in the drizzle, has one point of respect and gratitude. 宁凡收起玉简,向雨祖离去的方向抱拳而立,久久立在细雨之中,心怀一分敬仰与感激。 In the Rain Ancestor form disappears after the wind and rain thoroughly, scene gradually of illusion fluctuates. 雨祖身影彻底消失在风雨中之后,幻境的景象渐渐变幻。 Ning Fan knows, his Cutting Heart Method must start to conduct. 宁凡知晓,他的斩心之法要开始进行了。 His gaze reveals the dignified color, fluctuates to ignore to all around scenery, is only pinching Finger Secret Art wholeheartedly. 目光露出凝重之色,对四周风景变幻置若罔闻,只一心掐着指诀 Cutting Heart Method 1st step, needs to lock in Divine Force with the aid of the strength of evil spirit. 斩心之法第一步,需要借助妖魔之力锁住神力 Ning Fan made three strength separate temporarily, changed to the God, Monster, and Demon three clan strengths. 宁凡令三力暂时分离,重新化作神、妖、魔三族力量。 In the illusion emerges covers the sky azure suddenly, the purple and black tricolor mist. 幻境之中骤然涌现遮天的青、紫、黑三色雾气。 The mist diverges, in the illusion presents three youth. 雾气散去,幻境中出现三名青年。 1st famous youth Qing Shan (azure garment), the whole body fluctuates extremely strong Rain Intent, forehead glitters three blood-color stars, is Royal Clan God Cultivator, the expression mercy is dignified. 第一名青年一袭青衫,周身浮动极强的雨意,眉心闪烁三颗血色星辰,是一名王族神修,表情慈悲威严。 A 2nd famous youth purple garment, whole body fluctuation Fu Li Monster Intent Purple Light, left eye is glittering two Purple stars, is Ancestral Level Monster Cultivator, the expression monster different evil charm. 第二名青年一袭紫衫,周身浮动扶离妖意紫光,左目闪烁着两颗紫色星辰,是一名祖级妖修,表情妖异邪魅。 A 3rd famous youth black artillery, the whole body is fluctuating overbearing Demonic Intent of Mountain! 第三名青年一袭黑炮,周身浮动着霸道的山之魔意 That Demonic Intent of Mountain, from suppressing Demon Ancestor Mo Luo one of the nine mountains! 山之魔意,来自镇压魔祖魔罗的九山之一! That black robe youth, right eye is glittering two Black Stars, is Ancestral Blood level Demon Cultivator. The facial expression is insolent! 那黑袍青年,右目闪烁着两颗黑色星辰,是一名祖血魔修。神情张狂霸道! Three youth expressions vary, the appearance is actually same, each is Ning Fan! 三名青年表情各异,模样却是相同,各个都是宁凡 These three youth, are in the mind illusion the Ning Fan three clan strengths have the shape of present , there is nothing to do with various type Clone Divine Ability. 这三个青年,是心神幻境之中宁凡三族力量所具现化的形态,与各式分身神通无关。 In the illusion radiance one presently, azure clothes God Cultivator whole body reappearing innumerable Purple and black chains, fetters suddenly stubbornly him. 幻境之中光华一现,青衣神修的周身忽然浮现无数紫色、黑色锁链,将他死死束缚住。 But in the purple clothes Monster Cultivator hand, are many purple glow Flying Sword. 而紫衣妖修手中,多出一柄紫芒飞剑 In black clothes Demon Cultivator hand, are many a black great axe. 黑衣魔修手中,则多出一柄黑色巨斧。 Cuts!” azure clothes God Cultivator light, is fearless. “斩吧!”青衣神修淡淡一句,并无畏惧。 next instant. Purple clothes Monster Cultivator counts on the fingers, before the body, Flying Sword changes to together Purple Light, punctures thoroughly the chest of azure clothes God Cultivator, pierces his heart! 下一瞬。紫衣妖修屈指一点,身前飞剑化作一道紫光,刺透青衣神修的胸膛,将其心刺穿! A azure clothes God Cultivator brow wrinkle, seems the greatest pain, without/has not said anything. 青衣神修眉头一皱,似有莫大痛楚,却没有多说什么。 After several breaths, in his chest fluctuates azure fog, by heart slowly rebirth that sword light pierces. 数息之后,其胸膛之中浮动一阵青雾,被剑光刺穿的心脏徐徐重生。 Purple clothes Monster Cultivator sees that the law secret art changes. Before the body, suddenly the reappearing number by million Purple Flying Sword, punctures toward azure clothes God Cultivator pit of the stomach one by one... 紫衣妖修见状,法诀一变。身前忽然浮现数以百万紫色飞剑,朝青衣神修心口一一刺去... million sword, 2 million sword, 3 million sword... 百万剑,二百万剑,三百万剑... A year passes by. The azure clothes God Cultivator complexion is extremely pale, has not actually said a word. 一年过去。青衣神修脸色极其苍白,却始终未发一言。 „A year, changed you.” Purple clothes Monster Cultivator said to black clothes Demon Cultivator. “一年了,换你。”紫衣妖修向黑衣魔修言道。 Black clothes Demon Cultivator nods, wields the great axe. Cuts slantingly toward azure clothes God Cultivator pit of the stomach. 黑衣魔修点点头,挥动巨斧。斜斜朝青衣神修心口砍下。 Only one axe, the great strength is unapproachable, not only cuts the smashing the heart of azure clothes God Cultivator. Cuts to make two his body! 只一斧,巨力无可匹敌,不仅将青衣神修之心斩成粉碎。更将其身体生生斩作两段! After azure fog, the body restoration that azure clothes God Cultivator is cut off, the heart also recovers. 一阵青雾之后,青衣神修断掉的身体复原,心脏也复苏。 Black clothes Demon Cultivator sneers, said, axe strikes as if insufficient pain, point(s) freshly! Changes!” 黑衣魔修冷笑一声,言道,“斧击似乎不够痛楚,来点新鲜的吧!变!” As soon as he directs, the great axe gets makes an accurate judgment black hawk immediately, throws toward the azure clothes God Cultivator chest! 他一指点出,巨斧立刻变作一头铁嘴黑鹰,朝青衣神修胸口扑去! The sharp iron claw, easily then rips open azure clothes God Cultivator chest flesh and blood. 其锋利的铁爪,轻易便撕开青衣神修胸膛血肉 The point such as the iron beak of sharp sword, suddenly the pecking to the heart that under the azure clothes God Cultivator rib beats. 其尖如利剑的铁喙,猛然啄向青衣神修肋骨下跳动的心脏。 The black hawk by no means one breath tears down the heart, but is a pecking pecking is eating the heart of azure clothes God Cultivator. 黑鹰并不一口气撕下心脏,而是一口一啄地啄食着青衣神修的心脏。 The heart of azure clothes God Cultivator grows unceasingly, but the black hawk pecks the food unceasingly... 青衣神修的心脏不断生长,而黑鹰不断啄食... The 2nd year passes by, youth God Cultivator complexion is paler, had not actually died. 第二年过去,青年神修面色更加苍白,却仍未死。 In the black clothes Demon Cultivator insolent eye, reveals the color of several points of admiration, trades purple clothes Monster Cultivator use technique to suffer azure clothes God Cultivator. 黑衣魔修张狂的眼中,露出几分钦佩之色,换紫衣妖修施术折磨青衣神修 The purple clothes Monster Cultivator evil charm smiles, attacked his heart for successive two years, and changes a place to attack, changes a taste, making his heart rest for a year, enjoys some easily and comfortably, when next year of attack thinks the pain...” 紫衣妖修邪魅一笑,“连续两年攻击其心,且换个地方攻击,换个口味吧,让他的心歇一年,享受些许安逸,下一年攻击之时才更觉痛楚...” The purple clothes Monster Cultivator word, approaches directly forward, raises to grasp single-handed toward azure clothes God Cultivator both eyes, gouges God Cultivator both eyes. 紫衣妖修言罢,直接向前走近,单手一扬朝青衣神修双目抓去,生生剜出神修双目 Then a move, incurs a Purple dagger conveniently, one cuts off the body on azure clothes God Cultivator arm and thigh piece by piece, blows white bones, the blood everywhere. 而后随手一招,招出一个紫色匕首,一片片割去青衣神修手臂、大腿上的皮肉,刮动白骨,鲜血满地。 Soon, azure clothes God Cultivator Mortal Body restoration, but purple clothes Monster Cultivator shows the evil charm smile again, suffers azure clothes God Cultivator using an alternative... 不多时,青衣神修肉身复原,而紫衣妖修再次露出邪魅笑容,变着法折磨青衣神修... So, the 3rd year passes by, although youth God Cultivator snort/hum, has not actually started unable to withstand this torture to suffer from beginning to end eventually. 如此,第三年过去,青年神修虽从始至终未哼出一声,却终究开始承受不住这酷刑般的折磨了。 4th year, 5th year, 6th year... 第四年,第五年,第六年... One passes year after year, in the illusion does not divide the day and night, difficult to distinguish the four seasons. 一年年过去,幻境之中不分日夜,难辨春秋 10 years in the past, 100 years in the past, 1000 years in the past... 7000 years in the past. 十年过去,百年过去,千年过去...七千年过去。 In this year, the azure clothes God Cultivator body is illusory, almost soon dissipates... 这一年,青衣神修身躯虚幻,几乎快要消散... He is also incapable of withstanding the other two again any suffers. 他再也无力承受另两人的任何折磨。 His finally clear, Luo You withstands 7000 years the pain of gouging heart, should be the what kind of pain... 终于明白,洛幽承受七千年的剜心之痛,该是何等痛楚... Little You'er, actually she shouldered anything, making her so harm itself recklessly, only to revenge...” 小幽儿,她究竟背负了什么,令她如此不顾一切地伤害自己,只为报仇...” azure clothes God Cultivator soon suffocated, resembles will die momentarily, is actually clenching teeth, said to the purple clothes and black clothes tenaciously, continued! 1st God Orifice, had not opened!” 青衣神修快要奄奄一息,似随时都会死去,却咬着牙,固执地对紫衣、黑衣言道,“继续!第一神窍,仍未开!” Purple clothes Monster Cultivator and black clothes Demon Cultivator looks at each other one, all sees in the opposite party eyes hesitant. 紫衣妖修、黑衣魔修对视一眼,皆看出对方眼中犹豫。 Cutting Heart Method conducted until now the situation, is unable to cut God Orifice, the solid without/has not necessity continued to cut. 斩心之法进行到如今地步,仍无法斩出神窍,实在没有必要继续斩下去了。 If continues to cut, azure clothes God Cultivator must die... not, is Ning Fan must die! 若继续斩下去,青衣神修必死...不,是宁凡必死! Once this illusion opens, only if cuts God Orifice, is unable to depart! 只是这幻境一旦开启,除非斩出神窍,便无法离去! This is complete assurance achieves the 100% method, cuts 1st God Orifice sufficiently steadily! 这是一条成算达到十成的方法,足以稳稳地斩出第一神窍 Wish makes complete assurance achieve 100%, must have a premise, that then can live to cut God Orifice that moment! 只是想要让成算达到十成,必须有一个前提,那便是能活到斩出神窍的那一刻! Continue! I so will not be easy dead!” In the azure clothes God Cultivator eye reveals one decidedly! “继续!我不会这么容易就死去!”青衣神修眼中露出一丝决然! In an instant that this color decidedly appears, his heart suddenly has to plant and day coinciding mysterious feeling. 在这决然之色浮现的一瞬,他的心头忽然有种与天相合的玄妙之感。 The body cage has the innumerable azure fog suddenly, injury almost in split second good 70-80%! 身体忽然笼起无数青雾,一身伤势几乎在一瞬间好了七八成! This is...” azure clothes, the purple clothes and black clothes three people reveal pondering look completely. “这是...”青衣、紫衣、黑衣三人全部露出思索之色 the next moment, three people of simultaneously reveal the color of understanding clearly. 下一刻,三人齐齐露出了然之色。 so that's how it is!” Three people also said. 原来如此!”三人同时言道。 They remember that words that Rain Ancestor said finally. 他们想起了雨祖最后说出的那番话。 Ancient God Clan by heart prove Dao, if loses hope, then the law extinguishes... 古神一族以心证道,若心死,则法灭... Otherwise. If heart Undying/not dead, then law not Extinguish! 反之。若心不死,则法不灭! Has wisp of obsession, the law protects this body to exist forever, dares with the Heaven and Earth same longevity... this indeed Ancient God Clan Great Dao! 心怀一缕执念,法护此身长存,敢与天地同寿...这正是古神一族大道 Ancient Great Tribulation, the god lost the heart, that heart, not only refers to cultivation Magic Force natural talent, refers to the heart obsession! 上古大劫,神失了心,那心,不仅仅指的是修炼法力资质,更是指心中执念 If without/has not enough obsession, how vanquishes his heart! 没有足够的执念,如何降伏其心! If can vanquish his heart, but then the card results in Great Dao! 若能降伏其心,便可证得大道 Vanquishes his heart...” “降伏其心么...” azure clothes God Cultivator obtained a big God Dao comprehension. The pupil color is even more firm, but his heart is firmer. 青衣神修似获得了不小的神道领悟。眸色愈加坚定,而其心愈坚。 The black clothes and purple clothes two people attack his heart in turn, disappears the heart of God Cultivator innumerable, but shortly, heart of self-recovery God Cultivator. 黑衣、紫衣二人轮流攻击其心,无数次泯灭神修之心,但顷刻间,神修之心自愈。 8000 years, 9000 years, 10,000 years... 八千年,九千年,一万年... 20,000 years, 50,000 year, 100,000 years... 两万年,五万年,十万年... 100,000 years pain. It is not able to obliterate obsession in azure clothes God Cultivator eye. 十万年的苦痛。无法磨灭青衣神修眼中的执念 His heart, still in! 他的心,仍在! Sufficed!” azure clothes God Cultivator has a good laugh suddenly, Magic Force shakes, breaks monster to lock the demon chain. “够了!”青衣神修骤然仰天大笑,法力一震,震碎身上的妖锁魔链。 His 1st step takes. Whole body injury the self-recovery, 2nd step will take shortly, has been in one with the purple clothes and black clothes three people. 第一步迈出。周身伤势顷刻自愈,第二步迈出,已与紫衣、黑衣三人重新合为一体。 3rd step, he changes to body of the white clothing. The corners of the mouth rise gently, said that 1st God Orifice. Opens!” 第三步,他化作一袭白衣之身。嘴角轻轻上扬,道,“第一神窍。开!” 100,000 years the pain of cutting heart, is unable to make him submit, only made he believes read is getting more and more firm! 十万年的斩心之痛,无法令其屈服,只令他信念越来越坚定! This an instant, cuts the heart illusion to collapse thoroughly, outside world, sits cross-legged in Profound Yin World Ning Fan opens both eyes suddenly! 一瞬,斩心幻境彻底崩溃,外界,盘膝于玄阴界宁凡骤然睁开双目 He is detained 100,000 years in the illusion, but that illusion actually is only equivalent to dream of nothing more midday nap, is very short. 他于幻境之中滞留十万年,但那幻境却只相当于一个午睡之梦而已,十分短暂。 outside world, merely in the past half-stick of incense nothing more... 外界,仅仅过去半柱香而已... Ning Fan opens Cutting Heart Method an instant, the outside world body then automatic stupor. 宁凡开启斩心之法一瞬,外界的身体便自动昏迷。 When his awaken comes, actually discovered oneself depend on during an bosom of warm fragrant soft jade slantingly. 当他苏醒过来,却发现自己斜靠着一个温香软玉的怀抱之中。 Very Luo You is worrying is hugging Ning Fan tightly, closely hugs the body of his stupor in the chest, the beautiful pupil does not have the color of usual attracting again, only then does not conceal flurried, worried. 洛幽正十分担忧的紧搂着宁凡,将他昏迷的身躯紧紧搂在胸口,美眸再无平时魅惑之色,只有毫不掩饰的慌乱、担忧。 She does not know, when Ning Fan refining Rain Ancestor this Lifeblood Rain presented what accident. 她根本不知道,宁凡炼化雨祖命血雨之时出现了什么变故。 She can look, the accident that Ning Fan encounters is very surely serious, otherwise his complexion in merely half-stick of incense, will not become pale like the paper, almost soon died... 只是她能够看出来,宁凡所遭遇的变故必定十分严重,否则他的脸色不会在仅仅半柱香之内,变得苍白如纸,几乎快要死去... At that moment, Luo You felt clearly the Ning Fan vitality passes rapidly, as if will die in her bosom momentarily. 那一刻,洛幽清晰感觉到宁凡的生机飞速流逝,仿佛随时都会死在她的怀中。 That an instant, in her heart thinks no longer takes revenge, no longer escapes from Profound Yin World with the aid of the Ning Fan strength, was not willing him dead merely... 一瞬,她心中所想的不再是复仇,不再是借助宁凡的力量逃出玄阴界,仅仅是不愿他死去... Was not willing him dead, even if used at all costs, was not willing him dead! 不愿他死去,就算倾尽一切代价,也不愿他死去! Then at this time, Ning Fan actually vitality completely duplicate/restores, perfect awaken came suddenly. 便在这时,宁凡却忽然生机尽复,完好无损的苏醒过来。 You, you were all right !” Luo You where has usually the quiet appearance, the eye socket is suddenly moist, the clear tears dye the sleeve. “你,你没事了么,是真的么!”洛幽哪有平日沉静的模样,眼眶忽然湿润,清泪染袖。 Ning Fan wants to sexually harass Luo You two, sees Luo You this moment expression, in the heart touches, is unable to smile unexpectedly again, only takes pity on comforted, „, had/left a small accident, but has been all right...” 宁凡本想调戏洛幽两句,一见洛幽此刻表情,心中一阵触动,竟是再无法笑出来,只怜惜安慰道,“嗯,出了点小变故,不过已经没事了...” He lifts the hand to wipe the Luo You tears, Luo You is startled, at once gradually comes soberly, loosens Ning Fan, stood up gently, avoided the hand of Ning Fan. 他抬手欲拭去洛幽的眼泪,洛幽一怔,旋即渐渐清醒过来,松开宁凡,轻轻站起,避开了宁凡的手。 You are all right well , to continue to attack Void Pierce bottleneck, I for your Protector.” She has restored the ordinary day calm appearance. “你没事就好,继续冲击冲虚瓶颈吧,我为你护法。”她已恢复平日的冷静模样。 If not the corner of the eye also tear stains, Ning Fan is very difficult to imagine, hugged the female who he is dying by heartbreak a moment ago, can be Luo You. 若非眼角还有泪痕,宁凡很难想象,刚才搂着他伤心欲绝的女子,会是洛幽 Luo You wipes the tears, gaze gradually squeezes out several points of attracting color, restores the enchanting expression. 洛幽自行抹去泪水,目光渐渐挤出几分魅惑之色,恢复妖娆的表情。 She sizes up Ning Fan carefully, with Ning Fan gaze looking at each other, suddenly startled. 她细细打量宁凡,与宁凡目光对视,忽然一惊 Ning Fan merely stupor half-stick of incense nothing more, but gaze at this moment, actually before entirely different! 宁凡才仅仅昏迷半柱香而已,但此刻的目光,却与之前大不相同! This moment Ning Fan, gaze rigid like stone, feeling containing experiencing misery later a vicissitudes. 这一刻的宁凡,目光执着如石,更含有一种历尽苦难之后的沧桑之感。 If not Luo You grows up from small looks at Ning Fan, deciding thinks that Ning Fan is Old Monster that lived 100,000 years. 若非洛幽从‘小’看着宁凡长大,定会以为宁凡是个活了十万年老怪了。 She naturally cannot think, Ning Fan will withstand the cutting heart of 100,000 years to suffer in the illusion. 她自然想不到,宁凡会在幻境之中承受十万年的斩心折磨。 Suppresses the Magic Force imposing manner that within the body is increasing successively, Ning Fan knew in the heart, he must take other Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures immediately, after breaking through Void Pierce continues Magic Force, attacks Supreme Void Realm to prepare for later! 压制着体内节节攀升的法力气势,宁凡心知,他必须立刻服食其他天材地宝,在突破冲虚之后继续继续法力,为之后冲击太虚境界做准备! Little You'er, has a matter I to be open about the facts you. Reason that I before stupor, because of that drop Lifeblood Rain reason.” 小幽儿,有件事我不瞒你。我之前之所以昏迷,是因为那滴本命血雨的缘故。” That drop Lifeblood Rain by Rain Ancestor special sacrificial refining, had to make cultivator open the God Orifice wonderful effectiveness. I already success opens up Ancient God First Orifice. These are I the Ancient God God Orifice news obtained from Rain Ancestor there, you can have a look, perhaps somewhat helps you...” “那滴本命血雨雨祖特殊祭炼,拥有令修士开辟神窍的神效。我已成功开辟出古神第一窍。这些是我从雨祖那里获得的古神神窍讯息,你可以看看,也许对你有些帮助...” Ning Fan takes out jade slip, secret of imprint that all Ancient God in the illusion learns about in jade slip, delivers with Luo You. 宁凡取出一枚玉简,将幻境中知悉的一切古神之秘烙印玉简之中,送与洛幽 His without/has not looks at the Luo You amazed expression, immediately takes out a series of Medicine Pill Dao Fruit, starts refining assorted Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures. 没有去看洛幽惊诧的表情,立刻取出一系列丹药道果,开始炼化各色天材地宝 Luo You is very shocking, she cannot think absolutely Ning Fan can open Ancient God First Orifice in short half-stick of incense. Became true Ancient God! 洛幽十分震惊,她万万想不到宁凡可以在短短半柱香之内开辟古神第一窍。成了一名真正的古神 After looking at jade slip, Luo You knows, oneself past cultivation the technique of Heart Orifice was to imitate Ancient God nothing more purely, is unable True Cultivation to refine Ancient God God Orifice... former she to endure 7000 years the pain of gouging heart, actually entered the erroneous zone. 看罢玉简之后,洛幽才知,自己从前修炼心窍之术纯粹是模仿古神而已,根本无法真正修炼出古神神窍...从前的她忍受了七千年的剜心之痛,却走入了误区。 She also saw Cutting Heart Technique from jade slip, almost split second she then guesses correctly, Ning Fan opened God Orifice to use this ruthless technique certainly surely. 她亦从玉简中看到了斩心之术,几乎一瞬间她便猜出,宁凡开辟神窍必定是使用了这种狠绝之术。 He used Cutting Heart Method, in in Zhan the heart illusion cut his heart, cut is counts 1000 years to count 10,000 years..., therefore he so will be weak. Almost soon died...” “他使用了斩心之法,于斩心幻境之中自斩其心,一斩便是数千年万年...所以刚才的他才会那么虚弱。几乎快要死去...” Her looks at Ning Fan, the waiting witnesses the great strength of body of Ning Fan Ancient God steadily! 她目不转睛地看着宁凡,等待见证宁凡古神之身的强大! Ning Fan is One Orifice Ancient God, he at this moment, the tiny hole on originally heart had been opened to referring to the hole size. indeed 1st God Orifice! 宁凡是一名一窍古神,此刻的他,原本心上的细小孔窍已被开辟到指洞般大小。正是第一神窍 In God Orifice is pasting vast Magic Force, making rapid change of Ning Fan cultivation Magic Force be former two times! 神窍内汩汩流转着浩瀚法力,令宁凡修炼法力速变为从前两倍! But takes promoting Magic Force Medicine Pill, the acquired promoting scope was also former two times! 而服用提升法力丹药,获得的提升幅度亦是从前两倍! And the God Orifice method day, may absorb strength of Heaven and Earth, to change into Magic Force continuously. 神窍自行法天,可源源不断吸收天地之力、化为法力 Even Ning Fan not cultivation. every day may promoting armors magic force! 即便宁凡修炼每天都提升甲子法力 A year may promoting 365 armor Magic Force, 10,000 years be possible promoting 3.65 million armor Magic Force, 100,000 years to be possible voluntarily promoting 36.5 million armor Magic Force! 一年可自行提升365甲法力,一万年可自行提升365万甲法力,十万年可自行提升3650万甲法力 True One Orifice Ancient God. Even the life never cultivation, can still sufficiently collect 36 million armor Magic Force before dying of old age, attacks Void Fragmentation Realm. 真正的一窍古神。就算此生从不修炼,在老去之前也能凑足3600万法力,冲击碎虚境界 Naturally success Void Fragmentation then could look at this One Orifice Ancient God skill. 当然能否成功碎虚便看这一窍古神自身本事了。 If opened Second Orifice, Third Orifice and Fourth Orifice... it to become Nitian (heaven defying) to Magic Force promoting. 若是开辟了第二窍第三窍第四窍...其对法力提升会变得更加逆天 Ancient God Clan, inborn far exceed his clan at the cultivation Magic Force incident! 古神一族,天生在修炼法力一事上远超他族! Ning Fan one after another take 200 Quiet Grass Pill, with the aid of the Profound Yin World terrifying refining speed, in 1 day then all Medicine Pill refining! 宁凡相继服下200颗幽草丹,借助玄阴界恐怖炼化速度,一日之内便将所有丹药炼化 Quiet Grass Pill is Six Revolutions Mid Grade Medicine Pill, each Quiet Grass Pill may promoting 2000 armor Magic Force, 200 Quiet Grass Pill altogether be possible promoting 400,000 armor Magic Force! 幽草丹六转中品丹药,每颗幽草丹提升2000甲法力,200颗幽草丹共可提升40万甲法力 But after under Ning Fan takes such many Quiet Grass Pill, altogether promoting 800,000 armor Magic Force! 宁凡服食下如此之多的幽草丹之后,共提升80万甲法力 After opening 1st God Orifice, he takes Magic Force Medicine Pill, promoting Magic Force is others 's two times! 在开辟第一神窍之后,他服食一颗法力丹药,提升法力是他人的两倍! Magic Force, 11 million armor! 法力,1100万甲子 Two times of taking pill effects!” The Luo You beautiful pupil has one fiery with shocking. “两倍的服丹效果!”洛幽美眸带着一丝火热与震撼。 Ancient God Clan is very powerful, One Orifice Ancient God, eats Medicine Pill then to be equivalent to others two merely, if High Rank Ancient God, surely Nitian (heaven defying). 古神一族果然十分强大,仅仅一窍古神,吃一颗丹药便相当于他人两颗,若是更高级别古神,必定更加逆天 Ning Fan without/has not continues to take other Magic Force Medicine Pill, but is experimental takes out 50 Azure Bone Pill, one by one refining. 宁凡没有继续服食其他法力丹药,而是试验性地取出50颗青骨丹,一一炼化 50 Azure Bone Pill, each may enormous promoting Essence cultivation base. 50颗青骨丹,每一颗都可极大提升精气修为 50 Medicine Pill, altogether may promoting 500,000 armor essence cultivation base! 50颗丹药,一共提升50万甲子精气修为 Ning Fan clothing/taking completely Azure Bone Pill, Essence cultivation base from 9 million armor promoting to 9.5 million, promoting has not taken pill effect. 宁凡服尽青骨丹,精气修为900万甲提升950万,并未提升服丹效果。 It seems like God Orifice can only promoting Magic Force Medicine Pill medicine effect... 看来神窍只能提升法力丹药药效... Ning Fan takes out 9 Fierce Dragon Fruit, one by one take, altogether promoting 900,000 armor's essense. 宁凡取出九枚蛮龙果,一一服下,共提升90万甲子的精气 9 Fierce Dragon Fruit cannot obtain to double medicine effect similarly. 九枚蛮龙果同样没能获得加倍药效 He takes out entire Fierce Dragon Tree subsequently, very careless and wasteful use of nature's products putting in order Fierce Dragon Tree refining enters the body, Essence promoting million armor, similarly without/has not doubles medicine effect. 他继而取出整株蛮龙树,十分暴殄天物地将整株蛮龙树炼化入体,精气提升百万甲,同样没有加倍药效 Your this silly Younger Brother, even Fierce Dragon Tree ate unexpectedly...” Luo You very speechless looks at Ning Fan. “你这傻弟弟,竟然连蛮龙树都吃了...”洛幽十分无语地看着宁凡 This Fierce Dragon Tree background may be big, merely is ordinary Fierce Dragon Tree, then can 1000 years have 12 Fierce Dragon Fruit, each Fierce Dragon Fruit is Golden Body cultivator promoting body refining cultivation base Supreme Treasure. 蛮龙树来头可不小,仅仅是普通的蛮龙树,便能千年结出12枚蛮龙果,每一枚蛮龙果都是金身修士提升炼体修为至宝 Above Fierce Dragon Tree in Four Heavens calculated quite rare and precious Spiritual Root. 蛮龙树在四天之上都算颇为珍稀的灵根了。 But above Four Heavens has a small number of body refining aristocratic families, understood that Fierce Dragon Tree training is Ancestral Tree Secret Technique. 四天之上有少数炼体世家,懂得将蛮龙树培养为祖树秘术 Once Fierce Dragon Tree training is Ancestral Tree, had Fierce Dragon Ancestor Fruit Nitian (heaven defying)... 一旦将蛮龙树培养为祖树,结出的蛮龙祖果就更加逆天了... Luo You feels merely slightly speechless, she understands certainly, Ning Fan is not one has plants trees patiently, the person of caring for trees. 洛幽仅仅是稍感无语,她当然明白,宁凡不是一个有耐心种树、养树之人。 He lacks the time, needs to exhaust all means promoting cultivation base. Even careless and wasteful use of nature's products. 他缺时间,需要用尽一切手段提升修为。即便是暴殄天物。 With Fierce Dragon Tree refining, Ning Fan Essence cultivation base breaks through 11.4 million armor, Ancient Demon cultivation base breaks through Reckless Demon Late Stage in this moment! 随着蛮龙树炼化,宁凡精气修为突破1140万甲,古魔修为在这一刻突破蛮魔后期 In within the body Golden Orifice increases hurriedly, Golden Body Third Realm body refining Realm, breaks through Golden Body Fourth Realm in this moment! 其体内金窍急遽增多,金身第三境炼体境界,在这一刻突破金身第四境 Moreover! 不仅如此! After absorbing the Fierce Dragon Tree this rare and precious Spirit Wood wooden strength, in Ning Fan Lesser Five Elements Physique, Wood Element Physique cultivation perfection one out of a hundred! 在吸收了蛮龙树这种珍稀灵木的木力之后,宁凡小五行体之中,木行体质修行圆满百分之一 It controls wooden and governing wooden ability large promoting! 其控木、御木能力大幅提升 Lesser Five Elements Physique can also promote unexpectedly!” Ning Fan surprised say/way. 小五行体竟然还能升级!”宁凡惊讶道。 Lesser Five Elements Physique can certainly promote... through the strength of Five Elements magical things absorbing Innate is born, but then gradually small Five Elements cultivation perfection, finally cultivation to Greater Five Elements Physique...” Luo You answered. 小五行体当然能升级...通过吸收先天诞生的五行灵物之力,便可逐渐将小五行修炼圆满,最终修炼大五行体...”洛幽解释道。 so that's how it is.” 原来如此。” Ning Fan nods, since Lesser Five Elements Physique can promote. He is naturally glad to search for the Five Elements magical things, made small Five Elements perfection. 宁凡点点头,既然小五行体可以升级。他自然乐意搜寻五行灵物,令小五行圆满 At this moment cares about the Lesser Five Elements Physique time actually not, as soon as he pats storage pouch, takes out other Body Refining Pill medicines, take, Essence stays in 11.8 million armor all finally. 此刻倒不是关心小五行体的时刻,他一拍储物袋,取出其他一些炼体丹药,尽数服下,精气最终停留在1180万甲 Subsequently takes out promoting Magic Force Medicine Pill, with the aid of the energy of God Orifice, double promoting Magic Force. 继而重新取出提升法力丹药,借助神窍之能,双倍提升法力 120 Divine Bamboo Pill, but altogether promoting Void Pierce cultivator 1.2 million armor Magic Force. After taking, Ning Fan Magic Force promoting 2.4 million armor, achieves 13.4 million armor! 120颗神竹丹,共可提升冲虚修士120万甲法力。服食之后,宁凡法力提升240万甲,达到1340万甲子 He takes out 15 Void Refinement Dao Fruit that various places plunder to come, these Void Refinement Dao Fruit Grade vary. altogether may promoting 800,000 armor Magic Force. 他取出各处搜刮而来的15枚炼虚道果,这些炼虚道果品阶不一。一共提升80万甲法力 After taking these Void Refinement Dao Fruit, Ning Fan Magic Force promoting 1.6 million armor, achieves 15 million armor! 服食这些炼虚道果之后,宁凡法力提升160万甲,达到1500万甲 He takes out from Void Fragmentation Dao Fruit that in Cedarwood Clan plunders to come, take. Slowly refining. 他取出自雪松族中搜刮而来的碎虚道果,一口服下。徐徐炼化 This Dao Fruit may promoting million armors magic force, but at this moment, promoting 2 million armor Magic Force! 这一枚道果原可提升百万甲子法力,但这一刻,生生提升200万甲法力 Magic Force. 17 million armor! 法力1700万甲 Ning Fan takes out the last thing, from Loose Immortal Dao Fruit that Controlling Heaven City Four Tests obtains! 宁凡取出最后一物,是自司天城四关中得到的散仙道果 This Loose Immortal Dao Fruit by seven levels of Cold Qi Icebound, Ning Fan direct connectivity Cold Qi one and refining. 散仙道果是以七级寒气冰封,宁凡直接连通寒气一并炼化 Cold Qi may the promoting Yin-Yang Fire hot prestige, but complete Five Elements Water Element, but also promoting near 50,000 armor Magic Force. 寒气提升阴阳火火威,可补全五行水行,亦可提升5万甲法力 Loose Immortal Dao Fruit may promoting 2 million armor Magic Force. 散仙道果则可提升200万甲法力 Two thing simultaneously refining, Ning Fan Magic Force promoting 4.1 million armor, Water Element Physique cultivation perfection promoting to one out of a hundred. 二物同时炼化,宁凡法力提升410万甲,水行体质修行圆满提升百分之一 Magic Force, 21.1 million armor! 法力,2110万甲子! Void Pierce bottleneck is 10 million armor, Supreme Void bottleneck is 20 million armor. 冲虚瓶颈1000万甲子,太虚瓶颈2000万甲子。 Magic Force to this one step, Ning Fan can one step attack Supreme Void bottleneck seriously! 法力到了这一步,宁凡当真可以一步冲击太虚瓶颈 Vast Supreme Void Magic Force has been hard to suppress, the breakthrough nears, Heavenly Tribulation namely will arrive. 浩瀚的太虚法力已难以压制,突破在即,天劫亦即将降临。 Ning Fan no longer waits, takes out Void Pierce pill, Supreme Void pill take in a hurry, both eyes decides, starts to attack Supreme Void bottleneck! 宁凡不再等候,匆匆取出冲虚丹、太虚服下,双目一决,开始冲击太虚瓶颈 His insights is enough, Magic Force is enough, has Medicine Pill to be auxiliary, the breakthrough is successful. 感悟足够,法力足够,更有丹药辅助,突破自是水到渠成。 An imposing manner increases successively, Ning Fan stands up suddenly, the whole body imposing manner achieves Peak in this moment! 一身气势节节攀升,宁凡豁然站起,周身气势在这一刻达到巅峰 cultivation base, Supreme Void! 修为,太虚 Be careful!” Breaks through the Supreme Void moment in Ning Fan, Luo You reminds suddenly hurriedly, already without enough time. “小心!”在宁凡突破太虚的一刻,洛幽忽然匆忙提醒,已来不及。 Actually sees in Profound Yin World, suddenly emerges out of thin air gigantic palm, a towards Ning Fan palm pats. 却见玄阴界中,忽然凭空出现一只巨大手掌,朝宁凡一掌拍来。 That palm taking advantage of potential of formation Heavenly Dao, and no power to injure. But a palm pats on Ning Fan, made just to break through Supreme Void, the imposing manner not yet stable Ning Fan direct form in a flash, fell Profound Yin World! 那手掌是借天道之势形成,并无任何伤害力。但一掌拍在宁凡身上,令刚刚突破太虚,气势尚未稳固的宁凡直接身影一晃,跌出玄阴界 Really, wants to be opportunistic crossing tribulation taking advantage of Profound Yin World is not possible...” A Ning Fan brow wrinkle, seems to have expected this situation. “果然,想借玄阴界取巧渡劫是不可能的...”宁凡眉头一皱,似乎早已预料到这种情况。 Void Inquire Heavenly Tribulation he still had 30% (slightly) not to care, to the Heavenly Void tribulation actually already hundredth intentions hundred points. 问虚天劫他尚有三分不在意,冲虚天劫却已百分之百用心。 This time to resist Yin Wind Tribulation, he made many preparations, but finally chooses in Profound Yin World breaks through Supreme Void, to try, whether to be opportunistic in Profound Yin World crossing tribulation. 这次为抵挡阴风劫,他做了诸多准备,但最终还是选择在玄阴界突破太虚,是为了试试,能否在玄阴界取巧渡劫 Profound Yin World is Middle World, contact surface Grade is bigger than Rain World! 玄阴界是一处中千世界,界面等级大于雨界 Rain World Heavenly Dao, without/has not falls the qualifications of tribulation at the Profound Yin World penalty! 雨界天道,没有玄阴界刑罚降劫的资格! If normal Heavenly Tribulation also on forget it/that's all, Ning Fan may also choose in Profound Yin World passed, 若只是正常天劫也就罢了,宁凡也可选择在玄阴界度过, But now Lower Realm Heavenly Dao obviously with the Ning Fan non- cross-eye, an intent aggravates Heavenly Tribulation, this does not conform to the Heaven and Earth rule, in Profound Yin World cannot overflow to execute Heavenly Tribulation. 但如今下界天道明显与宁凡不对眼,一意加重天劫,这不符合天地规则,玄阴界内不可滥施天劫 Therefore, Ning Fan wants to be opportunistic to escape into Profound Yin World, has a look whether to borrow the strength of Profound Yin World contact surface to keep off Lower Realm Heavenly Tribulation directly. 故而,宁凡想取巧遁入玄阴界,看看能否借玄阴界界面之力直接挡下下界天劫 But was a pity very much, Lower Realm Heavenly Dao also this method, makes Profound Yin World Ning Fan directly, strikes back above Iceland. 但很可惜,下界天道还有这种手段,直接把宁凡打出玄阴界,打回冰岛之上。 Fortunately, arrange of Ning Fan beforehand above Iceland layer on layer/heavily Grand Formation, otherwise even strength to hit back without/has not. 还好,宁凡在冰岛之上事先布下了重重大阵,否则连还手之力都没有 His raised the head looks at the day, the Supreme Void imposing manner flies upwards! 抬头望天,太虚气势飞扬! Above Vault of Heaven, dark cloud covers the sky, Yin Wind like blade, this Heavenly Tribulation indeed Yin Wind Tribulation, and Wind Tribulation might at least is Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer Heavenly Tribulation might! 苍穹之上,乌云遮天,阴风如刀,此次天劫正是阴风劫,且风劫威力起码是碎虚一重天天劫威力 But above that numerous dark clouds, coldly is standing three Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer giants, is Grasping Dao! 而在那重重阴云之上,冷冷站立着三名碎虚一重天的巨人,俱是执道者! In charge of this Yin Wind Tribulation, is a tree armor giant, named Hu Feng (calling wind)! 主管此次阴风劫的,是一名树甲巨人,名为呼风 Another two giants, one is the Cold Ice giant, wears azure armor, named Qing Shuang (azure frost)! 另有两名巨人,一为寒冰巨人,身披青甲,名为青霜 One is the mountain ridge giant, wears Yanjia, named Shan Beng (mountain collapse)! 一为山岭巨人,身披岩甲,名为山崩 cultivator Ning Fan, slaughters excessive, the repeatedly offends day, is unforgivable! My Grasping Dao, falls the wind for the day, executes in Immortal World of tree! My name, Hu Feng (calling wind)!” 修士宁凡,杀戮过重,屡犯天和,不可饶恕!吾执道者,代天降风,诛尔于树之仙界!吾名,呼风!” Hu Feng (calling wind) giant coldly said, roar bang like Thunderbolt, gloomy like blade! 呼风巨人冷冷道,吼声轰如雷霆,阴沉如刀! ( Three Grasping Dao do, Five Elements Puppet was uneven-! Yesterday had/left the condition, went home very much late, comes back to make up, continuously to this morning 5:15, rests)( please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel was better to renew is quicker! (三名执道者作死中,五行傀儡齐了--!昨天出了状况,很晚回家,回来就在补更,一直更到今天早上5点15分,去睡了)(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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