GE :: Volume #6

#585: Falls Puppet, startled Dao Spirit!

The Hu Feng (calling wind) great criticism/human language, stamps the feet suddenly under the numerous dark clouds. That dense covers the sky dark clouds, raise gloomy and cold piercing Yin Wind immediately! 呼风巨人言罢,猛然一跺脚下重重阴云。那密密遮天的阴云,立刻掀起一股阴冷刺骨的阴风 Heaven and Earth falls into dimly, above Azure Sea curls up huge tornadoes that tens of thousands of Yin Wind form, below meets the sea level, on touches the heaven, from four sides volume to Iceland that Ning Fan is at! 天地陷入昏暗,青海之上卷起成千上万阴风形成的巨大龙卷,下接海面,上触苍天,从四面卷向宁凡所在的冰岛! This is not ordinary Yin Wind Tribulation... this is Yin Dragon Tribulation!” In Profound Yin World, Luo You calls out in alarm one. “这不是普通的阴风劫...这是‘阴龙劫’!”玄阴界中,洛幽惊呼一声。 So-called Yin Dragon Tribulation, is one in Yin Wind Tribulation changes the tribulation, the command makes decent tornadoes, but enormous promoting Wind Tribulation might. 所谓的阴龙劫,是阴风劫之中的一种变劫,令风化龙卷,可极大提升风劫威力 The this time Yin Wind Tribulation scale, is the Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer scale. 这一次阴风劫的规模,本来是碎虚一重天的规模。 But Yin Wind changes to tornadoes, Heavenly Tribulation might large promoting, although this Heavenly Tribulation has not achieved Void Fragmentation 2 Layers might, is actually not ordinary Void Fragmentation 1 Layer Heavenly Tribulation may compare! 阴风化作龙卷,天劫威力大幅提升,此次天劫虽然没达到碎虚二重威力,却也不是普通碎虚一重天劫可比! The tornadoes Yin Wind volume to Iceland, in the island 1 Layer heavy Mortal Void formation light gradually destroys, was blown off to break into pieces light dot innumerably. 龙卷阴风卷向冰岛,岛上一重凡虚阵光逐渐毁灭,被吹散成无数碎散光点 After First Round/Wheel Wind Tribulation, most outer layer 100 heavy governing Thunder Tribulation formation light almost all destroy, 100 heavy governing Fire Tribulation formation light destroy much! 第一轮风劫过后,最外层100重御雷劫阵光几乎全毁,就连中间100重御火劫阵光都毁去不少! Ning Fan in most inner layer arrange 300 heavy Divine Stars Exterminating Wind Formation formation light, kept off First Round/Wheel Heavenly Tribulation fortunately finally! 幸而宁凡在最内层布下了300重神罡灭风阵阵光,终于挡下了第一轮天劫 Sees with own eyes in this, a Ning Fan brow wrinkle. 眼见于此,宁凡眉头一皱。 Very strong Yin Wind Tribulation... only these 500 layers formation light, are unable to resist too many Yin Wind Tribulation, according to the defense sits waiting for death. Really, wanting the broken tribulation to initiate an attack may!” “很强的阴风劫...单凭这500重阵光,无法抵挡太多阴风劫,据阵防守只是坐以待毙。果然,想要破劫必须主动出击才可!” Ning Fan pats storage pouch, takes out mark Locking Wind Bead, including entrance. 宁凡一拍储物袋,取出一纹定风珠,含入口中。 The whole body raises immediately light azure light, seems a slim light cocoon, has the enormous defensive power to Yin Wind Tribulation! 其周身立刻升起一股淡淡的青光,好似一个纤薄的光茧,却对阴风劫有着极大的防御力! After containing to advocate Locking Wind Bead, Ning Fan takes out Formation Plate immediately, 300 heavy Divine Stars Exterminating Wind Formation simultaneously activates! 在含主定风珠之后,宁凡立刻取出阵盘,将300重神罡灭风阵同时催动 More than 300 layers formation light in this moment azure light presently, the haze of expansive sky were punctured greatly by azure light, the azure light condense each and every single (person) giant azure pocket, there are more than 300. 300多重阵光在这一刻青光大现,长空的阴霾被青光刺开,青光凝成一个个巨大的青色口袋,共有300余个。 That pocket extinguishes the wind zone. May everywhere strong winds income bag in! 那口袋是灭风带。可将漫天狂风收入袋中! This Divine Stars Exterminating Wind Formation not only can defend Wind Tribulation, may initiate an attack, the light congealing wind cone, takes away Yin Wind! 神罡灭风阵不但可以防御风劫,更可主动出击,光凝风袋,收走阴风 Ning Fan Finger Secret Art changes, more than 300 wind cone simultaneously attract fiercely, everywhere dark clouds and in Yin Wind inspiration wind cone! 宁凡指诀一变,300多个风袋齐齐猛吸,将漫天阴云、阴风吸入风袋之中! Only after several breaths, everywhere dark clouds suction two-thirds! 仅数息之后,漫天阴云被生生吸走了三分之二之多! originally vast momentum Yin Wind Tribulation, broken went to two-thirds by 300 layers formation light directly! 原本声势浩大的阴风劫,直接被300重阵光破去三分之二 As broken goes to half Yin Wind Tribulation, 300 heavy Divine Stars Exterminating Wind Formation formation light simultaneously are gloomy, Formation Power exhausts. 而随着破去一半阴风劫,300重神罡灭风阵阵光齐齐暗淡,阵力耗尽。 Only 300 Zhong Mie wind formation light. Ning Fan then almost broke this time Yin Wind Tribulation! 单凭300重灭阵光宁凡便几乎破掉了这一次阴风劫 Knows this Divine Stars Exterminating Wind Formation so to restrain to Yin Wind Tribulation early, should manufacture 200 Formation Plate again, but perhaps extinguishes all Yin Wind depending on formation light directly.” “早知这神罡灭风阵阴风劫如此克制,应该再多制作一二百阵盘,说不定可直接凭阵光灭去所有阴风。” Ning Fan one step takes, treads the heaven, mouth including Locking Wind Bead, before the Locking Wind Bead strength exhausts, other one-third Yin Wind Tribulation nothing to be afraid! 宁凡一步迈出,踏天而起,口含定风珠,在定风珠力量耗尽之前,余下的三分之一阴风劫不足为惧! Then must cope, merely is three Grasping Dao nothing more! 接下来要对付的,仅仅是三名执道而已 Hu Feng (calling wind), Qing Shuang (azure frost), Shan Beng (mountain collapse) and other giants, see Ning Fan only to depend on formation light then to break two-thirds Yin Wind Tribulation. All reveals the color of slightly startled. 呼风青霜山崩等三名巨人,见宁凡仅凭阵光便破去三分之二阴风劫。俱是露出微惊之色。 Hu Feng (calling wind) gaze sinks, activates surplus Yin Wind Tribulation clouds, lowers rounds round of Yin Wind tornadoes. 呼风目光一沉,施法催动剩余的阴风劫云,降下一轮轮阴风龙卷 These tornadoes might reduce greatly, before Yin Wind just blew the Ning Fan body . Immediately seems by the sharp sword is broken out together, has blown along the Ning Fan both sides skip road, without/has not fine single Yin Wind can blow on Ning Fan. 那些龙卷威力大减,阴风刚刚吹到宁凡身前。立刻好似被一道利剑从中劈开,沿宁凡两侧分道吹过,没有一丝一缕的阴风可以吹到宁凡身上。 this bastard has to extinguish the treasure of wind, only Yin Wind remnant tribulation. The wound can not he!” The Shan Beng (mountain collapse) giant thinks to say. 此獠身怀灭风之宝,单凭阴风残劫。伤不得他!”山崩巨人思索道。 So, our simultaneously take action, puts to death this bastard. Easy as pie!” Qing Shuang (azure frost) giant one step takes, wields huge fist glow directly, fist towards Ning Fan overcomes. “如此,吾等齐齐出手,诛杀此獠。易如反掌!”青霜巨人一步迈出,直接挥动巨大拳芒,一拳朝宁凡打下。 In a twinkling the Heaven and Earth ice knot, the Azure Sea sea water in million li freezes to freeze completely! 霎时间天地冰结,百万里之内的青海海水全部冻结成冰 Void Fragmentation strikes...” 碎虚一击么...” In the Ning Fan eye appears thick War Intent, by his present Supreme Void Realm cultivation base, strength fully opened, not necessarily cannot receive Void Fragmentation to strike! 宁凡眼中浮现出一股浓浓战意,以他如今太虚境界修为,实力全开,未必接不下碎虚一击! This time breaks through Void Pierce and Supreme Void bottleneck one after another, its Divine Sense promoting are many, originally is close to Primordial Supreme Void Divine Sense infinitely, at this moment achieves Primordial Rank thoroughly, and in 10-20% compared with ordinary Primordial Supreme Void. 此次接连突破冲虚太虚瓶颈,其神念提升不少,原本无限接近归元太虚神念,此刻彻底达到归元级别,且比普通归元太虚强上10-20%。 Sky over Ning Fan foot treads, first one step or the white clothing like the snow, the next moment have changed to the black clothes like black ink. 宁凡脚踏上空,前一步还是白衣如雪,下一刻已化作黑衣如墨。 Now fluctuates Soul Incarnation, its cultivation base direct promoting to Primordial Supreme Void Boundary! 如今变幻出念魄化身,其修为直接提升归元太虚之境 The five fingers grasp to the deep sea-bed, grasps to 800,000 li Void Space, extracts the soul and Void Soul to swallow. 五指向深海海底一抓,向八十万里虚空一抓,抽出地魂、虚空魂吞下。 The imposing manner increases again, almost achieves highest Peak that Primordial Supreme Void can touch! 其气势再次攀升,几乎达到归元太虚可以触及的最高巅峰 Under Void Fragmentation, almost nobody may make the imposing manner achieve this one step! 碎虚之下,几乎无人可令气势达到这一步 This moment Ning Fan, almost may be counted Peak Expert in Primordial Supreme Void! 这一刻的宁凡,几乎可算作归元太虚中的巅峰强者 Ning Fan receives the escaping light, treads Void Space suddenly, Void Space was shattered, the black wave raids, forms sea of the huge Void Space in his under foot. 宁凡收住遁光,猛然一踏虚空,虚空破碎,黑浪袭来,在其脚下形成一个巨大的虚空之海。 Treadons the sea of Void Space, Ning Fan Magic Force is continuous, he is looking at fist Cold Ice fist glow of Qing Shuang (azure frost) giant, War Intent is dreadful, lifts suddenly refers. 脚踏虚空之海,宁凡法力绵绵不绝,他望着青霜巨人的一拳寒冰拳芒,战意滔天,骤然抬指一点。 Burns!” “焚!” Directs, Black Fire covers the sky, in Sea of Fire, gives birth to nine heads Black Fire Giant Dragon subsequently. 一指点出,黑火遮天,火海之中,继而生出九头黑火巨龙 nine heads Giant Dragon fierce does not fear to charge into Cold Ice fist glow, a 1st fire dragon hits above fist glow, immediately freezes to freeze. 九头巨龙悍不畏死冲向寒冰拳芒,第一头火龙撞在拳芒之上,立刻冻结成冰 2nd, 3rd and a 4th fire dragon, freezes became Armament completely. 第二头、第三头、第四头火龙,亦全部冻结成兵 But to a 5th fire dragon, self-detonation, burnt one-third Cold Ice fist glow suddenly! 但到了第五头火龙,骤然自爆,将寒冰拳芒生生焚去三分之一 sixth dragon self-detonation, 7th dragon self-detonation, thorough broken goes Cold Ice fist glow that Void Fragmentation strikes finally! 第六龙自爆,第七自爆,终于将碎虚一击的寒冰拳芒彻底破去! The 8th dragon and 9th dragon angry roar like the thunder, the long jab heaven, toward the Qing Shuang (azure frost) giant gets angry, but hits! 第八龙、第九龙怒吼如雷,直击苍天,朝青霜巨人怒而一撞! The Qing Shuang (azure frost) giant cannot expect absolutely, although Ning Fan not yet Void Fragmentation, unexpectedly in struck with it to the bang in stood some winning sides! 青霜巨人万万料不到,宁凡虽未尚未碎虚,竟在与之一击对轰中站了些许上风! He naturally cannot be injured by other two Black Fire Giant Dragon, spits out azure Cold Qi, freezes two Giant Dragon completely. 他自然不会被余下的两头黑火巨龙所伤,喷出一口青色寒气,将两头巨龙全部冻结。 even if so, the complexion of Qing Shuang (azure frost) giant is unattractive. 饶是如此,青霜巨人的脸色也绝不好看。 He has Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer cultivation base, strikes the without/has not wound to a Supreme Void junior full power, somewhat damages severely really face. 他好歹有着碎虚一重天修为,全力一击没有伤到一个太虚小辈,着实有些大伤颜面 He also wants again take action, was actually blocked by Shan Beng (mountain collapse) giant one step, this bastard seized Fire Executor and Purple Electricity two puppet, is highly regarded! Begins together!” 他还欲再次出手,却被山崩巨人一步拦住,“此獠先后擒下执火紫电二傀,不可小觑!一起动手!” Un, together take action!” Hu Feng (calling wind) is also at this moment calm, sees Ning Fan to be fierce. “嗯,一起出手!”呼风此刻也已冷静,看出宁凡厉害。 The Qing Shuang (azure frost) giant nods. Three giants, the powerful Magic Force fluctuation made Azure Sea count the million li towering waves simultaneously. 青霜巨人点点头。三名巨人同时施法,强大的法力波动令青海百万里海浪滔天。 Hu Feng (calling wind) giant Magic Technique, summons 12 azure Wind Dragon. 呼风巨人一式法术,召出十二青色风龙 Qing Shuang (azure frost) giant Magic Technique, the expansive sky presents huge Cold Ice giant hand suddenly. 青霜巨人一式法术,长空骤然出现一个巨大的寒冰巨手 Shan Beng (mountain collapse) giant Magic Technique, Giant Mountain mountain shade of innumerable coming down drop from the clouds, under towards Ning Fan overhead town/subdues! 山崩巨人一式法术,无数崩落的巨岳山影从天而降,朝宁凡当头镇下! Ning Fan opened mouth takes back all Black Fire. gaze reveals the dignified color. 宁凡张口收回所有黑火目光露出凝重之色。 Through this time and confrontation of Qing Shuang (azure frost) giant, he and Void Fragmentation cultivator the disparity to himself is more transparent. 通过这一次青霜巨人的交锋,他对自己与碎虚修士的差距更为明了。 After strength fully opened, he almost soon Primordial Peak. 在实力全开之后,他几乎快要归元无敌了。 High of his Black Fire Grade, has the enormous restraint to the Qing Shuang (azure frost) giant of body of Cold Ice. 他的黑火品阶之高,对寒冰之身的青霜巨人有着极大克制。 even if so, a type to the bang, Ning Fan also occupied some winning side nothing more merely, has not injured to the Qing Shuang (azure frost) giant. 饶是如此,一式对轰之下,宁凡也仅仅是占了些许上风而已,并未伤到青霜巨人。 But his under foot the sea of Void Space, then lost half, if exhausts, then does not have the Magic Force unceasing effect again. 而其脚下的虚空之海,则损耗了一半之多,若耗尽,便再无法力不绝的功效。 Ning Fan ponders. If to other on attribute giants, oneself feared that must fall some leeward. 宁凡自忖。若是对上其他属性的巨人,自己怕是还要落些许下风的。 Naturally, this strikes to the bang, he has not had the most powerful card in a hand, the Qing Shuang (azure frost) giant. If he exhausts the card in a hand, does not dare saying that can kill Void Fragmentation steadily, but may at least the heavy injury Qing Shuang (azure frost) giant... 当然,这一击对轰,他未出最强底牌,青霜巨人也未出。他若用尽底牌,不敢说能稳杀碎虚,但起码可重创青霜巨人... Present Ning Fan, gradually is close to Void Fragmentation Realm finally! 如今的宁凡,终于渐渐接近碎虚境界 Saw with own eyes that the three heads giant collaborates, Ning Fan knew in the heart. The joint efforts of three Grasping Dao strike, is not he can receive alone. 眼见三头巨人联手施法,宁凡心知。三名执道者的合力一击,已不是他能独自接下。 As soon as he pats storage pouch, offers a sacrifice to Fire Executor and Purple Electricity two puppet, shakes Cauldron Furnace Ring. Summons Teng Xianrou. 他一拍储物袋,祭出执火紫电二傀,一抖鼎炉环。召出藤纤柔 Is summoning two puppet person of an instant, Ning Fan sound transmission to order immediately. 在召出二傀一人的一瞬,宁凡立刻传音下令。 Two puppet hears Ling, display fire Thunder God immediately. 二傀闻令,立刻施展火雷神通。 Teng Xianrou hears Ning Fan sound transmission, is unable to ravel immediately the situation. 藤纤柔听到宁凡传音,根本无法弄明白当下情况。 She does not know how this treads the heaven the vertical five Void Fragmentation giants is a matter. She also does not know why the short date and time does not see, the Ning Fan aura rose suddenly so many. 她不知这踏天而立的五头碎虚巨人是怎么一回事。她亦不知为何短短时日不见,宁凡气息暴涨了这么多。 Sees three Grasping Dao Magic Technique, Teng Xianrou knew in the heart at this moment when is not the inquiry. Must obey the Ning Fan instruction, waves Wisteria Sword, cuts innumerable Sword Glow, resists the attacks of three Grasping Dao. 见三名执道法术袭来,藤纤柔心知此刻不是提问之时。只得遵照宁凡指令,舞动紫藤剑,斩出无数剑芒,对抗三名执道者的攻击。 Six Void Fragmentation Divine Ability to the bang, near 10 million li expansive sky break completely. 六名碎虚神通对轰,将近千万里的长空全部震碎。 both sides all are three Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer, to the bang , is actually impartial. 双方皆是三名碎虚一重天,对轰之下,却是堪堪持平。 Fire Executor, Purple Electricity! You dared the revolting day, deserves what crime!” Hu Feng (calling wind), Qing Shuang (azure frost), Shan Beng (mountain collapse) and other giants, see Fire Executor and Purple Electricity two puppet to be in the way, immediately is angry. 执火,紫电!尔等胆敢叛天,该当何罪!”呼风青霜山崩等三名巨人,一见执火紫电二傀碍事,立刻大怒。 Fire Executor and Purple Electricity two puppet all are silent, does not pay attention to three Grasping Dao. 执火紫电二傀俱是沉默,根本不理会三名执道者。 Two puppet and Teng Xianrou comply with the command of Ning Fan, after the attacks of keeping off next three Grasping Dao, changes to three flowing light immediately, charges into three Grasping Dao respectively! 二傀与藤纤柔遵从宁凡之令,在挡下三名执道者的攻击之后,立刻化作三道流光,分别冲向三名执道者! They must do now, is dragging three Grasping Dao merely! 他们现在要做的,仅仅是拖着三名执道者! As for Ning Fan, is responsible for drawing support from the technique of Life Imprisonment, the sneak attack, subdues three Grasping Dao in turn! 至于宁凡,则负责借助命囚之术,依次偷袭,收服三名执道者! By his moment cultivation base, subdues Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer Puppet with the aid of the Life Imprisonment technique is not a difficult matter! 以他此刻修为,借助命囚术收服碎虚一重天傀儡并非难事! The Ning Fan form in a flash, is wanting to borrow Heaven Deceiving Cloak Stealth, sneak attacks three Grasping Dao in secret. 宁凡身影一晃,正欲借欺天斗篷隐身,暗中偷袭三名执道者。 Suddenly, above the sky appears huge black and white ring shade, Dao Force divulges like waves! 骤然间,天空之上浮现出一个巨大的黑白环影,道力如海浪般宣泄下来! From that black and white ring shade, punctures half-black and half-white Sword Glow suddenly, might endures compared with Void Fragmentation 2nd Heavenly Layer together strikes! 从那黑白环影之中,忽然刺出一道半黑半白剑芒,威力堪比碎虚二重天一击! That Sword Glow is too quick, compelling Ning Fan unable Stealth, under slightly startled, draws back in above the vast sky in a hurry continually, and pats sword pouch immediately, said to the Five Sword Spirits command, 剑芒太快,逼得宁凡无从隐身,微惊之下,匆匆在长空之上连退,并立刻一拍剑袋,对五剑灵令道, Begins together, keeps off this sword light!” “一起动手,挡下这道剑光!” It looks like in Ning Fan, even if this black and white sword light achieves the prestige of Void Fragmentation 2 Layers, eventually difficult enemy Five Sword Spirits the energy of to subdue|grams sword. 宁凡看来,此黑白剑光纵然达到碎虚二重之威,也终究难敌五剑灵的克剑之能。 Little Fanfan, do not fear! Ahem, Elder Sister have subdued... present Elder Sister to be fierce the golden sword sword! This Rank sword light, at all is not the Elder Sister opponent!” 小凡凡,不要怕!哼哼,姐姐们已经把金剑剑收服了...现在姐姐们可厉害了!这种级别剑光,根本不是姐姐们对手!” Little Fanfan, encounters the danger to pray for rescue from Elder Sister heartily, Elder Sister will protect your!” 小凡凡,遇到危险尽情向姐姐们求救吧,姐姐们会保护你的!” Scoff! 嗤! The sword that just like in the sword Sovereign recited the sound, spread from storage pouch suddenly. 一声犹如剑中皇者的剑吟声,骤然从储物袋中传出。 next instant, the Golden sword rainbow flies from sword pouch in together, indeed from Summer Sovereign Sword that in the Teng Xianrou hand seizes! 下一瞬,一道金色剑虹自剑袋之中飞逝而出,正是藤纤柔手中夺来的夏皇剑 Five Sword Spirit little girl take possession in Summer Sovereign Sword, activates this Flying Sword, changes to together the Golden sword rainbow, only Sword then cuts that black and white sword light is two sections! 五个剑灵小丫头附身于夏皇剑之中,催动飞剑,化作一道金色剑虹,只一剑便将那黑白剑光斩为两截! The prestige of that Golden sword rainbow Sword, endures compared with Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer strikes! 金色剑虹一剑之威,堪比碎虚三重天一击! Sword cuts to extinguish black and white sword light, that Summer Sovereign Sword under the control of Five Sword Spirits, flies upside down to return subsequently, even horizontal flight before the Ning Fan body. 一剑斩灭黑白剑光,那夏皇剑五剑灵的操控下,继而倒飞而回,平平飞至宁凡身前。 Ning Fan is startled slightly, he does not know actually, broke through Realm these days in him, Five Sword Spirits subdues Summer Sovereign Sword unexpectedly. 宁凡微微一怔,他倒是不知,在他突破境界的这段时间里,五剑灵竟把夏皇剑收服了。 Ahem, Little Fanfan you looked, Big Sister helps you oppress others by the potential, subdued this golden sword sword!” “哼哼,小凡凡你看,大姐姐帮你以势压人,把这金剑剑收服了!” Ahem, can make the golden sword sword cut sword light, may be the Second Sister merit! Praised me quickly!” “哼哼,能让金剑剑斩出剑光,可都是二姐姐的功劳!快表扬我!” Ahem. Sovereign Sword Intent in this golden sword sword, is Third Sister simulates!” “哼哼。这金剑剑中的皇者剑意,都是三姐姐模拟出来的呢!” Ahem, arrange Sword Formation of Fourth Sister in the golden sword sword, Little Fanfan you, can still have one's wish to use this sword sword even!” “哼哼,四姐姐金剑剑里布下剑阵,就算是小凡凡你,也可以随心所欲使用这把剑剑喔!” Is... is... is I...” Tongtong worries, worries the stutter. “是...是...是我...”彤彤十分着急,一着急更加结巴。 She to telling Ning Fan, Summer Sovereign Sword is not willing to submit five people, is she threatens Summer Sovereign Sword, if Summer Sovereign Sword does not submit, her smash into pieces Summer Sovereign Sword. 她向告诉宁凡,夏皇剑本来不愿屈服五人,都是她威胁夏皇剑,若夏皇剑不屈服,她就碎了夏皇剑 Can subdue Summer Sovereign Sword thoroughly. She has the big merit, is one excited, could not say in any event. 能够彻底收服夏皇剑。她可是有大功劳的,可是一激动,却无论如何说不出。 Ning Fan hears five little girls chirp the spoken language, laughs in spite of trying not to shake the head. 宁凡听闻五个小丫头叽叽喳喳的言语,失笑摇头。 He roughly understood, these days, five little girls works as one, successfully subdued Summer Sovereign Sword. 他大致明白了,这段时间里,五个小丫头同心协力,成功收服了夏皇剑 This sword is Immortal Void Mid Grade Magical Treasure, originally only has Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer cultivator to be workable. 此剑是仙虚中品法宝,本来唯有碎虚三重天修士才可使用。 Uses this sword to receive extremely heavy backlash including Teng Xianrou rashly, normally. If Ning Fan uses this sword forcefully, then meets backlash to become serious injury directly, and was unable activates this sword half a point prestige energy. 藤纤柔贸然使用此剑都会受到极重反噬,正常情况下。宁凡若强行使用此剑,直接便会反噬重伤,且还无法催动此剑半分威能。 But after the five little girls joint effort, then by Ning Fan now cultivation base. But also uses this sword freely! 但经过五个小丫头的共同努力后,便是以宁凡如今修为。也可自如使用此剑! The Ning Fan reaches out palm, grasps Summer Sovereign Sword in the hand, immediately feels a mysterious feeling of Man and Sword as One. 宁凡探出手掌,将夏皇剑握在手中,立刻感受到一股人剑合一的玄妙感觉。 Is holding Summer Sovereign Sword split second, his whole body makings big change. Seemed purely sword cultivator, became in a sword Sovereign! 在持住夏皇剑一瞬间,他周身气质大变。好似成了一名纯粹之极的剑修,成了一名剑中皇者 Has Five Sword Spirits to assist, this sword... he can use! 五剑灵相助,此剑...他可以使用! In its holds Summer Sovereign Sword an instant. In black and white ring shade, goes out of a white clothing suddenly such as snow Little Loli. 在其持住夏皇剑一瞬黑白环影之中,忽然走出一个白衣如雪的小萝莉 Her appearance is about 11 or 12-year-old, grasps black such as black golden sword of black ink, appearance charming face, the pupil of double pupil actually is the pure white color. 她貌约十一二岁,手持一柄黑色如墨的乌金剑,容颜俏脸,双眸之瞳却俱是纯白之色。 Her stature is petite, but an imposing manner actually achieved Void Fragmentation 2nd Heavenly Layer Realm! 她身材娇小柔弱,但一身气势却达到了碎虚二重天境界 Snort, are you Rain World Devil Ning Fan? The courage is big, if not my take action prevents, you want to take away my final three Grasping Dao Puppet completely! To take away my Five Elements Puppet unexpectedly completely, you were too hateful!” “哼,你就是雨界魔头宁凡?胆子不小呢,若非我出手阻挡,你是不是想将我最后三具执道傀儡全部收走!竟然想把我的五行傀儡全部收走,你太可恶了!” The Little Loli lotus steps step, in the pupil has the indignant color, lifts black golden sword, Sword Finger Ning Fan. 小萝莉莲步一迈,眸中带着气愤之色,抬起乌金剑,剑指宁凡 I am Lower Realm First Ring Heavenly Dao Dao Spirit, named Life and Death! Today comes in this, is comes maintain you!” “我是下界第一环天道道灵,名为生死!今天现身于此,是来修理你的!” maintain I?” 修理我?” Ning Fan reveals several points of pondering color, he has guessed correctly indistinctly, repeatedly lowers excessively Heavenly Tribulation to him, is at present little girl of white clothing black sword. 宁凡露出几分玩味之色,他已隐约猜出,屡次对他降下过分天劫的,便是眼前白衣黑剑的小丫头 He without delay, grasps Summer Sovereign Sword, lifts hand Sword then to separate toward little girl to cut spatially. 他二话不说,手持夏皇剑,抬手一剑便朝小丫头隔空斩去。 This Sword take action, the sky disruption, Azure Sea chops is two sections! 一剑出手,天空碎裂,青海从中劈为两截! This Sword sword light, seeming Golden Sun is dazzling, is flooding in the sword the prestige of Sovereign, just like one generation of Sword Sovereign to use the sword personally! 一剑剑光,好似金阳般耀眼,充斥着剑中皇者之威,犹如一代剑皇亲自出剑! This Sword cuts, Ning Fan Magic Force was almost found time by Summer Sovereign Sword, this has Sword Formation only to exhaust such few Magic Force auxiliary! 一剑斩出,宁凡一身法力几乎被夏皇剑抽空,这还是有剑阵辅助才只耗去这么少法力 But the strength of this Sword, made him feel incomparable satisfaction! 但这一剑之力,却令他感到无比满意! That huge Golden Sword Glow, only one then spans instantaneously cuts the million li expansive sky, sword light to was unable to imagine quickly. 那一道巨大的金色剑芒,只一个瞬间便跨越斩过百万里长空,剑光快到无法想象。 That Sword cuts, presses up to white clothing Little Loli to go, under this sword prestige, white clothing Little Loli Spirit Body shivers unexpectedly, is unable to self-restrain! 一剑斩出,直逼白衣小萝莉而去,在这股剑威之下,白衣小萝莉灵体颤抖,无法自抑! She looked, this Sword Glow was too fierce, achieved Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer strength of the striking, making her small face be startled pallidly, does not know how to resist. 她看出来了,这剑芒太厉害,达到了碎虚三重天的一击之力,令她小脸惊得煞白,不知如何抵挡。 She is only one drinks tea and falls Dao Spirit nothing more that the tribulation, sleeps, where has any profound fighting method experience... 她只是一个喝喝茶、降降劫、睡睡觉的道灵而已,哪里有什么高深的斗法经验... This Sword sword light, before clearly is, crushes her black and white sword technique sword light! 一剑剑光,分明就是之前击碎她黑白剑术剑光 This Sword sword light, she cannot meet completely, if meets hardly, is either dead or wounded! 一剑剑光,她完全接不下来,若是硬接,非死即伤! „Your you, you act shamelessly! You just broke through Supreme Void Realm nothing more obviously, how possibly use this Rank Magical Treasure, cuts this degree of sword light! I... I did not fight you! My hateful you!” “你你你,你耍赖!你明明才刚刚突破太虚境界而已,怎么可能使用这种级别法宝,斩出这种程度的剑光!我...我不跟你打了!我讨厌你!” little girl reveals the color of fearing, swings the body in a flash, changes to together half-black and half-white the bird of auspicious omen, to terrifying escape speed fly back to Heavenly Dao Ring Shadow, escapes in a hurry. 小丫头露出惧怕之色,摇身一晃,化作一道半黑半白的祥瑞之鸟,以十分恐怖遁速飞回天道环影,匆匆逃去。 next instant, ring shade vanishes, she in a swagger runs away, is three Grasping Dao Puppet does not attend to unexpectedly... 下一瞬,环影消失,她扬长逃走,竟是连三名执道傀儡都不顾了... Puppet lost lost, later asked others for help to make several... 傀儡丢了就丢了吧,以后再求人做几个吧... She, indeed presented the small dull bird in Tribulation Wielding Palace on the same day, is Ning Fan falls repeatedly tribulations uses/gives punishment that Lower Realm Heavenly Dao Dao Spirit... 她,正是当日出现在掌劫宫中的小呆鸟,是屡次为宁凡降劫施罚的那名下界天道道灵... She wants personally to act maintain Ning Fan, where may expect Ning Fan to have that fierce yellow golden sword, the prestige of Sword endures compared with Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer strikes, she at all is not the Ning Fan opponent... 她本来是想亲自出面修理一下宁凡的,可哪里料到宁凡有一把那么厉害的黄金剑,一剑之威堪比碎虚三重天一击,她根本不是宁凡对手... Thereupon, she escaped decisively... came also in a hurry, went also in a hurry. 于是乎,她果断地逃跑了...来也匆匆,去也匆匆。 Escaped...” Ning Fan naturally could see, this Heavenly Dao Dao Spirit disposition is very bad, is only the child mental, can not frighten. “逃了么...”宁凡自然看得出,这名天道道灵心性很差,只是孩童心智,受不得惊吓。 Therefore he came up to use Summer Sovereign Sword to divide Sword, really frightened off this little girl. 故而他上来就用夏皇剑劈了一剑,果然就把这个小丫头吓走了。 Make him joyful, is Summer Sovereign Sword might! He has not expected Five Sword Spirits to subdue Summer Sovereign Sword, uses for him. 让他欣喜的,是夏皇剑威力!他并未料到五剑灵可以收服夏皇剑,供他使用。 From, this Summer Sovereign Sword may at this moment absolutely becoming its most powerful card in a hand! The prestige of Sword, endures compared with Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer strikes! Sufficiently heavy injury Void Fragmentation 2 Layers Old Monster, sufficiently instant kill Void Fragmentation 1 Layer cultivator! 从此刻起,这夏皇剑绝对可成为最强底牌!一剑之威,堪比碎虚三重天一击!足以重创碎虚二重老怪,足以瞬杀碎虚一重修士 Naturally, this Summer Sovereign Sword Sword almost consumes to empty his all Magic Force, when opposes the enemy, can only be the final method use. 当然,这夏皇剑一剑几乎耗空他的所有法力,对敌之时,只能作为最终手段使用。 Cannot hit, owed in a big way... 一击不中,就亏大了... But makes him speechless, until now gives Heavenly Dao that he filling in difficult suspect to stop up, unexpectedly is only yellow wool little girl, frightened escapes... 而让他无语的,是一直以来给他填难犯堵的天道,竟然只是一个黄毛小丫头,一吓就逃跑了... This with his dignity indifferent Heavenly Dao image of former tentative plan, but some do not conform to ah... 这跟他从前设想的威严冷漠的天道形象,可有些不符合啊... This time frightened off Dao Spirit little girl, gets down one time, does not know that this little girl also does dare to come to add to stop up to him falls the tribulation. 这次吓走了道灵小丫头,下一次,不知道这个小丫头还敢不敢来给他添堵降劫。 Receives to think mixed, receives Summer Sovereign Sword, Ning Fan takes out Medicine Pill take, restored some Magic Force slightly. 收起所有杂思,亦收起夏皇剑,宁凡取出丹药服下,略略恢复了一些法力 The form in a flash, hidden goes to figure taking advantage of Heaven Deceiving Cloak, approaches toward three Grasping Dao. 身影一晃,借欺天斗篷隐去身形,朝三名执道者逼近。 Was short of the disturbance of Dao Spirit, subdues three Grasping Dao, is not difficult! 少了道灵的干扰,收服三名执道者,不难! Three Grasping Dao at this moment all are in great surprise, they cannot think absolutely, came from Family Master personally, was cut to run by Ning Fan Sword unexpectedly directly... 三名执道者此刻俱是大惊,他们万万想不到,自家主人亲自前来,竟直接被宁凡一剑砍跑了... Prestige of extremely terrifying Ning Fan that Sword, if previously coped with their three Grasping Dao with this sword, Sword can kill one person! 宁凡一剑之威太过恐怖,若之前以此剑对付他们三名执道者,一剑便可杀一人! Teng Xianrou covers the red lip, reveals expression that shocks. 藤纤柔捂住红唇,露出震撼的表情。 At this moment she even more believes, Ning Fan is Void Fragmentation sword cultivator that drops cultivation base, and originally at least is Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer cultivation base. 这一刻她愈加坚信,宁凡是一名跌落修为碎虚剑修,且原来至少是碎虚三重天修为 If this is not the case, how Ning Fan possibly uses Summer Sovereign Sword..., and Ning Fan grasps the Summer Sovereign Sword graceful bearing, can definitely compare favorably with Sword World three Sword Sovereign! 若非如此,宁凡怎么可能使用夏皇剑...且宁凡手持夏皇剑的风姿,完全可以和剑界剑皇媲美! In Sovereign to a Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer sword works as the servant, I am not very as if aggrieved...” Teng Xianrou self- comforted. “给一名碎虚三重天的剑中皇者当奴仆,我似乎不算特别憋屈呢...”藤纤柔自我安慰道 She felt suddenly, life that this being captured takes, as if is also very interesting. 她忽然觉得,这种被擒拿的生活,似乎也挺有意思的。 ... ... After half double-hour, Hu Feng (calling wind), Qing Shuang (azure frost) and Shan Beng (mountain collapse) three giants, simultaneously kneel down in the expansive sky, gaze is empty, submits to before the Ning Fan body. 半个时辰后,呼风青霜山崩三名巨人,齐齐在长空跪倒,目光空洞,臣服于宁凡身前。 A Ning Fan corners of the mouth gently check. 宁凡嘴角轻轻一勾。 His Void Fragmentation Puppet, many three! 他的碎虚傀儡,又多了三具! Almost should return to Ming Luo Clan, just before return, as if necessary first to take Solidify Void Pill, stable Supreme Void Realm...( please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 差不多该返回冥罗族了,只不过在返回之前,似乎有必要先服用固虚丹,稳固太虚境界...(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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