GE :: Volume #6

#583: The rain blood may refine, God Orifice is difficult to open

Breaks through Void Pierce, is just round the corner! 突破冲虚,指日可待! The Si Luo Sea of Bamboo 4 million li boundary, was determined 50,000 formation eye by Ning Fan! 思罗竹海四百万里地界,被宁凡测定出五万阵眼 50,000 formation eye, if the set up formation is successful, then covers Si Luo Sea of Bamboo Grand Formation, considers Immortal Void High Grade Grand Formation! 五万阵眼,若布阵成功,则覆盖思罗竹海大阵,当是一个仙虚上品大阵 Ning Fan or first time arrange so Grand Formation personally! 宁凡还是第一次亲手布置如此大阵 Is good is not used in the defense because of this Immortal Void Grand Formation, is not used to attack the enemy, takes away Si Luo Sea of Bamboo for use technique merely, and cannot consider that the formation use number of times, only needs arrange one time nature formation light, pouring is not difficult to arrange. 好在这仙虚大阵既不用于防守,也不用于攻敌,仅仅是用于施术收走思罗竹海,且不需考虑阵法的使用次数,只需布下一次阵光,倒也不难布置。 Ning Fan surveys 50,000 formation eye, then no longer is responsible for the matter of set up formation. 宁凡测算出五万阵眼,便不再负责布阵之事。 Entire Ming Luo Tree Clan starts to obey the order of Ning Fan, holds Array Diagram that Ning Fan is drawing, packing 500,000 Immortal Jade in each formation eye, colludes the topography, portrays Grand Formation. 整个冥罗树族开始遵照宁凡的命令,持着宁凡所画的阵图,在每个阵眼之中填充50万仙玉,勾连地势,刻画大阵 Arranges this one time nature Grand Formation, exhausts Ning Fan 25 billion Immortal Jade, actually not a poor expense. 布置出这个一次大阵,共耗去宁凡250亿仙玉,倒是一笔不菲的花销了。 The formation range is too broad, even if the 320,000 Ming Luo Clan person all sends out, still spending entire one month, arranged entire Grand Formation. 阵法范围太广,即便三十二万冥罗族人全部出动,也花费了整整一个月,才布置出整个大阵 In this month, restores the matter of Puppet, plenary powers gave Qing Dai. 这一个月内,修复傀儡之事,全权交给了青黛 The You Huang soul body is illusory, can only speak the instruction, her Puppet Technique is very exquisite, excelled by far Tree World. Had her direction, Qing Dai restored Puppet probability promoting to be many. 幽篁魂体虚幻,只能出言指导,她傀儡术十分精湛,生前冠绝树界。有了她的指点,青黛修复傀儡的几率提升不少。 Guang Hanzi can only be responsible for the sacrificial refining several hundred Puppet materials, does some heavy manual labors, hit to overcome the hand to Qing Dai. 广寒子则只能负责祭炼数百种傀儡材料,干一些粗活,给青黛打打下手了。 After Ning Fan determines formation eye, enters Yuan Jade World Dark Gold Pagoda, to break through Void Pierce makes finally some preparations. 宁凡测定阵眼之后,进入元瑶界暗金宝塔,为突破冲虚做最后一些准备。 First, refining Void Pierce pill, Supreme Void pill, promoting are promoted the probability. 一是炼制冲虚丹、太虚丹,提升晋级几率。 Second, refining massive Solidify Void Pill, this is Six Revolutions High Grade Medicine Pill, has stable Void Pierce Realm medicine effect. 二是炼制大量固虚丹,这是一种六转上品丹药,有稳固冲虚境界药效 Just broke through Void Pierce Realm cultivator, except has the person of Nitian (heaven defying) Physique, usually needs to count 10 years to close up stable Realm. 刚刚突破冲虚境界修士,除却一些拥有逆天体质之人,往往需要数十年闭关稳固境界 If takes Solidify Void Pill. May reduce for 20 years to close up the painstaking effort. 若服食一颗固虚丹。可减少20年闭关苦功。 If takes three Solidify Void Pill, but direct stable Void Pierce Realm! 若服食三颗固虚丹,可直接稳固冲虚境界 Naturally, Solidify Void Pill also has certain effect on stable Supreme Void Realm, but the effect actually must fall short greatly... 当然,固虚丹对稳固太虚境界也有一定效果,但效果却要大打折扣... Ning Fan is uncertain, can this time exceed Supreme Void. 宁凡并无把握,此次会不会一举突破太虚 However he decides refining Supreme Void pill and enough Solidify Void Pill. In order to prepare emergency requirement. 不过他还是决定炼制太虚丹及足够的固虚丹。以备不时之需。 outside world one month, is Pagoda Seventh Stratum 10 years. 外界的一个月,是宝塔第七层十年 In 10 years, Ning Fan repeatedly refining Six Revolutions High Grade Void Pierce pill, Solidify Void Pill. 十年之中,宁凡反复炼制六转上品冲虚丹、固虚丹 His Pill Technique is close to Six Revolutions high-ranked infinitely , the Pill Sovereign 2nd Tribulation direction, observing and emulating Pill Sovereign to break through the Seven Revolutions entire process. 丹术无限接近六转上级,又得丹皇第二次指点,观摩了丹皇突破七转的全过程。 Although his without/has not deliberately absorbs Pill Sovereign Heaven and Earth Soul Force, was actually still improving the Medicine Soul quality imperceptibly. From breaking through Six Revolutions high-ranked Pill Technique, only misses a turning point... 虽说他没有刻意吸收丹皇天地魂力,却仍在无形中改善了药魂的品质。距离突破六转上级丹术,只差一个契机... even if so, Ning Fan refining Six Revolutions High Grade Medicine Pill success rate also only has one out of a hundred. 饶是如此,宁凡炼制六转上品丹药成功率也仅有百分之一 Was good plundered massive Spirit Herb because of Ning Fan from Cedarwood Four Families, can spend freely for him. 好在宁凡雪松四族搜刮了大量灵药,可以供他挥霍。 After being defeated more than 40 times, his refining has 1st Void Pierce pill finally! 在失败了40多次之后,他终于炼制第一冲虚丹! Void Pierce pill, Six Revolutions High Grade. May increase Void Pierce insights, promoting breaks through the Void Pierce Realm probability, deeply by innumerable Void Inquire and praise of Void Pierce Old Monster! 冲虚丹,六转上品。可增加冲虚感悟,提升突破冲虚境界的几率,深受无数问虚冲虚老怪的追捧! After refining has this Void Pierce pill, Ning Fan Pill Technique breaks through successful, promote entered Six Revolutions high-ranked. 而在炼制出这颗冲虚丹之后,宁凡丹术水到渠成地突破,晋入六转上级 After Pill Technique is promoted, Ning Fan starts massive refining Solidify Void Pill, success rate has 20%. 丹术晋级之后,宁凡开始大量炼制固虚丹,成功率已有20%。 84 refining Solidify Void Pill. altogether refining up 22 Solidify Void Pill, after refining ends this batch of Solidify Void Pill, Ning Fan refining Six Revolutions High Grade Medicine Pill success rate has achieved 40%. 84次炼制固虚丹一共炼出22颗固虚丹,在炼制完这批固虚丹之后,宁凡炼制六转上品丹药成功率已达到40%。 Void Pierce pill, Solidify Void Pill have gotten ready, only misses last Supreme Void pill... 冲虚丹、固虚丹都已备齐,只差最后一颗太虚丹... Supreme Void pill is Six Revolutions Peak Medicine Pill, generally speaking only has Six Revolutions Peak Alchemist to refine. 太虚丹是六转巅峰丹药,一般而言唯有六转巅峰炼丹师才可炼出。 Ning Fan decided that with technique of refining this Supreme Void pill being promoted and transferred, what use is promoted and transferred the technique technique of blood revolutions. 宁凡决定用升转之术炼制这颗太虚丹,使用的是升转术中的血转之术。 The technique of blood revolutions, each one time needs to consume cultivator Nascent Divinity concocting pills. 血转之术,每一次都需要消耗修士元神才可炼丹 Ning Fan altogether has two Primordial Tree King and Cedarwood Clan long Nascent Divinity, altogether can taste Trial to make Supreme Void pill 3rd time. 宁凡中共有两名归元树王、一名雪松族长的元神,共可以尝试炼太虚三次 He only need Supreme Void pill refining to Six Revolutions High Grade, be then promoted and transferred by Nascent Divinity, then succeeds Supreme Void pill refining! 他只需将太虚炼制六转上品,而后以元神升转,即可将太虚炼制成功! Is promoted and transferred Six Revolutions High Grade Medicine Pill. At least needs to integrate Supreme Void cultivator Nascent Divinity in Medicine Pill. 升转六转上品丹药。起码需要在丹药中融入太虚修士元神 Two Tree King Nascent Divinity Rank are enough, Cedarwood Clan long Nascent Divinity is actually only Void Pierce cultivation base, slightly has the insufficiency... 两名树王元神级别足够,雪松族长的元神却只是冲虚修为,略有不足... Ning Fan sighed, if he knew You Huang to help the blood of his refining Rain Ancestor early, he surely in extinguishing kills Four Families cultivator. Seizes next six Supreme Void Nascent Divinity not to kill. 宁凡一叹,若他早知幽篁可以助他炼化雨祖之血,他必定会在灭杀四族修士之时。擒下六名太虚元神不杀。 Is good has 40% because of refining Six Revolutions High Grade Medicine Pill complete assurance fully, 3rd time refining, even if there is one time probability to be slightly low, can still succeed mostly. 好在炼制六转上品丹药成算足有40%,三次炼制,就算其中有一次几率稍低,也多半可以成功的。 3rd time refining, Ning Fan obtained a Supreme Void pill finally. 三次炼制,最终宁凡获得了一颗太虚丹。 Medicine Pill gets ready, Ning Fan starts to control one's breathing Magic Force, making the condition restore to Peak. 丹药备齐,宁凡开始调息法力,令状态恢复至巅峰 The Pagoda 10th year, Ning Fan received Qing Dai sound jade tablet sound transmission, Big Brother Lu... the good fortune does not fail in one's mission!” 宝塔第十年,宁凡收到了青黛的音圭传音,“陆大哥...幸不辱命!” The Qing Dai implied meaning is obvious, she successfully restored two Void Fragmentation Puppet! 青黛的言下之意再明显不过,她成功修复了两具碎虚傀儡 Ning Fan swings the body in a flash, returns to outside world, takes Fire Executor and Purple Electricity two Puppet from the Qing Dai place. 宁凡摇身一晃,返回外界,自青黛处取走执火紫电两具傀儡 Then along with You Huang keeps under Giant Bamboo, treats is half a month. 而后随幽篁留在巨竹之下,一待便是半个月 After half a month, he leaves Si Luo Sea of Bamboo, foot treads Golden Ancient Sword, travels to the East, flies continually 10 days! 半个月后,他离开思罗竹海,脚踏黄金古剑,一路东行,连飞十日 He flies over more than 100 Cultivators Country, finally departs the Cultivation Country boundary, flies to Tree World extremely eastern Azure Sea in! 他飞越一百多修真国,最终飞出修国边界,飞至树界极东的青海之中! This place does not have a stretch of land again, does not have trees again, the seeing place, is the vast azure ocean waves, in the sky floats the full white clouds. 此地再无一片陆地,再无一株树木,入目处,俱是一望无际的青色海浪,天空中浮满白云。 sea area deep place, then floats Iceland that are unable to melt, in the island is towering Snow Mountain! 海域深处,则漂浮着一座座无法消融的冰岛,岛上耸立着一座座雪山 Azure Sea long cloud An Snow Mountain! 青海长云暗雪山 This place is sea area, not suitable Tree World cultivator cultivation, rare person. 此地是海域,不适合树界修士修行,罕有人至。 Ning Fan flew to escape several days in sea area, chose in the most desolated sea Iceland, above the landing, took out more than 500 Mortal Void Formation Plate, arrange above Iceland 500 multiple Mortal Void formation light! 宁凡海域之中飞遁了数日,选择了一座最为荒芜的海中冰岛,降落其上,取出500多个凡虚阵盘,在冰岛之上布下了500多重凡虚阵光 The azure mighty waves are whipping the coast, the roaring is spirited. 青色波涛拍打着海岸,涛声激昂。 Ning Fan is built on the world of ice and snow, in the eye is exuding thick Rain Intent. 宁凡立于冰天雪地之中,眼中泛着浓浓的雨意 From starts at this moment, this Iceland is the place of his crossing tribulation! 从此刻开始,这座冰岛便是他的渡劫之地! Under Giant Bamboo, among half a month, I borrow You Huang Senior First Grade Bamboo Intent, preliminary refining this Lifeblood Rain... this rain not yet thorough refining, if refining, may at least promoting million armor Magic Force!” 巨竹之下,半月之间,我借幽篁前辈一品竹意,初步炼化了本命血雨...此雨尚未彻底炼化,若炼化,起码可提升百万甲子法力!” Ning Fan figure in a flash. Escapes into Profound Yin World. 宁凡身形一晃。遁入玄阴界之内。 He must refining this Lifeblood Rain in Profound Yin World, and all Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures! 他要在玄阴界炼化命血雨,及身上所有天材地宝 First needs refining, is the Lifeblood Rain that Rain Ancestor grants. 首先需要炼化的,是雨祖赐予的本命血雨 In Profound Yin World, is hanging the half-black and half-white crescent moon. Under the Gray Moon light, Ning Fan sits cross-legged in the Profound Yin World expansive sky. The Lifeblood Rain of refining within the body. 玄阴界中,高悬着半黑半白的月牙。灰色的月光下,宁凡盘膝于玄阴界长空。炼化体内的本命血雨 Luo You goes out of the thatched house, carefully for his Protector, and raises the point saying that 洛幽走出草庐,细心为他护法,并提点道, „The Rain Ancestor Bloodlines intensity, is inferior to Fu Li and Mo Luo, even if you refining falls this drop of this Lifeblood Rain. Also not necessarily can concentrate one entire to drop God Clan Ancestral Blood, in my opinion, most can only concentrate half drop of Ancestral Blood. Has half drop of Ancestral Blood, your God Blood Bloodlines by no means calculates that the true Ancestral Blood level, can only calculate the King Blood level.” 雨祖血脉强度,不如扶离魔罗,你纵然炼化掉这一滴本命血雨。也不见得能凝出一整滴神族祖血,依我看,最多只能凝出半滴祖血。身怀半滴祖血,你的神血血脉并不算真正的祖血级,只能算王血级。” „The King Blood level... was enough.” 王血级么...足够了。” Ning Fan and without/has not look down upon King Blood, even if above in Four Heavens. God Blood achieves the person of King Level absolutely is not many, each and every single (person) is the major God Clan Royal Clan gods. 宁凡没有瞧不起王血,纵然在四天之上。神血达到王级之人也绝对不多,一个个都是各大神族王族神祗。 God Blood Bloodlines grows out of nothing, one step to the King Blood level, is very rare. 神血血脉从无到有,一步王血级,已是十分难得。 In wants to break through Ancestral Blood if, in the future will seek the method then. 若实在想突破祖血,日后再寻方法即可。 His mind normalizing, defends Nascent Divinity close, the whole body is twining sky blue Third Grade Rain Intent. Begins refining to have this Lifeblood Rain. 心神归一,闭守元神,周身缠绕着天青色三品雨意。着手炼化起本命血雨 With this Lifeblood Rain faint trace refining, Ning Fan Magic Force starts rapidly the growth! 随着本命血雨一丝丝炼化,宁凡法力开始急速增涨! 9.2 million armor, 9.21 million armor, 9.22 million armor... 920万甲,921万甲,922万甲... When the day of this Lifeblood Rain thorough refining, Ning Fan Magic Force eventually achieved 10.2 million armor, were more than 200,000 armor Void Pierce bottleneck 10 million armor! 待本命血雨彻底炼化之日,宁凡一身法力最终达到1020万甲,比冲虚瓶颈千万甲子还多出20万甲 However refining this/Ben Lifeblood Rain, will then always have some sky blue Rain Intent to change to thin needle, pricks above the Ning Fan atrium. 然而每多炼化一丝本命血雨,便会有一些天青色雨意化作细针,刺入宁凡心房之上。 At first that ache but actually also in the range that can endure. 起初那疼痛倒也在能够忍受的范围之内。 But as Blood Rain more and more absorbs many, more and more Rain Intent acupuncture heart, Ning Fan starts to intensify grievedly. 但随着血雨吸收得越来越多,越来越多的雨意化针刺心,宁凡心痛开始加剧。 That pain starts to spread. gradually affects all the limbs and bones, finally Nascent Divinity was even pestered by the severe pain! 那痛楚开始蔓延。渐渐波及四肢百骸,最终连元神都被剧痛纠缠! This degree of pain, being insufficient makes Ning Fan stuffy snort/hum make noise. 这种程度的痛楚,自不足以让宁凡闷哼出声。 But finished to this Lifeblood Rain thorough refining, on the Ning Fan face the somewhat pale meaning, is twists the pain of heart to be the result obviously. 但到本命血雨彻底炼化完毕,宁凡脸上已有几分苍白之意,显然是绞心之痛所致。 Had an accident?” Luo You notices the pale meaning on Ning Fan face. The concern asked. “出什么事了?”洛幽注意到宁凡脸上的苍白之意。关切问道。 It‘s nothing...” It‘s nothing, is only pain of nothing more sudden twisting heart. “没什么...”没什么,只是突如其来的绞心之痛而已 Why will suddenly present this to twist the pain of heart... 只是为何会突然出现这绞心之痛呢... The Ning Fan forehead tight wrinkle, is concealing a dignity such as the God Clan pressure of King. 宁凡眉宇紧皱,隐含着一股威严如王者的神族威压。 That pressure is very sincere, just like the Royal Clan god above Four Heavens to arrive! 那威压十分厚重,犹如四天之上的王族神祗降临! Strange, is very strange, this pain appears bewildered... 古怪,十分古怪,这痛楚出现的莫名其妙... Ning Fan refining Fu Li Ancestral Blood and Mo Luo Ancestral Blood, never had once left has thought the Rain Intent needle and Concept twist strange matter of heart... 宁凡炼化扶离祖血魔罗祖血,从未出想过雨意化针、意境绞心的怪事... In him regards within the body, suddenly startled! 他内视体内,忽然一惊 Under the twisting thorn of needle of innumerable Rain Intent, its within the body flesh and blood everywhere is the wound. 在无数雨意之针的绞刺之下,其体内血肉处处都是伤口。 These wounds are not enough to make Ning Fan surprised, making him feel surprised, is change that his heart has! 这些伤口不足以令宁凡惊讶,让他感到惊讶的,是他心脏出现的变化! At this moment, Ning Fan heart again non- blood-color, but changed to sky blue! 此刻,宁凡的心脏再非血色,而是化作了天青色 That sky blue, is the Rain Intent color! 天青色,是雨意的颜色! But above the heart, the wounds of some innumerable drippings with blood, before all are, Rain Intent punctures! 而心脏之上,有无数鲜血淋漓的伤口,皆是之前雨意刺下! As Ning Fan take therapy Medicine Pill, and summons Life Source Black Star therapy, his whole body injury recovers rapidly, the complexion gradually restores. 随着宁凡服下疗伤丹药,并召出本命黑星疗伤,他周身伤势飞速痊愈,脸色逐渐恢复。 However above the heart, the tiny holes are unable to heal! 然而心脏之上,始终有一个细小的孔窍无法愈合! The hole is unable to heal, a hole that only then an explanation... this comes out, is not injury! 孔窍无法愈合,只有一个解释...这多出来的一个孔窍,不是伤势 In that hole, accumulated continuous Rain Intent! 那孔窍之内,蕴着绵绵不绝的雨意 Although that hole is small, but after opening, made a Ning Fan Magic Force speed of flow speed up 5% (incomplete) not just! 那孔窍虽小,但开辟之后,却令宁凡一身法力流速加快了半成不止 Ning Fan also pondered without enough time, suddenly pain of not the unimaginable tearing transmits from the heart! 宁凡还来不及细想,忽然一股无法想象的撕扯之痛从心脏之上传来! Actually sees in the hole on his heart, Concept of rain changes to fierce vortex suddenly. 却见其心脏上的孔窍之内,雨之意境忽然化作剧烈的漩涡 Revolves along with Rain Intent, a hole hole faint trace expansion above heart... 伴随着雨意旋转,心脏之上的窍孔正一丝丝扩大... Ss! 嘶! By Will of Ning Fan, by the pain of that tearing was made unavoidably inspires coldly. 宁凡意志,都不免被那撕裂之痛弄得冷吸了一口气。 After the severe pain, within the body sky blue Rain Intent suddenly riot! 剧痛之后,体内天青色雨意忽然暴乱! At this moment, Ning Fan appears at present layer on layer/heavily Illusion! 这一刻,宁凡眼前浮现出重重幻象 His both eyes shuts, all mind were pulled into Rain Intent vortex. 双目闭起,所有的心神都被扯入雨意漩涡之中。 In mind World, a Ning Fan white clothing, sets up the body in a wine covers the sky bamboo city. 心神世界内,宁凡一袭白衣,立身于一座酒香遮天的竹城之内。 In bamboo city, thin rain soaked clothes. 竹城之内,细雨湿衣。 He stands beside a wineshop, in the wineshop sits many alcoholics. 他站在一间酒肆之外,酒肆之中坐着不少酒客。 In that many alcoholics, youth in black clothes is also drinking wine alone. 那诸多酒客之中,有一名黑衣青年亦在独自饮酒。 Present so familiar, Ning Fan realizes immediately, here all views. He had once seen in the Controlling Heaven City 1st Test illusion! 眼前的一幕如此熟悉,宁凡立刻意识到,这里的所有景致。他都曾在司天城第一关的幻境之中见过! This is the illusion that he and Rain Ancestor fellow guest has a drink together! 这是他与雨祖同席对饮的幻境! youth in black clothes indeed Rain Ancestor that then from drinking thinks! 那自饮自酌的黑衣青年正是雨祖 youth in black clothes detected that Ning Fan appears, is first startled, then gaze towards Ning Fan sizes up, immediately, its gaze becomes strange. 黑衣青年察觉到宁凡出现,先是一怔,而后目光朝宁凡打量过来,立刻,其目光变得古怪之极。 You came early...” “你来早了...” Came early. How Rain Intent did not have First Grade to come... youth in black clothes gaze to look at Ning Fan strangely. 来早了。雨意还没一品怎么就来了...黑衣青年目光古怪地望着宁凡 „Did I come early? What do you mean.” Ning Fan is startled. “我来早了?什么意思。”宁凡一怔。 He will appear in this illusion again, all because refining this Lifeblood Rain had/left the accident, the heart baseless are many a hole hole... 他之所以会再次出现在这幻境之中,皆因炼化命血雨出了变故,心头凭空多出一个窍孔... can it be said, all of these is the Rain Ancestor arrangement? 难道说,这一切都是雨祖安排的? I mean, you really came early. After you must wait for Rain Intent First Grade, comes! Depending on your Third Grade Rain Intent, opens God Orifice complete assurance not high ah... you should not think. I bestow your to drop Blood Rain, but lets your concise king Blood God blood?” “我的意思是,你真的来早了。你应当等雨意一品之后再来!凭你三品雨意,开辟‘神窍’的成算可不高啊...你该不会以为。我赐你那滴血雨,只是让你凝练王血神血的吧?” „... I grant you that drop Lifeblood Rain, but implied profound principles, consuming me counted million years to be concise a drop..., if you had First Grade Rain Intent, refining this Blood Rain, had 50% opportunity opens up at least 1st God Orifice!” “...我赐予你那滴本命血雨,可是暗含玄机的,耗了我数百万年才凝练出一滴...若你身怀一品雨意,炼化血雨,起码有50%机会开辟出第一神窍’!” Ancient God Clan has the cloud. Heart of Three Orifice, may melt Heart Root. The heart of seven orifices, may set up Heart Realm.’ If can open 1st God Orifice, you cultivate/repair law speed minimum promoting twice as much, refining Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures, promoting Magic Force medicine effect also promoting twice as much...” 古神一族有云。‘三窍之心,可化心源。七窍之心,可立心界。’若能开辟第一神窍,你修法速度起码提升一倍,炼化天材地宝,提升法力药效也将提升一倍...” ‚, if opens God Orifice, is Ancient God. I deliver you, but becoming Ancient God excellent opportunity. You do not treasure unexpectedly well... by your Third Grade Rain Intent, wants to open 1st God Orifice, success rate certainly not over 20%...” “‘若开神窍,则为古神’。我送你的可是成为古神的大好机会。你竟不好好珍惜...以你三品雨意,想要开辟第一神窍,成功率绝不超过20%...” The youth in black clothes words, making Ning Fan reveal the color of forced smile. 黑衣青年的话,让宁凡露出苦笑之色。 He has really not known, in Rain Ancestor the drop of Blood Rain contained such many profound principles... 他还真不知道,雨祖的这一滴血雨之中包含了如此之多的玄机... He wants to be opportunistic refining this Lifeblood Rain with the aid of You Huang Bamboo Intent, now looks like, this seems like a rotten Weiqi... 他本来想借助幽篁竹意取巧炼化命血雨,如今看来,这似乎是一着臭棋... The Lifeblood Rain that Rain Ancestor grants, although is unable to help him concentrate Ancestral Blood, can actually help him open God Orifice and becoming Ancient God... 雨祖赐予的本命血雨,虽然无法助他凝出祖血,却可以助他开辟神窍成为古神... Although he still does not know that what God Orifice is, has actually understood. Because of his temporary mistake, the becoming Ancient God probability from 50% dropped 20%... 他虽尚不知神窍为何物,却已明白。因为他的一时失误,成为古神的几率从50%跌落20%了... Said that does not love dearly is false, but the Ning Fan without/has not time considers these, he wants to discover the recovery the method. 说不心疼是假的,只是宁凡没有时间考虑这些,他只是想找出补救的方法。 The life of person, is impossible to be problem-free forever. 人之一生,不可能永远一帆风顺。 With its regret once failure. Might as well pursue to come day success. 与其追悔曾经的失败。不如追求来日的成功。 Younger generation does not know, drop of Blood Rain that Senior grants has such wondrous use unexpectedly. Whether Senior informs the younger generation to open God Orifice and cultivation Ancient God method! Even if only then 20% opportunity, the younger generation is also willing to stake everything on a single throw of the dice, spares no effort opens up 1st God Orifice!” “晚辈着实不知,前辈赐予的一滴血雨竟有如此妙用。前辈可否告知晚辈开辟神窍修炼古神的方法!纵然只有20%机会,晚辈也愿孤注一掷,不遗余力开辟出第一神窍!” Ning Fan gaze tranquil like water, does not have mighty waves again. 宁凡目光平静如水,再无一丝波澜。 becoming Ancient God opportunity, was the bestowed by heaven chance. However the matter of chance, was not exactable. 成为古神机会,本是天赐机缘。然而机缘之事,本就不可强求。 20% complete assurance are 50% complete assurance, has the enormous failure probability. 无论是20%成算还是50%成算,都有着极大的失败几率。 becoming Ancient God is not the absolutely safe matter, my good fortune, losing I assign/life. If cannot withstand the failure, the without/has not qualifications are then successful. 成为古神本就不是万无一失之事,得之我幸,失之我命。若承受不住失败,便没有资格成功。 The matter that Ning Fan wants to do, holds this chance merely strongly. 宁凡想做的事,仅仅是竭力抓住这次机缘。 But is unable to hold the chance if, he must give up this becoming Ancient God opportunity, coming to day to seek the body of method achievement Ancient God again. 但若实在无法抓住机缘,他也只得放弃这次成为古神机会,来日再寻方法成就古神之身。 youth in black clothes stands up slowly, faint smile looks at Ning Fan, for a long time later said approvingly, 黑衣青年徐徐站起,似笑非笑地看着宁凡,许久之后才赞许道, Good.” “不错。” He commended that is the Ning Fan calm disposition. 他称赞的,是宁凡沉稳的心性。 Regardless of today's Ning Fan whether may cultivate successfully Ancient God, but by this disinterested mental state, enough obtains his applause. 不论今日宁凡是否可修成古神,但论这份宠辱不惊的心境,就已足够得到他的赞许。 Rain World can have this younger generation, really respects the young. 雨界能出这种后辈,真是后生可畏。 If can with Ning Fan syngenesis first, two people or permitted that the becoming powerful enemy also cannot know. 若能与宁凡同生一世,二人或许可成为劲敌也未可知。 The youth in black clothes big hand grasps, everywhere drizzle was started by its move, changes to sky blue jade slip, throws to Ning Fan. 黑衣青年大手一抓,漫天细雨被其招入手中,化作一枚天青色玉简,抛给宁凡 In this jade slip, there is to open the Ancient God 1st God Orifice line of cultivation method secret arts. Ancient God Clan, by heart prove Dao, by law about the day, the heart is the sources of ten thousand law, if loses hope, then the law extinguishes. God Orifice opens in the heart, law in heaven, a hole may for Ancient God, Three Orifice Ancient God be possible to congeal Heart Root, Seven Orifice Ancient God may transcend the mortal world... in the age that I survive, has not seen any Seven Orifice Ancient God, but I am only six Orifice Ancient God...” “这玉简之内,有开辟古神第一神窍的行功法诀。古神一族,以心证道,以法合天,心为万法之源,若心死,则法灭。神窍于心,法于天,一窍可为古神,三窍古神可凝心源,七窍古神可超凡入圣...在我存活的年代,并未见过任何一名七窍古神,而我只是一名六窍古神...” Mentioned in this, youth in black clothes revealed several points of recalling color , said that 言及于此,黑衣青年露出几分追忆之色,又道, I have a method, may make you open God Orifice complete assurance promoting to 100%, you may dare to try!” “我有一个方法,可令你开辟神窍成算提升十成,你可敢一试!” He did not ask that Ning Fan is willing not to attempt, only asked dares. 他不问宁凡愿不愿尝试,只问敢不敢。 Because wants promoting to straighten out the success rate person to be many, but dares the person who uses and can use this method to be few... 因为愿意提升开窍成功率的人很多,但敢于使用、能够使用这个方法的人却很少... Ning Fan can use this method, actually not necessarily dares to use. 宁凡能够使用这个方法,却不一定敢使用。 Rain Ancestor is not the generation of natural talent Nitian (heaven defying), should say, his natural talent and his appearance are equally ordinary, such as drizzle sleek/moist silent, does not regard as important. 雨祖并非资质逆天之辈,应该说,他的资质和他的容貌一样普通,如细雨般润物无声,不为人看重。 But he still depended on cavity obsession, cultivates Emperor become Immortal, wields Rain World, vertical is an ancestor! 但他仍凭一腔执念,修成仙帝,执掌雨界,立地为祖! He once the accident of sorts fused the God, Monster, and Demon three clan strengths, that chance mentioned dexterous, included Blood Rain goes on an expedition actually unknown. 他曾机缘巧合融合神、妖、魔三族力量,那机缘说来轻巧,含有的血雨征战却不为人知。 His step by step line to Peak, is not natural talent that depends upon, withstood more pain compared with the same generation heaven's chosen merely! 一步步行至巅峰,所依靠的不是资质,仅仅是比同辈天骄承受了更多苦痛! His natural talent, this is not enough to open God Orifice to succeed, is unable becoming Ancient God, once to be detested and rejected by clansman. 他的资质,本不足以开辟神窍成功,无法成为古神,一度被族人所厌弃。 But he thought of a ruthless method certainly actually, promoting the probability of opening God Orifice! 但他硬是想到一个狠绝的方法,提升了开辟神窍的几率! This side law name is Cutting Heart Method, must by the monster and demon strength of the illusion of heart, lock the strength of god. 这个方法名为‘斩心之法’,需以妖、魔之力化出心之幻境,锁神之力。 Cuts heart Thousand Years all ages in the illusion, until cutting Heart Orifice, the illusion will end. 于幻境之中自斩心脏千秋万世,直到斩出心窍,幻境才会终结。 Either cuts Heart Orifice, either is the pain dies in the illusion. 要么是斩出心窍,要么是痛死于幻境之中。 You, but dares to try!” “你,可敢一试!” The youth in black clothes big hand grasps, concentrates 2nd jade slip, throws to Ning Fan. 黑衣青年大手一抓,凝出第二玉简,抛给宁凡 In this jade slip, the record has complete Cutting Heart Method, and recorded another 1st Stage information. 这个玉简之中,记录有完整的斩心之法,并记录了另一段信息。 When Rain Ancestor is young, cuts its heart 100,000 years in the illusion, cuts 1st God Orifice! 雨祖年轻之时,于幻境中自斩其心十万年,才斩出第一神窍 Rain Ancestor endured 100,000 years the pain of cutting heart, opens up 1st God Orifice, this pain, the non- average man can endure! 雨祖则忍受了十万年的斩心之痛,才开辟出第一神窍,这份痛苦,非常人可以忍受! Ning Fan Divine Sense has swept two jade slip carefully, after a thinking, the nod said. 宁凡神念细细扫过两枚玉简,一番思索之后,点头道。 This method, can try.” “这个方法,可以一试。” Luo You once the technique of cultivation Heart Orifice, endured 7000 years the pain of gouging heart. That is not true Ancient God opens the technique of God Orifice. 洛幽修炼心窍之术,忍受了七千年的剜心之痛。那并非真正的古神神窍之术。 Little You'er has borne the pain, he can withstand today... 小幽儿承受过的痛苦,他今日便可承受... PS: Today temporarily has the condition, renewed was sorry lately, yesterday two will not be less, 2nd still in making up PS:今天临时出了状况,更新迟了抱歉,昨天两更不会少,第二更还在补更中
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