GE :: Volume #6

#582: My heart such as the bamboo hopes Monarch to turn over, my body melts sea not to know

Dusk, the night breeze strokes bamboo forest, the bamboo leaves rustle has made noise. day drops in the mountains, only reveals the 1st Stage setting sun. 黄昏,晚风拂过竹林,竹叶沙沙作响。日跌落于山川之间,仅露出一段残照。 Qing Dai in the front leads the way, the Ning Fan step follows slowly. 青黛在前方引路,宁凡步伐缓慢地跟随。 His without/has not inquired any about the Qing Dai Master's issue, but felt light missing and sadness that in bamboo forest is filling. 没有询问任何关于青黛师父的问题,只是感受着竹林中弥漫的淡淡思念、哀伤。 Initially when enters Si Luo Sea of Bamboo, mottled bamboo that he has not paid attention this place. 初入思罗竹海之时,他并未留心此地的湘妃竹。 This moment step by step marches into the bamboo sea deep place, he feels, in this place each mottled bamboo, is full of a wisp of mournful thought... 此刻一步步步入竹海深处,他才感受到,此地每一株湘妃竹之内,都饱含着一缕哀思... Qing Dai the half step goes forward from time to time, from time to time changes to the escaping light to escape a lot of li (0.5 km). 青黛时而小步前进,时而化作遁光一遁千百里。 Ning Fan closely follows in her behind, the gradually place, has gone out of beside Si Luo City million li. 宁凡在她身后紧紧跟随,渐渐地,已走出思罗城百万里之外。 The mottled bamboos of this place, obviously want to be sturdier than other places, and occasionally in 12 mottled bamboos, accumulated has Divine Intent of extremely pale bamboo... 此地的一株株湘妃竹,显然比其他地方要粗壮许多,且偶尔有一两株湘妃竹中,蕴有极淡的竹之神意... More marches into the deep place, the Divine Intent of implication bamboo mottled bamboo are then more. 越步入深处,蕴含竹之神意的湘妃竹便越多。 This is a rare person to bamboo forest, the ground piles up with the thick bamboo leaves. 这是一处罕有人至的竹林,地上堆满厚厚的竹叶。 In this bamboo forest most deep place, is setting up an incomparably giant mottled bamboo! 在这竹林最深处,立着一根无比巨大的湘妃竹! Nearby this Giant Bamboo, Qing Dai receives the footsteps, but Ning Fan gaze turned cold. 在这巨竹跟前,青黛收住脚步,而宁凡目光一凛 He from this Giant Bamboo, feels a serious constriction! 他从这一根巨竹之中,感到一股沉重的压迫感! In this Giant Bamboo, implication Divine Intent of bamboo vast to being inconceivable, absolutely is First Grade Bamboo Intent! 这一根巨竹之内,蕴含的竹之神意浩瀚到难以想象,绝对已是一品竹意 Under this vast Bamboo Intent, Ning Fan only thinks that the body almost must be assimilated, changes to a mottled bamboo. 在这股浩瀚的竹意下,宁凡只觉身体几乎要受到同化,化作一根湘妃竹。 In the eye flashes through black Golden snow light, activates has the Concept of Memories strength, resists the First Grade Bamboo Intent pressure. 眼中闪过乌金色的雪光,催动回忆意境的力量,才堪堪抵挡住一品竹意的威压。 Younger generation Lu Bei, has seen Senior.” “晚辈陆北,见过前辈。” Ning Fan holds the fist in the other hand to Giant Bamboo, he could see, Divine Intent of that bamboo is only the Giant Bamboo unconsciousness disperses, and harmless. 宁凡巨竹一抱拳,他看得出,那竹之神意只是巨竹无意识散出,并无恶意。 If this is not the case, comprehension by no means of Ning Fan to memories is profound, even if Concept of Memories Grade achieves 2nd step, is hard to resist Giant Bamboo First Grade Bamboo Intent. 若非如此,宁凡回忆的领悟并不高深,纵然回忆意境品阶达到第二步,也难以抵挡巨竹一品竹意 Since Qing Dai leads him to come to see this Giant Bamboo. Then this Giant Bamboo most likely is Qing Dai Master. 青黛既然带他来看这巨竹。则这巨竹十有八九便是青黛师父 Second Step Concept? Good... I am Qing Dai Master. Qing'er, you first go back, I have the words and Lu Bei lecture.” 第二步意境?不错呢...我就是青黛师父青儿,你先回去,我有话与陆北讲。” Yes.” Qing Dai does not dare to defy the Master's orders, to Giant Bamboo good saluting, asks to be excused to depart. “是。”青黛不敢违抗师父的命令,向巨竹行了行礼,告退离去。 Before departing, sound transmission said to Ning Fan on the quiet, Big Brother Lu, she is my Master. My Master person is very good, you do not need to fear, she will not feel embarrassed your... believes me.” 离去前,悄悄传音宁凡道,“陆大哥,她就是我师父。我师父人很好,你不必怕,她不会为难你的...相信我。” Qing Dai changes to together the escaping rainbow. towards Si Luo City returns. 青黛化作一道遁虹。朝思罗城返回。 After Qing Dai departs, Giant Bamboo floats off suddenly 1st stratum light azure light. 青黛离去之后,巨竹忽然浮起一层淡淡青光 In that azure light, figure slightly has illusory azure clothes beautiful woman, goes out from Giant Bamboo. 在那青光之中,一个身形略有虚幻的青衣美妇,自巨竹之中走出。 Her appearance approximately 30, looks ripe beautiful, the feature is chilly, implication dignity. 她貌约三十,姿容熟美,眉目清冷,暗含威严。 As soon as she raids the azure silk skirt, the black hair high high price rate gets up, on the hair bun inserts the one branch azure footsteps to swing. 她一袭青色绸裙,青丝高高盘起,髻上插着一支青玉步摇。 Her imposing manner is threatening. within the body even has Sovereign Qi to flow faintly, Bamboo Intent is extremely strong. 她气势逼人。体内甚至隐隐有皇气流动,竹意更是极强。 But her without/has not Magic Force in the body, the entire body is wisp of illusory Remnant Soul. It seems can momentarily Soul Destruction... 但她没有一丝法力在身,整个身体不过是一缕虚幻的残魂。好似随时就会魂飞魄散... I called, You Huang... I made Qing'er ask you to come. To inquire the Mu Luo whereabouts to you.” “我叫,幽篁...我令青儿找你过来。是想向你询问木罗的下落。” You Huang!” 幽篁!” Ning Fan gaze obviously changed countenance, obviously, he has listened to this name very much, has heard from Ming Luo Tree fine there. 宁凡目光明显动容了一下,很显然,他听过这个名字,从冥罗树精那里听到过。 The Ming Luo Tree essence once wants to hand over to hold Ning Fan to seek for You Huang. But words saying half, without/has not said as follows eventually, was only the deep sigh... 冥罗树精曾想交托宁凡找寻幽篁。但话说一半,终究没有说出下文,只是长叹... As for Mu Luo. Then is the Ming Luo Tree fine name, this Ming Luo Tree essence also told Ning Fan. 至于木罗。则是冥罗树精的名字,这点冥罗树精也告诉了宁凡 Although Ning Fan does not know that You Huang and Mu Luo relationship, guessed faintly, to Mu Luo, You Huang is very important person. 宁凡虽不知幽篁木罗关系,却隐隐猜测,对木罗而言,幽篁是十分重要的人。 Perhaps, this female is the Mu Luo life love also cannot know... 或许,此女是木罗一生挚爱也未可知... He raised me... he to be good with you, is really living...” You Huang facial expression indifferent like water, all her expressions by years air-drying. “他跟你提起过我么...他还好么,真的还活着么...”幽篁神情淡然如水,她所有的表情都被岁月风干。 However under that light words, actually does not hold by missing that Life and Death obliterates! 然而那平淡的话语之下,却含着不被生死所磨灭的思念! Missing to Mu Luo! 木罗的思念! Ning Fan had determined faintly, this You Huang and Mu Luo surely is a pair of family companion without doubt. 宁凡隐隐已确定,这幽篁木罗必定是一对眷侣无疑。 He once heard, Si Luo Sea of Bamboo after Mu Luo is missing appears. 他曾听说,思罗竹海是在木罗失踪之后出现。 He is conceivable, You Huang decides after Mu Luo is missing, day duplicate/restores 1 day in this place waiting, when continuously died. 他可以想象,幽篁定是在木罗失踪之后,日复一日于此地等待,一直等到自己死去。 Mu Luo changed to the old tree, that is its self-created the technique of Tree Transformation, is Nitian (heaven defying) Eternal Life Undying/not dead Divine Ability. 木罗化作了老树,那是其自创树化之术,是逆天长生不死神通 You Huang changed to the bamboo sea, these bamboo sea lived because of its Bamboo Intent, integrated all her missing..., but this Divine Ability, was not Tree Transformation. 幽篁化作了竹海,这些竹海是因其竹意而生,融入了她所有思念...但这神通,并非树化 You Huang does not understand Nitian (heaven defying) Tree Transformation Divine Ability, her already died goes, dies during the long waiting... 幽篁不懂逆天树化神通,她早已死去,死在漫长的等待之中... Present Remnant Soul, is she is attached to the mottled bamboo the last wisp of soul, without/has not Magic Force, without/has not Divine Ability, some merely are missing of day duplicate/restores 1 day. 眼前的残魂,是她附在湘妃竹中最后一缕香魂,没有法力,没有神通,有的仅仅是日复一日的思念。 Mu Luo is old, You Huang already dead... 木罗已老,幽篁已死... But You Huang the wisp of Remnant Soul, because is detained in the world rigid, has lost reenters the Samsara possibility. 幽篁的这缕残魂,因为执着滞留于人世,早已失去再入轮回的可能。 She cannot leave this piece of bamboo sea, once departs, this last wisp of Remnant Soul then meets Soul Destruction... 她不能离开这片竹海,一旦离去,这最后一缕残魂便会魂飞魄散... Senior Mu Luo he... very good... is only he cannot leave Rain World, he is stranded in Rain World, but I am Rain World cultivator.” 木罗前辈他...很好...只是他不能离开雨界,他困于雨界,而我是雨界修士。” Ning Fan sighed slightly, with the Mu Luo acquaintance passing told carefully. 宁凡微微叹息,将与木罗相识的过往细细讲述。 You Huang calmly is listening, the pupil light is tranquil like the water throughout, as if without/has not was disrupted the state of mind by anything. 幽篁静静听着,眸光始终平静如水,似乎没有被任何事情打乱心绪。 She hides in the hand that in the sleeve shivers, actually betrayed her real innermost feelings. 只是她藏在袖中颤抖的手,却出卖了她的真实内心。 She very excited..., when hears Mu Luo from the Ning Fan mouth the news of the world, she is unable is not excited. 她很激动...当从宁凡口中听到木罗尚在人世的消息,她无法不激动。 Heard that the Mu Luo life is unable to leave Deep Grave, Clone at most can move... the You Huang pupil color to float the sad color in Yue Country all around finally. 只是听说木罗此生无法离开冥坟,分身最多也只能在越国周遭移动...幽篁的眸色终于还是浮上了哀伤之色。 As if all faith and hopes, in this split second disintegration... 仿佛所有的信念与希望,都在这一瞬间崩碎... He, did not come back...” “他,回不来了么...” I change to the tall bamboo in this place, in wind and rain medium rank his two million years, only asked see again/goodbye one side him, did not have manifestation to see eventually...” “我在此地化作修竹,于风雨中等了他二百万年,只求再见他一面,却终究无法相见了么...” My wisp of Remnant Soul, the life is unable to leave the bamboo sea... his old body, the life is unable to leave Deep Grave indefinite... see again/goodbye...” “我一缕残魂,此生无法离开竹海...他苍老之身,此生无法离开冥坟...再见无期...” „In world happiest matter, is life one generation one two person. In world cruelest matter, is... the lovesickness to face one another is not on intimate terms...” “世间最美好的事,莫过于一生一代一双人。世间最残忍的事,莫过于...相思相望不相亲...” You Huang closes one's eyes painfully, she thinks see again/goodbye Mu Luo, why so difficult. 幽篁痛苦地闭上眼,她只是想再见木罗一眼,为何如此艰难。 The entire Si Luo Sea of Bamboo green bamboo, starts to wither on the wane, in the twilight. 整个思罗竹海的翠竹,在暮色中开始枯萎、凋零。 You Huang Remnant Soul is even more unreal, because of sorrowful, but is even more thin and pale. 幽篁残魂愈加虚幻,因为悲哀,而愈加憔悴。 Hollow bamboo. Has the soul to occupy, the soul takes root,... Remnant Soul can ignore Samsara in the bamboo heart, resides temporarily within the bamboo, only has the focus because of the heart. 空心竹。有魂居,魂生根,在竹心...残魂之所以能漠视轮回,寄身竹内,只因心有执着。 If the heart is sad, then the bamboo extinguishes, then the soul dies... 若心悲,则竹灭,则魂死... Le don't is happy the new dear friend, sad don't is sad lives to leave depart... 乐莫乐兮新相知,悲莫悲兮生别离... My heart such as the bamboo hopes Monarch to turn over, my body melts sea not to know... 我心如竹盼君归,我身化海君不知... On that day, my closed eyes in the Bamboo Palace fragrant fog. Suddenly hears you to praise after true words ; 那一天,我闭目竹殿的香雾中。蓦然听见你颂经中的真言 That one month, I shake all after tube, to not surpass, only to touch your fingertip ; 一月,我摇动所有的经筒,不为超度,只为触摸你的指尖 That year, I changed to the Inextinguishable/not exterminates bamboo sea, to not have an audience with, only for warm ; that to wait for you turned over to late 那一年,我化作生生不灭的竹海,不为觐见,只为等候你迟归的温暖 That, I endure two million years loneliness, abandoned next life. Only sees ; for this life with you again 那一世,我忍受两百万年孤寞,弃了来世。只为今生与你重见 We, this life this life cannot see again/goodbye... 只是我们,今生今世也不会再见... But you owe me to be happy, makes up with anything... 可你欠我幸福,拿什么来弥补... You, but also owes me pot liquor. A promise... 你,还欠我一壶酒。一个许诺... gradually, You Huang subsided the mournful thought that changes to the chilly expression. 渐渐的,幽篁平息了哀思,重新化作清冷的表情。 She opens the mouth slowly, said. Fellow Daoist whether to accept a this one request, do not tell Mu Luo, my Remnant Soul world...” 她徐徐开口,却说道。“道友可否答应妾身一个要求,不要告诉木罗,我残魂尚在人世...” Ning Fan hears the request of You Huang. Is first startled, then resembled to understand anything, sighed gently. 宁凡听闻幽篁的请求。先是一怔,而后似明白了什么,轻轻叹息。 If Mu Luo can the fetter of break free Deep Grave, if Mu Luo can melt the tree manner, he then can return to Tree World, with the You Huang reunion, but this too difficult... 木罗可以挣脱冥坟的束缚,若木罗可以重新化树为人,他便可以返回树界,与幽篁重逢,但这太难... If You Huang is not the body of Remnant Soul, if You Huang without/has not sends soul in Zhu, she also possibly leaves Tree World, goes to Rain World, see again/goodbye Mu Luo. 幽篁不是残魂之身,若幽篁没有寄魂于竹,她也可能离开树界,前往雨界,再见木罗一眼。 Normally, their life will not have a reunion. 正常情况下,他们此生不会重逢。 But Ning Fan remembers, Mu Luo had once told him, if Mu Luo, can combustion Monster Soul, leave Deep Grave at risk of life in a short time... 宁凡记得,木罗曾告诉过他,若木罗拼死之下,可以燃烧妖魂,在短时间内离开冥坟... If Mu Luo knows You Huang in such him, he will certainly spell actually died, hurries back to Tree World to meet with her. 木罗知晓幽篁在此等他,他一定会拼却死亡,赶回树界与她相见。 All You Huang requested Ning Fan, do not tell Mu Luo her Remnant Soul living news. 所有幽篁请求宁凡,不要告诉木罗残魂活着的消息。 She worried that Mu Luo will make the foolish matter... 她担心木罗会做傻事... But if trades to do is she discards under the life, can meet one time with Mu Luo, she will certainly be duty-bound not to turn back. 但若换做是她舍弃性命之下,能与木罗相见一次,她一定会义无反顾。 No, I must tell Senior Mu Luo, the female who he loves is also living. Although only then together Remnant Soul, but may still accompany together in this life.” Ning Fan said suddenly. “不,我要告诉木罗前辈,他挚爱的女子还活着。虽然只有一道残魂,但仍可在今生厮守。”宁凡忽然言道。 what! you cannot say, if you said, Mu Luo he meets...” You Huang in great surprise, is wanting to entreat, Ning Fan actually beckons with the hand to say. 什么!你不能这么说,若你这么说,木罗他一定会...”幽篁大惊,正欲哀求,宁凡却摆手道。 You Huang Senior does not need to be worried, in fact, I have the means to make you and Senior Ming Luo meet, very safe means that will not have anybody dead.” 幽篁前辈无需担心,实际上,我有办法令你与冥罗前辈相见,十分安全的办法,不会有任何人死去。” Is impossible, I am unable to leave the bamboo sea, Mu Luo am unable to leave Deep Grave, we did not have the day of meeting again...” “不可能,我无法离开竹海,木罗无法离开冥坟,我们再无相见之日...” No, has the means. This means that the average person cannot think that perhaps... wants to obtain, actually cannot accomplish.” “不,有办法的。只是这个办法,一般人想不到...或许想得到,却办不到。” Ning Fan shows a faint smile, takes bleeding umbrella Magical Treasure, said, here has Lesser Universe Treasure, if Senior is willing to leave Tree World, I can all move out the 4 million li Ming Luo bamboo sea, load in this World Treasure, brings back to Rain World!” 宁凡微微一笑,取出血法宝,言道,“我这里有一件小千界宝,若前辈舍得离开树界,我可以将四百万里冥罗竹海全部搬走,装入此界宝中,带回雨界!” Indeed, who the average person thinks that this being opportunistic law, the root poaches the bamboo sea that You Huang changes, even the land also one and takes away. 诚然,一般人谁会想到这种取巧之法,将幽篁化作的竹海连根挖走,连土地也一并收走。 Even if some people think that this method, is unable occupying a land area of the 4 million li bamboo sea entire moves away. 且就算有人想到这种方法,也无法将占地四百万里的竹海整个移走。 Ordinary Tree World cultivator, basic to Rain World. 普通的树界修士,根本到不了雨界 Ordinary heavenly dwelling Magical Treasure, cannot install the 4 million li bamboo sea. 普通的洞天法宝,根本装不下四百万里的竹海。 Can install entire Si Luo Sea of Bamboo, only has Lesser Universe Treasure. But takes a broad view at Nine Worlds Void Fragmentation, and few people have Lesser Universe Treasure. 能装下整个思罗竹海的,唯有小千界宝。但放眼九界碎虚,也并无几人拥有小千界宝 Lesser Universe Treasure accumulated has Lesser Universe, Nine Worlds contact surface Rank is also Lesser Universe nothing more, generally speaking, only then Four Heavens great expert/power will have Lesser Universe Treasure. 小千界宝蕴有小千世界,九界的界面级别也不过是小千世界而已,一般而言,只有四天大能才会拥有小千界宝 Lower Realm cultivator, can have a small thousand remnant treasure to be rare. 下界修士,能有一件小千残宝都已难得。 You Huang covers the red lip, cannot believe looks at Ning Fan blood umbrella Magical Treasure. 幽篁捂住红唇,不可置信地看着宁凡的血伞法宝 She determined, Ning Fan blood umbrella Magical Treasure indeed rare Lesser Universe Treasure, accumulated has Lesser Universe! 她确定,宁凡的血伞法宝正是一件不可多得的小千界宝,其中蕴有一处小千世界 Method that Ning Fan said that feasible! 宁凡所说的方法,可行! But wants to take away the 4 million li land completely, needed Magic Force cultivation base is surely enormous. 但想将四百万里的土地全部收走,需要的法力修为必定极大。 Even Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer cultivator, is away from still only has million li nothing more. 即便是碎虚一重天修士,施法距离也仅有百万里而已 By Ning Fan cultivation base, even strength fully opened, at most can one time take away the 700,000 li bamboo sea. 宁凡修为,即便实力全开,最多也只能一次收走七十万里的竹海。 If cannot the one time nature take away the 4 million li bamboo sea, then You Huang Remnant Soul will dissipate inevitably... 若不能一次性收走四百万里的竹海,则幽篁残魂势必会消散... To make be away from achieves 4 million li, at least must have Void Fragmentation 5th Heavenly Layer cultivation base... 想要令施法距离达到四百万里,起码得拥有碎虚五重天修为... The Ning Fan method is truly feasible, but, cannot receive entire Si Luo Sea of Bamboo now, is unable to lead her to see Mu Luo. 宁凡的方法确实可行,但如今的,收不走整个思罗竹海,无法带她去见木罗 This method is very good, but your cultivation base, insufficiently moving away entire Si Luo Sea of Bamboo... I can wait, when you have toward 1 day breaks through Void Fragmentation 5th Heavenly Layer, again leads me to go to Rain World to see Mu Luo...” You Huang said with a sigh gently. “这方法很好,但你的修为,不够移走整个思罗竹海...不过我可以等,等你有朝一日突破碎虚五重天之时,再带我去雨界见一见木罗吧...”幽篁轻轻叹息道。 By my cultivation base, truly is not enough the one time nature to take away entire Si Luo Sea of Bamboo. But if arrange Grand Formation, taking advantage of Formation Power, this issue then can be easily solved. You Huang Senior completely relax, this matter I have the full assurance to achieve.” “以我的修为,确实不足以一次性收走整个思罗竹海。但若是布下大阵,借阵力施法,这个问题便可以迎刃而解。幽篁前辈尽可放心,此事我有十足的把握做到。” „The only difficult problem is, this formation covers the 4 million li region, the range is too broad, is not suitable arranges. And the pattern request is strict, does not accommodate the least bit mistake. Therefore if thinks that perfect arrange Grand Formation, covers entire Si Luo Sea of Bamboo, the needed time is not short.” “唯一的难题是,此阵覆盖四百万里的地域,范围太广,不宜布置。且阵式要求严格,不容半点差错。故而若想完美布下大阵,覆盖整个思罗竹海,需要的时间不短。” When this formation completes, I will take away entire Si Luo Sea of Bamboo with this umbrella, bring back to Rain World, making your two people have a reunion. Also so, calculates that returns Senior Mu Luo to protect the benevolence of hometown for me slightly.” “待此阵完成,我会以此伞将整个思罗竹海收走,带回雨界,令你二人重逢。如此,也算稍稍回报一下木罗前辈替我守护家乡的恩情。” Ning Fan receives the blood umbrella, smiles looks at You Huang pale. 宁凡收起血伞,淡笑看着幽篁 You Huang was Bamboo Palace Previous Generation Bamboo Sovereign, the disposition was once calm, but heard the plan that Ning Fan said with certainty, unavoidably somewhat was also delighted. 幽篁曾是竹殿前代竹皇,心性沉稳,但听到宁凡言之凿凿的计划,不免也有些欢喜了。 At first she hears Mu Luo to be missing, but a foolish pain waits. 起初她听说木罗失踪,只是一番痴心的苦等。 After two million years, from the Ning Fan mouth knew that Mu Luo still at the world, she is very excited, thinks that the waiting welcomed the result. 百万年之后,从宁凡口中得知木罗尚在人世,她十分激动,以为等待迎来了结果。 But heard that sees without manifestation with the Mu Luo life, she starts sorrowfully. 但听说与木罗此生无法相见,她又开始悲哀。 At this moment sees Ning Fan to have the means to lead her to see Mu Luo, she naturally is very delighted. 此刻见宁凡有办法带她去见木罗,她自然是十分欢喜。 After liking, she remembers, oneself today calls Ning Fan to come, originally wants to grant him a chance. 欢喜之后,她才想起,自己今日叫宁凡前来,本来是想赐予他一个机缘的。 Mu Luo is Monster Cultivator, Ming Luo Clan is Tree Monster. 木罗妖修,冥罗一族树妖 You Huang is actually God Cultivator, is Tree God. 幽篁却是神修,是一名树神 She was almost in the Tree World history Bloodlines most powerful God Cultivator, once the accident of sorts bamboo ancestor bestowed the blood, condensed half drop to help god's blood, future Immeasurable... 她几乎是树界历史上血脉最强神修了,曾机缘巧合地竹祖赐血,凝聚出半滴助神之血,前途无量... But for Mu Luo, she throws actually some cultivation base and chances, leaves the life, throws actually Bloodlines, only changes to the bamboo sea, crazy and other Mu Luo returned painstakingly... 但为了木罗,她抛却一些修为、机缘,舍去性命,抛却血脉,只化作竹海,痴痴苦等木罗归来... She cannot transfer half a point Magic Force again. 她已不能再调动半分法力 But she once had Ancestral Blood of more than half God of the Earth after all, among the induction by Ancestral Blood, she feels drop of not yet refining Ancestral Blood from Ning Fan within the body... 但她毕竟曾拥有过半地神之祖血,凭借祖血间的感应,她从宁凡体内感受到一滴尚未炼化祖血... That is the Lifeblood Rain that Rain Ancestor grants! 那是雨祖赐予的本命血雨 If Ning Fan this Blood Rain refining, becoming own God Blood, You Huang is not then able the sensation. 宁凡将此血雨炼化,成为自己的神血,幽篁便无法感知到了。 refining this blood, she can the reluctant sensation 12. 偏偏宁凡尚未炼化此血,她才能勉强感知一二。 I call you to come today, looked in the Mu Luo face, wants to help your refining God Clan Ancestral Blood... you be willing to help me and Mu Luo now meets, even if to return this benevolence, I still help certainly your refining this blood!” “我今日叫你前来,本是看在木罗的面子,想助你炼化神族祖血...如今你愿意帮我与木罗相见,就算为了回报这份恩情,我也一定助你炼化此血!” You Huang gaze is serious and firm, Ning Fan is startled slightly. 幽篁目光郑重而坚定,宁凡则微微一怔。 Before coming this, Qing Dai once told him, its Master will grant him some chances. 来此之前,青黛曾告诉他,其师父会赐予他一些机缘。 Although Ning Fan has the preparation, has not actually expected the chance that You Huang bestows , helping refining Rain Ancestor Blood Rain unexpectedly! 宁凡虽已有心理准备,却未曾料到幽篁所赐的机缘,竟是帮助炼化雨祖血雨 If Ning Fan Rain Intent breaks through First Grade, he can depend on oneself skill refining this drop of Blood Rain. 宁凡雨意突破一品,他便可凭自己的本事炼化这滴血雨 Now his First Grade, but if has the You Huang help, naturally can also refining Blood Rain. 如今他雨意尚未一品,但若有幽篁帮助,自然也可以炼化血雨的。 Ning Fan is preparing aggressively matters concerned that breaks through Void Pierce, only when the Puppet restore then begins to break through Void Pierce. 宁凡正紧锣密鼓准备着突破冲虚的事宜,只待傀儡修复便着手突破冲虚 refining Blood Rain is not in its plan, if during the plan are many Blood Rain refining, does not know cultivation base to be able extra promoting many. 炼化血雨不在其计划之中,若计划之中多出血雨炼化,不知修为能额外提升多少。 Perhaps, this time not just can break through Void Pierce, even be likely to exceed Supreme Void... 或许,这一次不止可以突破冲虚,甚至有望一举突破太虚... If cultivation base exceeds Supreme Void, then another troublesome also no longer will be troublesome... 修为一举突破太虚,则另一桩麻烦也将不再是麻烦... After Ning Fan breaks through Supreme Void cultivation base, with the aid of Incarnation and Drawing Out Soul two techniques, Magic Force almost may be close to Void Fragmentation infinitely. 宁凡突破之后的太虚修为,借助化身抽魂二术,一身法力几乎可无限接近碎虚 Subdues Void Fragmentation Puppet by this Rank Magic Force, the Realm disparity will not be big, displays the age of Life Imprisonment technique consumption to reduce greatly... 以这种级别法力收服碎虚傀儡,境界差距不大,施展命囚术消耗的寿数将大减... If this Heavenly Tribulation does not present Heavenly Tribulation Puppet also on forget it/that's all. 若此次天劫不出现天劫傀儡也就罢了 If appears... 若出现... Does not know this time, whether I can exceed Supreme Void Realm!”( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! “不知这一次,我能否一举突破太虚境界!”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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