GE :: Volume #6

#581: Fierce Dragon Tree, Locking Wind Bead

Wei Feng Ancestor gives the thing for Bai Li Clan, does not know that the thing of delivering is war declaration. 魏峰老祖只是替百黎族来送东西,根本不知所送之物是一个战帖 Heard jade box the thing of installing unexpectedly is war declaration under Bai Li Clan, Wei Feng Ancestor also reveals surprised look, answered again and again, Fellow Daoist do not misunderstand, Old Man had some friendship with Bai Li Clan, will send jade box for them, actually by no means knew inside one sheet war declaration...” 一听说玉盒所装之物竟是百黎族下的战帖,魏峰老祖亦是露出惊讶之色,连连解释道,“道友不要误会,老夫只是与百黎族有些许交情,才会替他们送来玉盒,却并不其中装一张战帖...” He scolded the Bai Li Clan entire clan in the heart up and down, the heart said that Bai Li Clan this is not cheats. 他在心中将百黎族全族上下骂了个遍,心道百黎族这不是坑人吗。 In Tree World, war declaration only under gives each other irreconcilable until death enemy generally. war declaration, must be divided Life and Death! 树界,战帖一般只下给彼此不死不休的敌人。战帖一下,必分生死 war declaration of Bai Li Clan under to Ning Fan, cherished about Ning Fan must kill the heart, and not minced matter... 百黎一族宁凡战帖,对宁凡自是怀了必杀之心,且毫不掩饰... You said that your Bai Li Clan wants to deal with the person, why to make his Wei Feng deliver war declaration! If by some chance Ning Fan war declaration is unhappy, his Wei Feng then worked as the scapegoat to Bai Li Clan directly, must withstand the Ning Fan anger directly... 你说你百黎族想对付人,干嘛让他魏峰来送战帖!万一宁凡对此战帖心生不悦,他魏峰便直接给百黎族当了替罪羊,须直接承受宁凡怒火... If before, Wei Feng Ancestor does not know that the Ning Fan real strength, pours will not fear Ning Fan. 若是之前,魏峰老祖不知宁凡真实实力,倒也不会惧怕宁凡 But this night, Wei Feng Ancestor witnesses Ning Fan type Butterfly Fire to extinguish completely Four Families cultivator! That terrifying Butterfly Fire, making Wei Feng Ancestor fearful and apprehensive, cold air seeped in the bone... 但此夜,魏峰老祖亲眼目睹宁凡一式蝶火灭尽四族修士!那恐怖蝶火,令魏峰老祖心惊肉跳,一股凉气沁到了骨头里... Strength that Ning Fan reveals, compared with ordinary Primordial Supreme Void on strong many! 宁凡表露出的战力,比普通的归元太虚都强上不少! Knew the Ning Fan true strength, Wei Feng Ancestor does not dare to offend this person! 知晓了宁凡真正实力,魏峰老祖是万万不敢得罪此人的! He explained hurriedly, makes every effort to make a clear distinction between Realm with Bai Li Clan, does not let Ning Fan hates Bai Li Clan at the same time, hates his Wei Feng. 他匆忙解释,力求与百黎族划清界限,不让宁凡恨上百黎族的同时,连带恨上他魏峰 Sees matter by no means of Wei Feng to war declaration to know the circumstances of the matter, Ning Fan also inquired to Wei Feng several issues, is all related with Bai Li Clan. 魏峰战帖之事似并不知情,宁凡又向魏峰询问了几个问题,皆是和百黎族有关。 This moment Wei Feng to show good will to Ning Fan. Naturally speaks out frankly. 此刻魏峰为了向宁凡示好。自然是知无不言。 After a discussion, Ning Fan beckons with the hand. Hinting Wei Feng can depart. 一番谈论之后,宁凡摆摆手。示意魏峰可以离去了。 The Wei Feng good and evil is Supreme Void Ancestor, usually in who dares to come, wielding to go to his shouting? 魏峰好歹是太虚老祖,平日里谁敢对他呼之即来、挥之即去? At this moment sees Ning Fan to dispatch him to walk, he actually like received a pardon, holds the fist in the other hand to say goodbye immediately, is not willing to be the non- place keeps the moment in this. 此刻见宁凡遣他走,他却如蒙大赦,立刻抱拳告辞,不愿在这是非之地多留片刻。 After Wei Feng walks, Ning Fan is looking in the hand war declaration, gaze gloomy and uncertain. 魏峰走后,宁凡望着手中战帖,目光阴晴不定 Bai Li Clan, this act what meaning...” 百黎族,此举何意...” In war declaration. One character, by one that blood black ink writes dying character, contained infinite killing intent, as if not kill Ning Fan, vows not to rest! 战帖之中。只有一字,是以血墨所写的一个‘死’字,包含了无穷杀机,仿佛不杀宁凡,誓不罢休! This war declaration, is under the Bai Li Patriarch personally institute! 战帖,是百黎族长亲自所下! Bai Li Clan sends this war declaration, seeming like wants not mince to tell Ning Fan. Bai Li Clan wants to kill him! 百黎族送来此战帖,似乎是想毫不掩饰地告诉宁凡百黎族想要杀他! Seeming like, Bai Li Clan is really extremely arrogant boundless and rampant, wants to kill a person, but also told this person of me to kill you directly, not minced matter killing intent... 看起来,百黎族实在是狂妄无边、嚣张之极,想杀一个人,还直接告诉此人我要杀你,丝毫不掩饰杀机... Ning Fan frowned, Bai Li Clan dispatches the person to send war declaration specially. Is really bluffing and blustering... 宁凡皱眉,百黎族特意遣人送来战帖。真的只是在耀武扬威么... Said, this war declaration is a warning, warning Ning Fan can't help Fusang Clan compete with the position of Eighth Elder? 还是说,这个战帖是一个警告,警告宁凡不许帮助扶桑一族竞争八长老之位? The Ning Fan thoughts revolve rapidly, Bai Li Clan harbors killing intent to him, has what reason surely. 宁凡心思飞转,百黎族对他怀有杀机,必定有什么原因。 He and Bai Li Clan from having no happening together. Possibly by the reason of Bai Li Clan hate, can only think of two. 他与百黎族从无任何交集。可能被百黎族怨恨的原因,只能想到两个。 The one. Bai Li Clan through some way, knows Fusang Old Monster has looked for itself... 其一。百黎族通过某种途径,知道了扶桑老妖找过自己... Also possibly, is Fusang Old Monster disperses the news intentionally, directing Bai Li Clan to be hostile toward itself, compelling oneself to accept the recommendation quota, participates in the campaign of Eighth Elder. 也可能,是扶桑老妖故意散出消息,引百黎族仇视自己,逼自己接受推荐名额,参与八长老的竞选。 Second, Bai Li Clan and Ming Luo Clan have the long standing grudge, knew itself and Ming Luo Clan relationship, therefore moved killing intent to oneself. 其二,百黎族冥罗族有旧怨,得知了自己与冥罗族关系,故而对自己动了杀机 These two reasons could convince, but sent the matter of war declaration specially, still had the questionable point... 这两个原因都说得通,但特意送来战帖之事,仍有疑点... Why Bai Li Clan asked the Wei Zi clan to send war declaration specially , seems suggesting anything.” 百黎族为何特意请魏紫族送来战帖,这其中,仿佛是在暗示什么。” Bai Li Patriarch is under Eastern Tree Sea Void Fragmentation first person... I to Wei Feng inquired that this person of character, according to Wei Feng said that this person of character cold blood, if hate anyone, were never forgiving, must kill..., and this person of murder was neat, did not have beforehand under the custom of war declaration, not did not have the generation of brain rampantly... this person , to kill me, reasonably not specially under war declaration, this matter departing from the norm...” 百黎族长东树海碎虚之下第一人...我向魏峰询问此人性格,据魏峰所言,此人性格冷血,若恨上谁,从不留情,必杀之...且此人杀人干脆利落,从无事先下战帖的习惯,亦并非嚣张无脑之辈...此人若想杀我,按理不会特意下战帖,此事一反常态...” Ning Fan receives war declaration and jade box, gaze is dignified. 宁凡战帖玉盒收起,目光凝重。 Perhaps, Bai Li Patriarch the Heart Blood incoming tide, gave me to get down war declaration for a while unusual, killed my reason is that two reason one of them...” “也许,百黎族长只是一时心血来潮,反常地给我下了战帖,杀我的原因便是那两个原因其中之一...” Perhaps, this matter also inside story...” “也许,此事还有内情...” In any event, Bai Li Clan, since got down war declaration, then I and Bai Li Clan confrontation is difficult to evade.” “无论如何,百黎族既然下了战帖,则我与百黎族的交锋再难避过。” Bamboo Palace I must go eventually, but at the appointed time, will encounter with Bai Li Clan inevitably!” 竹殿我终究要去,而届时,势必与百黎族交锋!” However before Bai Li encounters, Puppet must restore, cultivation base must promoting, be completely safe by the plan!” “而在与百黎交锋之前,傀儡必须修复,修为必须提升,以策万全!” If common cultivator, receives war declaration suddenly, is not frightened is the anger. 若是寻常修士,骤然收到战帖,不是恐惧便是愤怒。 Ning Fan actually thinks several points, saw this matter disclosed the strange aura that had the meaning of alert. 宁凡却多想了几分,看出了此事透露出的怪异气息,心生了戒备之意。 He casts behind the matter of Bai Li Clan for the time being, pats storage pouch, takes out 30 giant large ships, all was the old times kills people to seize the treasure. 他将百黎族之事暂且抛诸脑后,一拍储物袋,取出三十艘巨大楼船,皆是往年杀人夺宝而来。 „The Ming Luo Clan person obeys orders, along with me fights Hancang, extinguishes Four Families!” 冥罗族人听令,随我战寒苍,灭四族!” Ning Fan must lead the 320,000 Ming Luo Clan person to trample flat Cedarwood Clan and other Four Families, stamps out the source of trouble! 宁凡要带着三十二万冥罗族人踏平雪松族四族,斩草除根! Meanwhile, the Four Families innumerable years the savings plunders completely, by several hundred generations of background of four big Supreme Void influences, for his promoting cultivation base! 同时,将四族无数年来的积蓄全部搜刮,以四大太虚势力的数百代底蕴,供他一人提升修为 Order of one hear of Ning Fan, innumerable Ming Luo Clan person hot blooded boiling, changes to the escaping light to fly large ships! 一听宁凡的命令,无数冥罗族人热血沸腾,化作遁光飞上一艘艘楼船! They by humiliation for a long time, although does not revolt, by no means represents does not hate. 他们饱受欺凌已久,虽不反抗,并不代表不恨。 In the past Cedarwood Clan approached strongly, was High Priest mother of Zhan Qing Dai will still kill, and cut to kill countless Ming Luo Clan people. 当年雪松族强势来临,将尚是大祭司青黛之母斩杀,并斩杀无数冥罗族人。 This enmity, the Ming Luo Clan person has not forgotten! 这个仇,冥罗族人并未遗忘! Now Ming Luo Clan has Ning Fan to support, takes a broad view at entire Hancang Country, who dares to offend Ming Luo Clan again! 如今冥罗族宁凡撑腰,放眼整个寒苍国,谁敢再得罪冥罗族 30 buildings ship-based 320,000 Ming Luo Clan person, departs while the night, Tianming (daybreak) returns! 三十艘楼船载着三十二万冥罗族人,乘夜离去,天明归来! When everyone returns, Cedarwood Clan, Thundercedar Clan, Stone Tree Clan and Shen Qiao Clan thorough duplicate Extinguish! 待所有人归来之时,雪松族雷柏族石树族神乔族彻底覆灭! This news travels in Hancang Country one night, during entire Hancang Country falls into one piece to be panic-stricken! 此消息在寒苍国一夜传开,整个寒苍国陷入一片惊恐之中! Lu Bei that was chased down by Vine Sovereign, in Hancang Country, a strength shelters Ming Luo Clan unexpectedly! 那被藤皇追杀的陆北,竟然就在寒苍国之中,一力庇护冥罗族 The intention conquers by killing the Ming Luo Clan four big Supreme Void influences, in one night, by Lu Bei person of duplicate Extinguish! 意图血洗冥罗族的四大太虚势力,在一夜之内,被陆北一人覆灭! Four Families 30 Void Refinement cultivator, Bao Kuo (including) six Supreme Void, perish in the hand of Lu Bei completely! 四族三十名炼虚修士,包括六名太虚,全部殒命于陆北之手! The innumerable influences run around spreading the news, bring deep panic-stricken. 无数势力奔走相告,带着深深的惊恐。 Fast notice entire clan cultivator. Now the crest of wave is tightening, if no necessary must leave the family not! Even leaves the family. Does not may provoke Ming Luo Clan!” “速速通知全族修士。如今风头正紧,若无必要莫要离开家族!即便是离开家族。也万万不可招惹冥罗族!” Second-class Tree Clan that Ming Luo Clan... may not let the person to humiliate!” 冥罗族...再不是可任人欺凌的二流树族!” ... ... Cedarwood Four Families is Hancang Country established Tree Clan, background is immeasurably deep. 雪松四族寒苍国老牌树族,底蕴深不可测。 After smashing four Clan Elder nests, the spoils of war of Ning Fan harvest are very astonishing. 端掉四族老巢之后,宁凡收获的战利品十分惊人。 Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures and Medicine Pill cultivation method and Secret Technique Puppet, has everything expected to find! 天材地宝丹药功法秘术傀儡,应有尽有! Sole Void Glimpse Puppet, then 6, Void Inquire Puppet 3, these Puppet, Ning Fan gives Qing Dai completely. For sheltering Ming Luo Clan. 单单窥虚傀儡,便有六具,问虚傀儡三具,这些傀儡,宁凡全部送给青黛。用于庇护冥罗族 To Ning Fan, most Low-Rank goods are useless, all leaves the Ming Luo Clan person. 宁凡而言,大多数低阶物品都已无用,全部留给冥罗族人。 He took 2 20 billion Immortal Jade, 12000 Dao Crystal, 9 Void Refinement Dao Fruit, 1 Void Fragmentation Dao Fruit, 42 Tree World unique Six Revolutions Pill Recipe. 他取走了二200亿仙玉,12000枚道晶,九颗炼虚道果,一颗碎虚道果,42种树界特有的六转丹方 All promoting Void Inquire Magic Force and Golden Body Mortal Body Medicine Pill. And above all 50,000 years age of Spirit Herb, was also all taken by Ning Fan. 所有提升问虚法力金身肉身丹药。及所有五万年以上年份的灵药,亦全被宁凡取走。 Six Revolutions Mid Grade Quiet Grass Pill, may promoting Void Inquire cultivator 2000 armors magic force, there are 20 bottles, each bottle of 10. 六转中品幽草丹,一颗可提升问虚修士2000甲子法力,共有20瓶,每瓶十颗。 Six Revolutions High Grade Divine Bamboo Pill, may promoting Void Pierce cultivator 10,000 armors magic force. Altogether has 12 bottles, each bottle of 10! 六转上品神竹丹,一颗可提升冲虚修士1万甲子法力。共有12瓶,每瓶十颗! Six Revolutions High Grade Azure Bone Pill, large promoting Golden Body Third Realm Body Cultivation cultivation base, 5 bottles, each bottle of 10! 六转上品青骨丹,大幅提升金身第三境体修修为,共五瓶,每瓶十颗! Fierce Dragon Tree. Fierce Dragon Fruit 9! 蛮龙树一株。蛮龙果九枚! This Fierce Dragon Tree is Cedarwood Clan the treasure of town/subdues clan, this sets up 500 years to blossom. A 500 years result, may have 12 Fierce Dragon Fruit each time. 蛮龙树雪松族的镇族之宝,此树五百年一开花。五百年一结果,每次可结出12颗蛮龙果 Each Fierce Dragon Fruit may enormous promoting Golden Body Realm Body Cultivation body refining cultivation base. 每一颗蛮龙果都可极大提升金身境体修炼体修为 According to Ning Fan estimated that Devour(ing) Fierce Dragon Fruit may at least promoting 100,000 armor's essense! 按照宁凡估计,吞噬一颗蛮龙果起码可提升十万甲子的精气 If careless and wasteful use of nature's products, Devour(ing) entire Fierce Dragon Tree, but direct promoting million armor essence! 若暴殄天物,吞噬整株蛮龙树,可直接提升百万甲子精气 last time Fierce Dragon Tree result, before roughly one 100 years, from below one time result, also 900 years. 上一次蛮龙树结果,是在约莫一百年以前,距离下一次结果,还有九百年 The Ning Fan without/has not time and other under trees the one time result, he had had the thought that this tree continually root refining! 宁凡没有时间等此树下一次结果,他已动了念头,将此树连根炼化 According to the estimate of Ning Fan, depending on background of four big Supreme Void influences, he breaks through Void Pierce Realm and Reckless Demon Late Stage to have more than enough to spare. 按照宁凡的估计,凭四大太虚势力的底蕴,他突破冲虚境界蛮魔后期绰绰有余。 As for breaking through Supreme Void Realm, defective Magic Force are many, pours is not him to think temporarily. 至于突破太虚境界,欠缺的法力还很多,倒暂时不作他想。 This time he sets up the prestige in Hancang Country, in Hancang Country the generation of keeping eyes open dares to provoke Ming Luo Clan again all. 此次他在寒苍国立威,想必寒苍国内再无不长眼之辈敢招惹冥罗族了。 He has been determined to go to Bamboo Palace, searches for and seizes Tree Ancestor Fruit to break through First Grade Divine Intent. 他已决意前往竹殿,寻获树祖果突破一品神意 Before departure, it is necessary first to restore Puppet, to break through Void Pierce Realm. 只是在离去之前,有必要先修复傀儡、突破冲虚境界 Time in a flash, half a month in the past. 时间一晃,半个月过去。 Ning Fan enters Yuan Jade World alone, sits in Dark Gold Pagoda, manufactures each and every single (person) Mortal Void Formation Plate by Immortal Jade and Spirit Ore spirit material, is crossing tribulation prepares. 宁凡独自进入元瑶界,坐在暗金宝塔之中,以仙玉灵矿灵材制作一个个凡虚阵盘,为渡劫做准备。 Qing Dai after processing Ming Luo Clan many trivial matters, leaves Si Luo City quietly, is Ning Fan seeks for finally 12 material that restores Puppet. 青黛则在处理完冥罗族诸多俗务之后,悄然离开思罗城,为宁凡寻找最后十二种修复傀儡的材料。 She must seek her Master, her Master on conceals in Si Luo Sea of Bamboo. 她要去寻她的师父,她的师父就藏在思罗竹海 Ning Fan without/has not monitors Qing Dai, does not plan to spy on the Qing Dai Master's secret. 宁凡没有监视青黛,亦不打算窥探青黛师父的秘密。 outside world half a month, is the Pagoda Seventh Stratum five years. 外界半个月,便是宝塔第七层的五年。 During five years, Ning Fan consumes more than 200 billion Immortal Jade, manufactured 500 Mortal Void Formation Plate! 五年之中,宁凡耗费两千多亿仙玉,制作了500个凡虚阵盘 And, about hundred Formation Plate arrange formation light is to resist Thunder Tribulation Mortal Void High Grade formation light —— Heavenly Fire Defending Thunder Formation. 其中,近百个阵盘布下阵光为抵挡雷劫凡虚上品阵光——天火御雷阵 also about hundred Formation Plate, arrange formation light is to resist Fire Tribulation Mortal Void High Grade formation light —— Profound Ice Defending Fire Formation. 还有近百阵盘,布下阵光为抵挡火劫凡虚上品阵光——玄冰御火阵 Surplus more than 300 Formation Plate, all arrange Mortal Void Peak formation light —— Divine Stars Exterminating Wind Formation that resists Wind Tribulation. 剩余300多个阵盘,皆布下了抵挡风劫凡虚巅峰阵光——神罡灭风阵 Heavenly Tribulation under Void Fragmentation, altogether has the 3 Types form: Thunder Tribulation, Fire Tribulation and Wind Tribulation. 碎虚之下的天劫,共有三种形式:雷劫火劫风劫 Ning Fan has Sun and Moon Stele, is concise Tai Su Thunder Star, has not feared about Thunder Tribulation and Fire Tribulation but actually. 宁凡身怀日月碑,凝练出太素雷星,对雷劫火劫倒还不惧。 To Wind Tribulation, actually resists weak. 风劫,却是最无力抵挡。 Yin Wind Tribulation that on the same day Pill Sovereign directed made Ning Fan realize the fearfulness of Yin Wind Tribulation personal. 当日丹皇引下的阴风劫宁凡切身体会到阴风劫的可怕。 He suspected very, this time breaks through Heavenly Tribulation that Void Pierce lowers to be Yin Wind Tribulation. Therefore most Formation Plate toward defending the direction arrangement of Yin Wind Tribulation. 他十分怀疑,此次突破冲虚降下的天劫会是阴风劫。故而大多数阵盘都是朝着防御阴风劫的方向布置。 In addition, he also cost a lot of time, refining resisting tribulation Magical Treasure: Mark Locking Wind Bead! 除此之外,他还耗费不少时间,炼制了一件挡劫法宝:一纹定风珠 refining Locking Wind Bead material, plunders from the dens of four big Supreme Void influences. 炼制定风珠的材料,还是从四大太虚势力的老巢里搜刮来的。 Locking Wind Bead is one time nature Magical Treasure, the materials is very rare and precious, to resisting Yin Wind Tribulation helps greatly, receives many Void Fragmentation Old Monster to hound. 定风珠是一种一次法宝,用材十分珍稀,对抵挡阴风劫帮助巨大,受到不少碎虚老怪追捧。 Locking Wind Bead lowest mark, highest nine marks. Mark Locking Wind Bead may counter-balance Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer Yin Wind Tribulation enormously, the value surpasses 50 billion. 定风珠最低一纹,最高九纹。一纹定风珠可极大抵消碎虚一重天阴风劫,价值超过五百亿 Two mark Locking Wind Bead were very rare, is Ning Fan does not seek material refining. 二纹定风珠就十分罕见了,便是宁凡也寻不到材料炼制 It is said in Earth Immortal World in Nine Worlds, once auctioned three mark Locking Wind Bead, causes innumerable Old Monster to crush a place to fight. 据说九界之中的地仙界之内,曾拍卖出一颗三纹定风珠,引得无数老怪挤破头地争抢。 Finally, that three mark Locking Wind Bead were bought by 3 10 billion Immortal Jade by Mountain World Void Fragmentation. 最终,那三纹定风珠被一名山界碎虚以三100亿仙玉买走。 Result that Mountain World Void Fragmentation just left the auction market, was besieged to extinguish by several Void Fragmentation kills, seized three mark Locking Wind Bead... 结果那山界碎虚刚刚离开拍卖场,便被几名碎虚围攻灭杀,夺走了三纹定风珠... Ning Fan took a deep breath, this time for crossing tribulation, preparation not Bu Zhou that he makes entire. 宁凡深吸一口气,这一次为了渡劫,他做的准备不可谓不周全。 Even if really meets Yin Wind Tribulation, he also had enough assurance to cross Heavenly Tribulation! 纵然真遇上阴风劫,他也有足够把握渡过天劫 All, only wait for Qing Dai to bring back to the Puppet material, two Void Fragmentation Puppet restores then! 一切,只等待青黛带回傀儡材料,将两具碎虚傀儡修复即可! ... 叮铃铃... Sound that in storage pouch, a pale azure sound transmission sound jade tablet sends out clear Ling. 储物袋中,一个淡青色传音音圭发出清泠的响声。 This is Tree World common sound transmission Magical Treasure. 这是树界一种常见的传音法宝 Ning Fan takes out the sound transmission sound jade tablet, a law secret art, sound Guyana , China spread the Qing Dai polished sound immediately, falls the jade plate like the pearl. 宁凡取出传音音圭,一点法诀,音圭中立刻传出青黛珠圆玉润的声音,如同珍珠落玉盘。 Big Brother Lu, the 12 Puppet material, I have searched for and seized... Only... Only... finally 陆大哥,最后十二傀儡材料,我已寻获...只是...只是... What is only?” Ning Fan asked with a smile. “只是什么?”宁凡笑问道 Was only I concealed a matter to you... actually, I had Master, these Puppet materials were Master give me. That, that...” “只是我对你隐瞒了一件事...其实,我有一个师父,这些傀儡材料都是师父给我的。那个,那个...” Sound jade tablet another head, the Qing Dai sound is afraid to say a word, just like a child who does the wrong thing. 音圭另一头,青黛的声音吞吞吐吐,犹如一个做错事的孩子。 That... my Master wants to see you, she said, she wants to ask your matter, if you can help her complete this matter, she will deliver you a greatest chance...” “那个...我师父想见见你,她说,她想求你一件事,若你能帮她完成此事,她会送你一场莫大机缘...” Oh? Your does Master want to see me? Also good, I also want to take a look, can teach you so outstanding Puppet Master person, where can be Expert.” ?你师父想见我?也好,我也想看看,能教出你这般杰出傀儡师的人,会是何方高人。” Ning Fan receives the sound jade tablet, Formation Plate will receive in storage pouch everywhere, the form in a flash, leaves Yuan Jade World. 宁凡收起音圭,将满地阵盘收入储物袋中,身影一晃,离开元瑶界 outside world, outside Si Luo City, Qing Dai just received the sound jade tablet, next instant, the side breeze strokes, appears a form of Ning Fan white clothing. 外界,思罗城外,青黛刚刚收起音圭,下一瞬,身旁微风一拂,现出宁凡一袭白衣的身影。 Walks, leading me to see your Master.” “走吧,带我见见你的师父。”
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