GE :: Volume #6

#580: Kills off Cultivators war declaration!

this child unexpectedly by the person of Vine Sovereign issuing a warrant for arrest?!” 此子竟是被藤皇通缉之人?!” Void Refinement each and every single (person) on the scene is startled, the eye contains surprisedly. Although they have not personally seen the Ning Fan warrant for arrest, has actually more or less listened to some hearsay. 在场炼虚一个个都怔住,眼含惊疑。他们虽未亲眼见过宁凡的通缉令,却或多或少听过一些传闻。 Now Lu Bei offends the matter of Vine Sovereign, gets bigger and bigger in Tree World. News has it that Vine Sovereign sends chases down Lu Bei in the subordinate, four Supreme Void have confirmed die, also Void Fragmentation is missing strangely... 如今‘陆北’得罪藤皇之事,在树界越闹越大。据传闻,藤皇派去追杀‘陆北’的手下之中,已有四名太虚确认陨落,还有一名碎虚离奇失踪... Many people suspected, missing of this Void Fragmentation is Lu Bei is playing tricks. 不少人怀疑,这名碎虚的失踪是‘陆北’在捣鬼。 Suddenly, Lu Bei ominous name spreads in Tree World also gradually, is some Supreme Void cultivator, does not dare to belittle Lu Bei. 一时间,‘陆北’的凶名树界倒也渐渐传开,便是一些太虚修士,也不敢小觑‘陆北’。 Ancestor... this person perhaps is Lu Bei! I have seen that Lu Bei warrant for arrest, this person of appearance is exactly the same as that Lu Bei! He has to cut to kill the Supreme Void strength, we are not suitable offend this person! The matter of destruction Ming Luo, must need further consideration!” That Void Refinement that before called out in alarm, the indeed Cedarwood Clan person, was Void Glimpse cultivation base. His time opens the mouth, only to persuade Ancestor settles a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved. 老祖...此人恐怕就是陆北!我见过那陆北的通缉令,此人容貌与那陆北如出一辙!他拥有斩杀太虚的实力,我们不宜得罪此人!覆灭冥罗之事,必须从长计议!”之前惊呼的那名炼虚,正是雪松族人,是窥虚修为。他此时开口,只为劝说老祖息事宁人。 Three Cedarwood Supreme Void including angrily rebuking saying that utter nonsense! this child only Void Inquire, how possibly cuts to kill Supreme Void! this child decides is not that Lu Bei that Vine Sovereign issues a warrant for arrest, does not need to talk too much, today I and others the slaughter will extinguish Ming Luo inevitably, nobody can block!” 三名雪松太虚含怒斥道,“一派胡言!此子区区一个问虚,怎么可能斩杀太虚此子定不是藤皇通缉的那个陆北,不必多言,今日我等势必屠灭冥罗,无人可阻!” In three Cedarwood Supreme Void, wears the Supreme Void stride of azure robe to go forward, glowers to Ning Fan. 三名雪松太虚之中,身着青袍的太虚大步上前,向宁凡怒目而视。 the name Ao Long, in Cedarwood Supreme Void, the strength ranks 2nd! 其名敖龙,在雪松太虚之中,实力排名第二 Junior! Also comes Ao Wang Nascent Divinity, Old Man can receive you for the slave, forgives your dog's life! Do not try to revolt against Old Man, depending on your trivial Void Inquire cultivation base, in the Old Man and other Supreme Void cultivator eyes. Like the ants, lifts refers to Extinguish! “小辈!将敖亡元神还来,老夫可以收你为奴,饶你狗命!不要试图反抗老夫,凭你区区问虚修为,在老夫太虚修士眼中。有如蝼蚁,抬指可灭! Although Ning Fan Sword Sense sweeps away. Extinguished killed 300,000 Gold Core. 虽说宁凡剑念横扫。灭杀了三十万金丹 Although Ning Fan Divine Ability is strange, under surprise attack instant kill Void Pierce cultivation base Cedarwood Clan long Ao Wang. 虽说宁凡神通诡异,奇袭之下瞬杀冲虚修为雪松族敖亡 Although Ning Fan in a hurry look, as if containing boundless Evil Qi. 虽说宁凡匆匆一个眼神,似乎含有无边煞气 But in the Ao Long eye, Ning Fan was still only Void Inquire ants, the piercing the Heavens strength endured to compare Void Pierce, was not worth mentioning! 但在敖龙眼中,宁凡仍只是一名问虚蝼蚁,捅破天实力堪比冲虚,不值一提! He as Supreme Void Ancestor, the own arrogance, how will put in the generation of Ning Fan this nameless the eye! 他身为太虚老祖,自有傲气,岂会将宁凡这种籍籍无名之辈放入眼中! Four Families cultivator sees Ao Long personally to act to confront Ning Fan. each and every single (person) is all calm, entered the stage the flurry that provodes to subside by Ning Fan suddenly. 四族修士敖龙亲自出面对峙宁凡一个个皆镇定下来,被宁凡突然出场引发的慌乱已然平息。 Ming Luo Clan person raised the head, sees Ning Fan to face Four Families Army, admires, gratitude, is the worry. 冥罗族抬头,见宁凡独自一人面对四族大军,又是钦佩、感激,又是担心。 Six priest gaze are dignified, they to protect the Ancestor glory, can put together actually Clan to perish. With Four Families cultivator irreconcilable until death. 六名祭司目光凝重,他们为了守护先祖的荣耀,可以拼却一族灭亡。与四族修士不死不休 But Ning Fan is only other people, was held and come to shelter the Ming Luo Clan friend by last years Tree Sovereign. 宁凡只是一个外人,是受末代树皇所托、前来庇护冥罗族的朋友。 Now Ming Luo Clan encounters the disaster, the without/has not truth makes the friend go against in front brings death. 如今冥罗族遭遇大难,没有道理让朋友顶在前面送死。 Six priest by no means believe, Ning Fan can face Four Families Expert alone, after all altogether of Four Families has six Supreme Void, is Primordial Supreme Void sees the this formation weaponry. Also must withdraw the point! 六名祭司并不认为,宁凡可以独自面对四族强者,毕竟四族中共有六名太虚,便是归元太虚此阵仗。也需退避锋芒! Qing Dai white teeth bites the lip, she personally sees Ning Fan to cut to kill Primordial Tree King in Tang Valley, naturally knows that Ning Fan is fierce. 青黛贝齿咬唇,她在汤谷亲眼见宁凡斩杀归元树王,自然知道宁凡厉害。 Manpower too many that now Cedarwood Four Families sets out, the strength overlay, is obviously more formidabe than Primordial Tree King. 只是如今雪松四族出动的人手太多,战力叠加,显然比归元树王更加难对付。 Some Qing Dai similar worries. Ning Fan is not the Four Families cultivator opponent. 青黛同样有些担心。宁凡不是四族修士对手。 Her pupil light decides, a decision completely completely pygmy effort. Helps the Ning Fan altogether anti- powerful enemy. 她眸光一决,决定尽一尽绵薄之力。帮宁凡共抗强敌。 Then at this time, Ning Fan did not allow the order that rejected to resound through in entire Si Luo City. 便在这时,宁凡不容拒绝的命令在整个思罗城响彻。 By the command of my Lu Bei, entire Si Luo City opens Grand Formation instantly, the start formation defense, anybody does not allow to go out of town to accept a challenge! This war my one person, am enough!” “以我陆北之令,整个思罗城即刻开启大阵,结阵防御,任何人不允许出城应战!此战有我一人,已然足够!” Ning Fan is not proud, but is self-confident, depending on his present cultivation base, brings Teng Xianrou, extinguishes Four Families to be easy alone. 宁凡并非自负,而是自信,凭他如今修为,更还带着一个藤纤柔,独灭四族轻而易举。 He to Ming Luo Clan somewhat the favorable impression, has not wanted Ming Luo Clan Low-Rank cultivator to be involved in this war, loses one's life in vain. 他对冥罗一族已有几分好感,不欲冥罗族低阶修士卷入这场大战,徒然送命。 He by the request of Ming Luo Tree essence, was sheltered Ming Luo Clan, today has him, Cedarwood Four Families must Extinguish! 他受冥罗树精之托,庇护冥罗一族,今日有他在,雪松四族灭! His order spreads to Qing Dai and six priest ears, seven people reveal the color of struggling completely, wants to assist Ning Fan, actually does not dare to disobey orders. 他一声命令传入青黛、六名祭司耳中,七人全部露出挣扎之色,想要相助宁凡,却不敢抗命。 Low-Rank clansman does not know, they actually know. 低阶族人不知道,他们却知道。 Ning Fan is this generation of Tree Sovereign Ming Luo, his words, the Ming Luo Clan person is infrangible! 宁凡是此代冥罗树皇,他的话,冥罗族人不可违背! Opens Grand Formation!” The Xu Luo priest sighed, making clansman open Si Luo City protecting city Grand Formation. “开启大阵!”须罗祭司叹息一声,令族人开启思罗城的护城大阵 The Qing Dai powder fist grips tightly, is looking at Ye Kong (night sky) unwillingly, she has never resented now are small and weak. 青黛粉拳紧握,不甘地望着夜空,她从未如今愤恨过自己弱小。 If she is stronger, will not stay in the city by Ning Fan, can with a Ning Fan shoulder to shoulder war. 若她再强一些,就不会被宁凡留在城中,就可以与宁凡并肩一战。 Present she, in the war of this progression, is only the Ning Fan burden... 如今的她,在这种级数的大战之中,只是宁凡的累赘... Ning Fan sees Si Luo City Grand Formation to open, the last worry also diverges. 宁凡思罗城大阵开启,最后一丝顾虑也散去。 Although Ming Luo Clan declines, but Clan Protecting Grand Formation but First Generation Tree Sovereign arrange, is reinforced by all previous Tree Sovereign generations. 冥罗族虽然没落,但护族大阵可是初代树皇布下,由历代树皇一代代加固。 this formation the prestige can reduce now greatly, but is Primordial Supreme Void is not even if easy to storm into the city. 此阵如今威能大减,但纵然是归元太虚也不易攻入城内。 Ning Fan may a war, launch to slaughter in this night independently! 宁凡可放手一战,在此夜展开杀戮! He almost disregards the threat of Ao Long Ancestor, Ao Wang Nascent Divinity Seal, receives storage pouch conveniently. 他几乎无视敖龙老祖的威胁,将敖亡元神随手封印,收入储物袋 Looked that does not look at Ao Long, one step takes, the white clothing changes to the black clothes suddenly, the dance of long hair in the dim light of night, lifts hand one finger/refers, separates under the spatial point toward Ao Long Ancestor! 看也不看敖龙,一步迈出,白衣骤然化作黑衣,长发在夜色中狂舞,抬手一指,朝敖龙老祖隔空点下! He and Teng Xianrou Sea of Consciousness Dual Cultivation, Divine Sense has been close to Primordial Supreme Void infinitely! 他与藤纤柔识海双修,神念已无限接近归元太虚 At this moment changes Soul Incarnation, cultivation base does not need to display Drawing Out Soul Technique, then has been close to Primordial Supreme Void infinitely, endured compared with initially the killing Primordial Tree King strength! 此刻变化出念魄化身,一身修为不需要施展抽魂术,便已无限接近归元太虚,堪比当初击杀归元树王的实力! This finger/refers fused Sword Sense and Rain Intent, is he uses for reference from Teng Xianrou Sword Consciousness. 这一指融合了剑念雨意,是他从藤纤柔剑识之中借鉴而来。 Teng Xianrou is a sword cultivator talent, she to strengthen Sword Sense might, integrated in the Concept strength Sword Sense. 藤纤柔是一个剑修天才,她为了加强剑念威力,将意境力量融入了剑念之中。 Ning Fan Sword Sense is not weak, Rain Intent is extremely strong, only Rain Intent then can melt Void Inquire cultivator! 宁凡剑念不弱,雨意更是极强,单凭雨意便能融化问虚修士 Under this direction, Sword Sense changes to sky blue immediately, just like faint, disperses above the moonlight, bamboo sea suddenly! 这一指点下,剑念立刻化作天青色,犹如淡漠,在月色之下、竹海之上猛然散开! Rain Intent and Sword Sense unite, is the rain sword! 雨意剑念合一,便是雨剑! The million rain sword sweeps away in Ye Kong (night sky) to Ao Long Ancestor, split second, Ao Long Ancestor has a big shock! 百万雨剑于夜空之中横扫向敖龙老祖,一瞬间,敖龙老祖大惊失色! How possibly! this child just Void Inquire cultivation base, why split second, cultivation base was close to Primordial Supreme Void!” “怎么可能!此子刚刚还是问虚修为,为何才一瞬间,修为便接近归元太虚!” this child very powerful Sword Sense, Ao Kong, haughty Extinguish! fast helps me!” 此子好强剑念,敖空,敖灭!速速助我!” Although Ao Long Ancestor startled is not chaotic, at the same time flies to draw back. At the same time waves to offer a sacrifice to a capital book. 敖龙老祖虽惊不乱,一面飞退。一面挥手祭出一本金书。 That gold/metal book page changes against the wind, the innumerable Golden symbol character disperses from the book. With Ning Fan rain sword one finger/refers to rumbling. 那金书书页迎风翻动,无数金色符字从书中散出。与宁凡雨剑一指对轰一处。 After he opens the mouth to seek help, another two Cedarwood Supreme Void are also in great surprise, takes a step to forward, take action aids Ao Long Ancestor. 在他开口求助之后,另外两名雪松太虚亦是大惊之下,迈步向前,出手援助敖龙老祖 Ao Kong Ancestor waved to offer a sacrifice to a Purple streamer flag, in the streamer flag sacrificial refining the 400 million soul, a secret art overcame, the 400 million soul flew from the streamer flag, condensed a Supreme Void great ghost in Ye Kong (night sky). Lifts a hand fist then to overcome toward the million rain sword. 敖空老祖挥手祭起一个紫色幡旗,幡旗中祭炼四亿魂魄,一诀打下,四亿魂魄自幡旗中飞去,于夜空中凝聚成一个太虚巨鬼。抬手一拳便朝百万雨剑打下。 The Ao Mie Ancestor opened mouth spits out together silver cold light, that is Mortal Void Peak cold light Divine Ability, the named heavens snow glow, a wisp of snow light can kill Void Pierce Peak cultivator frozen! 敖灭老祖张口喷出一道银色寒光,那是一种凡虚巅峰的寒光神通,名为乾元雪芒,一缕雪光便可冻杀冲虚无敌修士 Three Supreme Void simultaneously take action, all Divine Ability and million rain sword to rumbling. 三名太虚齐齐出手,所有的神通百万雨剑对轰一处。 Huge thunders to resound through Ye Kong (night sky), the million rain sword crushes completely, gold/metal book presents the fissure. The Supreme Void great ghost breaks into pieces, the heavens snow glow was cut the smashing by the rain sword! 巨大的轰鸣响彻夜空,百万雨剑全部粉碎,金书出现裂痕。太虚巨鬼生生碎散,乾元雪芒被雨剑斩成粉碎! Three Supreme Void block the Ning Fan rain sword to strike, actually performs to cough a blood, backs up respectively hundred steps in the expansive sky! 三名太虚堪堪挡住宁凡雨剑一击,却尽皆咳出一口鲜血,在长空之中各自倒退百步 Ning Fan but actually was still the unflustered expression, each other high under stood sentences! 宁凡倒仍是从容不迫的表情,彼此高下立判! Now Ning Fan summons Soul Incarnation merely, does not display the card in a hand. Can strike to shake draws back three Supreme Void! 如今宁凡仅仅召出念魄化身,不施展底牌。便可一击震退三名太虚 Sees with own eyes three Cedarwood Supreme Void simultaneously take action, still fell on Ning Fan unexpectedly leeward, the Si Luo City Ming Luo Clan person, is Cedarwood Clan and other Four Families cultivator, has a big shock completely! 眼见三名雪松太虚同时出手,竟仍在宁凡手上落了下风,无论是思罗城冥罗族人,还是雪松族四族修士,全部大惊失色! nobody expects. Ning Fan unexpectedly is so Expert, at all is not ordinary Supreme Void can contend! 无人料到。宁凡竟是如此强者,根本不是普通太虚可以抗衡! He absolutely is Lu Bei. Absolutely yes! Only has to have cultivator of this strength, possibly cuts to kill Vine Sovereign four Supreme Void Subordinate, possibly displays the schemes and tricks, making Wisteria Palace lord unknown whereabouts!” Before Cedarwood Clan, Void Glimpse cultivator that calls out in alarm, calls out in alarm at this moment again. “他绝对是陆北。绝对是!唯有拥有这种实力的修士,才可能斩杀藤皇四名太虚属下,才可能施展阴谋诡计,令紫藤宫下落不明!”雪松族之前惊呼的窥虚修士,此刻再次惊呼。 Three Cedarwood Ancestor take Medicine Pill, calm down in a hurry injury, looks at each other one with three Supreme Void of other three clans, all looks in wariness to respective. 三名雪松老祖匆匆服下丹药,稳下伤势,与其他三族的三名太虚对视一眼,皆看对各自眼中的忌惮 Ning Fan is very strong, is strong! If knows Ming Luo Clan to invite the help of this Rank early, Four Families will not so set rashly conquers by killing the plan of Ming Luo! 宁凡很强,非常强!若早知冥罗族请来着这种级别的帮助,四族绝不会如此轻率定下血洗冥罗的计划! But now, Four Families, since has entered Ming Luo, tears to pieces the facial skin with Ming Luo Clan thoroughly, both sides without/has not gives up the possibility of decisively making peace. 但如今,四族既然已经杀入冥罗,与冥罗族彻底撕破脸皮,双方断然没有罢手言和的可能。 From the Ning Fan expression, this person will not settle a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved like one generation... 宁凡的表情来看,此人也不像一个会息事宁人之辈... Now my Four Families has been unable to back down, only the strength of some set people, extinguish with joint forces kill this child! If can killing this child, Ming Luo Clan surplus clansman nothing to be worried, if cannot killing this child, my Four Families surely by the this child slaughter completely!” “如今我四族已骑虎难下,唯有集合众人之力,合力灭杀此子!若能击杀此子,冥罗族剩余族人不足为虑,若不能击杀此子,我四族必定被此子屠杀殆尽!” Began together, killed this child!” “一起动手,杀了此子!” Stone Tree Clan Shi Zhan Ancestor, Thundercedar Clan Lei Tong Ancestor, as well as Shen Qiao Clan Qiao Gong Ancestor, complete gaze decides, takes a step to go forward, stands with three Cedarwood Ancestor in one. 石树族石战老祖,雷柏族雷铜老祖,以及神乔族乔公老祖,全部目光一决,迈步上前,与三名雪松老祖站在一处。 Six Supreme Void collaborate, the side also 700,000 Low-Rank clansman array, 23 Void Refinement cover kills. 六名太虚联手,旁边还有70万低阶族人列阵,更有23名炼虚掩杀。 do not say Ning Fan is only cultivation base is close to Primordial Supreme Void, even if Ning Fan is true Primordial Supreme Void, double fist difficult enemy four, unable to support Four Families cultivator to besiege! 莫说宁凡只是修为接近归元太虚,就算宁凡是一名真正的归元太虚,也双拳难敌四手,架不住四族修士围攻! Line of 700,000 Four Families cultivator the array above Ye Kong (night sky), simultaneously takes the going forth to battle flag, the under foot gathers huge four color Array Diagram! 70万四族修士夜空之上列阵而行,齐齐取出阵旗,脚下合出一道巨大的四色阵图 In Array Diagram finds out four color giant hand suddenly, towards Ning Fan fights with the fists, the strength of that giant hand fist, endures compared with might that Supreme Void strikes! 阵图之中骤然探出一只四色巨手,朝宁凡一拳打来,那巨手一拳之力,堪比太虚一击的威力 11 Void Glimpse, 7 Void Inquire and 5 Void Pierce respective activates most powerful cards in a hand, from launch the offensive to Ning Fan one person in all directions. 11名窥虚、七名问虚、五名冲虚各自催动最强底牌,从四面八方向宁凡一人发动攻势。 Six Supreme Void cards in a hand completely leave, type shocking Divine Ability as if lit Ye Kong (night sky)! 六名太虚底牌尽出,一式式惊艳的神通仿佛点燃了夜空 Everyone attacks with joint forces, is Primordial Supreme Void must withdraw the point! 所有人合力攻击,便是归元太虚也要退避锋芒! In the Ning Fan eye cold light flickers, the five fingers respective one grasp to the land and to Void Space, extract the land soul and Void Soul to swallow into the abdomen! 宁凡眼中寒芒闪烁,五指向大地、向虚空各自一抓,抽出大地魂、虚空魂吞入腹中! He, cannot withdraw! 他,不需退避! His present strength fully opened, strength above ordinary Primordial Supreme Void! 他如今实力全开,战力更在普通归元太虚之上! His whole body raises the raging tide imposing manner, mine hunting of a black clothes in the strong winds makes noise! 他周身掀起狂澜般的气势,一身黑衣在狂风中猎雷作响! An imposing manner broke through Primordial Supreme Void in this moment, and was stronger than 30% common Primordial Supreme Void Magic Force! 一身气势在这一刻冲破了归元太虚,且比寻常归元太虚法力更强了30%! How possibly!” Six Supreme Void in great surprise, then in this moment, Ning Fan displayed Divine Ability completely! “怎么可能!”六名太虚全部大惊,便在这一刻,宁凡施展了神通 His ten fingers pinch finger joints with the thumb, the under foot appears huge Fire Chart, above Ye Kong (night sky) presents million Black Fire Butterfly suddenly, dances lightly in Ye Kong (night sky)! 他十指掐诀,脚下浮现巨大的火图,夜空之上忽然出现百万黑色火蝶,在夜空中翩翩起舞! The million Fire Butterfly fusion is one, condense both wings hang the day huge Fire Butterfly! 百万火蝶融合为一,凝成一个双翅垂天的巨大火蝶 If his wing hangs a day of cloud! 其翼若垂天之云! If the breath the fire of Heaven Burning! 其息若焚天之火! It resists Samsara gaze, disregards Immortal and Mortal, is Immortal Emperor does not fear! 其抗逆轮回目光,无视仙凡,便是仙帝也不惧! Void Ignition!” 燃虚!” Ning Fan Finger Secret Art changes, Fire Butterfly stirred up Butterfly Wings, the black hot smoke swept across the expansive sky, type broken ten thousand laws. All Four Families cultivator Divine Ability completely Annihilation under Butterfly Fire! 宁凡指诀一变,火蝶煽动了蝶翼,黑色火烟席卷长空,一式破万法。所有四族修士神通全部破灭蝶火之下! 1st incites, 700,000 cultivator burns down turn to ash. 11 Void Glimpse completely die! 第一煽,70万修士焚烧成灰。11名窥虚全部陨落 2nd incites, 7 Void Inquire have not responded, was also burnt down turn to ash by Butterfly Fire completely! 第二煽,七名问虚尚未反应过来,亦全部被蝶火焚烧成灰 3rd incites, 5 Void Pierce shouted heaven shaking miserably, all perished! 第三煽,五名冲虚惨呼惊天,俱都殒命! 4th incites, 6 Supreme Void cannot escape Monster Soul and Nascent Divinity, is buried under Butterfly Fire completely! 第四煽,六名太虚妖魂元神都逃不掉,全部葬身于蝶火之下! This 4th incites Butterfly Fire, sufficiently heavy injury Primordial Tree King. Ordinary Supreme Void can resist can it be that! 第四蝶火,足以重创归元树王。岂是普通太虚可以抵挡! Present Ning Fan Divine Sense rises suddenly, the strength increases, to empty insights is also enormous promoting. 如今的宁凡神念暴涨,实力大增,对虚的感悟亦是极大提升 By his present strength, will display Butterfly Fire 4th to incite most the impotent 1st Stage time, cannot again backlash turns into injury! 以他如今实力,施展蝶火第四煽最多会体虚一段时间,已不会再反噬成伤 If his cultivation base enters one step again, is Butterfly Fire 5th incites to display, at the appointed time. In Primordial Supreme Void, he sweeps away without rival surely! 若他修为再进一步,便是蝶火第五煽都能施展出来,届时。归元太虚之中,他必定横扫无敌 Type Void Ignition, Butterfly Fire Heaven Burning, Four Families cultivator changes to the flying ash dead completely certainly! 一式燃虚,蝶火焚天,四族修士全部化作飞灰死绝! The thick corpse ash sprinkled from the expansive sky, overspread the Si Luo City ground, the scene very fearsome. 厚厚的尸灰自长空洒落,铺满了思罗城的地面,场面十分可怖。 Entire Si Luo City 320,000 Ming Luo Clan person. No one dares to speak loudly! 整个思罗城三十二万冥罗族人。无一人敢大声说话! This moment Ning Fan, the powerful form reflects firmly in the eyes of all Ming Luo Clan people! 这一刻的宁凡,强大的身影牢牢映在所有冥罗族人的眼中! This form and all previous Tree Sovereign Ming Luo are exactly the same! 这个身影与历代冥罗树皇如出一辙! Each generation of Tree Sovereign, all are the alone war world certainly strong generation! 每一代树皇,皆是独战天下的绝强之辈! Big Brother Lu good fierce... good fierce...” Qing Dai relaxes quietly, subsequently in eye extraordinary splendor again and again. 陆大哥好厉害...好厉害...”青黛悄悄松了一口气,继而眼中异彩连连。 Her was also worried that Ning Fan fights Four Families cultivator alone, will fall into struggles hard. 她本还担心宁凡独战四族修士,会陷入苦战。 Now looks like. Her worry is purely unnecessary... 如今看来。她的担心纯属多余... In Si Luo Sea of Bamboo, in that jungle a thickest Hunan imperial concubine within the bamboo. Resounds together the listless applause gently. 思罗竹海之中,那密林中最粗的一株湘妃竹内。轻轻响起一道怅惘的赞许。 „Is he Mu Luo invites shelters the Ming Luo Clan person? His back, really looks like with Mu Luo.” “他是木罗请来庇护冥罗族的人么?他的背影,与木罗真像。” Past Mu Luo, dominated Tree World, by an enemy ten thousand, swept away Four Great Tree Seas...” “当年的木罗,亦是独自一人称霸树界,以一敌万,横扫四大树海...” Above Ye Kong (night sky), Ning Fan somewhat is slightly impotent, flicks the sleeve one move, puts in the bag everywhere spoils of war. 夜空之上,宁凡略微有些体虚,拂袖一招,将漫天战利品收入囊中。 Under Butterfly Fire 4th incites, many die cultivator storage pouch ruined, storage pouch that these have not destroyed, was taken away by Ning Fan completely. 蝶火第四煽之下,不少陨落修士储物袋都毁掉了,那些未毁的储物袋,全部被宁凡收走。 Extinguished killed such many cultivator, had the innumerable Dao Fruit formations, was taken away by Ning Fan one by one, was Void Refinement Dao Fruit has one. 灭杀了如此之多的修士,自有无数道果形成,亦被宁凡一一收走,便是炼虚道果都有一枚。 Later, he prepares to lead the Ming Luo Clan person to conquer by killing Cedarwood Clan and other Four Families. 稍后,他准备带着冥罗族人血洗雪松族四族 After this night, Hancang Country will not have this Four Families again! But perhaps his Ning Fan, has to rise up in Eastern Tree Sea ominous name... 此夜之后,寒苍国将再无此四族!而他宁凡,恐怕也不得不在东树海凶名鹊起了... Ning Fan without/has not descends in the place immediately, sharply is not diverging Incarnation and Drawing Out Soul Divine Ability. 宁凡没有立刻降落于地,亦不急着散去化身抽魂神通 His gaze sinks suddenly, looks toward some in the night sky dark cloud. 他忽然目光一沉,朝夜空上某朵乌云望去。 Who your excellency is, when this reveals only part of the truth are many are to with Four Families cultivator together, to conquer by killing Ming Luo!” “阁下是谁,在此藏头露尾多时,是要与四族修士一道,血洗冥罗么!” In the Ning Fan eye Evil Qi flashes, after that dark cloud, immediately hears together snort/hum the sound stuffily. 宁凡眼中煞气一闪,那乌云之后立刻传来一道闷哼之声。 Then, is close to Primordial Supreme Void Supreme Void Old Monster staggering along infinitely, appears figure. 而后,一名无限接近归元太虚太虚老怪跌跌撞撞,现出身形 As soon as he raids the purple clothes, face full is the forced smile, the side comes, immediately to Ning Fan cupped their fists and said, Old Man is Wei Zi clan Ancestor Wei Feng, today this, and harmless, Fellow Daoist whatever happens/10 million do not misunderstand...” 他一袭紫衣,老脸满是苦笑,方一现身,立刻向宁凡抱拳道,“老夫魏紫老祖魏峰,今日来此,并无恶意,道友千万不要误会...” Wei Feng Ancestor comes this, there are two reasons. 魏峰老祖来此,有两个原因。 First, always with the Cedarwood Clan non- cross-eye, wants to pound to play tricks tonight, destroys Cedarwood Clan and other Four Families to conquer by killing the plan of Ming Luo. 一是历来与雪松族不对眼,今夜想来捣捣鬼,破坏一下雪松族四族血洗冥罗的计划。 If really in preventing the Ming Luo Clan destruction, can when the Cedarwood Clan Ancestor general idea/careless, sneak attack, injures 1-2 Cedarwood Supreme Void, is fine deeds. 若实在阻止不了冥罗族覆灭,能在雪松族老祖大意之时,偷袭一下,打伤1-2雪松太虚,也是一桩美事。 Secondly, he received the request of Bai Li Patriarch, delivers a Ning Fan thing. 二来,他是受了百黎族长的请求,来送宁凡一件东西。 Oh? Originally is Wei Feng Ancestor of Wei Zi clan, the greeting on first meeting.” ?原来是魏紫族的魏峰老祖,久仰。” Ning Fan knows the newcomer status, in the eye hostility gradually diverges. 宁凡得知来者身份,眼中敌意渐渐散去。 He had heard from the Qin Nan clan Great Elder place, the Wei Zi clan and Cedarwood Clan do not satisfy the need. 他早已从秦楠大长老处听说,魏紫族与雪松族不对路。 Today Wei Zi clan Ancestor comes Si Luo Sea of Bamboo, is mostly malicious to Ming Luo Clan without/has not, but has the evil intention to Cedarwood Clan. 今日魏紫老祖思罗竹海,多半对冥罗族没有恶意的,而是对雪松族有恶意。 The enemy of enemy is the friend, Ning Fan, although without/has not regards the friend Wei Feng Ancestor, actually does not need to be hostile to this person. 敌人的敌人就是朋友,宁凡没有魏峰老祖当成朋友,却也不必敌视此人。 Fellow Daoist Lu chatted, Old Man is admires... Old Man to obtain the news to the Fellow Daoist prestige for a long time, tonight Cedarwood Clan can gather the strength of Four Families to conquer by killing Ming Luo Clan, therefore Old Man hides in this, wants take action when the key to save some Ming Luo Clan people to depart, calculates that... Old Man comes certainly this to Ming Luo Clan table good intentions, also another goal. Old Man was held, coming this to give a Fellow Daoist thing.” 陆道友说笑了,老夫才是对道友威名仰慕已久...老夫得到消息,今夜雪松族会集合四族之力血洗冥罗族,故而老夫潜藏于此,想在关键之时出手救一些冥罗族人离去,也算对冥罗族表个善意...当然老夫来此,还有另一个目的。老夫受人所托,来此交给道友一件东西。” The Wei Feng Ancestor words uttered fine words, but Ning Fan naturally cannot all believe. 魏峰老祖话说得好听,但宁凡自然不会全信。 Heard that Wei Feng Ancestor was held, has the thing to give itself, Ning Fan gaze flashes slightly. 听说魏峰老祖受人所托,有东西交给自己,宁凡才稍稍目光一闪。 The Wei Feng Ancestor word, takes out jade box from storage pouch , the counting on the fingers ball gives Ning Fan. 魏峰老祖言罢,自储物袋中取出一个玉盒,屈指弹给宁凡 Ning Fan has hit jade box, sees in the box the thing, gaze concentrates. 宁凡打过玉盒,一见盒中之物,目光微凝。 Takes out this thing, gaze sweeps content, is the pupil color is deeper. 取出此物,目光一扫其中内容,更是眸色深沉起来。 May I ask Fellow Daoist, this thing what meaning!” “敢问道友,此物何意!” That is one sheet war declaration! war declaration of one sheet from Bai Li Clan! 那是一张战帖一张来自百黎族战帖 ( On the chapter kept a promise the miscalculation, was 30 Void Refinement, has revised, forgives me to count dead early. Everyone guesses why Bai Li Clan gives under Ning Fan war declaration) (上章算数算错,是30名炼虚,已修改,原谅我数死早。大家猜猜,百黎族为何给宁凡战帖)
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