GE :: Volume #6

#579: Actual situation only in a thought!

Ning Fan will obtain the matters of ten deep Luo Puppet, simplifies by deleting unnecessary material to tell several deep Luo priests. Certainly, has not told several people of him to cut to kill to turn over to the fact of Yuan tree king, in order to avoid frightens deep Luo clansman. 寧凡將獲得十具冥羅傀儡之事,刪繁就簡告訴幾名冥羅祭司。當然,並未告訴幾人他斬殺歸元樹王的事實,以免嚇到冥羅族人 When he with deep Luo Shujing is acquainted will tell slightly, only said deep Luo Shujing is stranded in Rain World, keeps silent to the matter of deep grave. 他將與冥羅樹精相識之時略略講述,只說冥羅樹精困於雨界,對冥墳之事卻隻字不提。 valley, must Luo and other priest each old eyes with tears, when the deep Luo Clan matter, they will not cry be bullied. 谷羅、須羅等祭司各個老眼含淚,當冥羅一族備受欺凌之事,他們不會哭。 When ten ten thousand clansman for Qing Dai one person is frightened out of one's wits and always does not enter the samsara, they will not cry. 當十萬族人為了青黛一人魂飛魄散、永世不入輪迴之時,他們不會哭。 But hears the last years tree sovereign still at the news of the world, they weep, are moved to tears. 但聽聞末代樹皇尚在人間的消息,他們不禁喜極而泣,熱淚盈眶。 The ancestor, with is then good because of... the present with them. 祖先尚在,與他們同在...如今便好。 valley proposed that goes to Rain World to rescue the tree sovereign, this proposition actually overrule must Luo and other priests. 谷羅提出前往雨界援救樹皇,這個提議卻被須羅等祭司否決。 Last years tree sovereign so many years are unable to get out of trouble, obviously get out of trouble are extremely difficult. 末代樹皇這麼多年都無法脫困,顯然脫困極難。 Repairs depending on their these negligible is, not to mention is impossible to go to Rain World, then went, cannot save the tree sovereign absolutely, will expose the news that the tree sovereign is alive on the contrary. 憑他們這些微末修為,且不說不可能前往雨界,便是去了,也絕對救不出樹皇,反倒會暴露樹皇在世的消息。 Rescues the matter of last years tree sovereign, only needs further consideration. 援救末代樹皇之事,唯有從長計議。 At this moment their urgent matter, is fast convenes to think of Luo bamboo sea all deep Luo clansman, returns to the returns to the clan, participates in ten funeral that builds up empty Ancestor... 此刻他們當務之急,是速速召集思羅竹海所有冥羅族人,返回族內,參加十位煉虛先祖的葬禮... The dim light of night arrives gradually, thinks of Luo Cheng center in the imaginary grave restricted area, built the giant wooden frame, ignites the flaming bonfire. 夜色漸漸降臨,思羅城中心的幻墳禁地之中,架起了巨大的木架,燃起熊熊篝火。 The so-called imaginary grave, buries the deep Luo clan all previous dynasties clansman grave. 所謂的幻墳,是埋葬冥羅族歷代族人的墳地。 Innumerable deep Luo clansman hurry back from the bamboo sea across thinks of Luocheng, in the city various places have deep Luo clansman to be busy, are arranging ten Ancestor funerals. 無數冥羅族人自竹海各地趕回思羅城,城中各處都有冥羅族人忙碌,籌備著十位先祖的葬禮。 valley, must Luo and other priests, together with Qing Dai this High Priest, be busy with arrangement funeral the matter of ancestor worship completely. 谷羅、須羅等祭司,連同青黛這位大祭司,全部忙於籌備葬禮的祭祖之事。 Ning Fan but actually seems idle, is thinking of Luo Cheng to stroll. 寧凡倒顯得無所事事,在思羅城閑逛起來。 Now deep Luo clansman knows that Ning Fan is held responsible empty cultivator, is the deep Luo Clan friend, therefore Ning Fan walks in the city at will, unmanned stop. 如今冥羅族人都知道寧凡是問虛修士,是冥羅一族的朋友,故而寧凡隨意在城中行走,也無人阻攔。 In the imaginary grave is burning the assorted burning incense, even if Ning Fan arrives at West City, can still smell the thick Incense Fire flavor. 幻墳中燃著各色焚香,即便寧凡走到西城,也可以聞到濃濃的香火味道。 He walks alone in the bonfire bright dim light of night, before heart hollow, peaceful. 他獨自行走在篝火明亮的夜色中,心中空前安靜。 He from six priest mouths, had heard the Qing Dai past events. 他已從六位祭司口中,聽說了青黛的往事。 Before 1000 years, Qing Dai still young, his mother is High Priest, dies of the hand of Cedarwood Clan. 千年之前,青黛尚年幼,其母身為大祭司,死於雪松族之手。 In 1000 years, a total of 100,000 deep Luo clansman to be frightened out of one's wits and always not enter the price of samsara, self-destroying cultivates is, congealment Cultivation Pill, takes for Qing Dai, making Qing Dai break through finally peeps empty Realm... 千年之內,共有十万冥羅族人以魂飛魄散、永世不入輪迴的代價,自滅修為,凝結修丹,供青黛服食,令青黛最終突破窺虛境界... 100,000 deep Luo clansman do not hesitate to discard the life, for does not make deep Luo clan prosperous, to retrieve the Ancestor remains merely, is not willing to make ancestor's remains wander about destitute merely outside... 十万冥羅族人不惜捨棄性命,為的不是讓冥羅族興盛,僅僅是為了尋回先祖的遺體,僅僅是不願讓祖先的遺體流落在外... Ten deep Luo Puppet all are peeps empty cultivates is, to deep Luo clan who the present declines, is a strong strength. 十具冥羅傀儡皆是窺虛修為,對如今沒落的冥羅族而言,是一股強大的戰力。 If peeps empty Puppet for protecting deep Luo clan these ten, depending on the Qing Dai Puppet technique, made deep Luo clan the cold dark green country first-class influence absolutely sufficiently, will not be humiliated by other tree clans... 若將這十具窺虛傀儡用於守護冥羅族,憑青黛傀儡術,絕對足以令冥羅族重新成為寒蒼國一流勢力,再不會被其他樹族欺凌... But, deep Luo clansman is very silly is very silly, they untied ten Puppet Puppet patterns completely, destroy ten Puppet, ordinary corpse who only remained ten no strengths. 但,冥羅族人很傻很傻,他們將十具傀儡傀儡陣式全部解開,毀去了十具傀儡,只剩十具沒有任何戰力的普通屍身。 Then, the corpse burials of these ancestors... 而後,將這些祖先的屍身安葬... " They, very silly..., but, I actually do not dislike... " 「他們,很傻...但,我對此卻並不反感...」 Night wind slightly cool, Ning Fan closes one's eyes, at present recalls the past Yue Hu Family past events. 夜風微涼,寧凡閉上眼,眼前回憶起當年越國胡家的往事。 Hu Feng child is the asylum family, does not hesitate to be frightened out of one's wits to change to Cultivation Pill... 胡風子為庇護家族,不惜魂飛魄散化作修丹... 100,000 deep Luo clansman, to retrieve the ancestor burial, do not hesitate to be frightened out of one's wits... 十万冥羅族人,為尋回祖先遺體安葬,亦不惜魂飛魄散... On the cultivation road never lacks the smart person, as long as is Old Monster that has experienced bloodsea, is the worldly person common character. 修真路上從來不缺聰明人,但凡是個經歷過血海老怪,皆是人精一般的人物。 On the cultivation road, always only lacks the stupid person. Insisted on doing what is impossible that knew perfectly well front has mountain of sword Sea of Fire, holds to read for the protection, did not hesitate dead, does not lose the principle of righteousness, although thousands of people I toward! 修真路上,從來只缺笨人。明知不可為而為之,明知前方有刀山火海,為守護執念,仍不惜一死,不負大義,雖千萬人吾往矣! Knew perfectly well that done all do not have the significance, actually must seek a result tenaciously! 明知所做的一切都沒有意義,卻偏偏要固執地尋一個結果! Knew perfectly well that step by step will be alarmed for the enemy with the day, actually for her dimple, rather negative heaven did not lose the Sir/minister! 明知與天為敵會步步驚心,卻仍為她一個笑靨,寧負蒼天不負卿! Uses up all the tricks too intelligently, these people are not often joyful. 機關算盡太聰明,這些人往往並不快樂。 Ning Fan the reappearing origami crane and adore/admire Xiaoliang and other female appearances, smile at present suddenly. 寧凡眼前浮現紙鶴、慕小涼等女的容顏,忽然會心一笑。 These silly Young Lady, if there is his asylum, could entire life hand not blood-stained, gets down joyfully. 這些傻兮兮的姑娘,若有他的庇護,或許可以一生一世都手不染血,快樂下去。 Wise often appear slow-witted, great skill seems like lack of skill, the big sound hopes the sound, the elephant invisible, greatly full, if flushes, big Bian Ruone, does not have the corner naturally, if greatly bends, big accomplishment if lacks... 大智若愚,大巧若拙,大音希聲,大象無形,大盈若沖,大辯若訥,大方無隅,大直若屈,大成若缺... This, to plain Great Dao! 這,就是至朴的大道 Master sergeant Wen say/way, attendance and line ; of Staff Sergeant Wen say/way, if saves if perishes ; Corporal Wen say/way, laughs it, does not smile thinks to say insufficient! 上士聞道,勤而行之中士聞道,若存若亡下士聞道,大笑之,不笑不足以為道! The world ridiculed the stupidity that deep Luo clan, actually does not know, the deep Luo clan so act conforms to the human relations, compatible Great Dao. 世人嘲笑冥羅族的愚蠢,卻不知,冥羅族如此行徑才符合人倫,親和大道 If everyone can understand that deep Luo clan say/way, this was also not Great Dao. 若人人都能理解冥羅族的道,這道也就不算大道了。 Ning Fan takes the bleeding liquor bottle gourd, thump thump Man Yin, glances back in the lights waning place, is looking giant bonfire that thinks of Luo Cheng center, gaze is getting more and more profound. 寧凡出血酒葫蘆,咕咚咕咚滿飲一口,於燈火闌珊處驀然回首,望著思羅城中心的巨大篝火,目光越來越深邃。 Big Dao Transform is extremely instead! 道化極則為反! The big realification is extremely empty! 大實化極則為虛! Since Ning Fan cultivate Dao, at first looks empty is empty, latter comes to see empty is not empty, finally looked empty is still empty. 寧凡一路修道至今,起初看虛是虛,後來看虛不是虛,最後看虛仍是虛。 But at this moment, his gaze peeps the reality obviously, Dao Intent in eye is actually empty! 但這一刻,他明明目光窺實,眼中的道意卻是虛! Actual situation two intent, he has faded to become aware gradually, is enough to empty insights, universe insights almost understands completely! 虛實二意,他已漸漸明悟,沖虛感悟已然足夠,就連太虛感悟都幾乎徹悟! He looks out the imaginary grave bonfire, looks that in bonfire ten corpse who builds up empty Ancestor burns for the flying ash gradually. 他遙望幻墳篝火,看著篝火中十具煉虛老祖的屍身漸漸焚為飛灰。 He noticed that 32 Wan Mingluo clansman to the end worships on bended knees, both eyes with tears, devotionally to bonfire prayer and sacrificial offering. 他看到三十二萬冥羅族人倒頭跪拜,雙目含淚,虔誠向篝火禱告、祭祀。 " My deep Luo Clan, living, but is the tree, takes root in the place, my root is , is our country! Our country may break, my root may burn, my body may extinguish, I said may disappear, my Ancestor, was not only tolerant of others to bully, was not tolerant of others to profane! " 「我冥羅一族,生而為樹,紮根於地,吾根所在,便是吾國!吾國可破,吾根可焚,吾身可滅,吾道可消,唯吾先祖,不容人欺,不容人褻!」 " Ten thousand years of catastrophe, the ancestor bone is faded and fallen, thinks of the distress! The descendants are unfilial, does not kill ten thousand thieves, did not vow willing! " 「萬年浩劫,祖骨飄零,思之痛心!子孫不肖,不殺萬賊,誓不甘心!」 " Our later generation descendants Yu Huanfen swore, vertical puts certainly together 32 ten thousand clansman dead , must make ten thousand very perish! If disobeys this oath, Heaven and Mortal unites! " 「吾等後世子孫於幻墳立誓,縱拼得三十二族人死絕,也必令萬賊殞命!如違此誓,天人共戮!」 That boundless pledge, loud and clear, making the Ning Fan heart lake have the ripple. 那蒼茫的誓言,擲地有聲,令寧凡心湖起了波紋。 Under the bonfire, Qing Dai wears the magnificent clothing, barefoots, gathers round the bonfire to dance lightly, reverent prayer. 篝火之下,青黛身著華麗的服飾,赤著腳,圍著篝火翩然起舞,虔誠禱告。 In her gaze, full is to longing of ancestor, her dancer's posture is too beautiful, just likes a dancing lightly azure butterfly... 目光之中,滿是對祖先的懷念,她舞姿太美,猶如一個翩翩起舞的青蝶... The Ning Fan corners of the mouth bring back the smile, raised the blood liquor bottle gourd, drinking to heart's content several. 寧凡嘴角勾起微笑,提起血酒葫蘆,痛飲數口。 His gaze, with Qing Dai dancer's posture even more clear understanding. 他的目光,隨著青黛的舞姿愈加清明 The dancer's posture is solid, the remembrance of the ancestor is empty. 舞姿是實,對祖先的思念是虛。 The bonfire is solid, pledge of that melting in bonfire is empty. 篝火是實,那熔化在篝火中的聲聲誓言是虛。 Ten Ancestor corpses are solid, when the corpse changes into the flying ash after the raging fire, that reverberation in entire thinks of Luo Cheng's Ancestor dismal is empty. 十位先祖屍身是實,當屍身在烈火中化為飛灰之後,那回蕩在整個思羅城的先祖悲涼是虛。 Ning Fan bend the palm absorbs, absorbs the next piece of bamboo leaves from a mottled bamboo. 寧凡屈掌一攝,從一株湘妃竹之上攝下一片竹葉。 That bamboo leaves are solid, as the Ning Fan palm strength spits, the bamboo leaves actually change to one group of nihilities gradually the cyanogen. 那竹葉是實,但隨著寧凡掌力一吐,竹葉卻漸漸化作一團虛無的青氣。 As the Ning Fan intention moves, the cyanogen of that nihility changes the bamboo leaves again... 隨著寧凡心念一動,那虛無的青氣再次變回竹葉... Actual situation only in a thought! 虛實只在一念間! Ning Fan throws the soil the bamboo leaves, he closes one's eyes, the whole body desalinates in the dim light of night gradually. 寧凡將竹葉拋回泥土,他閉上眼,周身漸漸在夜色之中淡化。 , His Mortal Body changes to the nihility gradually, as if vanishes in the dim light of night! 漸漸的,他的肉身化作虛無,彷彿消失在夜色之中! That is Mortal Body empty, thorough empty! 那是肉身虛化,徹底的虛化! When asked empty, Ning Fan also once made Mortal Body empty, but did not have thoroughly to this one step! 問虛之時,寧凡也曾令肉身虛化,但卻沒有徹底到這一步 At this moment, the affiliation time thinks of the tour of Luo bamboo sea from this, his empty word insights is thorough! 這一刻,藉由此次思羅竹海之行,他的虛字感悟徹底圓滿! So long as Magic Force is enough, he can in then break through to the empty bottleneck at this moment, breaks through universe Realm! 只要法力足夠,他可以在此刻便衝破沖虛瓶頸,突破太虛境界 His intention moves, the body reappears gradually in the boundless dim light of night. 他心念一動,身體漸漸重現在蒼茫夜色中。 On his face is not not happily sad, calm calm, as if breakthrough universe insights is successful and natural, nothing surprised. 他臉上無悲無喜,淡定從容,彷彿突破太虛感悟是水到渠成、理所當然,沒有任何驚訝。 " Silly Younger Brother, you had broken through universe insights, if this moment Magic Force is enough, can exceed universe Realm... Elder Sister to remind you, you surmount the Realm biggest barrier, is not insights, is not Magic Force, but is Heavenly Tribulation... , if no completely safe preparation, rashly crossing tribulation, this one time Heavenly Tribulation, not deciding however is stronger than last time, most likely is the cold wind tribulation! " In mind, Luo You hehe smiles tenderly, reminded. 「傻弟弟,你已突破了太虛感悟,若此刻法力足夠,便可一舉突破太虛境界了...不過姐姐可提醒你,你突破境界最大的障礙,不是感悟,不是法力,而是天劫...若無萬全準備,千萬不要貿然渡劫,這一次天劫,定然比上一次更強,十有八九是陰風劫!」心神之中,洛幽咯咯嬌笑,提醒道 " I understand that... thanks. " 「我明白...謝謝。」 One of Ning Fan to Luo You returning smiles, this Luo You is usually indifferent about him, deliberately spreads out with him, excessively did not talk with him. 寧凡洛幽回之一笑,這洛幽平日里似對他漠不關心,刻意與他拉開距離,不與他過多交談。 But often sees him to have difficult, will be concerned the reminder. 但每每見他有難,都會關切提醒。 Although Luo You is evading him everywhere, but is not necessarily brutal to him. 洛幽雖處處避著他,但對他未必無情。 She has any family feud country to hate eventually, can make her so evade the emotion... 她終究有什麼家仇國恨,能令她如此逃避情感... Boom! 轟! Thinks of Luo Cheng center the bonfire wooden frame, suddenly sends out a giant thunder, was struck crushing by dropping from the clouds huge palm print! 思羅城中心的篝火木架,忽然發出一道巨大轟響,被一個從天而降的巨大掌印一擊擊碎! The hot ash scatters in Ye Kong (night sky), the ash of corpse that ten build up empty Ancestor, disperses with the wind. 火灰在夜空中飄散,那十具煉虛先祖的屍身之灰,亦隨風而散。 But above the expansive sky, resounds three old men the sound of sneering suddenly. 而長空之上,驟然響起三名老者的冷笑之聲。 " Deep Luo Clan is really stupid! They retrieve ten Ancestor obviously peeps empty Puppet, actually ten Puppet destruction, cremated Ancestor stupidly...! " 「冥羅一族真是愚蠢之極!他們明明尋回十位先祖的窺虛傀儡,卻將十具傀儡毀壞,火葬了先祖...愚蠢之極!」 " If deep Luo Zunei has ten to peep empty assumes personal command, today I and others conquered by killing deep Luo, perhaps must lose some troops, but ten peep empty Puppet to destroy, deep Luo Zunei only remains that to peep empty High Priest, and two external asked empty, was not worth mentioning! " 「若冥羅族內有十位窺虛坐鎮,今日我等血洗冥羅,恐怕還要多損失些人馬,不過十具窺虛傀儡已毀,冥羅族內只剩那窺虛大祭司,及兩名外來問虛,不值一提!」 " Trivial decline tree clan, dares to kill the person of my Cedarwood Clan, courts death simply! " 「區區沒落樹族,敢殺我雪松族之人,簡直是找死!」 Three sneer has not stopped, thinks of sky over Luo Cheng, suddenly drops from the clouds about million Gold Core cultivator armies! 三道冷笑未停,思羅城上空,忽然從天而降近百萬金丹修士大軍! These cultivator are divided into Four Families, is setting upright four sides the flag, respectively is Cedarwood Clan and stone Shuzu, Thundercedar Clan, god Qiao clan! 這些修士共分四族,豎著四面大旗,分別是雪松族、石樹族、雷柏族、神喬族! Three people of sneering, are Cedarwood Clan three Ancestor, each is universe cultivator! 冷笑的三人,是雪松族三名老祖,各個都是太虛修士 A their word points out frankly to peep empty Puppet and other matters, obviously before thinks of Luo bamboo sea, then investigates thoroughly the deep Luo clan details completely! 他們一言道破窺虛傀儡等事,顯然在來思羅竹海之前,便將冥羅族的底細全部查清! They come prepared, this time is to at one fell swoop destruction deep Luo clan! 他們是有備而來,此次是要一舉覆滅冥羅族! Even if the soul bamboos and generation after generations were inferior that Sir of samsara, could not prevent the Four Families destruction deep Luo's determination! 就算是魂魄化竹、生生世世不如輪迴的那位大人,也阻止不了四族覆滅冥羅的決心! " Who kills my child lunatic is, rolls to me! " Side three Cedarwood Ancestor, a middle-aged man who wears the silver robe gets angry exclaims. 「殺我孩兒的狂徒是誰,給我滾出來!」三名雪松老祖身旁,一個身著銀袍的中年男子怒吼道。 He is one flushes empty cultivator, is Cedarwood Clan this for the head of the clan, named Ao Wang! 他是一名沖虛修士,是雪松族此代族長,名為敖亡 Then was struck Cedarwood Young Lord Ao Chen that kills by Ning Fan, indeed its child! 那被寧凡擊殺的雪松少主敖辰,正是其孩兒! Cedarwood Clan and other big tree clans arrive suddenly, set out million cultivator. 雪松族等四大樹族驟然降臨,共出動了百萬修士 And, solely built up empty cultivator then to come 30 people! 其中,單單煉虛修士便來了30人! Peeps the empty 11 people, asked the empty 7 people, to empty 6 people, universe 6 people! 窺虛11人,問虛七人,沖虛六人,太虛六人! Four Families high-order cultivator all sends out, the participation conquers by killing the war of deep Luo, in the clan keeps low-order cultivator! 四族的高階修士全部出動,參與血洗冥羅之戰,族中之留低階修士 Qing Dai and valley, must Luo and other priests, and 32 Wan Mingluo clansman, looks up in the night sky million cultivator, is gaze is all furious! 青黛、谷羅、須羅等祭司,及三十二萬冥羅族人,抬頭望著夜空上的百萬修士,俱是目光震怒! Their sacrificial offering ancestor's ceremony, was destroyed by Four Families cultivator! 他們祭祀祖先的儀式,被四族修士毀了! Ancestor's bone ash, was struck the powder by Four Families, is hard to take back! 祖先的骨灰,被四族擊散,難以收回! Even if knew perfectly well that the opposite party powerhouse converges, deep Luo clansman is also filled with righteous indignation one by one, even then several hundred both eyes blood red deep Luo clansman, self-ignition Monster Core and monster infant, shoots up to the sky immediately, must perish together with Four Families cultivator! 縱然明知對方強者雲集,冥羅族人亦是各個義憤填膺,甚至立刻便有數百名雙目血紅的冥羅族人,自燃妖丹、妖嬰,衝天而起,要與四族修士同歸於盡! They can endure to revile and humiliate, can be ridiculed, they do not care. 他們可以忍受唾罵、欺凌,可以被人嘲笑,他們不在乎。 But their ancestors were humiliated, the bone ash was struck the powder, how they can endure, how can endure again! 但他們的祖先被人欺凌,骨灰被人擊散,他們如何能忍,如何可以再忍! " You went too far! " 「爾等欺人太甚!」 Cedarwood Clan long Ao Wang sneers in the sky, the foot treads sharp, above Ye Kong (night sky) reappears immediately the void sea, lifts refers, deep Luo clansman Mortal Body blasting open that several hundreds shoot up to the sky, changes to the blood fog to flutter completely Scatter! 雪松族敖亡冷笑當空,足尖一踏,夜空之上頓時浮現虛空之海,抬指一點,數百衝天而起的冥羅族人全部肉身炸裂、化作血霧飄散! " Trivial Gold Core and Yuan infant ants, dares to fight with this head of the clan, overreaches oneself simply! Now the deep Luo clan internal energy makes Old Man look straight at to take a liking to one slightly, only then that two asked empty cultivator, was you peeped empty cultivate/repair for Qing Dai High Priest, in this clan kept eyes open is also only ants nothing more! " 「區區金丹、元嬰螻蟻,也敢與本族長一戰,簡直是不自量力!如今冥羅族內能讓老夫稍稍正眼瞧上一眼的,只有那兩名問虛修士,便是你們窺虛修為的青黛大祭司,在本族長眼中也只是螻蟻而已!」 " This head of the clan several three, if kills my child asked that empty lunatic does not come, this head of the clan then orders to conquer by killing deep Luo immediately! " 「本族長數三聲,若殺我孩兒的問虛狂徒再不現身,本族長便立刻下令血洗冥羅!」 " One! " 「一!」 " Two! " 「二!」 Ao Wang three did not have several, among Heaven and Earth to resound together Long Yinban the sound of sword cry suddenly! 敖亡三還沒數出,天地間忽然響起一道龍吟般的劍鳴之聲! Actually sees in the dim light of night, youth in white clothes treadons a sword read the black great sword, appeared above Ye Kong (night sky) suddenly. 卻見夜色之中,一名白衣青年腳踏一柄劍念所化的黑色巨劍,驟然出現在夜空之上。 Ao Wang has not seen clearly the appearance of this youth, this youth breaks into pieces unexpectedly simultaneously together with its sword of under foot sword reading! 敖亡還未看清這青年的容貌,這青年連同其腳下劍念之劍竟同時碎散開來! Among an instant, Ao Wang as if sees the youth in white clothes strange changing black clothes, resembles the illusion, has not seen clearly. 一瞬間,敖亡似乎看到白衣青年詭異的化作黑衣,又似幻覺,並未看清。 The next instance, such as the sword of black ink read to sweep away Ye Kong (night sky), Four Families million Gold Core cultivator has not responded, had been read by the sword kills one piece horizontally, shortly already dead will go to 200,000-300,000 cultivator! 下一個瞬間,一股如墨的劍念橫掃夜空,四族百萬金丹修士還未反應過來,已被劍念橫殺一片,頃刻已死去200,000-300,000修士 Four Families Ancestor is the universe, in Cedarwood Clan has three universe, other three clans have one person respectively. 四族老祖皆是太虛,雪松族內有三名太虛,其他三族各有一人。 Six universe uneven take action, will sweep away the Ye Kong (night sky) sword to read to keep off together, avoided low-order clansman continue fall from the sky. 六名太虛齊齊出手,將橫掃夜空的劍念擋下,才避免了低階族人繼續隕落。 Six people endure anger excitedly, has not lashed out at youth in white clothes, actually sees the Ao Wang side to present innumerable breaking into pieces ink trace suddenly. 六人忍下勃然之怒,還未向白衣青年發難,卻見敖亡的身旁忽然出現無數碎散的墨影 ink trace one fragment one condensation, forms strength of the vast strangling to death, strangles to death Ao Wang in ink trace! 墨影一碎一凝,形成一股浩瀚的絞殺之力,將敖亡生生絞殺在墨影之中! ink trace scatters, Ning Fan of white clothing grasps Ao Wang Nascent Divinity, in the eye contains the boundless malignant influences, coldly sweeps off toward Four Families cultivator one. 墨影流散,一襲白衣的寧凡手持敖亡元神,眼中蘊含無邊煞氣,冷冷四族修士一眼掃去。 Only one look, the Four Families six universe, felt palpitation that cannot conceal! 只一個眼神,就連四族六名太虛,都感到一陣掩飾不住的心悸! " North the True Body/this Senior land, your Cedarwood Clan few head of the clan are I kill, you can my what! " 本尊陸北,你雪松族少族長是我所殺,你能奈我何!」 Ning Fan said that the entire expansive sky died immediately the same silence! 寧凡一言出,整個長空頓時死一樣的寂靜! North the next moment, just left builds up empty cultivator that the sea of trees returns to call out in alarm suddenly said! 下一刻,一名剛出北樹海返回的煉虛修士忽然驚呼道! " He is north the land! He is that lunatic that Vine Sovereign arrests! He escaped unexpectedly east me the sea of trees! " 「他就是陸北!他就是藤皇緝拿的那名狂徒!他竟逃到了我東樹海!」
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