GE :: Volume #6

#578: He owes me pot liquor...

Azure Sky Boat speeds away, continuously travel to Si Luo Sea of Bamboo of Hancang Country east territory. 天青舟一路疾驰,一直行驶到寒苍国东域的思罗竹海 This is a piece of vast bamboo sea, in the air is contaminating continuously the bamboo fragrance of mottled bamboo. 这是一片一望无际的竹海,空气中都沾染着缕缕湘妃竹的竹香。 Si Luo Sea of Bamboo be continuous 4 million li, this 4 million li boundary, is the land of Ming Luo Clan housing, and no other people lives. 思罗竹海绵延四百万里,这四百万里的地界,皆是冥罗一族居住的土地,并无任何外人居住。 This place in the ancient times is the without/has not bamboo sea growth, the originally locally born plant is Cedarwood. 此地在古时是没有竹海生长的,原本土生土长的植物是雪松 But the innumerable years ago, after last generation of Tree Sovereign Ming Luo are missing, Cedarwood of this place completely vanishes , grows the countless mottled bamboo taking the same place unfamiliar. 但在无数年前,最后一代冥罗树皇失踪之后,此地的雪松全部消失,取而代之地,地面生长出数之不尽的湘妃竹。 Ming Luo Clan generations of declines, mottled bamboo actually Eternal ever green, is never on the wane. 冥罗族一代代没落,湘妃竹却万古长青,从未凋零。 But always ignores Ming Luo Clan declining Bamboo Palace, suddenly in Si Luo Sea of Bamboo, issued a strange order... 而始终漠视冥罗族衰亡的竹殿,忽然在思罗竹海之中,下了一道奇怪的命令... After Azure Sky Boat goes to Si Luo Sea of Bamboo Outer Circle, Qing Dai stops the flying boat suddenly, receives storage pouch Azure Sky Boat. 天青舟行驶至思罗竹海外围之后,青黛忽然停住飞舟,将天青舟收入储物袋 Ning Fan detects, the Si Luo Sea of Bamboo sky, has strength of not the weak flying restriction... 宁凡则察觉到,思罗竹海的上空,有不弱的禁空之力... The strength of this flying restriction as if in view of Escaping Treasure and Void Fragmentation cultivator escaping light, really strangely. 禁空之力似乎之针对遁宝碎虚修士的遁光,着实古怪之极。 Big Brother Lu, my Ming Luo Clan person then lives in this Si Luo Sea of Bamboo. Following the order of Bamboo Palace, to Si Luo Sea of Bamboo, cannot use Azure Sky Boat, will otherwise violate the Bamboo Palace palace gauge.” 陆大哥,我冥罗族人便居住在这思罗竹海之中。遵照竹殿的命令,到了思罗竹海,就不能使用天青舟了,否则会违反竹殿殿规。” „Did Bamboo Palace set the this kind of palace gauge?” Ning Fan is surprised, at once understands clearly, this fills the expansive sky the strength of flying restriction, is Bamboo Palace supposes mostly. 竹殿设置了这等殿规?”宁凡一诧,旋即了然,这弥漫长空的禁空之力,多半是竹殿设下。 Un. Last after generation of Tree Sovereign Ming Luo are missing, Ming Luo Clan will be on the decline from now on, but this place starts to be covered with the mottled bamboo. Afterward Bamboo Palace supposes the strength of flying restriction in this Si Luo Sea of Bamboo, and three Dao Life Command: Any cultivator can not , in this place use large-scale Escaping Treasure ; Void Fragmentation cultivator does not allow to enter outside Si Luo Sea of Bamboo ; except Ming Luo Clan. Any cultivator does not permit in this place felling mottled bamboo. These three are Dao Life Command very strange?” Qing Dai smiles mischievously. “嗯。最后一代冥罗树皇失踪后,冥罗族自此衰微,而此地开始长满湘妃竹。随后竹殿在这思罗竹海设下禁空之力,并下了三道命令:任何修士不得在此地使用大型遁宝碎虚修士不允许进入思罗竹海除却冥罗一族外。任何修士不允许在此地砍伐湘妃竹。这三道命令是不是很奇怪?”青黛调皮一笑。 These three Dao Life Command are truly strange. It seems like the asylum of Bamboo Palace to Ming Luo Clan, actually not like...” “这三道命令确实很奇怪。看起来像是竹殿冥罗族的庇护,却又不像...” Yes. Bamboo Palace has never sheltered my Ming Luo Clan, when my Ming Luo Clan suffers his clan humiliates, always nobody inquires about... the mottled bamboo is the Bamboo Palace god bamboo, perhaps Bamboo Palace wants to protect this piece of bamboo sea.” Qing Dai smiles, thinks little. “是呢。竹殿从未庇护过我冥罗族,我冥罗族遭受他族欺凌之时,从来无人过问呢...湘妃竹是竹殿的神竹,或许竹殿只是想保护这片竹海吧。”青黛笑笑,不以为意。 Azure Sky Boat by the strength of limit flying restriction, is unable to fly into Si Luo Sea of Bamboo. 天青舟禁空之力限制,无法飞入思罗竹海 In three people, Ning Fan is Void Inquire cultivation base, Qing Dai is Void Glimpse cultivation base. Not by strength of limit flying restriction. 三人之中,宁凡问虚修为,青黛窥虚修为。不受禁空之力限制。 cultivation base that Teng Xianrou reveals is Void Inquire, real cultivation base is actually Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer, she by strength of limit this flying restriction, is unable to fly into Si Luo Sea of Bamboo unexpectedly... 藤纤柔表露的修为问虚,真实修为却是碎虚一重天,她被这禁空之力限制,竟无法飞入思罗竹海... Lu Bei, I cannot fly...” Her willow eyebrows one pressed, to Ning Fan in secret said with sound transmission. 陆北,我飞不进去...”她柳眉一蹙,对宁凡暗中传音道 If she wants to enter Si Luo Sea of Bamboo, can only walk to pass through 4 million li bamboo forest. Actually does not know when must arrive. 她若想入思罗竹海,只能步行穿越四百万里竹林。却不知要走到何年何月了。 forget it/that's all, you first rest in Dual Cauldron World, while convenient under instruction female guard cultivation.” Ning Fan without/has not to opportunity of Teng Xianrou rejection, direct activates Cauldron Furnace Ring, received her Dual Cauldron World. 罢了,你先在鼎炉界中休息休息吧,顺便指导下女卫修炼。”宁凡没有藤纤柔拒绝的机会,直接催动鼎炉环,将她收入鼎炉界中。 Emerges out of thin air in Dual Cauldron World, Teng Xianrou shows the extremely discontented expression. 凭空出现在鼎炉界中,藤纤柔露出极其不满的表情。 In moment that she presents. Bing Ling and Yue Ling and other female guard welcome immediately, Qian Rou Elder Sister. 在她出现的一刻。冰灵月灵等诸多女卫立刻迎了上来,一口一个‘千柔姐姐’。 This Gold Core female cultivator buys her clothes, praising immortal materials that her women's clothing uses to be good. 这个金丹女修过来扯扯她的衣服,夸她衣裙用的仙料好。 That Harmonious Spirit female cultivator traces her long hair, praised her black hair maintenance well. 那个融灵女修过来摸摸她的长发,夸她青丝保养地好。 Naturally, also big pile of Low-Rank female cultivator hold extremely low-end cultivation issue. Inquired her. 当然,还有一大堆低阶女修捧着极其低端的修炼问题。来询问她。 These issues mostly are Harmonious Spirit and Gold Core cultivation bottleneck, in the Teng Xianrou eye. The skillful idiot issue, is not worth replying, Teng Xianrou has to reply. 这些问题大都是融灵金丹修炼瓶颈,在藤纤柔眼中。纯熟白痴问题,不值得回答,偏偏藤纤柔不得不回答。 Ning Fan will subdue the Teng Xianrou matter to inform female guard early. Naturally, what Ning Fan without/has not told female guard was, Teng Xianrou was Void Fragmentation Old Monster... 宁凡早将收服藤纤柔的事情告知了诸位女卫。当然,宁凡没有告诉女卫的是,藤纤柔是一名碎虚老怪... female guard do not know Teng Xianrou cultivation base, dreads about Teng Xianrou also by no means but actually, but also is very warm. Ning Fan told them, if on cultivation had what question, can inquire to Teng Xianrou, Teng Xianrou omniscient... 女卫们不知藤纤柔修为,对藤纤柔倒也并不畏惧,还十分热情。宁凡告诉她们,如果修炼上有什么疑问,可以向藤纤柔提问,藤纤柔无所不知... Teng Xianrou has to plant with hits the impulsion of tofu! Her solemn Void Fragmentation Old Monster, why must answer one crowd of Low-Rank cultivator retarded issue! 藤纤柔有种拿头撞豆腐的冲动!她堂堂碎虚老怪,凭什么要回答一群低阶修士的弱智问题! Gold Core is round or flat? 金丹是圆的还是扁的? She spanned Gold Core Realm many years good! Gold Core changes Nascent Soul, Nascent Soul Monster Soul, she does not remember the Gold Core appearance! 她跨越金丹境界很多年了好不好!金丹元婴,元婴妖魂,她早就不记得金丹的样子了! People who to say again, has the general knowledge generally knows Gold Core is round issue such idiot who... who asked! 再说,一般有常识的人都知道金丹是圆的...谁问的问题这么白痴! Harmonious Spirit is quite difficult, what to do doesn't want to melt? 融灵好难呀,不想融怎么办? Does not think that Harmonious Spirit you also cultivate/repair what real! Goes home to embroider! Here sells anything to sprout/moe! 不想融灵你还修什么真!回家绣花去吧!在这里卖什么萌! How to flatter the Master's favor? 如何讨好主人的欢心? wait a minute/etc., this idiot issue asked her!!! How she knows how to flatter the Ning Fan favor, she is disinclined to flatter the Ning Fan favor!!! Why she must ask for the Ning Fan favor!!! 等等,这种白痴问题怎么也问她!!!她怎么知道如何讨好宁凡的欢心,她根本懒得讨好宁凡的欢心!!!她凭什么要讨宁凡的欢心!!! Aggrieved, was really aggrieved! 憋屈,真是太憋屈了! If former she, ran into the Harmonious Spirit junior to ask that these idiot issues, a palm of the hand has flown the opposite party racket! 若是从前的她,遇到融灵小辈问这些白痴问题,早就一巴掌把对方拍飞了! What a pity present she is the slave of Ning Fan, she must depress the disgruntledness in heart, greets with a smile, is ordered to answer the female guard idiot issue. 可惜如今的她是宁凡之奴,她必须压下心中的不悦,笑脸相迎,奉命回答女卫们的白痴问题。 She felt that own Void Fragmentation cultivator lofty and unyielding character, wearing down bit by bit is falling... 她感到自己碎虚修士的傲骨,正在一点一点的消磨掉... She felt that own cultivate Dao 20,000 years comes, without/has not is always aggrieved... 她感到自己修道两万年来,从来没有如此憋屈过... She suddenly one startled, secretly thought, can it be does Ning Fan send these Low-Rank female cultivator to rub her lofty and unyielding character intentionally? He intentionally! 她恍然一惊,暗道,难道宁凡故意派这些低阶女修磨她傲骨么?他故意的! Teng Xianrou wishes one could to pinch agglomerate pain flat Ning Fan, but remembers the Ning Fan human and animals harmless smile, thinks Ning Fan possibly sends female guard to ask intentionally these idiot issues, tries to enrage her, her gradually was instead calm. 藤纤柔就恨不得将宁凡捏成团痛扁一顿,但一想起宁凡人畜无害的笑容,一想到宁凡可能故意派女卫问这些白痴问题,试图激怒她,她反而渐渐冷静了。 Clenches teeth, all swallowed discontentedly, squeezes out for several points not to calculate that the bright smile, answered female guard each and every single (person) idiot issue. 咬咬牙,把所有不满咽下了,挤出几分不算明朗的笑容,回答起诸位女卫一个个白痴问题。 Ning Fan wants to enrage her, she is not angry, she cannot make Ning Fan plan to work! 宁凡想激怒她,她偏偏不生气,她不能让宁凡计划得逞! 500 years! So long as has endured this 500 years, I was free!” 五百年!只要忍过这五百年,我就自由了!” ... ... Teng Xianrou misunderstands Ning Fan. 藤纤柔真是误会宁凡了。 These female guard issues are completely the originals, with Ning Fan without/has not least bit relationship. 这些女卫的问题全部是原创的,跟宁凡没有半点关系 These female guard some seize from Yue Country, some are obtain in Endless Sea, they after following Ning Fan, does not need to spell to fight. The day is very lightly leisurely and carefree, the thought draws close to very lives. Like mortal female. 这些女卫有的是从越国掳来的,有些是在无尽海获得的,她们在跟随宁凡之后,再不需要与人拼斗。日子十分悠闲平淡,思想十分贴近生活。就像凡人女子。 Mortal female, care is always at sixes and sevens issue. 凡人女子么,关心的从来都是乱七八糟的问题。 They asked that these rare and beautiful flowers issues, is completely because these 10 years crossed too leisurely and carefree. 她们问出这些奇葩问题,完全是因为这几十年过得太悠闲了。 In Si Luo Sea of Bamboo, Ning Fan and Qing Dai fly to escape shoulder to shoulder, Divine Sense disperses by far, is feeling Si Luo Sea of Bamboo local conditions and customs. 思罗竹海之中,宁凡青黛并肩飞遁,神念则远远散开,感受着思罗竹海风土人情 The 4 million li boundary, only has Ming Luo Clan to live here. 四百万里的地界,唯有冥罗一族在此生活。 Outside except Ming Luo Clan, this place actually also lived countless mortals... 除却冥罗一族外,此地竟然还生活了无数凡人... These mortal and Ming Luo cultivator harmonious coexistence. Unexpectedly without/has not any improper. 这些凡人与冥罗修士和谐共存。竟没有任何不妥。 Ming Luo Clan has declined, remaining clansman suffering the honor or disgrace, saw the cultivation world favor changes in temperature, other by no means cultivation families looked down upon the mortal. 冥罗一族已然没落,残余族人饱经荣辱,见惯了修真界的人情冷暖,并不似其他修真家族般看不起凡人。 The mortals also know that world has Immortal Master exist(ence), in their opinion, Ming Luo Clan is this Si Luo Sea of Bamboo Immortal. 凡人们也知道世间有仙师存在,在他们看来,冥罗一族便是这思罗竹海仙人 Under dense bamboo sea, occasionally obviously mortal village. 密密的竹海之下,偶尔可见凡人村落。 Simple cottage that in these mortals communicated. Occasionally obviously Low-Rank Ming Luo Tree Monster and mortal old men chatted to make tea... 在那些凡人来往的竹篱茅舍之间。偶尔可见低阶冥罗树妖与凡人老者们谈笑烹茶... This Immortal and Mortal harmonious scene, in cultivation world simply is inconceivable! 这种仙凡和谐的景象,在修真界简直是不可思议! If other cultivation clans saw that Ming Luo Clan from falling the status and mortal is a companion, decides will smile. 若是其他修真族看到冥罗族自降身份与凡人为伍,定会哂笑不已。 But looks like in Ning Fan, the Ming Luo Clan actions actually coincide with Great Dao! 但在宁凡看来,冥罗族的所作所为却与大道相合! The immortal stands the person on mountain, if got down the mountain of that cultivate Dao, then with mortal not different... 仙是站在山上的人,若下了那修道之山,便与凡人无异... He shelters Ming Luo Clan. Fine was held by Ming Luo Tree, at this moment poured to Ming Luo Clan that was from the heart had the meaning of several points of applause. 他庇护冥罗族。本是受冥罗树精所托,此刻倒发自内心的对冥罗族有了几分赞许之意。 When has cuts down the mortal old firewood of bamboo in Si Luo Sea of Bamboo, raised the head saw the escaping light that Ning Fan deliberately slows down, will beckon with the hand to greet to Ning Fan. 时有在思罗竹海伐竹的凡人老樵,抬头看到宁凡刻意放慢的遁光,会向宁凡摆手打个招呼。 This is common in the world of mortals originally, among people shows good will by no means to need the reason. 这在凡间原本再寻常不过,人与人之间示好并不需要理由。 But if in cultivation world. Some for no reason people show good will for no reason, Ning Fan will consider surely repeatedly. Has a look at the opposite party to have what plans... 但若在修真界平白无故有人示好,宁凡必定会反复思量。看看对方有何谋划... Ning Fan reveals the color of palpitation, he yearned the life that this type does not need to manipulate strategically, could not actually have returned, does cannot the mortal... 宁凡露出怔忡之色,他向往这种不必勾心斗角的生活,却已回不到过去,做不会凡人... To walk from Dao Mountain, by immortal become mortal, needs to climb up Peak cultivation base at least to be possible. 想要从道山走下来,由仙化凡,起码需要有攀上巅峰修为才可。 At that time, no matter what you think, when cultivator, wants to work as the mortal, the without/has not person dares to provoke you. 在那个时候,任你想当修士,想当凡人,都没有人敢招惹你了。 The road of cultivation, once steps, before Peak, has not only had advance continuously! 修真之路,一旦踏上,在未至巅峰之前,唯有一直前进! Even the Ming Luo Clan life in this place, in the surface is together with the mortals genially, in the back actually receives the humiliations of other Tree Clan... 就算是冥罗族生活在此地,表面上与凡人们和善相处,背地里却又受其他树族的欺凌... cultivation world, eventually is not the utopia paradise, how to put on a false show of great peace again, the back has bloodsea that cannot conceal... 修真界,终究不是桃源乐土,再怎么粉饰太平,背后都有掩饰不住的血海... Si Luo Sea of Bamboo 4 million li is only broad, even if Ning Fan deliberately slows down the escaping light, spending is not long, then arrives at bamboo sea center area. 思罗竹海四百万里广阔,即便宁凡刻意放慢遁光,也并未花费太久,便到达竹海中心区域 A bamboo sea center ten thousand li (0.5 km) boundary, constructs city of the giant green bamboo. 竹海中心万里地界,建有一座巨大的翠竹之城。 In the city has a plaque, submits a written statement to three characters: Si Luo City! 城上有一匾,上书三字:思罗城 Outside Si Luo City, is guarding one team of Gold Core guards who wear tree armor. 思罗城外,守卫着一队身披树甲的金丹守卫。 Sees the cultivator escaping light to fly, and this escaping light momentum is extremely big, this batch of Gold Core guard is anxious immediately. 一见有修士遁光飞来,且这遁光声势极其好大,这批金丹守卫立刻紧张不已。 Ming Luo Clan now already unbefriended, if there is High Level cultivator to come, must be picking a quarrel without doubt... 冥罗族如今已无朋友,若有高阶修士前来,必是寻衅者无疑... Several Gold Core guards look at each other one, is wanting to take out Spirit Arrow to start the warning. 几名金丹守卫对视一眼,正欲取出灵箭发动警报。 Then at this time, laughter of Qing Dai comforting, had several points of dignity, spread to the ears of these guards, even spread to entire Si Luo City all corners. 便在这时,青黛一声安抚的笑声,带有几分威严,传入这些守卫的耳中,甚至传入整个思罗城的所有角落。 Is I, I am Qing Dai, I came back.” “是我,我是青黛,我回来了。” She is usually one step below others in front of Ning Fan, but in front of these Low-Rank clansman, quite somewhat is dignified. 她平日在宁凡面前低人一头,但在这些低阶族人面前,却颇有几分威严的。 Qing Dai and Ning Fan escaping light receives, descends outside Si Luo City. 青黛宁凡遁光一收,降落在思罗城外。 The guards see newcomer are Qing Dai, each and every single (person) reveal the respectful color unexpectedly immediately, to the end kneel down and bow. 守卫们一见来者竟是青黛,一个个立刻露出恭敬之色,倒头下拜 I and other Ming Luo Clan people, pay a visit High Priest!” “我等冥罗族人,拜见大祭司!” The 6 Dao teleportation escaping light plunders from Si Luo City, changes to mist threads to land on the city gate place, changes the Divine Transformation old man who six bodies approve tree armor. 六道挪移遁光从思罗城中掠出,化作烟丝降落在城门处,化作六名身批树甲的化神老者。 In six old men only then two people are Divine Transformation Middle Stage, is Divine Transformation Initial Stage. 六名老者中只有两人是化神中期,余者皆是化神初期 Sees Qing Dai, six people all are to the end kneel down and bow. 一见青黛,六人皆是倒头下拜 I and other Ming Luo priests, welcomed High Priest to return!” “我等冥罗祭司,恭迎大祭司归来!” Grandpa Gu Luo, Grandpa Xu Luo, your dispense with ceremony, your worshipping on bended knees, Qing Dai cannot withstand in a big hurry.” 谷罗爷爷,须罗爷爷,你们快快免礼,你们的跪拜,青黛承受不起。” Qing Dai at first is the dignified expression, but sees two Divine Transformation Middle Stage senior priests, actually immediately eye socket one red, resembled to see the person of close relative. 青黛起初还是威严的表情,但一见两名化神中期的老祭司,却立刻眼眶一红,似看到了至亲之人。 After her mother dies, is these two old men regards her like younger generation, step by step trains becoming this generation of High Priest her. 她母亲死后,便是这两位老者视她如后辈,一步步将她培养成为此代大祭司 This benevolence, she always does not forget. 这份恩情,她永世不忘。 A Qing Dai dispense with ceremony, all the Ming Luo Clan people of worshipping on bended knees all set out. 青黛一声免礼,所有跪拜的冥罗族人全部起身。 The Gu Luo priest and Xu Luo priest is looking at Qing Dai. In the muddy eye all brings to be gratified and joyful. 谷罗祭司与须罗祭司望着青黛。浑浊的眼中皆带着欣慰与喜悦。 High Priest this time leaves Si Luo City, has 10 years. 10 years rushes about, is very laborious, this time then lives in some days in home, later goes to seek for the Ancestor remains again.” The Gu Luo priest looks at Qing Dai travel-stained complexion, somewhat loves dearly. 大祭司这一次离开思罗城,已有十年十年奔波,想必十分辛苦,这一次便在家中多住些日子,晚些再出去寻找先祖遗体吧。”谷罗祭司看着青黛满面风尘的脸色,不由有些心疼。 In recent years, he and Xu Luo continuously Qing Dai, when the granddaughter regards. 这些年来,他与须罗一直将青黛当孙女看待。 If not to seek for the Ancestor remains, their giving up lets the Qing Dai going out wanderer absolutely. 若非为了找寻先祖的遗体,他们绝对舍不得让青黛出去闯荡。 Un, this time comes back. I can live in some days in Si Luo City... ten Void Refinement Ancestor remains, I have retrieved completely. Is Big Brother Lu helps me retrieve.” “嗯,这一次回来。我可以在思罗城多住些日子呢...十位炼虚先祖的遗体,我已全部寻回。都是陆大哥帮我寻回的。” „The what! Ancestor remains retrieved completely!” Gu Luo has a big shock, that startled, is pleasantly surprised look! 什么!先祖遗体全部寻回了!”谷罗大惊失色,那惊,是惊喜之色 Big Brother Lu?” A Xu Luo actually discrete generation. 陆大哥?”须罗倒是一个谨慎之辈。 His old eyes empty narrows the eyes, is sizing up Qing Dai Ning Fan carefully, has several points of vigilance. 老眼虚眯,细细打量着青黛身旁的宁凡,带有几分警惕。 Other four Divine Transformation priests also size up Ning Fan carefully, each white eyebrows is dignified. 其他四名化神祭司同样细细打量宁凡,各个白眉凝重。 Their these Divine Transformation cultivator. The complete sensation does not have/leave the Ning Fan aura! 他们这些化神修士。完全感知不出宁凡的气息! The Ning Fan aura is deep, this type does not reveal a point reserved, obviously Realm far exceed they imagine! 宁凡气息深沉内敛,这种内敛不露一分,显然境界远超他们想象! Gu Luo also receives pleasantly surprised look, having several points of vigilant expression to size up Ning Fan, in secret actually to Xu Luo said with sound transmission. 谷罗也收起惊喜之色,带着几分警惕的表情打量宁凡,暗中却对须罗传音道 This person of immeasurably deep, at least is Void Glimpse!” “此人深不可测,起码是窥虚!” No. not just... he, although has not revealed the aura, the imposing manner of but his hidden not sending, is vaster than... this person is very possible the Qing Dai girl is Void Inquire Old Monster.” The Xu Luo analysis said. “不。不止...他虽未露气息,但他隐而不发的气势,却比青黛丫头更加浩瀚...此人很可能是一名问虚老怪。”须罗分析道。 what! Void Inquire! If this person harbors evil intent to my Ming Luo Clan, my Ming Luo Clan will be hard to resist!” Gu Luo in great surprise, this time. Actually is alarmed and afraid. 什么!问虚!若此人对我冥罗一族怀有歹意,我冥罗一族将难以抵挡!”谷罗大惊,这一次。却是惊惧。 The subtle expression of people falls in the Ning Fan eye, he is well aware. His arrival frightened the Ming Luo Clan person. 众人的微妙表情落在宁凡眼中,他心知肚明。他的到来吓到冥罗族人了。 I called Lu Bei, by request of the old friend, was sheltered Ming Luo Clan especially, this was faith token.” “我叫陆北,受一位故人之托,特来庇护冥罗一族,这是信物。” Ning Fan pats storage pouch, takes out Black Wood Command, looks to six priests. 宁凡一拍储物袋,取出黑木令,给六名祭司一看。 Is seeing this Black Wood Command an instant, six Divine Transformation priest Monster Blood boiling, each and every single (person) reveals shock the expression that is completely difficult to be bright. 在看到这黑木令一瞬,六名化神祭司全部妖血沸腾,一个个露出震撼难明的表情。 Tree... Tree Sovereign Command!” “树...树皇令!” They did not call Black Wood Command, only called Tree Sovereign Command, only because of this Token was Ming Luo Clan all previous generations Tree Sovereign faith token! 他们不称黑木令,只称树皇令,只因此令冥罗一族历代树皇信物 This thing with missing of last generation of Tree Sovereign Ming Luo, vanishes without the trace, why will appear in the Ning Fan hand! 此物随着最后一代冥罗树皇的失踪,消失无踪,为何却会出现在宁凡手中! This thing, is Ming Luo Clan last Tree Sovereign gives me , he has not died!” “此物,是冥罗族最后一位树皇交给我的,他,还未死!” The Ning Fan sound is very low is very low, not sound transmission, but utilized Divine Ability, lowers to only has Qing Dai and six priests to hear, other Gold Core guard all cannot hear! 宁凡声音很低很低,并未传音,而是运用了神通,低到唯有青黛、六名祭司可以听见,其他金丹守卫皆听不见! His words, seem the a piece giant stone investment center of the lake, immediately causes the giant mighty waves! 他的话,好似一块巨石投入湖心,立刻引起巨大波澜! Six priests in great surprise, Qing Dai is covering the small mouth shock. 六名祭司大惊,就连青黛都掩着小嘴震惊不已。 Ning Fan never told her, Black Wood Command came from where, at this moment said! 宁凡从未告诉她,黑木令从何而来,此刻却说了出来! That missing last years Tree Sovereign Ming Luo, had not once died unexpectedly! 那曾经失踪的末代冥罗树皇,竟然未死! This news extremely shocks, is too beyond comprehension, is too incredible! 这个消息太过震撼,太令人费解,太令人难以置信! Is missing from last years Tree Sovereign, how many 10,000 years has passed? No one remembers. 距离末代树皇失踪,已经过去多少万年了?没人记得。 What person can live the so glorious years, could it be Immortal? 什么人能活过如此悠久的岁月,难道是仙人么? Why after last years Tree Sovereign is missing, never gives any message to the clan? 为何末代树皇失踪之后,从不向族中传递任何消息? Cannot believe the Ning Fan words Qing Dai some. 就连青黛都有些不敢相信宁凡的话语。 But after Ning Fan activates Black Wood Command, in blood of the Tree Sovereign Black Wood Command compels, after making all people feels this pressure, again nobody does not believe the Ning Fan words! 但随着宁凡催动黑木令后,将黑木令中一丝树皇之血迫出,令诸人感受到这股威压之后,再无人不信宁凡的话语! This Bloodlines pressure, will not be wrong, absolutely is Ming Luo Clan Tree Sovereign all! 这股血脉威压,不会错,绝对是冥罗一族树皇所有! And this Blood Qi breath is very rich, Seal enters Black Wood Command time certainly not over one year, sealed into recently! 且这血气息十分浓郁,封印黑木令的时间绝不超过一年,是最近封入其中! This indeed last years Tree Sovereign Ming Luo still living soundest evidence! 正是末代冥罗树皇仍活着的最有力证据! Since last years Tree Sovereign is living, actually gives Ning Fan Black Wood Command, its intention self-evident... 末代树皇既然活着,却将黑木令交给宁凡,其用意不言而喻... Ning Fan is the person who is worth Ming Luo Clan trusting! 宁凡是值得冥罗族信任的人! Ning Fan is the generation of Tree Sovereign that last years Tree Sovereign seals newly! 宁凡是末代树皇新封的此代树皇 The connection of Black Wood Command, means the Tree Sovereign biography position! 黑木令的交接,意味着树皇的传位! Gu Luo, Xu Luo and other priests, wish one could to kneel down to Ning Fan immediately, declare Tree Sovereign. 谷罗须罗等六名祭司,恨不得立刻向宁凡跪倒,口称树皇 Sees the Ning Fan rejection look, immediately receives the potential of worshipping on bended knees. 只是看到宁凡拒绝的眼神,立刻收住了跪拜之势。 Ning Fan does not want to make other people know, he has Black Wood Command, is this generation of Tree Sovereign. 宁凡不欲让外人知晓,他持有黑木令,是此代树皇 If this matter spreads, does not know whether Tree World will have Old Monster for Black Wood Command, or for the Ning Fan Tree Sovereign Ming Luo status, comes and Ning Fan is awkward. 若此事传出,不知树界是否会有老怪为了黑木令,或是为了宁凡冥罗树皇的身份,来与宁凡为难。 Big Brother Lu, we enter the city to relate in detail slowly, here is not the place of talk.” Qing Dai low voice reminded. 陆大哥,我们入城慢慢细谈吧,这里并非谈话之地。”青黛小声提醒道 Un.” “嗯。” Ning Fan nods, along with Qing Dai and the others entered Si Luo City. 宁凡点点头,随青黛等人进入思罗城 Enters an instant of city, suddenly turn head the glance, reveals the strange color. 只是入城的一瞬,忽然回头一瞥,露出古怪之色。 Misconception...” He shakes the head, talked to oneself. “错觉么...”他摇摇头,自语道。 ... ... Beside million li, a giant mottled bamboo spreads sound of the sobbing gently suddenly. 百万里之外,一株巨大的湘妃竹忽然传出轻轻的呜咽之声。 This sound of sobbing is very slight, knows that late at night had not stood still. 这呜咽之声十分轻微,知道深夜仍未停歇。 Mu Luo is also living, he also lives... I to know, he so will not be easy dead.” 木罗还活着,他还活着...我就知道,他不会这么容易死去。” He also owes me pot liquor, a promise, he so will not be easy dead...” “他还欠我一壶酒,一个许诺,他不会这般容易死去...” Mu Luo, is the last years Tree Sovereign Ming Luo name... 木罗,是末代冥罗树皇的名字... This name once spread over Tree World, but now, actually only then a lonely mottled bamboo still remembers. 这个名字曾经传遍树界,但如今,却只有一株寂寞的湘妃竹还记得。 Because, he also owes her pot liquor, a commitment. 因为,他还欠她一壶酒,一个承诺。 The hollow bamboo, has the soul to occupy, the soul takes root, in bamboo heart. The root of soul, the heart of bamboo, not separable... 空心竹,有魂居,魂生根,在竹心。魂之根,竹之心,不可分... If there is 1 day, I kill off hateful enemy, is willing to remove the position of Tree Sovereign, went to a nobody knows barren hill to live in seclusion with you... at that time, our top of the head only had the moonlight, but side me, except for pot inferior wine, then only then you accompanied, life not abandoned.” “若有一日,我杀尽仇寇,愿卸去树皇之位,携你去一处无人知晓的荒山隐居...那时候,我们头顶只有月色,而我身旁,除了一壶水酒,便只有你相伴,此生不弃。” ... ... Rain World, in Yue Country, in a barren hill. 雨界,越国之中,一处荒山之中。 Ming Luo Tree fine Clone sits outside the barren hill thatched house, in an this solitary one pavilion, is looking at the top of the head boundless moonlight, has taken on the table pot inferior wine, drinks alone lonelily... 冥罗树精的分身坐在荒山草庐之外,一个孤亭之中,望着头顶苍茫的月色,取过桌上一壶水酒,孤单独酌... His expression, without/has not is sad, without/has not anxiety, without/has not any expression, without/has not smile. 他的表情,没有悲伤,没有愁苦,没有任何表情,没有笑容。 In his heart, the desolated piece, had been devastated not any sentiments by the years, only remains a form of female, is unable to obliterate. 他的心中,早已荒芜一片,被岁月摧残地不余任何感情,只剩一个女子的身影,始终无法磨灭。 His without/has not forgot that promise, he also finally no longer is Tree Sovereign Ming Luo. 没有忘记那个许诺,他也终于不再是冥罗树皇 He, cannot go back Tree World again... 只是他,再也回不去树界... But she, has certainly changed to the dust to pass away. 而她,一定早已化作尘土逝去了吧。 The life, is unable to complete that promise again... the life, will not meet again... 此生,都无法再完成那个许诺...此生,都不会再相见... Sorry...” The Ming Luo Tree essence closes one's eyes, sighed under the moonlight, nobody hears. “对不起...”冥罗树精闭上眼,在月色下叹息一声,无人听闻。
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