GE :: Volume #6

#577: Conquers by killing Ming Luo

Ning Fan gaze casts a sidelong glance slantingly, to Cedarwood Young Patriarch Ao Chen shocking gaze. 宁凡目光斜睨一眼,正对上雪松少族长敖辰震惊的目光 At this moment, Ning Fan look without/has not Evil Qi, is only tranquil like the water, is full of sky blue Rain Intent. 这一刻,宁凡眼神没有一丝煞气,只是平静如水,饱含天青色雨意 That tranquil gaze, lets the Ao Chen Monster Soul severe pain, as if cultivation base must melt in this look! 那平静的目光,却让敖辰妖魂剧痛,仿佛一身修为都要融化在这一个眼神之中! Ao Chen does not know that who Ning Fan is, the Vine Sovereign warrant for arrest has not spread to Eastern Tree Sea. 敖辰不知宁凡是谁,藤皇的通缉令并未传入东树海 But he feels clearly, Ning Fan strength terrifying, absolutely not he is very surmountable! 但他真真切切地感受到,宁凡战力十分恐怖,绝非他可战胜! He is Void Inquire, Ning Fan is also Void Inquire, but two people of strengths radically are huge difference! 他是问虚,宁凡也是问虚,但二人的实力根本就是天壤之别! Even in three Supreme Void Ancestor when facing clan, Ao Chen has never felt so intense sense of crisis! 即便是面对族中三名太虚老祖之时,敖辰也从未感受过如此强烈的危机感! His instinct is dreading Ning Fan, almost wants to have no more to do with escape. 他本能地畏惧着宁凡,几乎想要拔腿逃命。 But the pride of Cedarwood Clan, made him not be willing to escape! 雪松一族的骄傲,却令他不愿逃命! His Ao Chen is solemn Cedarwood Clan Young Patriarch, Ning Fan is only the goon who decline Tree Clan Ming Luo Clan invited. 敖辰是堂堂雪松一族少族长,宁凡则只是没落树族冥罗族请来的打手。 He does not believe Ning Fan to dare to kill him! 他不信宁凡敢杀他! Your excellency Divine Ability Extraordinary, but kills my Cedarwood Clan two Elder, this matter must give me a Cedarwood Clan confession! Otherwise, my clan three Supreme Void Ancestor surely simultaneously appear, no matter what you hide in into the ends of the earth, must die without doubt!” “阁下神通不凡,但杀我雪松族两名长老,此事必须给我雪松族一个交代!否则,我族三名太虚老祖必定齐出,任你躲入天涯海角,也必死无疑!” Ao Chen strong self-stabilization mind, stands in the large ship bow drizzle, threatens to say to Azure Sky Boat of remote place proudly. 敖辰强自镇定心神,立在楼船船头细雨之中,向遥远处的天青舟傲然威胁道。 Protected Lock World Grand Formation Qin Shuangzi to sigh one secretly, heart that Ning Fan lifts the hand to kill two Cedarwood Elder, without/has not any hesitant, did not ask any background, obviously was riding roughshod Devil, will not fear any threat and background. 守护锁界大阵秦霜子暗叹一声,心道那宁凡抬手就把两名雪松长老杀了,没有任何犹豫,不问任何背景,显然是个横行无忌的魔头,根本不会惧怕任何威胁、背景。 This Ao Chen has torn to pieces the facial skin with Ning Fan obviously, does not escape quickly. Puts the aggressive statement here on the contrary, is really extremely stupid. 敖辰明明已与宁凡撕破脸皮,不赶快逃命。反倒在这里放狠话,实在是太过愚蠢。 If Ning Fan killed Ao Chen. The far escaping thousand li (500 km), hides in some Eastern Tree Sea remote corner casually, no matter what your Cedarwood Clan has three Supreme Void Ancestor, but can also look for inadequately Ning Fan from the boundless huge crowd? 宁凡若将敖辰杀了。远遁千里,随便躲在东树海某个偏远角落,任你雪松族有三名太虚老祖,还能从茫茫人海将宁凡找出来不成? This Ao Chen natural talent is good, the disposition is too bad, at this time does not escape, perhaps did not have escape opportunity again, was killed in this in vain...” “这敖辰资质不错,心性却太差,此时不逃命,恐怕再无逃命的机会了,白白丧命于此...” this child actually anything origin. So ruthless Devil certainly, has Third Grade Concept. Even if only Void Inquire cultivation base, in the Eastern Tree Sea absolutely not obscure individual, why Old Man never has also heard this person?” Qin Shuangzi is thinking. 此子究竟什么来历。如此狠绝的魔头,更拥有三品意境。纵然只是问虚修为,在东树海绝非无名之辈,为何老夫从未听说过此人?”秦霜子思索着。 If Qin Shuangzi expects, threat of Ning Fan to Ao Chen ignores radically. 秦霜子所料,宁凡敖辰的威胁根本置若罔闻。 He is full of Rain Intent gaze to sweep toward the Cedarwood Clan three large ships, one step takes suddenly. 他饱含雨意目光雪松族三艘楼船一扫,骤然间一步迈出。 The whole body curls up to seep cool mild Third Grade Rain Intent, figure one vertical. Vanishes in the drizzle... 周身卷起沁凉温润的三品雨意,身形一纵。消失在细雨之中... Everywhere drizzle volume to the Cedarwood Clan three large ships, sky blue Rain Intent unfolds in the expansive sky suddenly, seems the pale black ink exaggeration. 漫天微雨忽然卷向雪松族三艘楼船,天青色雨意在长空铺开,好似淡墨渲染。 Extremely beautiful Rain Intent, falls in the Cedarwood cultivator eyes of three large ships obviously, actually seems sees any terrible thing. 明明极其美丽的雨意,落在三艘楼船的雪松修士眼中,却好似看到什么可怕东西。 Fourth Elder and Fifth Elder oversee that two large ships, spread the sounds of innumerable calling out in alarm. Only split second then melts in sky blue Rain Intent, ship several thousand cultivator change to the bloody water to sprinkle the expansive sky completely, does not have escapes! 四长老五长老坐镇的那两艘楼船,传出无数惊呼之声。只一瞬间便融化在天青色雨意中,一船数千修士全部化作血水洒落长空,无一逃脱! Ao Chen opened protecting ship Grand Formation of large ship in a hurry, temporarily blocked the melting of everywhere Rain Intent. Is looking at that sky blue Third Grade Rain Intent, he also feels scalp feeling numb. 敖辰匆忙间张开了楼船的护船大阵,暂时挡住了漫天雨意的融化。望着那天青色三品雨意,他亦感到头皮发麻 In his heart startles greatly. It is not able to believe that Ning Fan does not fear the Cedarwood Clan prestige unexpectedly. Dared to move killer to his Cedarwood Young Patriarch directly, seriously was lawless Devil! 他心中大骇。无法置信,宁凡竟然不惧雪松族的威名。竟敢直接对他这位雪松少族长动了杀手,当真是个无法无天的魔头 If not his danger strategic place opened protected ship formation light, at this moment surely already and two Void Inquire Elder similar fates, were killed in Rain Intent! 若非他险之又险地打开了护船阵光,此刻必定已和两名问虚长老同样下场,丧命于雨意之中! This person of can it be did not fear that was chased down by three Supreme Void! 此人难道不怕被三名太虚追杀吗! This person of can it be did not fear that offends Hancang 12 Clans! 此人难道不怕得罪寒苍十二族吗! Ao Chen even again silly, still knows that at this moment must escape. 敖辰就算再傻,也知道此刻必须逃命了。 Fast sets sail, this Young Lord must return to the Cedarwood valley instantly, please three Supreme Void Ancestor take action, killing this person!” “速速开船,本少主要即刻返回雪松谷,请三位太虚老祖出手,击杀此人!” Where in fact needs Ao Chen to order, Cedarwood Clan cultivator above large ship sees another two large ships to be annihilated, each scalp feeling numb, all fears in the bone to Ning Fan. 实际上哪需敖辰下令,楼船之上的雪松族修士一见另外两艘楼船全军覆没,各个头皮发麻,皆对宁凡怕到骨子里。 They do not dare in this place stay moment, the line start large ship, escape speed to open to a big way, only strove for crossing directly closes off the country from foreign contact Grand Formation, fast returned to the Hancang Country Cedarwood valley... 他们根本不敢在此地多逗留片刻,直接启动楼船,遁速开至最大,只求直接越过锁国大阵,速速逃回寒苍国雪松谷... Ao Chen also knows the escape at this moment, but also calculates without/has not to stupid incurable. 敖辰此刻还知逃命,还算没有蠢到无可救药。 Only pitifully, he remembers to escape now, somewhat was rather late. 只可惜,他现在才想起逃跑,未免有些迟了。 Closes off the country from foreign contact outside Grand Formation, in the drizzle breeze, Ning Fan appears slowly, whole body cage sky blue Rain Intent. 锁国大阵外,细雨微风之中,宁凡徐徐浮现而出,周身笼着天青色雨意 His gaze is faint, prevents in the large ship road ahead, not to opportunity that the large ship will run away. 目光淡漠,阻挡在楼船前路,自不会给楼船逃遁的机会 He lifts hand one finger/refers, vast sky blue Rain Intent curls toward the large ship, like painting paint brush under an expansive sky radical. 他抬手一指,浩瀚的天青色雨意朝楼船卷去,如同丹青画笔在长空一笔画下。 Last formation light of Cedarwood large ship, dissolves immediately under Rain Intent. 最后一艘雪松楼船的阵光,立刻溶解在雨意之下。 The hull starts to melt is the water, each and every single (person) Cedarwood Clan Low-Rank cultivator melts the bloody water one after another. 船体开始融化为水,一个个雪松族低阶修士相继融化成血水。 That sky blue Rain Intent changes to big hand, pats toward a Ao Chen palm. 天青色雨意化作一只大手,朝敖辰一掌拍下。 Rain Intent caresses the face, Ao Chen only thinks that Monster Force melts completely under Rain Intent, is unable to raise least bit Monster Force unexpectedly! 雨意扑面,敖辰只觉一身妖力全部消融在雨意之下,竟无法提起半点妖力 He wants to fly to flee from a Rain Intent palm, could not mention the least bit physical strength to move, by a Rain Intent palm racket. 他想要飞遁避开雨意一掌,却提不起半点气力一动,生生被雨意一掌拍中。 In split second of palm, his whole body changes to beach bloody water immediately, melts under a palm of Third Grade Rain Intent! 在中掌的一瞬间,他周身立刻化作一滩血水,消融在三品雨意的一掌之下! Hence, three Cedarwood Clan large ships have not entered Hancang Country, then by Ning Fan person of complete slaughter Extinguish! 至此,三艘雪松族楼船尚未进入寒苍国,便被宁凡一人全部屠灭! Ning Fan flicks the sleeve one volume, received Rain Intent, dispersed everywhere drizzle, the sky cleared, and presented together the magnificent rainbow in above the vast sky. 宁凡拂袖一卷,收了雨意,散了漫天细雨,天空重新放晴,并于长空之上出现一道瑰丽的彩虹。 However defends to guard country Grand Formation Qin Nan clan cultivator without/has not one person to have the mood to appreciate the rainbow, all person hearts are serious! 然而守卫护国大阵秦楠修士没有一人有心情欣赏彩虹,所有的人心头沉重! Besides Qin Shuangzi, all protects the formation cultivator gentleman not to control self the whole body to shiver completely. 除了秦霜子外,所有的护阵修士全部不自禁地浑身颤抖。 However even Qin Shuangzi oneself, filled wariness to Ning Fan at this moment, faint also dreads, even he himself had not detected. 然而就算是秦霜子本人,此刻都对宁凡充满了忌惮,隐隐还有一丝畏惧,连他自己都并未发觉。 Ning Fan escapes to return to Azure Sky Boat, the large ship that the front three waiting enter a country was extinguished completely, naturally was one's turn Azure Sky Boat to enter a country. 宁凡一遁返回天青舟,前面三艘等待入境的楼船全部被灭,自然轮到天青舟入境了。 Qin Shuangzi cannot think that Ning Fan kills people also dares to enter a country, as if by no means fears the Cedarwood Clan retaliation. 秦霜子倒想不到宁凡杀了人还敢入境,似乎并不惧怕雪松族报复。 He decided mind, leading several Qin Nan clan Divine Transformation to fly to escape, descends above Azure Sky Boat, holds the fist in the other hand to Ning Fan and the others politely. 他定了定心神,领着几名秦楠化神飞遁而起,降落在天青舟之上,向宁凡等人客气抱拳。 The Qin Nan clan and Ming Luo Clan do not have the enmity, Qin Shuangzi do not fear Ning Fan to move killer to him. 秦楠族与冥罗族从无仇怨,秦霜子自不惧怕宁凡对他动杀手 And in the Qin Shuangzi eye. Ning Fan is no doubt fierce, eventually is also only Void Inquire cultivator nothing more. The Third Grade Rain Intent is no doubt fierce. But also only depends on Rain Intent to extinguish sufficiently kills Void Inquire, if trades to make Void Pierce cultivator, more or less has the method to block the attack of Third Grade Rain Intent. 且在秦霜子眼中。宁凡固然厉害,终究也只是问虚修士而已。其三品雨意固然厉害。但也只足以凭雨意灭杀问虚,若换做冲虚修士,或多或少都有手段挡住三品雨意的攻击。 In the Qin Shuangzi eye, has Third Grade Rain Intent Ning Fan, feared that is sufficiently with a Void Pierce war. 秦霜子眼中,拥有三品雨意宁凡,怕是足以与冲虚一战。 He naturally does not know, Ning Fan strength fully opened has terrifying how, even Primordial Supreme Void can fight... 他自然不知道,宁凡实力全开有多么恐怖,连归元太虚都能一战的... Old Man Qin Nan clan Great Elder, Qin Shuangzi. Be responsible for defending to guard country Grand Formation in this, any enters Hancang Country cultivator, must after Old Man questioning. Old Man wants to consult next several Fellow Daoist names and origin.” 老夫秦楠大长老,秦霜子。负责在此守卫护国大阵,任何进入寒苍国修士,都需经过老夫盘查。老夫想请教一下几位道友姓名、来历。” When Qin Shuangzi to Cedarwood Clan cultivator die keeps silent, seeming has not seen this matter to be the same. 秦霜子雪松族修士陨落之时绝口不提,好似没看到此事一般。 The Ning Fan secret guess, this Qin Nan clan should with the Ming Luo Clan without/has not gratitude and grudges, from beginning to end, Qin Shuangzi stand by the one side after all. without/has not participates in Ming Luo and meanings of Cedarwood two clan gratitude and grudges. 宁凡暗暗猜测,这秦楠族应该与冥罗族没有恩怨,毕竟至始至终,秦霜子都在一旁袖手旁观。没有参与冥罗雪松二族恩怨的意思。 I am Ming Luo Clan High Priest, named Qing Dai, these two are my Ming Luo Clan friends.” “我是冥罗族大祭司,名为青黛,这二位是我冥罗族的朋友。” Qing Dai returned to a ritual to Qin Shuangzi, the spoken language is actually polite, has not mentioned Ning Fan and Teng Xianrou name origin, only said that is the Ming Luo Clan friend. 青黛秦霜子回了一礼,言语倒是客气,却并未提及宁凡藤纤柔的姓名来历,只说是冥罗族朋友。 After all Ning Fan issued a warrant for arrest by Vine Sovereign. Qing Dai does not want to leak the Ning Fan identity, avoids giving Ning Fan to annoy troublesome. 毕竟宁凡藤皇通缉。青黛不欲泄露宁凡身份,避免给宁凡多惹麻烦。 Sees Qing Dai without/has not to mention Ning Fan and the others the details, Qin Shuangzi are not many asked that also asked several other issues, then put Azure Sky Boat to enter a country. 青黛没有提及宁凡等人的底细,秦霜子也不多问,又问了其他几个问题,便放天青舟入境了。 From beginning to end. Qin Shuangzi by bureau other people from the place, two does not help to Ming Luo and Cedarwood two clans. 从始至终。秦霜子都是以局外人自处,对冥罗雪松二族两不相帮。 But enters an instant of Hancang Country boundary in Azure Sky Boat. Qin Shuangzi actually sound transmission, raised to Ning Fan with no trace in secret selected several. 但在天青舟进入寒苍国境的一瞬秦霜子却又不露痕迹地暗中传音,对宁凡提点了几句。 Your excellency cuts to kill Cedarwood Clan three Void Refinement today, has offended dead Cedarwood Clan. Although your excellency is Void Inquire, Divine Ability is not also weak, but actually absolutely not Cedarwood Clan three Supreme Void opponents. In Hancang 12 Clans, the Wei Zi clan and Ming Luo Clan without/has not gratitude and grudges, have a grudge with Cedarwood Clan..., if your excellency has difficult, may seek help from the Wei Zi clan, contends with Cedarwood Clan. Cuts to kill three Cedarwood Void Refinement facts depending on your excellency, the Wei Zi clan thinks that is very glad to become friends with your excellency...” “阁下今日斩杀雪松族三名炼虚,已将雪松族得罪死。阁下虽是问虚,神通亦不弱,但却绝非雪松族三名太虚的对手。寒苍十二族之中,魏紫族与冥罗族没有恩怨,与雪松族则有仇...若阁下有难,可向魏紫族求助,抗衡雪松族。凭阁下斩杀三名雪松炼虚的事迹,魏紫族想必十分乐意与阁下交个朋友...” Qin Shuangzi several raise, is obviously revealing the good intentions to Ning Fan. 秦霜子的几句提点,明显是在向宁凡表露善意。 His just one raises point(s) nothing more, without/has not any loss, possibly has a big help to Ning Fan. 他只不过一句提点而已,没有任何损失,对宁凡而言却可能有不小帮助。 Does not spend the price to tie good karma, Qin Shuangzi is naturally glad. 不费代价地结个善缘,秦霜子自然十分乐意的。 On Azure Sky Boat, Ning Fan hears Qin Shuangzi sound transmission, is surprised slightly, actually does not talk too much. 天青舟上,宁凡听到秦霜子传音,微微一诧,却不多言。 Ming Luo Clan situated in the Hancang Country east territory, Azure Sky Boat speeds away, flies toward Ming Luo Clan. 冥罗族位于寒苍国东域,天青舟一路疾驰,朝冥罗族飞去。 Qing Dai returns other 30 billion Immortal Jade to Ning Fan, in Ning Fan comprehends in Rain Intent 3 days, she has not purchased the remaining 12 Void Fragmentation Puppet materials. 青黛将余下的300亿仙玉归还给宁凡,在宁凡领悟雨意三日之中,她并未收购到剩下的十二碎虚傀儡材料。 Her expression somewhat is slightly complex, starts to speak but hesitates. 她表情微微有些复杂,欲言又止。 Her looks at Ning Fan, read the benevolence that and Ning Fan Tang Valley rescued on the same day, slightly one clenched teeth, suddenly said that Big Brother Lu, these Puppet materials, you anxiously using?” 看着宁凡,念及宁凡当日汤谷相救的恩情,微一咬牙,忽然言道,“陆大哥,这些傀儡材料,你是不是急着用?” „Very anxious, you know, I was being chased down by Vine Sovereign, but these materials all for restoring Puppet, if the Puppet restore, I then can strength of many several points of self-preservation... oh? you ask that what this issue does make?” “是挺急的,你知道,我正被藤皇追杀,而这些材料皆是用于修复傀儡的,若傀儡修复,我便可以多几分自保之力...嗯?你问这个问题做什么?” Perhaps... I have the means to get so far as this 12 Void Fragmentation material, how to get so far as for me, please do not ask...” “或许...我有办法弄到这十二碎虚材料,至于我如何弄到,请你不要问...” Qing Dai bites the lip gently, she owes the Ning Fan life-saving efforts, always thought that should repay, otherwise in heart difficult secure. 青黛轻轻咬唇,她欠宁凡救命之恩,总觉得应该报答一下,否则心中难安。 The cultivating puppet material that Ning Fan needs is extremely rare and precious, even if looks everywhere entire Eastern Tree Sea is not possible to buy neat. 宁凡需要的修傀材料太过珍稀,就算找遍整个东树海都不一定能够买齐。 But Qing Dai knows, the place, could find to restore the Void Fragmentation Puppet material... 青黛知道,有一个地方,或许能找到修复碎虚傀儡的材料... She has Master, she cultivation Puppet Technique, although is Ming Luo Clan Secret Technique, if no Master's to indicate and instruct, is unable to comprehend so profound Puppet Technique depending on her own. 她有一个师父,她所修炼傀儡术虽然都是冥罗一族秘术,然而若无师父的点拨、指导,凭她自己是无法领悟如此高深的傀儡术的。 Her Puppet Technique may include first three in Eastern Tree Sea, but if with Master compared to, was well below. 傀儡术可在东树海列入前三,但若与师父相比,则远远不如。 Perhaps, her Master will have to restore a Void Fragmentation Puppet 12 material... 或许,她的师父会有修复碎虚傀儡十二种材料... No, certainly has! She had once seen secretly, in Master's treasure house, some innumerable rare and precious Puppet materials... 不,一定有!她曾偷偷见过,师父的宝库中,有无数珍稀之极的傀儡材料... Her Master is strange, never permits her to divulge oneself least bit news. 只是她的师父性格古怪,从不允她泄露自己半点讯息。 Therefore she decides for Ning Fan, looks for Master secretly, to Master demanded that the Void Fragmentation Puppet material, actually does not dare to tell Ning Fan this Master's exist(ence), for fear that enrages Master... 故而她决定为了宁凡,偷偷去找师父,向师父索要碎虚傀儡的材料,却不敢告诉宁凡她这位师父的存在,生怕触怒师父... Big Brother Lu has the life-saving efforts in me, changes me to retrieve the Ming Luo Clan ten Void Refinement Ancestor corpses... in any event, this benevolence must repay!” 陆大哥于我有救命之恩,更替我寻回冥罗族十位炼虚先祖的尸身...无论如何,这份恩情必须报答!” The Qing Dai by no means knowledge, her concern looked at completely up by Ning Fan Speech Stealing Art. 青黛并不知,她的心事全部被宁凡窃言术看光了。 This little girl unexpectedly also strange Master? This also no wonder, if no famous teacher to direct, she is actually impossible to have so profound Puppet Technique...” “这小丫头还有一个古怪师父?这也难怪,若无名师指点,她倒是不可能拥有如此高深的傀儡术...” Since Qing Dai has the confidence to help me seek the simultaneous/uniform Puppet material, shortly afterward, Fire Executor and Purple Electricity two puppet can restore again thoroughly. Once restores two puppet, I can begin crossing tribulation, breaks through Void Pierce Realm!” “既然青黛有信心帮我寻齐傀儡材料,想必再过不久,执火紫电二傀便可彻底修复了。一旦修复二傀,我便可着手渡劫,突破冲虚境界!” The Ning Fan corners of the mouth rise gently, Void Pierce is not far! 宁凡嘴角轻轻上扬,冲虚已然不远! ... ... Hancang Country Northern Territory, Cedarwood valley, in Cedarwood Clan main hall. 寒苍国北域,雪松谷,雪松族大殿之内。 Cedarwood Clan three Supreme Void Ancestor, are looking in the hand the jade slip information, both eyes blood-red, clenches jaws. 雪松族三位太虚老祖,望着手中玉简情报,双目血红,咬牙切齿。 „The Ming Luo Clan big courage, does not know where invited two Void Inquire helpers, even my Cedarwood Clan people dare to kill unexpectedly, courts death simply!” 冥罗族好大的胆子,不知从哪里请来了两位问虚帮手,竟连我雪松族的人都敢杀,简直是找死!” Fast informs Stone Tree Clan, Thundercedar Clan and Shen Qiao Clan three clan Ancestor, told them: Ming Luo Clan is tired of living, even that Sir, cannot favor Ming Luo Clan again!” “速速通知石树族雷柏族神乔族的三族老祖,告诉他们:冥罗族已经活腻了,就算是那位大人,也不能再偏袒冥罗族!” My Four Families may set out all clansman, conquers by killing Ming Luo!” “我四族可出动所有族人,血洗冥罗!”
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