GE :: Volume #6

#576: sky blue and other Misty Rain

this time Sea of Consciousness Dual Cultivation, altogether continued 10 days. 这一次识海双修,一共持续了十日 After 10 days, Ning Fan brings Teng Xianrou to leave Dual Cauldron World, swings the body to appear in the Azure Sky Boat cabin palace in a flash. 十日后,宁凡带着藤纤柔离开鼎炉界,摇身一晃出现在天青舟的船舱宫殿中。 Teng Xianrou at this moment was still the former appearance, but in the surface actually obstructed pink light muslin, shielded under Void Fragmentation sufficiently the cultivator sensation, making one look is not clear her appearance. 此刻的藤纤柔仍是从前的打扮,但面上却遮了一道粉色轻纱,足以屏蔽碎虚之下修士的感知,令人看不真切她的容貌。 Ning Fan both eyes is flooding vast Sword Intent, through this Sea of Consciousness Dual Cultivation, he seizes Teng Xianrou the strength of Sword Consciousness completely, receives uses for oneself. 宁凡双目充斥着一股浩瀚的剑意,通过此次识海双修,他将藤纤柔剑识之力全部夺走,收为己用。 Ning Fan at this moment, Divine Sense Realm large promoting, before is far from 10 days, may compare. 此刻的宁凡,神念境界大幅提升,远非十日之前可比。 Teng Xianrou counts 10,000 years to come self-torture Sword Consciousness Sword Sense, strength of becoming Ning Fan this Sword Consciousness reinforces the Sea of Consciousness cornerstone completely! 藤纤柔万年来苦修剑识剑念,这剑识之力全部成为宁凡加固识海的基石! Before 10 days, Ning Fan Divine Sense was still only ordinary Supreme Void Realm. 十日之前,宁凡神念不过尚只是普通太虚境界 After 10 days, its Divine Sense has been close to Primordial Supreme Void Realm infinitely! 十日之后,其神念已无限接近归元太虚境界 After this Dual Cultivation, «Yin-Yang Transformation» cultivation method also broke through 3rd layer Second Stratum successful. 在此次双修之后,《阴阳变》的功法亦水到渠成地突破了第三重第二层 Although Magic Force not growth, but strength actually large promoting! 虽说法力并未增涨,但一身战力却大幅提升 This Sea of Consciousness Dual Cultivation plants the good harvested cultivation technique actually.” The Ning Fan smile talked to oneself. “这识海双修倒是种不错的采补术。”宁凡微笑自语。 Snort, your Divine Sense rises suddenly, to you, is naturally good!” Under Teng Xianrou light muslin, charming face has the bashful anger slightly. “哼,你神念暴涨,对你而言,自然是不错的!”藤纤柔轻纱之下,俏脸微微含着羞怒。 What is bashful is in entire 10 days, throughout with Ning Fan Sea of Consciousness Dual Cultivation, making her extremely ashamed. 羞的是整整十日之内,始终与宁凡识海双修,令她万分羞耻。 What anger is her Sword Consciousness collapses, Sea of Consciousness changes ordinary Sea of Consciousness. Counts the self-torture of 10,000 years, actually only the achievement Ning Fan Divine Sense rose suddenly. 怒的是她剑识崩溃,识海变回普通识海。数万年的苦修,却只成就了宁凡神念暴涨。 She naturally has to be dissatisfied, only pitifully, now she is the slave of Ning Fan, actually can only feel indignant but not daring to speak out. 她自然有满腹怨言,只可惜,如今她是宁凡之奴,却只能敢怒不敢言了。 Rou'er calms down. You are also Void Fragmentation cultivator, how can so easily lose one's temper.” Ning Fan teased. 柔儿消消气。你好歹也是碎虚修士,怎能如此轻易就动怒。”宁凡调笑道 Supple... son! Can do not call me... me unable to withstand like this!” Teng Xianrou clenches jaws. She does not like by the Ning Fan so affectionate summon. “柔...儿!能不能不要这样叫我...我承受不起!”藤纤柔咬牙切齿。她不喜欢被宁凡如此亲昵的呼唤。 Didn't ask you Rou'er, can it be to call you Teng Xianrou? Others heard by some chance, knows that my servant unexpectedly is solemn Wisteria Palace Lord...” “不叫你柔儿,难道叫你藤纤柔?别人万一听到了,知道我身边的奴仆竟是堂堂紫藤宫主...” „... forget it/that's all, how called as you like!” “...罢了,随你怎么叫!” Teng Xianrou willow eyebrows one horizontal, she has really not been willing to make other people know oneself became the Ning Fan servant. 藤纤柔柳眉一横,她还真不愿意让外人知道自己成了宁凡奴仆。 Sees Teng Xianrou to admit defeat, Ning Fan nods satisfied, toward extravehicular walks, Teng Xianrou the half step follows immediately. 藤纤柔服软,宁凡满意地点点头,朝舱外走去,藤纤柔立刻小步跟上。 Flying of 10 days escapes. Azure Sky Boat has spanned 29 Cultivators Country, is not far from Hancang Country. 十日的飞遁。天青舟已跨越29个修真国,距离寒苍国已不远。 The Azure Sky Boat bow, the Qing Dai chief helmsman flying boat, saw Ning Fan to have the cabin, immediately is concerned the inquiry saying that Big Brother Lu, the wound of your Nascent Divinity is good?” 天青舟的船头,青黛正驾驶飞舟,一见宁凡出了船舱,立刻关切询问道,“陆大哥,你的元神之伤已经好了么?” Un. The wound has been healed. Which country now flew?” Ning Fan inquired. “嗯。伤已痊愈了。现在飞到哪个国家了?”宁凡询问道。 Has arrived at Emerald World Country, flies over 13 Cultivation Country again, can arrive in Hancang Country.? This Elder Sister is...” Qing Dai respectful reply. “已经到翠宇国了,再飞越13个修国,便可抵达寒苍国。诶?这位姐姐是...”青黛恭敬回答。 Then at this time, Teng Xianrou also followed the cabin, therefore Qing Dai had this one to ask. 便在这时,藤纤柔同样跟着出了船舱,故而青黛有此一问。 Teng Xianrou deliberately reveals Void Inquire Realm cultivation base, concealed oneself Void Fragmentation aura. 藤纤柔刻意流露出问虚境界修为,掩饰了自己碎虚气息。 Seeing Teng Xianrou is Void Inquire cultivator. Qing Dai was also symmetric on by Elder Sister, the tone is very polite. 藤纤柔是一名问虚修士青黛也就以姐姐相称了,语气十分客气。 I called Qian Rou, was Lu Bei friend...” The friend two characters, Teng Xianrou said Yin-Yang to be odd. “我叫千柔,是陆北的‘朋友’...”朋友二字,藤纤柔说得阴阳怪气。 Her expression is Ning Fan has confessed beforehand, the Qian Rou name spoke thoughtlessly to fabricate. 她的措辞都是宁凡事先交代过的,千柔的名字则是随口捏造的。 Originally is Qian Rou Elder Sister. I called Qing Dai.” “原来是千柔姐姐。我叫青黛。” „...” Teng Xianrou quite feels speechless, does not want to respond Qing Dai again. “...”藤纤柔颇感无语,不想再搭理青黛 Thinks own solemn Void Fragmentation Old Monster. Having unexpectedly and Void Glimpse little girl sisters is symmetric toward 1 day, she feels aggrieved... 一想到自己堂堂碎虚老怪。有朝一日竟和一个窥虚小丫头姐妹相称,她就觉得憋屈... Sees Teng Xianrou not to respond itself, Qing Dai shifts the topic cleverly, takes out storage pouch to give Ning Fan. 藤纤柔不欲搭理自己,青黛乖巧地转移话题,取出一个储物袋递给宁凡 In that storage pouch puts, then cultivates the puppet material except for Tree God Fruit. 储物袋中盛放的,除了树神果便是修傀材料。 Big Brother Lu, you give my Immortal Jade, I spent 90 billion, but also remained 30 billion. Tree God Fruit altogether bought 6200, cultivates the puppet material except for a 12 rarest most and precious material, other has bought neat...” 陆大哥,你给我的仙玉,我花了900亿,还剩300亿树神果一共买了6200枚,修傀材料除了十二种最珍稀的材料,其他的都已购齐...” 6200 Tree God Fruit also enough used... to cultivate/repair the puppet material as for that 12 type, all was the rare and precious material, has not bought is also very normal... is laborious you.” “6200颗树神果倒也足够用了...至于那十二种修傀材料,皆是珍稀之极的材料,没买到也十分正常...辛苦你了。” Ning Fan received storage pouch to receive, hesitates slightly. 宁凡接过储物袋收起,微微沉吟。 Now his Rain Intent is fourth grade, according to him estimated, breaks through Third Grade Rain Intent to need about 5000 Tree God Fruit. 如今他的雨意已是四品,按他估计,突破三品雨意需要5000枚左右的树神果 By his present Tree God Fruit quantity, completely enough Rain Intent breaks through Third Grade. 以他如今的树神果数量,完全足够雨意突破三品 He knew from the Fusang Old Monster mouth, Concept from Third Grade rise Second Grade, Second Grade rise First Grade, must take Tree Ancestor Fruit, Tree God Fruit is invalid. 他从扶桑老妖口中得知,意境三品二品,二品一品,皆需服食树祖果,树神果已经无效。 In view of this, purchased the Tree God Fruit actually without/has not anything significance again. 既如此,再收购树神果倒是没有什么意义了。 Only has to seek opportunity to go to Bamboo Palace is the proper business. 唯有寻个机会前往竹殿才是正事。 Crosses 13 Cultivation Country to arrive at Hancang again, also several days journey. This several days, you then purchase finally the 12 Puppet material with Rou'er together, does not need to purchase as for Tree God Fruit.” “再过13个修国才到寒苍,想必还有几日旅程。这几天,你便与柔儿一起收购最后十二傀儡材料,至于树神果则不必收购了。” Ning Fan returns to the cabin alone, keeps side Teng Xianrou Qing Dai. 宁凡独自返回船舱,将藤纤柔留在青黛身边。 Some of his early instruction, making Teng Xianrou accompany Qing Dai to purchase the Puppet material, Teng Xianrou naturally do not dare to violate the order. 他早有吩咐,令藤纤柔陪同青黛收购傀儡材料,藤纤柔自然不敢违背命令。 Returns to the cabin, he then escapes into Yuan Jade World Dark Gold Pagoda to close up, refining Tree God Fruit. 一返回船舱,他便遁入元瑶界暗金宝塔闭关,炼化树神果 Dark Gold Pagoda Seventh Stratum, there are 36 palaces. 暗金宝塔第七层,共有36间宫殿。 Ning Fan shoves open Palace Gate, enters, is beautiful scenery Space. 宁凡推开其中一间宫门,进入其中,是一个青山绿水的空间 His escaping light leaps, flies to the summit, opens continuous Rain Intent, entire Space has the pouring rainstorm immediately. 他遁光一跃,飞至山巅,张开绵绵雨意,整个空间立刻下起倾盆暴雨。 The rain moistens on the body, Cold Qi seeps the body, his heart gradually worried... 雨打湿在身上,寒气沁入身体,他的心渐渐烦闷... How long also wants, how long can break through First Grade Rain Intent... also to want, can find mother...” “还要多久,才能突破一品雨意...还要多久,才能找到娘亲...” First Grade Rain Intent! Regardless is difficult, I must break through First Grade Rain Intent! Certainly will depend on this technique, found mother in the boundless huge crowd...” 一品雨意!无论多么艰难,我都要突破一品雨意!一定会凭此术,在茫茫人海中找到娘亲...” Ning Fan gaze sweeps at a loss completely, pats storage pouch, takes out Tree God Fruit, refining enters the body. 宁凡目光茫然扫尽,一拍储物袋,取出一颗颗树神果,炼化入体。 A Tree God Fruit price, is equivalent to Nascent Soul Dao Fruit... 5000 Tree God Fruit to enter the abdomen, in the Ning Fan eye Rain Intent is getting more and more thick. 一颗树神果的价格,便相当于一枚元婴道果...5000枚树神果入腹,宁凡眼中雨意越来越浓。 Pagoda Seventh Stratum one year, is only outside world three days/three Heavens. 宝塔第七层的一年,只是外界三天 He a stand in the rain is one year, seeming to fuse together with that Rainwater! 他在雨中一站便是一年,好似要与那雨水融为一体! He refers to pinching Rain of the Vast Heaven and Rain of the Yang Heaven two type rain secret arts back and forth, Finger Secret Art is extremely at first quick. For those finally getting more and more slow... 他指间来回掐动着昊天之雨阳天之雨两式雨诀,指诀起初极快。到最后却越来越慢... When that Finger Secret Art slow to almost stops, Ning Fan pinches 3rd Type Finger Secret Art. Impressively is Three Heavens Rain —— Rain of the Scarlet Heaven! 当那指诀慢到几乎停止,宁凡掐动第三种指诀。赫然是第三天之雨——赤天之雨 On the same day after he swept away Heavenly Cloud, tried to fuse Rain Technique, is actually not able to fuse including both Rain Technique. 当日他横扫天云之后,试图融合雨术,却连两种雨术都无法融合。 At that time, Concept of his rain is Eighth Grade... 那时候,他的雨之意境八品... Now he displays the 3 Types rain secret art simultaneously, easily then has the trend of fusion! 如今他同时施展三种雨诀,却轻易便有融合的趋势! Only because of this moment Ning Fan Rain Intent, is fourth grade Peak, only misses one to break through Third Grade Rain Intent! 只因此刻宁凡雨意,已是四品巅峰,只差一丝便可突破三品雨意 Third Grade Rain Intent, can fuse Three Types Rain Technique. So long as I break through Third Grade Rain Intent, before can fuse, Three Heavens Rain...” 三品雨意,可以融合三式雨术。只要我突破三品雨意,便可融合前三天之雨...” Ning Fan has taken enough many Tree God Fruit, wants to break through Third Grade Rain Intent, what lacks is only a turning point! 宁凡已服食足够多的树神果,想要突破三品雨意,缺的只是一个契机! His figure in a flash, leaves Yuan Jade World suddenly, appears above outside world Azure Sky Boat. 他骤然身形一晃,离开元瑶界,出现在外界天青舟之上。 outside world passes 3 days, Azure Sky Boat has approached Hancang Country. 外界过去三日,天青舟已临近寒苍国 Ning Fan goes out of the cabin step by step. Is feeling above Azure Sky Boat that continuous Rain Intent, to breaking through Rain Intent bottleneck advantage. 宁凡步步走出船舱。感受着天青舟之上那绵绵雨意,对突破雨意瓶颈大有益处。 This Azure Sky Boat had once been drenched the whatever happens/10 million time by Rainwater, therefore left behind not being able to erase Rain Intent. 天青舟曾被雨水淋过千万次,故而其中留下了一丝抹不掉的雨意 This Rain Intent, coincides with Ning Fan mood at this moment. 雨意,与宁凡此刻的心情相合。 He fell into an profound different Dao Enlightenment condition, Qing Dai and Teng Xianrou all saw Ning Fan in insights anything, does not dare to disturb. 他陷入了一种玄异的道悟状态,青黛藤纤柔皆看出宁凡感悟什么,不敢打扰。 Hancang Country that his looks at is in sight distantly. The class/flow of his looks at space said that above looks at land be continuous... 看着遥遥在望的寒苍国。他看着天上的流云,看着大地之上绵延的松海... He is looking at Hancang Country isolation Grand Formation, is looking at each and every single (person) communication cultivator, finally, look falls above Azure Sky Boat motionlessly. 他望着寒苍国的锁国大阵,望着一个个来往的修士,最终,眼神一动不动落在天青舟之上。 In mouth. Then is reading aloud Rain of Prying into the Heavens Heart Secret Art repeatedly. 口中。则反复诵着窥天之雨心诀 Nine Heavens has the rain, read passes one. the clouds are my eyes, the rain senses for me...” 九天有雨,念通一界。云为吾眼,雨为吾念...” Closes off the country from foreign contact outside Grand Formation, coming and going is Hancang Country cultivator. 锁国大阵外,来来往往的都是寒苍国修士 Before Azure Sky Boat, three giant large ships are waiting for the inspection, to enter Hancang Country, Azure Sky Boat arrange after these large ships. 天青舟之前,有三艘巨大的楼船正等待检阅、进入寒苍国,天青舟排在这些楼船之后。 On the hulls of these three large ships, has the same family badge. 这三艘楼船的船身上,有着同样的家族徽章。 That is a Cedarwood badge, cultivator above large ship, all subordinates in Hancang Country Cedarwood Clan! 那是一个雪松徽章,楼船之上的修士,皆隶属于寒苍国雪松族 Qing Dai stops the Azure Sky Boat escaping light, making the flying boat fly floating after three large ships. 青黛止住天青舟的遁光,令飞舟悬飞在三艘楼船之后。 Her gaze nonchalant glance, after seeing badges above three large ship, is first startled, then reveals for several points to hate unexpectedly. 目光不经意一瞥,当看到三艘楼船之上的徽章之后,先是一怔,而后竟露出几分怨恨。 This is... the Cedarwood Clan three mast large ships!” “这是...雪松一族的三桅楼船!” Hancang Country is Void Level Cultivators Country, but Cedarwood Clan is one of the Hancang 12 Clans! 寒苍国是一个虚级修真国,而雪松族则是寒苍十二族之一! Hancang 12 Clans, the clan clan has Void Refinement oversee, is the Hancang Country first-class influence! 寒苍十二族,族族拥有炼虚坐镇,俱是寒苍国一流势力! In Hancang 12 Clans, four Tree Clan and Ming Luo Clan tie the long standing grudge... this Cedarwood Clan are one of the that Four Families! 寒苍十二族中,有四个树族冥罗一族结有旧怨...这雪松一族便是那四族之一! Qing Dai still remembers, when 1000 years, she still young, Cedarwood Clan had once humiliated Ming Luo Clan. 青黛犹记得,在千年之前,她尚年幼之时,雪松一族曾欺凌过冥罗一族 At that time, she is also not High Priest, High Priest is her mother. 那时候,她还不是大祭司,大祭司是她的娘亲。 At that time, her mother Void Glimpse will soon succeed... 那时候,她的娘亲即将窥虚成功... that day, Cedarwood Clan heard that Ming Luo Clan birth Void Glimpse, one crowd of Expert will soon appear in Ming Luo Clan cruelly. 那一日,雪松一族听说冥罗一族即将诞生窥虚,一群高手残忍地出现在冥罗族内。 that day, her mother was besieged by Cedarwood Clan Expert, finally dies of the hand of Cedarwood Clan Young Patriarch... 那一日,她的娘亲被雪松族强者围攻,最终死于雪松族少族长之手... Cedarwood Clan cultivator does not allow Ming Luo Clan birth Void Refinement cultivator! 雪松族修士不容许冥罗一族诞生炼虚修士 They are glad the appearance that very sees Ming Luo Clan to decline! 他们十分乐意看到冥罗一族没落的样子! Qing Dai gaze has the thick hatred, the powder fist to grip tightly, the long nail pricks the palm, the blood flows out. 青黛目光带着浓浓恨意,粉拳紧握,长长的指甲刺入掌心,鲜血汩汩流出。 She is looking at the front three Cedarwood large ships! 她望着前方三艘雪松楼船! These three Cedarwood large ships, above each have Void Refinement oversee. 这三艘雪松楼船,每一艘之上都有一名炼虚坐镇 And a large ship bow, is standing Cedarwood Clan Young Patriarch! 其中一艘楼船船头,正站着雪松族少族长 That is a evil aura imposing silver robe youth, above left eye, is glittering three magnificent silver Monster Star. 那是一个邪气凛然的银袍青年,左目之上,闪烁着三颗瑰丽的银色妖星 This silver robe youth named Ao Chen, has Void Inquiring Peak cultivation base, in his hand is holding appreciatively a dripping with blood death head skull! 这银袍青年名为敖辰,有着问虚无敌修为,其手中正把玩着一颗鲜血淋漓的死人头颅! That is a head of Void Inquire cultivator! 那是一颗问虚修士的头颅! Hehe, the Golden Oak Clan Patriarch good and evil is also Void Inquire cultivator, so collapses at the first blow unexpectedly, I did not have take action, he died, really feels disappointed ah... 呵呵,金橡一族族长好歹也是问虚修士,竟然如此不堪一击,我还没出手,他就死了,真是扫兴啊... Ao Chen palm Monster Force shakes, breaks Blood Mist that dead head skull. 敖辰掌心妖力一震,将那死人头颅震碎成血雾 His gaze casts a sidelong glance suddenly slantingly, glimpses Azure Sky Boat that Qing Dai was at! 目光忽然斜睨过来,瞥见了青黛所在的天青舟 His haughty gaze has swept Ning Fan and Teng Xianrou, sees two people to reveal Void Inquire cultivation base, then thinks otherwise. 他狂傲的目光扫过宁凡藤纤柔,见二人皆流露问虚修为,便不以为然。 But when his gaze glimpses Qing Dai, in the eye killing intent flashes, Oh? Does this azure clothes woman seem like Ming Luo Tree Monster? Interesting, when Ming Luo Clan also had the Void Glimpse birth!” 但当他的目光瞥见青黛之时,眼中杀机一闪,“?这青衣女人似乎是一名冥罗树妖?有意思,冥罗一族什么时候又有窥虚诞生了!” Ming Luo Clan... Hehe! Has my Cedarwood Clan in 1 day, your Ming Luo Clan then gives up any idea of turning over/stand up! Fourth Elder. Fifth Elder, your two people of take action. Killed... on two Void Inquire cultivator as for that ship this woman, seems like helper who this female invited, had the origin... to kill with Ming Luo Clan mostly greatly together!” 冥罗一族...呵呵!有我雪松族一日,尔冥罗一族便休想翻身四长老五长老,你二人出手。将这女人杀了吧...至于那船上的两名问虚修士,似乎是此女请来的帮手,多半也与冥罗一族大有渊源...一起杀了吧!” Ao Chen beckons with the hand with something else in mind, above another two large ships, flies immediately two Void Inquire old men, flies toward Azure Sky Boat, killing intent locks Qing Dai and other people. 敖辰不以为然地摆摆手,另外两艘楼船之上,立刻飞起两名问虚老者,朝天青舟飞来,杀机锁定青黛等三人。 These two people of indeed Cedarwood Clan Fourth Elder and Fifth Elder, cultivation base has all been close to Void Inquiring Peak. 这二人正是雪松一族四长老五长老,修为皆已接近问虚无敌 To them. killing Void Glimpse and ordinary Void Inquire like pinching the dead ants are relaxed, particularly pinches the dead Ming Luo Clan ants, two people are without/has not do not hope. 对他二人而言。击杀窥虚、普通问虚如同捏死蝼蚁般轻松,尤其是捏死冥罗一族的蝼蚁,二人更是没有丝毫不愿。 Ming Luo Clan and Cedarwood Clan are bitter enemies! 冥罗族雪松族乃是世仇! Kills the Ming Luo Clan person, does not need any reason! 冥罗族人,不需任何理由! Outside Lock World Grand Formation, what is responsible for inspecting communication cultivator is Qin Nan Clan cultivator. Qin Nan Clan is also one of the Hancang 12 Clans! 锁界大阵外,负责检阅来往修士的是秦楠一族修士秦楠一族亦是寒苍十二族之一! In this batch of cultivator, the cultivation base highest is a Void Pierce old man, he is Qin Nan Clan Great Elder. Named Qin Shuangzi. 这批修士之中,修为最高者是一名冲虚老者,他是秦楠一族大长老。名为秦霜子 Although Qin Nan Clan and Ming Luo Clan without/has not long standing grudge, actually also without/has not any friendship. 秦楠一族虽与冥罗一族没有旧怨,却也没有任何交情。 Qin Shuangzi saw Cedarwood Clan two Void Inquire Elder to move killing intent to Qing Dai, sighed slightly, actually not the meaning of assisting. 秦霜子雪松族两名问虚长老已对青黛动了杀机,微微一叹,却并无相助之意。 „The Cedarwood Clan influence is too big, three Supreme Void oversee, my Qin Nan Clan cannot offend. Old Man is not worthwhile for Ming Luo Clan little girl offends Cedarwood Clan. Cedarwood Clan Fourth Elder and Fifth Elder all are close to Void Inquiring Peak cultivator. Has their take action, that little girl must die... does not know, side that little girl two Void Inquire cultivator are what origin, helper who invited from other Cultivation Country?” 雪松一族势力太大,共有三名太虚坐镇,非我秦楠一族可以得罪。老夫犯不着为了冥罗一族小丫头得罪雪松一族雪松族四长老五长老皆是接近问虚无敌修士。有他们二人出手,那小丫头必死...只是不知道,那小丫头身旁的两名问虚修士是何来历,是从其他修国请来的帮手么?” „When Ming Luo Clan is powerful, has offended the too many influence. Cedarwood Clan is one of them. Depending on two Void Inquire, is not Cedarwood Clan opponent ah... Ming Luo Clan has only declined. Does not have the possibility of reviving again.” 冥罗一族强盛之时,得罪过太多势力。雪松一族便是其中一人。仅凭两名问虚,可不是雪松一族对手啊...冥罗一族已然没落。再无兴复的可能。” Qin Shuangzi closes the eyes faintly, in his opinion, Qing Dai only Void Glimpse, will die of the hands of two Cedarwood Elder surely. 秦霜子淡漠地闭上双眼,在他看来,青黛区区一个窥虚,必定会死于两名雪松长老之手。 The Teng Xianrou beautiful eye sinks, she is indifferent about Ming Luo Clan and Cedarwood Clan gratitude and grudges, without/has not helps the meaning of Qing Dai take action. 藤纤柔美目一沉,她对冥罗族雪松族的恩怨漠不关心,更没有青黛出手的意思。 But Cedarwood Clan two Elder some, even her also killing intent locking, simply is unexpectedly tired of living! 雪松族的两名长老有些过了,竟然连她也杀机锁定,简直是活腻了! Who is she? She is the solemn Wisteria Palace lord, is Void Fragmentation Old Monster! 她是谁?她是堂堂紫藤宫主,是一名碎虚老怪 She fell on Ning Fan is very aggrieved, was not happy, these two Void Inquire ants locked her with killing intent, provokes her simply! 她落在宁凡手上已经很憋屈了,心情正不好,这两个问虚蝼蚁用杀机锁定她,简直是挑衅她! She refers to softly lifts, impulsive, wants finger/refers of activates million Sword Glow, extinguished these two Void Inquire old man! 她柔指一抬,有一种冲动,想要一指催动百万剑芒,灭了这两个问虚老头 Qing Dai bright eyes startled anger! 青黛明眸惊怒之极! Cedarwood Clan is extremely overbearing, sees her merely is the Ming Luo Clan person, sees her merely is Void Refinement cultivator, then can not ask reason killing she... 雪松一族太过霸道,仅仅见她是冥罗族人,仅仅见她是炼虚修士,便可以不问理由击杀她... Like the past years, did not ask that reason killing her mother is the same! 就像当年,不问理由击杀她娘亲一样! Cedarwood Clan, is extremely hateful! 雪松族,太过可恨! She pinches Finger Secret Art, prepares to start Azure Sky Boat defense Grand Formation to block the attacks of two Cedarwood Elder. 她掐动指诀,准备启动天青舟的防御大阵挡住两名雪松长老的攻击。 Then activates 12 gate Void Spirit Cannon, extinguishes these two Void Inquire old man kills! 然后催动十二虚灵炮,将这两个问虚老头灭杀! Her not possible time to be bullied by Cedarwood Clan! 她不可能次次被雪松族欺压的! Qing Dai and Teng Xianrou all moved the anger, the meaning to two Cedarwood Clan Elder counter-attack. 青黛藤纤柔皆动了怒,意欲向两名雪松族长老反击。 But two female take action, Ning Fan one step has not actually taken ahead of time, keeps off before two female, two Cedarwood Elder that the gaze vacant looks at front surface flies. 但二女尚未出手,宁凡却提前一步迈出,挡在二女身前,目光茫然看着迎面飞来的两名雪松长老 In his eye holds boundless Rain Intent, that Rain Intent only misses one to break through Third Grade. 他眼中含着茫茫雨意,那雨意只差一丝便可突破三品 That disparity, just like a tiny slit, after silk threads insights, a faint trace has closed up... 那一丝差距,犹如一个细小缝隙,在丝丝缕缕的感悟后,已一丝丝合拢... He lowers the head, does not look at two Cedarwood Elder, actually Azure Sky Boat of looks at under foot. 他低下头,不看两名雪松长老,却看着脚下的天青舟 His raised the head, does not look at two Cedarwood Elder, actually looks at the expansive sky of blue sky. 抬起头,不看两名雪松长老,却看万里无云的长空。 His gaze flood moves cloud-light, under his gaze, the sky is dim immediately, is cloudy, has the dense drizzle. 目光泛动云光,在他一个目光之下,天空立刻昏暗下来,乌云密布,降下密密细雨。 At this moment, his Rain Intent broke through Third Grade bottleneck! 这一刻,他的雨意突破了三品瓶颈 After Rain Intent Third Grade, might increases suddenly, unexpectedly compared with some Mortal Void Magic Technique fierce... 雨意三品之后,威力陡增,竟比一些凡虚法术都要厉害... Third Grade Rain Intent...” At this moment in the Ning Fan eye has floated together sky blue Rain Intent! 三品雨意...”这一刻宁凡眼中浮过一道天青色雨意 Death!” “死!” Two Cedarwood Elder have bullied near, various is the big hand grasps, separates grasps spatially to the Ning Fan three people. 两名雪松长老已然欺近,各是大手一抓,隔空抓向宁凡三人。 Two people simultaneously take action, immediately then two number 1000 zhang (3333.33 meters) giant palm print rackets to Azure Sky Boat! 两人同时出手,立刻便有两个数千丈的巨大掌印拍向天青舟 These two people rely on cultivation base to be close to Void Inquiring Peak, had not put in Ning Fan and the others the eye! 这二人自恃修为接近问虚无敌,根本未将宁凡等人放入眼中! At this moment, Ning Fan look is suddenly cold, again the color of no insights! 这一刻,宁凡眼神骤然寒冷,再无任何感悟之色! He does not need to know that Cedarwood Clan and Ming Luo Clan enmity, he did not ask! 他不需要知道雪松族冥罗族的仇怨,他不问! He does not need to know that the backgrounds of these two Void Inquire old men, he did not ask! 他不需要知道这两名问虚老者的背景,他不问! He only needs to know, the opposite party to his took action, it moved killing intent! 他只需要知道一点,对方对他出手了,其动了杀意 So, he does not need to be forgiving to these two people! Lifting the hand is one finger/refers, flies high a finger/refers to press down! 如此,他无须对这二人留情!抬手便是一指,凌空一指按下! This finger/refers of without/has not uses any Divine Ability, twined continuous endless Third Grade Rain Intent merely. 这一指没有使用任何神通,仅仅是缠绕了绵绵无尽的三品雨意 Third Grade Rain Intent... must be higher than First Grade compared with Rain Sovereign Rain Intent! 三品雨意...比雨皇雨意还要高出一品 Hearsay Rain Sovereign only fourth grade Rain Intent, can extinguish kills Void Glimpse cultivator. 传闻雨皇单凭四品雨意,便可灭杀窥虚修士 At this moment, Ning Fan lifts hand finger/refers of continuous Rain Intent, is Void Inquire cultivator can melt! 这一刻,宁凡抬手一指的绵绵雨意,便是问虚修士都可消融! Rain of Heaven and Earth seems obeys Ning Fan to summon, toward palm print one volume that two Cedarwood Elder make. 天地之雨好似听从宁凡召唤,朝两名雪松长老打出的掌印一卷。 The drizzle has stroked, two huge palm print tremble suddenly, only one instance, melts suddenly strangely in Rainwater, vanishes without the trace! 细雨拂过,两道巨大掌印猛然一颤,只一个瞬间,忽然诡异地融化在雨水之中,消失无踪! Fourth Elder and Fifth Elder are first startled, does not know that Ning Fan made anything, so kept off two people of palm print unexpectedly strangely. 四长老五长老先是一怔,不知宁凡做了什么,竟如此诡异地挡下了二人掌印 next instant, everywhere drizzle moistens in two people, two people reveal to shock expression immediately. 下一瞬,漫天细雨打湿在二人身上,二人立刻露出震撼之极的表情。 As if Magic Force, must melt in this drizzle! 仿佛一身的法力,都要消融在这场细雨之中! As if lifetime magical skill, must ruin in this drizzle! 仿佛一生的道行,都要葬送在这场细雨之中! As if cultivation of first, must pass along with sky blue Misty Rain! 仿佛一世的修行,都要随天青色烟雨流逝! Is impossible! Concept of this person so will be how fierce, can only break my two people of Divine Ability by the Concept strength!” “不可能!此人的意境怎会如此厉害,仅凭意境力量便可破我二人神通!” This Rain Intent cannot resist with all one's strength, must avoid Rain Intent immediately!” “这雨意不可力敌,必须立刻避开雨意!” Two people startled, runs away in a hurry backward, tries to escape from the curtain of rain. 二人大惊之下,匆匆向后逃遁,试图逃出雨幕。 In two human bodies had been planted Rain Intent, cannot escape, cannot cancel. 只是二人体内已被种下雨意,逃不开,抹不去。 Two people draw back one step every time, then melts a point, after withdrawing counts ten steps, is Mortal Body trembles, changes to two beach bloody water in above the vast sky, along with everywhere drizzle sprinkles! 二人每退一步,便消融一分,退后数十步之后,俱是肉身一颤,生生在长空之上化作两滩血水,随漫天细雨洒落! „Is this fourth grade Rain Intent?! No, this is... Third Grade!” “这是四品雨意?!不,这是...三品!” Qin Shuangzi that closed eyes did not speak opens both eyes suddenly, shocks the heart to be startled. 一直闭目不语的秦霜子忽然睁开双目,震撼心惊。 But that is calm and composed even in press of work in Cedarwood Young Lord Ao Chen that the one side surrounds, in the eye full is color with amazement. 而那好整以暇在一旁围观的雪松少主敖辰,眼中满是骇然之色。 Has Concept of rain cultivator he also to see some, has actually never seen Ning Fan so Rain Intent great strength! 拥有雨之意境修士他也见过一些,却从未见过似宁凡这般雨意强大者! Third Grade Concept owner, entire Tree World few... 三品意境的拥有者,整个树界都寥寥无几... Actually this child is who! How Ming Luo Clan will invite the so fierce helper!” 此子究竟是何人!冥罗一族怎会请来如此厉害的帮手!”
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