GE :: Volume #6

#575: Sea of Consciousness is intertwined

Ning Fan line to the World Passage end, end place, arrange/cloth purple glow teleportation formation. 宁凡行至界路尽头,尽头处,布着一个紫芒传送阵 Steps into teleportation formation, at present the scenery stands changes, after several breath, sky over Eastern Tree Sea Dragon Restraining Country Tree Sea, Purple Light flashes together, appears the Ning Fan form. 踏入传送阵,眼前风景立变,数个呼吸之后,东树海拘龙国的一处树海上空,一道紫光一闪,浮现出宁凡的身影。 Not far away summit of the tree mountain, Qing Dai is waiting for Ning Fan. 不远处的一座树山之巅,青黛正在等候宁凡 Sees Ning Fan to arrive, immediately welcomes. 宁凡到来,立刻迎了上来。 Big Brother Lu, are you all right? In World Passage had/left what accident...” The Qing Dai title changes again, somewhat asked kindly. 陆大哥,你没事吧?界路里面是不是出了什么变故...”青黛的称谓再次改变,有些关切地问道。 Being together of several days, she and Ning Fan relationship pulled closer, at first is not estranged. This concerned regards, are from the heart. 数日的相处,她与宁凡关系拉近了许多,已不似最初生分。这一句关切的问候,亦是发自内心。 Some minor matter nothing more, have solved.” “一些小事而已,已经解决了。” Ning Fan throws relieved look to Qing Dai, takes out eastern Tree Sea Map from storage pouch, Divine Sense submerges. 宁凡青黛投去安心的眼神,自储物袋中取出东树海的地图,神念没入。 He knows, this place is Dragon Restraining Country, has Dragon Restraining Realm Gate, is connected with Tang Valley Realm Gate. 他知道,此地是拘龙国,有着一座拘龙界门,与汤谷界门相连。 From Dragon Restraining Country, goes forward to the northeast direction, after way 42 Cultivators Country, can arrive at Void Level Cultivators Country —— Hancang Country that Ming Luo Tree Clan is. 拘龙国出发,向东北方向前进,途径42个修真国之后,便可到达冥罗树族所在的虚级修真国——寒苍国 Once, Hancang Country biggest Tree Clan was Ming Luo Clan, but now, Ming Luo Clan actually can only advance into the second-class influence... 曾经,寒苍国最大的树族便是冥罗一族,而如今,冥罗一族却只能跻身二流势力... „In years past my Ming Luo Clan was powerful, is majestically located Hancang Country, Controlling Tree World, becomes friends with world Expert, offends many Tree Clan... present tribe to decline, old friend nobody asked about, when was common his clan cultivator to visit humiliated... my clan to be abundant, world cultivator not can with it struggle, now decline, even the Ancestor remains are unable to shelter...” Qing Dai bright eyes one gloomy, is somewhat moved. “昔年我冥罗族强盛之时,雄踞寒苍国,掌御树界,结交天下强者,亦得罪过不少树族...如今族群没落,故交无人问津,更常有他族修士上门欺凌...我族盛时,天下修士莫能与之争,如今衰亡,连先祖遗体都无法庇护...”青黛的明眸一黯,有些伤感。 relax. Has me, Ming Luo Clan will not be humiliated by the ganef again.” 放心。有我在,冥罗族不会再被宵小欺凌。” Ning Fan pats storage pouch. Takes out a palm of the hand big azure small boat. 宁凡一拍储物袋。取出一个巴掌大的青色小舟。 To a day sacrifice, that small boat is against the wind long, shortly will change to a sky blue giant large ship. 向天一祭,那小舟迎风而长,顷刻化作一个天青色的巨大楼船。 This boat named Azure Sky Boat, makes by Azure Sky Tree, is Mortal Void Mid Grade Escaping Treasure, coordinates Immortal Jade activates in the pattern, biggest escape speed is close to Void Pierce infinitely. 此舟名为天青舟,以天青木制成,是一件凡虚中品遁宝,以阵式配合仙玉催动,最大遁速无限接近冲虚 Above Azure Sky Boat has the 12 stage Void Spirit Cannon, so long as spending Immortal Jade. Each Void Spirit Cannon may send out Void Inquire to strike. 天青舟之上更备有十二台‘虚灵炮’,只要花费仙玉。每一台虚灵炮都可发出问虚一击。 12 artillery also make, is Void Pierce cultivator when also withdraws. 12炮同时打出,便是冲虚修士也当退避。 On the boat is equipped with Mortal Void Peak formation light, formation light fully opened, is the attack of Supreme Void cultivator can also prevent 12... 舟上更设有凡虚巅峰阵光,所阵光全开,便是太虚修士的攻击也可阻挡一二... This boat is I snatches from Vast Cold City, today then gives to you, is driven by you, carries me to go to Hancang Country. My Nascent Divinity has the wound. It is not all the way suitable makes an appearance, needs well therapy.” “此舟是我从广寒城抢来,今日便送给你,由你驾驶,载我去寒苍国。我元神有伤。一路上不宜露面,需要好好疗伤。” Gives to me?” Qing Dai charming face blushed, has not expected Ning Fan to give her obviously the so expensive gift. “送给我?”青黛俏脸一红,显然没料到宁凡会送她如此贵重的礼物。 This Azure Sky Boat melts the attack and defense to escape a body, is extremely precious Escaping Treasure, when Vast Cold City sells, selling price 5 billion Immortal Jade... 天青舟融攻防遁一体,是一件极其贵重的遁宝,在广寒城出售之时,售价50亿仙玉... She had also once gone to Vast Cold City. Has seen this Azure Sky Boat, at that time very intent moved, wants to buy this boat, however looked at the price helpless then gives up... then squanders all family properties, she cannot afford... 她也曾去过广寒城。见过这天青舟,当时十分意动,想要买下此舟,然而一看价格便无奈放弃...便是花光所有家底,她也买不起... Cannot think. Ning Fan gives her unexpectedly conveniently so precious Azure Sky Boat... 想不到。宁凡竟随手送给她如此贵重的天青舟... These Immortal Jade give you, along the way each process Cultivation Country. Then goes to this country biggest trading city, buys all Tree God Fruit, this fruit I have big using. Puppet material that above this jade slip records, if met, then buys.” “这些仙玉给你,沿途每经过一个修国。便前往此国最大交易城,买下所有树神果,此果我有大用。这玉简之上记载的傀儡材料,若是遇上了,便买下。” Ning Fan takes out storage pouch that packs Immortal Jade, and a record has jade slip that cultivates the puppet material, gave Qing Dai. 宁凡又取出一个装满仙玉储物袋,及一个记录有修傀材料的玉简,交给了青黛 Qing Dai knows, this goes to Hancang Country, Ning Fan is busy with therapy, will not make an appearance. 青黛知道,这一路前往寒苍国,宁凡忙于疗伤,不会露面。 Ning Fan makes her purchase Tree God Fruit and Puppet material, so the minor matter she naturally cannot reject. 宁凡让她购买树神果傀儡材料,如此小事她自然不会拒绝。 Her Divine Sense sweeps jade slip, glances through carefully the Puppet material of record, pupil light gradually shocks. 神念一扫玉简,细细翻阅其中记录的傀儡材料,眸光渐渐震惊起来。 Her Puppet Technique is very excellent, naturally could see that these material each and every single (person) are rare and precious, is used to restore High Level Puppet mostly. 傀儡术十分高超,自然看得出这些材料一个个珍稀之极,大都是用于修复高阶傀儡的。 Especially finally a 12 most precious material, absolutely not restores the Void Refinement Puppet material... 尤其是最后十二种最珍贵的材料,绝非修复炼虚傀儡的材料... The precious material when that is only has to restore Void Fragmentation Puppet will use! each and every single (person) is the sky-high price! 那是唯有修复碎虚傀儡之时才会用上的珍贵材料!一个个都是天价! „Does Big Brother Lu purchase these materials, could it be must restore Void Fragmentation Puppet?!” In her heart shocks, without/has not asked. 陆大哥购买这些材料,难道是要修复碎虚傀儡?!”她心中震惊,却没有多问。 Divine Sense sweeps Ning Fan to give her storage pouch again, sees Immortal Jade quantity, covers the small mouth to call out in alarm immediately said. 神念再扫过宁凡交给她的储物袋,一见其中仙玉数量,立刻掩着小嘴惊呼道。 This... so many Immortal Jade!” “这...这么多仙玉!” In storage pouch, there is 120 billion Immortal Jade! 储物袋之中,共有1200亿仙玉 Part is Ning Fan obtains from Rain Palace, part is the duty reward, part searches for and seizes from Teng Xianrou storage pouch. 一部分是宁凡雨殿获得,一部分是任务奖励,一部分是从藤纤柔储物袋寻获。 But the maximum part, naturally is loots the Vast Cold City 100,000 cultivation shop tribulation. 而最大的一部分,自然是洗劫广寒城十万修真店铺所劫得。 Vast Cold City is Northern Tree Sea more than 10 Void Refinement influence co-management trading city, a plunder city, the nature harvest is huge. 广寒城北树海十多炼虚势力共同经营的交易城,劫掠一城,自然收获巨大。 So many Immortal Jade, I... I do not dare to take...” Qing Dai bites the lip gently, she has not seen so many Immortal Jade for a lifetime. “这么多仙玉,我...我不敢拿...”青黛轻轻咬唇,她一辈子都没见过这么多仙玉 Even some Void Fragmentation Old Monster still not necessarily so many Immortal Jade... 就算是碎虚老怪也未必有这么多仙玉吧... These Immortal Jade do not give to you, your anxious anything, you help me purchase Tree God Fruit and Puppet material, spending think that will be very big, although these Immortal Jade are many, not necessarily was colored enough... was good .” “这些仙玉又不是送给你的,你紧张什么,你帮我购买树神果傀儡材料,花费想必会很大,这些仙玉虽多,却也未必够花...好了,出发吧。” The Ning Fan form in a flash, escapes to Azure Sky Boat above, enters in the cabin the palace to control one's breathing. 宁凡身影一晃,遁至天青舟之上,进入舱内宫殿调息。 Qing Dai receives storage pouch and jade slip, the thoughts somewhat are slightly complex, are unable to put things clearly. 青黛收起储物袋玉简,心思微微有些复杂,说不清道不明。 Ning Fan gives her so much money, is trusts her performance... 宁凡给她这么多钱,是信任她的表现... Her escaping light flashes, escapes to Azure Sky Boat on, in flying to escape in formation to lay aside enough Immortal Jade, at once hand pinches finger joints with the thumb, activates Azure Sky Boat, runs away in the Hancang Country direction. 她遁光一闪,遁至天青舟上,在飞遁阵法中放置足够的仙玉,旋即素手掐诀,催动天青舟,朝着寒苍国方向遁去。 Naturally, following the instruction of Ning Fan, she must first fly to Dragon Restraining Country biggest trading city, purchases Ning Fan required thing. 当然,遵照宁凡的吩咐,她要先飞往拘龙国的最大交易城,购买宁凡所需之物 The Azure Sky Boat escaping light, just like the exaggeration painting, puts a stop to sky one, the expansive sky that will pass through dyes sky blue. When flies to escape, the boat body is dispersing continuous Rain Intent, the place that passes through along the way, has the drizzle unexpectedly. 天青舟的遁光,犹如渲染的丹青,在天空一笔勾开,将经过的长空染成天青色。飞遁之时,舟身散着绵绵雨意,沿途经过的地方,竟下起微雨。 sky blue and other Misty Rain... very beautiful escaping light. 天青色烟雨...很美的遁光。 ... ... Ning Fan enters in the cabin the palace, take Medicine Pill controls one's breathing. 宁凡进入舱内宫殿,服下丹药调息。 According to him estimates, Azure Sky Boat escaping light fully opened, most 7 days can pass through 42 Cultivators Country, arrive in Hancang Country. 按他估算,天青舟遁光全开,最多七天便可穿越42个修真国,抵达寒苍国 The time that if the Qing Dai aback goes shopping in addition along the way, at most needs half a month then to arrive in Hancang. 若加上青黛沿途停船买东西的时间,最多也只需半个月便能抵达寒苍 Normally. half a month is not enough to make the wound of Nascent Divinity recover. 正常情况下。半个月不足以令元神之伤痊愈。 But now in the Ning Fan hand grasps Void Fragmentation Dual Cauldron, injury is not recovering difficultly. 但如今宁凡手中握着一个碎虚鼎炉,伤势痊愈不难。 By my present cultivation base. harvested cultivation Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer Dual Cauldron will not have any issue, if Teng Xianrou cultivation base completely harvested cultivation, I not only may Nascent Divinity recover, but can also promoting million armor Magic Force...” “以我如今修为采补碎虚一重天鼎炉不会有任何问题,若将藤纤柔修为全部采补,我不但可元神痊愈,还能提升百万法力...” million armor Magic Force... I am away from Void Pierce Realm only to miss 800,000 armor Magic Force now, if are many this million armor Magic Force, perhaps will welcome to the Heavenly Void tribulation directly... present Puppet has not repaired, I have not prepared crossing tribulation somewhat troublesome....” 百万法力...如今我距离冲虚境界只差80万甲法力,若多出这百万法力,恐怕会直接迎来冲虚天劫...如今傀儡未修复,我还未准备好渡劫...有些麻烦。” The color of Ning Fan eyes reveal ponder, after half double-hour . within the body Magic Force full, he swung the body in a flash, actually entered Dual Cauldron World. 宁凡目露沉思之色,半个时辰后。体内法力充盈,他摇身一晃,却是进入了鼎炉界 After the industrious construction of female guard, in Dual Cauldron World establishes a well-equipped giant city. 经过女卫们的辛勤建设,鼎炉界之中建立起一个设施完备的巨大城池。 Some female guard are gathering formation cultivator to refine, some female guard are studying the technique of concocting pills treasure refinement... they to be used to the light life of Dual Cauldron World, the without/has not dispute, tranquil cultivation. 有些女卫正在合阵修炼,有的女卫则正在学习炼丹炼器之术...她们已习惯了鼎炉界的平淡生活,没有纷争,平静修炼 Sees Ning Fan to arrive. The Bing Ling and Yue Ling sisters welcome immediately, following told Ning Fan, leading him to go to Sin Repentance Palace. 一见宁凡到来。冰灵月灵姐妹立刻迎来,遵照将宁凡吩咐,带他前往忏罪宫 That is the giant palace that white jade builds, outside the palace covers entirely Bewitching Art formation, in the palace covered entirely red mist. These red mist, were exactly the same as former Cauldron Furnace Ring heavenly dwelling Space red mist. 那是一座白玉砌成的巨大宫殿,殿外布满魅术阵法,殿内布满了红雾。那些红雾,与从前鼎炉环洞天空间红雾如出一辙。 The Bing Ling (Ice Spirit) sisters wait for outside the palace. Ning Fan enters Sin Repentance Palace alone. 冰灵姐妹在宫外等待。宁凡独自进入忏罪宫 This palace only detains these Dual Cauldron that is hard to subdue, such as Giant Demon Clan Bi Tong (blue pupil) Ancestor, Teng Xianrou that also such as the red hair female of body of that Flower Demon, such as Void Fragmentation cultivation base, is also hard to control. 此宫殿只关押那些难以收服的鼎炉,如巨魔族碧瞳老祖,又如那花魔之身的红发女子,亦如碎虚修为、难以掌控的藤纤柔 Ning Fan marches into among 3rd the red mist palace, in the main hall. Teng Xianrou pink attire, is on jade bed the deep sleep. 宁凡步入第三红雾宫殿,大殿中。藤纤柔一袭粉衣,正在玉榻上沉睡。 Her within the body is fleeing in all directions the Yin Plucking Finger strength. Above the tender body ties up Imprisoning Yin Rope, during the breaths to breathe red mist in palace, is unable awaken. 她体内流窜着采阴指力。娇躯之上捆缚着囚阴索,鼻息间呼吸着殿中的红雾,根本无法苏醒 Moves toward jade bed slowly, Ning Fan looks at carefully the resting face of Teng Xianrou. 徐徐走向玉榻,宁凡端详起藤纤柔的睡颜。 A Teng Xianrou pink color class/flow mist skirt, the 3000 black hair combs the dwarf dropping hair bun, diagonal brings the one branch pink Lotus hairpin. 藤纤柔一袭粉色流岚裙,三千青丝梳成倭堕髻,偏侧斜带着一支粉色的莲花簪。 She rests the face to be quiet, the pale eyebrow long eyelash, the complexion somewhat is pale, should be injury of war of World Passage has not recovered. 她睡颜沉静,淡眉长睫,脸色却有些苍白,应是界路之战的伤势未愈。 even if so, this female is still not beautiful the local products. 饶是如此,此女依旧美艳不可方物。 When her quiet deep sleep, perhaps nobody regards the same person her and killing people like scything flax Wisteria Palace Palace Master. 安静沉睡之时,恐怕无人会将她与杀人如麻紫藤宫宫主当成同一人。 A Ning Fan pupil color depth, hesitates does not speak. 宁凡眸色一深,沉吟不语。 The truth said that his regarding this female not malice. If not this female chases down in him, he will also be insufficient under seizing. 实话说,他对此女并无恶感。若非此女追杀于他,他也不至于将之擒下。 Since each other is an enemy, then after seizing this female, this female is his Dual Cauldron, this point is then without a doubt. 既然彼此是敌人,则擒下此女之后,此女便是他的鼎炉,这一点毋庸置疑。 Ning Fan wants therapy with the aid of this female, actually does not hope harvested cultivation this female temporarily, for fear that after obtaining million armor Magic Force, will direct to clash the Heavenly Void tribulation ahead of time. 宁凡想借助此女疗伤,却暂时不愿采补此女,生怕获得百万法力之后会提前引下冲虚天劫。 So, only had to take a compromised law... 如此,唯有取一个折衷之法了... Ning Fan lifts the finger, point(s) gently above Teng Xianrou Heavenly Spirit, he must determine a matter. 宁凡抬起手指,轻轻点在藤纤柔天灵之上,他要确定一件事情。 Only had to determine this matter, he can use the means that satisfied both sides. 唯有确定了这件事情,他才能使用那两全其美的办法。 After he investigates carefully, in the eye gradually reveals the color of satisfaction, indifferently said. 他细细探查之后,眼中渐渐露出满意之色,淡淡道 This female Sea of Consciousness is also sword-shaped, she has Sword Consciousness Sword Sense, so, I can conduct Sea of Consciousness Dual Cultivation with her.” “此女的识海亦是剑形,她拥有剑识剑念,如此,我便可与她进行识海双修。” Sea of Consciousness Dual Cultivation is the profound harvested cultivation technique that «Yin-Yang Transformation» records, premise that this technique displays, is harvested cultivation with has special Sea of Consciousness of same category by harvested cultivation. 识海双修是《阴阳变》中记载的高深采补术,此术施展的前提,是采补者与被采补者拥有同类别的特殊识海 If cultivation has not had special Sea of Consciousness, cannot use this technique. 若未修炼出特殊识海,便不可施展此术。 If Dual Cultivation two people of Sea of Consciousness are different, may not use this technique. 双修的二人识海不同,则不可施展此术。 What Ning Fan cultivates is Sword Consciousness Sword Sense, but Teng Xianrou is pure sword cultivator, cultivation Sword Consciousness Sword Sense. 宁凡修的是剑识剑念,而藤纤柔是一名纯粹的剑修,亦修炼剑识剑念 Had this premise, Ning Fan can pass Sea of Consciousness Dual Cultivation, harvested cultivation Teng Xianrou Sword Sense! 有了这个前提,宁凡便可通过识海双修,采补藤纤柔剑念 This harvested cultivation technique does not need harvested cultivation Magic Force, naturally unable to appear initiates to the puzzle of Heavenly Void tribulation. 这种采补术不必采补法力,自然不会出现引发冲虚天劫的困扰。 Teng Xianrou is Void Fragmentation cultivator, if with Teng Xianrou Sea of Consciousness Dual Cultivation, Ning Fan Divine Sense rises suddenly surely. 藤纤柔碎虚修士,若与藤纤柔识海双修,宁凡神念必定暴涨。 Having Soul Incarnation him, Divine Sense promoting, thinks that is the strength enters greatly! 对拥有念魄化身的他而言,神念提升,以为是实力大进! If not harvested cultivation cultivation base, only harvested cultivation Divine Sense, Teng Xianrou were still Void Fragmentation cultivator. 而若是不采补修为,只采补神念,藤纤柔仍是一名碎虚修士 If subdues, side Ning Fan can a Void Fragmentation goon! 若加以收服,宁凡身边便可多出一名碎虚打手! Now Puppet has not repaired, the side are many a Void Fragmentation goon, always good. 如今傀儡尚未修复,身边多出一个碎虚打手,总是好的。 Under all sorts of balances, the Sea of Consciousness Dual Cultivation nature is bigger than the direct harvested cultivation advantage. 种种权衡之下,识海双修自然比直接采补好处更大。 Ning Fan gaze decides, counts on the fingers to the Teng Xianrou point of deep sleep. 宁凡目光一决,屈指向沉睡的藤纤柔一点。 His without/has not unties Imprisoning Yin Rope, but dispersed some Yin Plucking Finger strength slightly. 没有解开囚阴索,只是略微散了些采阴指力。 Teng Xianrou lightly yinged~, awakes to turn around slowly, just awoke, some were still not sober. 藤纤柔轻轻嘤咛一声,徐徐醒转过来,刚刚睡醒,尚有些不清醒。 The 1st eye of waking up, is seeing by jade bed Ning Fan. split second, Teng Xianrou seemed the overhead to throw basin cold water. Sobers all of a sudden. 醒来的第一眼,正看到玉榻旁的宁凡一瞬间,藤纤柔好似当头泼了一盆冷水。一下子清醒过来。 Her gaze sweeps ambiguous jade bed, charming face shames the anger, has a panic. 目光一扫暧昧的玉榻,俏脸羞怒,更有一丝恐慌。 Lu Bei! How you... you want to me!” 陆北!你...你想对我如何!” You are my Dual Cauldron, you said that I to you how?” The Ning Fan faint smile said. “你是我的鼎炉,你说,我会对你如何?”宁凡似笑非笑道。 You cannot harvesting my cultivation!” Some Teng Xianrou fears. “你不能采补我!”藤纤柔有些恐惧了。 In her mind, Ning Fan Speech Sword Technique is extremely fierce, she cannot be a worthy opponent. 在她的印象中,宁凡言剑之术太过厉害,非她可以匹敌。 But in her present body Bewitching Art, this Bewitching Art is extremely also fierce. Made her unable to transfer half a point Monster Force. 而她如今身中魅术,这魅术又太过厉害。令她调动不了半分妖力 She at this moment like the mortal, is unable to defy Ning Fan small and weakly. If Ning Fan harvested cultivation she, she is unable to revolt, will naturally fall Void Fragmentation Realm by harvested cultivation... 此刻的她弱小如凡人,根本无法违抗宁凡。若宁凡采补她,她无法反抗,自然会被生生采补碎虚境界... That is Void Fragmentation cultivation base that her self-torture many years cultivate/repair, how to be willing to lose... 那是她苦修多年修来的碎虚修为,如何舍得失去... From the Ning Fan standpoint, harvested cultivation she is natural. Is she first chases down Ning Fan, since each other is an enemy. Naturally does not need to be forgiving. 宁凡的立场来讲,采补她理所当然。是她先追杀宁凡的,彼此既然是敌人。自然无须留情。 She regrets suddenly..., if this time does not participate to chase down Ning Fan, she will then not fall into the present hopeless situation. 她忽而后悔起来...若此次不参与追杀宁凡,她便不会落入如今的绝境。 Her regret and in a terrified way falls in the Ning Fan eye, making the Ning Fan pupil color deeper, opened the mouth to say suddenly. 她的追悔与惶恐落在宁凡眼中,令宁凡眸色更深,忽而开口道。 I can give you two choices, you might as well consider.” “我可以给你两个选择,你不妨考虑一下。” What... choice...” Teng Xianrou is startled. “什么...选择...”藤纤柔一怔。 1st choice, I your cultivation base harvested cultivation...” 第一个选择,我会将你修为采补一空...” The Ning Fan words have not said. Actually sees Teng Xianrou to reveal the color of entreaty, admitted defeat, did not want harvesting my cultivation!” 宁凡话未说完。却见藤纤柔露出哀求之色,服软道,“不要采补我!” Ning Fan without/has not manages her , to continue saying that 宁凡没有理她,继续说道, 2nd choice. I have special harvested cultivation cultivation method, can through be intertwined with your Sea of Consciousness. Completes Sea of Consciousness Dual Cultivation. This plan will not smear your innocence, destroys your Primordial Yin. harvested cultivation, is your Sword Sense. This technique must you coordinate to succeed on own initiative, once harvested cultivation succeeds, your Sword Consciousness must collapse, special Sea of Consciousness will vanish, but I meet Divine Sense to rise suddenly. These two choices, which do you choose?” 第二个选择。我持有一种特殊的采补功法,可以通过与你识海交缠。完成识海双修。这个方案不会污你清白,毁你元阴采补的,是你的剑念。此术必须你主动配合才能成功,一旦采补成功,你剑识必崩,特殊识海会消失,而我则会神念暴涨。这两个选择,你选哪一个?” The Ning Fan word, no longer talks too much, is calm and composed even in press of work to wait for the answer of Teng Xianrou. 宁凡言罢,不再多言,好整以暇等待着藤纤柔的答复。 The color of Teng Xianrou eyes reveal struggling, if chooses 1st, her cultivation base by Ning Fan harvested cultivation, will be decided will drop Void Fragmentation Realm..., if chooses 2nd, her cultivation Sword Consciousness will collapse with hardship, loses special Sea of Consciousness... 藤纤柔目露挣扎之色,若选第一个,她的修为会被宁凡采补一空,定会跌落碎虚境界...若选第二个,她苦苦修炼剑识会崩溃,失去特殊识海... Two choices, will make her be injured, but under the balance, losing Sword Consciousness naturally losing the Void Fragmentation cultivation base price must be smaller. 两个选择,都会令她受到伤害,但权衡之下,损失剑识自然比损失碎虚修为代价要小。 If loses Void Fragmentation cultivation base, her life was waste. 若损失碎虚修为,她此生便算是废了。 If loses Sword Consciousness, she was still Void Fragmentation cultivator. 若损失剑识,她仍是一名碎虚修士 I choose... a 2nd plan!” Teng Xianrou clenches teeth to say. “我选...第二个方案!”藤纤柔咬牙道。 2nd plan, very good, since you so choose, then has to accept my another condition... I to you plant restriction, controls your Life and Death, receives you for the slave, from now, you go on an expedition along with me, but I will retain your Void Fragmentation cultivation base. Isn't this request excessive?” 第二个方案么,很好,既然你如此选择,那么就不得不接受我另一个条件了...我要给你种下禁制,掌控你的生死,收你为奴,从此以后,你随我征战,而我会保留你碎虚修为。这个要求不过分吧?” what! you must plant restriction to me, receives me for the slave!!!” 什么!你要给我种下禁制,收我为奴!!!” Teng Xianrou flies into a rage, is actually clenching teeth, depresses the anger. 藤纤柔勃然大怒,却咬着牙,生生压下怒气。 Her solemn Void Fragmentation Old Monster, runs amuck Tree World, the status venerates, how is willing to let Ning Fan controlling Life and Death! 她堂堂碎虚老怪,横行树界,身份尊崇,如何愿意让宁凡掌御生死 If makes Ning Fan plant restriction, starting today, she then became the Ning Fan servant and goon, is unable to defy Ning Fan any orders again... 若让宁凡种下禁制,从今日起,她便成了宁凡的奴仆、打手,再无法违抗宁凡任何命令... But if she does not accept the Ning Fan condition, absolute without/has not what good end. 但若她不接受宁凡的条件,绝对没有什么好下场。 The artificial knife and chopping block, I for the fish meat, she am unable to revolt against the order of Ning Fan... 人为刀俎,我为鱼肉,她根本无法反抗宁凡的命令... She in hesitant, is pacing back and forth, split second, she even rather commits suicide is not willing to give Ning Fan for the slave. 她在犹豫,在彷徨,一瞬间,她甚至宁愿自尽也不愿给宁凡为奴。 The Teng Xianrou expression falls in the Ning Fan eye, in the Ning Fan heart secretly thought, this female also somewhat strength of spirit, pours cannot compel too anxiously... 藤纤柔的表情落在宁凡眼中,宁凡心中暗道,此女倒也有几分骨气,倒也不能逼得太急... In fact, Ning Fan has decided and Teng Xianrou Sea of Consciousness Dual Cultivation, and receives Teng Xianrou for the goon. 实际上,宁凡早已决定与藤纤柔识海双修,并收藤纤柔为打手。 He gives the Teng Xianrou two choices, after Teng Xianrou chooses a 2nd plan adds the condition, is step by step launches a psychological attack actually. 他之所以给藤纤柔两个选择,之所以在藤纤柔选择第二个方案后又加条件,实则是一步步攻心。 Launches a psychological attack, except for intimidating, but must tempt with the promise of gain, Ning Fan cannot intimidate Teng Xianrou constantly. 攻心么,除了威逼,还需利诱,宁凡是不能一味威逼藤纤柔的。 500 years. You give me for slave 500 years. After 500 years, my you are free.” 五百年。你给我为奴五百年五百年后,我还你自由。” What you said is real! After 500 years, am your I really free?!” “你说的是真的么!五百年后,你真的还我自由?!” Teng Xianrou, she has never thought amazed after falling into the Ning Fan hand, also hopes the retrieval freedom. 藤纤柔惊诧不已,她从未想过落入宁凡手中之后,还有希望重获自由。 She naturally does not hope to Ning Fan for the slave, but if is the 500 years servant, she can consider. 她自然是不愿给宁凡为奴的,但若只是做五百年的奴仆,她还是可以考虑的。 Endures the 500 years humiliation, but then the retrieval freedom, such compares, committing suicide dead is very obviously unworthy. 忍受五百年的屈辱,便可重获自由,这样一比,自尽而死显然十分不值得。 In the Teng Xianrou heart measures repeatedly, more and more intent moves. 藤纤柔心中反复权衡,越来越意动。 Loses Sword Consciousness, after losing the 500 years freedom... 500 years, she may obtain the new life... 失去剑识,失去五百年的自由...五百年后她可获得新生... If you said take seriously, I am willing to make you plant restriction, did the 500 years servant for you!” Teng Xianrou made the decision finally. “若你所言当真,我愿意让你种下禁制,为你做五百年的奴仆!”藤纤柔终于做了决定。 She knows, once under doing this decision, she then with the Ning Fan Life and Death bunch in the same place. 她知道,一旦做下这个决定,她便与宁凡生死捆在一起了。 Starting today, she no longer is Wisteria Palace Palace Master. 从今日起,她不再是紫藤宫宫主 Starting today, she and Vine Sovereign quarrels, even possibly with Ning Fan together, revolts against Vine Sovereign. 从今日起,她与藤皇反目,甚至可能与宁凡一起,反抗藤皇 She has no alternative, can only accept the Ning Fan condition... 只是她别无选择,只能接受宁凡的条件... You must distribute Heart's Demon pledge, pledged after 500 years, I am free. Otherwise my unable to believe you!” Teng Xianrou added. “不过你必须发下心魔大誓,发誓五百年后还我自由。否则我无法相信你!”藤纤柔补充道。 Custom that my without/has not pledged, you can also choose do not believe me.” The Ning Fan tone brings teasing. “我没有发誓的习惯,你也可以选择不相信我。”宁凡语气带着调笑。 You!” Teng Xianrou clenches teeth, the situation is inferior to the person, her without/has not chip makes Ning Fan pledge radically. “你!”藤纤柔咬咬牙,形势不如人,她根本没有筹码让宁凡发誓。 Thinks it over, still can only choose to believe Ning Fan. 思来想去,仍是只能选择相信宁凡 After she can only pray Ning Fan 500 years, she will be free, if Ning Fan violates the promise, she also only has to accept fate... 她只能祈祷宁凡五百年后会还她自由,若宁凡违背诺言,她也唯有认命... forget it/that's all, you said that anything is anything... plants restriction to me!” Teng Xianrou white teeth bites, close your eyes, a meeting one's fate with resignation expression. 罢了,你说什么便是什么...给我种下禁制吧!”藤纤柔贝齿一咬,闭上眼,一副听天由命的表情。 Ning Fan nods, lifts aims at a Teng Xianrou Heavenly Spirit point, is Teng Xianrou plants Fu Li Monster Restriction. 宁凡点点头,抬指向藤纤柔天灵一点,为藤纤柔种下扶离妖禁 This was Ning Fan most powerful restriction, to Teng Xianrou this Monster Cultivator, the controlling force was powerful. 这是宁凡最强禁制了,对藤纤柔这名妖修而言,控制力更是强大。 Teng Xianrou feels terrifying Monster Restriction in Sea of Consciousness, in the heart shocks extremely. 藤纤柔感受到识海之中的恐怖妖禁,心中极为震撼。 She never sees Monster Restriction of anyone is so fierce... 她从未见过什么人的妖禁这么厉害... Actually this is Lu Bei Monster Race of what category? What Rank is Monster Blood? Is Monster Restriction why displays so fierce?” “这陆北究竟是什么类别的妖族妖血又是什么级别?为何施展的妖禁如此厉害?” After planting Monster Restriction, Ning Fan waved to relieve Teng Xianrou Imprisoning Yin Rope, scattered the Yin Plucking Finger strength of its within the body. 种下妖禁之后,宁凡挥手解除了藤纤柔身上的囚阴索,驱散了其体内的采阴指力。 Teng Xianrou Monster Force gradually restores, she supports to set out, sits on jade bed, managed chaotic hair on the temples. 藤纤柔妖力渐渐恢复,她撑起身,坐在玉榻上,理了理纷乱的鬓发 Then sighed gently, close your eyes, activates Monster Force, cancelled Vine Seed in within the body. 而后轻轻一叹,闭上眼,催动妖力,将体内的藤种抹去。 Cancels Vine Seed, Vine Sovereign is not then able to detect her whereabouts again. 抹去藤种,藤皇便再无法察觉她的下落。 This means that she from, betrayed Vine Sovereign at this moment officially, does not have the escape route again. 这意味着,她从此刻起,正式背叛了藤皇,再无退路。 Ok, then conducted your Sea of Consciousness Dual Cultivation, I will coordinate as far as possible your.” Teng Xianrou closes one's eyes, is supine pink neck, an expression that goes to the execution grounds dead for a good cause. “好了,接下来进行你的识海双修吧,我会尽量配合你的。”藤纤柔闭上眼,仰起粉颈,一副赴刑场就义的表情。 Her without/has not has heard Sea of Consciousness Dual Cultivation this cultivation method. From the Ning Fan implied meaning, Sea of Consciousness Dual Cultivation is only the Sea of Consciousness contact, will not have the limbs entanglement. Although understands these, she was still somewhat anxious... 没有听说过识海双修这种功法。从宁凡言下之意来看,识海双修只是识海接触,不会有肢体纠缠。虽然明白这些,她仍是有些紧张的... heart is very obviously repugnant about the matter of Dual Cultivation, actually does not dare to reveal, for fear that causes the Ning Fan disaffection. 心底明明对双修之事十分反感,却又不敢表露出来,生怕引起宁凡的不满。 On Ning Fan jade bed, sat cross-legged to sit facing each other with Teng Xianrou, both hands gripped the supple palm of Teng Xianrou. 宁凡上了玉榻,与藤纤柔盘膝对坐,双手握住了藤纤柔的柔掌。 The icy cold smooth touch, like hand of the sword cultivator, does not seem like one ten fingers not to moisten spring water inner chamber Young Lady... 冰凉柔滑的触感,丝毫不像一个剑修之手,反倒像是一个十指不沾阳春水的闺阁小姐... Your hand... good of maintenance.” Ning Fan teased one. “你的手...保养的不错。”宁凡调笑了一句。 You!” Teng Xianrou open eyes, shames the anger to stare Ning Fan, wishes one could to swallow whole to eat Ning Fan. “你!”藤纤柔睁开眼,羞怒地瞪着宁凡,恨不得把宁凡生吞活剥吃下去。 Was held the palm by Ning Fan, a faint trace numb feeling raises in the heart, seems the ant to climb over general, making her mind immediately chaotic. 只是被宁凡抓住手掌,一丝丝酥麻的感觉在心中升起,好似蚂蚁爬过一般,让她心神立刻纷乱。 cultivate Dao 20,000 years, her first time was gripped the palm by the man... 修道两万年,她第一次被男子握住手心... Slightly was angrily paler, her first time sizes up the Ning Fan appearance carefully. 恼怒略淡了些,她第一次细细打量起宁凡容貌。 She was never careful to the male appearance, had several points of interest in the Ning Fan appearance at this moment. 她本来对男子容貌从不上心,此时此刻却对宁凡的容貌有了几分兴趣。 This Lu Bei... superficial appearance but actually also good...” In her heart secret ponders, complies with the instruction of Ning Fan, closes the beautiful eye slowly, disperses Divine Sense. “这陆北...皮相倒还不错...”她心中暗暗寻思,遵从宁凡的指示,缓缓闭上美目,散出神念 Two people of Sword Sense seem two water snakes of entanglements, twines stubbornly together. 二人的剑念好似两条纠缠的水蛇,死死缠绕在一起。 Unprecedented the joyful, comfortable and ashamed feeling, raises in the Teng Xianrou heart. 一股前所未有过的愉悦、舒适、羞耻之感,在藤纤柔心中升起。 In mind World, she and Ning Fan all are stark naked, each other hugs in the same place, incessantly entanglement... 心神世界里,她与宁凡皆是赤身露体,彼此抱在一起,抵死纠缠... That is their Sea of Consciousness Dual Cultivation has present melts the image... 那是他们识海双修的具现化影像... Teng Xianrou wants to cry but have no tears, her physical body without/has not was invaded, but the innermost feelings were tarnished completely, has the wood to have! 藤纤柔欲哭无泪,她肉体没有被侵占,但是内心完全被玷污了啊,有木有! This with was invaded directly, has anything to distinguish! 这跟直接被侵占,有什么区别! Such rashly... always first time... and male Dual Cultivation! 就这么轻率地...平生第一次...与男子双修了!
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