GE :: Volume #6

#574: Speech Sword Technique is really fearful

Northern Tree Sea and Eastern Tree Sea intersection point, there are six big Realm Gate. 北树海东树海交界处,共有六大界门 Out First Realm, pink sound transmission sword light transmits together suddenly, passes on to towering Ancient Tree side. 第一界门外,一道粉色的传音剑光忽然传来,传至一株参天古树之旁。 That Ancient Tree radiance flashes, changes to a Big Head Boy appearance Void Fragmentation cultivator. 古树光华一闪,化作一个大头童子模样的碎虚修士 Big Head Boy slightly feels the surprise, a direction to sound transmission Flying Sword, talked to oneself, Teng Xianrou sound transmission...” 大头童子略感诧异,一指点向传音飞剑,自语道,“藤纤柔传音么...” After listening to sound transmission, Big Head Boy said with a sneer, was picked up a bargain by Teng Xianrou, that Lu Bei hits on Teng Xianrou, must die without doubt, does not need to wait!” 待听罢传音之后,大头童子冷笑道,“被藤纤柔捡到便宜了,那陆北撞在藤纤柔手上,必死无疑,不必等了!” Out Second Realm, a whole body is covered with Tree Monster of leaf also to receive together sound transmission Flying Sword. 第二界门外,一名浑身长满树叶的树妖亦接到一道传音飞剑 Fell to the Teng Xianrou hand in? What a pity, this great merit, was picked unexpectedly luck by Teng Xianrou.” “落到藤纤柔手中了?可惜了,这一件大功,竟被藤纤柔幸运捡去了。” 4th, 5th and 6th Realm Gate place, six Primordial Supreme Void receive sound transmission Flying Sword completely. 第四第五第六界门处,六名归元太虚全部收到传音飞剑 They or have to rejoice the color, or has the color of regret, changes to the escaping photodissociation to open Realm Gate completely, does not wait. 他们或有庆幸之色,或有遗憾之色,全部化作遁光离开界门,再不等候。 Does not need to wait. Since that Lu Bei falls in the hand of Xianrou (delicate and soft) Palace Master, then breaks does not have the possible life, this person must die of the Third Realm gate, I and others again spatial, without/has not will actually...” “不必等了。那陆北既然落在纤柔宫主的手中,便断无可能活命,此人必死于第三界门,我等再次空等,倒是没有必要了...” Western Tree Sea, Vine King Palace! 西树海,藤王殿 The cold and severe middle age that wears vine armor, sits well on the throne, grasps together pink sound transmission Flying Sword. 一个身披藤甲的冷厉中年,端坐于王座上,手持一道粉色的传音飞剑 That Lu Bei fell in the Xianrou (delicate and soft) hand... Xianrou (delicate and soft) is this Sovereign under tutelage only one famous female Void Fragmentation, although was a female, Divine Ability actually did not lose in the man, sword technique was especially fierce, was bestowed the vine surname by this Sovereign...” “那陆北落在纤柔手中了么...纤柔本皇座下唯一一名女子碎虚,虽是女子,一身神通却不输于男子,剑术尤其厉害,被本皇钦赐藤姓...” Has her, Lu Bei must die!” “有她在,陆北必死!” ... ... Third Realm gate, Tang Valley Realm Gate. Above World Passage. 第三界门,汤谷界门界路之上。 A Ning Fan corners of the mouth check, quite feels the ridicule to look at Teng Xianrou. 宁凡嘴角一勾,颇感嘲弄地望着藤纤柔 If comes to ambush his is other Void Fragmentation. Perhaps other Primordial Void Pierce, Ning Fan can one struggle hard. 若是前来埋伏他的是其他碎虚。或是其他归元冲虚,宁凡都会一番苦战。 But newcomer is pretty female sword cultivator, is brings death purely. 但偏偏来者是一名娇俏的女剑修,则纯粹是来送死的。 The Ning Fan eye color of ridicule does not conceal, this expression falls in the Teng Xianrou eye, immediately changes to angry. 宁凡眼中的嘲弄之色毫不掩饰,这表情落在藤纤柔眼中,立刻化作一丝恼怒。 What did she see? 她看到了什么? She sees color of the contempt from the Ning Fan eye unexpectedly! 她竟然从宁凡眼中看到一丝轻视之色! Ning Fan only Void Inquire junior, actually despises this Void Fragmentation sword cultivator, was too extremely arrogant! 宁凡区区一个问虚小辈,竟然轻视她这个碎虚剑修,是不是太狂妄了! Also right, if not for extremely arrogant boundless person. How dares to extinguish Vine Sovereign Disciple... 也对,若不是狂妄无边之人。怎么敢把藤皇徒儿都灭了... But changes mind thinks, in the heart secretly thought, can Ning Fan enrage her intentionally? 但转念一想,心中暗道,宁凡会不会是故意激怒她? Because knew that does not beat Void Fragmentation cultivator, therefore enrages her intentionally, when attempting takes advantage of her to be angry, seeks opportunity to escape? 因为自知不敌碎虚修士,所以故意激怒她,企图趁她恼怒之时,寻一个机会逃生? Do not try to enrage me, such you only will die miserably!” “不要试图激怒我,那样你只会死得更惨!” Teng Xianrou raises hand gracefully. Refers to softly, the wood is Monster Force dispersing, changes to million to say azure sword light, the towards Ning Fan front surface cuts. 藤纤柔优雅地一扬手。柔指一点,木系妖力散开,化作百万青色剑光,朝宁凡迎面斩来。 This is only she strikes at will, but also extinguished sufficiently kills ordinary Supreme Void. 这只是她随意一击,但也足以灭杀普通太虚了。 She does not think that Ning Fan can keep off her to strike, lifts pink neck proudly. Waits for Ning Fan dead under million sword light. 她根本不认为宁凡能挡下她的一击,骄傲地抬起粉颈。等待宁凡死于百万剑光之下。 Momo.” 沫沫。” Ning Fan is looking at coming sword light, does not hide does not evade, is only smiling name that read a girl. 宁凡望着迎面而来的剑光,不躲不避,只微笑着念出一个女童的名字。 Teng Xianrou is startled, does not know what Ning Fan talked over was what strange Incantation. 藤纤柔一怔,不知宁凡念叨的是什么古怪咒语 The next instance, Sword Intent of vicissitudes sweeps away World Passage. But she lifts million sword light that refers to cutting, does not have the indication to collapse completely! 下一个瞬间,一股沧桑的剑意横扫界路。而她抬指斩出的百万剑光,全部毫无征兆地崩溃! The fresh breeze sweeps away World Passage. Blows the Ning Fan black hair to fly, white clothing flap flap. 劲风横扫界路。吹得宁凡黑发飞动,白衣猎猎。 He was still a manner calm appearance, as if at all not take action, then broken completely Teng Xianrou all sword light! 他仍是一副举止从容的模样,仿佛根本未出手,便破尽了藤纤柔的所有剑光 Little Fanfan does not need to fear, Second Sister helps you punch her!” In sword pouch, spreads the 2nd Sword Spirit proud sound, naturally, this sound is sound transmission, having Ning Fan is audible. 小凡凡不用怕,二姐姐帮你揍她!”剑袋之中,传出第二剑灵骄傲的声音,当然,这声音是传音,只有宁凡可听见。 Her Divine Ability specially broken person sword light, the opposite party is only Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer sword cultivator, radically nothing to be afraid! 她的神通专门碎人剑光,对方仅是一名碎虚一重天剑修,根本不足为惧! How possibly!” “怎么可能!” Teng Xianrou was shocked thoroughly, the pretty bright eyes may not completely the color of believing. 藤纤柔彻底愣住了,俏丽的明眸满是不可置信之色。 If said that Ning Fan displayed what Divine Ability to break her sword technique, she also recognized. After all that is only sword light that she makes conveniently, Ning Fan , if using the method, keeps off is also nothing unusual. 若说宁凡施展了什么神通破掉她的剑术,她也就认了。毕竟那只是她随手打出的剑光,宁凡若是倾尽手段,挡下倒也不足为奇。 But Teng Xianrou believes that own eye, her without/has not misreads, Ning Fan moves without/has not to move from beginning to end, only then breaks to pieces her sword light depending on Sword Intent! 藤纤柔相信自己的眼睛,她没有看错,宁凡从始至终动都没有动一下,只凭剑意便碎她剑光 Strange, this is really strange... a Void Inquire junior moves has not moved, but read strange Incantation, can break her sword light. 邪乎,这真是邪乎...一个问虚小辈动都没动一下,只是念出一句古怪的咒语,就能破去她的剑光 wait a minute/etc., strange Incantation?! 等等,古怪的咒语?! The Teng Xianrou beautiful pupil concentrates, she as if remembered anything. 藤纤柔美眸一凝,她似乎想起了什么。 She is the rogue cultivator family background, Dao of Sword Innate Skill is astonishing, slaughters entire life innumerably, in Sword depending on the hand obtains the Vine Sovereign recognition, is appointed as Wisteria Palace Palace Master. 她是散修出身,剑道天赋惊人,一生杀戮无数,凭手中一剑获得藤皇赏识,被任命为紫藤宫宫主 She is well-read, all will all glance through with sword technique related Ancient Book. 她博览群书,一切与剑术有关的典籍皆会翻阅。 The recording strange or supernatural events story-telling script of mortal pastime entertainment, as long as is related with sword technique, she also reads surely. 就连凡人消遣娱乐的志怪话本,但凡与剑术有关,她也必定翻看。 These record strange or supernatural events the story-telling script are the light readings in light reading, with cultivation without/has not any relationship. 那些志怪话本是闲书中的闲书,与修炼没有任何关系 But Teng Xianrou actually believes, in any ordinary simple thing includes the most mysterious sword principle, understands by analogy, instead is helpful to promoting Dao of Sword. 藤纤柔却坚信,任何平凡朴实的事物中都含有最为玄妙的剑理,触类旁通,反而有助于提升剑道 She once glanced through one to record strange or supernatural events the story-telling script, is the mortal writes, mentioned mysterious sword technique, named Speech Sword! 她曾翻阅过一本志怪话本,是凡人所写,其中提及一种玄妙的剑术,名为‘言剑’! So-called Speech Sword, is some mortal scholar conception Immortal Immortal Technique. 所谓的言剑,是某个凡人书生构想的仙人仙术 Immortal A Word Command the Law, takes the word as the sword, Speech Spirit like the sword, may cut the common people! 仙人言出法随,以言为剑,言灵如剑,可斩苍生! Teng Xianrou does not believe that in the world has what Speech Sword sword technique, now sees Ning Fan to read strange Incantation, then sends out terrifying Sword Intent suddenly, immediately has the guess. 藤纤柔本不相信世上有什么言剑剑术,如今见宁凡念出古怪咒语,骤然便发出恐怖剑意,立刻有了猜测。 Snort, junior! What you display is Speech Sword Technique, is so?” “哼,小辈!你施展的是言剑之术,可是如此?” She thinks looked through Ning Fan Divine Ability, actually does not think that a few words saying Ning Fan to be dumbfounded. 她自以为看破了宁凡神通,却不想一句话说得宁凡一愣一愣的。 What Speech Sword... is that?” 言剑...那是什么?” Snort, does not need to camouflage, this Palace Master has seen through all your Divine Ability, trivial Speech Sword, is worth mentioning, you take the word as the sword, then has a look at you are Speech Sword is quick, is this Palace Master Wisteria Sword is quick!” “哼,不必伪装了,本宫已识破了你所有神通,区区言剑,何足挂齿,你以言为剑,便看看你是言剑快,还是本宫紫藤剑快!” Scoff! 嗤! Teng Xianrou pats sword pouch, Purple Wooden Sword that Wisteria hews holds immediately in the hand. 藤纤柔一拍剑袋,一柄紫藤削成的紫色木剑顿时持在手中。 Wooden Sword was inferior that sword edge of advantage metal, but other domains be more superior than the sword of metal in Divine Ability, Sword Intent. 木剑不如金属之剑锋利,但在神通剑意等其他领域要比金属之剑更优。 What Yun Tianjue excels is by broken ten thousand sharp sword technique. 云天决所擅长的是以一破万的锋锐剑术 But Teng Xianrou excels, is the sword develops myriad things change sword technique. 藤纤柔所擅长的,是剑演万物的变化剑术 Wisteria Sword. God snake!” 紫藤剑阵。神蛇!” The Teng Xianrou left hand pinches finger joints with the thumb, the right hand holds the sword. sword edge to Ning Fan one finger/refers, Sword Intent such as cloud dispersing. 藤纤柔左手掐诀,右手持剑。剑锋宁凡一指,剑意如云散开。 split second, World Passage shivers suddenly fiercely, presents a giant Purple sword chart. 一瞬间,界路忽然剧烈颤动起来,出现一个巨大的紫色剑图。 In World Passage of Ning Fan under foot, gives birth to innumerable Wisteria suddenly, the rattan coils around like the snake, the vine breaks incisively like the sword! 宁凡脚下的界路中,忽然生出无数紫藤,藤条盘绕如蛇,藤断尖锐如剑! Innumerable Wisteria interweave densely, imprisons a Wisteria prisoner's cage the Ning Fan perimeter hundred zhang (333 m). 无数紫藤密密交织,将宁凡周围数百丈禁锢成一个紫藤囚笼。 That Wisteria is exceptionally sharp. Is purest Sword Qi, is Primordial Supreme Void is also touching must injure! Does not pay attention, even then meets die directly in Sword Formation! 紫藤异常锋锐。乃是最为精纯的剑气所化,便是归元太虚也是触之必伤!一个不留神,甚至直接便会陨落剑阵之中! In the Wisteria prisoner's cage, innumerable Wisteria change suddenly, changes to the Purple sword snakes! 紫藤囚笼中,无数紫藤忽然摇身一变,化作一条条紫色的剑蛇! Turns around the difficult narrow place in this, the innumerable sword snakes puncture densely, Ning Fan basic nowhere avoidance. 在这转身都困难的狭窄之地,无数剑蛇密密刺来,宁凡根本无处躲避。 Naturally. He has not planned to avoid. 当然。他也没打算躲避。 Huahua.” 花花。” He read the 4th Sword Spirit name lightly, in sword pouch, Hong Yi (red-clothed) Huahua disperses Sword Intent that were in sole possession of immediately. 他淡淡念出第四剑灵的名字,剑袋之中,一袭红衣花花立刻散出自己独有的剑意 Under Sword Intent dispersing of vicissitudes, the innumerable sword snakes tremble immediately the disintegration! 沧桑的剑意散开,无数剑蛇立刻一颤之下崩碎! The Wisteria prisoner's cage withers immediately, a moment later, then changes to the flying ash to elapse. 紫藤囚笼立刻枯萎,片刻之后,便化作飞灰逝去。 But the great Great Sword chart of Ning Fan under foot. Under Huahua Sword Intent, crushes the innumerable Array Diagram fragments... 宁凡脚下的巨大剑图。在花花剑意之下,粉碎成无数阵图碎片... How possibly!” “怎么可能!” Teng Xianrou reveals the color of shock, if said that her first time take action strikes conveniently, broken went by Ning Fan Speech Sword, she also recognized. 藤纤柔露出震惊之色,若说她第一次出手只是随手一击,被宁凡言剑破去,她也就认了。 But 2nd Tribulation take action. Although she without/has not uses the most powerful card in a hand, actually also absolutely real thing! 第二次出手。她虽说没有动用最强底牌,却也绝对动真格了! This Wisteria Sword. Winning is extremely quick in into formation, unexpectedly, often even Primordial Supreme Void instant kill! 紫藤剑阵。胜在成阵极快,出其不意之下,往往连归元太虚都可瞬杀 Even Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer cultivator, carelessly trapped/sleepy such as , should still experience personally serious injury unavoidably. 就算是碎虚一重天修士,一个不慎困如阵中,也难免会身受重伤的。 This Wisteria Sword once had also been decoded by several Void Fragmentation, these to break the formation Void Fragmentation all before Sword Formation forms leaves the sword chart range, just now can to break the formation. 紫藤剑阵也曾被几名碎虚破解过,那些破阵碎虚无一不是在剑阵成形之前离开剑图范围,方才得以破阵 without/has not anybody resembles Ning Fan is so relaxed, stands in Sword Formation leisurely and carefree, with most direct, the most powerful hard method, direct broken goes to the entire Wisteria Sword chart! 没有任何人似宁凡这般轻松,悠闲站在剑阵之中,用最直接、最强硬的手段,直接破去整个紫藤剑图! Good fierce Speech Sword! 好厉害的言剑 At this moment, Teng Xianrou phenomenally attaches great importance to Ning Fan, almost regards as in him oneself life fiercest sword cultivator. 此刻,藤纤柔宁凡空前重视,几乎将他看做自己一生中遇到的最厉害剑修 this child, although is only Void Inquire, but the Speech Sword attainments superb... I only have the use card in a hand, possibly killing he!” 此子虽然只是一介问虚,但言剑造诣已然出神入化...我唯有动用底牌,才可能击杀他!” Was I met this child fortunately, can look through his Speech Sword Technique, perhaps also several points of odds of success, if others to this child, did not know its Speech Sword Technique, put in an appearance mostly then dies without the burial ground...” “幸而是我遇到了此子,能看破他言剑之术,或许还有几分胜算,若是其他人对上此子,不识其言剑之术,多半一个照面便死无葬身之地了吧...” Snort, this Lu Bei luck was not extremely good, met me! Only has me is sword cultivator, has opportunity to break his Speech Sword!” “哼,这陆北运气太过不好,遇上了我!唯有我是剑修,有机会破他言剑!” Teng Xianrou more wants to be worse, if Ning Fan hear of innermost thoughts obtained enlightenment Teng Xianrou, will not know whether to laugh or cry surely. 藤纤柔越想越差,若宁凡听得道藤纤柔的心里话,必定会哭笑不得。 His without/has not uses any Divine Ability radically, without/has not displays Speech Sword Technique. 他根本没有使用任何神通,也没有施展言剑之术 He is ordering Five Sword Spirits Yin Teng Xianrou merely, only this nothing more. 他仅仅是在命令五剑灵藤纤柔,仅此而已 He wants to make Teng Xianrou attack merely, Monster Force consumed similarly, he rushed again, extinguished Teng Xianrou with Bewitching Art. 他仅仅是想让藤纤柔一直攻击,妖力耗得差不多了,他再冲上去,用魅术灭了藤纤柔 Five Sword Spirits bullies is the Teng Xianrou sword cultivator status, but Ning Fan bullies is the Teng Xianrou woman status. 五剑灵欺负的就是藤纤柔剑修身份,而宁凡欺负的就是藤纤柔的女人身份。 If the upfront combat, the Ning Fan absolutely not Void Fragmentation cultivator opponent, only has with the aid of the Luo You strength with the Teng Xianrou internecine strife, afterward surely serious injury, this gain does not equal the loss. 若正面作战,宁凡绝非碎虚修士对手,唯有借助洛幽力量跟藤纤柔火拼,事后必定重伤,这就得不偿失了。 With the aid of the Five Sword Spirits strength, is obviously safer. 借助五剑灵的力量,显然更为稳妥。 Lu Bei, I have to acknowledge, you are very strong, in Tree World this no too many sword cultivator, but you are the rare sword cultivator talent, even Speech Sword Technique can display unexpectedly.” 陆北,我不得不承认,你很强,树界之中本无太多剑修,而你是罕有的剑修天才,竟连言剑之术都能施展。” Truth said, I somewhat did not hate to kill you unexpectedly, but you angered Vine Sovereign, I did not kill you, Vine Sovereign will then kill me... you, if died, does not need to hate me, must hate then to hate Vine Sovereign!” “实话说,我竟有些舍不得杀你了,不过你惹怒了藤皇,我不杀你,藤皇便会杀我...你若死了,不必恨我,要恨便恨藤皇吧!” This Ancient Sword, is Vine Sovereign grants my most powerful Flying Sword, before is counts 100,000 years, Loose Immortal sword cultivator that some wanders Nine Worlds accidentally Lost in Tree World. This sword named Summer Sovereign Sword, is Immortal Void Mid Grade Flying Sword! Generally speaking, this Rank Flying Sword, only then Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer cultivator can urge to cause, only has Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer cultivator to keep off this sword to strike! Even if Void Fragmentation 2nd Heavenly Layer cultivator, was struck to cut by this sword, is either dead or wounded!” “这柄古剑,是藤皇赐予我的最强飞剑,乃是数十万年前,某个云游九界散仙剑修偶然失落树界。此剑名为‘夏皇剑’,乃是仙虚中品飞剑!一般而言,这种级别飞剑只有碎虚三重天修士可以催使,也唯有碎虚三重天修士可以挡下此剑一击!纵然是碎虚二重天修士,被此剑一击斩中,也非死即伤!” Teng Xianrou receives Wisteria Sword, pats sword pouch, takes out a pure Golden thin sword in the hand. 藤纤柔收起紫藤剑,一拍剑袋,取出一柄纯金色的细剑在手。 This Flying Sword and general Flying Sword appearance are obviously different, the sword blade is very narrow, the sword body is carving dragon mark, is disclosing a Sovereign dignity. 飞剑与一般飞剑模样明显不同,剑刃十分窄,剑体镂刻着龙痕,透露着一股皇者的威严。 Obviously, had that Loose Immortal of this sword in the past, surely is a Sovereign character. 很显然,当年持有此剑的那名散仙,必定是一名皇者人物。 Teng Xianrou is looking at Ning Fan, reveals wipes the complex color. At once slightly one clenches teeth, refers to pinching finger joints with the thumb softly. afterimage flies. 藤纤柔望着宁凡,露出一抹复杂之色。旋即微一咬牙,柔指掐诀。残影飞逝。 Her charming face gradually is pale, obviously exceed(ing) level activates Flying Sword, making her Monster Force drain seriously, gradually had a weak feeling. 俏脸渐渐苍白,显然越级催动飞剑,令她妖力流失严重,渐渐出现一丝虚弱之感。 For activates this sword, she almost exhausted nine turn into Monster strength! 为了催动此剑,她几乎耗尽了九成妖力! This Flying Sword one, is Void Fragmentation 2nd Heavenly Layer cultivator also has the fatal danger! 飞剑一出,便是碎虚二重天修士也有致命危险! Lu Bei, next life with my for enemy! Go! 陆北,来世不要与我为敌疾! As Teng Xianrou refers to softly, Summer Sovereign Sword changes to together incomparable Golden sword light. The towards Ning Fan lasing goes. 随着藤纤柔柔指一点,夏皇剑化作一道无可比拟的金色剑光朝宁凡激射而去。 That Flying Sword sword light is too quick, is quicker than Void Fragmentation 2nd Heavenly Layer escape speed! 飞剑剑光太快,比碎虚二重天遁速更快! If Ning Fan depending on own method, cannot escape and unable to evade! 宁凡若凭自己手段,根本逃不开、避不掉! He deeply looked at Teng Xianrou, this female absolutely is sword cultivator Expert, even in Tree World this type of sword cultivator scarce contact surface, can cultivation to this Realm. 他深深看了一眼藤纤柔,此女绝对是一名剑修高手,即便在树界这种剑修稀少的界面,都能修炼到这种境界 If this girl in Sword World, could not say already becoming one generation of Sword Sovereign. 若此女生剑界,说不得早就成为一代剑皇了。 What a pity. This Innate Skill astonishing sword cultivator female, actually ran upon Ning Fan sorrowfully. 可惜。这位天赋惊人的剑修女子,却悲哀地撞上了宁凡 Is her misfortune, is her luck... 是她的不幸,还是她的幸运... Tongtong.” 彤彤。” Ning Fan side a thought says the 5th Sword Spirit name, Little Stutter Tongtong disperses Sword Intent of vicissitudes immediately. 宁凡一念第五剑灵的名字,小结巴彤彤立刻散出沧桑的剑意 Under this Sword Intent, originally irresistible gold Flying Sword trembles immediately ruthlessly, subsequently drops from the expansive sky! 在这剑意之下,原本势不可挡的黄金飞剑立刻狠狠一颤,继而生生自长空跌落! Very pitifully. Tongtong without/has not breaks this Flying Sword, probably is this Flying Sword Rank too high reason. 很可惜。彤彤没有震碎这飞剑,大概是这飞剑级别太高的缘故吧。 However Tongtong Sword Intent specially to subdue|grams Flying Sword, although to destroy Flying Sword directly, actually Flying Sword Seal, can not the move half a point. 不过彤彤剑意专克飞剑,虽为直接毁去飞剑,却将飞剑封印,不得动弹半分。 How... how possible!” “怎...怎么可能!” Teng Xianrou first time reveals the panic-stricken color. 藤纤柔第一次露出惊恐之色。 She is unable to imagine. Even Void Fragmentation 2nd Heavenly Layer cultivator can heavy injury Summer Sovereign Sword, be blocked by Ning Fan Speech Sword Technique unexpectedly! 她无法想象。连碎虚二重天修士都能重创夏皇剑,竟然又被宁凡言剑之术挡住了! Good fearful Speech Sword Technique. Even Summer Sovereign Sword can block, this said, Ning Fan only Speech Sword Technique, can fight Void Fragmentation 3rd Heavenly Layer cultivator?! 好可怕的言剑之术。连夏皇剑都能挡住,这岂不是说,宁凡单凭言剑之术,可战碎虚三重天修士?! this child certainly is not Void Inquire cultivator, he certainly is Void Fragmentation 2nd Heavenly Layer even 3rd Heavenly Layer Old Monster, hid cultivation base intentionally! Right, certainly is so, wrong non- is Void Fragmentation 2nd-3rd Heavenly Layer Old Monster, who dares to offend Vine Sovereign!” 此子一定不是问虚修士,他一定是一名碎虚二重天甚至三重天老怪,故意隐藏了修为!对,一定是如此,错非是碎虚二、三重天老怪,谁敢得罪藤皇!” I am not his opponent! It is not good, must escape!” “我不是他的对手!不好,必须逃!” Teng Xianrou white teeth bites, wants to run away, when the sorrowful discovery Realm Gate has actually closed, cannot go back Northern Tree Sea. 藤纤柔贝齿一咬,想要逃遁,却悲哀的发现来时的界门早已关上,回不去北树海了。 The road of her only escaping then, enters Eastern Tree Sea across World Passage. 她唯一的逃生之路便是穿过界路、进入东树海 But went to the Eastern Tree Sea road to be stopped up by Ning Fan, wanted to escape, must with a Ning Fan war! 但偏偏前往东树海的路被宁凡堵住了,想要逃生,仍需与宁凡一战! When she hesitates, suddenly sees Ning Fan to summon a cape, vanishes in same place baseless. 她正犹豫之际,忽然见宁凡召出一个斗篷,凭空消失于原地 Teng Xianrou knew Ning Fan surely with the aid of Spirit Equipment Stealth, but this Spirit Equipment was Profound God Spirit Equipment, even if by Teng Xianrou Divine Sense, were not easy to detect the Ning Fan trail for a short time, does not know where he hid. 藤纤柔知道宁凡必定是借助灵装隐身了,只是这灵装乃是神玄灵装,纵然以藤纤柔神念,一时半刻都不易发觉宁凡踪迹,根本不知他躲在哪里。 Her self-stabilization mind, does not dare to pick Summer Sovereign Sword, the whole body explodes to disperse 17 to say sword light suddenly, simultaneously flies toward Eastern Tree Sea teleportation formation. 她强自镇定心神,连夏皇剑都不敢去捡,周身忽然爆散成十七剑光,同时朝东树海传送阵飞去。 This technique named 17 broken sword technique, from the essence is Incarnation Technique. 此术名为‘十七碎剑’之术,从本质而言是一种化身之术 The broken body changes to 17 to say sword light, so long as sword light Inextinguishable/not exterminates, other sword light completely eliminated, Teng Xianrou will not be injured together even. 碎身化作十七剑光,只要一道剑光不灭,就算其他剑光俱灭,藤纤柔也不会受到伤害。 She divides to make 17 to say sword light to run away, only need escape from together sword light, was flees. 她分作十七剑光逃遁,只需逃出一道剑光,便算是逃离了。 Momo, is you.” 沫沫,还是你。” Ning Fan one time orders 2nd Sword Spirit take action again. 宁凡一次命令第二剑灵出手 Momo is very happy, she 2nd Tribulation took action, is 2nd Tribulation renders meritorious service. 沫沫十分开心,她已经第二次出手了,算是第二次立功了。 Jingjing and Shuishui without/has not take action, who called Teng Xianrou not to use Sword Potential and Sword Intent Divine Ability completely, wants to break to pieces has not resulted in broken. 晶晶水水全部没有出手,谁叫藤纤柔不用剑势剑意神通呢,想碎也没得碎。 Momo happily disperses Sword Intent, covers entire World Passage. 沫沫得意地散开剑意,将整个界路覆盖。 Same instance, Teng Xianrou 17 said simultaneously the person who sword light the disintegration, changes to the pink attire female, drops layer on layer/heavily above World Passage, the lip angle overflowing blood, injury is heavy. 同一个瞬间,藤纤柔所化的十七剑光同时崩碎,化作粉衣女子的人身,重重跌落在界路之上,唇角溢血,伤势不轻。 „It is not good!” “不好!” She just dropped in the place, the Monster Force disorder, is unable to transfer. 她刚刚跌落在地,妖力紊乱,根本无法调动。 Then at this time, Ning Fan appeared Stealth suddenly, in her side, left hand Yin Plucking Finger, right hand Imprisoning Yin Rope, is hitting simultaneously above her body. 便在这时,宁凡忽然现出隐身,正在她的身旁,左手采阴指,右手囚阴索,同时打在她的身体之上。 split second, Teng Xianrou tender body numb and weak, Monster Force all loses! 一瞬间,藤纤柔娇躯麻软,妖力全失! „Is this... Bewitching Art?!” “这是...魅术?!” Teng Xianrou has a big shock, cannot think Ning Fan is not only skilled in Speech Sword Technique, is skilled in Bewitching Art! 藤纤柔大惊失色,想不到宁凡不但精通言剑之术,更精通魅术 wait a minute/etc., Bewitching Art! 等等,魅术 If Ning Fan is skilled in Bewitching Art, saying that he is skilled in the technique of harvested cultivation similarly! 宁凡精通魅术,岂不是说,他同样精通采补之术! To say, after she he seizes next, then became Primordial Yin full Void Fragmentation Dual Cauldron! 岂不是说,她被他擒下后,便成了一个元阴饱满的碎虚鼎炉 Lu Bei, cannot think that I will fall in your hands, your Speech Sword Technique god, was I defeats! Gives me a happiness, killed me!” 陆北,想不到我会落在你手中,你言剑之术通神,是我败了!给我一个痛快,杀了我!” Killed you, do I waste Dual Cauldron in vain?” “杀了你,我岂不是白白浪费一个鼎炉?” The Ning Fan expression is faint, Yin Plucking Finger even/including chose/point, displays Yin Plucking Finger by his present cultivation base, is Void Fragmentation female cultivator cannot withstand. 宁凡表情淡漠,采阴指连点,以他如今修为施展采阴指,便是碎虚女修也承受不住。 Teng Xianrou at present a dusk, in light of this dark error... 藤纤柔眼前一昏,就此昏阙... She was been miserable by the Five Sword Spirits pit... 她被五剑灵坑惨了... This female is but actually interesting...” “此女倒有意思...” Ning Fan laughs in spite of trying not, has not thought that so will be easy to seize Teng Xianrou. 宁凡失笑,没想到会这般容易擒下藤纤柔 Must blame to blame Five Sword Spirits too to subdue|grams sword cultivator. 要怪就怪五剑灵太克剑修了。 Supposes layer on layer/heavily restriction on Teng Xianrou, Ning Fan its lock Dual Cauldron World Sin Repentance Palace. 藤纤柔身上设下重重禁制,宁凡将其关入鼎炉界忏罪宫 Sin Repentance Palace after the transformation, locked in the palace female cultivator will fall into the stupor for a long time. 忏罪宫经过改造,关入宫中女修会长久陷入昏迷。 By Dual Cauldron World Lesser Universe surface Grade, even Void Fragmentation female cultivator lock Sin Repentance Palace, is still the fate of remaining unconscious. 鼎炉界小千界等级,就算是碎虚女修关入忏罪宫,也是昏迷不醒的下场。 Since this female catches, either receives for the goon, either harvested cultivation is clean, is useful. 此女既然擒住,要么收为打手,要么采补干净,总归是有用的。 Processes this female, Ning Fan waves a move, will drop Summer Sovereign Sword of ground to absorb to start, strokes the dragon shape Lou mark above sword blade, in the heart is raising a strange feeling... 处理完此女,宁凡挥手一招,将跌落地面的夏皇剑摄入手中,抚摸着剑身之上的龙形镂痕,心中升起一股古怪的感觉... He always felt, this Summer Sovereign Sword gives him the feeling of several points of strange being familiar. 他总觉得,这柄夏皇剑给他几分诡异的熟悉之感。 Why is specifically familiar, is actually not able to know. 具体为何熟悉,却又无从知晓。 Somewhat strange, but has saying that this is a good sword... even Void Fragmentation 2nd Heavenly Layer heavy injury, what a pity... I am insufficient activates this sword by far...” Ning Fan sighed. “有些古怪,但不得不说,这是一柄好剑...连碎虚二重天都可重创,可惜...我远远不足以催动此剑...”宁凡叹道。 Little Fanfan, you , if not want this Flying Sword, gives us, our just right without/has not Flying Sword holds the body of Sword Spirit!” Jingjing proposed. 小凡凡,你要是不想要这把飞剑,给我们吧,我们正好没有飞剑容纳剑灵之身!”晶晶提议道。 Little Fanfan, others for your take action twice, you give others a reward!” The Momo round whined. 小凡凡,人家都为你出手两次了,你给人家一点奖励嘛!”沫沫发嗲道。 Little Fanfan, I want the sword sword, wants!” Shuishui is selling to sprout/moe. 小凡凡,我要剑剑,要要!”水水在卖萌。 Little Fanfan, I help sword technique in your insight insight this sword, very!” Huahua dawn in order. 小凡凡,我帮你参悟参悟这柄剑中的剑术,好不嘛!”花花晓之以利。 Wants... to want... to want...” The Tongtong stutter, only said the most essential wanting character simply. “要...要...要...”彤彤结巴,干脆只说最关键的要字。 Oh? Do you want this Summer Sovereign Sword?” ?你们想要这柄夏皇剑?” Ning Fan gaze moves suddenly, this sword is in any case useless to him, for the time being tosses about to Five Sword Spirits. 宁凡目光忽然一动,这柄剑反正对他无用,姑且给五剑灵折腾吧。 If really can toss about anything, pours is also worth waiting for. 若真能折腾出什么,倒也十分值得期待。 The escaping light flashes, Ning Fan directly soars World Passage another end to go. 遁光一闪,宁凡直奔界路另一端而去。 As everyone knows, seizes Teng Xianrou split second in him, Vine Sovereign is unable to draw support from the Vine Seed sensation Teng Xianrou whereabouts again! 殊不知,在他擒下藤纤柔一瞬间,藤皇再也无法借助藤种感知藤纤柔的下落! Teng Xianrou was captured, was caught by Lu Bei!” 藤纤柔被擒住了,被陆北擒住了!” When Vine Sovereign is angry, is furious, finds it hard to believe. 藤皇大怒,震怒之余,更觉得不可思议。 He is unable to imagine, why a trivial Void Inquire junior, can capture Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer Teng Xianrou! 他无法想象,为何一个区区问虚小辈,可以擒拿碎虚一重天藤纤柔 He felt suddenly, formerly somewhat underestimated Ning Fan. 他忽然觉得,从前有些小看宁凡了。 Called Wan Changkong to see me!” Vine Sovereign gaze flashes before killing intent. “叫万长空来见我!”藤皇目光闪现杀机 ( 5th, before dawn (3 - 5 am) erupts today, altogether renews 23000 characters, if trades to be some 2000 character authors, is 11) (第五更,今天五更爆发,一共更新23000字,如果换做一些2000字一更的作者,是11更)
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